The Village View Our Hallowed Oak


The Village View Our Hallowed Oak
The Village View
Nov. 2014-Jan. 2015
A publication for residents, staff, families, and friends
Our Hallowed Oak
By Robert V. Rodriguez
Observe our Tree of Life.
With trunk so wide,
and canopy so beautifully vast,
Is it any wonder that this place was chosen for final rest?
Recall Mother Gabriel’s words... “How sweet it is to stay so near the chapel.”
As I stand beneath the weave of branch and leaf, I marvel…
The mystical energy speaks to me, this is indeed a special place of Grace.
Souls and spirits continue to cultivate acorns of hope and merciful love
within our hearts.
This is our hallowed oak, still alive, still growing.
The Village View
CEO’s Message
Nov. 2014-Jan. 2015
A publication for residents, staff, families, and friends
Branches of the mighty oak
About the Cover
The mighty oak that stands
in the Sisters of Charity of
the Incarnate Word cemetery
has served as a landmark
and symbol to those who live
and work at TVIW.
In This Issue . . .
Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Wellness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
You’re Invited . . . . . . . . . . 6
Volunteer News . . . . . . . . . 8
Resident News . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Around the House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Team Talk . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Community Ourteach . . . . . 12-13
In Gratitude . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-16
is to extend the healing
ministry of Jesus Christ
to all those we serve. Our
commitment is to show
respect for the whole person
at every stage of life focusing
on the unique needs of
older adults. We provide a
continuum of care, housing
and services while offering
compassion, comfort,
and opportunities for
spiritual growth.
A sponsored ministry of the
Sisters of Charity of the
Incarnate Word.
Anyone who visits the Village at Incarnate Word can’t help
but notice the beautiful and majestic oak tree in the midst of
the Sisters’ cemetery. Some of the Sisters have said it is the
third oldest oak tree in the State of Texas. That “Hallowed
Oak” has served as a landmark and a symbol for hundreds of
Steve Fuller
years. The photo on the front cover also shows the headstones Executive Director
of Sisters who have come before us – those who have dedicated
their lives in service to others and have built the Incarnate Word ministries.
The hallowed oak with its many branches and number of acorns it has shared
over the course of time is symbolic of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word
and their sponsored ministries. The oak represents a strong foundation and core from
which new life and new directions grow. Similarly the CCVI and our shared mission
is the core from which our elder care ministry began. It also serves as inspiration
for TVIW to branch out into underserved areas through collaborations with others
and by providing direct services and educational wellness outreach programs.
The Incarnate Word Sisters first began ministry in eldercare in 1890 by opening
Hospicio Ortigosa in Monterrey, Mexico. Later, in 1895, the sisters constructed a
two-story structure in San Antonio which they named St. Francis Home for the
Aged. The sisters were very bold by providing care to the elderly sisters along
with elderly men and women without discrimination of race or religion, which
was extremely challenging at that time. Charges at the home were $25 per month,
but most men and women could not afford to pay for their care. The director
of the home, Sr. Mary of Jesus, began fundraising in order to keep the home in
operation. While many things have changed the fundamentals issues are similar,
servings others and meeting needs regardless of an individual’s ability to pay.
We can draw many analogies from the mighty oak tree. It demonstrates
strength and wisdom, enduring times of good and bad, it branches out in
many directions while staying grounded in its core. It also has roots that you
cannot see, roots that are very deep and supply the necessary nourishment
and life to the tree. It produces acorns, which seems rather simple, but
has the potential to take seed and grow into new life and new directions.
The oak tree, as a symbol, relates well to our ministry at the Village. From the roots
of the Sisters, the Village has a strong core of eldercare services with many branches
out into the community. Branches such as the Connection’s outreach programs,
in-home services offered through Sisters Care in the surrounding four-county area,
and our coworkers, volunteers and supporter who extend our reach even further.
From the acorns and branches that originated with the founding
sisters, we humbly follow in their footsteps and continue our journey
to extend our mission and services to others in need. The Hallowed
Oak will serve as a beacon of hope this holiday season and for many
years to come. Similarly, the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word
serve as beacons of hope for an ever changing ministry and community.
iving our mission
Caring for sick is extending
healing ministry of Christ
By: Fernando E. Sorolla-Delgado, O.P.
Spiritual Life, Liturgies and
Chapels Coordinator
“If one member suffers in the body of Christ,
which is the Church, all the members suffer with
him or her” (1 Corinthians 12: 26)
All of us here at The Village are co-workers in
extending the healing ministry of Christ to those
we serve. Either through the rendering of physical
care, the love we show to the sick and the dying,
or our celebration with them of
the sacraments, we all share in
the same ministry of healing and
comfort that through our hands
Jesus Christ extends to all those
who suffer. Following Christ’s own
example of “doing good and healing
all” (Acts 10: 38) while obeying
his desire to care for the sick as
expressed in the commissioning
of his disciples (see Mark 16:18)
we all are partakers of this
important ministry in the life of our community.
Even so, you may ask yourself: How is it that I
participate of such ministry since I’m not the Chaplain
or part of the Spiritual Life staff? The answer is quite
simple: we all participate in the ministry of Christ’s
healing, a) through acts of charity and care for the
whole person, b) through prayer, for and with the
person, and c) through the offering and participation
in the Sacraments available to the sick by all of us.
For it is through the offering of our charity
and care for the whole person, that Jesus – the
divine physician – who sought to heal the whole
person (both physically and spiritually) is made
visible to the sick. By allowing our hands and our
bodies to become the hands and body of Christ, our
voices and our compassionate caring become the
voice of Christ, the kindness and mercy of Christ.
Through our prayers for and with the person
who is sick, we offer the spiritual support they need
or desire as they suffer. Either through formal or
spontaneous prayers, by our gentle touch, and even
through our silent presence we make ourselves
present to them, allowing our words and our hands
to become the instruments of Christ’s mercy and
healing touch, our silent presence the opportunity to
listen to Christ’s voice in the midst of their suffering.
And finally, it is through the
offering of the Sacraments to the
sick – not only by the ministers of the
Church by virtue of their ordination,
but by our presence as the Body of
Christ – that the message of hope and
comfort that only Christ can offer is
utterly expressed. Hope and comfort
not only for the person receiving the
Sacraments, but also for the family,
friends and those caring for them
– both physically and spiritually
– who once again become the means by which
Christ’s healing power is made present to the sick.
That’s what we do here at The Village, we
encounter people “where they are”, understanding
their anxiety, emotional stress, and spiritual needs
as they experience suffering, and we become coworkers with Christ in extending his healing ministry
and power to them. Helping those we serve by our
loving physical care, our quiet presence, our listening
ears, our prayers, our gentle touch, and the offering
and participation with them in the Sacraments, we
become God’s love, presence, voice, touch and
grace to each and every one we meet and serve.
September Soiree a success
By Roland G. Mazuca
Development Director
The September Soiree was a
wonderful success. Monies raised
will support wellness programs
and the new Linda and Sid
Williams III Aquatics Center at
The Village at Incarnate Word.
The evening was beautiful with
the elegant music of George and
Aaron Prado. Giovanni Laurel
and his dietary team created
exquisite hors d’oeuvres with
an international flair. We had an
abundance of art to bid on as well.
There were over 100 artworks
from more than 25 artists gracing
the Bistro and halls around
CHRISTUS Heritage Hall. As Artist Franco Mondini-Ruiz shows off his just completed portrait of board
a special treat we had world member Lupita Medina and her husband, Armando.
renowned artist, Franco MondiniRuiz holding court and painting time to photographically document Carolyn Tolar, and Tom Bridges.
We also wish to thank the
guests portraits while we were the evening and the cadre of
serenaded by Aaron Prado’s virtuoso volunteers from the community and following individuals, who made
piano playing. Our own Robert UIW, who helped with the auction. monetary donations to the event:
The exhibiting artists were: Vikki Col. James Boak, (Ret), Maria
Rodriguez, Village Community
Liaison, was emcee for the evening Fields, Franco Mondini- Ruiz, Daisy Borrero, Barbara Condos, Sr.
and even joined with the Prado’s Anderson, Richard Arredondo, Brad Mary Eustace Farrell, CCVI,, J.B.
singing several classic jazz tunes. Braune, Jacinto Guevara, Laurel Felder, Marianne Fischer, Kenneth
The event was successful Gibson, James Wyatt Hendricks, and Ellen Franckowiak, Sr. Trish
and all of this would not have Jesus Toro Martinez, Norma Freeman, CCVI, Glenn A. Goleman,
been possible without the hard Moore, Ray Chavez, Kathleen Matthew Golas, Irene Golla, Sr.
work and dedication of our staff. Baker Pittman, Roland Rodriguez, Teresa Grabber, CCVI, Sr. Mary
Everyone joined together to make Alex Rubio, Kathy Sosa, Angela C. Grehan, CCVI, Maryanne and
the evening as enjoyable as possible. Fox, Henry Cardenas, Gilberto Tom Guido, Beatrice Husband, Sr.
I would like to thank the many Tarin, Josephine Tucker and Dr. Agnes Kneavey, CCVI, Margaret
individuals that helped to make the Pauline Turner, all of whom who Kownslar, Rosie M. Lindquist,
Soiree the success that it was: The donated 50 to 100 percent of the James K. Lowry, M.D., Florence N.
Village board of directors and the sale of their work to the Village. Marriott, Edna Moon, Dr. Samuel
We would also like to thank our and Sharon Mungo, Alta Osherow,
management staff who donated
wine and Silver Eagle Distributors Silent Auction Donors: Whole Earth Joyce A. Perri, John Poerner,
and Sonya Medina-Williams who Provision Co., Robert Washington, James A. and Bette B. Sindon,
provided beer for the event. Sister Sr. Mary Muldowney, CCVI, Mary Jo Quinn, Helen Rogers,
Mary Carmel Smith, who donated her Kathy Beer of CHRISTUS Health, Sr. Corine Walsh, CCVI, Barbara
N. Williams, and Linda Williams.
Grieving is a natural process
By Sr. Estella Flynn
Grief is the emotional/ natural response to a
significant loss. It is common to all humanity. It
transcends culture, gender, religion and nationality.
It is the normal but bewildering cluster of ordinary
human emotions arising in response to a significant
loss, intensified and complicated by the relationship
to the person or the object lost. Shock, disbelieve,
guilt, anger and profound sadness are all part of the
grieving process. C .S .Lewis, A Grief Observed,
says, “Grief and pain are the price we humans
have to pay for the love and total commitment we
have for one another. The more we love, the more
we are hurt when we lose
the object of our love…”
The Initial response
is: Shock/Disbelief which
is an adaptive response,
one that protects from the
pain of loss, and allows
the bereaved person to
make final arrangements
following the death.
Embracing the reality of
the death is an exhausting
process and takes time.
When the loss sinks in there is profound sadness, and
it is difficult to imagine life without their loved one.
Anger and Guilt: are common emotions.
You may feel angry with God, your spouse, your
family, yourself or others. The “If Onlys” and the
“I Should Haves” can cause tremendous pain and
doubt. Guilt feelings often accompany or follow
anger. It is common for a bereaved person to feel
guilty simply for being alive when someone else has
died. You may want to withdraw and be left alone.
 Depression: depression or feelings of
emptiness may temporarily overwhelm you. You may
experience headaches, tightness in the throat or chest,
restless, crying or sighing. Grief sometimes comes
in waves. You may feel numb and exhausted. You
may have difficulty concentrating and remembering
things. These are all elements of the grieving process.
Another aspect of the grieving process is
letter writing or journaling. For many, writing
feels better than speaking, as the unspoken
healing can come through writing. You can find
your voice in writing in a way that you can’t
find in other forms of communication. You can
finish your unfinished business in letter writing.
Be kind and patient with yourself. Grief can
be overwhelming. It often feels as though you are
moving backward faster than you have been going
forward. Grief is like riding a roller coaster, so hang
on tight. As you begin to heal,
you will be able to laugh again
and enjoy life once more. Reestablish your connections
with your faith, your family
and friends. Do not allow
others to diminish your grief
with a list of “oughts” and
“shoulds.” Learn to listen
to your instincts. Trust
yourself and your inner
wisdom. Be creative in
your coping and gentle in
your despair. Make the choice to come fully
into today, bringing with you, not anger and
bitterness, but love shared and laughter remembered.
 S u p p o r t G r o u p s a t t h e Vi l l a g e
A bereavement support group is a gathering of
people who have experienced the death of a loved
one. In this atmosphere one can feel relaxed and less
isolated and have the opportunity to share and talk
with those who have a similar loss. It provides a “safe
place” to talk and retell their story as often as they
need and it remains confidential within the group.
Sharing feelings of pain and loss can be “therapeutic
and healing”. If you are interested in a support group,
please call Sister Estella Flynn at 210-544-7833.
You’re invited!
We invite you to join us for
our upcoming community
events! Bring a friend!
Wednesday, Nov. 5 – Day of Remembrance Ceremony
3 - 4 p.m., CHRISTUS Heritage Hall
Reception immediately following
We will celebrate the lives of deceased loved ones as we gather for a remembrance service and
fellowship. We invite you to share a photo or memento of your loved one which will be placed
on our remembrance table during the service. Kindly RSVP to 829-7561, ext. 132 by Nov. 3. Free!
~ In Loving Memory ~
Robert Abshire
Phil Allison
Hope Araujo
Daniel Arevalo
Norma Bliquez
Jim Boyle
Sr. Mary Benedict Broderick
Ellamarie Calhoun
Nick Carr
Hope Campos
Dr. Ernest Casillas
Charles Cavanaugh
Sr. Esther Chavez
Mary Kay Conneely
Esther de la Zerda
Joan Dibrell
Betty Dolash
Dan Doyle
Dora Due
Sr. Dorothy “Dot” Ettling
Mary Flynn
Margery Fowler
Connie Frison
Linda Gallo
Estela Garcia
Evangeline Garcia
Sr. Norma Rosa Garcia
Rosita Garcia
Parks Goodwin
Emma Gonzales
Jack Green
Dora Hernandez
Ofelia Hernandez
Sr. Magdalen Hession
Ora Hokansan Nishimuta
Gregory Hollewinske
Jim Hollier
Bob Howard
Elenora Jarzombek
Alberta Jimenez
Bianca Jimenez
Virginia Kurner
Nita Lichter
Sam Luebbert
Virginia Martin
Rudolfo Martinez
Gerry Marzec
Belen Texidor Marzec
José “Nati” Mascorro
Sr. Mary McGrath, PBVM
Beverly McPherson
Nancy Chidgey Means
Janice Morgan
Timothy Muldowney
Billie Nichols
Jean Nickolas
Sr. Mary Ellen O’Connor
Antonio Ordoñez
Fr. Patrick O’Shea, MSC
Robert Pasel
Hulda Ploch
Jerry Polanco
Evelyn Popovich
Maurice Price
Barbara Joyce Quinn
Leonor Rangel
Jerry Rees
Otto Rees
Sr. Carmen Roche
Antonia Rodriguez
Marianne Rouse
Sr. Mary Ann Ryan
Terry Scharpenberg
Norma Selfa
Sr. Anne Catherine Shaw
Jose Silva
Sr. Mona Smiley
Emil Snoga
Gladys Snoga
Fr. Leonard Stegman
Stephanie Stone
Leonilda Sullivan
Andrea Treviño
Marian Tschoepe
Arthur Uhl, Jr.
John Vaughn, Sr.
Lichter Woods
Michael Yndo
Tuesday, Nov. 11 – Veteran’s Day Ceremony
10:30 a.m.
Outside Main TVIW Entrance
Wednesday, Nov. 12 - Commemoration of the Faithful Departed Procession to the cemetery
3 p.m., Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word Cemetery
We will gather to offer prayers for all the sisters, residents, and staff who have gone before us. For
more information, please call 829-7561, ext. 157. Free!
Tuesday, Nov. 18 – 13th Annual Candlelight Remembrance Service
6:30 p.m. – Service: The Chapel of the Incarnate Word
Reception immediately following in CHRISTUS Heritage Hall.
In recognition of National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month, join us as we raise
awareness, remember those who fought this disease, and celebrate the lives of those
who are affected and touched by dementia. Attendees are encouraged to bring a photograph to place on
the remembrance table. For more information, please call 829-7561, ext. 553. Free!
Together We Give Thanks
To The Lord
Sunday, November 23, 2014
1 p.m. Mass
2 - 4 p.m.
Tuesday, Dec. 2 – Faith & Wine Women’s Gathering
6:30 – 9:00 p.m., CHRISTUS Heritage Hall
Christmas Carols for residents prior to the meeting, with a tour of the Motherhouse Chapel after the
conclusion of the official program.
The Faith and Wine fellowship gatherings are presented by Alexander House, a lay apostolate dedicated
to proclaiming the beauty, goodness and truth of God’s plan for marriage. The gatherings are especially
for women of all faiths. Married, single and women religious are all welcome. The featured speaker
for December is Graciela Terroba, Director of Operations for Alexander House. For more information,
please call 829-7561, ext. 162. Admission for the event is $15. You may register in advance at: or visit
Together We Give Thanks
To The Lord
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Friday, Dec. 12 – Presentation: Our Lady of Guadalupe
1:30 – 2:30 p.m., Assembly Room
Beloved. Cherished. Respected. Distinguished. These are just a few of the words colleagues
and students from the Mexican American Catholic College (MACC) used to describe Sister
Rosa Maria Icaza, CCVI, Ph.D., on the occasion of her retirement after 33 years of sharing
her love of teaching and learning. Sr. Rosa Maria has given many classes on Our Lady of Guadalupe –
Our Mother of the Americas. For more information, please call 829-7561, ext. 157. Free!
1 p.m. Mass
2 - 4 p.m.
Tuesday, Dec. 30 – Matsiko World Orphan Choir Performance
2:30 p.m., CHRISTUS Heritage Hall
A choir of 18 orphaned and at-risk children from Liberia and Peru tour the United States to bring
awareness to the plight of orphaned and high-risk children around the world. Matsiko, the Ugandan
word for “Hope” embodies both the children and the songs that they sing.
For more information, please call 829-7561, ext. 943. Free!
Give the gift of volunteering
By Matthew Reyna
Director of Volunteers
When re lecting on what makes
the holidays a special time of year, I
ind myself thinking past a number
of its de ining characteristics – past
the hot meals, past the thoughtful
gifts, and past the timeless carols.
For me, the de ining feature that
makes holidays special is that
they are when everyone takes
time to come together. It’s a time
of year when generosity and
hospitality are standard practice.
Wouldn’t it be great if holiday
cheer and its associated bene its
could last throughout the year?
Through volunteering, it does.
Throughout the year our
volunteers bring joy into the
lives our residents and staff.
They assist us with activities
throughout The Village. They help
us organize and host our parties
and events. They are the friendly
faces in the gift shop and thrift
shop. They brighten the lives of
everyone with whom they interact. Simply
put, they make The Village a better place.
As you start seeing holiday displays and
hearing Christmas carols, I invite you to
think about our residents. Think about the
joy you would bring them singing along
during Christmas karaoke, or how our parties
could use one more smiling face to serve
alongside our staff. Perhaps your church or
social group might get a kick out of caroling.
I i nv i te yo u to s p e n d s o m e t i m e
volunteering with us this holiday season.
It’s one of the best gifts that you can give.
Increasing Outreach
We are now distributing a brochure that
details some of our opportunities to potential
volunteers and we can use your help increasing
its reach. If you are interested in sharing copies
of this brochure with your family or friends,
please feel free to pick up a few copies from
The Village. We would greatly appreciate it.
esident News
Honoring those
who have served
By Jeanette Eisenmenger
Resident Services Director/COO
Veterans Day, which falls on Nov. 11, is a
time to honor the men and women who have
served in the armed services of the United
States. It is a celebration to honor America’s
veterans for their patriotism, love of country,
and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the
common good. We recognize the solemn
sacrifice that all veterans have made to keep
us safe.
Veterans who have served to protect their
countries bear the wounds of their sacrifices
every day.
We ask that God heal, comfort, and
protect all veterans, their families and those
who currently serve our country.
By Father Denis Edward O’Brien, USMC
It was the Veteran, not the reporter,
who has given us the freedom of the
- It was the Veteran, not the poet,
who has given us freedom of speech.
It was the Veteran, not the lawyer,
who has given us the right to fair trial.
It was the Veteran, not the campus
who has given us freedom to
It is the Veteran, who salutes the flag,
who served under the flag,
and whose coffin is draped by the flag,
who allows the protestor to burn the flag.
Salute to veterans
T h a n k
Resident Veterans
Elroy Adlof – Navy
Fred Anderson – Air Force
Robert Bailey– Army
John Campbell – Air Force
Anne Collins – USMCWR
Vincent D’Angelo – Army
Betty Davila – Nurse Cadet Corp
Louis Dechert – Army
Charles DeLaGarza – Army
Henry Denk – Navy
Patricia Denk – Navy Nurse
George DeWinne – Air Force
John Dunn – Army
Victor Flores—Air Force
Dr. Cuitlahuac (C.P.) Garcia –Army
Matthew Golas – Air Force
y o u
f o r
Thomas Goleman – Air Force
Bill Hanson – Army
Emma Hanson – Army
Ken Harmon – Army
John Hafernick – Navy
Herb Himmel – Navy
Robert Hodnett – Army
Richard Jodry – Army
Jerome Jurenovich – Army, Air Force
Ruth Kennedy – Nurse Cadet Corp
Ernest Kristof – Air Force
Lucille Kott – Army
James H. Laura – Navy
Dr. James L. Lowry – Navy
James Mason – Army & Air Force
Charles Merkelz – Army
Carl Mengden – Navy
y o u r
s a c r i f i c e !
Rita Moring – American Red Cross,
Japan, Korea
Mary Muniz – Army
Robert Persyn – Army
James Poteet – Air Force, Army
Leopold Putz – Navy
Judge Raul Rivera – Air Force
Tony Rezendes – Air Force
Evelyn Robinson – Nurse Cadet Corp
Sr. Elia Rosas – Nurse Cadet Corp
Leonard R. Scotty – Air Force
Dr. Norman Sherry – Royal Forces
Rome Smyth – Army
L.E. Stone – Army
Mary Szydloski – Nurse Cadet Corp
Andrew (Jack) Urbanszyk – Army
Phil Welter – Army & Marines
Join us to honor
our veterans
Tues., Nov. 11 at 10:30 a.m.
Outside main entrance
by Daniel Thrower
Air Force
Employee Veterans
Hans Breitbarth – US Coast Guard
Carlos Dominguez – Army
Steve Fuller – Army
Debbie Gonzales – Air Force
Vicente Ramos – Army
round the house
Andrea Tercero gets residents to kick up their heels to Zumba
Gold. Zumba classes are held each Friday in the Assembly
Mattie Neff and Peggy Carmody enjoy a
carousel ride at Morgan’s Wonderland.
DeMatel House residents gather for an end-ofsummer tea party.
Residents Claire Pasierb, Carolyn Burns and
Sr. Mary Ailbe Keaveney join in the festivities
during the annual luau.
Executive Director Steve Fuller
proposes a toast with residents and
staff of Angelique House during the
26th anniversary of The Village.
Team TalkTalk
mind &
By Anissa Weddington
Human Resources Director
An Employee Health
and Wellness Fair was held
Sept. 30 to promote healthy
living, body, mind and spirit.
Employees were provided
opportunities to increase
health awareness through
screenings and education.
The health fair consisted of a
variety of vendors that educated
employees on all aspects
of health, wellness, fitness
and lifestyle improvements.
To i n c r e a s e h e a l t h
Robin Dillard, RN from CHRISTUS HomeCare, checks the
blood pressure of TVIW staff members during the Employee
Health and Wellness Fair.
awareness the following
opportunities were available:
Flu Vaccines
Educational/informational Screenings and Measurements
Glucose Checks
Healthy Snack Education
Blood Pressure Checks
Infection Control
BMI Checks
Breast Cancer Awareness
Skin Checks
Employees of the Month
Part Time
Employee of Qtr
Roesemary Cisneros
Angelique House
Mary Ann Velez
Daniel Martin
Kay Reyes
Sisters Care
C ommunity Outreach
Heritage Center opens in late 2014
Items to be featured include the original
sewing machine used to stitch the embroidered
scapular on the habit worn by the Sisters from
the late 1800s through 1965. Also on display will
be the Refectory Pulpit from the old community
room in the Motherhouse Convent. Every day
a member of the order would read prayers and
scripture from the pulpit during meal times.
The Heritage Center will occupy two floors, or
7,500 square feet, previously occupied by the Village
at Incarnate Word. The building rests on the footprint of
the original Motherhouse Convent completed in 1900.
Lawrence Group Architects of St. Louis, in
collaboration with the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate
Word, have created a wonderful new space featuring
many repurposed items like doors and transoms from
the Motherhouse Convent, light fixtures and railings
from the original chapel and much, much more.
Visitors to the Heritage Center will be welcomed
by a 14 by 11-foot glass tiled mosaic featuring a
scriptural quotation that reads, “In the beginning
was the Word.” Directly in front of the curved
mosaic will be a fountain resembling the rock
structure that surrounds the Blue Hole; the site of the
springs that are the source of the San Antonio River.
The latest in modern technology
is being used throughout the
Heritage Center. Some displays will
feature touch screen functionality.
Videos will be part of a user friendly
interactive timeline. Many of the
displays will feature information
in both English and Spanish and all
areas of the center will be handicap
accessible and ADA compliant.
Completion of the Heritage Center
is slated for late 2014. For more
information email Ana M. Nelson,
Part of the interactive timeline tracing the evolution of the Sisters Director of Communications for the
of Charity of the Incarnate Word in the United States and around Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate
Word at
the world.
By Robert V. Rodriguez
Community Liaison
I recently had the opportunity to visit with
Donna Morales Guerra, director of archives
and records management, about the Heritage
Center of the Sisters of Charity of the
Incarnate Word San Antonio Congregation.
The Heritage Center is part of a heritage
project envisioned by the 2008-2014 CCVI
General Leadership Team under the direction of
Sr. Yolanda Tarrango. The project also includes
the Heritage Trail, which recognizes and denotes
various landmarks on the 280-acre tract of
land originally purchased by the San Antonio
congregation from George W. Brackenridge in 1897.
The emphasis of the Heritage Center will be to
celebrate the congregations illustrious past, while
also acknowledging the present and looking towards
the future. Exhibit displays will show the global
presence of the Sisters of Charity and their ministries
in the United States, Mexico, Peru and Zambia.
“Many of the artifacts in the Heritage
Center are being featured for the first time,
with other items having previously been
displayed in the Heritage Room,” said Guerra.
The Village at Incarnate Word team of 88 staff, Alzheimers Sept. 20. It is the nation’s largest
residents and family members participated in event to raise awareness and funds for care,
the 2014 Alzheimer’s Association Walk to end support and research. TVIW raised $2,305.
TVIW reaches out to community
By Jeanette Eisenmenger
Resident Services Director/COO
Yo u r h o m e i s u s u a l l y
considered a place where you
lay your head – a place where
family and friends gather during
good times and bad. A place
where when you’re behind
closed doors you can let your
hair down. Making your home in
a community setting is even extra
special. You have the privacy
inside your apartment/room yet
when desired have opportunities
for being engaged with people
right outside your home. The
choice is up to each individual.
The Village at Incarnate
Word, being a home to so many
individuals, stretches its arms
in many directions in the San
Antonio community. In the last
few months, The Village was one
of several sponsors of two local
conferences. One was The Task
Force Against Elder Domestic
Violence: Awareness and Action,
a Community Response to Elder
Domestic Violence, which was
a great success. Residents put
together packets and folders
distributed to the Elder Domestic
Violence Conference attendees.
Several coworkers participated
in the daylong conference which
focused on the importance of
collaborating resources for
elder domestic violence victims.
Another conference The
Village was involved with
was The Catholic Women’s
Conference which had about 1600
attendees. The Village, a Guardian
Angel Sponsor, was pleased that
this funding provided priests’
availability to participants. Our
presence at the conference was
wonderful in that we not only
had the opportunity to spread
the word about our ministry,
but also acquired volunteers.
Another current opportunity
for community involvement is
one where residents can directly
impact another. This fall semester,
residents will be assisting the Feik
School of Pharmacy first year
students to increase the importance
and awareness of communication
skills. The commitment is for
three sessions for three weeks,
but the experience for the preprofessional pharmacist is vital
and leads to their professional
development. Those who would
like to participate may contact
me at 210-829-7561, Ext. 157.
In Gratitude to TVIW Donors
The Legacy Chapter
($25,000 and up annually)
Congregation of the Sisters of Charity
of the Incarnate Word
The Lyons Club
($10,000 -$24,999 annually)
Archdiocese of San Antonio
Robert Bailey
Mrs. Joe Coughran, in memory of Sr.
Eleanor Anne Young, CCVI &
Mr. Joe Coughran
Raskob Foundation for Catholic
Activities, Inc.
The Village Guild
($5,000-$9,999 annually)
Arts Center Enterprises, Inc.
Patricia Crain
In memory of Eleanor Jarzombek
Norma and Clayton Burns
Margaret and Albert Herbrich
Patricia and Earnest Jarzombek
Robert Jarzombek
Chilton and Harriette Maverick, in
honor of Vienna
Douglas R. Semmes, Jr.
The Founders Circle
($2,000- $4,999)
Peggy Case Aertker, in memory of
Captain Alan F. Aertker, USAF and
all sisters that have passed away
at The Village and in honor of her
13 great grandchildren & The Peggy
Case Aertker Family
Michael and Esther Belz
James L. and Kathleen Burch
Catholic Life Insurance
Charles Cheever, in honor of Sr. Rosita
Hyland & Michael and Esther Belz
CHRISTUS Santa Rosa Medical
Center Auxiliary
Marian Ellert, in memory of Henry
Carolina Garza
Estate of Laura Gates, Adolia Ors,
Bruce and Monica Gillooly
Goldsbury Foundation, in honor of
Sr. Rosita Hyland
William E. Greehey
Lockheed Martin
James K. Lowry, M.D.
St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic
Church, Msgr. Kevin Ryan
Elly Xenakis, in memory of her father,
Phrixos Ovidiu Xenakis
The Dubuis Society
($1,000-$1,999 annually)
Alejuela Investments, LLC, in honor of
Helen Rogers
Col. James H. Boak (Ret), in memory
of Mary Frances Boak
Broadway National Bank
Michael and Louise Burke
Central Park Lions Club
CHRISTUS Health Santa Rosa
Judy and Robert Comer
Sr. Louise Ann Delisi
Stephen & Adel Dufilho
Alice East
Irene Golla
James W. & Rowena C. Gorman, in
honor of Sr. Rosita Hyland
William F. Grinnan, Jr.
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
James H. & Susan B. Jung, in memory
of Martha Garwood
Edwin Mueller
Bill and Camilla Parker
Sonya Medina-Williams, Silver Eagle
St. Brigid Church
State Bar of Texas
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Torgerson, in
memory of Jean Carolyn McAfee
University of the Incarnate Word
Vivian Vance
In memory of Mrs. Robert (Mary Ann
Peterson) Boehm
Robert Boehm Family
Glenn & Kathryn Boehm Wehring
Dr. Henry, Jr. & Teddy Boehm
St. Nicholas of Myra Guild
($500-$999 annually)
Elroy and Esther Adlof
Charles Anderson
Ann Griffith Ash, in memory of Jean
Carolyn McAfee Nickolas
Raymond R. Carvajal
Joan Marie Cornelison
Doug Cross
Jack Galagan
Alma Garcia, in memory of Sr. Norma
Rosa Garcia
Mary Gracely, in memory of Ellamarie
Cosmo Guido
Louise W. Hall
Dan Harkins
Bettina Jones, in memory of John
Michael Guynes
J.E. Keeter
Kathleen Light
Marmon Mok Architecture
Cheryl McMullan
John Miller
Edna L. Moon, in memory of Judge
Abe Ramirez
Clarence Kahlig, North Park Lincoln
Reverend Patrick O’Callaghan
Drs. James and Teresa Ogden
George A. Olson
Sr. Jane Ann Slater, Our Lady of the
Lake University
Project Control of Texas, Inc.
Mary Jo Quinn
Ethyllynn “Judy” Sauls
Charles A. Schmidt
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
Hallie Rowe, Supply Innovations Co.
TeamCare Rehab
Jim Tsakopulos, in memory of Erma
Klinedinst Calahan
Zulu Investments, Corp.
Friends of the Village
(up to $499 annually)
Mary Adamcik
Teresa Almaraz
Patricia Andry
Anonymous, in honor of Sr. Josefa
In memory of Sr. Norma Rosa Garcia
Norma V. Ayala
Nick Carr
Esther Gudowski
Judy Babbitt
Sharon Baker, in memory of Chuck
DeRiemer, Bernard Cooke, Carol
Braden & Candice Marie Moon
Kenyon Kanak
Joan Barborak
Don Beeler
Maria Borrero
In honor of Sr. Rosita Hyland
Patricia Bose
Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Patrick Edwards
Mary Eustace Farrell
William Hinchey
Bonnie Dilworth Jacobs
Sherie M. Welch
(Donations reflect all gifts made from Sept. 1, 2013 through Aug. 31, 2014.)
In Memoriam
Bertha Bowen
Phyl Brandt
Richard D. Braune
Tom Bridges
Brigidine Sisters
Antoinette G. Browning
Margaret Buck
A. D. Campbell, Jr., in memory of
Mrs. Eleanore Jarzombec
The Heirs of Tomasita Canales
Peggy L. Carmody
Rhonda Chadwick
Jane Cheever Powell, in honor of
Michael and Esther Belz &
Sr. Rosita Hyland
J.S. Christenson
Robin Cohen, in memory of Norma
Anne H. Collins
Patricia K. Cootey
Josephine Cormack
Celeste Courand
Jane W. Crowther
In memory of Geraldine “Gerry” Mae
Beisner Marzec
Katheryn A. Beisner
Janet Cuellar
Darin Darby
Patricia Green
Mike McGarry
Escamilla and Poneck, LLP
The Catholic Women of the Chapel at
Ft. Sam Houston
Michael Davis
Colleen Dean
Charles De La Garza
Col. Louis T. Dechert (Ret) US Army
Blackstone Dilworth
Patricia Dolan
Dr. Denise Doyle
In honor of Linda Williams
Laura Cadwallader
Sue Dullnig
June Eubank
Elizabeth Rochfort
Mrs. Roger Tolar
Mrs. Curtis Vaughan
Mrs. Robert Vielock
Heather Welder
Ida Wiley
Albert Eisch
Edward E. Elias, in memory Diane
Degan Flynn
Veronica Escobar, M.D.
Marjorie F. Everitt
Patrick J. Fleming, CPA
Ellen Franckowiak, in honor of Michael
and Esther Belz
Donna Frazier, MSgt.,USAF, in
memory of Sr. Mary Ellen O’Connor
Sr. Tricia Freeman, CCVI
Robert and Yolanda French
Glenn A. Goleman
Sr. Teresa Grabber, CCVI
Harold L. Grimes, in memory of Janice
Elsie D. Grothues
Deedra L. Hartung
John Healy, in honor of Sr. Walter
Jeremiah Herlihy
Mary M. Hoke, in honor of Sr. Teresa
James Hyslop
Kristin Jaggard
Mary Jaggard
In memory of Charles O. Kilpatrick
Janis Jaroseck Browning
Margie A. Kilpatrick
Martha Waldman
Katherine E. Jeter, in honor of Linda
and Sid Williams III
John Jockusch
Edwin W. and Shirley Ann Johnson
Arthur Joseph
Tom Kane
Ann Kettles
Darach P. Kilbride
Robert Kiolbassa
Martin Knippa
Weir Labatt
William Landwehr, in memory of
Sr. Mary Gabriel Landwehr, CCVI
Eleanor D. Lerro
William Lewis, in memory of
Mary E. Lewis
Rosie Lindquist, in memory of Alfred
Pruneda and John M. Pruneda
Fernando Lopez
Michael and Beverly Lovelace, in
memory of Mrs. Nishimuta
James Lowry, Jr., in honor of James K.
Lowry, M.D.
Jesse M. and Murial M. Lozano
Peggy Jane Mahan, in honor of Jean
and John Dunn’s 60th Wedding
Florence N. Marriott
Denes Marton
Gloria Gouger Massey
Kathleen Kariger May
(July 8 - Oct. 10, 2014)
We are grateful for the opportunity to
have served the following residents of
The Village at Incarnate Word.
Charles Cavanaugh
Dr. Ernest Casillas
Marianne Rouse
Fr. Leonard Stegman
Emma Gonzales
Linda Gallo
Gladys Snoga
Alberta Jimenez
Robert Pasel
Margery Fowler
To give a gift in honor or in
memory of a loved one,
please call (210) 829-7561, Ext. 150.
Armando and Lupita Medina
Marilyn Mitton Piette
Bridget Molloy
Sr. Janet Marie Monsalvo
Joan E. Moody
Edgar Morrison
Nellie Moynahan
Paraic Mulgrew
Geralyn F. Natalino
Emilie Neill
Karen Nelson, in memory of
Dorothy Clark
Bart Nichols
Fred J. Noel
Al and Angela Notzon
Barbara B. Oates
Mary O’Driscoll, in memory of
Carmen Coindreau
Ellen O’Gorman, in honor of
Yoli Anderson
Sr. Audrey O’Mahony
Patrick Palmer, M.D., in honor of
Trudy Palmer
Rose Pardinek
George and Pamela Person
John Poerner
Jim and Patty Poteet
(Continued on Page 16)
The Village at Incarnate Word
4707 Broadway
San Antonio, TX 78209-6200
(210) 829-7561
(Continued from Page 15)
Mary Whiting Puckett, in memory of
Sr. Mary McGrath, PBVM
Kenneth R. Rector
Eldon Roalson
Evelyn B. & Robert Lee Robinson
Elizabeth Rochfort
Mary Rosenbusch, in memory of
Eugene & Lisa, David & Cora
Rosenbusch and Minnie
Gilbert Ruiz
Sid Sablow, in honor of Sr. Josefa
Jorge A. Saravia
Joan C. Schmelzle, in memory of
John Guynes
Michael A. Schott, in memory of
Erma Klinedinst Calahan
Bob Seawell, in memory of
Louise Seawell
Barbara A. Serene
Kenneth J. Simons, in memory of
Sr. John Damascene Simons and
John and Marie Simons
Sisters of the Holy Spirit & Mary
Susan Straus
Msgr. Lawrence Stuebben
Ruth Eilene Sullivan
Col. and Mrs. Ambrose Szalwinski
C.P. Talley
Vicki Thaxton, in memory of
Ms. Thaxton’s grandmother and in
honor of Emma Simmon
Michael Tonsing
Richard Traylor, in honor of
Msgr. Larry Steubben
Bonnie B. Trexler
William F. Trigoso
Eugenia Vineys
Wade Construction, Inc. , in
memory of Dora Hernandez
Shirley Wagner
Robert Washington, in memory
of Fr. Leonard Stegman
Mary Allyn Watson, in honor of
Sr. Brigida Smiley
Saundra Watts
Olga Weich, in memory of
Joseph J. Weich
Katherine Winiecki
Mark H. Wright, in memory of Jean
Carolyn McAfee Nickolas
Joan F. Wurst
Sr. Theresa Marie Yndo
Audrey F. Zane
Employee Donors
Kevin Alexander, TVIW
Maria A. Avalos , TVIW
Nancy Blythe, Sr. Care, CCVI Legacy
Fund, TVIW
Sarah Comeaux, TVIW
Alma Cosme, TVIW, in honor of
Mr. Steve E. Fuller
Jeanette Eisenmenger, CCVI Legacy
Yolanda Escalante, TVIW
Ruth Esparza, TVIW
Maribel Esquivel, TVIW
Maria Elena Flores, TVIW
Jane P. Fore, TVIW
Ronny W. Fox, TVIW
Steven E. Fuller, TVIW
Louis Gomez, TVIW
Catalina Gonzales, TVIW
Jamie J. Gonzalez, TVIW
Emily Guerra, TVIW
Herlinda Herrera, TVIW
Billy C. Holt, TVIW
Michelle Jimenez
Stacy A. Jones, TVIW
Darlene Martinez, TVIW
Sally Martinez, TVIW
Roland G. Mazuca, TVIW
Dominga Mowers, TVIW
Lisa Ortiz, TVIW
Yolanda Pegg, TVIW
Barbara A. Pettit, TVIW
Laura Rios, TVIW
Mary Ann Rodriguez, TVIW
Gloria D. Romero, TVIW
Michael San Roman , TVIW
Selene M. Tavira, TVIW
Leticia A. Trevino, TVIW
Magda Trujillo, TVIW
Linda Williams, TVIW
If you would like more information about The Village at Incarnate Word
please call 210-829-7561, Ext. 114, or visit