Australasian Systematic Botany Society conference 24‐28 November 2014 Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
Australasian Systematic Botany Society conference 24‐28 November 2014 Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
Australasian Systematic Botany Society conference 24‐28 November 2014 Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand Monday, November 24 10:00‐5:00 pm ASBS Council meeting Wharerata Homestead – Rata room, Massey campus (F7 on campus map) 5:00 pm ASBS Welcome Barbecue Wharerata Homestead – Russell room, Massey campus (F7 on campus map) Post‐grad/Post‐doc pub crawl (led by Jessie Prebble and Todd McLay) 8:30 am ‐ 5:10 pm 12:30 pm 5:20 pm Tuesday, November 25 Oral presentations – AgHort Lecture block (F10 on campus map) Plenary speaker: Dr. Heidi Meudt (Te Papa) “Next‐generation, integrative, collaborative systematics” Sessions: Paleobotany, Hybridization and Polyploidy, and Taxonomy Getting published! Workshop for early career scientists on publishing successfully Led by Daniel Murphy (Editor‐in‐Chief of Australian Systematic Botany) The White Paper on Systematics Breakout discussion session with drinks and nibbles Led by Katharina Schulte and Bill Barker AH4 Wednesday, November 26 8:45 am ‐ 4:10 pm Oral presentations– AgHort Lecture block Plenary speaker: Dr. Peter Weston (Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney, Nancy Burbidge Medal recipient), “Problems and progress in plant systematics since Nancy Burbidge” Sessions: Species limits, Biogeography and Phylogeny 12:30 pm Poster session during lunch break 4:15 pm ASBS Annual General Meeting (AH2) 6:30 pm Conference dinner at Halikarnas Turkish restaurant 15 Fitzherbert Ave, near the Square Thursday, November 27 8:45 am – 3:00 pm Oral presentations– AgHort Lecture block Plenary speaker: Dr. Phil Novis (Landcare Research), “Next‐generation systematics and the algae: the importance of character evolution” Sessions: Biogeography and Phylogeny, NZ Flora, E‐Floras 3:30 pm Student award presentations and welcome to ASBS 2015 (Canberra) 4:30 pm Close Friday, November 28 Field trip to the Volcanic Plateau 8:00 am Depart Massey campus (Colombo Road bus stop, E9 on campus map) 7:00 pm Return Massey campus (Colombo Road bus stop) MASSEY UNIVERSITY PALMERSTON NORTH - MAP DIRECTORY TURITEA F10 F10 F10 E9 D7 F8 E6 D8 E8 D10 G10 D12 E6 E9 E8 F7 F11 E8 D10 E11 E6 E8 F11 C9 E7 C11 D10 D7 D7 E8 E8 E6 F9 F9 F6 FIO D7 E8 E8 G9 E9 D12 E7 E8 F6 E6 G10 D7 D8 D8 F11 F11 F11 F8 F8 F8 G10 G10 E8 E8 E10 AgHort Lecture Block AgHort Science Building - AH Agricultural Engineering Aston Lecture Theatres 1 & 2 - Sci T B Auditorium - Old Main Building Bernard Chambers A, B, C Bennetts Bookshop - Commercial Com. Business Studies West/Central - BSW/C Careers Info Service - Registry Chaplaincy Child Care Centre Club House Commercial Complex Computing Services Concourse Conference Centre Office - Wharerata Design Studio - Printery Disability Building - X Disability Office - House 40 Ecology Building English Language Centre - ISC Enrolment Office - Registry Extramural - NSATS Extramural Students' Society Geography Building - GLB Grounds Halls of Residence Admin Office Human Resource Annex Human Resource Section Information Centre - Registry Information Desk - Registry International Students' Office - ISC Ira Cunningham Lecture Theatre Islamic Prayer Centre Japan Lecture Theatre Landcare Research Liaison Office - Old Main Building Library Mail Room - Registry Maori Community Liaison Office Marsden Lecture Theatre - Sci T B Massey Kids Club Natural Heritage Foundation, NZ New Tech Developments - Registry NZ Centre for Japanese Studies NZ Post - Commercial Complex Old Boiler House Old Main Building - MB Pink Hostel - PH Refectory - REF Photographic Centre - Printery Practical Teaching Complex Printery Property Management Section Psychology Building Psychology Clinic - Bernard Ch B Psychology Cottage Annex Radio Control - 99.4FM Registry Research Services - Registry Riddet Complex - RD E9 F8 D12 E8 F7 D12 E8 D10 D7 C11 D8 D8 E7 F8 F9 D12 F7 E11 E10 Science Towers A, B, C, D Security, Constable - Bernard C Social Hall Social Science Lecture Block SSLB Social Science Tower - SST Sport and Recreation Centre Student Centre – MUSA Cafeteria Student Counselling Student Finances Student Health Student Learning Centre Tiritea TDU - Training and Development Traffic - Bernard Ch C Veterinary Clinic White House Wharerata - Staff Club Wool Building - WB Works and Services College of Business D8 Pro Vice-Chancellor's Office - BSW D8 Accountancy and Business Law - PH F7 Applied and Int. Economics - SST D9 Centre for Dispute Resolution C8 Finance, Banking & Property Studies - REF D8 Human Resource Management - BSW F2 Information Systems - SST City Institute of Executive Development D8 Management Systems - BSC D8 Marketing - BSW Outer School of Aviation College of Humanities and Social Science F7 Pro Vice-Chancellor's Office - SST Ext F7 School of Global Studies - SST D7 School of English and Media Studies - MB F7 School of Health Science - SST D7 School of History, Philosophy and Politics - MB D7 School of Language Studies - MB G9 School of Maori Studies (Te Putahiatoi) F8 School of Psychology - PLB F8 School of Resource and Env. Planning - Bernard Chambers A F7 School of Social Policy and Social Work - SST F7 School of Sociology and Women's Studies - SST College of Science F10 Pro Vice-Chancellor's Office E9 Institute of Molecular Biosciences F9 Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences E9 Institute of Fundamental Sciences E10 Institute of Information Science and Technology E10 Institute of Industrial Innovation F10 Institute of Natural Resources F10 Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health Plenary Plenary 10:55 Todd McLay: How much data is needed? The use of next‐generation sequencing to resolve evolutionary questions in Xanthorrhoea Species limits 10:25 morning tea 10:55 Daphne Lee: New records of leaves, flowers, fruits and pollen from the Miocene of southern New Zealand: Araliaceae, Meliaceae, Monimiaceae 8:45 Plenary: Phil Novis "Next generation systematics” and algae: the importance of character evolution 9:45 Tanja Schuster: A Molecular Phylogeny of Polygonoideae (Polygonaceae) 10:05 Trevor Wilson: Australian mints (Lamiaceae: subtribe Westringieae): generic limits and insights on evolution of floral morphology and pollination 10:25 morning tea 10:55 Katharina Schulte: Diversification and macroevolution of hyperdiverse Australasian terrestrial orchids: case studies in Diurideae 11:15 Yu Ito: Redefined ….again! A new delimitation of the genus Althenia (Potamogetonaceae) 11:35 John Conran: Pollination and Dispersal Syndromes in Miocene Floras from New Zealand 11:35 Allison Hewitt: Cross‐species amplification of microsatellite markers to assess population genetic structure in a rare Myrtaceous shrub. 11:35 Peter Lockhart: What's all the fuss about Amborella ? 11:50 Lunch 12:30 Workshop: Getting published! 11:50 Lunch ‐ posters 11:50 Lunch 1:20 Phil Garnock‐Jones: New Zealand flowers: what do the birds and the bees see? 1:40 Alexander Schmidt‐Lebuhn: Species delimitation and relationships in Australian Billy Buttons (Craspedia ) 1:40 Aaron Wilton: The Australasian Virtual Herbarium 2:00 Matthias Becker: Drought escape strategy may terribly fail in times of climate change 2:00 Lalita Simpson: What is at risk? Climate impacts on Australia's Wet Tropics mountain top plant diversity 2:00 Ilse Breitwieser: eBiota of New Zealand: development of the next‐generation New Zealand Flora, Mycota and Fauna 2:20 Benjamin Anderson: A next‐generation sequencing approach to assess diversification and hybridization in the Triodia basedowii E.Pritz. (Poaceae) species group 2:20 Charles Foster: Estimating the evolutionary timescale of flowering plants using complete chloroplast genome sequences 2:20 Leon Perrie: Citizen science –is it useful for professional botanists? 2:40 Robyn Barker: Tales from the Type Bay 2:40 Hernan Retamales: Character evolution in Myrceugenia (Myrtaceae): preliminary results using anatomical characters 3:00 afternoon tea E‐Floras 1:40 Jennifer Tate: Exploring the floral transcriptome of reciprocally formed Tragopogon miscellus (Asteraceae) allopolyploids 1:20 Rob Smissen: Baker's rule – best taken with a pinch of salt? NZ Flora 11:15 Miguel de Salas: How many taxa are there in the Ozothamnus ledifolius complex in Tasmania? 1:20 Helal Ansari: Molecular cytogenetic characterization of ribbonwood and lacebark in New Zealand Hybridization and Polyploidy 10:05 Jessie Prebble: The population genetics of rarity in New Zealand plants: a case study delimiting species in recent radiations using Myosotis (Boraginaceae) 10:25 morning tea 11:15 Elizabeth Kennedy: Late Cretaceous and Paleocene floral structures from Northwest Nelson, New Zealand 2:40 Frank Zich: Australian Savanna Plant Identification System: integrating existing bioinformatics tools to build an interactive identification and information system for all Australian savanna plants 3:00 afternoon tea 3:00 afternoon tea 3:30 Nanette Thomas: Molecular dating of Winteraceae reveals a complex biogeographical history involving both ancient Gondwanan vicariance and long‐ distance dispersal 3:30 Student awards, ASBS 2015 3:50 Patrick Brownsey: Re‐examining H.H. Allan's typifications in the Flora of New Zealand 3:50 Joanne Birch: Classical morphology, Sanger and Next‐Generation Sequencing to resolve relationships within a recent radiation: a case study focusing on Australian Poa (Poaceae) 4:30 close 4:10 Jeremy Rolfe: Biosystematics and Conservation – the conflict of either managing hypotheticals or facts 4:10 Finish 4:30 Bill Barker: The white paper on plant, fungal and algal systematics in Australasia: progress report, forum and call to arms 4:15 ASBS Annual General Meeting 4:50 Discussion 6:30 Conference dinner: Halikarnas 3:30 Jim Croft: Name‐calling: nomenclators, taxonomies and plant lists in a national flora Taxonomy 9:45 George Plunkett: Sticky Sword‐Sedge Systematics (Lepidosperma viscidum : Cyperaceae) Species limits Paleobotany 10:05 Tammo Reichgelt: Extinction of Miocene broad‐ leaved Nothofagaceae in New Zealand 8:45 Plenary: Peter Weston Problems and progress in plant systematics since Nancy Burbidge Thursday, 27 November Biogeography and phylogeny 9:45 Myall Tarran: Fossil Kania (Myrtaceae) leaves and fruits from Cenozoic SE Australia: Evidence for a Papuan vegetation connection and evidence from cuticular morphology for past rainfall regimes. Wednesday. 26 November Species limits Tuesday, 25 November 8:30 Open conference PVC Robert Anderson, Massey University 8:35 Welcome: Jennifer Tate, Chair of Organizing Committee 8:45 Plenary: Heidi Meudt Next‐generation, integrative, collaborative systematics Biogeography and Phylogeny Plenary ASBS 2014 Program of Presentations 5:10 Finish 5:15 Breakout session: The White Paper