West Essex News West Essex High School Named


West Essex News West Essex High School Named
West Essex News
Nov. 19-20:
Spring Musical auditions
Nov. 20:
Sportsmanship Workshop
Nov. 25: MS
Dinner for
Support Staff
Nov. 26: HS
Italian Feast
for Support
Nov. 26:
Early Dismissal Thanksgiving Recess
Nov. 27-28:
Dec. 3: West
Essex PTO
Dec. 6: SAT’s
Dec. 8: Board
of Education
West Essex High School Named
S E S E P T .
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to 5th AP Honor Roll
The West Essex Regional School District is one of
547 school districts in the U.S. and Canada being
honored by the College Board with placement on
the 5th Annual AP® District Honor Roll for increasing
access to AP course work while simultaneously
maintaining or increasing the percentage of students earning scores of 3 or higher on AP Exams.
The 2014 year is a milestone year for the AP District
Honor Roll, and more districts are achieving this
objective than ever before. West Essex also received this honor last year when it was named to
the 4th Annual AP District Honor Roll.
High School Captains Attend Sportsmanship Workshop in Montclair
West Essex High School winter sports captains and
coaches attended a special Sportsmanship Workshop
at the Yogi Berra Museum & Learning Center On
Nov. 13. The students learned how to lead their
teams by giving their best effort and setting good
examples for the underclassmen. The captains also
learned how to help their coaches run better practices, compete with character, become the best teammate, demonstrate leadership, prevent hazing and
create and maintain a positive culture within the
athletic program. All winter athletes in grades 7-12
and their parents are invited to attend a similar program for players and parents led by the staff at the
Yogi Berra Museum Thursday at 7 p.m. (Pictured
above right, West Essex captains play a game at the
Yogi Berra Museum & Learning Center.)
ShopRite Stars Winners Announced
West Essex High School Principal Gary Suda
has announced the first marking period
ShopRite STARS winners for the 2014-15
school year. Mr. Suda is pictured above with
four of the winners, left to right,: Fairfield senior Athena Marousis for academics, Essex Fells
senior Ariana Daly for the Arts; North Caldwell
senior Jake Gilbert for Athletics and Roseland
senior Victoria Dominguez for Leadership. Pictured below is Mr. Suda with Richard Sessa, a
senior from Roseland, honored for Service to
the Community.
Shannon Bertscha with John McCarthy.
Above, Mr Hermosilla with editors Athena
Marousis and Ann-Marie Lee.
Representatives from ADP
visited West Essex Middle
School and spoke to
eighth grade students
about being safe online
and being respectful to
others online.
Mr. Popat.) The
eighth grade stuWest Essex Middle School
dents of the
Principal Vee Popat and
month are Hailey
Assistant Principal Lisa
DeVita and JimTamburri have announced
my Lynch
the Students of the
(pictured right
Month for November,
with Mr. Popat.)
2014. The seventh grade
Every month West
students of the month are: Essex Middle
Reem Aly and Nick Fran- School selects four
gione (pictured below with students to be honored
as students of the
month. Two students from each
grade will be selected and the selection
for each month will
come from one academic team at each
grade level. To be
selected as a Student of the Month,
News Briefs
The West Essex Middle
School Student Council will
honor support staff at its
annual Thanksgiving
luncheon on Nov. 25 while
the High School Student
Council will honor support
staff with an Italian Feast
on Nov. 26.
Please note that the HS
drop/add period will
begin Nov. 10 and run
though Nov. 21. Students
are strongly encouraged to
add/drop a class during the
week of November 10.
Motivational speaker Scott
Chesney spoke to seniors on
November 14 in the High
School Auditorium. He is
photographed with the senior
class advisors above.
Students of the Month
The Masquers are holding auditions for the
spring musical “Legally
Blonde” after school on
19. The
callbacks will
take place
on November 20.
Come and
try out for
this great
The West Essex PTO is
looking for volunteers for
the president positions
for Fairfield and North
Caldwell and the chair
of the Project Graduation Committee for the
Class of 2018. Please
volunteer today! Contact
Jen Petrocca at jpetrocca@optonline.net.
Save the date for the next
PTO meeting of the school
year: Dec. 3 at 7:30
p.m. at the WEHS Cafeteria!
The West Essex Regional Board of Education
will meet on Monday, December 8 at 7:30 p.m. in
the MS Cafeteria Classroom. We look forward to
seeing you there!
the middle school staff
has decided to base
candidates and selections on a review of the
“whole” student not just
the student with the
best grades. Character
traits such as honesty,
perseverance, responsibility, integrity and
leadership as well as a
student’s academic
qualities are considered.
The West Essex Regional School District is on
Facebook. Please become
a fan of our Facebook
page and keep up with all
of the West Essex news!
Spots are still available in
the West Essex Preschool Program. If interested, email LSwanick@westex.org.
West Essex High School
hosted a successful Career Day on Friday, November 14. More than 35
speakers representing a
variety of professions including the medical, law,
finance, culinary, law enforcement, media, engineering, health and education fields were represented. Freshmen, sophomores and juniors each
attended three different
sessions with different
professionals. The event
was organized by the High
School guidance department. (Pictured left, registered nurse Barbara
Hunter speaks to students
at Career Day.)
Other West Essex News
WEMS Asst. Principal Lisa Tamburri and Mr. James Massa congratulate
the winners of the Knightlights Scary Story Contest, left to right, Tyler
Behrle, Sam Chuzhin, Caroline Ben Nathan, Leigha Capra and Thomas
“TJ” Viola. The Knightlights is the Middle School’s Literary Magazine.
Several West Essex High School
students in Mr. Bettini’s Power
and Mechanics Course launched
rockets in the TARC Rocket
American National Competition. The students made one
qualifying flight in the competition. The students, pictured
above, with Mr. Bettini are: (left
to right): Raymond Tetyevsky, Ryan
Van Arsdale, Thomas Moro, Michael
Hangge and Thomas Lynch.
The West Essex High
School Girls' Tennis
Team hosted its annual mixed doubles tournament to raise money
for the Rett Sydrome
Foundation. All tennis
team members participated in the
event and raised more
than $1,000. (The participants are pictured
As part of Red Ribbon Week, MS Stu-
dent Assistance Counselor Patricia Pawlikowski asked students to sign a pledge
to be drug free. The students wore red
on Wednesday, October 22. Above, Lucas Schiffman signed the pledge on a
bulletin board in the MS Cafeteria.
West Essex
High School
seniors enjoyed the
Senior Pancake
on Friday,
14. (Pictured
left, Michael
Matt Arrowood and
Matt Boyd enjoy the breakfast. Right, Lexie Sabato, Shannon Bertscha, Hailey DeFrank, Sabrina Saccente, Bunny James and Jean Marano spend time together at the pancake breakfast.)
West Essex High School senior athletes have started signing their letters of intent to play
sports for colleges around the country. Our first two athletes to sign last week at special ceremonies in
the High School
Library are: Alexa
Alhout and
Roberto LoCascio.
Alexa, who has
several high school
track & field
records including for
the long jump,
has signed with
Lehigh University. Roberto, who
also wrestles,
will play lacrosse for
Villanova University. Both students are pictured with their
coaches and