Paynesville Area Center Join in the FUN this Winter! December 2014-February 2015


Paynesville Area Center Join in the FUN this Winter! December 2014-February 2015
Paynesville Area Public School District #741
December 2014-February 2015
Activities For All Ages
Join in the FUN this Winter!
Paynesville Area Center
Community Education
Table of Contents
801 Business 23 West
Paynesville, MN.56362
Phone: (320)243-7570
Visit us on the web
Central Office Hours
8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Summer, Holiday & No School Hours Will Vary
General Information
Page 2
Page 3-5
PAWS Childcare
Page 7
Youth Enrichment
Page 6-11
Drivers Education
Page 11
Public Library
Page 12
Adult Enrichment
Page 12,13,19
Community Education Director, Matt Dickhausen
Community Events
Page 16,23 243-7570-Ext 1
C.E. Administrative Assistant, Lisa Mead
20 243-7570
Adult Basic Ed
Page 20
C.E. Program Coordinator, J ennifer Mr ozek
21-22 243-7570-Ext 2
Paynesville Area & R.O.S.E Center Page 24-30
Adult Basic Education: 243-7570
Registration Information
Page 32
Community Education Activity Line 243-5454
Page 23,31
Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE)
Kathleen Hammer, Val Stanger, Mary Mackedanz
243-3725-Ext 1125
Paynesville Fitness Center Staff, - 243-7570-Ext 3
Paynesville Census 0-4 year olds
Sue Teicher - Brianna Cowles
Is there a new addition to your family? Paynesville Early Childhood
Family Education keeps current records on the number of 0-4 year
Mellody Weber - Donovan Lura
olds living in our district. These numbers are used to get state aid for
PAWS Site Leader & PAWS Room - 243-KIDS
our Early Childhood Family Education program. The school district
also uses this information to schedule preschool screening for three
Kristine Schultz-Kierstead - 243-5437 (KIDS)
and four year olds during the year. We do not want to miss you. If
you have a child between the ages of 0-4 and they were not born at
the Paynesville Area Hospital, please call us at 243-7570 and we
will make sure your child is on our census. Thank you for helping!!!
Registration Policies
Register Early
Classes fill up quickly. Please register by the deadline indicated after each activity so we can make enrollment decisions. If
there is not a deadline listed, please register at least one week in advance. We will accept registrations as long as room is
Are you Registered?
Presume the course will be held at the time and place indicated. Assume that you are enrolled unless you hear differently
from the Community Education Office.
If we need to cancel a class, you will be notified and your money will be refunded or credited in full. If you need to cancel,
you must notify us at least one week prior to the start of class and we will refund or credit you your tuition. Individual
classes may have a more specific registration, cancellation and refund policy.
Cancellation Policy
We reserve the right to cancel classes if enrollment is below the minimum needed. Registrants will be notified of
cancellation before the class begins and a full refund will be given.
Satisfaction Guaranteed : If you are not satisfied with any Community Education activity in which you participated, please
call us @ (320) 243-7570.
Save a Stamp and register online @
Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE is a program for all Families with
children between ages of birth –kindergarten. The program is offered through
Minnesota public schools. ECFE is based on the idea that the family provides a
child’s first and most significant learning environment and parents are a child’s
first and most important teachers. ECFE works to strengthen families. ECFE’s
goal is to enhance the ability of all parents to provide the best possible environment for
their child’s learning and growth.
First, class begins with parent/child activity in the
early childhood room with a licensed Early
Childhood Teacher.
After a short circle time, parents separate from
children for a discussion led by a licensed parent
While parents are in discussion, children
continue to learn through various play activities
Please Note: A br oad definition of “par ent” is used. A “par ent” can be a significant
adult in a child’s life. This includes, grandparents, aunt, uncle, foster parent, step-parent,
care giver, etc.
Spend some
The winter season is just not the same without
a decorated gingerbread house. Children and
one on one time
adults alike will enjoy this age appropriate
with your
open-ended holiday creation. Join the ECFE
staff for an enjoyable evening of seasonal
stories and activities. This fun filled evening
is for families of children 0-5 years of age.
Register Child only, parent is free.
Date: Tuesday, December 16
Time: 6-7 p.m.
Join us for this second annual
Min: 10
Max: 30
“Love to Learn” with games and a
Class Code: W8016
learning night. Have you ever
Location: Elem School Room #124
evening of games and fun? Well
Fee: $5 Ear ly Bir d Rate by Dec 2
here’s your chance. A variety of games will be available
$9 Regular price
— board games, movement games, and games that inRegistration Deadline: Dec 9
crease math and reading skills. We look forward to you
joining us for this fun filled evening.
Date: Thur sday, Mar ch 26
Time: 6:00 PM –7:00 PM
Class Code: SP1021
Have your Preschooler
Location : Elementar y ECFE Room #124
decorate your home for
Fee: $5 Early Bird Rate by March 12/$9 Regular Price.
the Holidays!!
Registration Deadline: Mar ch 19
Min: 8
Max: 20
Terrific 2’s & 3’s
Join us for this ECFE experience for children and parents. Families will be
able to explore the classroom, engage in developmentally appropriate
activities and interact with other families. We will all gather for a circle time
of songs, finger-plays and stories. This class is a gradual separating class, we
will have the parent session in the classroom and as families feel comfortable
we will separate for the parent education portion of the class. Please join our
licensed Child and Parent Educator for this exciting adventure.
Dates: Tuesdays, Feb. 3-April 21 (11 weeks) -No Class March 24 Time: 5:30pm-6:30pm
Min: 8 Max: 15
Class Code: W1147
Location: Room #124 Elementar y School Registration Deadline: J anuar y, 20
Fee: See sliding fee scale below
ECFE-Playful Preschooler (3 & 4 year olds)
The preschool years are filled with exciting changes as your child begins to
accomplish many new tasks. Each session includes a structured parent/child
time to experience planned activities by a licensed early childhood teacher
and designed for 3 & 4 year olds. The children will also learn to play and
interact independently while the parents meet with a licensed parent educator
about topics selected by the parents. This is a separating class.
Dates: Tuesdays, Feb. 3-April 21 (11 weeks)
(No class March 24)
Time: 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Class Code: W1148
Location: Room #124 Elementar y School
Registration Deadline: J anuar y, 20
Min: 8 Max: 15
ECFE Sliding fee Scale
ECFE Sliding fee Scale
Fees are Per child for a
4 or 6 week class
Fees are Per child for an
11 week class
Household Income
80,000 & up
Household Income
80,000 & up
ECFE Dad &
Daughter Dance
Friday, April 24
(All ages Welcome)
This amazing group housed out of the Boy’s & Girls Club
of Central MN. Have performed all over the state and a few
college tours in Wisconsin… Many original rhythms and
preschool song remakes…Interactive performance is fun for
all. Members of the group range from 4th grade to 12th
grade…Beats on the Block is on You tube with some of their
Date: January, 22
Time: 6:00-7:00 pm
Location: High School Auditorium
Cost: Free for all ages
No Registration Required just attend
Super Moms and their Super Hero Sons are invited to enjoy a fun night
together at our Mom & Son Super Hero Night Out.
This special night out will be held at Bug-Bee-Hive Resort. Boys ages 3-8 can bring a Mom, Aunt,
Grandma, etc. as their “date” for an evening of swimming, supper, refreshments, games, crafts and more.
Casual attire is recommended for moms and boys are encouraged to wear their (non-violent)
Super Hero Costumes. Pictures will be available for purchase.
Date: Thur sday, J anuar y 29
Code: W8007
Fee: $15 per couple ear ly bir d r ate by J anuar y 1/ $20 r egular pr ice
Location: Bug-Bee-Hive Resort & Conference Center
Registration Deadline: J anuar y, 15
Instructors: ECFE/Pr eschool Staff
Max: 30
Join us as we have fun learning the
fundamentals of soccer while enjoying the
opportunity to run off some extra energy!!
Get your friends together and register today.
Dates: Satur days, Mar ch 7, 14, 21, 28
Location: Elementar y Big Gym
Fee: $9 Ear ly Bir d Rate by Feb 21/ $14 Regular pr ice
(T-Shirt Included)
Instructors: Ric Koehn & Chain of Lakes
Soccer Players
Class Code:
SP1008 ( Age 3-5)
9:00-9:30 a.m.
Registration Deadline: Febr uar y, 28
Min: 8 Max: 25
Kids need to burn off some energy? Want to get out of the house?
Too cold to play outside? Would you like to meet other parents of
Preschool Children? These are all great reasons to visit the
Jr. Bulldog Activity Center. Children must be 6 years of age
or younger.
Parents are responsible for their
children at all times. No
unsupervised Children!!!
Children must wear socks when
playing on the mat area. NO Bare
The Jr. Bulldog Activity Center is
monitored by a Video
Surveillance System.
No Registration is needed-Just sign in on the clipboard in the
Center each week.
Dates: Tue. & Thurs. Evenings (Days school is in session only)
October 2nd– May 21st
Time: 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Fee: Fr ee
Location: J r . Bulldog Activity Center
Paynesville Elementary School Gym Stage
Attention all Girls and Boys, join us for an afternoon of making a tie
blanket. This could be used for a gift to that special someone or keep it
for your own. We will provide a light snack and beverage before the class begins. Students from the Middle School should
ride Bus #61 to the Elementary School.
Date: Tuesday, December 9
Time: 3:00-4:15 p.m.
Fee: $22 Ear ly Bir d Rate by Nov 14/ $27 Regular Pr ice
Class Code: W1013
Min: 8 Max: 20
Location: Elementar y School Media Center Registration Deadline: December , 2
Instructors: Lisa Mead/Par ent volunteer s to help with this pr oject. Call 243-7570
Paynesville Community Ed mini theater will present 2 plays "The Little Red Hen" and "Princess."
In the "Little Red Hen "there are the traditional characters and dancing and talking flowers. They will
learn a cute and jazzy dance. In "Princess", we meet queens, princesses, chairperson, stepmothers,
frog consultant, prince charming, kings, an unexpected princess and many more hilarious characters.
This play is a spoof of several fairy tales. Will the princess be a person, animal, or something else? . Auditions will be at
the high school Auditorium. If coming from the elementary school please ride bus #60.
Auditions: Monday, J anuar y 26
Time: 3:15-5:30pm (please arrive at 5:15 p.m. to ensure a prompt 5:30 pm pick up)
Practice Schedule: January 26-February 5 -3:15 pm-5:30 pm (More details will be handed out at auditions)
Location: High School Auditor ium
Fee: $29 Ear ly Bir d r ate by J anuar y 12/$34 Regular Pr ice
Class Code: W3517 (Gr ades 1-3)
Maximum of 10 students
Class Code:W3518 (Gr ades 4-8)
Maximum of 15 students
Registration Deadline: J anuar y, 19
Play Directors: Colleen Pelton & Sue Teicher
Performance Dates: Fr iday, Febr uar y 6 at 7:00pm & Satur day, Febr uar y 7 at 10:00 am
Location: High School Auditor ium
Learn how to create your own computer game
using an easy-to-use programming software from
MIT Media Lab, called Scratch 2.0. Participants will create their own environment and characters, as well as
learn how to program the behind the scene game logic using puzzle-piece-like programming blocks. Scratch is a
programming language that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories animations, games, music, and art
and share your creations on the web.
Date: Monday - Wednesday - January 12-14
Time: 3:00 pm-4:30 pm
Class Code: W0011
Location: Elementar y School Computer Lab (Students should report to ES Room #159 PAWS Room at 3 pm)
Fee: $19 Ear ly bir d r ate by December 22/ $24 r egular pr ice
Min: 5 / Max: 10
Registration Deadline: J anuar y, 2
Instructor: Matt Dickhausen
New PAWS School Age Childcare Program
Activities Include
Sports & Recreation
Computer Lab
Homework Help
Arts & Crafts
Free Choice Time
Movie Days
Enrichment Activities
Science Projects
Field Trips/Special
Fun! Fun! Fun!
PAWS At a Glance
Before School Care Hours - 6:30 am to 8:00 am
After School Care Hours – 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm
* Enrichment programming for Paynesville Area Students in Grade Kindergarten to Fifth Grade
* Full day programming on most school vacation days and early dismissal days. (6:30 am – 6:00 pm)
* Conveniently located in Paynesville Area Elementary School.
* Flexible enrollment options including before and/or after school 1 to 5 days per week and occasional use.
* PAWS will be open regular hours if school is two-hours late. PAWS will be open until 6:00 pm if school is
released early.
Go to to Register and for more info!
This craft is cute as a button!!! Kids will join the
PAWS kids afterschool for a quick snack , make a
button wreath ornament and of course a few laughs.
Date: Monday, December 15
Class Code: W0003
Time: 3:00 PM - 4:15 PM
Location: Elementar y School #159
Fee: $10
Instructors: PAWS After school Staff
Min: 5 Max: 10
Registration Deadline: Dec. 1
Join us to create this sweet piece of jewelry.
Students will enjoy an afternoon snack and time
together creating a candy bracelet . This can make
someone's Valentines day special or just a tasty
Date: Monday, Febr uar y 9th
Class Code: W0005
Time: 3:00 PM –4:15 PM
Location: Elementar y School #159
Fee: $10
Instructors: PAWS after school staff
Min: 5 Max: 10 Registration Deadline: J anuar y 26
Just like a Minnesota winter you never know what you’ll get.
Come join us for an afterschool snack and a mystery craft!!!
Date: Monday, J anuar y 12
Class Code: W0004
Time: 3:00 PM–4:15 PM
Location: Elementar y School #159
Fee: $10
PAWS After School Staff
Min: 5 Max: 10
Registration Deadline: J anuar y 5
Come and see if you can catch your dreams!! Students will
enjoy and afterschool snack and get busy weaving a dream
Date: Monday, Mar ch 16
Class Code: W0006
Time: 3:00 PM –4:15 PM
Location: Elementar y School #159
Fee: $10
Instructors: PAWS After school Staff
Min: 5 Max: 10
Registration Deadline: Mar ch 2
Are you interested in trying a new sport? Don’t want to make a huge commitment? Looking for a fun exciting
activity? If so join the Varsity Basketball Coaches and Players and partake in the Jr. Bulldog’s Boys Basketball Program.
The purpose of this activity is to learn the fundamentals of basketball while stressing maximum
participation and Fun.
Dates: Satur day’s, J anuar y 17, 24, 31 & Febr uar y 7, 21 (5 Dates) (No basketball Feb 14)
Boys Grades K-2 (#W1014)
9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Location: Paynesville Elementary School Cafeteria Gym
Boys Grades 3&4 (#W1015)
10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Location: Paynesville Elementary School Big Gym
Fee: $15 Early Bird Rate By January, 3/ $19 Regular Price
Min: 10
Max: 25
Instructors: Bulldog Boys Basketball Coaching Staff
Registration Deadline: January,10
Are you interested in trying a new sport? Don’t want to make a huge commitment?
Looking for a fun exciting activity? If so join the Varsity Basketball Coaches and Players and partake in the
Jr. Bulldog’s Girls Basketball Program for kinder gar ten thr ough four th gr ader s.
The purpose of this activity is to learn the fundamentals of basketball while stressing maximum participation and Fun.
Dates: Satur day’s, J anuar y 17, 31, Febr uar y 7, 14, 21 (5 Dates) - (No basketball January 24)
Grades 3&4 (#W1025)
Grades K-2 (#W1026)
9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Location: Paynesville Elementary School Big Gym
Location: Paynesville Elementary School Cafeteria Gym
Fee: $15 Early Bird Rate By January 3/ $19 Regular Price
Instructors: Bulldog Basketball Coaching Staff
Min: 10
Max: 25
Registration Deadline: January 10
Interested in learning a shooting sport
Join us as we have fun
or improve your shooting skill?
learning the
National Archery in the Schools
Program (NASP®) is for you.
fundamentals of soccer
NASP® is oriented to “target arwhile enjoying the
chery” and is designed to reach all
opportunity to run off
students. NASP® teaches a lifetime skill. In doing so, we
some extra energy!! Get stress the teaching of skills over technology. Each student
your friends together
learns on identical equipment which is safe, universal fit,
and register today.
Dates: Satur days, Mar ch 7, 14, 21, 28
Location: Elementar y Big Gym
Fee: $14 Early Bird Rate by Feb. 21 /$19 Regular price
modern looking, affordable, and durable. This levels the
playing field for all archers and encourages focus on technique
and form instead of equipment and technology. Note: All
equipment is furnished. No outside equipment will be
(T-Shirt Included)
Instructors: Ric Koehn & Player s fr om the Chain of Dates: Monday’s, J anuar y 5,12,26, Febr uar y 2,9,23
March 2,9,16
Lakes Soccer Club
Time: 8:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Location: Paynesville Elementar y Cafeter ia Gym
Fee: Fr ee (Must call Community Education
Office at 320-243-7570 to register no online
registration available.)
Max: 20 Instructor: Br ad Nepsund
Registration Deadline: December 22
Class Code:
SP1013 Grades K-2
SP1016 Grades 3-5
Registration Deadline: Febr uar y, 28
Min: 5 per gr oup
Max: 25 per gr oup
Get a jump start on the baseball season by joining Coach Skoglund for this exciting Preseason
Baseball Clinic. We will be focusing on hitting and pitching for the upcoming season.
Dates: Febr uar y 28, Mar ch 7,14
Fee: $19 Ear ly Bir d r ate by Feb 14/$24 Regular Pr ice
Grades 4-6 Time: 10:00-11:30 a.m.
Class Code: SP1196
Grades 7-9 Time: 8:30-10:00 a.m.
Class Code: SP1197
Min: 12 Max: 50
Location: Paynesville High School Gym
Instructor: Var sity Baseball Coach Br ad Skoglund
Registration Deadline: Febr uar y 21
Looking for a way to release some winter break energy? Come jump on our
trampoline, swing on our bars and learn to tumble. If you have been wanting to try
gymnastics, take advantage of this camp and come learn how fun it can be!!! Groups
will be divided by age and appropriate skills will be worked in a fun and safe
Dates: Monday & Tuesday, December 29 &30
Time: 1:00-3:00 PM
Class Code: W0009
Location: Kor onis Ministr ies Rec Building
Fee: $20 Ear ly Bir d by Dec. 15 $25 Regular Pr ice
Instructor: J ennifer Mr ozek, J esseca Engen & Var sity Gymnasts
Registration Deadline: December 22
Minimum: 10 Maximum 30
Junior Bulldog Girls Volleyball (Grades 5 & 6)
Bump, Set, Spike and FUN are what await you in our 5th and 6th grade girls volleyball program. This program is designed for
players who want to improve their volleyball skills through participation in structured practices and games. We will have the
opportunity to play a couple area towns in actual games. Don’t miss this opportunity to have
fun, learn the game and make new friends. 6th Grade students should ride bus #61 from the
middle school to the Elementary School .
Practice Dates: Thur sdays, Feb 26, Mar 5, 12, 19, 26, Apr 2
Time: 3-5pm
Location: Paynesville Elementar y School Big Gym & Cafeter ia Gym
Game Dates: TBD
Min: 6 Max: 25
Class Code: (5th Grade) SP1073
Class Code: (6th Grade) SP1074
Instructors: Nicole Humber t, J ackie Spanier & Var sity Coaching Staff
Registration Deadline: Feb 12 (Must r egister by deadline to get a T-Shirt)
Fee: $30 ear ly bir d r ate by Feb 1/$35 r egular pr ice (T-Shirt included)
Register Online for classes @
Open Gym
Grade 9-12 student athletes can earn a free membership
to the Paynesville Fitness Center.
Paynesville Area High
Even if your sport doesn't start until a
School Gym will be open for
later season, make the commitment to
public use on Sundays. Participants may play basketball
play and pay your activity fee in the
or other indoor games depending on space &
High School Office. Once you pay
participation. If bad weather call the activity line
320-243-5454 for cancellations. Elem. students must be your activity fee for your sport, stop in the fitness center
during staffed hours to get your
accompanied by an adult. Limited number of
basketballs provided.
membership started. Your
membership will give you free
Dates: Sundays, October 5-March 22
access during staffed hours. If you
No Open Gym December 21, 28
have any questions about this
Fee: $1/ per per son
Time: 4:00-5:30 p.m.
Location: High School & Middle School Gyms
benefit please contact Matt
Please enter Door #1
Dickhausen at 243-7570.
Swimming Lessons—(Levels 1-III)
Dates: Tuesdays & Fr idays Mar ch 10,13,17,20,27,31 (* No lessons level 1-3 on March 24)
Fee: $45 Ear ly Bir d Rate by Febr uar y 24/$50 Regular Pr ice
Registration Deadline: Mar ch 3
Location: Paynesville Inn & Suites Instructor: J ennifer Mr ozek
Facility etiquette for all levels of swimmers
 Bring your own towel
 No Hot tub usage before or after lessons
 No kiddie pool usage before or
after lessons /no siblings in kiddie pool
while lessons are in session.
 Do not enter the large pool until
instructor has given the ok and lessons
have begun.
 Parents keep conversations to a minimum
in the pool area.
 No food or beverage in pool area.
Level III-Stroke Readiness (Beginners +)
Level III is to build on
the skills in Level II by providing additional guided practice. Level
III skills include: coordinate the front & back crawl,
elementary backstroke, fundamentals of treading water, dive from
side of the pool and turns.
Students will ride bus #TBA to Paynesville Inn & Suites
Code: SP1056
Time: 3:15PM-4:15 PM
Min: 5 Max: 8
Level I-Water Exploration (Pre-Beginners)
Level I is to help
students feel comfortable in the water and to enjoy the water safely.
Students start to develop good attitudes and safety practices around
the water. Level I skills include: fully submerge face, buoyancy
and breath control, supported float on front & back, blowing
bubbles, water entry & exit, locomotion (walk through water safely)
and supported kicking on front and back. There are no
prerequisites for this course.
Code: SP1058
Time: 5:25 PM-6:25 PM Min: 5 Max: 8
Level II-Primary Skills (Beginners)
Level II gives students
success with fundamental skills. Students learn to float without
support and to recover to a vertical position. This level marks the
beginning of true locomotion skills and adds to self-help and basic
rescue skills. Level II skills include: hold breath and fully submerge head, retrieve objects, orientation to deep water, prone float
of glide (unsupported), supine float of glide (unsupported), rhythmic
breathing, step from the side into chest deep water, get out at side of
pool, flutter kick on front and back, finning on back, back crawl arm
action combined, stroke front (using kick and alternating arm action)
and combined stroke back (using kick and choice of arm
Code: SP1057
Min: 5
Max: 8
Time: 4:20 PM-5:20 PM
Preschool Swim Classes
These classes are designed to help children learn some very basic water skills, overcome their fear of water, have fun and to facilitate a
special time with mom or dad. Preschool swim classes require a parent/guardian or older sibling over 16 years of age to be in the water with
each child. Our instructor is WSI Certified . Please remember to bring a towel!
Water Babies/Aqua Tots (12 Months – 36 Months)
Dates: Tuesdays March 10,17,24,31
Time: 6:30 PM-7:00 PM. Class Code: SP1059
Fee: $15 Ear ly Bir d Rate by Febr uar y 24/ $20 Regular Pr ice
Min: 6 Max: 10
Location: Paynesville Inn & Suites
Minnows (4-5 year olds)
Dates: Tuesdays March 10,17,24,31
Time: 7:05 PM-7:35PM
Class Code: SP1060
Registration Deadline: Mar ch 3
Instructor: J ennifer Mr ozek
BNC-TV –Apply Today!
BNC-TV-Your Bulldog News Station Is Now Accepting Applications For:
On Air - News Reporters
On Air - News Anchors
Behind the Scene Producers
Behind the Scene Videographers
Video Editing Specialists
Go to our website to watch the current seasons
episodes and to download an application. and Click the
This course is designed for students 11-15 years old. Students need to be 11 by end of course & need all
five classes to pass. The cour se includes a Babysitter s Tr aining Handbook, exposur e and hands-on
practice of infant and child CPR, first aid, prevention of injuries, handling emergencies and making
responsible decisions. Upon completion, students will receive American Red Cross Babysitters
Certification. Students must be in attendance for all hours to receive certification. Those who become
Red Cross Certified have the option, with parent approval to be placed on the certified babysitter list
which will be available in the Community Education Office. Elementary Students should meet Virginia
McCloud by the Elementary School front office doors. Middle School Students can Ride Bus #61 from
the Middle School over to the Elementary School. Please br ing a snack/bever age for br eak.
Dates: Mar ch 2,3,5,9,10 & 12th (if needed)
Time: 3:20-5:30 p.m.
Class Code: SP1012
Min: 10 Max: 20
Registration Deadline: Febr uar y 23
Fee: $39 Ear ly Bir d Special by Febr uar y 16/ $44 Regular Pr ice
Location: Adult Education
Center (115 West Mill Street)
Instructor: Virginia McCloud, Red Cross Certified Instructor
This 30-hour course is a prerequisite to obtaining a Minnesota
Driving permit. Students will run through a battery of tests, which
will prepare them to take the state offered permit test. Students
must have all 30 hours of class attendance. Class limit is first 40
students with registration & fee. You must include students
middle name & birth date on registration.
Students should be 15 by July 1, 2015 to take this classroom training session.
March 9 – One parent/guardian needs to be present from 5:30-7:00 PM for a special Project
Impact Training Seminar-This is a State of MN requirement.
Dates & Times:
March *9,10,11,12,13,16,17,18,19,20—* Parent/Guardian Class March 9th from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Class Code: SP3500
Time: 3:20-6:20 p.m. Fee: $99 Early Bird Rate by Feb 23/$109 Regular Price
Location: Paynesville Ar ea High School Seminar Room #115 & HS Computer Lab
Instructor: Mr. Ron Fuchs
Registration Deadline: Mar ch 2
Maximum: 40
Create artistic and beautiful greeting cards using
watercolor paper, paint, ink, pencils and more.
Make your greeting cards (maybe even a pop-up
card or two) more personal and economical in this
fun, friendly and creative class. All Materials will
be provided. During this three hour session enjoy
coffee, cookies and great company. It is estimated
that each participant will be able to complete 12
Date: Monday, J anuar y 26
Time: 1:00 PM-4:00PM
Fee: $25 Ear ly Bir d by J an.12/
$29 Regular Price
Class Code: W1044
Location: Paynesville Ar ea Center
Instructor: Michele Steffen
Minimum: 10 Maximum: 15
Registration Deadline: J anuar y 19
Paint a beautiful pair of wine glasses as you enjoy some creative time
snacking on cheese, crackers and tasting some local wines. Make a
girls night out or invite your spouse, this is sure to be a
relaxing fun class for beginners and up. You do not
need any prior art experience to be successful in this
class. For each registration two wine glasses are included. More
will be available for purchase for speedy painters. Snacks and
wine will be provided. Specialty coffee and other beverages will
be available for purchase at BLOOM.
Date: Fr iday, Febr uar y 27 Time: 6:00 PM-8:00PM
Fee: $30 Ear ly Bir d by Feb.13/$34Regular Pr ice
Class Code: W1038
Location: Bloom Coffee & Flor al
Instructor: Michele Steffen Minimum: 10 Maximum: 20
Registration Deadline: Febr uar y 20
Come and discover your inner artist
in this fun and relaxing class. Even
if you never held a brush before, Artist Michele Steffen will guide you as
you create your very own artistic masterpiece and have a wonderful time
in the process. A perfect evening out to share with friends or a great date
night with that someone special. All supplies including canvas and
paints will be provided.
 Hot Apple Cider and Cookies will be served
Date: Fr iday, J anuar y 30th. Time: 6:00 PM-8:00PM
Fee: $40 Ear ly Bir d by J an. 16/$45 Regular Pr ice
Class Code: W1037 Location: Middle School Ar t Room #241
Instructor: Michele Steffen
Minimum: 10 Maximum: 16
Registration Deadline: J anuar y 23
Claymation Stop-Motion Film Making
(Paynesville Library )
Have a blast creating a stop motion movie!
Use your Imagination and develop your
very own story and clay character. The
it’s lights, camera, action! As you record your very own
movie. Learn how a stop motion movie is made and use
professional grade software. Bring a USB jump drive to take
your movie home.
Ages 6-12 Limit 12 Date: November, 22 Time: 1PM-2PM
PreSchool Story Time (Paynesville Library )
Preschool class in reading readiness skills, featuring stories, activities and crafts.
Ages 0-6 Limit: 20
Dates: Wednesdays November 5,19, December 10
January14, February 11
Time: 10:30 AM-11:15 AM
Pre-Registration for many classes at the library is required. or call 320-243-7343
November 29, 2014
2:00 P.M.-7:00 P.M.
Downtown Paynesville
2-6 Shopping Paynesville
2:30-4:30 Santa Photos Sheri’sStudio
3-5 Free Dr op in Daycar e Chamber Office
4:30-6:30 Make and Take Crafts various businesses
4-6:30 Dinner Queen Bees (See Website for Pricing)
7– Tree lighting James & Washburne
7:15 Drawing for $10,000 Raffle Ticket Winner
Visit the Chamber Website for more details
You don’t need to know how to
Come and make a candle that will allow crochet to take this class. We will
be teaching you the basics of
you to relive your summer beach days
crochet. We will be instructing
all winter long. We will make these
you a simple dishcloth pattern.
candles with sand and rocks from the
These make great gifts and have
shore of Lake Superior. Each person will create a three wick gel
many uses. Pattern, crochet hook,
candle with sand and rocks, the jar is a 12oz. Jar. There will be a
variety of scents to choose from. Use the candle for yourself or to needle and enough yarn for two
dishcloths will be provided.
give as a great gift.
Date: Sunday, December 7th
Dates: J an. 26 & 27
Time:J an.26 –6:30-8:00PM
Time: 5:30 –7:00 PM
Jan. 27 6:30 –7:30 PM
Class Code : W0007
Location: Adult Basic Education Center (115 West Mill Street)
Location: Adult Basic Education Center (115 West Mill Street)
Fee: $20
Fee:$10 Ear ly Bir d by J an.12 $15 Regular Pr ice
Instructor: J ennifer Mr ozek
Instructors: Betty & J ennifer Monson
Min: 5 Max: 10
Minimum: 5 Maximum: 10
Registration Deadline : November 29th
Registration Deadline: J anuar y 19th
Join Sandy Wieber for one or all three of
these unique classes. We have a back to the
basics for when you are looking for natural
ways to take care of your
Back to the
Dec. 9th
family. This will cover the 10
basic essential oils. She is
Core Supplement
offering a class helping you
Foundation with
with the core supplement
Young Living
foundation of Young Living.
Home Living ChemiW1061
There are so many vitamins
cal Free
and supplements out there
where does one start? Then she will be teaching us how to create
several cleaning and personal care items to help us with a chemical free
home living!!Come and educate yourself to a healthy new you!!
This class is designed for individuals
that have taken an introduction to
bridge class or someone that would like
to brush up on bridge basics plus review/learn a few basic
conventions. Some of these would be Preemptive bids
(Weak two, three & four bid openings),Stayman, “Gerber”
& “Blackwood”, “2 club opener”, Overcalls, keeping
score, Finesse Strategies & Bidding Boxes. “Rule of 11”
and Rule of 20”.
Dates: Thur sdays, Mar ch 12,19,26, Apr il 9,16,23
Fee: $18
Deadline: Mar ch 5
Time: 5-7pm Class Code: SP1040 Min: 8 Max: 20
Location: Adult Education Center -Mill Street
Location: Adult Education Center 115 West Mill Str eet
Time: 6:00 –8:00 PM Fee: $5/Class
Instructor: Sandy Wieber Min: 5 Max: 20
Registration Deadline : one week pr ior to the star t date
Learn how reading your body can prevent
disease. This class is designed to help
make you aware of the many signals your
body sends. Examples are canker sores,
constipation, flatulence, eye twitching,
hang nails, headaches, chronic fatigue, etc.
You will enjoy knowing answers and solutions to these common
signals. Monday/Digestive Signals Wednesday /Visual & Other
Dates: Monday/Wednesday Febr uar y 9,11
Time: 6:30 PM-8:00 PM
Class Code:W1018
Location: Adult Education Center 115 West Mill Str eet
Fee: $5 Instr uctor s: Chr istine J ackson and Shaunna Loecken
Min: 5 Max: 20
Registration Deadline: Febr uar y 2
January 8th, 2015 from 2-6pm
Adult Education Center - 115 Mill St., Paynesville
Navigators will be on site to assist with questions and completing the application process. No registration is required.
In order for Navigators to assist you please bring the following items:
Social security number for each person applying
Date of birth for everyone in household
Driver’s License, Tribal ID or ID
For non-citizens, Green Card or other immigration documents
2013 tax forms - Two recent pay stubs
Documents for other sources of income
W2 form or Employer Tax ID number (EIN)
Employer’s address and contact information
Information about any employer-provided health insurance available to
each person applying
We hear that “space is the final frontier,” but it is also eternal. From the beginning of time, humans peered into the heavens to ponder the
meaning of life, their role in the universe and the significance of the planets.
The Planets, Op. 32 | Gustav Holst
Mars, The Bringer of War…...Venus, The Bringer of Peace…...Mercury, the Winged Messenger…. Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity…..Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age…...Uranus, The Magician.. Neptune, The Mystic
A note about Pluto: Pluto was discovered in 1930, four years before Holst's death, and it was categorized by astronomers as a new planet.
Holst expressed no interest in writing a movement for it, probably due to the fact that he felt the suite was overshadowing his other
works. Several composers have written Pluto movements as additions to The Planets.
Date: Satur day, Mar ch 28 Time: 7:30 pm Concert
Bus will leave Paynesville Area Senior Center at 6pm and return at 10:30pm
Class Code:SP1004 (Senior ) Fee: $27
Class Code:SP1003 (Adult) Fee: $32
Location: St. Cloud State Univer sity Ritsche Auditor ium
Registration Deadline: Mar ch 21
Min: 25 Max: 35
1954 was significant as a precursor to change. The New York Stock Exchange prices reached the highest level since the crash of 1929. The
Supreme Court ruled that race-based segregation in schools was unconstitutional. Elvis Presley began his career and Davy Crockett was a
national fad. The music of this era was also significant, and the orchestra performs tonight’s music composed or premiered in 1954.
American Rhapsody | Ernst von Dohnanyi …..Tender Land Suite | Aaron Copland…On The Waterfront Suite | Leonard Bernstein
Date: Satur day, May 2
Time: 7:30 pm Concert—Bus will leave Paynesville Area Senior Center at 6pm and return at 10:30pm Min: 25
Max: 35
Location: St. Cloud State Univer sity Ritsche Auditor ium
Class Code:SP1019 (Adult) Fee: $32
Registration Deadline: Apr il 25
Class Code:SP1020 (Senior ) Fee: $27
Min: 25 Max: 35
In 1957 the Kingston Trio
emerged from San Francisco’s
North Beach club scene to take
the country by storm, bringing
the rich tradition of
American folk music into the
mainstream for the first time.
Through changing times, the
Trio has played on, remaining
popular for a simple reason...great songs that sound as good
today as the first time you heard them.
Date: Fr iday, Mar ch 6
Class Code:SP1023
Time: 1:30 pm Concert—Bus will leave Paynesville Area Senior
Center at 12:15pm and return at
Location: St. Cloud
Class Fee: $34
Min: 25 Max: 35
Registration Deadline: Feb 27
Chanhassen Dinner Theatre
presents the amazing
performance of Mary Poppins.
Enjoy a coach ride, a delicious
lunch, and a splendid show.
This is a show for all ages to
Date: Wednesday, Mar ch 4th
Class Code: SP1024
Time: 9:00 A.M.
Departure from the Paynesville Area Center
Location: Chanhassen Dinner Theatr e
Class Fee: $79
Min: 35 Max: 65
Registration Deadline: Febr uar y 4th
Host Site: BBE
Join us for a day filled with fresh ideas for your entire home to the garden area. You will have the
opportunity to visit vendors to help you with decorating , space saving, organization and creating that
beautiful yard! You can check out all the available vendors at Bus will be
leaving the Paynesville Middle School Parking lot at 8:15 AM and be returning at approximately 5 PM.
You should arrive at the convention center close to 10:00 AM. Lunch will be on your own at the
convention center or you could visit a restaurant in the downtown area. The bus will be departing the
Convention Center at 3:00 PM for an 4:40 PM return time.
Date: Thur sday, Febr uar y 26, 2015
Time: Bus Depar tur e 8:15AM Paynesville Ar ea Center
Return time approximately 4:40 PM.
Location: Minneapolis Convention Center
Class Code: W0008
Fee: $35.00
Registration Deadline: Febr uar y 2
Min: 35 Max: 53
Host Site: Paynesville
 As seen on the History Channel, Down In History Tours offer s a unique
alternative to the typical tour. Our theme tours are narrated by knowledgeable
and talented guides who make history fascinating and thrilling. Our historically
dressed character guides converse and interact with the group members. Choose
us and enjoy our unusual, fun-filled blast from the past tours!
Date: Thur sday, May 7th
Time: 7:50 AM pick up Paynesville Ar ea Center
Estimated Return time 4:00 PM
Class Code: SP1025
Fee: $65
Location: Paynesville Ar ea Center Par king Lot Pickup Location
Host Site: Paynesville Community Ed
Registration Deadline: Apr il 15
Min: 35 Max: 53
Upon arrival we will stretch our legs and then board the bus
along with our tour guide for a two hour personalized tour.
This tour shows you the Mini Apple when it was rotten to the
core. Yes there were Gangsters in Saint Paul, but there were
the Rackets and Mobsters in Minneapolis. This two hour tour
will tell you the stories and show you the sights on the other
side of the tracks-or river. See the Holly Hocks, Liggetts
murder location and lots more. Then back to the caves for an
Italian Buffet Dinner. Followed up with a forty five minute
guided tour of the Wabasha Caves where you will learn the
history and what the Caves have been doing the past several
Don’t miss out on this great Tour!
Adult Computer Classes with Marv
Marv is here to help!!! Marv is offering Computer Tutoring at the
Adult Education Center. His knowledge spreads among many areas
and programs such as Intro to Excel, Microsoft Word, Snag it, Print
Screen & Paint, Organizing/Editing Pictures, Advanced Excel,
Transferring digital pictures from camera to computer, Windows 7,
Internet & Emailing, along with Microsoft Outlook. Is your
question not listed? He may still have the answer. These are private
tutoring sessions and Marv will cater to your schedule.
Fees: 1 hour $20 1.5 hours $27.50 2hours $34 each additional 1/2 hour is $7.00
Registration :
Step 1) Call Mar v at 507-829-5008 discuss your needs and how
much time he thinks you will need. Schedule a date and time with
Step2) Call Community Education at 320-243-7570 register and
receive your payment options . Community Ed must receive
payment prior to the session.
Location: Adult Education Center
This class will introduce you to both Microsoft Word and Excel. In
the first class you will learn how to use the ribbon to format and move
around Microsoft office programs. The other three classes will be to
explore what can be done with these two programs and learn some of
the basics in each class. During the final evening some time will be
spent learning how to run labels for envelopes using these two
programs. Prior computer knowledge not required.
Dates: Mar ch 11,18,25 and Apr il 1
Times: 5:00 PM-6:45 PM
Class Code: SP1042
Fee: $34 Ear ly Bir d by Feb 25/$39 Regular Pr ice
Instructor: Mar v Nieden
Location: Adult Education Center
Registration Deadline: Mar ch 4
Minimum 4 Maximum 6
Join us Sunday afternoon, February 1st at 2:00 P.M. in the PAS Auditorium for a "Warm Your Hearts
Praise Concert" featuring uplifting music from various local church choirs, worship bands and
ensembles. Ticket sales from this concert will benefit the Paynesville Area Community Service Center
in hopes of replenishing their needs after the Holidays. If a weather cancelation happens the concert
will be rescheduled for March 1st. Please call 243-5454 for weather notifications. Tickets will be
available at the following locations. Paynesville Area Comm Ed Office, Teal’s, Central MN Credit
Union, Bloom Coffee and Floral and at the door.
Community Education invites you to
“Coffee and Conversation”.
Join us for an afternoon of great coffee, treats and a
thought provoking presentation/conversation. You will
have a chance to ask questions and engage in discussion
with our knowledgeable presenters.
******Pre-Registration is required-call Community Ed @ 243-7570******
February Topic: “Paynesville ROSE Center ”
Guest Presenter: Inez J ones– Paynesville ROSE Center Director
What types of services are available in Paynesville to help seniors stay in their homes?
Join Inez as she shares information about the Paynesville ROSE Center, how it got started, how many people are served each
year and what volunteer opportunities are available.
Date: Wednesday, Febr uar y 18
Time: 1:00 pm-2:15 pm
Fee: Free-Pre-Registration is required. (Call 243-7570 to register)
Location: Adult Education Center at 115 West Mill St.
Class Code: W1047
Call 243-7570 for more information about Silver Sneakers & Silver & Fit
Tired of the same boring routine? Join us as we MOTIVATE each
other. This is a Fun 45-minute Circuit Training Class which
Incorporates Free Weights, Machines, Kettle Bells and Active
Cardio. Working out in a group setting is a Great Way to add some
excitement to your workouts. AM classes are from 6:00 am-6:45
am and PM Classes are from 6:00 pm-6:45 pm.
Fee: Ear ly Bir d Rate $20 /$24 Regular Pr ice
Free for Fitness Center Members)
$7 drop in fee if space is available –Call Community
Education 320-243-7570 to reserve your spot
Location: Paynesville Fitness Center
Registration Deadlines:
One Week Prior to class start date
Tuesday’s - Dec. 2,9,16
Tuesday’s - Jan. 6,13,20,27
Tuesday’s Feb. 3,10,17,24
AM – W1072 PM—W1073
AM– W1080 PM– W1081
Early Bird Price by Nov. 18
Early Bird Price by Dec. 23
PM –W1075
Early Bird Price by Jan. 20
Go to to get an updated list of all of our
Free Classes & Club Activities!
Group Circuit Classes
Staffed Hours:
6AM-8AM & 3PM-7PM
Free Swim! Zumba Fit & P90X Training INSANITY Class!
Youth Gr. 9-12
Monthly $24
Monthly $39
Monthly $11
Yoga will not only build your
flexibility, it is also good for
strengthening your muscles,
bone density, stress reduction,
and getting more oxygen in the
body through the breathing
techniques. In this introduction
class we will approach yoga
from the very beginning with
learning the proper way to
breathe and then approaching
the asana (poses) in a safe
manner. I will offer modifications where needed. My studio
supplies mats, blocks, blankets and straps if you need them.
This class will be an introduction into a Gentle form of yoga.
We will begin by learning the proper breathing techniques and
then progress into the asana (poses). We will not practice the
full sun salutations and will emphasize the use of blocks and
straps for modifications, thus making this class appropriate for
pretty much anyone.
Dates: Tuesdays, Mar ch 3-April 7
Time: 1:00-2:15 p.m.
Class Code: SP1018
Fee: $48 Location: Yoga Studio, 207-1/2 Washburne Ave.
Instructor: Dana Spates RYT
Registration Deadline: Febr uar y 24
Min: 6 Max: 12
Dates: Thur sdays, Mar ch 5-April 9
Time: 6:00-7:15pm
Class Code: SP1055
Fee: $48 Instructor: Dana Spates RYT
Location: Studio 207- 1/2 Washburne Ave.
Registration Deadline: Febr uar y 26
Min: 6 Max: 12
Dates: Monday’s, January 5,12,19,26
Feb. 2,9 (6 weeks)
Class Code: W1172 Time: 5-6 p.m.
Registration Deadline: Dec. 29
Fee: Early Bird Rate $39 By Dec. 22 /
$44 Regular price
Dates: Monday’s, February 16,23,
March 2,9,16,23 (6 weeks)
Class Code: W1174 Time: 5-6p.m.
Registration Deadline: Feb. 9
Fee: Early Bird Rate $39 By Feb. 2 /
$44 Regular Price
This strength and aerobic workout in the water is an excellent way to get and
stay in shape. You will work on toning, tightening, trimming and having
fun. Water workout is for Men and Women of all fitness levels and
emphasis will be on aerobic fitness, flexibility, muscular strength and
endurance. Water exercises are fun in a group setting especially when done
to music. Come join us at the Paynesville Inn & Suites.
Instructors: Michelle Mattson & Ryan Stoneburner
Start your year out right and get into
shape. Join this once a week workout
to help keep you motivated in your
daily workouts and to push you to new
Dates: Wednesdays: J anuar y 7,14,21,28
February 4,11,18,25
Time: 5:30AM –6:30 PM
Class Code: W1017
Fee: $10 (Fr ee to fitness
Location: High School Gym
center members)
Instructor: J ennifer Mr ozek
Hall walking is available weekdays in
the High School/ Middle School from
8:00 AM-10:00 PM on scheduled
school days. Walkers must stop by
the Community Ed Office ( Door
#8 ) for a walking badge during school hours of 8:00
am –3:00 pm. If you have questions about walking the
halls contact Community Education at 243-7570.
C a l l To R e g i s t e r : 2 4 3 - 7 5 7 0
Introducing Jay Thompson
our NEW Adult Basic
Education Instructor!
115 West
Mill Street
Email: or
Classes meet most every Monday Evening from 5-8 PM!!
Whatever your
goals are,
16 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER NOT enrolled in public school
Desire to LEARN - New Enrollment Available Every Week!
55 Alive Defensive Driving Classes
4 Hour Refresher Course
If you have taken a State approved 8-hour Defensive Driving Course (55+) in the
past, now you can renew your 10%, 3 year car insurance discount by taking this
state-approved, 4-hour refresher course. There’s no driving and no test. You will
receive a certificate of completion to provide to your insurance company. Please include your drivers
license number when r egister ing.
Date: Tuesday, Febr uar y 3
Time: 1:30-5:30pm
Class Code: W1053
Date: Tuesday, Apr il 7
Time: 5:30-9:30pm
Class Code: SP1029
Fee: $15
Min: 20
Max: 50
Location: Paynesville Ar ea Center
8 Hour Defensive Driving Course
If you are 55 or older, save money on your car insurance premiums and become a better driver! Minnesota law requires insurance companies to offer you a 10% reduction for three years if you complete the National Safety Council’s Defensive Driving
Course, taught by professional, certified instructors. The course is two sessions of classroom—no driving or test is required.
You will receive a certificate of completion to provide to your insurance company. Attendance at both sessions is required to
receive credit. Please include your drivers license number when registering.
Date: Tuesday & Wednesday, Mar ch 10th & 11th
Min: 20
Time: 5:30-9:30pm
Fee: $15
Class Code: SP1015
Max: 50
Location: Paynesville Ar ea Center
Dear Parents, Guardians and Community Members,
It is hard to believe but we have now completed our first quarter and are moving into our winter
months. It is the time of year that superintendents of schools start to sleep with one eye open because
they are never sure what the weather will do. When making a decision to either have school go on
time, a two hour late start or cancel school, I am up early looking at the weather forecast, current conditions and talking with transportation staff and other superintendents. We look at how much snow has
fallen, the wind speed, if there are icy conditions, wind chill, visibility, road conditions and other factors as we make weather related decisions. Our goal is always the safety of the students. The biggest
question is, “Can we transport our students safely to school?” There is not always a simple answer to
that question.
As a reminder, please make sure your student is dressed appropriately when she/he comes to school.
The weather can get brutally cold and warm hats, gloves and clothes need to be worn to insure the student’s safety. Even if
a student is driving to school or taking a school bus, remember that vehicles can and do break down so dressing warm is a
I also want to take this time to thank David Johnson (10 years) and Deb Glenz (20 years) for their service to District 741 as
School Board members. Being a School Board member can be a job with few “pats on the back” and many times deal with
very difficult decisions. School Board members get little monetary compensation for what
they do. These two individuals have served the District well and will be missed. At the same
time we welcome Randy Kern, and Heidi Riley to the School Board.
On behalf of the District I want to thank the community for approving question #1 on the November 4, 2014 ballot. We greatly appreciate the communities support and commitment to our
students and staff.
Robert Huot - Superintendent of Schools
A Lot to Celebrate!
Great things are happening at Paynesville Area Elementary School! I announce this with gr eat
enthusiasm because as I enter my fourth year as the Elementary Principal I continue to be extremely
proud of the students and staff at our school.
To most people, especially families who are looking at sending their children to our school, data is
important, but they want to know what we are doing to prepare our students for middle school, high
school and beyond. We really feel that it is important to provide our students with the tools to be
productive, socially responsible adults. Listed below are a few of the great programs that help to
drive our success:
A strong Jr. Bulldog preschool program that is rated a 4-star Parent Aware Program.
This program offers a flexible schedule with curriculum that helps to prepare students for kindergarten
Before and after school daycare program for students in grades K-5.
Our PAWS program is a structured learning environment that is located right in the elementary school.
Smartboard technology in every classroom.
iPad and Chrome Book technology readily available to our students.
Math and Reading Corps Tutors for students. Paid for with grant funds.
Enrichment programs through our Power Half Hour, 5th Grade Math Masters and Young Author/Young Artist
Title I program that services grades K-5 and offers Tier I, II, and III interventions for struggling students
Targeted Services programs and enrichment opportunities for students before and after school and during the
When a school has motivated students and staff, positive and involved parents and a strong community, great things
can happen!
David Oehrlein, Elementary Principal
District 741 Emergency School Closing Procedures
In the event a need exists to close school due to an emergency, announcements will be made through SchooolReach and over the following
stations:WCCO 830 AM (Twin Cities), KWLM 1340 AM (Willmar), KCLD 104.7 FM (St. Cloud), KASM 1150 AM (Albany), WWJO
98.1 FM (St. Cloud), WCCO-TV (Channels 4 and 7), and KARE-TV (Channel 11).
Late starts, early closings, and activity event changes will also be announced via these methods. Unless notified otherwise, when schools
are closed because of inclement weather, no district-sponsored afternoon or evening activities will be held.
School closings will also be announced on the following websites:,, and
Dear Students, Parents and Community Members,
I would like to first congratulate all our fall athletic teams for a great season both in our PAMS
and PAHS. Our student-athletes and coaches set high standards for themselves as school leaders
and in their commitments to their season goals. I am very proud to be a Bulldog and to see our
teams excel. Our school pride is without a doubt strong. It is also a wonderful sight to see the
number of students and community members that attend our school events to cheer and support
their fellow Bulldogs.
We have great news for parents. You will now be able to make lunch payments online. If you
would like to take advantage of this program, please follow these steps.
1. Go to
2. Click on the online lunch payment center link.
3. After you put money into your child’s account and you are ready to check out, the system will ask you to login to
your Family Account. Your Family Account Login is your JMC login information.
If you have any questions regarding your JMC account and Password, please give Cassandra a call at
(320) 243-3761 ext. 3150.
During the month of November we will be giving the Explore Assessment to all 8th graders, on November
12th and the Plan Assessment to all 10th graders, on November 18th. These tests will help students determine if
they are on track for graduation, college readiness and also suggest career areas that they are currently showing an
interest in. We hope to have these scores back and available for advisors to share with parents at our February
conferences. These results will be used to help in scheduling classes for next year.
We have always had student led conferences mandatory for all MS students. Students have an opportunity
to share their successes and the areas they are struggling in. This is also a good time for students to share their goals
and map out a plan to achieve them. Research shows that if goals are shared it greatly enhances the effort put into
accomplishing them. Starting in February, conferences will now be mandatory for all HS students as well. We will
be focusing on students’ academic goals and providing information to help them achieve their goals. During this
time we will also be providing course scheduling advice and career/college readiness information. HS advisors will
be in contact with parents to set up these meetings.
Go Bulldogs, Lorie Floura
Mon. Dec. 8, 2014 – 7-12 Band Concert, 7:30 p.m., Auditorium
Tues. Dec. 9, 2014 - 6-8 Choir Concert, 7:30 p.m., Auditorium
Thurs. Dec. 11, 2014 – 3rd Grade Program, 2:00 p.m., Auditorium
Mon. Dec. 15, 2014 - 9-12 Choir Concert, 7:30 p.m., Auditorium
Fri. Jan. 23, 2015 – One-Act Play performance, 7:00 p.m, Auditorium
Sat. Jan. 24, 2015 – One-Act Play competition, Auditorium
Community Ed. Mini-Theatre Fri. Feb. 6, 2015 – 7:00 p.m., Auditorium
Sat. Feb. 7, 2015 – 10:00 a.m., Auditorium
Fri. Feb. 13, 2015 - Sweetfest Coronation, Auditorium, 2:00 p.m.
Thurs. Feb. 19, 2015 - 1st Grade Program, Auditorium, 2:00 p.m.
Thurs. Feb. 19, 2015 - 7th & 8th Grade Choir Revue, Auditorium, 7:30 p.m.
Fri. Feb. 20, 2015 – 1st Grade Program at the E.S.
Thurs. March 12, 2015 – 6-12 Band Concert, 7:30 p.m., Auditorium
Mon. March 16, 2015 - 9-12 Choir Concert , 7:30 p.m., Auditorium
Thurs. March 19, 2015 – Lollipops Concert, 7:00 p.m., Auditorium
Prelude Singers and 6th Grade Choir, H.S. Pops Choir
Senior Citizens
If you are
age 65 or
older and
live in the
District you may obtain a free “Gold
Pass.” This pass grants free admission to
all music concerts/plays and home athletic events (excluding fundraisers, and
district or conference tournaments). You
may pick up your “Gold Pass” at the
District office, High School office, or
Community Education office.
Call 243-7570 for more information about
Silver Sneakers & Silver & Fit
Two Great Events combined into 1 day!
- Ice Fishing Marathon
- Broomball Tournament
- Board Games
- Polar Plunge
- Dodgeball Tournament
- Concessions
FEBRUARY 28th,2015 @ Koronis Ministries
More information to come, check with local churches for details!
Senior Spotlight
This month the featured senior is someone relatively new to town. Patsy Koski
became a home owner in Paynesville in July of 2013. Since that time she has been busy
getting involved in the community that she now calls home. Patsy is what I would call a
“people’s person”. Her personality truly shines when she is with others, and especially
when she is lending a helping hand.
Patsy was born in San Antonio, Texas almost 80 years ago. She was an only
child. She attended Abilene Christian University and majored in accounting and
business. (which she pointed out she has never used)
Her first husband was in the military and they spent five years in England, five years in Newfoundland, and
she spent several years in Texas while her husband was stationed in other countries. Eventually the journey
took them to the Duluth/Esko area which became home from 1973 to 2013.
Patsy and her second husband made their home on the farm that had been in his family since 1879. In
1997 they planted over 21,000 evergreen trees which were to be harvested as Christmas trees. Her husband,
Don, was diagnosed with cancer before the trees were ready to harvest so the land is stilled filled with many
trees. They made trails through the trees which now are used for horseback riding and snowshoeing. Patsy truly
loved this area and the friends she had made, but knew she needed to move from the country. The farm was on
the market for some time with no buyers until one day in 2013 a gentleman knocked on her door and said he
would like to buy it but she would need to move within a month. With the assistance of her children which by
now totaled 11 from her two marriages along with 8 foster children she helped raise along the way, 12
grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren she decided she could move that quickly. She soon discovered
finding a suitable house in the Esko area was not an easy task. After looking she finally found the home that fit
her needs, or more exactly had room for the beautiful entertainment center and bedroom suite her husband had
made for her, in Paynesville. This brought her closer to 4 of her
daughters who live in this community, but far from her many
friends and volunteer activities.
Patsy is a licensed massage therapist specializing in
craniology and reflexology. She currently volunteers to give
hand, feet and shoulder massages at Koronis Manor on
Saturdays. She also brings her therapy dog, a Pomeranian named
Ollie, to the Manor to visit with residents once a week. She can
also be found calling bingo at Queen Bee’s, helping with any
Lion’s service events, volunteering at the Area Center since she
joined the board in July or working on one of her many craft
Patsy is a lady of many talents. She ran a group home for
the mentally challenged for 18 years while living in the Esko
area. She led a grief support. She has taken medical missionary
Patsy in front of the entertainment center her
trips to Africa and Haiti through her former church, St.
husband made for her.
Matthew’s in Esko in 2007 and 2008. She does embroidery,
hooks amazingly beautiful rugs and makes lap robes for the
nursing home that anyone would love to receive.
Patsy spend parts of 2009-2012 traveling around the United States with friends. Those years they put
on 5000 to 7000 miles with no specific destination in mind. They would just stop when they saw something
interesting and stay with family and friends along the way. She still manages to visit friends and family from
the Esko area, but not as often as she would like.
Even with all the volunteering and hobbies, Patsy says she needs more to do. She has truly tried to
embrace her new community by giving of her time and talents. It is now time for Paynesville residents to welcome her by offering their friendship. For those of you who have moved to this community, you know how
important having a good friend to do things with can be. I often hear how
Teal Receipts
challenging it is to make friends in this community. People
Please continue to drop off your
have acquaintances but not friends. Let’s try to change that for
Teal’s receipts for the center
not only Patsy but all Paynesville residents.
Greetings from the Paynesville Area Center Director,
Soon the Christmas trees will be up and decorated and we will all be longing to spend time with friends
and family and for many of us remembering those that will not be celebrating Christmas with us this
Let the Area Center help fill the void this year. Join us for our Christmas Social on Monday, December
15th at 2 pm. Enjoy some Christmas cheer and also hopefully make a friend along the way. The Centrist
Choir will be sharing a few melodies as well.
The ACT on Alzheimer’s Committee will soon be making plans to help make Paynesville an Alzheimer’s
friendly community. This will be a “Community” project so if you have not had an opportunity to share
what you think will help make this happen, please share your ideas with me or one of the other committee
AARP will be providing tax help again this spring. The dates they will be here have not been set yet, but
please know that the volunteers will be happy to help anyone on limited income or seniors citizens file
their taxes. Appointments will be accepted after February 1st.
Thanks to everyone who has visited the Center this past year. May the new year be filled
with many blessings!
Inez Jones, Area Center Director
2015 Green Roof Support
Name as you would like it to appear on the Green Roof Board.
(If no name listed it will remain anonymous.)
Address ___________________________________________________________
City _________________________________ State _________
Zip __________
Monday December 15
2 PM
The Centrist Choir will be singing a few songs
and Christmas goodies will be shared!
Phone _________________
Everyone welcome!
Donation Amount: $10.00 ____ $25.00 _____ $50.00_____ $100.____ Other ____
Checks can be made payable to Green Roof Support
Please include this form with your donation to the Paynesville Area Center
Area Center Board Members
Chairman: Linda Musel Vice-Chair: Lloyd Egger t
Secretary: Dianne Mason
Treasurer: Fr ank Ziegler /Roger Hess
Other Members:
George Davis, Jan Eggert, Pat Koske, Mary Kunstleben,
Paul Soine, Carol Wegner, Ardys Zimmerman
Ex-officio: Matt Dickhausen, Renee Ecker ly,
Lisa Paulson & Inez Jones
Old Time Dances
Monday January 19: Jerry Bierschbach
Monday February 16: Nite Owls
All dances are from 1:30-4:30
Cost is $5.00 per person
Sandra Butroff
Dick Butler
Amber Barrett
Linda Musel
Linda Bethke
Jeanne Rodel
Leland & Elaine Danielson
Marian Jones: Dor othy Ander son, Bud & Leola Wendr oth
Nancy Larsen: Evelyn Moor e, Car ol Wegner , Don & Helen Lehman, Gladys Tor benson
Theresa Lieser: Henr y & Mar y Mackadanz, Family & Fr iends of Ther esa
Jerome Orbeck: Bud & Leola Wendr oth, Car ol Wegner
Arnie Utsch: Dave & J an Br inkman
Don Wendroth: Buddy & Leola Wendr oth & Families, Har r y Schuelke
November 2014
Dr. R.J. Lindeman, M.D.
The subject of this writing is a “hot topic” in Paynesville at the present time.
Due to the foresight of Linda Musel and many others as well as the Area
Center, Paynesville has accepted the challenge to start a program entitled
“ACT on Alzheimer’s.” It has been initiated and successfully promoted in
numerous communities in Minnesota. We, in the Paynesville Area, are in the
first few months of laying the groundwork for the program to be active in
our area. With the help of certain Alzheimer agencies in the county and state
and a generous financial grant we are moving forward----starting, what we
anticipate and hope, will be a long beneficial journey.
88,000 Minnesotans age 65+ live with Alzheimer’s disease and the number is growing. To add to
the magnitude of this painful figure there are 245,000 caregivers caring for family members with
Alzheimer’s and other dementias. An Alzheimer Caregiver’s responsibility is different and more
difficult because it requires attention and/or help, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week for as long as
the patient is able to stay in a home setting.
Alzheimer’s is unique. How it affects a patient varies with each individual patient. The area of the
body that causes the difficulties is the brain. The part of the brain that is involved dictates what
the abnormal functions of the body will be. Alzheimer’s is actually a syndrome and a syndrome is
a group of different but related actions and reactions of the body. Since there are few effective
treatments and no known cure, the disease is always a progressive group of problems that create
difficulty in providing care.
The goal of the ACT organization is to make the community aware of the urgency and size of the
problem. Also to become informed about the disease and then assisting the caregiver by offering
to relieve the caregiver for several hours at a time. Caregiver “burnout” is a common reason for
the need to place the patient in a facility that is able to give 24 hour care.
In areas of the state where ACT has been functioning it has been an overwhelming success. Our
program in Paynesville is being well organized and there will be numerous opportunities to attend
meetings and training sessions where people can prepare themselves to be of great help to their
friends and neighbors in caring for a loved one in the home. The amount of money saved by being
able to care for Alzheimer patients in their home setting is unimaginable. And I can think of no better way to show your love for your friend or neighbor than to volunteer some time to him or her,
the caregiver, at your discretion. Show your gratitude, for all of your blessings, to another person
by following the great commandment—LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF.
Dr. Ray Lindeman
What’s Happening at the R.O.S.E. Center
The Caregiver Support Group meets on the second Tuesday of the Month at 1:30 PM at the Area Center.
December meets on the 9th, January is on the 13th and February is on the 10th. Caregivers have the opportunity to
get together to share any concerns they may have. We have many resources available that can be helpful. All
caregivers are welcome.
The Wellness Seminar is on the last Tuesday of the month at 9:30 AM at the Area Center. Dr. Lindeman
presents all of the topics. December’s seminar is on the 30th and the topic is “Muscular Dystrophy”. January’s is
on the 27th with the topic of “Health Care in the US”. February’s will be on the 24th and the topic is “Caregiving
“. Come and join us for an informative hour.
The 4 O’clock Supper Club will get together on Monday, January 26th, from 4 to 5:30 PM at the Area
Center. It’s a free will donation supper and is for anyone, 60 and over. Supper is served
at 4:30 PM. John and Mary Horn will be bringing chicken, mashed potatoes & gravy,
dressing, vegetable, coleslaw and a dinner roll. Call the ROSE Center at 243-5144 by
January 19th to reserve your place or you can sign up at the Area Center. Take this opportunity for a night out for supper and a little social time. We encourage you to attend
whether you are new to the community or lived here your entire life.
The Potato Pancake Supper will be on Friday, February 6th,
serving from 4:30 to 6 PM, at the Area Center. It’s $7.00 for adults, $5.00 for ages 5 – 12,
and free for 4 and under. Come and join us for a pre-Lenten supper and enjoy
some good old fashioned potato pancakes along with sausage and applesauce
and dessert. If potato pancakes do not suit you, regular pancakes will also be
Bonnie Schwartz, Service Coordinator
4:30 TO 6:PM
MENU: Potato Pancakes, Sausage, Regular Pancakes,
Applesauce, Dessert & Coffee
COST: $7 at the door
Children: 5-12: $5; Four & Under: Free
Chairman: Linda Stelling
Treasurer: Debbie
Vice Chair: Car olyn Swyter
Secretary: Kim Kr uger
Members: Donna Ahr ens Amy Gilmor e
Pat Hesse
Lynn Lange
Lillian Jacobson
Carol Smith
April Statler
Ex-Officio: Inez J ones Roxy Knisley Bonnie
The 4 O'clock Supper Club
Monday January 26
Beginning at 4 pm
All those 60 and better are invited to join us for
this free will donation supper
Supper will be served at 4:30
Food provide by Mary’s Country Catering
Menu Includes: Chicken Dinner with all the trimmings
RSVP to 243-5144 if attending by Wednesday January 21
The ROSE Center has medical equipment such as
walkers, wheelchairs, commodes, and shower chairs
that are available for use free of charge. If you need
something for a day or a year, stop out and see if we
have what you need before you purchase an item or pay to lease them.
CALL: 243-5144
Led by Dr. Ray Lindeman
 Muscular Dystrophy
Tuesday December 30
 Health Care in the US
Tuesday January 27
 Caregiving
Tuesday February 24
All Seminars begin at 9:30 AM
Public Welcome!
2015 R.O.S.E. Center Cost Share
Even though our volunteers donate their time generously,
we still have fixed costs to continue our program like
personnel, office rent, supplies and mileage for our
out of town rides.
Please give to help those who cannot!
Cost share guidelines are available at the office.
Memorials to the ROSE Center
Myrtle Ahrens: Donna Schmiginsky, Dor is Hess, Aur elia Fuchs, Rosella Williams, J er r y & Dee Linn, Donna Ahr ens,
Family & Friends of Myrtle
Bob Aleckson: Mar y Ellen Mor r is
Janet Hanson: Richar d & Lor aine Raveling, Wes & Lois Nehr ing, Luver ne Blair
Marian Jones: Rober t & J eanette Lieser , Donna Schmiginsky, Donna Ahr ens, J ohn & Donna Liebl
Mel Klein: J ohn & Donna Liebl
Nancy Larsen: Dar lene Olson, David & Kathleen Chesness, Richar d & Paula Gunder son,
Kathryn Chesness, Weston & Lois Nehring, Jeanette Bast, Ruth Everson,
Theresa Lieser: Henr y & Mar y Mackadanz, Rober t & J eanette Lieser , Ken & Katie Albr echt, J oe & Ole Kr emer , Aurelia Fuchs
Jerome Orbeck: J eanne Rodel
Alvina Scheierl: Pear l Heitke
Tom Schultz: Willar d & Faye Schultz
Arnie Utsch: Henr y & Mar y Mackadanz
Don Wartenburg: Mar vis, Nadeen & Violet Manz
Don Wendroth: Pear l Heitke, Chuck & Kathy Chesness, Dar lene Olson, Dwaine & Elaine Rober g
Tony Werlinger: Mar y Ellen Mor r is, J ohn & Donna Liebl
Mildred Adolph
Gene & Mary Johnson
Theresa Lieser
Ruth Schmitt
Clifford Boie
Sue Johnson
Art & Pat Liestman
Arlene Stange
Julanyne Lounsbury
Gladys Torbenson
Marlene & Leon Croissant Dave & Jean Kent
Walter Dilley
Donna Knebel
Laila Mohagen
Ryland Walsh
Athleen Dingman
Tom & Peggy Lammers
Juanita Moser
Rosella Williams
Ruth Everson
Don & Helen Lehman
Rose Phelps
Paynesville Lions
Ralph & Rosie Fuchs
Lucy Ley
RoseMary Jedlicka
Imelda Lieser
John & Betty Jane
CentraCare Health
Joanne Ryks
The ROSE Center is excited to welcome
Kayla Kildahl to the community. Kayla will
be working with the ROSE Center and Rural
Stearns Faith in Action seniors to help them
stay safely in their homes as long as possible.
Along with this she will be working with
caregivers to ensure their continued success
in their roles. Kayla grew up around the Cold Spring area and
has been in the cities for the last six years. She is excited to be
back in rural MN with her family.
Kayla is excited to be working with seniors and the positive
effect she can have on someone’s life. She is amazed how
sometimes the simplest changes can make a big difference in
someone’s life.
Kayla is able to be here as part of a CSSD Grant from the State
of MN. There are other exciting features of this two-year grant
that will be implemented in the upcoming months! You should be
hearing about these opportunities in the near future.
Caregiver Support Group
Meets the 2nd Tuesday of Each Month at 1:30 PM
At the Paynesville Area Center
If you are caring for a loved one this support group
could benefit you!
ROSE Center volunteers will deliver a free Christmas meal to any individual or couple over 60 who
does not have family to celebrate with on
Christmas Day.
These meals will be courtesy of
Ron & Judy’s restaurant.
Give Bonnie a call if you would like a meal
or if you are interested in delivering meals.
December 2014
8 am Bridge
9,1&4 Aqua Fitness
9 Foot Care Clinic
9 Eye Glass R.C.
1 pm Card-a-rama
5 pm TOPS
9,1&4 Aqua Fitness
1 pm Chit Chat Group
7:30 AA
9 am Quilting
Noon Birthday Dinners
11 Private
8 am Bridge
9,1&4 Aqua Fitness
1 pm GR Cards
9 Eye Glass R.C.
1:30 Support
9 am Aerobics
1 pm GR Cards
5 pm TOPS
9,1&4 Aqua Fitness
1 Chit Chat Group
7:30 AA
9 am Quilting
7:30 pm AA
8 am Bridge
9,1&4 Aqua Fitness
2 pm Christmas
Social-Centrist Choir
9 am Eye Glass
9 am Aerobics
10:30 am Area Center
Board Meeting
1 pm GR Cards
5 pm TOPS
9,1&4 Aqua Fitness
1 pm Chit Chat Group
7 pm Garden Club
9 am Quilting
11 am Private
8 am Bridge
9,1&4 Aqua Fitness
9 am Eye Glass
9 am Aerobics Closed
Closing at 1 pm 3 pm Private
11 am Private
8 am Bridge
9,1&4 Aqua Fitness
9 am Eye Glass R.C.
9:30 am Wellness
10 Private
1 pm GR Cards
7:30 AA
7:30 pm AA
7:30 pm AA
9 am Quilting
7:30 pm AA
Noon Private
11 am Private
6:30 pm
Private Rental
Noon Private
11 am Private
9 am Quilting
Noon Birthday
7:30 pm AA
8 am Bridge
9 Eye Glass R.C.
9,1&4 Aqua Fitness 9 Foot Care Clinic
1 pm Card-a-rama
5 pm TOPS
9,1&4 Aqua Fitness 9 am Quilting
1 Chit Chat Group
7:30 pm AA
7:30 AA
Noon Private
8 am Bridge
9am Eye Glass R.C.
9,1&4 Aqua Fitness 1:30 Support Group
1 pm Gr Roof Cards
9 am Aerobics
1 pm GR cards
5 pm TOPS
9,1&4 Aqua Fitness
9 am Quilting
7:30 pm AA
10 am Game
1 Chit Chat Group
7pm Garden Club
7:30 AA
9,1&4 Aqua Fitness 9 Eye Glass R.C.
1:30 pm Old Time
7 pm ROSE Board
9 am Aerobics
10:30 Area Center
Board Meeting
1 pm GR Cards
5 pm TOPS
9,1&4 Aqua Fitness 9 am Quilting
1 Chit Chat Group
7:30 pm AA
27 9am Eye Gl R.C.
9,1&4 Aqua Fitness 9:30 am Wellness
4 O’clock supper
9 am Aerobics
5 pm TOPS
7:30 AA
9,1&4 Aqua Fitness 9 am Quilting
1 Chit Chat Group
7:30 pm AA
7:30 AA
10 am Game
February 2015
8 am Bridge
9,1&4 Aqua Fitness
1 pm Card-a-rama
9 am Foot care
5 pm TOPS
9am Eye Glass
1:30pm 55 Alive
9,1&4 Aqua Fitness
9 am Quilting
12 pm Birthday
4:30-6 pm Potato
Pancake Supper
7:30 pm AA
8 am Bridge
9,1&4 Aqua Fitness
1 pm Green Roof
9am Eye Glass
1:30 Caregiver
Support Group
9 am Aerobics
1 pm Green Roof
5 pm TOPS
9,1&4 Aqua Fitness
1 pm Chit Chat
7 pm Private Rental
7:30 AA
9 am Quilting
7:30 pm AA
10 am Game
8 am Bridge
9 am Eye Glass
9 am Aerobics
10:30 AC Board
1 pm GR Cards
5 pm TOPS
9,1&4 Aqua Fitness
1 pm Chit Chat
7 pm Garden Club
7:30 AA
9 am Quilting
7:30 pm AA
8 am Bridge
9,1&4 Aqua Fitness
1 pm GR Cards
9 am Eye Glass
9 am Aerobics
5 pm TOPS
9,1&4 Aqua Fitness
9 am Quilting
7:30 pm AA
9,1&4 Aqua
1:30 Old Time
9:30 Wellness
1 pm Chit Chat Group
7:30 AA
1 pm Chit Chat Group
7:30 AA
10 am Game
VOLUNTEERS do not necessarily have the time, they just have the heart! We want to thank everyone of you who volunteer whether it be
in the dining room, driving Meals On Wheels, washing dishes, whatever it may be “thank you”. We would not be able to continue these
programs without you. You make a difference in many lives each day and I hope you realize that too and it makes your day more complete
We do celebrate birthdays on the first Friday of each month. So if it is your birthday in that month please come and join us in the celebration
and the companionship and visiting.
We also have pie day, where you will receive a piece of pie with your meal and that is every first Wednesday. Come out and see what the
pie is for the month and join us.
You are welcome to join us Monday thru Friday for a healthy nutritious meal and some good socializing. We have a great group of diners
here that would love to visit with you. We publish the menu in the papers & have them here on site. We aim for a noon eating time.
Meals on Wheels is available also if you are unable to make it to the Center for dinner. Hot meals will be delivered to your door Monday
thru Friday. Meals are partially funded under contract with the Central MN Council On Aging as part of the Older American’s Act and administered by Catholic Charities of St. Cloud. The suggested contribution for person’s 60+ is $4.00 to $7.50. No person 60+ is denied a
meal based on their ability to pay.
SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) is there for anyone who is 60+. This program can help you buy
healthy food and help you to eat well balanced meals and stay healthy. Please contact me with any questions.
The other day I was thinking about how lucky our community is to have the Center here. There is always something going
on whether it be a clinic, card playing, meetings, crafts or a private rental, this place is a busy place. We are lucky to have
the services available that are within the building and the great family of friends that gather here each day.
Thank you for supporting Senior Dining. Lisa Paulson, Senior Dining Coordinator; Catholic Charities Senior Dining 320.243.4575
Listening and caring for seniors and families in Belgrade, Cold Spring,
Eden Valley, Paynesville and Richmond.
Hospital Clinic Senior Services
Paynesville Area Public School District #741
Paynesville Area Community Ed
Paynesville Fitness Center
Name _______________________________________________________
Home Phone_________________________
Dad’s Name_________________________
Dad Work Phone_____________________
Dad’s Cell Phone_____________________
Name of Township__________________________________
Mom’s Name________________________
Date of Birth _____________________
Age:________ Grade:______ Mom’s Work Phone___________________
E-Mail Address____________________________________
Mom’s Cell Phone____________________
Total Amount Enclosed:
____Check#_____ Credit Card _______
Visa/Master/Discover Credit Card # _______-_______-________-_______ Exp___ - ___
VCC #____
(Please Circle Type of Card)
Month Year (3 Digit Number on the back of the card)
Name as it appears on the credit card _________________________________________________________________
Make checks payable to: Paynesville Area Community Education.
Return to: Paynesville Area Community Ed., 801 W. Hwy. 23, Paynesville, MN 56362
Class Code
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