Penn-Lincoln Gazette


Penn-Lincoln Gazette
Penn-Lincoln Gazette
Cat he r ine L . K eefe , P ri n ci pa l
November/December 2014
January 2015
Message from Mrs. Keefe, Principal
Upcoming Events
Nov. 3 – Report Cards Go
Nov. 6, 7 – INSERVICE – NO
Nov. 11 – VETERAN’S
Nov. 17-21 - American
Education Week
Nov. 24- School in session
(Evening Conferences)
Nov. 25, 26 -Conferences
Nov. 27, 28 & Dec. 1 Thanksgiving Vacation –
Dec. 24 – 31, Jan. 2 WINTER BREAK and
Jan. 16 – INSERVICE – NO
Jan. 19 – Martin Luther
King Day – NO SCHOOL
Jan. 20 – End of 2
Marking Period
Jan. 26 – Report Cards Go
Feb. 13 – INSERVICE – NO
Feb. 16 President’s Holiday – NO
As we embark upon a new school year, I want to remind all parents that your
child’s well-being is the most important part of my job; providing a safe and
welcoming environment in which children WANT to LEARN
curriculum, PA Core Standards and everyday lessons that prepare them for
Over the past year, our District has been incorporating the PA Core
Standards into our English Language Arts Curriculum, this year Math has been
added. These Standards call for a more rigorous learning environment that is
very challenging for many of our students. Our teachers do an excellent job
of teaching this content using a variety of strategies that best address the
diverse learning needs and learning styles of our students.
READING opens doors to education, information and imagination. We offer
many programs that focus on literacy such as DIBELS, RTII, READ 180, System
44, myON, Reading Eggs, and Reading A-Z. Ask your child what they like
about a particular program. Ask about their lexile level. All students have
an Altoona Area Public Library card that allows them to access EBooks in
school and at home (Internet is required).
Please join us each month for the Breakfast Club for parents. With your
input, we will provide speakers and a theme-related craft to allow parents
to get to know one another and learn more about our school. We also have a
dedicated group of parent volunteers who have been helping in a variety of
ways, if you are able to assist our students and our school, we would love to
have your help! We especially need help with BoxTops and labels,
Recycling, Santa’s workshop, Library and Office help; if you are able to
assist with these areas, please contact the office (946-8396).
As I continue my 4th year at Penn-Lincoln, know that my door is ALWAYS
open and I will make every effort to return phone calls in a timely fashion or
meet at YOUR convenience. If your child is experiencing difficulty in any
way, do not hesitate to contact me.
Thanks for supporting your child, our staff and our school!
Check out our NEW WEBSITE at Click on
the Campus tab then choose Penn-Lincoln . There are links to
district-related sites, i.e. ProgressBook, Breakfast/Lunch
menus and much more.
School Newsletter
hool Newsletter
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The local Big Brothers/Big Sisters program has started an after-school program for 10 of our students (Littles)
currently in the Big Brothers/Sisters program. High School students have been trained in their role as a
BIG/mentor. Each Thursday, the Bigs and Littles meet in our school gym to play games/activities, complete
homework and spend quality time together! Mrs. Diehl, our school counselor, sits on the Big Brothers/Sisters
Board. If you would like more information about this program, contact her at 946-8396 ext. 3103.
Thanks to all who supported our McTeacher night in any way; we “earned” $679! Whether you enjoyed a meal
prepared by one of our teachers, bought a pie or simply visited us at McDonalds’ at the Station Mall, we
appreciate your support. This money will go towards purchasing prizes and rewards for our PAWS program.
Monthly PTA meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM in the school library. Be a part of this
growing list of volunteers. Our PTA officers are:
President, April Butterbaugh; Vice-President, Tamara
Bressler; Treasurer, Jim Kennedy; Secretary, Gretchen Kennedy; Athletic Director, Rob Lloyd.
We will once again be collecting box tops and labels for education. A collection box is located in each classroom.
The money raised from the box tops and labels help to pay for "extras" for classes and our school. Parents,
grandparents, neighbors and relatives are all encouraged to begin saving. Help our school meet our goal of
20,000 box tops! We are looking for a parent volunteer to spearhead this program this year; please contact Mrs.
Keefe if you are interested.
Each year the local Wal-Mart chooses a school they feel could use some EXTRA assistance. A few years ago, WalMart chose our school, and once again, they have chosen our teachers for this reward. During the afternoon
PRIDE assembly, managers from the Wal-Mart at the Plank Road Commons presented our teachers with $1,000 in
gift cards. Each grade level received a giftcard; the remaining $300 will be used to purchase prizes for the
PAWS program. THANK YOU Wal-Mart for supporting our STUDENTS and TEACHERS!
The Backpack Program has been a nationwide program of the Feeding America Network since 1995, designed to
meet the needs of hungry children at times when other resources are not available, such as weekends. Each
Friday during the school year, children enrolled in the program receive a backpack filled with easy-to-prepare
meals and snacks in a safe and discreet manner. They bring their backpacks home, knowing they will have food
for the weekend, and return the backpack to their school on Monday. The program runs for 32 weeks, October
through May. Items are included for breakfast, lunch, dinner, beverage and snack for Saturday and Sunday.
Mountain Lion BackPacks is a non-profit corporation, administered through the 501(c)(3) status of the Central
Pennsylvania Community Foundation. We currently have over 300 children in the BackPack program. If you
would like your child(ren) to participate, forms are available in the school office.
The highly successful Gloria Gates After-School Program has come to Penn-Lincoln! Nearly 40 students are
enrolled in our program that meets daily from 3:30 to 5:30 in the school library. Students enjoy a snack, inside
and outside games and activities and help with homework. Many thanks to Dr. Zane Gates and the Board of
Directors of the Gloria Gates Foundation for providing the funding to make this program a reality.
Red Ribbon Week was a hit with many events and activities that included the NO DRUG message. Various
speakers met with all grade levels to discuss some of the outcomes that occur when drugs are used. Students
wore the red ribbons all week; those wearing the ribbons were then eligible for a prize drawing.
Students in Grades 4-6 have an opportunity to work on homework or get extra assistance each day from 8:00 AM
to 9:00 AM for HOMEWORK HELP! Students have the opportunity to eat their breakfast while working with Ms.
Christine, the teacher who supervises this daily program. Students are to enter through the main entrance doors
and then go to the library.
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School Newsletter
hool Newsletter
Safety of all in our schools is a top priority. The Altoona Area School District has many
safety-related procedures in place at all of our elementary schools. Each school has a Safe
Schools/Emergency Plan that has been designed to provide for the protection of all persons
and property in the Altoona Area School District. We continue to look for ways to keep
everyone in our schools safe but we need the help of parents/guardians.
On occasion, building administrators have had to deal with a student who has brought a
weapon such as a knife to school. This is a serious situation. The consequences for such an
action are based upon the Student Code of Conduct. Many times the student involved did
not bring the weapon to school intentionally, it was an accident. Parents and family
members can help by stressing to their children that bringing any type of weapon to school
(even by accident) is serious and will lead to significant consequences. In addition, parents
and family members can help by regularly checking backpacks, coat pockets, book bags,
etc. to make sure that no type of weapon is brought to school.
We will be most successful at keeping our schools as safe as possible when we all work
together as a team.
Crossing guards are located on 5th Ave. and 12th St., 5th Ave. and 13th St., 4th Ave. and 12th
St., 4th Ave. and 13th St. Crossing guard hours are from 8:10-9:00 and 3:10-3:50. 5th Avenue
is one-way in the morning and at dismissal. Crossing guards will help to direct the traffic
flow from 13th Street toward 12th Street. If you have questions or comments regarding
crossing guards, contact Sgt. Brian Freiwald at BFreiwald@altoonaPA.Gov or 949-2518.
When bringing children for breakfast, please drop them off at the doors on 5 th Ave. and then
proceed on your way. With the crossing guards in place and dropping off (Kiss and Go) this
should alleviate much of the morning traffic congestion. Breakfast doors open at 8:30;
PLEASE do NOT send children before that time. We are having many behavior issues due to
arriving early. Our bells and clocks are set together. Patrols/Teachers stay at their post
until the bell rings at 9:10; if your child is tardy, he/she must be signed in at the office. A
note as to why the student is late is required. PLEASE be patient with the office staff while
being signed in.
Any time students are absent, they have three days to present an excuse written by the
parent or guardian. Failure to submit a legal excuse OR after the three day window may
result in prosecution by a magistrate. An illegal or unexcused day of absence from school is
any day absence for reasons other than illness, health care, death in the immediate family,
approved field trips and approved temporary absences, approved religious holiday and any
emergency approved by the principal.
If you have siblings picking up younger siblings, they MUST have a pass. Parents are to sign
up in the office and a pass then will be issued. This pass must be carried by the sibling.
NO animals are permitted on school property.
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School Newsletter
The Altoona Area School District is implementing the School Gate
Guardian Visitor Management System in all school buildings in the
district. There are three goals in this initiative including increasing
security in all of the district’s buildings, increasing safety in all of
the district’s buildings, and improving communication and rapport
with the community. To accomplish these goals through the use of
the School Gate Guardian Visitor Management System, several
protocols will be followed that coincide with the features of the
ANYTIME a visitor enters any of the district’s buildings, he/she will
be asked to scan his/her photo ID. The visitor will be given a time
expiring ID and allowed to proceed into the building. The process to
scan the photo ID, run the check and print a badge takes about 30
seconds to complete. Please bring your ID every time you come to
We appreciate your patience and understanding as we implement
these procedures.
myON is an online library purchased this year that connects students,
teachers and families. Building this community of readers fosters a
lifelong love of reading. The myON library has thousands of books
that each child in the Altoona Area School District will be able to
view in school, home, or anywhere they have access to a device and
the internet. The program is designed to recommend books based on
the child’s reading level and their interests. So far this year alone
Penn-Lincoln Learners have read over 9,000 books! WOW!
School Newsletter
School Schedule
9:00 AM First Bell (Students
enter School)
9:10 AM Classes Begin
3:20 PM Kindergarten Dismisses
3:25 PM Primary Grades Dismiss
3:30 PM Intermediate Grades Dismiss
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Dress Code – Shorts
Shorts are allowed to be worn the months of
August, September and October; April, May and
Kindergarten News
Kindergarten is working on positive behaviors and social skills. Students earning “PAWS’ will be able to choose from
several kindergarten specific rewards. Special events to look forward to: In November are American Ed Week,
Parent-Teacher Conferences, and Thanksgiving program; In December: Holiday Program. We want to encourage you
to continue practicing the letter/word ring daily.
First Grade
In November, we will celebrate American Education Week.
There will be many opportunities for you to come visit your
child’s school. Please watch out for more information.
Report cards will go home in November. Please sign and
return the envelope to school.
We will hold
Parent/Teacher conferences in November as well. Keep an
eye out for more information. We look forward to meeting
with every parent to discuss your child’s progress.
Throughout November and December, we will also learn
about various holidays and celebrations. In January, we will
have the second DIBELS reading test. Please continue to
practice your child’s word book every night.
Second Grade
Homework is a very important part of being successful in
second grade. Please take the time to check your child’s
homework notebook each night and encourage him/her to
return all homework assignments on time. Second graders
are being encouraged to read 20 minutes or more each
day to earn a personal pan pizza and improve their
reading skills. Please continue to practice math facts with
your child. Look for American Education activities during
the week of November 17th. We look forward to meeting
with all of our parents at conference time in November.
Third Grade
Third grade visited the Altoona Public Library in October
and again in November. Students will have the opportunity
to check out books, listen to stories, and do various other
activities. In addition, third grade students are busy
earning “PAWS” by being good friends, following school
rules, and working hard on their academics. Parents can
help out by making sure homework is completed and
students are on time and ready to learn.
Fourth Grade
Fourth graders are hard at work this fall season.
They are working to explore and master the new
Common Core Math Skills. Our fourth graders are
also very excited for a field trip to the Altoona
Public Library to strengthen literacy skills. Please
continue to read every night at home and earn those
Book-It Pizza Points.
Fifth Grade
As we dig deeper into the school year, we ask that
you be patient with understanding our math
curriculum. This is new to all of us. We do ask you
to continue reading with your child(ren) nightly, as
well as practice your math facts and, as always,
check your child’s bookbag/folders nightly for
homework and papers that need signed and
Sixth Grade
Reminder patrol positions are still available for
students showing great responsibility.
In math, 6th grade will be finishing Module #1 on
ratios and unit rates. We will transition into
arithmetic operations.
Continue to show “Pawsitive” attitude and effort to
earn rewards.
Compulsory School Age
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has upheld the
Commonwealth Court’s decision, which ruled that
once a parent enrolls his or her child in
Kindergarten, the child is now of compulsory school
age. This makes it a requirement that
Kindergarten students must be included in
truancy data submitted. This also means that
attendance rules apply regarding absences,
excuses, etc.
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School Newsletter
PTA News
From the Counselor’s Desk…
Our PTA is currently creating various committees to
help with activities/events for our school. If you
would like to get involved, please call Mrs. Keefe
(946-8396) and she will put you in touch with the
chairperson of that committee.
committees include: Boxtops/Labels and Receipts,
Fundraiser, Office Assistance, Recycling, Santa’s
Workshop, Library, Athletics, 6th Grade Activities
and Room Parents.
Resiliency, a positive energy force, is the ability to deal
with everyday problems in a productive way.
We have
been encouraging students to “bounce back” when dealing
with difficulties or when facing a challenge. Please help
reinforce this skill with the following strategies.
1. Help your child focus on the talents, opportunities
and triumphs that he/she has rather than looking at
what he/she doesn’t have.
2. Help your child keep a positive attitude and “Look
on the bright side.”
3. Help your child practice self-control by adjusting
his/her mind and body, thinking and posture. Help
him/her be stable. “Keep balance in your life.”
4. Help your child to recognize his/her abilities and
responsibility. Discourage excuses. They take time
and energy from accountability. “Do your part for
yourself and others.”
Building resiliency will be one of the most important skills
we can help our children develop to ensure success in a
constantly changing and stressful world.
Elementary Conferences
Just a reminder that elementary conferences (K-6)
will be held on November 24 (evening), 25 and 26 at
We offer flexible times for
conferences to better meet parents’ schedules.
Please plan to attend.
Stay tuned for more
American Education Week –
November 17 - 21
American Education Week offers an outstanding opportunity to showcase the role of schools in our nation’s future.
Tomorrow’s leaders are in our classrooms today. This year’s theme is “Great Public Schools: A Basic Right and Our
Responsibility”. Parents, families, and friends are invited to attend the many activities we have planned. Teachers
will be sending memos home detailing classroom activities as well as a general memo from the office.
ART, MUSIC and PHYS. ED. IN OUR SCHOOLS – During American Education Week, parents are invited to observe art,
music and phys. ed. class in our elementary schools. It is hoped that parents will join our students in celebrating
these “specials”. Information on your child’s class will be sent home in the near future.
Cafeteria News
For Parents/Guardians – When sending any cash,
checks/money orders in to be added on the student’s
cafeteria account, please put it in an envelope with the
child’s name, homeroom teacher’s name and the amount
CLEARLY marked on the envelope.
Elementary Student Assistance Program
Our ESAP Team is composed of the principal, school
psychologist, teachers, and school counselor. Our goal is
to assist students who may be experiencing difficulties that
interfere with their academic success. The team gathers
information in order to help students succeed in school. All
information gathered is confidential. Parent permission is
required in order for a child to become involved in ESAP.
If your child is experiencing difficulties that interfere with
his/her learning and you would like to explore the option of
ESAP, please call your child’s teacher or the school
counselor to discuss. Together, the family and the ESAP
team can work to meet the needs of your child.
Temporary Absences and
PSSA Testing
Please try to avoid taking your child out of school
during PSSA testing. If your child is not in school
during PSSA testing because of a temporary
absence request, he/she will receive an
unexcused absence.
PSSA Testing Dates are as follows for the 20142015 school year:
April 13-17, 2015
3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Grade
English Language
April 20-24, 2015
3rd, 4th 5th, 6th Grade
Math Assessment
April 27- May 1, 2015
4th Grade Science
School Newsletter
hool Newsletter
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The Breakfast Club (Parent Involvement)
We would like to invite Penn-Lincoln parents to our monthly
Breakfast Club! We will start the morning with cookies or
donuts and punch. Topics will vary each month and there will
always be a craft to try.
The Community and School-based Behavioral
Health (CSBBH) program is an attempt to
provide comprehensive behavioral health
services to Penn-Lincoln Elementary through
consistent presence and collaboration with the
administration. AASD has allotted space for
our team to facilitate counseling sessions with
individual students, family members, and
occasionally with groups of students to develop
skills that will help the children cope with a
variety of issues ranging from anger to trauma,
and much more. Presently at Penn-Lincoln,
the team is working to aid teachers in the
implementation of relaxation activities for
students and adults to help them mitigate the
everyday stresses associated with a rigorous
academic curriculum.
Our next Breakfast Club will be: “How to Encourage Reading at
Home Over the Holidays and Every Day” November 20 at 9:15
AM in the library.
Look for your invitation soon! Join us for a belly full of
breakfast, a hand at crafts, and a mind full of good
conversation. Leave with the perfect touch of knowledge to go
home and share with your child!
Parent Volunteer Options
Please check the activities where you would like to
volunteer. Note: we will make every effort to match you with
the activity you choose.
___BoxTops/Labels: Help cut, collect, organize the in-school
___Classroom Helper (Grade-Level): Contacts parents for
classroom parties/events
___Fundraising: Help to send out fliers/collect money/
distribute products
___Library: Checkout (bi-weekly) check in/out books,
shelves, etc.
___Office Assistance: Help with copying, sending home
fliers, covering office when secretary is out
___Reading Reward Coordinator: Our own version of the
Book-it Program
___Recycling Coordination: Help with the Terracycle
collection/packing, etc.
___Santa’s Workshop: Help to shop/organize efforts or check
___Sixth-Grade Activities: Help with end-of-year activities for
this grade level
___Yearbook: Take and/or organize photos, collect money,
use template to create yearbook, distribute
___Sports/Coach/Assistant: Sports available: Cheerleading,
Flag Football, Basketball (boys/girls)
NAME ______________________ Phone __________
EMAIL address _______________________________
Aside from counseling within the school, the
CSBBH team also meets clients and families in
the home and community to continue the
relationships. The CSBBH team is presently
working to support organizations outside of the
school such as the ROCK program, Gloria Gates
Foundation, and is seeking to establish
relationships with a number of other programs
that provide support to the students and
families in the Altoona Area.
Student Council
Bullying Prevention Poster Contest
Posters should be displayed in the hallway
by Monday, November 3rd. Winners will be
chosen by Mrs. Diehl and Mrs. Keefe. Five
(5) winners will be chosen from the 2nd floor
and five (5) from the 1st floor. Winners will
receive a special prize from Mrs. Keefe.
Canned Food Drive
Canned food will be collected November
17th-21st. Grade level boxes will be placed
in the first floor hallway. The grade level
that fills the most boxes with canned food
items will receive a Special Movie Reward
(to be determined by their teachers).
Remember to bring in PopTops.
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School Newsletter
Public Library Partnership
A partnership between the Altoona Public Library and
Penn-Lincoln had resulted in twelve families given IPADS
to use in their homes. In an effort to increase reading
fluency and comprehension, students will have access to
myON and other programs that focus on reading. Books
will be downloaded before leaving school, therefore, the
Internet will not be necessary.
ALL Penn-Lincoln students have been provided library
cards to use during the school day and to access EBooks at
home (Internet in needed to access).
Many of our classes take a “field trip” to the public library
during the school year; this year, the library has many
new and innovative technologies to share with students of
all ages.
Our school has partnered with the Public library in many
ways over the past few years. We thank them for being
such good neighbors and always including Penn-Lincoln
students in new initiatives!
Q-Site has many exciting programs planned for the
2014/2015 school year. The Book-it Reading Program
began in October. Your child’s teacher will set a
monthly reading goal for your child. If your child
completes this goal and sends in the record sheet, they
will receive a Pizza Hut Book-It coupon or a free
personal pan pizza. Pizza will be delivered to PennLincoln. More information will come home about this
exciting Reading program.
also library
be rewarding
myON iswill
an online
this yearfor
will be given
on a
connects students,
and families.
basis. fosters
with Perfect
of readers
a lifelong
love of
or absences)
for the
The myON
has thousands
of books
that period
each child
a special
get to
in the Altoona
School Please
will be
to view
time or
day so they
they have
can receive
a prize!!
access to
a device
and the internet. The program is designed to recommend
books based on the child’s reading level and their
interests. So far
this year you
alone Penn Lincoln Learners
– Thank
have read
8,920 books!
to over
the generosity
of WOW!
the Kennedy Family, Donna
and Doug Kauffman, Mrs. Keefe and the Penn-Lincoln
Staff; picnic tables and benches were handmade by Mr.
Kauffman for use on the playground.
Tips for Keeping Ill Students
at Home
Many parents ask, “When is my child sick
enough to stay home from school?”
In Accordance with Pennsylvania Code, Title 28
Chapter 27.
Communicable and NonCommunicable Diseases, your child should not
come to school with the following symptoms:
 Fever, 100.5 or greater, in the past 24
hours (must be fever free without the
help of medication)
 Vomiting and/or diarrhea in the past
24 hours
 Thick mucus or drainage from the eye
 Rash that is undiagnosed especially
with fever
 Cold symptoms with runny nose and/or
cough, especially if the cold symptoms
keep the child awake during the night.
(A child with a deep cough that will
not go away needs to see a physician.)
 Strep throat (Must have taken
antibiotics a full 24 hours before
 Head lice – may return after the
completion of appropriate treatment
 Scabies – may return after completion
of appropriate treatment.
*****Bringing a child to school with any of the
above symptoms puts other children and staff
at risk of getting ill.
Breakfast Bunch Reading
Students who love to read have found an
activity that allows them to share that love with
their classmates! Under the direction of Mrs.
Dawn Morden and supervised by our Americorps
teacher, Ms. Christine, High School students will
meet weekly with 20 of our students in Grades
4-6 on Reading-related activities. Together, all
students will choose books to read and discuss
related activities. Thanks to a grant from the
Altoona Area School District Foundation, books,
materials, and possibly field trips will be funded
through the grant.
Please Sign Up below for School-Related Information via our List Serv.
PARENT NAME _____________________________________________________________________
CHILD’S NAME _____________________________________________________________________
EMAIL ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________