Saltford Church of England Primary School Tel/Fax: 01225 872185


Saltford Church of England Primary School Tel/Fax: 01225 872185
Saltford Church of England Primary School
Claverton Road, Saltford, Bristol, BS31 3DW
Tel/Fax: 01225 872185
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Saltford Primary School Newsletter
Issue no 11
Friday 21st November 2014
Message from the Headteacher
We end a lovely week at Saltford primary with a good deal to celebrate and fantastic work going on in
the classrooms.
We value the partnership between home and school and want you to feel as involved as possible in
your child’s education. Next week (Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th 9:05 – 9:35am) we will be
running our usual ‘Access Mornings’ for our children to show their work and classrooms to their
parents. We hope as many parents as possible can attend and celebrate the achievements your child
has made so far this term.
Thank you to the children for their work this week supporting the National Anti Bullying initiatives.
Please see below photographs of the children wearing their blue item to show their support for this
national event. On that note I attach a parental Anti-Bullying guide based on material we have
received from the council. This guide is suitable for supporting a child right through to the end of
secondary school and therefore has age appropriate materials within it.
A number of parents have been chatting to me about our Behaviour Policy and systems in the school
– especially understanding the way the cloud system works in Foundation/Key Stage One and loss of
Golden Time in Key Stage Two. With this in mind I attach a ‘Behaviour for Learning’ Guide which I
hope will explain in more detail the procedures we follow at Saltford. Our aim is to ensure consistent
high standards of behaviour. We are a happy caring school and that is because we have high
expectations of the children in this area. If you would like to talk to me about any aspect of this guide
do drop in and see me – we always welcome parental feedback on any aspect of school life.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Elliott
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Dates for your diary
Inset days:
Friday 22nd May 2015
Monday 20th July 2015
Access Mornings:
Tuesday 25th November & Wednesday 26th November – 9.05 am – 9.35 am
These are opportunities to spend time with your child looking through their work so far this
term. It is also an opportunity to reinforce any areas raised by the class teacher during
consultation evening – areas in which they are doing well and the next steps.
PTA Christmas Fair – Friday 5th December 3.15 pm – 5.30 pm
F/KS1 Christmas Performance – Wednesday 10th December
KS2 Christmas Performance – Wednesday 17th & Thursday 18th December
Lighting of the Christmas Tree at Saltford Hall – Thursday 11th December
The week in view:
General School News:
Communication – Very Important - Further to the attachment in last week’s newsletter on the
subject of communication from the school, please ensure that the your e-mail settings are amended to
accept e- mail from :
One suggestion to ensure that your e-mail provider does not see communication from the school as
“junk” or “trash” would be to add the above address to your contacts.
Plants for the Entrance Area – Thank you to one of our Foundation Governors,
Paul Nicholson, for a second donation of plants for the currently bare areas by the
school Reception. Paul asked the friends of the Peggy Dodd Centre to grow some
plants for him, and has donated some Fox Gloves and Wall Flowers. Thank you to
our caretaker, Andy Beckett, for planting them.
If anyone has any spare plants or shrubs that the school could use, we would be
very grateful. We have a number of planting areas around the school, where we are currently
cultivating weeds – it would be nice to replace these with something that the children can watch grow!
Dogs – If you walk you child to school and bring your dog along, please do not tie the dog too close to
the school premises. We have noticed that some dogs become quite agitated with the number of
children passing them whilst they are tied up.
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Christmas Fair – Friday 5 December, 3.15-5.30pm
As well as ensuring the date of the fair is in your diary, please make a note of the following dates:
 Friday 28 November – Mufti Day in exchange for a bottle or chocolates
 Tuesday 2 December – Bring your decorated jam jars to school
 Tuesday 2 December 7pm – Fair preparation in the hall, wrapping presents, filling sweet bags
and decorating the hall – please come along to help if you can!
 Friday 5 December – Day of the Fair! All cake donations to be left in the library in the morning
Help at the Fair
Thank you to those of you who have signed up to help so far. We still need lots more helpers on the
stalls. Please try to sign up for a slot, even if it is just half an hour, we know that everyone has their
own children they wish to take to the fair so if possible maybe take it in turns with friends to help on a
stall/go round with children, or even let them help you! You can put your name down by contacting Ali
Williams, Anita Bignell, Amanda Hawkins, Becca Knight or Liz Taylor at school, on putting you name
on lists on classroom windows, via the Facebook page or by emailing
You should have received a book of raffle tickets in your child’s reading folder this week. Please sell
as many as you can, extra books are available from the school office. All monies and stubs to be
returned to the office before the day of the fair. Fantastic prizes include: @Bristol Family Day Pass,
£15 Baskerville’s voucher, £50 Boden Voucher, £25 M&S Voucher donated by Davies and Way,
Westonbirt Family Ticket to Enchanted Christmas, Course of 10 swimming lessons at Bath Leisure
Centre, Two tickets to a Bristol Rugby game, Two tickets to a Bath Rugby game, iTunes Voucher –
donated by Eveleighs, Family day Pass to Avon Valley Country Park, Lunch with drinks for 4 people at
Verona Café, Hot stone massage at Tranquillity salon, Full set of Gel Polish (hands and feet) donated
by Polish Indulge Pamper, Stamptastic voucher for a personalised stamp set worth £26, Yeo Valley
Cool Bag, Wookey Hole family day pass, Gym pass and free crèche facility (one week) – the Fitness
Regiment Brislington, Voucher for the Crown Pub, Hair Cut Voucher, One month free membership to
Keynsham Leisure Centre, One month free membership to Bath Leisure Centre, Voucher for the
Wheatsheaf, Voucher for the Bird in Hand, Free home photo shoot with free print, 2 bottles of
champagne – donated by Fine and Country and more......
Decorate a Jam Jar
Don’t forget to collect an empty jam jar, sterilise,
decorate it and fill with wrapped sweets. There will
be a small prize for the best decorated Reception,
KS1 and KS2 jar. These will then be used for a
tombola at the fair. Please put a label on the
bottom of the jar with your child’s name and class
and bring them to the school library on the morning
of Tuesday 6 December. Please remember NO
NUT products in the jars please.
Wine Bottles
We now have enough wine bottles, thank you to everyone who bought them in.
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EYFS/KS1 News:
Best work:
Class SH – Luke M – Designed his own Gingerbread man who is a Super-Hero
with red pants.
Class VC – Niamh M – Niamh always tries her hardest and listens in class. She
drew a beautiful story map of Rama and Sita during our Diwali topic.
Class NJ – Joshua D – Fantastic maths work. Counting back in 1s, 2s and 3s.
Class RH – Matthew M – For making an amazing hand puppet from his brilliant
Class SEH – Isla S – Super maths!
Class ED – Max w – Excellent sound work in science.
Class SH – Gingerbread House. Look at the beautiful Gingerbread
House made by Rafa C, Elis B and Luke M.
Angel Express - Please remember you have until 28th November to collect your 2 Nativity tickets.
Ballot forms will be sent in next week’s newsletter. Thank you. Miss Honeybell
KS2 News:
Best work:
Class PNJR – Ruby H, Bea C & Sid W – For fact finding about Stonehenge
Class ES – Stephanie B – For a thought provoking letter from the trenches
Class GD - Oscar T – for a detailed letter from the trenches
Class NB – Lewis R – for being kind and considerate to his classmates
Class NS – Elwenn B & Annabelle G – for newspaper writing
Class AB – Henry W – for great research about life in WW1
Class JG – Grace B – great contributions to a class discussion on Remembrance
The Snow Queen – A request for props! Does anyone have any of the following that the school could
borrow for the productions please:
- fur coat and gloves
- silky bed spread
- 2x plastic daggers
- 2x pretend doves
- large fur mittens
Thank you. Mr Godwin.
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Bibles - Each year we welcome Mr Bayliss from Churches Together into the
Lower Key Stage 2 classes when each child is presented with their own
named Bible.
Mr Bayliss visited the Year 3 children in Classes PNJR and ES last Friday
afternoon. As well as the children being told about the Bible, they completed
a Bible quiz and coloured in a book mark.We are extremely grateful to Mr
Bayliss for organising the afternoon and to Churches Together for
continuing to fund the scheme. We are sure that the children will treasure
their Bibles.
Children in Need Cake Sale to KS2 children – Well done to Elwenn B, Sam E, Will S and Katie M in
Class NS for organising the Children in Need Cake Sale to KS2 children – the total raised was £91.81.
What a fantastic achievement!
Nearly New Books & Toys – Well done to Esme B, Ruby N and Bonnie B for raising £38.04 for
Cancer Research.
We celebrate:
Amelie G – British Gymnastics Level 5
Ewan S – Learn to Swim Stage 2
Bonnie B – Helping with Reception Class
Archer D – Helped with Reception Class
Ruby N – Helping with the tables in Hall
Ella W – British Gymnastics 2nd Badge
Freddie T – Rainbow Swimming Award 10m
Sports News:
Year 5-6, 7-Side Football Festival - The year 5 and 6 football
team took part in the football festival, last Thursday at Old down
playing fields. The year 6 A-Team topped their group and made it in
to the cup finals, but unfortunately Wood come knocked them out.
The year 5 B-Team made it all the way into the plate semi-finals,
but were knocked out by St Mary’s.
Well done Boys!
Community news:
Bath Volunteer Centre – Bath Volunteer Centre has
been selected as one of 20 charities for the Chronicle
‘Cash for the Community’ scheme. The Centre
'matchmakes' community projects & organisations and volunteers. It also provides support for
volunteer managers. From this Thursday for 4 weeks, the Centre is in a competition to collect as many
vouchers from the Chronicle as possible, to gain a share of £10,000. When you collect vouchers for
Bath Volunteer Centre, you are collecting for all charities in Bath & NE Somerset.Voucher number 2
is on Page 46 of this week's Chronicle. Please remember bring your vouchers to Reception, where
there will be a collection box. Thank you. Fiona Bell.
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