The PGMS project
The PGMS project
The PGMS project Dr. Lisa L. Froholdt Dr. Maria Progoulaki, Dr. Michael Baldauf Dr. Thomas Pawlik & Research Ass. Enrico Lobrigo Agenda • Introduction & background of PGMS project • WP 1: Regulatory review of CSR concepts • WP 2: Review on CSR issues in the maritime • • • industry WP 3: Field study in Manila WP 4: CBT program Progress and concluding remarks Presentation of PGMS Under the umbrella of Corporate Social Responsibility CSR, create a CBT in Safety and Culture: case of Filipino seafarers Presentation of PGMS • About capacity building in good governance of multi-cultural employees and safe operations as a part of a CSR activity Presentation of PGMS- partners Lead: WP: 1-6 WP: 3,4,5 WP: 2,5,6 Independent expert Introduction - Why CSR? • Nippon/IAMU has emphasised the importance • • for addressing CSR. Scientists agree that climate change is human created. There is enough evidence of this for politicans and businesses to act accordingly. Universities also need to react to this evidence – natural and social sciences - Hard and soft skills. Provide knowledgeable students – Provide research for informed decisions. Introduction - Some action • • • • • Knowledge in CSR/sustainability might be introduced in MET as a separate programme: Australian Maritime College (Bachelor’s degree in Marine Engineering with specialization in Sustainable Design and Risk) Memorial University of Newfoundland in Canada (Bachelor’s degree in Sustainable Aquaculture in Fisheries). Or as integrated in programmes: Bremen created a CSR e-learning module, WMU launching new Corporate Social Responsibility module GOOD, but, we need more education and frameworks to talk about CSR in the maritime industry Framework: Understanding Key CSR components for shipping • 4 main categories, 11 sub-categories, 45 impact areas: Coady and Strandberg, 2012 - CSR Governance Social Responsibility Environmental Responsibility Ocean Responsibility 2.1 Employee well-being • Health and safety • Training and education • Diversity and equity • Family welfare • Labour and living conditions, wages and benefits • Coady and Strandberg 2012 1.1 Governance and management • Corporate governance • CSR governance and management • • • systems Transparency and disclosure Stakeholder engagement Stakeholder procurement • Coady and Strandberg 2012 A working definition of CSR… CSR encompasses what you do as a company to hinder adverse impact in regards to three bottom lines;, 2.environmental & 3.economic sustainability. 10 ACTIONS NEEDED FOR A SUSTAINABLE MARITIME TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM 1. Safety Culture and Environmental Stewardship 2. Education and training in maritime professions, and support for seafarers 3. Energy efficiency and ship-port interface 4. Energy supply for ships 5. Maritime traffic support and advisory systems 6. Maritime Security 7. Technical co-operation 8. New technology and innovation 9. Finance, liability and insurance mechanisms 10.Ocean Governance PGMS WP 1: review paper • Review of relevant international conventions and ways to channel these into CSR strategies/Governance: o Have been written and reviewed, currently revised using review comments. WP 2: review paper • Review of CSR issues and studies dealing with multi-cultural human resources in the maritime industry: • Has been written and reviewed, currently revised using review comments. WP 3: data collection • Data collection in Manila from the 19th September to the 27th September 2014. • Data was extracted from 15 settings. • 65 questionnaires from seafarers from 3 • • • • different locations, 5 interviews with seafarers 3 interviews at educational institutions 8 interviews at manning agencies 1 interview at Authority Perception survey-seafarer Presentation of PGMS Perception survey-seafarer/company/authority The World Maritime University is conducting a survey of educational needs in relation to Corporate Social Responsibility, Safety and culture an how this affects team performance in the maritime industry. We are doing this together with Bremen University of Applied Sciences and a private Consultant called Dr. Maria Progoulaki from University of Aegean, Greece. The project is funded by the International Associations Maritime Universities (IAME). Your answers will provide us with vital knowledge needs to consider when creating this course. Your answers will be anonymous and will not be traced back to you. If you would like to provide comments explaining your answers or additional feedback for us, feel free to use the comments box. Thank you for participating in this survey; it should only take about 15 minutes to provide us with your feedback. If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact Project Manager Dr. Lisa L. Froholdt, +4640356375 or Research Associate Enrico Lobrigo WP 3: pre. Findings CSR • CSR is not understood as a concept by most • • • seafarers, but they recognise the actions behind it. CSR is not part of curriculum or company strategy. CSR is big in Manila (Baskin 2006), environment relief, soup kitchens, family services(Chapple & Moon 2005). CSR- philanthropic character(Carroll1991;1999). WP 3: pre. findings Safety training Culture training 72% yes 66.1% yes 12% no 26.1% no 16% nothing to add 7.8% nothing to add WP 3: pre. findings Self-rated culture level Self-rated safety level 12.3 %advanced 16.9% advanced 64.6% appropriate 63% appropriate 19.9% beginner 12.3% beginner 3.2% nothing to add 7.8% nothing to add Recommendations design: open comments Companies • ”Has to be free of charge or they won’t do it” • ”Design with a deadline to finish-make short” • ”Do the course bilingual” • ”It has to be mandatory or they won’t do it” • ”Design with retests of knowledge – children • arent taught to recall, retention is therefore low, they forget what they learn” ”Design it with pictures of consequences of i.e. Not using a helmet, falling down a hatch” WP 3: open comments -Filipino profile • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • “Easy to adapt, are flexible and open-minded” “A Filipino has to adjust, they don’t adjust to you” “Patience is a Filipinos greatest virtue, waiting for education, certification, job” “Eating is a social event for him” “Family is important” “If he sees there is no rice he is insulted” “Reprimands are personal” “Look up to their superiors” “Sensitive and emotional” “A positive relationship is important-he might lie to keep the harmony” “Filipinos are complacent” “Like to touch” “Regions are culturally different” “Shy and are very proud”, “Are afraid they will be misunderstood” “They keep things bottled up inside”, “Good language skills” “Good at co-existing with others but not interacting with them” WP 3: open comments - MET • • • • • • • “Training is sucking money from seafarers” “Educational inst. are strong-we feel they are protected so we don’t think it will improve” “Training should be run by governments, not private institutions. They are crooks” “Seafarers are spending so much of their earnings, employers should pay for education” There is a cloud over education in the Philippines” “We will only offer culture edu. if the owner wants it” “Training in culture would be interesting if for free” WP 4: CBT Program content • We have created a playbook that we need to discuss and then design it. Open access, Colour, interactive, voice overs, case stories involving Filipino seafarers (using cases they contributed to during interviews), videos, podcasts. 01 • Project progress Work packages 1 Analysis of relevant International Conventions 2 Review of CSR issues and studies 3 Collect data 4 Develop PGMS awareness program 5 Review and test PGMS awareness program 6 Write conclusions, report and follow-up styudy suggestions. FY 2014 May Jun Sta rt of re s e a rch work Pre s e nta ti on Interi m re port a t AMC 2014 Submi s s i on of Summa ry Re port (e nd of Ma rch 15) Re vi e w a nd tes t CBT progra m Submission of Final Report (End May 2015) Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec FY 2015 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Concluding remarks: on track • MARINA has agreed to endorse the program, • PGMS new experience for Filipinos, MET can • • • • be free, open access to education Tailored for Filipino seafarers Short course Culture defined contextually The program could be developed to suit other national cultures Thank you! The PGMS project Dr. Lisa L. Froholdt Dr. Maria Progoulaki, Dr. Michael Baldauf Dr. Thomas Pawlik & Research Ass. Enrico Lobrigo