TAMASOMA JYOTHIRGAMAYA From Darkness to Light Here's a great opportunity for all Responsible Corporate Ci zens to support our visionary effort in bringing back the Sparkle of Light to Millions of Visually Impaired Indians! And libera ng them from miserable darkness! VISUAL IMPAIRMENT CRIPPLES The misery that vision impairment inflicts on millions of unfortunate persons is just beyond the imagina on of most us blessed with normal vision. We cannot even fathom the sadness of the visually impaired one who cannot read or write, watch movies, television, operate mobiles, recognize people’s faces – such simple tasks for all those who have been blessed with normal vision. TIMELY INTERVENTION HELPS Nearly 450 million men, women and children in India suffer from various forms of visual impairment. More than half this staggering number suffer the misfortune just because what caused their visual impairment was not detected in the early stages. Millions of persons are just not able to seek out good eye care professionals. There are millions of persons who are not aware that a simple prescrip on of the right glasses to wear can set their vision right! Or that using a specially customized device to rec fy acute low vision can help them to regain the joys of God-given vision. OPTOMETRISTS HAVE A SIGNIFICANT ROLE If only the visually impaired could contact and consult a qualified Optometrist in good me, eye vision can be easily restored and their joys of living redeemed. When there is just one Ophthalmologist available for every 200,000 people in India the role of an Optometrist acquires enormous significance in resolving most vision-related concerns. Optometrists are fully qualified eye care professionals who are trained and have the skills to prescribe glasses and contact lenses, diagnose ocular condi ons, perform diagnos c tests, and recommend beneficial eye exercises. They also prescribe special customized devices for people with extremely low vision. Optometrists also regularly par cipate in community eye care programmes even in remote rural areas to help the visually impaired. ESO is focused in its efforts to generate fully qualified, trained and skilled specialist Optometrists. ESO has already produced 500 Optometrists since its incep on. Most of them are a ached to the top eye hospitals in the country and abroad, and a few of them have taken up interes ng responsibili es in related fields. ESO HAS A MISSION: TO CREATE A POOL OF TALENTED OPTOMETRISTS The Elite School of Optometry (ESO), located in Chennai, is the first School of Optometry in India, established in 1985, offering a 4-year B.S. Optometry Degree Course - and Post Graduate Programmes such as M.Phil and PhD in Optometry. ESO’s mission was to meet the ever growing demand for Optometrists. It is a non-profit, high profile educa onal ins tu on for learning, started with the noble mission of genera ng a pool of qualified Optometrists who can contribute to the na onal endeavour of providing excellent vision care services. In this endeavour ESO is supported by Sankara Nethralaya and the Birla Ins tute of Technology and Science, Pilani. ESO is the spring board for Optometrists who, realizing the huge gap between the demand for and the actual availability of qualified Optometrists in India, toil hard with total dedica on to offer top quality eye care to vision impaired people. From ESO alone, during the academic year 2013-2014, nearly 30,000 people were screened for eye care. EMPOWERING OPTOMETRISTS WITH NEW KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS: HALL MARK OF ESO Through its mul -pronged efforts, ESO has always strived to keep up with interna onal standards on the academic front, as also in Clinical Care and Vision Research. Such efforts include periodic interac on with experts in the field, through conferences, seminars, symposiums and workshops. These ini a ves enable the Optometrists and other eye care prac oners to constantly upgrade their knowledge in the field of optometry. Professor Sarita Soni, Indiana University in a plenary session INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES: A HUGELY BENEFICIAL WAY FORWARD As a high impact ac vity, ESO organizes Interna onal Vision Science & Optometry Conference (EIVOC) – 3 Day Interna onal Conference once in five years, providing a hugely beneficial Knowledge Forum for Optometrists in India to enhance their competence, through close and first-hand interac on with globally renowned experts in Vision Science and Optometry. Dr. S.S. Badrinath, Chairman Emeritus, Medical Research Founda on. Two such conferences conducted by ESO earlier, in 2005 and 2010, had been acclaimed for the quality of the presenta ons offered and the knowledge that the professionals gained. EIVOC’s key objec ve is to con nue to provide India’s Optometrists such an authen c pla orm to sharpen their professional compe veness with skills to match the ever evolving global standards. ESO takes jus fiable pride in its efforts to raise the professional standards of Optometrists in India. EIVOC team with delegates EIVOC now offers the 3rd Interna onal Vision Science and Optometry Conference ESO’S INTERNATIONAL VISION SCIENCE AND OPTOMETRY CONFERENCE 13th to 16th August, 2015 Confluence Conven on Center, Banquets and Resort, ECR – OMR Junc on, Mahabalipuram, Tamilnadu, India TAMASOMA JYOTHIRGAMAYA From Darkness to Light Through this conference EIVOC aims to further equip and empower Optometrists and eye care prac oners with latest updates on innova ons and the rapid advancements in technology. Most of the Optometrists from India and about 600 students from various Colleges of Optometry are expected to a end the Conference. In all we expect around 1500 delegates at the Interna onal Conference. Nearly 30 experts of eminence from the eye-care fields, from India and abroad, will be making their presenta ons. Plenary sessions, symposiums, workshops, free paper sessions, experts and students’ meet, and network-hours have all been carefully planned to provide the delegates a ending the conference an enormous opportunity to sharpen their knowledge and skills. Apart from this, other interes ng events have also been planned which include Post-graduate Educa on Fair, Clinical Photo and Video Compe on, Optometry Quiz and Songs Contests, and Best Innova ons in Optometry Contests. All these events will generate a high level of interest among the professionals and students alike and create a buzz in the field. ESO INVITES YOU TO BECOME A PART OF ITS ZEALOUS MISSION As one who is equally concerned with such a huge social problem, we are sure you would also like to readily join us in our efforts to mi gate the miseries of the visually impaired in this country. This is a great opportunity for you to lend us your suppor ve hand in a common cause to reduce the misery of millions of the visually impaired - by crea ng a competent army of qualified and skilled Optometrists. We invite you to come and join us in this dedicated cause through your generous support. THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS YOU CAN HELP By choosing any of the op ons from the several items listed in this folder, you can lend a helping hand to ESO in carrying forward its mission to provide succor to those with impaired vision. Please review the list of item(s) on offer for sponsorship and communicate your preference to us by mail at the earliest. There are some beneficial ‘return values’ for a few specific plans which may be of special interest to you. Needless to say that EIVOC and all of us at ESO and Sankara Nethralaya will be grateful for your enthusiasm. We look forward to your enthusias c par cipa on. Please write, mail or call to indicate your preference. It will be our pleasure to work with you in this common cause. age next p e h t e e Se w mor to kno exci ng the about orship Spons i es! tun oppor PRIME OPPORTUNITIES PLATINUM SPONSOR GOLD SPONSOR SILVER SPONSOR COST (RS.): 12.0 Lakhs COST (RS.): 8.0 Lakhs COST (RS.): 5.0 Lakhs Your Benefits: Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ OTHER OPPORTUNITIES Designa on as Pla num Sponsor at all Conference Sessions. 15-Minutes Presenta on during the Conference Main Plenary Session on the 2nd or 3rd Day. Breakfast Sessions: Sponsored & Conducted by the Pla num Sponsor. Naming of Scien fic Workshop Session as Pla num Sponsor Session. Signage – Front Gate/Foyers and Backdrop – All Sessions & Workshops Video Screening between Sessions in Main Halls, Exhibit Halls & Dining Halls. Logo in the Conference Proceedings. One Page Adver sement in the Conference Programme issued to delegates. Insert of Product Informa on Flyer in the Conference Kit. Men on as Pla num Sponsor on ESO Conference Website with Sponsor Logo. Link to Sponsor’s Home Page. Booth Space in a preferred loca on in the Exhibit Area. Five Complimentary Registra ons for the Conference. Your Benefits: Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Designa on as Gold Sponsor at all Conference Sessions. 10 Minutes Presenta on during the Conference Symposium. Breakfast Sessions to be conducted by the Sponsors. Signage on Conference Hoardings. Half Page Adver sement in the Conference Programme issued to delegates. Insert of Flyer or Sample in the Conference gi bags. Men on as Gold Level Sponsor on College Conference Website. Link to Sponsor’s Home Page. Booth Space in Exhibit Area. Three Complementary Registra ons for the Conference. Your Benefits: Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Designa on as Silver Level Sponsor at all Conference Sessions. Signage in foyers. Quarter Page Adver sement in the Conference Programme Issued to delegates. Insert of a Flyer or Sample in the Conference Kits. Men on as a Silver Level Sponsor on the College Conference Website, with Sponsor Logo linking to sponsor Home Page. Booth Space in Exhibit Area. Three Complimentary Registra ons for the Conference. SPONSORING OF LUNCH | Rs. 7.00 Lakhs Ÿ Each Day of the Conference (1st, 2nd or 3rd) Ÿ Official announcement during the Conference Ÿ Two Standees provided for display in the dining hall during the lunch me Ÿ One page adver sement in the Conference Proceedings Ÿ Four Complimentary passes for Lunch Ÿ Pamphlets about the product/company in the Conference Kit VENUE RENTAL SUPPORT | Rs. 6.00 Lakhs/day Ÿ Signage in the Backdrop of Plenary Session, Symposium in Main Hall Ÿ One page adver sement in the Conference Proceedings Ÿ Booth Space for Product Display GALA/GRADUATION CEREMONY DINNER | Rs. 5.00 Lakhs Ÿ 10 Minutes of Presenta on by Sponsors to promote their Products Ÿ Display of Sponsor's Products OTHER OPPORTUNITIES PRINTING OF CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS | Rs. 5.00 Lakhs Ÿ Half Page Adver sement in the Conference Programme Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ issued to delegates. Insert of a Flyer or Sample in the Conference Kits. Men on as a Sponsor on the College Conference Website, with Sponsorship Logo linking to sponsor Home Page. One Booth Space in Exhibit Area. Three Complementary Registra ons for the Conference. PATRON OF DELEGATES | Rs. 2.00 Lakhs Ÿ Sponsorship used for deserving Optometrists/Students fully or partly. Ÿ Registra on Fees and/or Accommoda on Costs. Ÿ Men on of Sponsor’s Name in the Conference Website. SPONSORING OF TEA/Coffee | Rs. 2.00 Lakhs Ÿ For Five Sessions over Two and Half Days Ÿ Half page adver sement in the Conference Proceedings TRAVEL GRANT (The travel grant can be in SPONSOR name) Ÿ For 4 delegates from foreign countries (within Asia) | Rs. 2.0 Lakhs Ÿ For 10 delegates (from other loca ons excluding Chennai) | Rs. 50,000/Ÿ For 10 Optometry Students from North East Fron er States | Rs. 50,000/Ÿ For 20 Optometry Students from North East Fron er States | Rs. 1.00 Lakh SESSION SPONSOR | Rs. 1.50 lakh Ÿ Session will be named a er the sponsor WORKSHOP SPONSOR | Rs. 1.00 Lakh Ÿ Workshop will be named a er the sponsor REGISTRATION SPONSOR | Rs. 4,000/- per Student To support Optometry Students with the recommenda on from the College Management. No restric on on number of students. Ÿ The Sponsor's name and the list of beneficiary students will feature in the College Conference Website. EXHIBIT BOOTH COSTS | Rs. 40,000/Ÿ Each booth measuring 3m x 2m PRESS CONFERENCE | Rs. 2.00 Lakhs Ÿ Will announce the Press Conference is supported by the (for Product Exhibits / Displays) Sponsor. Ÿ Backdrop will carry the Sponsor Name/ Logo. For more informa on mail us on: eivoc@snmail.org For one to one discussion please call on: Organising Chairperson: EIVOC 2015 Dr R Krishna Kumar email: kk@snmail.org Mobile: 98403 12791 Website: www.eso.sankaranethralaya.org/eivoc-2015 Organizing commi ee members: EIVOC 2015 Mr. S Viswanath email: viswa@snmail.org Dr Rajeswari M email: graji@snmail.org Ms. A Vijayalakshmi email: aviji@snmail.org Secretariat: Ms Uma Paramesh email: eivoc@snmail.org Phone: 044 – 2234 9269 Block your Sponsorship Plan Now! All payments to be made in favour of “Medical Research Founda on”, payable at Chennai Elite School of Optometry No.8, G.S.T. Road, St. Thomas Mount, Chennai 600 016, Tamil Nadu, India