November Newsletter - Dunbar Heights United Church
November Newsletter - Dunbar Heights United Church
GOOD TIDINGS DECEMBER 2014 DUNBAR HEIGHTS UNITED CHURCH …where meaning, justice and belonging meet December Worship Image: Figure Dunbar Heights United Church Rev. Dr. Richard Bott 3525 West 24th Avenue, at Collingwood Vancouver, BC V6S 1L5 Tel: 604 731 6420 December 7th at 10am 3rd Sunday of Advent Communion Baptism JOY December 14th at 10am 4th Sunday of Advent LOVE December 21st at 10am 1st Sunday of Christmas Children’s Christmas Pageant All Ages Service December 21st at 7pm Community Carol Service December 24th 4:00pm Children’s Service 7:00pm Family Service 11:00pm Candlelight & Communion Service December 28th at 10am 2nd Sunday of Christmas Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter December 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS MUSINGS FROM REV. RICHARD..................................................................................................................................... 3 DECEMBER NEWS FOR DHUC......................................................................................................................................... 4 NOTES FROM COUNCIL.................................................................................................................................................. 11 PASTORAL CARE.............................................................................................................................................................. 12 SOME GROUP UPDATES ................................................................................................................................................ 14 DECEMBER DHUC MEETINGS ...................................................................................................................................... 16 WORSHIP COMMITTEE NOTES ................................................................................................................................... 18 NEWS FROM THE CHURCH LIBRARY........................................................................................................................ 21 UPCOMING COMMUNITY EVENTS ............................................................................................................................. 22 DHUC Vision Statement We are an involved and connected community… Seekers, questioners and believers at various stages on the journey. We are nurtured and challenged by the presence of the Spirit to find depth and meaning for our lives and to engage our neighbourhood near and far in living lives of justice. Seeking to follow the way of Jesus, we dare to live God’s hope in our time and context. Our greatest gift is our multi-age community in which we treasure our roots and heritage and embrace the wisdom of the new. All are welcome and each one enriches our whole to continue God’s unfolding story in our midst. Dunbar Heights United Church ....where meaning, justice and belonging and meet. 2 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter December 2014 Seeking to follow the way of Jesus, we dare to live God’s hope in our time and context. MUSINGS FROM REV. RICHARD S happen if we took the time to remind ourselves that this moment is the most important moment we are living? If we took the time to remind ourselves that this moment – not the past ones, not the ones yet to come to fruition – is the only moment that we can live in, and that this moment is the moment that God is with us, and we are with ometimes I think that Advent – in just about any church – feels like what it must have felt like in Boston last week. Snowed under. As congregations, we come to this time of year with a great deal of excitement. Quite often, it’s one of those times when we see people we don’t regularly see – family coming from other places, neighbours checking us out, people who are wondering about the religious part of the Christmas, all dropping in. So we work to make our preparations and celebrations as welcoming, as various and as numerous as is possible. Here at Dunbar Heights United Church we’ve got our Advent Event, two performances of Handel’s Messiah, a spaghetti fundraiser, a Carol Sing, a multitude of outreach projects and three Christmas Eve services. That’s alongside of our regular Sunday morning worship gatherings, Godly Play, Healing Pathways, Choir, Stitch and Chatter, Contemplative Meditation, not to forget all of the ministry that happens through the work of the Church Council and its committees – and more that I’m sure I’ve missed! When we add in the other parts of our lives, the meals and gatherings, the concerts with children and grandchildren and neighbours, the giftgathering and gift-giving (and on and on…), I wonder how we get to January each year! God? What would happen if, in our gift-making or our gift-buying, we took just a moment to pray for the person for whom we’re making or buying the gift? What would happen if we took a moment to pray for the person standing behind the service counter, or the person in the line in front of us, or the one behind? What would happen if, this Advent, we took to heart Jesus’ invitation to “love God – and love your neighbour as you love yourself,” to do something as simple as committing to smile at everyone we’re talking to, or to sincerely thank them for the service they’ve given you? What would happen if, this Christmas, we looked at every baby in every parent’s arms or in their buggies and strollers, to see the love of God and the presence of Christ, alive in their cries and laughter? Perhaps we’d see, not just in the in-between places, but in all of the things that we’re doing to celebrate that Emmanuel is born again. Perhaps that’s something we need to think about. Is there something we need to do to make sure that our preparations and celebrations are blessedness, rather than busy-ness? God-is-with-us. Blessed Advent and blessed Christmas! Christ’s peace - Richard What would happen if before each of our Advent and Christmas events, each of us took a moment to pray, “God, help me to be completely here, with you and with those around me.” What would 3 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter December 2014 We are an involved and connected community… DECEMBER NEWS FOR DHUC COFFEE CLEANUP December 7th: STUVWXYZ December 21st: DEFGHI December 14th: ABC December 28th: JKLM Just a reminder… please take notice of the letters posted in the Bulletin each Sunday for “Coffee Clean-Up”. If your last name begins with any of these letters listed, you are encouraged and welcomed to help with the cleaning up afterwards. Thank you to all of you who give your time. WHAT’S HAPPENING AT DUNBAR KNOX/DUNBAR MEN’S BREAKFAST The Knox/Dunbar Men's Breakfast Group will gather again on Saturday, Dec. 13th at 7:30am at Dunbar Heights. All men are welcome to join us for an unstructured time of food, fellowship, and conversation. For more information please contact Pat Burns at POSTMODERN CAMERATA Postmodern Camerata’s third concert at DHUC is Christmas Glory, featuring Vivaldi’s Gloria and J.S. Bach’s Christmas Oratorio (part 1), on Sunday, December 14th at 4:00pm. The group includes vocalists Alexandra Hill and Clinton Stoffberg, who have performed as soloists in previous DHUC concerts (among others, Bach’s St John Passion and the spring performance of Mozart’s Requiem). More information about the group and its members (including short videos and ticket information) can be found at: JUNIOR YOUTH GROUP FUNDRAISING DINNER DHUC’s Junior Youth Group meets the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month after school, and welcomes all children in Grades 4 through 7. On Sunday, December 21st they will host a fundraising dinner with all proceeds donated to First United Church Misssion. Please join 4 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter December 2014 them at 6:00pm for a tasty meal of spaghetti, garlic bread, caesar salad and dessert, and stay for the DHUC Community Carol Service at 7:00pm! Tickets are $10 and may be purchased from any Youth Group member or from Cathy Cryder. Please contact Cathy at for more information. REVEREND. RICHARD'S REFLECTIONS NOW ON THE WEBSITE Reverend Richard and the Worship Committee have worked hard with software to make Reflections delivered on Sunday available on the website by Monday at noon, in both audio and written form. You'll find the link on the entrance page, in the bar on the left under Worship. KEEP THE CENTENNIAL SPIRIT ALIVE There are two plans to keep us in the Centennial spirit. The first is to answer the request of at least one member who would like to sign one of the new chairs. Find Barbara or Maureen in coffee time on the first three Sundays of December and autograph your chair or chairs! There is one more major plan, and that is to produce a Centennial 2014 Book to document the defining moments of Dunbar Heights and the United Church of Canada and the celebrations of this year. Work has not yet begun to put this together, but much of the material is available. The aim is to have the book available soon in the new year. Friends of DHUC will be able to place orders for the book when it is completed. Dunbar Heights United Church Nativity 5 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter 6 December 2014 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter December 2014 WAYS TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE MESSIAH CONCERT RECEPTIONS We are hosting receptions for the choir, musicians, the congregation and guests after each of the Messiah Concerts. The performances are on December 5th at 7:00pm and December 6th at 2:00pm. The Worship Committee appreciates any assistance you are able to offer with the receptions, such as: •providing finger food sweet or savoury, purchased or homemade •assisting with set-up at 5:00pm on Friday or 1:00pm on Saturday •assisting with clean-up following either reception If you are able to help out, please speak with Barbara Johnson after Worship, or contact her at 604-733-2785 or Thank you! M&P NEEDS YOUR INPUT Your Ministry and Personnel committee wants to hear from you in preparation for the required annual review of Rev. Richard's ministry with DHUC. Questionnaires are available in print form after worship and in the office during the week. Please place your completed responses in one of the envelopes Sheila has made available in the office, seal it and place it in the brown envelope, also available in the office. There is also an online form you can fill out. You will find that link prominently placed on the entrance page of the website. When you have completed your responses there, please remember to hit the "Submit" button on the bottom. That will send it to the website where it will be gathered. If you have any questions, please talk with Arthur, Jill, Jean or Maureen. Thank you. THE CASSEROLE BRIGADE …is a tangible expression of our Christian faith, offering the hospitality of food when it is most needed. In giving and receiving, there is a blessing. Over the past two years or so, volunteers of the Casserole Brigade have provided food for members of our congregation on many, many occasions and the recipients have been very grateful for our help. With winter now here, along with its cooler temperatures, rain, and winter illnesses we expect need for warm, healthy casseroles to rise again. If you would like to know how you can help please talk with Vivian Urquhart by phone at 604-738-6671 or by email at Also, if you are aware of anyone in need of support please pass that information on to her. VOLUNTEER LITERACY TUTORS One-to-One provides literacy tutoring to children in elementary schools during regular school hours. Trained volunteer tutors work with students identified by their teachers as needing a boost in their literacy skills. Typically, each student spends approximately 30 minutes twice a week with a volunteer tutor. Children chosen for the program often receive little or no literacy support at home. One-to-One provides an opportunity to practice their reading in an environment where it is okay to take risks, make mistakes, and learn at their own pace. The work is fun and very rewarding! One-to-One provides thorough training and ongoing support to all their volunteer tutors. This is a tremendous opportunity to truly make a difference. 7 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter December 2014 FIRST UNITED AND DUNBAR HEIGHTS UNITED First United wants gently used towels, water bottles, bike locks, mugs and personal care products. Last month we were able to take these down to First. Also in the collections that went down to the First United Thrift Store were gloves, hats and scarves, warm jackets and sweaters and men’s pants and shirts. You can place your donations for First United in the two marked cupboards in the kitchen. Thank you, for your generosity. DHUC Community Outreach for First United Image: 8 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter December 2014 UPCOMING OPPORTUNITIES WOMEN’S ADVENT SERVICE AT RYERSON UNITED CHURCH Ryerson United will host a Women’s Advent Service on December 2nd at 7pm. They invite women to join them for an evening of poetry, silence and song enhanced by the choral group Convivia singing medieval chants and melodies. Refreshments are offered following the service. Donations will be accepted for WISH, an organization supporting women who work on the Downtown East Side. RSVP’s appreciated to, or 604-266-5377, ext. 104. CHILDREN AND THE CHURCH Registration is now open for Vancouver School of Theology’s 14th bi-annual ecumenical event in this series. This time the topic is Storytelling and the Spiritual Lives of Children. Join Haida storyteller, Kung Jaadee, and the Rev. Dr. Martin Brokenleg (Lakota) as they explore with us the power of storytelling and its unique place in the spiritual lives of our children. A morning storytelling performance and keynote address, and a wide variety of afternoon workshops will stimulate, engage and delight participants. For more information, see the poster on the bulletin board, or go to the VST website page: IMAGINE RETREAT FOR CHILDREN Registration is now open for this United Church of Canada supported popular children’s retreat. This is a time for children to get together, enjoy the outdoors, make new friends, and eat, play, sing and worship together. The 2015 event is February 20th–22nd and will be held at the Stillwood Retreat Centre near Cultus Lake. You can find more information on the poster on the bulletin board, by going online to or by calling the retreat co-ordinator, Mary Nichol, at 604-763-4201. DHUC Centennial Picnic 9 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter 10 December 2014 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter December 2014 NOTES FROM COUNCIL The principle of our Strategic Ministry Plan is worth re-stating. Our congregation decided in November 2011 that we would raise funds to allow us to work toward being part of a vibrant congregation on the west side of Vancouver. The longer-term vision was that the ideas we had for changes to worship, to spiritual formation, to our music ministry, to pastoral care and hospitality, could only be fully realized with a larger base of members. A WELL DEVELOPED TOLERANCE FOR AMBIGUITY. Some suggest great innovation and change often follow from uncertainty; although we all prefer the opposite condition. I would say our staff and council members' patience is being tested these days by the slower than expected pace of discussions with West Point Grey. We are in an uncertain state. Our tolerance for ambiguity is being tested. We said in our Strategic Ministry Plan that "...we are open to all possible outcomes." This is a very liberating idea. Now may be the time to think of possibilities other than the idea of two congregations deciding on your place or mine. We have a good story to tell — a clear vision, a well considered plan, vibrant ministries of worship, children, youth and families, outreach and music — I believe we would be welcomed by many of our neighbouring congregations. MUSIC AS OUTREACH. The Centennial Choir sings Handel's Messiah on Friday evening, December 5th and again at an afternoon concert on Saturday, December 6th. We are asking folks to reserve so that we can control the numbers. We were oversubscribed for the Mozart Requiem. Follow the links on the entry page on As a choir member my view is happily biased but I have been very humbled by how pleased many are with the music at DHUC. We have some new worshippers with us who come as a result of the music. More than that, some council members are pleased that we have a good message to deliver to the broader community through our great music program. I would like to encourage members of our congregation to make a point of worshipping occasionally at other United Churches on the west side. We will not count absences against anyone's attendance record! The perspective and ideas gained while worshipping and visiting with other United Church folk could add significant "grist to the mill" as we continue on the path setout in our Strategic Ministry Plan. Mark Paetkau, Council Chair 604-730-9035 11 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter December 2014 PASTORAL CARE The Pastoral Care Team meet last month to gather in fellowship to explore the direction and needs of Pastoral Care for Dunbar Heights United Church. It was a wonderful celebration of the pastoral events and caring offered in the past, and an imagining of pastoral care in the years to come. As we looked at the passing of time it seemed fitting to open with a liturgy celebrating the seasons of time and God’s presence in the rhythm of our daily living; God’s presence in those ordinary moments of time, that in fact are made extraordinary by God’s light. We welcomed the light of Christ, God’s love into our presence. We recognized that in Creation’s presence there is time for all things. After gathering in worship we explored and celebrated the many ways the Pastoral Care Team has responded to the needs of the congregation. We celebrated the generosity of the team as they share their gifts of talent and love. We celebrated the generosity of the many congregation members who provide pastoral care through the making of casseroles, driving others to and from church, through phone calls and cards to one another – Blessings of Bethlem’s light that shines in each of us. We recognized the unique pastoral offering of each activity and the rhythm of shifting needs. We wondered about the shifting needs of Care Givers. We rejoiced for the many wonderful Care Giver teas we had shared together; a gift of pausing in the business of their day to gather around a shared table of love. We wondered what are the needs of Care Givers now. We thought about our many seniors and wondered if the time had come again for a different kind of tea – perhaps a monthly senior’s tea time – a time of fellowship and entertainment for all who wish to gather? Perhaps we can offer an exercise or walking group? For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1 And we read: Time is such an elusive thing and I find myself constantly wanting to control it... Sometimes my mind and feelings are far into the future while I am living in the present moment. At other times, I am clinging onto the present and not wanting to go forward. If it’s a difficult situation, I want to hurry and get it over with. If it’s a happy moment, I want to hug myself and not let it go. We recognized a growing need for driving assistance. Some congregation members are unable to attend the Sunday morning service and other community events due to lack of access to a vehicle, or the inablility to drive. If you are able to help with driving please leave your name with any member of the Pastoral Care Team or at the office. The Team will work closely with you to support your offer of assistance. We envision a team of regular The wise voice of the author of Ecclesiastes tells us that there is a time for everything. Each event and experience has some wisdom to give us if we are open and attentive to what it is offering to us. The present moment is what counts. Nothing else. Here is where our wisdom happens. Joyce Rupp, Inviting God In (p. 147) 12 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter volunteers sharing in this opportunity. This will be a wonderful gift of time, and an opportunity to deepen your relationship with another member. Your help is needed. December 2014 wonder with us. We invite your thoughts and hopes and ideas as we discern God’s call to live in the light of hope and in the sharing of God’s renewing love. In our gathering we wondered about God’s call to love and care. We asked ourselves: In what new ways are we being called to best serve the pastoral needs of our church? As we prepare to gather in celebration of the coming of Christ into the world, we invite you to On behald of the Pastoral Care Team Linda McLaren, RN BSN, Pastoral Care Minister Seniors Teas, Caregivers Teas, Casserole Brigade, Pastoral Visiting, Communing In Presence, Find Your Sacred Center Services, Soul Tending, Newsletter Articles, Emergency Contact Sheets, Driving Support, Participation in SWG forums and workshops, Prayers, Service Participation 13 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter December 2014 SOME GROUP UPDATES CONTEMPLATIVE MEDITATION On December 2nd Contemplative Meditation will not meet at Dunbar Heights. Instead we travel to Ryerson United Church for a Contemplative Women’s Advent Service. Gather at DHUC at 6:35pm if you would like to carpool to the 7:00pm service. Other upcoming meeting dates to remember are: December 9th and 16th will be regular Contemplative Meditation evenings, 7:30-9:00pm in the Library. There will be a two week break during Advent/Christmas. We will resume regular meetings on January 6th, Epiphany! HEALING MINISTRIES Healing Ministries sponsored a very successful Healing Pathway Phase II Where Two or More Gather, here at DHUC. Of the twelve registered, seven were from the Dunbar practice group. Lorraine Struyk was the instructor, with Ross White as instructor-in-training. Other Dunbar folk involved included Judith Ann Donaldson as instructor assistant, and Jill Parker, Mary Ann Mutter and Susan Burns as logistical support. 14 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter December 2014 This is the second formal Healing Pathways training session hosted by Dunbar Heights this year. Our practice group now consists of over 20 practitioners, over half of whom belong to Dunbar Heights. Others come from other local churches and from the general community. For December the group will gather for a potluck dinner and discussion on December 1 st. Then, December 15th will be an open session for any seeking a healing boost during Advent. SENIORS WORKING GROUP The successful public information session on Aging in Place was held at Dunbar on October 19th. Almost 90 in attendance! Speakers included Monique Davidson of Vancouver Coastal Health, Christine Stardom of ASK Friendship Centre and Joanne Haramia of Jewish Family Services Association. Stay tuned to hear about more current and lively public information sessions for seniors and their adult children and support people. 15 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter December 2014 Our greatest gift is our multi-age community in which we treasure our roots and heritage and embrace the wisdom of the new DECEMBER DHUC MEETINGS Committee Meetings Spirituality & Group Meetings WORSHIP COMMITTEE usually meets on the 2nd Sunday of each month, at 12:00 noon in the Lounge. This month’s meeting is December 14th. STITCH & CHATTER meets every Thursday at 9:00am in the Ethel Todrick Room. HEALING MINISTRY usually meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, at 7:30pm in the Sanctuary. The meeting on the 4th Monday is open to the community. The December meetings are adjusted to accommodate the holidays and will be held on December 1st and December 15th. FINANCE COMMITTEE usually meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, at 7:00pm in the Lounge. This month’s meeting is Tuesday, December 9th. MINISTRY & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE usually meets on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, at 7:00pm in the Library. The next scheduled meeting is December 10th. CONTEMPLATIVE MEDITATION meets every Tuesday at 7:30pm in the Library. No meetings December 21st or 30th. COUNCIL usually meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month, at 7:00pm in the Ethel Todrick Room. The next scheduled meeting is December 17th. PASTORAL CARE TEAM will meet at a time and place to be announced. UNIT 3 usually meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month at a place to be announced. OUTREACH COMMITTEE will meet on Thursday, December 11th in the Lounge. CHOIR PRACTICE is every Thursday at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary. Advent at DHUC 16 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter 17 December 2014 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter December 2014 We are … Seekers, questioners and believers at various stages on the journey WORSHIP COMMITTEE NOTES THE SEASON OF ADVENT – A TIME OF WAITING AND PREPRATION During Advent we use the colour blue, the colour of the night sky just before dawn, the time of anticipation of the light of a new day. ADVENT WORSHIP SERVICES and EVENTS th December 5 and 6 th December 7th Messiah Concerts Receptions following 3rd Sunday of Advent December 14th 4th Sunday of Advent December 21st 1st Sunday of Christmas December 24th Christmas Eve Services December 28th 2nd Sunday of Christmas Friday 7:00pm Saturday 2:00pm Advent Worship Communion Advent Worship Christmas Pageant 10:00am Community Carol Service 7:00pm Service for the very young 4:00pm Family Service 7:00pm Candlelight Communion 11:00pm Worship Committee leading worship LECTIONARY READINGS* for ADVENT and CHRISTMAS December 7 th Isaiah 61.1-4, 8-11; 1 Thessalonians 5.16-24 December 14th Psalm 89.1-4, 19-26; Luke 1.26-38 December 21st Jeremiah 31.7-14; Psalm 147.12-20; John1.10-18 December 28th Isaiah 61. 10-62.3; Matthew 1.18-2.14; Psalm 148; Galatians 4.4-7 *The lectionary readings may not correspond exactly with the themes of the service, but are presented here for your time of personal reflection. 18 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter December 2014 HANDEL’S MESSIAH The Centennial Choir with Chamber Orchestra will present two performances of Handel’s Messiah: Friday, December 5th at 7:00pm and Saturday, December 6th at 2:00pm. Please reserve your tickets at MESSIAH RECEPTIONS We are hosting a reception for the choir, the musicians, the congregation and guests after each of the Messiah Concerts. If you are able to help with: providing sweet or savoury finger food, purchased or homemade set-up at 5:00pm on Friday or 1:00pm on Saturday clean up following each reception please speak with Barbara Johnson or contact her at 604-733-2785 or Thank you! SOUND SYSTEM The installation of the new sound system is now complete. In addition to speakers in the sanctuary, there are speakers in the balcony, narthex, and chancel area. We are now able to record the service so the Reflections delivered each week can be made available on the DHUC website, in both audio and written form. The link is on the entrance page, in the bar on the left under Worship. Print copies will be available outside Reverend Richard’s office on Wednesday. THE WORSHIP COMMITTEE The Worship Committee meets on the second Sunday of each month. The members from the congregation are JudithAnn Donaldson, Janey Cole-Morgan, Lynn Hitchen, Ed Geppert, Cecilia Bernabe and Barbara Johnson (chair). The Ministry staff members are Rev. Richard Bott, Cathy Cryder, and Greg Caisley. We welcome and respond to any feedback we receive from the congregation. Please let us know your thoughts about worship at DHUC. It is very helpful in the planning of future services. 19 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter 20 December 2014 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter December 2014 NEWS FROM THE CHURCH LIBRARY The book Jill Parker has chosen to review this month is from the Christianity section of the Library. Thank you, Jill, for acquainting us with the books in our collection. The Soul of Christianity-Restoring the Great Tradition. by Huston Smith main body is in three parts: The Christian Worldview, The Christian Story, and The Three Main Branches of Christianity. The Christian Worldview blueprints, in point form, the understanding that the background of the Christian story is its two-tiered world of heaven and earth. ‘Without an upper storey the ultimacy of an Infinite God …makes no sense.’ The Christian Story is the story we read in the New Testament, and the first thousand years after that. This, to Smith, is when the Good News was spread, when Christianity was growing and its basic structure as a church was formed. In The Three Main Branches of Christianity Today, Smith summarizes the beliefs and creeds, strengths and weaknesses of the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Protestant Churches. This book is a cry from the heart. All around him, author Huston Smith sees a disillusioned and broken world. For this, Smith blames the lure of the Scientific Age, begun in the 16th century, which has derided the Christian World view. Science concentrates on material evidence as proof of existence. As God couldn’t be seen, then God was not. In Smith’s words, Absence of Evidence = Evidence of Absence. Material gifts, therefore, became more important than spiritual gifts and self became most important of all. Now, however, there is a growing sense of unease that perhaps Science does not have all the answers for or about life. Although Secularism and Individualism have seemed to provide all that is needed for this life, it has now lost its sense of direction. In his book Smith strives to help restore Christianity to its traditional soul, as it was forged in the first millennium after Christ. It is always interesting to read opinions of others, for every author opens new windows of reflection. Throughout, Smith seeks to prove that the Age of Enlightenment was anything but unalloyed joy, and that Christianity has suffered due to our blind acceptance of the wonders of Science. He mourns the loss of the Soul of Christianity and its mysticism, but takes heart in the sense of spiritual seeking that is rising once again. Smith asserts that time is running out for us, and the apocalypse is on our heels. He has not written a scholarly treatise – he wants ordinary people to read, ponder and become God’s people once more. His book is not large, but it contains a Preface, a Prologue, an Introduction to the main body of the book, and a coda. The Reviewed by Jill Parker 21 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter December 2014 UPCOMING COMMUNITY EVENTS MAGEE SECONDARY SCHOOL SENIORS TEA MONDAY, DECEMBER 8TH 1:00PM 6360 Maple Street In addition to tea and seasonal refreshments, there will be a varied program of music by the Senior Band, the String Orchestra and the Magee Chamber Choir. This is a free event offered to members of our community. RSVP to the school is appreciated 604-713-8200 IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE RADIO SHOW – PACIFIC THEATRE Wednesdays through Saturdays, December 5th – 30th, Pacific Theatre at 1440 West 12th Avenue. It’s Christmas Eve in a wartime New England town. Faced with a lifetime of dreams deferred, George Bailey sets out to throw himself from a bridge until an angelin-waiting shows him what might have been. This is a holiday classic brought to life as a live 1940’s radio broadcast. Shows are at 8:00pm with a 2:00pm matinee on Saturdays. For more information please go to A CHILD’S CHRISTMAS IN WALES – VANCOUVER CHAMBER CHOIR Friday, December 19th at 8:00pm at Ryerson United Church. This is the centenary of poet Dylan Thomas’ birth and the Vancouver Chamber Choir will again give their signature performance of this beloved classic. This year it will be brought to life by the Welsh actor Russell Roberts, and will include Jon Washburn’s Twelve Carols for a Dylan Thomas Christmas. For more information please check the VCC website at or Ryerson’s at 22 Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter December 2014 Dunbar Heights United Church Sunday Monday Tuesday November 30 10:00 Worship 11:40 Wreath-making December 1 9:30 Yoga 7:00 Scouts 7:30 Healing Ministry 7:30 Monday Step 7 10:00 Worship Communion Sunday 14 10:00 Worship 12:00 Worship Ctte 4:00 PMC Gloria Concert 21 10:00 Worship All Ages Service Children’s Pageant 6:00 Jnr Youth Outreach Dinner 7:00 Carol Singing 8 9:30 Yoga 4:30 Dance/Jazzercise 7:00 Scouts 7:30 Monday Step 15 9:30 Yoga 4:30 Dance/Jazzercise 7:00 Scouts 7:30 Healing Ministry 7:30 Monday Step 22 4:30 Dance/Jazzercise 7:00 Scouts 7:30 Monday Step 28 10:00 Worship 11:40 Path Group Wednesday 2 3 Thursday Friday Saturday 4 9:00 Stitch&Chatter 4:30 Junior Youth Grp 6:30 Lifeline 7:00 Messiah Dress Rehearsal 5 9:30 Yoga 7:00 Messiah Concert& Reception 6 9:00 Basketball 2:00 Messiah Concert & Reception 11 12 9:30 Yoga 4:30 Karate 7:30 Van City Singers Rehearsal 13 7:30 Men’s Breakfast 9:00 Basketball 10:00 Karate 10:00 Pageant Rehearsal 7:30 Van City Singers Concert 19 20 9:30 Yoga 4:00 Karate 6:00 Sparks 6:30 Cubs 9:30 Yoga 6:30 Beavers 9 9:30 Yoga 4:00 Karate 6:00 Sparks 6:30 Cubs 7:00 Finance Ctte 7:30 Cont Meditation 8:30 Basketball 10 9:30 Yoga 4:00 Dance/Jazzercise 6:30 Beavers 7:00 Soul Tending 7:00 M&P Meeting 9:00 Stitch&Chatter TBA Unit 3 Mtg TBA Outreach Ctte 6:30 Lifeline 7:00 Choir Practice 16 9:30 Yoga 4:00 Karate 6:00 Sparks 6:30 Cubs 7:30 Cont Meditation 17 9:30 Yoga 4:00 Dance/Jazzercise 6:30 Beavers 7:00 Council Meeting 18 9:00 Stitch&Chatter 4:30 Junior Youth Grp 6:30 Lifeline 7:00 Choir Practice 23 24 4:00 Children’s Worship Service 7:00 Family Worship Service 11:00 Candlelight Worship Service 8:30 Basketball 29 7:30 Monday Step December 2014 30 31 8:30 Basketball 23 9:30 Yoga 4:30 Karate 1:00 Pageant Rehearsal 25 CHRISTMAS DAY OFFICE CLOSED 6:30 Lifeline January 1 NEW YEARS DAY OFFICE CLOSED 6:30 Lifeline 26 27 January 2 January 3 BOXING DAY OFFICE CLOSED Dunbar Heights United Church Monthly Newsletter 24 December 2014