Document 6608287


Document 6608287
Morning Worship
November 23, 2014 10:15 a.m.
Song of Ascents
O Worship the King - Psalm 104 (Hymn 2: 1-2, 4, 6)
Welcome and Announcements
Call to Worship and Confession of Faith
Psalm 111: 1-­‐10
Pastor: Praise the Lord! I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart, in the company of the upright, in the congregation. People: Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who delight in them. Pastor: Full of splendor and majesty is his work, and his righteousness endures forever. People: He has caused his wondrous works to be remembered;
the Lord is gracious and merciful. Pastor: He provides food for those who fear him; he remembers his covenant forever. People: He has shown his people the power of his works, in giving them the inheritance of the nations. Pastor: The works of his hands are faithful and just; People: all his precepts are trustworthy; they are established forever and ever, to be performed with faithfulness and uprightness.
Pastor: He sent redemption to his people; he has commanded his covenant forever. People: Holy and awesome is his name! The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;
all those who practice it have a good understanding.
Shorter Catechism Reading:
Q. 103
Question: What do we pray for in the third petition?
Corporate Confession
Oh Lord,
Bend my hands and cut them off, for I have often struck you with a wayward will, when these fingers should embrace you by faith.
I am not yet weaned from all created glory, honor, wisdom, and esteem of others, for I have a secret motive to eye my name in all I do.
Let me not only speak the word sin, but see the thing itself.
Give me to know that though my sins are crucified they are never wholly mortified.
Hatred, malice, ill-­‐will, vain-­‐glory that hungers for and hunts after man’s approval and applause, all are crucified, forgiven, but they rise again in my sinful heart.
Yet you have not left me here without grace; the cross still stands and meets my needs in the deepest straits of my soul.
The memory of my great sins, my many temptations, my falls, bring afresh into my mind the remembrance of your great help from heaven, of the great grace that saved such a wretch as I am.
There is no treasure so wonderful as that continuous experience of your grace toward me which alone can subdue the risings of sin within:
Give me more of it.
Answer: In the third petition, (which is, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven,) we pray, That God, by his grace, would make us able and willing to know, obey, and submit to his will in all things, as the angels do in heaven. Kingdom Prayer
Pastoral Prayer
Gospel Lesson:
James 3:13-18
“Two Forms of Wisdom”
Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord (Hymn 606)
He is Lord, He is Lord!
He is risen from the dead and He is Lord!
Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord.
Please Stand if Able
Personal Confession
All: His praise endures forever!
And Can It Be That I Should Gain (Hymn 455)
Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise (Hymn 38)
Wonderful, Merciful Savior
Matthew 7:12-20
Biao Xu
Sermon Text:
(from The Valley of Vision; The Banner of Truth, Arthur Bennet, ed.)
Chuck and Wyema Philips
O Zion, Haste, your Mission High Fulfilling (Hymn 444)
Missionary Report: Chuck Philips
Every Sunday Schedule
8:15 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Musicians’ Preparation for Worship
Intercessory Prayer Meeting in the Cry Room
Sunday Morning Classes
Morning Worship
Evening Worship
Christ Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)
Dennis Eide, Pastor Phone (251) 533-8417
2131 Cody Road S.- Mobile, AL 36695
Web Page:
Phone (251) 633-2002
Helpless sinners cling...
To Christ.
The Session
6:00 p.m. Missionary Report from Chuck Philips
11:00 a.m. Bible Study at Brookside Retirement Community
2251 Pesnell Ct, 36695
6:30 p.m. Session meeting with session of Heritage OPC
to continue discussion of
1. The past
2. Perceived benefits of a merger
3. Constructive criticism of the denominations
8:00 a.m. Men of the church discuss The Westminster Larger Catechism in the Fellowship Hall
10:00 a.m. Wreath-­‐making with the Alabama Baptist Children’s Home – 6512 Grelot Rd
1:00 p.m. Baby Book Shower for Lori Sparkman in the Fellowship Hall
December 7
Board of Deacons
William Bell, Gary Horn
Assistant Pastors: : Josh Sparkman, Matt Eide
Janitor: Bill Kercher
Sunday School Teachers
me in the day of trouble;
I will deliver you,
call upon
and you shall glorify me.
Younger Elementary: Lori Sparkman
Older Elementary: Walter Klopner
Adult: Matt Eide
Inquirers Class: Dennis Eide
— Psalm 50.15
Music: Matt Eide, Warren Nicholson, Josh Sparkman, Walton Green
Prayer Chain Coordinator: Linda Gray
Mission Committee Chairman: Dennis Eide
Audio/Video Engineers: Daniel Griffin, Graham Kercher
Sick/Visitation: Joyce Roth, Linda Gray
Weddings and Funerals: Tori Buchanan
After Worship The session has called an informational congregational meeting; members and regular attenders are encouraged to attend
5 to 8 p.m. Pastor Dennis Eide
Ruling Elders: Dick Buchanan, Scott Owens
Annual Open House (hosted this year at the Buchanan’s – 624 Shenandoah Rd. W.
Sunday Roster
Officer of the Day: Scott Owens
Next Week: William Bell
Ushers: Daniel Griffin, Stephen Taylor, Mike Hunter
Next Week: Robert Britton, Josh Jones, Bob Sherling
Nursery Worker: William Bell, Russell Bell
Next Week: Scott Owens, Wade Walker
Chuck and Wyema ................................................................................................Europe
David and Jan .........................................................................................................MTW
Robert and Lisa Stewart .........................................................................................Japan
Pamyla Burrack ...................................................................................................Germany
Chris and Emily Teague ..........................................................................Czech Republic
Curt and Kelly Moore ...................................................................MNA Disaster Relief
Lanier and Leslie Wood ...........................................................................RUF @ USA
Scott and Katie Moore............................................................................Trinity Gardens
Jeff and Jane Pelz .......................................................................................New Zealand
Seth and Leslie ...............................................................................................Middle East
Prayer Requests
If you have a prayer request for our prayer chain,
please call or email Linda Gray (661-0162)
Christ Presbyterian Church
2131 Cody Road South
Mobile, Alabama
James 3:13-18
Two Forms of Wisdom
November 23, 2014
James 3:13-18
Two Forms of Wisdom
November 23, 2014
James 3:13-18
Two Forms of Wisdom
November 23, 2014
God’s wisdom and worldly wisdom are different in
1. Their source
God’s wisdom and worldly wisdom are different in
1. Their source
God’s wisdom and worldly wisdom are different in
1. Their source
2. The attitude they produce
2. The attitude they produce
2. The attitude they produce
3. The actions that flow from them
3. The actions that flow from them
3. The actions that flow from them