Personal Finance Siegel High School “We Are One”


Personal Finance Siegel High School “We Are One”
Personal Finance
Personal Finance
Siegel High School
“We Are One”
Instructor Information:
Instructor: Mrs. Anderson
School Phone: (615) 904-3800 ext. 29584
Planning Period: 4th
Personal Finance is a foundational course designed to inform students how individual choices directly
influence occupational goals, future earning potential, and long term financial well-being. The standards in
this course cover decision-making skills related to goal setting, earning potential, budgeting, saving,
borrowing, managing risk, and investing. The course helps students meet the growing complexities of
personal financial management and consumer decision making. Standards in this course are aligned with
Tennessee Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in Technical Subjects,
Tennessee Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, as well as Tennessee Economics Standards.
Students can receive a college credit for Personal Finance through Motlow State Community College. This
credit is transferable to any TN state school. Students must apply and submit a $25 application fee. At the
end of the semester, students must take and pass an exam facilitated by Motlow to receive credit. Please email me and I will forward you additional information.
TEXTBOOK: Managing Your Personal Finances; 6th Edition; Author: Joan S. Ryan
DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and
management in high schools and colleges around the globe. Members at Siegel High School have the
opportunities to network with business professionals and students from all over the state by participating in
regional and state conferences. In addition, members will also have the opportunity to network with
business professionals in Rutherford and the surrounding counties. Join by August 29 and dues are $20.
Members can still join until October 31 and dues are $25.
REQUIRED MATERIALS: Pencil/Pen, paper, and three-ring binder (preferably 1 inch).
ADDITIONAL MATERIALS: Cleaning Wipes, Kleenex, Hand Sanitizer
1. Be present and engaged – attend class regularly; only use cell phone on technology days; stay
awake; focus on our class work, not work for other classes.
2. Monitor air time and share your voice – you’ll know which applies to you!
3. Challenge with respect – disagreement can be healthy, respect all intentions.
4. Be solutions oriented – for the good of the group, look for the possible
Anderson 2014
Personal Finance
5. Risk productive struggle – this is a safe space to get out of your comfort zone and work through
challenging concepts.
6. Start and end on time – maximize learning by being in your seat before the tardy bell rings, and
stay in your seat until the bell rings at the end of class.
**Students will be expected to adhere to the Code of Behavior and Discipline outlined in the
Rutherford County Student Handbook.
The make-up policy will be in agreement with Rutherford County Schools Attendance Policy.
Students will have 5 days after their absence to make up any missed assignments. Any late
assignments will receive a 10 point deduction for every day they are late.
EDMODO is an educational website that takes the ideas of a social network and refines them and makes it
appropriate for a classroom. Using Edmodo, students and teachers can reach out to one another and connect
by sharing ideas, problems, and helpful tips.
Tenative Course Outline
Financial Responsibility and Personal Decision Making
Detailed Standard information can be found at:
Week 1
Standard 1
Education, Careers, and Income
Week 2
Standard 2
Standard 3
Week 3
Standard 4
Standard 5
Week 4-5
Standard 6
Planning and Money Management
Week 6
Standard 7
Week 7
Standard 8
Week 8
Standard 9
Credit and Debit
Week 9
Standard 10
Week 10
Standard 11
Week 11
Standard 12
Week 12
Standard 12
Week 13
Standard 13
Risk Management
Week 14
Standard 14
Week 15
Standard 15
Saving and Investing
Week 16
Standard 16
Anderson 2014
Personal Finance
Week 17
Week 18
Standard 16
Semester Exams
Overall Grading Scale
F=Below 69
 Evaluating Class Work
 Group & Independent Projects
 Objective and/or Performance Tests
It is expected that all work you complete for this course is your own. You are expected to
include appropriate citations (when applicable) in all of your work for this course. The school
policy for academic misconduct will be followed. Academic misconduct includes the following
Academic Misconduct: Plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, or facilitating any such act. For
purposes of this document, the following definitions apply:
(1) Plagiarism: the adoption or reproduction of ideas, words, statements, images, or works of
another person as one’s own without proper acknowledgment.
(2) Cheating: Using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in
any academic exercise. The term academic exercise includes all forms of work submitted for
(3) Fabrication: Unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an
academic exercise.
(4) Facilitation: Helping or attempting to help another to violate a provision of the school code
of academic misconduct.
Any student suspected of committing academic misconduct will be required to meet with me to
discuss the situation. Your name may also be forwarded to the appropriate administrator for
possible disciplinary action. If you are found responsible for committing an act of academic
misconduct, you will be assigned a grade of 0 for the applicable assignment until you have
completed the required assignments assigned to you by me as a result of our meeting with a
maximum possible grade of 80%.
Anderson 2014
Personal Finance
Class Period: _____________
Student Printed Name: ________________________________________________________________
Student Signature: ____________________________________________________________________
Parent Printed Name: _________________________________________________________________
Parent Signature: _____________________________________________________________________
Parent E-mail Address: ________________________________________________________________
Anderson 2014