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Wednesday • September 7, 2016 The Kittanning Paper KP $3 Business Classifieds $7.29 per column inch ONLY ONLY Place your ad by calling 724-543-NEWS (6397) 2005 HONDA REBEL 6K Miles. New Sticker. Good Condition. Helmet included. $1,300 724-525-5639 FUTON & COMPUTER DESK $35 for both 724-545-1804 GOLF CART FOR SALE new batteries, controller, charger box, rebuilt motor, good tires. $2,300 724-297-3632 CEMENT PADS- 24”x24” x 2” $5 each. 12 Available. WINDOW AC Haier 5000 btu Used 1 season. $50. 724-7639501 WEDDING GOWN size 10. Never worn. $125 CORRELL DISHES 8-12 place setting $50 724-763-9501 WEDDING CAKE BUSINESS everything from cake pans, plates pillars, stands. Everything must go. Asking $1200.00 obo call 814-257-8447 WANTED TO BUY: House or building lot in North Buffalo Township near West Kittanning. 724-548-5982. • Largest Breakfast Menu in Armstrong County! • Breakfast Served All Day • Catering & Event Hosting • Locally Owned & Operated since 1983 Visit Us on the Web: 300 Market Street • Kittanning Open 6AM-3PM • 724-543-1634 SAVE! Get 5 days for $10 15 words 15 words PER DAY KITTANNING - apartment, kitchen, dining room, living room, 1 bedroom, bath. 2nd floor, 1 block from Riverfront Park, trails, shopping, with central A/C. $600 includes base water, sewage, trash, heat. 724-548-8000. WEST KITTANNING adults 55+ Only, 2nd floor apartments with deck, 2 bedrooms, 1.5 bahts. Equiped kitchen, A/C, storage, large closets, parking, snow & grass removal, $695/mo. includes garbage. You pay low utility bills. 724-548-2288 BUILDING FOR LEASE: Highly visible, high traffic area. Route 38, 1116 Oneida Valley Road. Building 1 is 3,360 sq.ft. of showroom, office, & counter. Building 2 is 894 sq. ft. of workshop. Building 3 is 1,200 sq.ft. warehouse or storage with 12’ ceilings. Gated storage area. Paved parking and paved access to all buildings. Suitable for many types of businesses. Please call 724-282-2933 1120 Oneida Valley Road • Chicora KITTANNING - apartment, 1st floor. 4 rooms. 2 bedroom. bath, stove REF porch, off street parking, not suitable for children. No Pets. $575 includes all utilities. 704/548-4089 AUTO BODY COLLISION TECHNICIANS Full-time body/frame techs. Hourly or flat rate positions open. Clean, bright facility, modern equipment. We offer a full benefit package. 2 years collision experience preferred. Call 724-282-2933 or email 1120 Oneida Valley Road • Chicora LOCAL TANKER DRIVER TUBE GUITAR AMPneeding repair. Leave message. 724-859-3211. PART TIME SALES position available at the Kittanning Paper. Work as little or as much as you want. We can tell you how to make the most of the time you have to invest. Let’s talk! 724-543-NEWS. 2 or 3 Local / Semi – Local tanker drivers needed to haul water from Kittanning area. Class A w/ Tanker endorsement. Must be able to follow directions & must have a willingness to work. Previous experience preferred. Health & Dental insurance, 401K, paid Vac. All inquiries kept confidential. Call or stop in at: McKissick Trucking Rt 157 Venus PA 814-354-2934 WORK WANTED metal roofing, etc. I will paint the interior of your House this winter. 12 years exp. Free Estimates! Contact 814952-1661 CLASSIFIEDS ONLINE! INSTANT REGISTRATIONS INSTANT DRIVERS LICENSE All Notary Work Fax Service T-Plates On-line Titling ATV Transfers Boat Transfers Mon.- Th. 9-6 Fri. 9-5 Sat. 9-2 GARAGE SALE FRIDAYS! Listen to “David & Friends” on WTYM AM 1380 each Friday between 9-11 AM as he announces the garage sales in our area. MULTI-FAMILY SALE Indoor. Sept 9-10. 8AM4PM 341 Upper Cherry Run, Rural Valley. Lot’s of items. BIRCH HAVEN final for the season. Saturday Sept 10th. 8AM -3PM. New Items. Fall, Christmas.Check out the “Fill a Bag for a BUCK” Birch Haven Behind Dairy Queen. MOVING SALE 631 Silvis Hollow Rd Kittanning. Everything Must Go. Sept 10. 9AM to 6PM PLACE YOUR AD NOW! 724543-NEWS READ US ONLINE FOR FREE! www. kittanningpaper. com This Space is Available! WHEN PEOPLE ARE LOOKING TO RENT, THEY LOOK HERE! ADVERTISE HERE! 724-543-NEWS 156 S. Jefferson St. Kittanning, PA 16201 P: 724-545-9474 F: 724-545-1134 5 Call Now! 724-543NEWS
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Miles. New Sticker. Good
Condition. Helmet included.
Kittanning Park Hosting Outdoor Racing Series
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