– Workplace Zurich Public holidays 2015 Date
– Workplace Zurich Public holidays 2015 Date
Human Resources ETH Zürich, 8092 Zürich Public holidays 2015 – Workplace Zurich Date CW Day Public holiday Note 01 January 02 January CW 01 CW 01 Thursday Friday New Year’s Day St. Berchtold’s Day whole day off whole day off 02 April 03 April 06 April CW 14 CW 14 CW 15 Thursday Friday Monday Standard working hours reduced by 1 hour Good Friday whole day off Easter Monday whole day off 13 April CW 16 Monday Sechseläuten half day off (Zurich spring festival) 30 April 01 May CW 18 CW 18 Thursday Friday Standard working hours reduced by 1 hour Labour Day whole day off 13 May 14 May CW 20 CW 20 Wednesday Thursday Standard working hours reduced by 1 hour Ascension Day whole day off 25 May CW 22 Monday Whit Monday 31 July 01 August CW 31 CW 31 Friday Saturday Standard working hours reduced by 1 hour Swiss National Day whole day off 14 September CW 38 Monday Knabenschiessen whole day off special regulation * (Zurich shooting contest) 24 December 25 December 26 December 31 December CW CW CW CW 52 52 52 53 Thursday Friday Saturday Thursday Christmas Eve Christmas Day St. Stephen’s Day New Year’s Eve half day off whole day off whole day off half day off * Zurich shooting contest: Due to the semester start on Monday 14th September 2015, the ETH is open all day (normal working day). A half day off for the Knabenschiessen (a local holiday) can be compensated as a paid holiday over the course of the year. This half day is not included in the annual standard working hours. Christmas break ETH Zurich is closed from Wednesday, 24 December 2015, 12:00 noon until Sunday, 3 January 2016. To make up for this, 3.5 days must be worked in advance over the course of the year, to be agreed with the supervisor and confirmed in writing. Supervisors and the heads of ETH departments or units may make exceptions to these regulations. HR 11.2014