Count Your Blessings Learning to be Grateful


Count Your Blessings Learning to be Grateful
Learning to be Grateful
Luke 17: 11-19
November 16, 2014
November 16, 2014
Please silence cell phones as we prepare our hearts for worship.
*indicates the people standing
If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee
arr. McChesney
Westminster Ringers; Kathleen Parsons, director
Dr. Clayton Oliphint
This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
*Hymn 88
Maker, in Whom We Live
Time of Prayer
Rev. Debra Hobbs Mason
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our
trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and
lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom,
and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
Offering Our Gifts to God
(Remember the Extra Dollar)
Offertory Music
Come, Let Us Anew arr. Mack Wilberg
Chancel Choir; Michael Lightfoot, director
Mary Lightfoot, piano
Come, let us anew our journey pursue, roll round with the year and never stand still ‘til the Master appear. His adorable will let us gladly fulfill, and our talents improve by the patience of hope and the labor of love.
Our life is a dream; our time, as a stream, glides swiftly away, and the fugitive moment refuses to stay;
For the arrow is flown and the moment is gone. The millennial year rushes on to our view, and eternity’s here.
O, that each in the day of his coming may say “I have fought my way through;
I have finished the work thou didst give me to do!” O, that each from his Lord, may receive the glad word: “Well and faithfully done! Enter into my joy, and sit down on my throne!” Amen.
*Doxology 95
Children’s Time
Pavielle Chriss
Special Music
Thank You Ray Boltz
Kate Jones, solo; Caitlin Wells and Michael Lightfoot, vocals
Mary Lightfoot, piano; Gary Beathard, keyboard; Kyle Henson, guitar; Rick Holt, percussion
Luke 17: 11-19
Rev. Fred Treviño
This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.
Count Your Blessings: Learning to be Grateful
Dr. Oliphint
Invitation to Christian Discipleship
*Hymn 62
All Creatures of Our God and King (Stanzas 1, 5 & 7)
Reception of New Members
Sending Forth
The New Commonwealth
R. Vaughan Williams
November 16, 2014
Please silence cell phones as we prepare our hearts for worship.
9:45 11:00
*indicates the people standing
If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee
arr. McChesney
Westminster Ringers; Kathleen Parsons, director
Dr. Clayton Oliphint
This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
*Hymn 88
Maker, in Whom We Live
*Affirmation of Faith 881 Dr. Rebecca Bruff
I believe in God the Father Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth;
And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord:
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, dead, and buried,
the third day he rose from the dead;
he ascended into heaven,
and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty;
from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic* church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen.
Dr. Oliphint and Dr. Bruff
Nicholas Ryder Parsons
son of Jared and Ashli Parsons
Congregational Pledge
With God’s help we will so order our lives after the example of Christ, that
Nicholas Ryder, surrounded by steadfast love, may be established in the faith
and confirmed and strengthened in the way that leads to life eternal.
Time of Prayer
Offering Our Gifts to God
Offertory Music
Rev. Debra Hobbs Mason
(Remember the Extra Dollar)
Come, Let Us Anew arr. Mack Wilberg
Chancel Choir; Michael Lightfoot, director
Mary Lightfoot, piano
Come, let us anew our journey pursue, roll round with the year and never stand still ‘til the Master appear. His adorable will let us gladly fulfill, and our talents improve by the patience of hope and the labor of love.
Our life is a dream; our time, as a stream, glides swiftly away, and the fugitive moment refuses to stay;
For the arrow is flown and the moment is gone. The millennial year rushes on to our view, and eternity’s here.
O, that each in the day of his coming may say “I have fought my way through;
I have finished the work thou didst give me to do!” O, that each from his Lord, may receive the glad word: “Well and faithfully done! Enter into my joy, and sit down on my throne!” Amen.
(11:00) True Light Keith Hampton
The Journey Youth Choir; Caitlin Wells, director
Katie Kring & Lydia Chen, soloists; Kyle Henson, drums; Larry Porter, bass
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine. Almighty God is light. He lives in us as True Light.
In the beginning out of the darkness God created True Light. Almighty God is light. He lives in us as True Light.
You are the one who judges right from wrong. Your glory excites no envy.
But let the one who serves you, praise you again and again.
Don’t let the light that you’ve given me die, and don’t desert my mind.
But let the one who serves you, praise you again and again.
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine. Everywhere I go, I want the world to know.
God gave the world True Light!
*Doxology 95
Children’s Time
Leah Ochoa
Special Music
Thank You Ray Boltz
Kate Jones, solo; Caitlin Wells and Michael Lightfoot, vocals
Mary Lightfoot, piano; Gary Beathard, keyboard; Kyle Henson, guitar; Rick Holt, percussion
Luke 17: 11-19
Rev. Fred Treviño (9:45) Rev. Rich Rindfuss(11:00)
This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.
Count Your Blessings: Learning to be Grateful
Dr. Oliphint
Invitation to Christian Discipleship
*Hymn 62
All Creatures of Our God and King (Stanzas 1, 5 & 7)
Reception of New Members
Sending Forth
The New Commonwealth
R. Vaughan Williams
There are two ways offered to become a member of this congregation:
- Fill out the Journey With Us card found in the pew back and bring it forward
to the pastor during the singing of the closing hymn
- Meet Rev. Scroggin in Ogden Fellowship Hall at the close of the 9:45 or 11:00 worship hours
Victoria Harris ( 8:45)
Communion is available in Ogden Fellowship Hall East at 12 (noon)
Rev. Scot Bontrager, minister; assisted by a Stephen Minister
Flowers in the Sanctuary are in loving memory of Bart Bartula by Betty and his family
Flowers in the Shawver Welcome Center are in memory of Manuel and Mildred Ochoa by the Ochoa Family
The “Extra Dollar Concept” represents the way members of First United Methodist Church Richardson,
who give to the church monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annually or by mail, may place “an extra dollar” in the
offering plate each Sunday in order to participate in our worship through giving and serve as an example
to our children, youth and guests of our love for our church.
Please welcome our new members who joined last week:
Tim & Anne Carter and Steve & Cindy Wentze
Cluster Annual Charge Conference
TODAY at 6 pm
Location: Lake Highlands UMC, Dallas
We will meet with other churches to discuss the Bishop’s initiative around school partnerships
and then meet separately for the FUMCR business session.
FUMCR Worship is available via live stream online
Sunday - 9:45 am -
First United Methodist Church
- Richardson -
503 North Central Expressway
Richardson, Texas 75080
972 235 8385
upcoming opportunities
student ministry
communications Center
tommy houghteling
year of gratitude
spring break ski trip
Visit to record your
thank yous and find ideas of who to thank next.
Also, remember to visit the Gratitude Store
located in the Shawver Welcome Center.
fumcr book review
November 20 7pm Ogden Fellowship Hall
John Wayne:The Life and Legend reviewed by author,
Scott Eyman. Refreshments served.
parents night out
March 6-11 Cost $440
Registration and deposit due by December 30.
family life ministry
Heather canny
November 21
Education Bldg.
Plan a date night and let The Journey Youth
Choir watch the kids. Proceeds go toward the
choir tour to Chicago in June 2015. Register
online at
holiday sports camp
connections benefit concert
Registration open for Winter basketball league
sponsored by FUMCR and YMCA. Practices
begin December 8th. Games begin in January.
Register online.
November 21
Northhaven UMC
A tribute to The Eagles and Chicago by the
Connections Band. A love offering taken to fight
ebola in Africa.
jazzy christmas concert
December 13
The Journey Youth Choir and Chancel Choir of
FUMCR join with the University of North Texas
One O’Clock Lab Band and In Full Swing Vocal
Quartet for a not-to-miss event. Tickets now
umw annual potluck dinner
December 9
6:30pm Shawver Welcome Ctr.
All women of the church are invited to
fellowship with us. Bring a dish to share.
outreach ministry
rev. joy anderson
Mustard, ketchup, spaghetti sauce, cooking oil
and hand soap
international christmas market
TODAY 8:30am-1:30pm Bartula Family Life Ctr
Give a gift of a share or a fair trade craft for
Christmas and help others have a better life,
food for families, school for children.
south africa mission trip
June 4-14, 2015
Sightseeing will be added to end of trip.
Contact Joy Anderson for more details.
meals on wheels
Volunteers needed for delivery once a month.
If interested, contact Nancy Robinson at or 972 231-4125.
totebags for the homeless
Distribution of bags begins Sun., November 30.
Registration open for Thanksgiving week
and Christmas holiday camps. For ages 5-12.
youth basketball league
children’s ministry
connie presley
created by god
January 23-24
Human sexuality workshop for 5th and 6th
graders. Registration available online.
joys & concerns:
In the Hospital as of Tuesday, November 11:
Kevin Henderson, Durward Rutledge, Dan Stowe, Marco Lenardon
Those who have lost loved ones:
Donna Reddick on the death of her mother Addie Reddick
Karen Lanier on the death of her father; Lauren Lanier on the death of her grandfather
Those especially needing our prayers:
(Names will be listed for three weeks.)
Kevin Henderson, Donna Reddick, Marty Nairab’s friend, Keith Hall’s mother, Dan Stowe, Jean Kuettle,
Harolyn Ezell’s friends, Lucy Van Kirk’s friends, Jenny Bernhard’s mother, Paul Braziller, the Starnes
family, Mary Deere’s friends, Tina Graves’ friend, Jennifer Tyler’s friends, Jack Orr and Jack’s son, Barbara
Ball, John Shipman’s friend, Rev. Ken McIntosh, Marcia Shurtleff’s granddaughter, Patsy Hammack, Bill
McGaha, Jamie Moody’s father, Carl, Cindy and Greg McCord, Margaret Loftin’s sister, Ross and Rebekah
Gilbert’s friends, Claire Miazza’s friend, Christine Morrison’s friend, Sharon Seagler (Ark House), Manny
Sandidge, Lisa Silber, Cathy Brooks’ friends, Alison Kieckhafer’s friend, Jesse Nance’s grandmother and
family, Dallie Clark’s mother and friend, Durward Rutledge, Debbie Davidson’s daughter & son-in-law,
Larry and Murlyn Zeske’s friend, Carole Graham’s friend, Joe Hoodenpyle’s friend, Lisa Grinsfelder’s
nephew, Nita Green’s sister, Jackie Asbury’s cousin, Tom Dickson, The family of Thomas Eric Duncan,
Tammie Haug’s grandmother, Jennifer French, Benita Belsley’s cousin, Suzie Purifoy’s step-brother,
Dick and Barbara Mussett, Stuart Smith’s mother-in-law, Jim Johnson’s wife, Ruth Brixey, Heidi Lindh,
Lisa Althaus, Donna Usher, Leslea Hurt, Deborah Porter and her father
A printed copy of the indefinite prayer list is available on the tables located by the exits of the sanctuary.