Altiora 20 November 2014


Altiora 20 November 2014
Thursday 20 November 2014
Ainslie School
Donaldson St
ACT 2612
Tel 6142 3060
Fax 6142 3062
Board Chair
P&C President
The Ainslie School Newsletter
Nerilee Flint
Nova Inkpen
6161 7166
0407 959 077 Ainslie School website:
Twitter:@AinslieSchool &
Ainslie School
Dear families
Road safety
I know I must seem like a nag but parents often raise concerns about student safety when they are coming to and
leaving the school. Now it appears, from the Council of P&C Associations survey that has been in the news this week,
that we are not the only school talking about it. An area of particular worry is Elder St, where the shadow of the
trees dims visibility, parking spaces are taken up by commuters and people resort to using nature strips for parking.
Please take care in all areas around the school and feel free to let me know if someone isn’t. I continue to speak to
Roads ACT about our concerns.
The school’s strategic plan
I am holding another session for parents interested in contributing to the school’s four year strategic plan this
evening from 6.30pm to 7.30pm. I provided further details about the plan in the last Altiora, which is available on
our website. All welcome.
Class placements for 2015
As you can probably guess, placing students in classes for a new school year can be very complex. We put classes
together based on friendships, teacher recommendations, parent and carer requests and ability. For example, while
the classes are evenly distributed in terms of academic ability, we try to cluster two or three highly able students
together and two or three students who have difficulty learning together so we can best meet their learning needs
with extension or support.
Last week we sent home a note asking if your child is coming back and giving you the opportunity to contribute
information to help with their placement. With the best will in the world we don’t always remember what you told
us last year or the year before so it is best to tell us again. You are also welcome to email me or meet with me to
discuss your child’s needs.
We do our best to fulfil your preferences but sometimes this is impossible. An example of this is when one family
wants their child to be with a particular student and another requests that they are not together. Answering either
families’ “why not?” can be quite awkward for us. If you have not returned that note please do so as soon as
possible, especially if your child will not be returning to Ainslie School.
As has happened for the last two years, the class lists will be on display in the front foyer from the Wednesday
before school resumes. This will be Wednesday 28 January 2015. I’d much rather not fiddle with them after that so
please let us know your druthers this year.
Today the ACT Attorney General, Simon Corbell, formally presented the school with a garden chair and a chess board
for our raffle. Reclink is a very positive partnership for us and them. The money we raise from raffling something
made by men and women “doing it tough” goes directly to support those of our students who are ‘doing it tough.’
Watch WIN news tonight!
Board Elections 2015 – Returning Officer required
I am still on the hunt for an assistant returning officer to manage the board elections for 2015. A couple of the tasks
associated with this position must be done before the end of the year. Please let me know if you are able to help. .
Warm regards
2014 Dates to Remember
20 November
20 November
25 November
25 November
25 November
26 November
26 November
26 November
26 November
27 November
2 December
3 December
9 December
10 December
10 December
12 December
16 December
16 December
16 December
17 December
Gifted and Talented information evening 5 – 6pm
School Strategic Planning session 6.30 – 7.30pm
Year 2 Botanic Gardens excursion
Taiko drumming workshop 11.30am – 12.30pm
Baker Gardens 2015 preschool interviews
Reid 2015 preschool interviews
K/1 assembly @ 12.30
Ainslie School Board meeting 5.30 – 7pm
P&C meeting @ 7.30pm
Reading with your child library 4.30 – 5.30pm NOTE CHANGE TO TIME
Volunteer thank you morning tea @ 11am in Yerra
Twilight Concert 5 – 6pm and 6.30 – 7.30pm
K - 6 End of year pool day @ Dickson Pool
Speech day assembly 11.30am
Year 4 and 4/3T stop motion animation night 6pm
Reports go home
Year 6 graduation assembly 11.30am
Year 6 Dinner 6pm
Yr 5/6 Disco 7.30 – 9pm
Last day of school for 2014 Please note: this is a Wednesday
From the Deputy
Dear Parents and Carers,
Ainslie School’s provision of positive behaviour education and skilling of students is pastorally driven,
comprehensive and ‘whole of school’ in nature. The frameworks that we use at Ainslie School are Response to
Intervention, KidsMatter, Restorative Practices and the National Safe Schools Framework.
Next year we will also implement Friendly Schools Plus across our school. By promoting positive, sustainable,
whole-school improvement, Friendly Schools helps school communities to build their own capacity for change. It
enables schools to assess the social and emotional wellbeing of their students, examine their existing strategies for
harassment prevention, identify areas in need of improvement and then address these gaps using widely tested
strategies. This process is supported by a range of evidence based products.
It is within these positive and broad frameworks that each child’s skills are developed.
Developing and maintaining our positive school climate relies on each member of the school community taking
responsibility for cooperative, caring and respectful relationships. Adults have a responsibility to positively model
respectful relationships at all times.
Students can reach their full educational potential only when they are happy, healthy and safe and when there is a
positive school culture to support them. This interdependent relationship between student wellbeing and student
learning is fundamental to each student’s positive and successful engagement with their education. Ainslie School
aims to promote the link between wellbeing and learning in every aspect of the curriculum, school culture and
Respectful Relationships are fostered through actively developing quality relationships between teacher and
teacher, teachers and students and staff and family members. We do this by listening to children’s experiences,
sharing understandings, modelling positive relationships, and using social emotional learning strategies like
restorative practices, classroom agreements, Circle Time and ‘Essential Teaching Skills’ within our classrooms.
Our staff members at Ainslie School are committed to understanding and focussing on the needs and experiences
of all children. We believe this approach, coupled with fun yet secure and focussed learning environments,
proactively encourages the development of quality relationships and a child’s ability to manage these relationships
in socially acceptable ways.
Assisting children to change behaviours which have a negative impact within our school community or within their
relationships with others, is a key school priority. We understand that this takes time, encourageme nt, effort,
explicit teaching and practice. Making mistakes is all a part of growing up.
Warm regards, Catherine
Please complete and return:
~ 2015 Year K - 6 Placement Information form – due back by Friday 21 November 2014
~ 2015 Book Pack order forms – going home today
~ K – 6 End of Year Aquatic Fun Day permission note – going home today
~ End of year concert ticketing information and order form - going home today
~ P – 6 2015 Start of year information flyer
Notes sent home are now available on the school’s website, extra notes are also available at the front office
Relationships skills are important to a child’s future success as an adult as well as their day-to-day life. We need to
know how to make and maintain friendships, resolve conflict, make decisions and solve problems to get along in the
Children aren’t born with these skills. Like many skills, they are learned and improved with regular practice as
children mature.
With positive and effective guidance from families, children can develop these life skills and experience good mental
health and wellbeing.
Library News - Chief Minister’s Reading
Challenge Awards Ceremony
National Gallery of Australia 13 November 2014.
Our school was again a winner in the Pre School to
Year 2 category and last Thursday Sebastian S,
Lucinda H-M and Mia S proudly represented our
students at this event. We would have loved to
have taken every student but the limit was three!
The Awards Ceremony is a wonderful formal event
and we were entertained by students from
Lyneham High School Jazz Band and Burgmann
Anglican College. Our students were the very first
to go up on stage and receive the certificate and
prize from the Chief Minister. We are delighted to
have won a voucher to the value of $150.00
provided by sponsors, Paperchain Bookstore, Manuka. Well done Sebastian, Lucinda, Mia and all our Pre School,
Kindergarten, Years One and Two students.
Janine Heaney
Teacher Librarian
Coffee and Conversation
Tuesday 25 November 2014
9 am -10 am
Free coffee/tea
You are invited to:
 Meet at the canteen
 Check new items on the menu
 Join a guided tour of the vegetable garden and chicken run
 Bring suggestions about plants we could grow.
Toddlers are welcome under your supervision.
Libby Bailey and Elizabeth Hook
Last year a strong contingent of Ainslie School students went in this event at the AIS. The school has registered again
this year and information about the event will come home as a pamphlet today. If you decide to register, make sure
you join our team.
Gifted and Talented articles
To support the implementation of the Gifted and Talented Students Policy, Gateways Education has developed the
first in a series of six articles for parents. The first article is titled 'Understanding the Gifted Learners in our
Classrooms' and focuses on the characteristics and needs of gifted and talented children. The articles are posted on
the Directorate website and will soon be available on Ainslie School’s website
Preschool News
It’s nearly the end of the school year and the preschoolers have been busy with preparations for our end of year
celebrations. We are continuing to work on our pre reading and mathematical skills, as well as our self help and
independence skills in preparation for school next year.
As the weather has certainly warmed up and summer is around the corner we are reminding parents to think about
packing an ice brick or something similar to keep your child’s lunch fresh and cool. It is always interesting to see a
lovely variety of foods in lunch boxes. It is worth packing food for lunch that your children will eat, however we are
encouraging children and families to think about packing some healthy snacks that your child enjoys. We have been
talking about always food and sometimes foods during group times, many of the children are able to recognise foods
that are good for them to eat, which is fantastic.
We are continuing to work on developing friendships and appropriate ways of interacting with each other. Alt hough
children have usually developed their peer groups by this time of the year we are aiming to provide the children with
the social skills to flourish when their friendship groups change and broaden as they move away from the comfort
and security of an individual class in preschool to school where there will be many more peers for them to interact
KB, KS and K/1G News
We all had a great time on our excursions to CMAG for the `Ned Kelly’s in Town!’ Sidney Nolan exhibition in the last
2 weeks. We are now preparing for a Book Launch of the students’ books for our Integrated Unit on Thursday
December 11 2014 from 2 to 3pm. A note about this will be sent home shortly. If you are able to assist with editing,
binding or presentation of students’ books we would greatly appreciate your help during Weeks 7, 8 or 9. Just let
your child’s classroom teacher know when you would be available.
Year 1 News
As we busily observe the transformations our class silkworms are making it is a great time to have a look at ourselves
with that same lens.
Year 1 are in the midst of reflecting on the many wonderful changes we have made throughout our year together.
We are proud to see improvements across all areas of learning and continue to celebrate these. While it is great for
us to think about what we have achieved so far, things certainly aren’t slowing down. We are eagerly learning about
procedure texts through writing recipes and making some very tasty treats. In mathematics we are looking at half
past time and number. We are preparing for an assembly next week, the Twilight Concert in week 9 as well as many
other classroom adventures! What a busy place to be!
Year 2 News
Year 2 have been working on division in mathematics and if you would like to assist your child with this at home, ask
your child to ‘share’ a collection of items into equal groups. In English we have been looking at persuasive texts and
advertisements and have discussed the terms ‘hyperbole’ and ‘emotive language’ in class. We are looking forward to
our excursion to the Botanic Gardens next week, and the wonderful educational programs that we will be involved
in. A reminder that we strongly discourage Pokémon cards at school as they interrupt valuable learning time, and are
forever being lost. If your child has these cards during class time, the year 2 teachers will confiscate them until the
end of the day.
Regards, Kavita, Cathy and Jo
Year 3 News
The students in 3M and 3S have been enjoying the science excursions to Mt Ainslie and look forward to attending
again this Friday. It gives the students an opportunity to study plant, insect, and animal life in the local environment.
The work done by our generous volunteers is tremendous and we thank them very much. Currently students are
involved in assessment for reporting, as well as presenting their home study assignments on Australian animals. Over
the next week we will be designing our habitat dioramas and rehearsing our item for the upcoming Twilight Concert.
Lastly, as the weather warms, we are reminding students to bring labelled drink bottles to keep hydrated.
Regards, Karen and Anne
Year 4 and 4/3T News
Year 4 and 4/3T are madly completing stop-motion animations on a variety of topics inspired from the First Fleet.
Students are enjoying the challenges of managing and creating props, organising scripts and developing story boards
to ensure each production is as professional as possible. All three classes are getting exciting about the stop motion
animation night to be held later this term. In maths students are working on decimals and probability with a focus on
dependent and independent events. Students are exploring a range of geographical challenges including the creation
of persuasive presentations where they act as travel agents to try and sell a holiday to potential travellers to a
country in either South America or Africa. If you have any information books or travel brochures on countries in
either of these continents that you happy to share, we will gratefully accept them. The school concert is quickly
approaching and students will be preparing for concert items over the next few weeks.
Year 5 News
Students have been learning about what is means to be a leader at Ainslie School this week in preparation for writing
their School Captain speeches in class next week. What do you believe a leader does? How do you think a leader acts
in our community?
Over the next few weeks the students also be preparing for their concert item. In maths we have been revising our
four operations. How many strategies can you use to solve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
problems? With the end of year approaching please support your children to continue to focus on their learning.
Year 6 News
Over the past fortnight in mathematics the year 6s have been looking at timetables, the duration of lessons and
creating their own year 6 timetable. We have also been investigating an Action bus timetable, making decisions
about intervals between buses, and creating journeys using this bus route.
In English, we have been discovering and deciphering Shakespearean language and reading an abridged version of A
Midsummer Night’s Dream. We investigated a number of sayings attributed to Shakespeare and discovered their
origin and meaning.
In inquiry, we have discussed different map types looking at similarities between Australia and Asian countries. We
have now started our individual investigations into an Asian country of our own choice and the comparison between
it and Australia.
Draconians Mk II, 2014 Newcombe Ball champions
After a series of hotly contested round games, the 2014 Newcombe Ball champions was decided this week. Six
teams from years 4 to 6 entered the competition that was played on Tuesday lunch times over terms 3 and 4.
Draconian Mk II, a team comprising year 6 boys, eventually defeated Bootleggers, a year 6 girls’ team. The final was
easily the best game of the season, with Draconians taking an early lead, then Bootleggers pegging them back to 7 all
before the Draconians pulled away to win 11 to 7. Kyle and Jasmine were named joint players of the match. In the
play off for third and fourth, a year 4 team, Big Newcombe Balls showed the promise that they had been giving
glimpses of all season and defeated Great Expectations from year 5. Regards, Angela Burroughs
P&C Update
Hello everyone – how you are handling the pace of term 4? I haven’t started involuntarily twitching yet but my love
of coffee (or cup-of-cino as my youngest use to say) required at 10am daily!
Twilight concert – Wednesday 3 December 2014
So the P&C have this wonderful family event all sorted for you! You can sort out your Christmas presents at the popup market, be entertained by your children, feed your children and feed yourself – all at the same event! What
more could you ask for!
Kids can have a Hot Dog Meal Deal in their classrooms whilst they wait between concert gigs – just order at the
canteen by November 28. Vegetarian options are also available. Check out the poster attached to this Altiora.
The P&C will also run a BBQ and provide soft drinks, tea and coffee for the parents, extended family and nonperforming siblings!
Buy an apron, tea towel, celebration gift cards, student pottery or metal smithing at the Ainslie Christmas pop up
market. There will be plenty of gift options for the hard to please aunty or the grandparent that has everything at
the Ainslie stitch stall.
Wooden Bench Raffle
Don’t forget to get your tickets for the Ainslie School/ Reclink Wooden bench raffle to be drawn at the Twilight
Concert. Tickets have been sent home or you can buy them from the Canteen or Front Office. Tickets are $2 for one
or 3 tickets for $5.
Donated by the Ainslie Woodwork Shed, with support from Reclink Australia, this beautiful wooden garden bench
has been built by men and women who are ‘doing it tough’ to help kids who are ‘doing it tough’. The proceeds from
this raffle will be donated to the Ainslie School Equity Fund to support kids who are ‘doing it tough’ to join in
excursions, music programs and school camps. For more details please contact Nova Inkpen (Ayla, Elise and
Charlotte’s mum) on or 0407 959 077
Canteen Closed for 3 days:
To enable end of year stock taking and cleaning the canteen will be closed on Monday 15, Tuesday 16 and
Wednesday 17 December. On the Monday 15 and Tuesday 16 there will be frozen products available at lunchtime
only- juicies, frozen yoghurt, slushies and UFOs, until sold out- no lunches/fruit break or recess will be available.
The staff and P&C would like to thank all those fantastic parents/ grandparents who have helped on a regular basis
throughout the year- the amount of food we make and prepare could not be done without your help! We would
also like to thank those parents/ grandparents who have donated non perishable goods and supported the canteen’s
many health promotion activities this year. The canteen is a wonderful school asset for all of us.
World Teacher Day morning tea
This Friday 21 November the P&C will be hosting a morning tea to thank our great teachers and support staff. We
have a lovely surprise for our teachers – you’re welcome to pop by the staff room to learn more about what it is on
Friday at 11am! On behalf of the P&C and school community we say to our teachers and support staff – THANK
Science, Craft, Art and design Activities
Student Art & Design Stall at Ainslie Fête –
The inaugural student art and design stall featuring ceramics and hand-printed cards went very well. Thanks to tutor
Dimity Kidston, Gretel Harrison, Jacqueline Howden and the students who helped on the stall. Sharon Hourigan, the
hard working P&C Treasurer, was the lucky raffle winner of the Dimity Kidston sgraffito bowl!
The stall …
table with wares…
the moulded table wares, and some pinch pots with
The slab platters, vases and moulded bowls, as part of the range of table ware, sold early and well, selling out.
Colourful Christmas decorations hung with ribbons as well as the delicate love heart pieces made into necklaces
were also popular. Only a handful of the inked lino print cards were left after the sales. A grand total of $1520 of art
and design wares were sold, to help fund next year’s supplies and activities.
Ecosystem excursions for Year 3M and 3S students to Mount Ainslie Nature Reserve
Year 3M and 3S classes have started a learning journey about ecosystems on Mount Ainslie. With the support of the
School, the P&C (and Inspiring Australia in 2013 with binoculars, insect magnifiers and a digital microscope),
Saul Cunningham inspiring students
about insects
Studying insect
…and immersion
into insect habitat!
A found cicada shell
Assisting with seed dispersal
the students will benefit from leading local scientists:
 Filomena Barzi, Environmental scientist
 Steve Cork, Ecologist and Futurist - Principal of EcoInsights
and Adjunct Professor, Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU,
expert on the maintenance of ecosystems
 Saul Cunningham, entomologist, CSIRO, expert in insect
 Michael Robbins, Canberra Ornithological Group, field
 Michael Doherty, plant ecologist, CSIRO, expert vegetation
dynamics and flora mapping
 Jeannette Ruxton and Margaret Clough, Ainslie Weeders
and Friends of Mount Majura.
Jewellery and metal smithing classes have started Thursday lunchtimes – Years 5&6
Parent and renowned metal smith Robert Foster has recommenced metal smithing classes for Years 5 and 6 on
Thursday lunchtimes during Term 4. Students have been working outside on the natural anvils in the natural play
spaces, learning to manipulate and hammer metal; creating forks, spoons, bracelets and bowls.
Kathryn Wells, P&C Science and Arts Co-ordinator
Update for the gardens: AOK kids
The vegetable gardens are coming along. Have a look at the tomatoes and herbs growing at a great rate. There are
also blueberries bearing fruit and students have been picking and cooking the strawberries and sliver beat.
A recycled sink, redesigned by Reclink Australia, for the use of students for hand washing and when potting up
seedlings has arrived in the top garden.
Students have been learning how to use the compost bins to generate compost from the canteen, classroom bins
and gardens scraps. Students have also made lovely hanging mobiles to add colour and movement to the gardens.
Watch out for the loganberries growing up the trellis.
Keep popping in to see the chooks. Eggs will be happening anytime soon!
If you are a keen gardener or would like to learn more about how to get the most out of your garden, then let the
P&C know. We are keen to get a garden club going. The idea is to meet once a week for a few hours. Nothing too
physical, just basic garden maintenance and caring for plants as they grow and need harvesting/attention. This is
also a great way to meet other Ainslie School parents and grandparents/carers. For more information contact Libby
Afters School Holiday Program – Summer Vacation Care
Don’t forget about the Holiday program – details on the Ainslie School website:
Final P&C meeting for 2014
Wednesday 26 November 2014 at 7:30pm.
Best wishes
Nova: 0407 959 077
Kidzbar SUSHI DAY – Tuesday 25 November 2014
Tuna and lettuce
Cucumber, carrot and egg
(egg optional)
*Please state if you wish to
have soy sauce included*
$1 for a 5cm roll
Available for recess and for lunch orders
Ainslie School Twilight concert
Wednesday 3 December 2014
P&C Pop up Market
Shop for some great Christmas gifts & cards.
 Let the canteen do the catering for you!
Between the 2 scheduled concerts your child can be fed and watered, whilst you're entertained!
$5.00 Meal Deal:
Hot dog, juice box & fruit platter.
What to do:
1. Place an order at the canteen with;
2. payment, child’s name and class,
3. opt out of tomato sauce
4. by Friday 28 November 2014
All hot dogs Halal. Order Vegetarian.
A BBQ will be available for parents/carers
Ainslie Afters News
Vacation Care
The school holidays are just around the corner commencing Monday 5 January 2015. For a copy of the program feel
free to pop in and pick up a copy or email Carol at
2015 re-enrolment forms are now available. All families currently enrolled into the service are required to re-enrol as
current bookings do not roll over into the New Year. We also encourage new families wanting care to book their
children in now as spots tend to fill quite quickly.
Afters Last Day
Afters last day of operation for 2014 will be Wednesday 17 December. The service will be closed Thursday 18 and
Friday 19 December. Care will recommence on Monday January 5 2015.
We would like to ask families to assist the service with any ‘dress ups’ donations. Any contributions would be much
Afters Birthday
Afters turns 33 this year. We will celebrate this special occasion with a party on Wednesday 26 November 2014 from
3.30pm-5pm. If parents would like to book their children into care please do so ASAP.
Being a parent is the hardest job we’ll ever have. All parents at some time
experience difficulties and stress.
Parentline ACT
is a confidential, anonymous telephone counselling and information service.
Phone Parentline if you would you like:
 To talk with someone about those parenting issues.
 Help with some ideas on raising children.
 Support in the important job you are doing.
 To know what is available for parents, teenagers and children.
 To build better relationships in your family.
 Help to understand your child or teenager’s behaviour.
Parentline ACT.
Monday to Friday (except on public holidays), 9am to 5pm.
Phone: 6287 3833
Monday 24 November 2014. 6.30pm at Dickson College
A special parent’s forum presented by author and speaker
Jointly organised by Lyneham and Campbell High School and Dickson College P&C Associations
Melinda Tankard Reist
Have you noticed your kids seem to be growing up too fast, more conscious than ever about their looks and bodies?
That even younger children are more anxious and worried about their physical appearance? That they are being
exposed to sexualised images and messages which make them feel pressured to look thin and sexy? And that their
childhoods are increasingly commercialised?
Children and young people are bombarded with hyper-sexualised messages and images in media, billboards, toys,
games, magazines and clothing. Many authorities believe this exposure is contributing to an environment which is
increasingly harmful to our kids, by presenting their value in terms of their looks and sexual attractiveness. Negative
physical and mental health outcomes include anxiety, depression, self-harm, eating disorders, low self-esteem and
poor academic performance.
Drawing from current research on the subject, Melinda will take us on a ‘pop culture’ tour, exploring with us how the
proliferation of sexual imagery is contributing to a distorted view of bodies, relationships and sexuality in young
people and hampering our ability to help raise happy, healthy, resilient kids. What can we do to address this?
Melinda Tankard Reist ( is an author, speaker, advocate and co-founder of the
grassroots campaign, Collective Shout: for a world free of sexploitation (
The forum will be followed by a Q&A. Gold coin donation