1 FOOTHILL LIONS CLUB LIONS’ PRIDE PUBLICATION: NOVEMBER 2014 EDITOR: SALLY CARTER OUR MOTTO WE SERVE DISTRICT 4-C1, SOUTH BUTTE REGION – NORTH ZONE FOOTHILL LIONS CLLUB FOOTHILL COMMUNITY CENTER 5667 FRUITLAND ROAD LOMA RICA, CA 95901 (530) 742-5466 (LION) MEETINGS 1ST & 3RD THURSDAY—7:00 PM 2 NEW BOARD OF OFFICERS FOR 2014/2015 PRESIDENT—MARY BURNETT –7462 Marysville Road— 692-1030 1ST VICE—GARY SIMKINS— 916-203-4044 2ND VICE—GERRY FARRELL—692-1507 3RD VICE– PAUL HALCOMB—682-0394 SECRETARY—SALLY CARTER—12286 Scott Grant Road—743-5311 TREASURER—SUSIE TRUNDY—742-3041 IPP—KIM HALL– 923-5805 TAIL TWISTER—LINDA SAALA—679-2105 LION TAMER—JONI PATTERSON—742-3265 MEMBERSHIP CHAIR—PEGGY SPARKS—743-9311 CLUB MANAGER—GERTIE MOORE—749-9809 BAR MANAGER—MIKE FITZGERALD—742-6387 1ST YEAR DIRECTOR (2) JEAN MARIE AKERS— 743-9698 EDITOR’S MESSAGE HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL LIONS MEMBERS EVERYWHERE May all have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday with their family and friends—don’t eat too much! My contact information is:—phone number 743-5311 Cut off for bulletin is the 25th of the month. RHONDA FLORES—692-1054 2 YR DIRECTOR (2) ROBERTA HALCOMB—682-7625 DELORES SIMKINS—(916) 203-1829 Grounds Keeper—Gary Simkins (not a board position) C.C.I. PRESENTATION MEMBERSHIP CORNER Membership Chairman, Lion Peggy Sparks assisted in the induction of our newest member, Lion Tammie Edwards, sponsored by Lion Carlos. Lion Jerry Sparks, Past President, performed the Induction Ceremony, assisted by his wife, Lion Peggy. Lion Cindi Fitzgerald, C.C.I. Trustee presented the Foothill Lions Club with our 5-year member patch, chevron, and official C.C.I patch for our banner. Lion Cindi told us of the many ways the C.C.I. committee is working to raise funds for this important project. A lot of exciting activities are being planned for our club’s participation in this worthwhile program . With this induction, we are on our way to reaching our membership goals and earning THE LIONESS ANNOUNCES THEIR ANNUAL VETour Growth in Membership Award for the ERAN’S HAM DINNER TO BE HELD ON NOVEMyear. October is the beginning of the time BER 8TH @6:00 PM. RVSP BY NOV. 3RD TO LIperiod for this award with special pins for ONESS RONNA CHESNEY @ 742-1230 recognition! Let’s keep our membership Presentation of Flag @ 5:00 by Boy Scout Troop growing! Lion Peggy has been very active. 6400—followed by Guest Speaker She had membership booths at the Joni Morris Concert and the Chili Cook Off. Let’s all COME DOWN & ENJOY - SHOW OUR REthink about friends we would like to join us SPECT FOR ALL MILITARY—PAST & PREand help with our community service. SENT 3 WARM SEPTEMBER NIGHTS CAR SHOW JONI MORRIS CONCERT 10/5/2014 Our own Lion Hugh Mosher (MO) won the most beautiful car at the car show with his outstanding 1920 Packard! Congratulation to Lion Mo! Lions Kenn & Sheri Vess did their usual outstanding job with this year’s car show. We had 109 cars entering our show. There was a lot of completion with other events going on in the area but we still got 109 of those cars to come to our event. Now that is a great achievement! Job well done! Some of the beautiful art work on these wonderful cars. Just look at the love! CONGRATULATIONS TO LION MIKE FITZGERALD FOR HOSTING THIS ONE-OF-KIND EVENT AT THE FOOTHILL LIONS CLUB! EVERYTHING WAS PERFECT—THE MUSIC— THE FOOD– THE DANCING ON THE GRASS & THE FUN HAD BY ALL! MS. JONI MORRIS’ TRIBUTE TO PATSY CLINE WAS OUTSTANDING! Lion Mike and Lion Cindi cutting a rug on the grass!! Lion Peggy, the Membership & CCI table! She got 3 new member applications and sold pins & The Ladies of the Lions at the raffle table! patches for C.C.I. IT WAS REALLY A NICE EVENT AND FOR ALL THOSE WHO MISSED IT—YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! The Ladies cooking & Serving up the goodies! 4 FOOTHILL LIONS CLUB CRAB FEED NOVEMBER 15, 2014 @$40.00 PER TICKET. This year the Foothill Lions will be hosting this event under the chairmanship of Lion Roberta Halcomb. In the past, the Loma Rica Lioness had hosted the first crab feed; however, they decided it was too much work for their club. So, Lion Roberta decided to host this one as well as the Spring Crab Feeds in February & March 2015. There are still a few tickets available so you need to contact Lion Roberta @ 530 682-7625. We still need raffle prizes for the silent auction. Please bring some nice raffle prizes to the General Meeting on November 6, 2014. The generosity of our members is always appreciated and the raffle prizes contribute greatly to the success of the event. Come down and have some really good food. TURKEYS FOR THE NEEDY During this holiday season, let’s remember those less fortunate than ourselves by donating to our Turkey Give Away to our local charities and churches. Donations of cash for the purchase of the turkeys is appreciated as well as the donation of turkeys. A list will be available at the general meetings in November to sign up to donate. Our members are so generous with their time & money. Thank you all!! OKTOBERFEST BIRTHDAY DINNER WITH JEANMARIE! Chef Lion Jean-Marie prepared a German meal for the October Birthday Day (It was Berl’s Birthday). Yummy—plus funny green hats??? TO ALL MEMBERS! November 11th is Veteran’s Day. The Foothill Lions Club has marched in the parade for many years. We have a float and ask as many of our members who are Veterans and their families and friends to join us to pay tribute to the contributions of our military—Past & Present. Lion Mike Fitzgerald has been active in this important day for our Veteran’s and makes us proud! COME DOWN—MARCH WITH US RESPECT OUR HEROES!! SALVATION ARMY DINNER VOLUNTEERS Lion Delores Simkins will be the chairman of this event. Lion Sheri Vess has done it in the past but she and Lion Kenn are now retired!!! So they need some time for some welldeserved R & R & travel! Lion Delores will have the sign up sheet for the volunteers and the times we are needed. We will be serving on Wednesday, November 26th @ the Salvation Army Depot. I believe this is one of the most rewarding things I have ever done. Seeing the happiness and smiles of the people really warms the heart. Volunteer if you can—you will not regret it—I guarantee it! 5 BIRTHDAY BABIES NOVEMBER 2014 Happy Birthday to Lions Ralph Farrell, Leonard Lake, Linda Saala, Peggy Sparks, Charles (Duane) Taylor and Susie Trundy. We will be missing our beloved J. Mowery on his Birthday month. 50/50 DRAWINGS Lion Roberta won the 50/50 drawing at the General Meeting held on October 2, 2014. Lion Roberta won $37.00. Lion Roberta is a multiple winner of the drawings! What gives with that!!!! New member, Lion Tammie won the Drawing at the General Meeting held on October 16, 2014. Lion Tammie won $38.00!! Congratulation! The date of the Birthday Dinner & chef have not been selected yet. When the date is set, please come down and enjoy your Birthday month with your Lions family. LION DIANA WHEELER IS OUR SUNSHINE CHAIRMAN. PLEASE CONTACT HER @ 7411502 WITH INFORMATION ABOUT OUR MEMBERS. Lion John Stevens is have some health problems. Let’s send him some smiles and good wishes. Lion Steve Ball is very ill . He is home in the care of his family. Please keep Lion Paul in your prayers. Lion Bob Winchester is not feeling well at the moment but he is getting better. Please keep him in your prayers as well. LION RHONDA IS PART OF THE “BLUE STAR MOMS” PROVIDING CARE PACKAGES TO OUR MILITARY WITH THE NECESSITIES OF LIFE! THE DEADLINE FOR THE RECEIPT OF ARTICLES TO SEND IS NOV. 8TH. THERE IS A LIST OF ITEMS NEEDED POSTED IN THE CLUB LOUNGE AND CONTACT INFORMATION. PLEASE LET’S HELP OUT IN THIS VERY IMPORTANT WAY TO SHOW OUR HEROES HOW IMPORTANT THEY ARE TO US . TREASURER’S REPORT SUBMITTED BY LION SUSIE Unrestricted Income: Expenses: Bar Profits—$3,301 Property Ins. $1,810 Mem. Dues—$455 1st Installment Prop. Tax $2,129.55 50/50—$75 Lion Helen Sousa’s husband, Bob, is ill as well. Your prayers and good wishes would be helpful in this difficult time. Condolences to Courtney Hall, daughter of Lion Kim Hall on the loss of her grandmother. Very sorry for your loss Courtney. I wish there was some good news! Tail Twister—$38.19 Birthday Dinner—$75 Chili C.O. — $332.67 Env. Health Permit—$467.46 Donations—$300 Lions Eye Fnd.—$405 Utilities—$731 Hall Rental—$150 L.M. Repair/Gas—$55.48 HALLOWEEN PARTY/DANCE INCOME: $700 EXPENSES: $700 6 GENERAL MEETING MINUTES letin. Free dinner to persons wearing some strange items (on flyer OCTOBER 2, 2014 posted in the bulletin). Dinner @ Meeting called to order @ 7:02 pm 6:00 pm - $5.00 for dinner. by President Mary Committee chairmen from last Pledge of Allegiance – Lion Jeff – year, please pick up your poster Prayer – Lion Roberta – Song – Lion boards on the stage. Susie Car Show – Lion Sheri – Great sucThere were 30 members present cess. $4900 in profits. 109 cars and 3 guests – Courtney Hall, and lots of raffle prizes. Parking Shawn Balch (Lion Kim), Karina donations were excellent. Beauti(Lion Sierra). ful day – beautiful cars – wonderful Dinner is served – Tables 3, 2, 1 & food – great music and lots of fun. 4. Thank you to the Lioness for Our own Lion MO won most beautiful 1920 Packard! an outstanding meal! OLD BUSINESS: Treasurer’s Report as published in the bulletin. Motion to accept MSP- - Motion to accept the minutes posted in the bulletin (explanation from Lion Sally about printer problem) MSP already donated to the Veteran’s committee. Halloween Dance – October 25th @ 7:00 pm – Band (Road Test)) @ 8:00 pm. Tickets $5.00 each. Lion Sally requested $100 for the prizes for best costumes. This is not included in the previous amount of $100 received for decorations and expenses. Trick or Treat Street – October 31st – 6:30 – 7:30 pm. Bring candy for the kids! Be there by 6:00 pm if you are decorating your vehicle. Come down and see the kids have Visitation cancelled – will be re- a wonderful time. Lion Jean-Marie scheduled. Information will be is the chairman. available soon. All members invit- Lioness Veteran’s Day Annual Dined to attend all visitations to other ner November 8th @6:00 pm RSVP clubs. by 11/3. Ham dinner with all the trimmings! NEW BUSINESS: Concert 10/5 Lion Mike. All is go- Discussion held about the Lions Kid ing well and tickets are still selling. Sight USA – Vision Screening ProLooking forward to a great time gram. Children must be at least 6 months old. and great music. Membership Dues Report – Lion Sally – There are still several delinquent; however, $230 collected and submitted to treasurer for de- Chili Cook Off – 10/11 – Lion Debposit. bie B. requesting raffle prizes and Reminder of the An In-Sightful Day help for the venue. Come down Program in Redding on October 4, and enjoy the fun. 2014. Due to the preparation for Veteran’s Parade & Float: Verified our concert, no one was able to that Lion John Stevens & wife attend. Foothill Lions Club donat- Lynette will chair the event for Lion ed monies to the project ($150) Jean-Marie and Lion Berl. THEY and purchased all the raffle tickets ARE GOING ON VACATION – YEAH! for the event ($190). Volunteers will be needed with the Lion Roberta – Crab Feed – 11/15. Tickets are going fast! Lion John Newlin discussed the Student Speaker Contest. The subject will be “Water”. Student Speaker packet ordered by Lion Sally. NEW BUSINESS: Lion Rhonda Flores told us about the Blue Star Mom’s Holiday Care float and for participating in the Packages. The packages need to October Birthday Dinner on Octoth th ber 17 . Chef – Lion Jean-Marie – Vet’s Day parade. Lion Mike will be mailed by November 8 . A list Oktoberfest – menu posted in bul- get us entered. Donation of $100 of items requested is posted in the 7 club lounge. Money donations al- type of venue – maybe a Saturday ways welcomed. The military still night! needs our help and concern and to Chili Cook Off – no report as yet. let them know we care! Lion Jean-Marie – Birthday dinner Lion Roberta – Peace Poster/Essay will be Oktoberfest with Brats, SauContest. The deadline is in No- erkraut, roasted potatoes, German vember. beer with spice cake for dessert. Lion Susie: White Cane Day - Either Bring your own beer stein & wear Nov. 1st or 8th. Lion Susie will ad- funny German clothes/hats for free vise. Asked for volunteers to help dinner! out. Lion Joni – Halloween Dance – OcLion Helen Souza’s husband Bob is ill. Another one of our friends has cancer. Let’s keep Lion Helen and her husband Bob in our prayers. Lion Roberta won the 50/50 drawing AGAIN for $37.00. CCI - $15.00 - Tail Twister - $22.69 Motion by Lion Joni – 2nd by Lion Kim to adjourn! MSP Adjourned @ 8:15 pm Submitted by Lion Sally, Secretary GENERAL MEETING MINUTES – 10/16/2014 Meeting called to order by President Mary @ 7:02 pm. Pledge of Allegiance by Lion Peggy Sparks – Prayer by Lion Gertie Moore – Song by Lion Joni Patterson Introduction of guests: 10 guests present with 33 members. Dinner is served by Lioness: Tables 1, 2, 3, & 4. - Thanked Lioness for excellent Meatloaf dinner. Very yummy! OLD BUSINESS: Dues report by Lion Sally. 9 drops will be processed on October 31, 2014. Lion Mike F. gave report on concert profits of approx. $1000 – $1200. Lion Mike a little disappointed but no reason because all who came had an outstanding time with excellent food, music and dancing on the grass. Lion Mike said the promoter would like to try a different tober 25th. Need finger foods/ snacks AND people in costumes! Lion Jean-Marie – Trick or Treat Street – October 31st. Be here @ 6:00 pm to decorate vehicles. Kids start @6:30 – 7: 30 pm. Lion Berl needs help with parking to keep the kids safe in the parking area. Lion Mike Saala and Lion MO volunteered. Veteran’s Day Float for parade – Lion Berl had meeting set up to rebuild the float located at Lion Mike Saala’s house. Need volunteers – Saturday, November 1st Lion Roberta – Crab Feed tickets going fast for dinner on November 15th @ $40 per person. Need items for silent auction. Call her @ 6827625. No tickets sold in bar as per Lion Mike. Lion Roberta – Peace Poster/Essay information. She will be visiting the schools at a Rally on October 29th @8:30 am at Foothill Intermediate School. The age group for this project is 11-13 years old children. Lion Sally – Student Speaker packet has arrived. Lions John Newlin and Paul Halcomb have been notified of arrival. NEW BUSINESS: Induction of new member, Tammie K. Edwards, who was sponsored by Lion Carlos. Lion Jerry Sparks, passed president (twice) performed the ceremony with assistance from Lion Peggy Sparks. They both did an outstanding job on short notice. Many thanks for their assistance in performing the ceremony. New Lion Tammie gave a talk regarding her background, which was varied, and thanked the Foothill Lions Club for letting her become a member. President Mary—We are attending a Zone meeting in Linda, Ca on Monday, October 20th. All Lions invited to attend. It will be held at the Peach Tree Restaurant @ 6:30 pm. Zone Chairman, David Jensen is in charge of meeting. President Mary read correspondence regarding the An In-Sightful Day held in Redding on October 4th. Letter thanked all that help make the event such a success. President Mary announced the death of Lion Dwaine Melton of the Redding Host Lions Club on October 10th due to an automobile accident. Our prayer are with the family and friends of Lion Dwaine. Lion Cindi announced the graduation program in Santa Rosa on November 7th for C.C.I. The puppies will get their cap and gown! Lion Cindi said that new SHARES cards will be arriving soon. The Club gets 3% of funds on SHARES card when purchases are made at Save-Mart, Food Max and one more. Lion Joni asked if the current card will still be good. Yes, it will. Lion Cindi presented the Foothill Lions Club with the member patch, chevron and 5-year member patch from C.C.I. It took a lot of work to get it brought up to date! But, we are members in good standing! Good job Lion Cindi. 8 OTHER BUSINESS: White Cane Day announced by Lion Susie – November 8th from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm. She has her team set up. Lion Kim gave information about a combined car show with Linda Lions & Yuba College. More information to follow. Collection of clothes are being asked for by December 1, 2014. The need 400 pounds of clothes. I need to get a clarification on this and will post in the minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting. Tail Twister game by Lion Linda (her card game – such fun). Lion Diana Wheeler won a Halloween platter, Lion Gerri Farrell won a ball cap and Lion Howard won $20.00!!! 50/50 Drawing $38.00 won by new Lion Tammie – CCI - $18.45 and Tail Twister - $15.50 Motion to adjourn @ 8:25 pm by Lion Howard – 2nd by Lion Jeff MSP 1 opposed. Submitted by Lion Sally, Secretary BOARD MINUTES 10/23/2014 Meeting called to order @ 6:02 pm by President Mary. Introduction of guests (3). 13 BOD’s present. New Lion Member Tammie was also present at the meeting. OLD BUSINESS: Lion Carlos—Estimates for renovation of the horse shoe pits should be around $300—$400 to be completed in the spring. This project already approved by the BOD, just need more fundraisers. President Mary read correspondence from District Gov. thanking all Lions Clubs for all the help for the An In Sightful Day in Redding on October 4th. The District Governor sent a patch for our banner. Lion Susie—White Cane Day—Nov. 8th @ Lion Mary read a letter regarding Veteran’s Awards—tabled until next meeting as 9:00 am. She has her team ready to go. we need more information. No information on Chili Cook off as yet. A motion made to make a donation to the Veteran’s Day Parade/Float—Repair party Linda Lions Club for their project “Winter at Lion Mike Saala’s on November 1st. Wonderland” Toy Drive. Discussion was The repair committee needs approximate- held regarding if we should donate and ly $65 for materials. Motion—MSP. how much. The amount of $250 suggested by Lion Sally was voted on. Motion by NEW BUSINESS: Lion Gary 2nd by Lion Peggy—MSP—1 Lion Delores—Salvation Army Volunteers opposed. for Thanksgiving Dinner—Lion Delores is helping Lion Sheri with this project this Board meetings in November & Decemyear. She will have a volunteer signup ber! The meeting dates fall on Holidays. sheet at next general meeting. Lion De- Voted to combine the meetings. Thursday lores said she needed $300.00 for the pies @ 6:00 pm December 11th. Reminder of for the dinner. More information needed Lioness Veteran’s Dinner to be held on November 8th. RVSP by Nov. 3rd to Lionbefore vote—but all agreed! ess Ronna Chesney. Turkey Give-A-Way to local charities/ churches. Lion Colleen unable to chair Reminder by Lion Cindi of the raffle of this year. Lion Gertie stepped up. Lion original painting donated by Lion Peggy Sally to get the information to Lion Gertie. and the graduation ceremony of the C.C.I puppies on Nov. 7th in Santa Rosa, CA. All Christmas Craft Faire—Lion Colleen unainvited—to meet at the club @ 8:00 am to ble to chair this year. A non-member, Ms. carpool. Anne Call, who assisted Lion Colleen sent a letter via Lion Sally asking to hold the Discussion regarding an “Appreciation craft faire. She requested December 6th Day” for presenting Certificates of Apprebut that date unavailable. Set for Decem- ciation to those deserving. Need a list of ber 13th. All checks made payable to names and what we want to do. Lion PegFoothill Lions Club. More information to gy offered to cook/or help if we decide on follow. Motion to let Anne hold the craft a dinner. Tabled - more information needfaire by Lion Linda, 2nd—Lion Joni—MSP ed. Dues Report—Lion Sally—8 members to be dropped from membership after October 31st. Letters to be sent to the drops advising them of their status & options. Calligrapher—does anyone know anyone who does this. Lion Susie said Lion JeanMotion by Lion Linda 2nd Lion Mike MSP Marie can handle this. President Mary With one opposed. asked Lion Jean-Marie if she was willing Lion Peggy—Halloween Dance Raffle clari- to handle the Certificates of Appreciation. fication of the amount. It will be $100 & Lion Jean-Marie graciously accepted. not a 50/50 drawing. Discussion was held. Lion Linda—Taco Monday Nites thru DeLion Susie & President Mary both stated cember—Comfort foods in January. that 50/50 drawings were only for A discussion was held regarding the renomeetings and not public functions. vations to the men’s restroom. It was Lion Joni/Lion Sally—Halloween Dance— concluded that Lion Toby be invited to need snacks and figure foods. Everything come to a board meeting and present the else fine. Decorating crew @3:00 pm on plans/ideas, so we know what will be Friday. needed to fund the project. Lion Roberta—Crab feed—tickets still on Decision made to postpone Birthday dinsale @$40 each. Peace Poster/Essay rally ners until January due to Thanksgiving and on October 29th @ 10:00 am at the Christmas. Date to be set later. school. Motion made to have Lion Linda inquire about Comcast/Bay Area sports channel for the bar. Lion Mike said that a lot of funds could be generated in the bar if we had access to the sports channel, if it is not too expensive. It will pay for itself! Motion by Lion Mike—2nd by Lion Peggy. MSP FOR YOUR INFORMATIION: NEXT MONTH’S BULLETIN—HALLOWEEN PARTY/ DANCE. WHAT A FUN NIGHT. THOSE WHO MISSED IT - SORRY FOR YOU! TRICK OR TREAT STREET—OCTOBER 31ST— HALLOWEEN FOR THE KIDS & ADULTS TOO! A SCARY, FUN, SAFE PLACE FOR THE KIDS. 9 November 2014 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 TACOS 4 Lioness 5 6 Gen Mtg “VOTE” Mike F 9 16 Lioness Breakfast Sally P Jeff/Susie 8 Lioness** 14 15 Kim CRAB FEED Veteran’s Ham Dinner Carlos/Mary 6:00 pm 10 TACOS 11 Vets Day 12 Parade in Marysville* Mike F Joni ?????? 13 17 TACOS 18 Lioness 19 20 Gen Mtg 21 Sally P Jeff/Susie 8:00—10:30 Mike F 23 ????? 7 CCI in Santa Rosa ?????? 24 TACOS 25 ??????? 26 Salvation 27 22 Carlos/Mary 28 29 Army Depot Mike F 30 ????? Joni Kim RVSP TO RONNA BY NOVEMBER 3RD FOR VETERAN’S DINNER ZUMBA WITH KAREN WEDNESDAYS 6:00—7:-00 PM— COME DOWN! VETERAN’S DAY PARADE 11:00 AM IN MARYSVILLE, GET THERE EARLY @ D & 7th Street 10 LIONS’ PRIDE TABLE OF CONTENTS Board of Directors—2 Birthday Babies—5 Editor’s Message—2 Sunshine Corner—5 50/50 Drawing—5 C.C.I.—2 Blue Star Moms—5 Membership—2 Lioness Vet’s Dinner—2 Treasurer’s Report—5 Minutes/Board Minutes 6-8 Car Show—3 Joni Morris Concert—3 Calendar—9 Nov. Crab Feed—4 Veteran’s Parade—4 Turkey Give-A-Way—4 Oktoberfest—4 Salvation Army Depot—4 MARYSVILLE, CA 95901 5667 FRUITLAND ROAD FOOTHILL LIONS CLUB FOOTHILL COMMUNITY CENTER LION’S PRIDE IF UNDELIVERABLE RETURN TO: OUR MOTTO—WE SERVE