Document 6609704


Document 6609704
214 Partin Drive S / Niceville, FL 32578 / 850-678-4411 /
We also have a second campus - St. Mark UMC - located at 2250 P J Adams Pkwy, Crestview, FL
If you are a first-time guest, we hope that you feel right at home.
Friendly folks are available at our Information Desks to help you find your way.
November 22-23, 2014
6:00 p.m. EXCHANGE
Community Life Center
Rev. Jeremy Smith
Rev. Rurel Ausley
Rev. Rurel Ausley
9:32 a.m. CONTEMPORARY* Community Life Center
11:00 a.m. TRADITIONAL
Community Life Center
Rev. Jeremy Smith
Rev. Jeremy Smith
Rev. Rurel Ausley
*Signing interpretation is offered at the 9:32 a.m. service in the Community Life Center.
Our Mission: “To build a community where people can come as they are,
meet Christ, grow in their faith, and find a place to serve.”
8:00 & 11:00 a.m. 24th Sunday in Kingdomtide
Matt Hasty (Exchange), Stephanie Case (9:30),
Cindy Schroeder (9:32), James Jetton (11:02)
Believer’s Baptism
Eric Concepcion, Jr. (Exchange)
Worship Songs
Exchange, 9:32, 11:02
“All Creatures of Our God and King”
(Elevation Worship)
“Mighty to Save” (Hillsong)
“The Stand” (Hillsong)
“Here I Am to Worship” (Hillsong)
“Everlasting God” (Chris Tomlin)
“Glory to Forever” (Steve Fee)
“Jesus Paid It All” (Kristian Stanfill)
Featured Performance
“One Beats Seven” by Kelly Gurney
Performed by:
Joe Chase and Kelly Gurney (Exchange),
Joe Chase and Sally Whitesell (9:30),
Josh Woeckener and Kelly Gurney (9:32, 11:02)
Matthew 20
Rev. Jeremy Smith (Exchange, 9:32)
Esther 7
Rev. Rurel Ausley (9:30, 11:02)
Exchange Worship Leaders: Jake Wilders,
Aimee Wilders, and Barb Pendergraft
9:30 Worship Leader: Brett Gordon
9:32, 11:02 Worship Leaders: Jake Wilders,
Kaetlin Jetton, and Christy Smith
Upcoming Messages
Many of us have heard the
traditional Christmas story,
but did you know Jesus is the
culmination of the Christmas
story that God has been giving
us from the very beginning?
Join us This Advent season
as we Unwrap Christmas
and take a deeper look into
the Old Testament book of Isaiah, to examine the
beautiful and mysterious gift of Christ.
November 29/30 Part 1
December 6/7
December 13/14 Part 3
December 20/21 Part 4
Gathering Music
Sarah Erickson
Welcome/Big 5 Rev. Lew Wilder
P. Tchaikovsky
“Prelude on an Ancient Melody”
*Call to Worship
“Stand Up and Bless the Lord” (vs. 1, 5)
No. 662
*Responsive Reading
Rev. Lew Wilder
Proverbs 14:30 (NIV)
Leader: A heart at peace gives life to the body
People: But envy rots the bones.
*Worship in Song
“All Creatures of
Our God and King” (vs. 1, 4)
“Come, Ye Thankful People, Come”
“How Great Thou Art” (vs. 1)
Affirmation of Faith
“The Apostles’ Creed”
No. 62
No. 694
No. 77
No. 881
Morning Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer
*Moments of Fellowship
Song of Preparation
“For the Beauty of the Earth”
No. 92
Connection Card
Dedication of our Tithes and Gifts
Kelly Gurney
“One Beats Seven”
Dramatic Reading
Crystal Goodhall and Dan Holmes
“Celtic Laud” Craig Courtney
Denise Fitzpatrick, Flute
Esther 7
Rev. Rurel Ausley (8:00)
Matthew 20
Rev. Jeremy Smith (11:00)
*Closing Song
“What a Friend We Have in Jesus” (vs. 1) No. 526
*Choral Response (8:00 only)
“For the Fruits of This Creation”
No. 97
Part 2
Larry Lord, Minister of Music
Bettie Downing, Organist Ann Jolly, Pianist
*Stand as abilities allow
Big 5
Coffee House Concert
Brett and Morgan Gordon, two new young missionaries we support, will be putting on a concert
in our Youth Theater upstairs in the Community Life Center TODAY (Sunday), at 7 p.m. There
will be baked goods, coffee, couches, friends, and beautiful acoustic music. Admission is free!
Operation Christmas Child
2 It’s not too late to turn in your shoeboxes, although this is the final collection weekend! Help us
reach our goal of 1,100 shoeboxes! Shoebox information and options are available in the Gathering
Areas of the Community Life Center and the Sanctuary until supplies are gone. For more details,
brochures are available in the important information locations.
Women’s Ministry Christmas Brunch
All women are invited to our Christmas Brunch. Thursday, December 4, 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. in the
Community Life Center. Enjoy food, friends and “Three Women and a Baby”, a play by Marilyn Turk
and Gemma Parmer. Cost is $7. Register at Childcare available infant through
Pre-K. Deadline to register is Monday, November 24.
Thanksgiving Holiday Closures
The children’s building will be closed Wednesday, November 26 through Friday, November 28.
Adult, student and children’s evening activities are also cancelled Tuesday, November 25 and
Wednesday, November 26. The church office is closed Thursday, November 27 through Friday,
November 28. Celebrate Recovery will be meeting as usual on Friday, November 28.
Wednesday Night Salad Bar Change
Due to increased cost, volunteer and staff labor, and significant waste, the salad bar at Wednesday’s
dinner will be changing to a prepared salad starting December 3, 2014. Each week, a boxed salad
description will be in the menu portion of the Connection Card for the following Wednesday’s
dinner. There will be a rotation of 6 prepared salads, as well as a boxed side salad each week.
Questions? Contact Meghan Gordon at
Missionary Guest
Our 9:30 Sanctuary service TODAY (Sunday) will
be led by our friend and sponsored missionary,
Brett Gordon. After this service, come to the
Commission Café to get some coffee and meet
Brett and his wife, Morgan. 10:30 a.m. in Room
914, last room on the left downstairs in the
Community Life Center.
Christmas for Missionaries
This summer you gave $12,600 in an offering
to bless our missionary families. This week
“Christmas Bonus” checks for our friends on
the field are being cut and sent to 45 missionary
families all over the world. Thanks for caring about
God’s Kingdom activity beyond our church walls!
God’s Garden
Behind the Community Life Center is a beautiful
vegetable garden that serves our SOS routes. Our
gardening team doesn’t take a lot of knowledge or a
green thumb, even the kids at Wesley Academy do
it! If you are interested, there are many ways you
can be involved, from harvesting and maintaining
the garden on your own time to getting your hands
dirty at a work day. Please contact Jenn for info on
getting involved:
Hospitality Team
The Hospitality Team is looking for ushers and greeters
at all services. This is a monthly commitment. Please
contact Elizabeth Sullivan at esullivan@nicevilleumc.
org or complete the center of the Connection Card
to sign up. There will be an informational meeting for
all involved with Hospitality on Sunday, November
30 at 9:30 a.m. in Room 905/907 OR Tuesday,
December 2 at 6 p.m. in Room 905/907.
Young At Heart
Our program for Tuesday, December 9 will be a
wonderful musical performance by Opus One! Join
us at 11:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Cost for
lunch: $6. Please sign up on the Connection Card,
or by contacting Barbara Wilder at 678-4411, ext.
123 or, by Friday noon,
December 5.
Connection Card
(11/22-11/23, 2014)
Flowers in the Sanctuary
on Sunday are dedicated by
Chuck and Joyce Skipton,
in celebration of their 61st wedding anniversary
and by Buddy and Lynda Netterville,
in celebration of their 14th wedding anniversary
and the 13th birthday of their grandson, Cole Ransom
Please complete one card per household; list names of
each household members in attendance today
NAME(S): _______________________________________
q Please update the church database.
Address ___________________________________________
City____________________ State ______ Zip____________
Home Phone _______________ Work Phone _____________
Email _____________________________________________
q Exchange q 8:00 q 9:30 q 9:32 q 11:00 q 11:02
q 1st-time Guest(s)*
q 2nd-time Guest(s)* You have the opportunity to sign up for flowers to be placed in our worship
services in honor of or in remembrance of a loved one or special occasion.
Visit the bulletin board in the hallway near the church office to sign up.
Our Ministry Staff
q Regular Attender(s)
q Member(s)
How did you hear about us?_________________________
Age Group: q 5 & under q 6-12 q Youth (Gr.____)
q Adult (Circle Age): College 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s+
q Single q Married
Pastoral Staff Ministers
Rurel R. Ausley, Jr.
Lead Pastor
Lisa Ausley, Deacon in Residence
George Boles, Assistant Minister of
Herstel Carter
Stephanie Case, Group Life Minister
Congregational Care Deanna Eddy, Church Counselor
Pamela Ellisor, Minister to Singles; Minister
Edward Chandler
of Hospitality
Church Counselor
Leonard Goldman, Church Counselor
q Notify the church regarding my deployment...
Meghan Gordon, Culinary Director
List name, date you are leaving/returning, the service you attend: Tyler Fuller
Mission Pastor
Matt Hasty, Middle School Minister
James Jetton, Recreation Minister
Greg McKinnon
q Prayer Partner for: Thanksgiving at the Jail
Larry D. Lord, Minister of Music
Executive Pastor
q Young at Heart (December 9)
John Macon, Outreach Minister
q I’d like to serve once a month as a greeter or an usher Jeremy Smith
Blane Pearson, Minister of Administration
Billy Russell, Student Minister
q Comments, Praise, or Prayer Request:
Mary Lou Sparks, Outreach Minister
q Please share this request with all who visit the Prayer Chapel. Lew Wilder
Elizabeth Sullivan, Student Ministry Associate
If not checked, requests will only be shared with the Pastors and Upper Room volunteers.
Connections Pastor
Jeremy Thiess, Creative Arts Director
Kathy Trawick, Early Childhood Minister
Josh Walker, Worship Music Director
Barbara Wilder, Minister to Active Adults 50 Plus
Jake Wilders, Worship Leader
Angie Williams, Minister to Children
Cancelled due to Thanksgiving Holiday.
Cancelled due to Thanksgiving Holiday.
Please silence cell phones and pagers.
Sign language is provided at the 9:32 Worship Service.
Ear plugs are available in the Community Life Center services.
Hearing assistance devices (for Sanctuary) and
large print copies are available.
There is a “Parenting Room” available at the back of the Sanctuary
where you may quiet your child while being able to hear/view the service.
2 Announcements marked with this symbol have corresponding
flyers or brochures located in the hallways outside the organ and piano
exits of the Sanctuary, and also the “Important Information” row in our
brochure racks.
Connect Notes/Message Outlines are available from an usher and online.
Visit our website at to watch/hear our weekly
messages. Our website also offers information on all of our ministries
and activities, calendar, and more!
Online giving is possible through our website. Simply
browse to and click on the “GIVE NOW”
icon on the “popular points” section of the home page.
Or you can use this QR code.
Message Notes l November 22-23, 2014
Esther 7 (Ausley)
Matthew 20 (Smith)
Did you know that message outlines with “Connect” study notes are available
at the Information Desks or from an usher, as well as online?
Our pastors would love to hear
how God touched your heart today...
Mission of the Week
Decision Response Card
Name ____________________________
Address ___________________________
Phone (if you’d like a call)______________
Prayer: As we worship Sunday
morning a small team of volunteers
from Niceville UMC are at the
Crestview Jail leading a worship
service for inmates. We pray that
God will bless this service and that the Holy Spirit will
bring peace, hope, and comfort to the men and women in
I made a decision today that I would like to
let the pastors know about:
Please hand this to an usher, a pastor, the
information desk, or to the church office.