St. Alphonsus Parish Follow us on TWITTER @StAlphonsusWexford
St. Alphonsus Parish Follow us on TWITTER @StAlphonsusWexford
St. Alphonsus Parish Follow us on TWITTER @StAlphonsusWexford 201 Church Road Wexford, PA 15090 Parish Founded in 1840 School Established 1889 SOLEMNITY OF OUR LORD,KING OF THE UNIVERSE November 23, 2014 PARISH PRIESTS Father Peter P. Murphy, Pastor Father Edward M. Czemerda, Parochial Vicar DEACON Mr. Albert E. Heiles Jr. ST. ALPHONSUS SCHOOL Pre School to Eighth Grade Mr. Robert D. Reese, Principal DEPARTMENT OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CCD Kindergarten to Eighth Grade Youth Ministry - Adult Religious Education Sacramental Preparation Louis Bosco, Director of Religious Education YOUTH MINISTRY Mike Shipe, Director COMMUNICATIONS ADMINISTRATOR Cindy Cusic Micco MUSIC MINISTRY Mary Heagy, Director of Liturgical Music & Choir John and Lynn DeNisi, Directors of Folk Choir Nancy Barnes, Organist PHONE NUMBERS (area code 724) Parish Office (Rectory) ..................... 724-935-1151 Fax ................................................... 724-934-3788 Dept. of Religious Education-CCD ... 724-935-1160 St. Alphonsus School ....................... 724-935-1152 School Fax……………………………724-935-1110 DIOCESAN VICTIMS HOTLINE………….888-808-1235 Qr to Parish Web Page WEB-SITES: Parish… School .................................... Diocese ............................... PARISH TWITTER - @StAlphonsusWex SCHOOL BULLETIN DEADLINE: Tuesday 4:00 p.m. Our Parish Mission Statement The faith family of St. Alphonsus enjoys a rich heritage and historic tradition supported by Catholic education. Nourished by the Eucharist and strengthened by the Scriptures, our purpose is to learn and share our faith with each other through each generation. We are committed to prayer, service, and building the Kingdom of God through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We seek to create a vibrant spirit of generosity and evangelization throughout our church and community by inviting and empowering all to use their treasures and talents. ALL THE NATIONS WILL BE ASSEMBLED BEFORE HIM AS KING OF THE UNIVERSE. TIMES OF SUNDAY MASSES Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 6:00 a.m., 8:00 a.m.,10:00 a.m., 12:15 p.m. WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday thru Friday 7:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m. Saturday Morning: 9:00 a.m. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday afternoon 12:00 Noon to 12:30 p.m. Saturday evening 6:00 p.m. after Mass INFANT BAPTISM Sunday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. by personal appointment. Parents, please make arrangements for Baptism preparation class before the baby is born. CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) CHILDREN (RCIC) All Adults and children who are interested in being received into Full Communion with the Catholic Church should contact the Parish Office. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Notification of intention to marry must be given six months in advance. Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe November 23, 2014 “Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world,” said Jesus —Matthew 25:34 The Feast of Christ the King is very fitting for the end of the Church Liturgical Year. We are reminded of the Final Judgment when Jesus will reign in His Glory. His Invitation to the just, in whose number we yearn to be, is most welcoming. “Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” COLLECTION FOR THE RETIRED RELIGIOUS SISTERS The annual collection for the retired members of our Religious Communities is this Sunday. There is great need of continuous healthcare for our elderly Sisters. This special collection draws the most generous response from St. Alphonsus Parish. The Collection on Thanksgiving Day Mass is for the special needs of our people, especially at this time of year. You are invited and encouraged to begin your Thanksgiving morning by joining in the celebration of the “Eucharist” - which really means “Thanks-Giving.” Our Parish Thanksgiving Mass will be celebrated at 10:00a.m. Following Thanksgiving Day Mass, all are invited to gather in the lobby of the school for coffee and tea and baked goods. This is a wonderful opportunity to join together to meet each other’s extended families home for the holiday. If you plan to be at Thanksgiving day Mass and are doing some baking this week, please consider baking a dozen muffins or a loaf of pumpkin bread or any other sweet treat for all to share after Mass and deliver it to the rectory Wednesday morning or afternoon or to the school lobby before Mass on Thanksgiving Day. 175/125 ANNIVERSARY MERCHANDISE ST. ALPHONSUS PARISH - CHRISTMAS PROJECT The Anniversary Merchandise is being sold after Masses this weekend at the school vestibule. In addition a donut social is offered after 8am and 10am Masses. St. Vincent Mission in the Appalachian town of David, Kentucky, is counting on our generous help to provide gifts for their Christmas store. Gift tags are separated in to baskets for men, women, and children. There is as much need for men’s and women’s clothing as there is for the children, and it is even recommended to leave the tag on. (You may remove the price). It will bring great joy to the families who shop at St. Vincent’s Christmas store to have a variety of items from which to choose. If purchasing toys, we recommend toys that do not require batteries. Do not gift wrap the items. Under the direction of Sr. Kathleen Weigand, St. Vincent Mission makes it possible for over 170 families there to shop for Christmas gifts for each member of their family using a simple token system, parents are able to choose Christmas gifts for each family member. These gifts are new items of clothing, toys and other gift items that are donated to the mission for this purpose. Please bring gifts with tags to the back of church this Sunday and next Sunday before 12:15p.m. Mass. The parish office will be closed Thanksgiving Day and Friday, November 28. CCD Students are to assemble with their families for Mass this Monday, November 24 by 6:00p.m. at school in order to prepare for Mass to begin at 6:30p.m. in church. Special children items for the Christmas store at St. Vincent Mission in David, Kentucky, may be donated this evening - NEWLY PURCHASED TOYS AND GAMES. Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe - Nov. 23 K-of-C CHRISTMAS SEALS MASS INTENTIONS Included in today’s bulletin is the Knights of Columbus 56th Anniversary annual Christmas Seals & envelope. Please be generous in your response to this appeal on behalf of the developmentally disabled children at McGuire Home in New Brighton and those enrolled at the St. Anthony School Program at various parochial schools throughout the diocese. Please use the seals on your Christmas correspondence. SOLEMNITY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE - Nov. 22/23 5:00p.m. Saturday - Louis & Julia Sinko & Family by Wayne & Regina Yetter 6:00a.m. Living & Deceased Members of the Parish 8:00a.m. Madeline Seibert by Family 10:00a.m. Rosemary Zappa by Husband Robert 12:15p.m. James Meinert by Debbie & Ron Meinert CHILDREN CHOIR FOR CHRISTMAS EVE MASS Monday, November 24 - Vietnamese Martyrs 7:00a.m. Joseph D. Michels by Richard Michels 9:00a.m. Herman Sciullo by Family 6:30p.m. CCD Family Mass Tuesday, November 25 - St. Catherine of Alexandria 7:00a.m. Special Intention by Family 9:00a.m. Garry Molloy by Lois Barrett Wednesday, November 26 - Weekday 7:00a.m. Theresa & Joseph Michels by Richard Michels 9:00a.m. Living & Deceased Members of the Parish All School Mass Thursday, November 27—THANKSGIVING 10:00am Olive & Rob Senita by Family. William Peck by Wife Bonnie & Daughter Andrea. Friday, November 28 - Weekday 7:00a.m. Living & Deceased Members of the Parish 9:00a.m. Joseph Saffa by Ed & Faye Basa Saturday, November 29 - LAST DAY OF THE Our parish invites children — from kindergarten through eighth grade — to participate in a Children’s Choir for the 4p.m. Christmas Eve Mass. We also welcome children instrumentalists at this liturgy. Weekly practices are held as follows: * * Monday nights from 7:15 to 8pm in church, immediately following CCD instruction. Thursday mornings at 8am in the music room at St. Alphonsus School. Extra practices will be scheduled as needed Please call Music Director Mary Heagy, at 724-538-5258, or email, if you wish to have your child participate. SOUL YOUTH MINISTRY to ATTEND RETREAT IN LIGONIER St. Alphonsus’ SOUL Youth Ministry will attend a Fall retreat at Ligonier Camp and Conference Center in mid-December. The youth will leave the church at 6:30pm on Friday, December 12, and return about 1:30pm on Sunday, December 14. The cost is $100; please make checks payable to St. Alphonsus. Sign up now. STEWARDSHIP REPORT Regular Sunday Collection Offertory Online School Collection School Online Religious Retirement Collection Religious Retirement Online Parish Share Parish Share Online Thank you $ 9,348.25 1,772.00 1,283.00 25.00 2,484.00 25.00 806.00 50.00 LITURGICAL YEAR 9:00a.m. Sandy Mohall by Mihm Family FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT - Nov. 29/30 5:00p.m. Saturday - Rochelle Porter by Hein Family 6:00a.m Living & Deceased Members of the Parish 8:00a.m Thomas Myron by Hein Family 10:00a.m. Rosemary Zappa by Husband Robert 12:15p.m. Shirley Grosick by Dave Brudy Please pray for the Souls of the Faithful Departed especially, Mr. Elmer Henniger, 87, of Iowa, father of Carmel Brevik (husband Barry) of our parish. Also pray for Mrs. Clara Sullivan, 102, of West View, grandmother of Dr. Jeffrey Hein (wife Anne) of our parish. To the families of our dearly departed ones, we extent our sympathy.