Wake Forest Presbyterian Church Service of Worship and Praise
Wake Forest Presbyterian Church Service of Worship and Praise
THE COVENANT OF PRAYER Service of Worship and Praise WFPC FAMILY MEMBERS Evelyn Patton (15) Cynthia Hardy (21) Nancy Goethe (19) Brit Dotson (5) Milly Boyt (18) Roy Wilson (25) Katie Kirby (15) Jimmy McCully (16) Bill Stevens (6) Melanie Mohlmann (14) Betty Hay (37) (Contemporary) November 23, 2014, 9:00 a.m. Wake Forest Presbyterian Church Dedication Sunday Note: (#) denotes branch numbers. Prayer concerns for extended family members and friends can be found on the password protected portion of the church website, which is updated weekly. Be sure to include these names as part of your daily prayer life. If you need assistance with your password, contact Robert Deeprose at 919-801-8914 or itsvc@wakeforestpres.org Welcome and Signing the Attendance & Request Slips Generosity Spotlight Christmas Angel Generosity Witness *Songs of Praise “the work of church is strengthened when it is done in a spirit of openness and trust”. Class of 2016 Randall Keen (Finance) Paul Kucyk (Discipleship) Pat Schweigert (Worship) Kevin Sharpe (Mission) Alan Perry (Finance) CHURCH DEACONS (DIACONATE) Class of 2014 Lucy Deeprose (Fellowship) Elizabeth Esguerra (Compassion) Deb Keller (Moderator) Amanda McCabe (Branch) Carole Tinker (Visitation) Moderator of the Deacons: Deb Keller Class of 2015 Class of 2016 Jody Alston (Visitation) Ron Anderson (Welcome) Ginny Honkomp (Compassion) Trish Floyd (Branch) Sharon Lineberry (Fellowship) Shirley Wood (Compassion) Rob Patterson (Welcome) One: All: One: All: One: “Let the Heavens Open” “Blessed be Your Name” Dedication Sunday In the forgiving love of Christ we know our freedom and our hope. For this we can be glad and rejoice in great gratitude. The Love of our Lord, Jesus Christ, be with you. And also with you. Let us greet one another with the peace and love of Christ. Time with the Youngest Disciples Children wishing to go to Children’s Worship, in the Ladybug room, may leave following this time. Giving Through our Time, Talent and Treasure Music Offering “Please Forgive Me” Scripture Reading Sermon CHURCH STAFF Rev. Rebekah Maul……..……………..…Pastor Amy Donaho……..Director of Youth Ministries Kim Glasscock...…………….Director of Music Lisa Baker..…...Children’s Ministry Coordinator Dawn Brown……….….…...Preschool Director Debbie Choplin…..….……….…Finance Secretary Mandy Duguid...….…..Director of Food Ministries Renee Engel…….…Pastors’ Asst/Admin Secretary Stephanie McKinney.......…Preschool Director Asst Karen Pettyjoh……..………...…9:00 Accompanist Susie Voigt……..…………...…11:15 Accompanist CHURCH CALENDAR Check the church website: www.wakeforestpres.org or the e-newsletter, Leaflets Matthew 5:13-16 “Salty People” Tim Tinker Friends of Faith Rebekah Maul Presentation of Our 2015 Commitment Cards (see insert) Lay Leader: Elder of the Week: Kate Stevens Deb Keller 919-554-2195 Kids Corner – There are children’s bulletins and worship kits available for each service located in the bookshelf at the parking lot entrance in the CLC Welcome Generosity Spotlight Christmas Angel Generosity Witness Dana Wills Bob Griffin Prelude and Processional *Call to Worship One: The vast majority of the population stayed in bed this morning for much needed extra rest, or to read the entire morning paper without rushing. Doesn’t it seem a bit odd that we got up to gather in this place? All: But, there is nothing odd about our being here. God has put a thirst in the souls of even those least likely to turn to Him! This is where we are called to be… all together… in the house of the Lord. One: Then let us rededicate our hearts, minds, souls and strength to this worship hour with God. *Prayer of Praise and Adoration *Opening Hymn # 643 “Now Thank We All Our God” Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer *Closing Song of Praise *Benediction “All the People Say Amen” Postlude of Praise * All who are able may stand Worship Leaders Today: Sabrina Patton Acolyte: Rick Mohlmann Deacon of the Week: 919-602-5875 11:15 a.m. November 23, 2014 *Sharing the Peace of Christ CHURCH ELDERS (SESSION) Stated Clerk: Sarah Kirby Class of 2015 Kathy Drake (Missions) Krista Fuller (Discipleship) Charlie Jones (Cong. Care) Bill Stevens (Membership) Rick Mohlmann (Personnel) (Traditional) Dana Wills Bob Griffin Opening Prayer NEXT SESSION MEETING: Thursday, December 18 at 7:00 NEXT DIACONATE MEETING: Thursday, December 11 at 7:00 NEXT MINISTRY TEAM NIGHT: Thursday, December 4 at 7:00 *In the PC(USA), officers’ meetings are open as Class of 2014 Bob Beichner (Discipleship) Kathy Dudley (Worship) Kevin Meese (Communications) Shannon Whitley (Ch. Growth) Hank Patrick (Facilities) Service of Worship and Praise If your child becomes restless and you need to take them from the service, you can hear the service through the speakers in the room next to the kitchen at the far end of the Worship Space here in the Christian Life Center (CLC). Wake Forest Presbyterian Church 12605 Capital Blvd. Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 www.wakeforestpres.org (919)556-7777 Wake Forest Preschool preschooldirector@wakeforestpres.org Confessing Our Sins Together One: When we face ourselves and God with the awareness of our need, God gives us grace to grow and courage to continue the journey. Let’s start fresh through the confessing of our sins. All: Lord, even though we call you “Lord”, which would suggest that You are in control, we go to bed at night, heads swirling with “to do’s”, bills that need to be paid, problems to solve, all manner of concerns and worries, that we really can’t do anything about. We lie awake, spinning schemes to save, to solve, to win, to get ahead. And sleep is sometimes an elusive stranger, even though Your scripture promises that You give Your loved ones rest. We confess that we can’t stop thinking that it is all up to us. We make excuses for not laying down our burdens at Your feet… because we do not yet trust You. Forgive us, and give that peace that soothes and calms, and help us grow in our commitment to living a life in Your peace. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen. (Time of silent confession) One: Lord, in Your mercy… All: Hear our prayer. Assurance of Pardon One: Hear the good news! Those who are in Christ are a new creation; the old has passed away and behold, the new has come. In affirming our need for the love of Christ, we are forgiven… again. All: Thanks be to God! *Grateful Response to God’s Grace Hymn #743 O God, You are my God, and I will ever praise You. O God, You are my God, and I will ever praise You. I will seek You in the morning, and I will learn to walk in Your ways. And step by step You’ll lead me, and I will follow You all of my days. The Offering of Our Time, Talent and Treasure Offertory Anthem “Blessings” *Doxology Matthew 5:13-16 “Salty People” Presentation of Our 2015 Commitment Cards Lisa Baker Men’s Chorus *Benediction *Sung Response #543 Postlude CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES: We invite you to celebrate the joy of Christmas with us at one of our three Christmas Eve Services: 4:00 in the CLC ~ Family Service | 7:00 in the CLC ~ Carols and Candlelight | 11:00 in the Sanctuary ~ Communion and Candlelight MISSION AND OUTREACH NT page 4 Rebekah Maul (see insert) “We All Are One in Mission” “God, Be the Love to Search and Keep Me” NEW WFPC WEBSITE LAUNCHED! Please visit us online at www.wakeforestpres.org. The website has been newly designed and updated to provide more timely, organized and useful information across all our ministry areas. All questions, comments and suggestions are welcome by emailing website@wakeforestpres.org. GOT YARN? WE NEED YOUR HELP! The WFPC Knitting Ministry is focusing on winter scarves for children in Wake County. If you can knit or crochet, you can help to keep a child warm this winter! Completed scarves are blessed and delivered to the Triangle Assistance League for distribution to kids in need. There is a basket available to drop off scarves on the credenza next to the welcome desk in the narthex. For information on guidelines or patterns, contact Nancy Bates at nancybbates@gmail.com or 919-556-2111. Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer *Closing Hymn #733 WEDNESDAY NIGHTS TOGETHER will resume on January 7, 2015 after the holiday season. We hope to see you back then for fellowship and food and many new learning opportunities! THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY: The church office will be closed Thursday, November 27 and Friday, November 28. If you have a bulletin announcement for next week, please submit it to secretary@wakeforestpres.org by noon on Tuesday, November 25. Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. *Prayer of Dedication Scripture Reading Sermon WFPC COMMITMENT SEASON We are in the midst of Commitment Season with its culmination TODAY - Commitment Sunday. You are encouraged to seek God’s guidance and prayerfully consider your financial commitment to WFPC and its many missions and ministry areas. “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7) Contact Randall Keen (rkeen1@nc.rr.com) or Alan Perry (alanperry2003@yahoo.com). BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENINGS are being offered for free today after each service. Our Parish Nurse Ministry provides this service on the last Sunday of each month. They’ll be in the CLC after the 9:00 service, and in the office parlor after the 11:15 service. *Sharing of the Peace of Christ One: In the forgiving love of Christ we know our freedom and our hope. All: For this we can be glad and rejoice in great gratitude. One: The Love of our Lord, Jesus Christ, be with you. All: And also with you. One: Let us greet one another with the peace and love of Jesus. Time with the Youngest Disciples Children wishing to go to Children’s Worship, in the Ladybug room, may leave following this time. What’s Happening at Wake Forest Presbyterian (v. 1) God, be the love to search and keep me; God, be the prayer to move my voice; God, be the strength to now uphold me; O Christ, surround me; O Christ, surround me. * All who are able may stand Bold Type – congregation responds in unison If your child becomes restless and you need to take them from the service, you can hear the service through the speakers in the lobby area of the church, as well as in the sitting area located at the back of the Administrative Offices. Ushers can assist you. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD shoeboxes are due today! Get your boxes in by 1:30 TODAY! CHRISTMAS ANGEL PROGRAM: This Sunday all checks marked “Angel Program” will be collected to help provide for needy families. We also need you to sign up today if you would like to shop for those families with the funds collected. Sign up sheets are located on the ledge outside the narthex and in the CLC on the table near the exterior doors. Contact Dana Wills at jimanddana@nc.rr.com or 919-761-7510 with any questions. CHRISTMAS ANGEL AT HILLSIDE NURSING HOME This year we have a great evening planned for our visit to the Hillside Nursing Home. We will meet there (968 Wait Ave) by 6:30 PM on Saturday, December 13. We will be singing some Christmas carols with the residents and reading “The Night Before Christmas” to them. Please feel free to bring all your family members! We would like families to make homemade Christmas cards and return them to church as you finish them. Contact Dana Wills at jimanddana@nc.rr.com or 919-761-7510. BROWN BAG MINISTRY UPDATE: WFPC partners with Hope Lutheran Church to purchase, pack and deliver 225 lunches, 4 times a year, to residents in need in Wake Forest. On Saturday, November 15, our mission also provided 25 canned hams as part of our Large Brown Bag Dinners to be distributed to families in time for the Holidays. Please prayerfully consider financially supporting this mission. Indicate “Brown Bag” on the memo line of your check. Thanks for your continued support! ADULT MINISTRIES IF YOU FEEL THAT CHRISTMAS HAS BECOME NOTHING MORE than a source of emotional and financial stress; if somewhere along the line you lost “the reason for the season”… Please join the Explorations Sunday School class starting November 30 as we study Rick Warren’s book “The Purpose of Christmas”. You will need to purchase the book (and optionally the study guide) before the first class. Contact Ginny Poulson at ewpoulson@gmail.com or Sandy Christos at schristos33@yahoo.com. YOUTH MINISTRIES HOLIDAY PIE AND BREAD PICK-UP: If you ordered a pie or bread from the Youth Group, please stop by the kitchen between 10 AM and 12:45 PM today to claim your baked goodness. In all, more than 120 families supported our Summer Youth Trips by purchasing more than 330 pies and breads. More than 2 dozen Youth hit the kitchen this weekend to prepare the treats. Thanks so much for supporting our youth! ARE YOU STILL SHOPPING FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS for teachers, coaches, relatives and neighbors? If so, please consider a Yankee Candle. We are selling candles and wrapping paper to raise money for our 2015 Summer Trips. To order, simply go online to www.yankeecandlefundraising.com. Enter our group number 990059398 and choose your merchandise. A seller id is not needed. THE YOUTH OPTED to sell pies and Yankee Candles as fund-raisers this year and take a break from selling Christmas trees. If you are in need of a fresh-cut Christmas tree from the NC mountains, please contact Youth Director Amy Donahoo (amydonahoo@wakeforestpres.org or 919-608-0439), who will put you in touch with a youth selling trees on his own. PARENTS OF CHILDREN AGES 4-10, mark Saturday, December 13 as an opportunity to shop, attend Christmas parties, or just relax while the Youth of WFPC entertain your children. The Youth are hosting a Holiday Child Care Night from 4 PM to 10 PM in the CLC. The cost is $25 for your first child and $15 for siblings. RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED. To reserve your space, email Amy Donahoo at amydonahoo@wakeforestpres.org. Please put “Holiday Child Care Night” in the subject line. Pizza dinner will be provided, along with movie time, snacks and crafts. Spaces are limited. YOUTH WILL GATHER ON THE THANKSGIVING WEEKEND for a time of fellowship and fun with peers. Both Middle and High School should meet in the Youth Room at 5 PM on Sunday, November 30. If the weather is nice, we will play kickball or Capture the Flag outdoors, then we will come inside to watch “A Christmas Story”. Food will be provided. Our meetings on November 23 will be at the usual time—4:30 for Middle School and 6 PM for High School. High School Youth should bring a potluck dish to share with the group. MARK SUNDAY DECEMBER 14 on your calendar. That’s the date of the annual Youth Christmas Caroling and Random Acts of Kindness Party. More details to come, but this is ALWAYS a fun and memorable Mission outing. SUMMER 2015 TRIPS are due December 3! If you need more information, please contact Youth Director Amy Donahoo at amydonahoo@wakeforestpres.org or 919-608-0439. CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES S.T.A.R.S (Students to Always Rejoice And Serve): Our “S.T.A.R.S.” have been collecting shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child throughout the month of November. They have collected over 35 shoeboxes to be sent around the world to children who may have never received a gift in their life. Thanks to the generosity of our WFPC kids, 35 children will feel the warmth of God’s love through the gifts packed in a shoebox. CLUB 4/5 (4th and 5th Grade Youth): On Sunday, November 16, our Club 4/5 packed 210 meals to be used for our Back Pack Buddies mission. They also packed 23 shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Our 4th and 5th graders were super busy and super excited to use their hands and feet to show God’s love to His children...in Wake Forest and across the world! CHILDREN’S WORSHIP LEADERS for November 30: 9:00 STILL NEEDED; 11:15 STILL NEEDED Contact Lisa Baker (lisabaker@wakeforetpres.org) to help out! ATTENDANCE 11/16/14 TITHES/OFFERINGS 11/16/14 Sunday School 121 GF Sunday Offering $21,643.50 9:00 Worship 11:15 Worship 178 264 GF MTD Actuals GF MTD Budget Designated Gifts $51,171.25 $72,034.00 $1,010.00