Our Lady Of The Mountains Catholic Church
Our Lady Of The Mountains Catholic Church
INFORMATION Pastor Rev. Joe Hartmann Office Mon-Thu 9:00am – 4:00pm Fridays 9:00am – 1:00pm Phone 970.586.8111 Fax 970.586.8112 Website olmestes.org MASS SCHEDULE Sat All year 4:30pm, and Memorial Day thru Labor Day 6:15pm Sun 8:00am &10:00am 7:00pm en Español Mon Communion Service 8:30am Tue-Fri Tue-Fri Thu Weekday Mass 8:30am Adoration 7:00-8:15am Angelus & Rosary 8:00am RECONCILIATION Tue-Fri 7:30am -8:15am Sat 3:00pm – 4:15pm First Fri 4:30pm – 5:00pm DIRECTORY Assistant Shirley Reece olmpastorassist@outlook.com Manager Robert Lauro robert.ourlady@outlook.com Sacristan Jim Callowich olmsacristan@outlook.com Weddings Religious Education By Appt Finance Council Please Call The Office Bob Christopher Dr. Anthony Fink Tim Schiller Judy Schreiber OLM Weddings - Sharon Brubaker blbrub@msn.com 970.397.2613 St. Malo Weddings - Nancy Lang stmaloweddings@outlook.com 970.586.4589 K-5 Beth Miller mbmill@q.com 6-12 Sharon Brubaker blbrub@msn.com RCIA Nancy Lang 970.586.8111 Spanish Victor Rojas 970.449.3272 Bulletin Noon Monday Bob Christopher Deadline olmbulletin@gmail.com PARISH GROUPS Wednesday 9:50–11:00am Sunday Readings and Reflections: Call Claire Kreider 577.1669 Prayer Chain To request prayers for someone contact: Helen 586.4014, Diane 577-9544 Or By Appointment SACRAMENTS Fr. Joseph Hartmann olmpastor@outlook.com Pastor Sunday Morning Bible Class: Pastoral Council Brenda Bosch Kent Bosch Bob Christopher Call Sue 577.1889 Joe Phillips Victor Rojas Our Lady Of The Mountains Catholic Church 920 Big Thompson Ave. PO Box 1706 Estes Park, CO 80517 NOVEMBER 16, 2014 33rd Sunday In Ordinary Time Phone: 970-586-8111 Fax: 970-586-8112 www.olmestes.org The Faithful Servant Life is a gift, but in the end it carries with many great responsibilities and a final accounting. The adjacent stained glass window strikingly depicts the Master’s expectation of His returning servants. Based upon their individual abilities, each servant was given different amounts of talent to advance the Master’s purposes. The first two return, showing their Master the fruits of their efforts, whereas the last one is shown empty-handed. The Master chastises the last servant, for had he at least tried and lost, the Master would have understood it and shown thanksgiving and compassion. Christians may not be perfect, but are called to make true use of whatever talents they have been given by the Lord. By using our talents to benefit the community as a whole we build His Kingdom. Artwork: "The Parable Of The Talents", Stained Glass Window From The Most Holy Redeemer Parish Church, Detroit, Michigan. WEEKLY ANNOUNCEMENTS Our Bulletins Are Available Online At olmestes.org OLM ENDOW & Friends Bake Sale Benefit FUNDRAISER BAKE SALE On Nov. 29th and 30th OLM ENDOW & Friends are holding a bake sale benefiting Victoria Escarcega, a 7 Year Old Battling Leukemia. Prior To The Masses on that weekend please bring your baked goods to the Church Library for pricing. No pastries will be sold prior to Masses. Once Again Thanks From Endlow & Friends For Contributing To This Worthy Cause. YOUTH CORNER RELIGIOUS EDUCATION K-5th GRADE Sacramental Preparation Class is full Important Dates: Nov. 19th, 4:45pm: Sacramental Prep. Class Parent Meeting Nov. 26th No Class, Thanksgiving Break Dec. 3rd & 10th- Pageant Practice Sunday, Dec. 14th, 4:30 pm- Christmas Pageant & Potluck Dec. 24,31st No Class, Christmas Break Crossroads Volunteers Needed Volunteers are needed at Crossroads for both repackaging and pantry work on Fridays. The repackaging hours are 9 AM until about 11:30 AM. Pantry duty is from 9:30 to 12:30. If you can help, please call Louise at 970-586-6518. Thank you and may God reward you. Knights Of Columbus SUN NOV 16 Widows & Widowers Luncheon FRI NOV 28 Catch The Glow Parade FRI NOV 28 Post-Parade Dinner SAT NOV 29 Christmas Gift Tree SUN DEC 7 Pancake Breakfast SUN DEC 7 Christmas Pageant Pot Luck Serving THU DEC 11 6:00pm Officer Mtg. Members Welcome 6:30pm Rosary, 7:00pm Business Mtg. FRI DEC THU DEC 12 Gifts Due 18 Social Meeting The Prayer MIDDLE SCHOOL & HIGH SCHOOL Middle School 6:30pm High School 7:30pm. Youth Group and Confirmation Class 7:30pm For Activities see online bulletin: www.olmestes.org Call Sharon Brubaker for more information at 970.397.2613 or email Her at blbrub@msn.com Intentions Of Pope Francis November 2014 Universal Intention: Lonely people. That all Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends “Keep on doing, what you have learned and received and heard and seen in Me. Then the God of peace will be with you." Is the peace of God in your marriage? Sign up today to attend an upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. For more information, please visit us at http://northerncoloradome.org. Have questions? Feel free to call Brenda & Gary Granger at 303.604.6202, or email: grangers@northerncoloradome.org. who suffer loneliness may experience the closeness of God and the support of others. Evangelization Intention: Mentors of seminarians and religious. That young seminarians and religious may have wise and well-formed mentors. Daily Prayers For The Holy Souls In Purgatory I. Immortal God, Holy Lord, Father and Protector of all You have created, we raise our hearts to You today for those who have passed out of this mortal life. In Your loving mercy, Father of all, be pleased to receive them in Your heavenly company, and forgive the failings and faults they may have done from human frailty. Your only Son, Christ, our Saviour, suffered so cruelly that He might deliver them from the second death. By his merits may they share in the glory of His victory over sin and death. FIRST FRIDAY CINNAMON ROLLS The Knights of Columbus will be hosting First Friday pastries after First Friday Masses this Winter. Stan Gengler will be making homemade cinnamon rolls, a skill taught to him by his great bread baking mother. He has expanded the recipe by making raspberry poppy seed rolls. Both will be available to encourage parish members to attend Mass and receive Holy Communion the first Friday of each month. The after Mass event will continue through April (with the exception of February) in the downstairs Parish Center. Coffee will also be available. Please join us as we enjoy each other in a casual gathering. For all the faithful who have died we pray, but in particular for those dear to us, parents, relatives and friends. nor do we forget all who did good to us while on earth, who helped us by their prayers, sacrifice and example. We pray also for any who may have done us harm, and stand in special need of Your forgiveness. May the merits and prayers of our Virgin Mother, Mary, and those of all the Angels and Saints, speak for us and assist them now. This we ask in Christ's name. Amen. II. Father Almighty, we pray, through Your Mercy, that the souls of the deceased be released into Your Kingdom. We pray for our family members, friends and loved ones who have gone before us and who now await your promise of eternal life. We pray in earnest for all the souls in Purgatory, especially those who have no one to pray for them and those whose names have been forgotten. Amen Marian Macquette Visitors and Parishioners, for a limited time, you have an opportunity to purchase a beautiful bronze 17” statue of Our Blessed Mother Mary to grace your home or that of a loved one. It has been designed and created by wellknown artist and former parishioner, Herb Mignery. The statue is a limited edition macquette (25) of the original Mary statue which has been placed in the Meditation Garden through the generosity of a local parish family. The cost of the maquette is $1,700 of which $700 is a tax deductible contribution to Our Lady of the Mountains’ Church Preservation Fund. You can see a maquette in the office. To purchase a maquette, contact Shirley in the church office, as they are currently available. Offertory From Last Week Offertory Building Fund $ 4,005 $ 0 Sanctuary Candle The Sanctuary Candle for the week of November 16th Was Donated In Loving Memory Of Frances (Fran) Gerrard “How I wish I might deserve to have my lantern always burning at night in the temple of my Lord, to give light to all who enter the house of my God”. -Saint Columban- Daily Readings Week Of November 16, 2014 Sun: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31/ 1 Thes 5:1-6/Mt 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21 Mon: Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5/Lk 18:35-43 Tue: Rv 3:1-6, 14-22/Lk 19:1-10 Wed: Rv 4:1-11/Lk 19:11-28 Thu: Rv 5:1-10/Lk 19:41-44 Fri: Rv 10:8-11/Lk 19:45-48 Sat: Rv 11:4-12/Lk 20:27-40 P a s t o r' s Please mark your calender - This year’s Community Thanksgiving Service will be on Tuesday, November 25th at 7:00pm at the Shepherd of the Mountains Church, located at 2000 Ptarmigan Trail (next to Good Samaritan, off Dry Gulch Road). It is a Interfaith service and is always inspiring. OLM hosted it last year. –– o –– C o r n e r The Lord does not want us to compare our ‘talents’ with those of others. He wants each to do their best. And our best may not even be that good! If we put forth an honest, whole hearted effort He will be pleased. Even a small child can do his or her best, as can a feeble person. Our Lord is not really concerned how many talents with which we start; it’s the character of the person that counts. And how can we do our best? Dear Our Lady’s Families and Visitors, By doing things for the Lord. "Whatever you do, do from the heart, as for the Lord and not for “Well done, My good and faithful servant. Since others.” (Col 3:23) Mother Theresa said, "Be you were faithful in small matters, I will give you faithful in small things because it is in them that your great responsibilities. Come, share your Master's strength lies." joy.” (Mt 25:22) And I just want you to know, that when I look out We are at the half-way point of November and at you from the altar or in gatherings, I am always already near the end of the Church’s liturgical in awe in how God is working in and through you year. For about a month the readings have been for the good of others in His Kingdom. And I just guiding us to what is termed "the End Times", that want to thank you for all you do. is, death and judgment - heaven or hell. This final weekend of ‘Ordinary Time’ leads us God bless you, to consider the BIG question: If we were to die Rev. Joe Hartman today, would we have fulfilled God’s expectations? (See bulletin cover.) The readings revolve around IGNATIAN SPIRITUAL EXERCICES our having, or not having served the Lord with The Ignatian Spiritual Exercises are being offered. obedience and docility. In working out our For information, please leave your name at salvation, the one thing the Lord expects from us is the office front desk. Thank You. for us to be good stewards of the talents He gave –– o –– us and the graced opportunities He sets before us. As much as it might alarm us, an accounting will be ATTENTION LECTORS: coming. "When much has been given a man, much The 2015 Workbooks are now available. will be required of him. More will be asked of the Please see Jim Callowich. one to whom more has been entrusted" (Lk 12:48). Jesus, using the analogy of a stewardship of –– o –– ‘talents,’ promised that He will increase His life in HELP US COVER 100,000 BOTTOMS! anyone who will do their best, but one who fails to We are quickly approaching the end of the even make simple us use of God's grace will lose Catholic Charities Bottom Line Diaper Drive and we what he has. We can see this happening with need you! Visit www.ccdenver.org/diaper today Christians in Europe and the USA, many are losing and bring needed diapers to families in Northern their faith, whereas new Christians in third-world Colorado. Every dollar donated goes directly to the countries are growing in faith, joy, enthusiasm, drive and buys 4 diapers! For more information, religious vocations, healing and miracles. And so, contact Mark Hahn: phone: 720-377-1371,email are we giving our best to the Lord? Are we living mhahn@ccdenver.org. in the truth that God always sees us? Please Pray For The Sick Jim Boyer Richard Boyer Jane Cornell Mary & Bob Dorris Mary Dorwart Pat Dzuris Mary Rose Filsinger Sylvester Frontczak Sarah Gonterman Marti Kozlowski Mark Matthews Larry McCoy Allison Daigre McGreal Jim Mount Inge Niedringhaus Kurt Niedringhaus Jack Ranney Olga Romero Clarence Serfoss John Shelley Jane Swaney Matt Thompson Eleanor Vernon The Westley Family Bob Winokur M A S S I N T E N T I O N S NOV 15 4:30 PM ✝ PATRICK REILLY SUN NOV 16 8:00 AM ♥ OLM PARISHIONERS SAT SUN NOV 16 10:00 AM 7:00 PM MON NOV 17 8:30 AM ✝ MARCELLA BLANCHAR ✝ STUDENTS EN GERRERO ♥ COMMUNION SERVICE IN THANKSGIVING FOR FR. MARK ♥ THE MILLER FAMILY NOV 18 8:30 AM ✝ IRENE KING WED NOV 19 8:30 AM ✝ JAMES ALRED ♥ SPECIAL INTENTION ✝ JOAN GARRITY TUE FR. MARK THU NOV 20 8:30 AM NOV 21 8:30 AM FRI FR. MARK SAT NOV 22 4:30 PM ✝ MARY YINGST ✝ BOB MORRIS ✝ PATRICK REILLY Fr. Joseph Hartmann & Fr. Mark De Battista –– o –– Pray for Fr. Gregory Cioch as he continues his ministry as Rector of the Polish-American Seminary in Krakow. –– o –– Lord, give us patience to await healing in your time, not to give up hope, and to be thankful each day for the gift of life you provide . Amen. This Week: Please Pray The Daily Prayers For The Holy Souls In Purgatory.