Document 6609693
Document 6609693
SHARP PN.LEltrZB PN.LTEJZB PN.L6tr 2 B TOUCHEiEREEN LC E) MENITr]P #'$*: ' t!;- -, -at,,r"' ci , IY Y; ! l'\^.'^a' rn 2012, Shalp 's ceebrarng rh6 romh ann versr/ ot (s toundmq. For All the Ease and Impact of Touchscreen Interaction As a highly intuitive integrated touchscreen LCD monito( the PN-L8O2B/L7O2BIL6O2B makes conventional presentation tools look out of touch with the communication needs of today's businesses and academic institutions. Along with superb image quality and easy operation, the PN-L802B/L702BlL602B brings the convenience of onscreen writing to a range of professional uses. Whether in a business setting or a classroom, functioning as an interactive whiteboard or as part of a videoconferencing system, the versatile PN-L8028/L702BIL6O2B brings easy communication and touch-and-show efficiency to your presentations. lsn't it time to get in touch? A Multitude ofApplications-Enhancing Communication in So ManyWays ln spacious lecture hails or conference rooms, th€ PN-L8028/L7028/Ui02B can be linked to a large Shalp vid6o wallthat keeps all participants lully engag6d. Shan's lnteractive whiteboards can also link with separate venues for remote learning and two-way The big, bdght scre€n b.ingsthose far away much closer in just-like-b6ing-ihere "q videoconf erences', To facilitat6 communication, participants can digitally display documents and write notations directly on the scr6en. ' ii?Ei Requir€s ssparatsly sold vid€oconfsrencing system. PN-L702B Touch control lets users chang6 pages and enlerge or move an object, while atouch pen l€ts them make annotations, keep tlack of new proposals, and maintain thefocus of discussions. Simultaneously displaying text, images, and handwritten notes gives present€rs a peBuasive edge, As an all-purpose showroom enhancer, th6 PN-L8028/L7028/L6028 can be used to display product infomation, demonstrations, and more. And when the interactive whiteboard is hooked up to a Sharp MFe onscreeo info can be quickly printed out for customers. Connectivity with Other Equipment Expands Communicative Potential Documents and images scanned from a colour,scan-capable Sharp N,4FP can be mported directly to the pen software for display on the LCD monitor. For added convenience, image data shown onscreen-including notations-can be saved to a PC or sent directly to an MFP for printout. E@ Linking the PN-18028/17028/L6028 to a multi-screen configurat on of Sharp PN-V6021r'601 monitorc enables the instant display of content as it's created and makes even sma ltext easily visible. @@ theimaqe apaperdocument lhedspay wih an [,lFP to ,QJffi toaPC Notsr Depend ng on the system, separately sold pe pheral eqLripmeni rnay be required. Consu t your local doaler ,or more iniomalion. Linking the PN-18028/ L7028/16028 to a PC makes it easy to bring up shared documents stored on a cloud, And after meetings, whiieboard notes saved on the PC as PDF documents can be e-mailed with ease to all concerned parties. Simple and Straightforward Operation Via Touch Pen or Finger Simple and lntuitive User lnterface Dual-Touch lnterface Developed speclfically for Sharp touchscreen LCD monitors, the The PN-LB02B/L7028/L6028 supports a dual-touch' function. ln addition to letting the user scroll pages with two fingers, this bundled Sharp Pen Softwarc allows function makes it possible to enlarge then shrink an image by simply spreading two fingers apart and then bringing them together. anyone to smoothly and easily operate the PN-18028/17028/1602B. Once documents created on any application software have been imported as 'Availabe only on windowsi 7 (irrirrfr images and displayed on the - touchscreen, users can quickly write and draw directly on the screen surface using the bundled touch pen or a finger. This user-friendly interface supports onscreen functions for pen-colour and line-thickness selection as well as an eraser tool that can be used to delete Microsoft@ Off ice lnk Tools* ''"'''"'''" The PN-L8028/L7028/L6028 supports Microsoft@ Office ink functionality, allowing the user to write on Excelo or Word documents displayed onscreen and save the files-notations and all. 'Available only on Wndows! 7 Ready-to-Use Templates Eight readylo use templaies come preinstalted: Acton Ptan/Catendar/Chatk Board/Cork/Graph/lvlinutes/Monthly Schedu e/Io Do Lisi. tlsers can aso custom make their own oriqinaltemplates. Upgraded Sharp Pen Software* p19r19:: !!::9 1qy1!!99LyTlt9": lry .*"! Floating Tool Bar The iool bar won't get in the way ofthe presenter. tt can be moved about freely on the screen, displayed horizontatty or vertca[y, or even Touch Application Pad (option) The optlonalTouch Application Pad can be installed onto the pen tray for easy access to touch pen functions. The pad boasts 10 one-touch buttons, each of which can be programmed to execute a Sharp Pen Software command. issue a key/mouse code, or start a specified application. With two USB ports, the pad atso functions as a convenient USB hub for connecting the PN-L8O2B/ L7028/L6028 to a USB memory device, keyboard, or mouse. hidden from view Expanded Sheet Preview Function Pages displayed onscreen can be easily saved and ca led up. Convenient editing functions allow pages to be added, deteted, copied, and moved. And multiple pages can be d splayed on the screen as thumbnails. ., - E -i -!f l_!al= ?a-&A r:: :- tLdS' r: E E;-mIEn- 11_ c, r -:N: I- Efi 'Consu t your local dealer abour avaitabiliiy and orherdelaits. Enhanced Touchscreen Besponse Outstanding lmage Quality in Three Sizes The PN-L8028/L7028/L6028's integration of a high-quality LCD panel and a highly sensitive touchscreen makes for easy The LCD panel on the PN-LB02B/L7028/L6028 comes in three large screen sizes:80 inches,70 inches, and 60 inches. Allthree communication. For heightened touchscreen responsiveness and stress-free onscreen writing, the PN-L7028 and the pN-L6O2B employ Sharp's proprietary infrared blocking detection system, sizes incorporate Sharp's UV,A* technology, which ensures highly efficient backlighting and prevents light leakage for the display of bright whites, vivid colours, and deep blacks. The PN-L8O2B/ which uses multiple infrared sensors to locate the position of the usels finger or the touch pen. The PN-L802B employs a system better suited for very large L7028's full-array LED backlight and the PN-L602B's edqe-tit LED backlight provide easy readabliity and reliable performance-all with low power consumption. screens: optical imaging technology uses opticai cameras in the upper right and left corners of the screen to detect shadows made on the screen by the usels finger or the touch pen. 'UV,A stands for "Uhaliolei induced Muli-doma n VerlcalA gnment," a photo-a gnment iechno ogy thal ensures Lrniiorrn aiignmenr oi liquid crysial molecu es in a certain direction Toochscreei Prorecl ve s ass LCD paie Specif ications lnpuUOutput Terminals (standard) (203 2 cs draooftl) (176.6 cm dlagoMl) U\lA LCD UMA LCo (1s2.5 cm diagonaD UllA LCD 03O2rO302mm 17712r 0963 mm 169rr',x39'l ) 1.5339r365.6mn(60r, r31/r') 1,329I r747 6 mm 1525ft r29rft l 6 ms lqray t0 qGy, avq.) ()ptc! lmag ng OS: Windowso U rerir.d XB W idM I hnamd blmking dstEctoi mehod Vistae Windowsd 7 (option) PN-ZB{r'l lntertgce Expanaion Board hsonic commun calion mettod tnaroque AG8 (0.7 Vo p) [50] H0rianhuv6 ical slpa.arion D q ra lcoitums 1o DVr1.O OTL] posl veheoarive), slandadst Strc oi qrcan, Como.€rl6 syrc [rTL pos[rdoeOalive) !€sA 00c28 NTSC 13.53 MHz.4 43 MHzt. PAt. PAl60. SECAI\4 lCamo!!a:rviir0sb1sprix1,HoMrx1d.3.5mm-diamerermhshreojackxr,RS,232CD,subg.pinxl FCdiq(al DV-024 pnxl' componenl v d@: BNc audio: 8cq ph {uR) x lY, 1 , PCanaloquerBNCrl',Video:BNCxI SVideoxl. cb/PD, crlPr) x t' Audio RCA pin (uR) r 2 89232C o{ub g-pin r r 7w+7w(60ii 200,6 Dimmsims ('[ x Dr t0 (approxJ werg tml incrudinq Pir-2801 ) (apprcx ) i. 30% RH (no Options @ndenslion) r Pl{-2801 r Ptl-ZqI lo.hpen or"Dpnbdf./,AAlrre,.e losjo.ror'pcn,,2"?sqpenl?jpowe'.od'6-oD onio. ban4ps,al'na i 2.40 qov (d up n alql ler,nar@o. rfap oqorfle.dr rer lqote!u-p i r e.or PN 17028), USB cab maintaii compai e tray momtino f tt nos x coishd eve olEglrlies. '2hcudnqARcoatnqonbdhsides '3 !s a com mercially available connecl on cable to r Pc and oher v deo connecl ons. '4 e For both PC and AV componenls '5Theanalogueand componenl BNCteminah are swilchable lls fte mefu lo setecr '6 DoEs nor suppon pbq & ptay OES GNAND SPECIFOqTONSARE SUSJECTTO CMNCEWTHOUTPR 03 lntoftco Elpa|.hn 806r{ : Iouch AlDlicrliol f'ad r Pi.llqF: E'tand (2,100 mm h€iSE sbnd (2,1@ Sbnd (l 800 h€ilni) 2 lm! moudino screws r 6 a b I : . . HoCp I NOII'F r Pl-zsrrr : P|{-ZSIIII r mm mm helghi) Pl-ZE6{r : Stand {2,100 mm rreigin) PI-zs6{D : St nd (l 800 mh heisli) c.nsuri yotr rocrl shaD &ald o Epresonlailw Dimensions {PN-L8O2B) {PN-17028) i &316! r, ( . r,r f ;,"1'J I, :i (:? r,:r ir-r!) ); ,r. r r.r, F{ I I' _-'. l, ti ,| I ,. -l-;r (PN-L6O2B) 1,4401s6 'To use lhe ttsA{tandad mounlinq b.ackel, use M6 $.es that ae 3 l0 r 0 mm 0 us rr) 47tui) tl tlre lh ckne$ ol the bEcket 11r . rllti?;3 z*r,g r. [g iel .q6. SHARP :: : P3 rr PT. MATA FACETS INTEGRA SHARP Professional oisptay Phone: +62-21-45 840 387 Ema:l: m avaitabitity
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