Nov-Dec 2014 issue ()


Nov-Dec 2014 issue ()
Savannah River Sierran
http:/ Nov /Dec 2014 Vol 32 # 6
Christmas Party,
Saturday, 6 December
Please mark your schedule NOW for a wonderful “drop-in anytime
after 6 pm Holiday Party”. Great way to meet long-time friends and new
people with whom you have a lot in common. (see note below ).
Adopt A Stream in CSRA
If you are interested in observing or in helping others with stream monitoring, please contact Frank Carl, (706) 364-5253), or
Mike Reardon, (706) 421-8639,
Tuesday, 18 Nov
TIME: 6:30 pm
SRG Monthly Meeting and Election
UU Church, 3501 Walton Way EXT
Looking for some challenging hiking in gorgeous settings? Longing to see live buffalo, bear, elk,
and moose? Of course this suggests trips to our western National Parks: The Tetons, Yellowstone,
and Glacier (while there are still glaciers to be seen!). Co-Chair Judy Gordon visited these parks in
September and will share a PowerPoint of her adventures as a pre-Thanksgiving treat. It is also
the final day for returning EXCOM ballots. So don't forget to bring your ballot. ( see page 3 ).
For more information contact Judy at .
SRG Election Ballot
See our list of candidates on page 2 and voting procedure on page 3. You may mail in your ballot or
turn it in at the November meeting. Ballots will be counted and results announced at our November
monthly meeting and again in our Jan/Feb Newsletter.
Saturday - 6 Dec
TIME: 6—until 10:30 pm
SRG drop-in Christmas Party
4387 Roswell Drive, Martinez
SRG members and friends are invited to Laurie and Sam’s home for Holiday food and socializing.
Everyone is encouraged to bring a dish to share. Drop in time is from 6 to 10:30 pm. Come and
visit your long time friends and make new ones.
Please RSVP to Sam at (706) 863-2324 or so that he knows to expect you.
Address is 4387 Roswell Drive, Martinez. The home is located at the end of Dresden Drive off
Columbia Road.
SRG Planning Committee
Chair's Corner : We Made History: Reflections on
Participating in the People’s Climate Change March.
Three SRG Sierrans (Ann, Greg and Gayla Keesee) went to
the Peoples Climate March in NYC. Gayla wrote these
reflections which I edited for space.
Greg Sutherland, Vice-chair SRG
On Sunday, September 21, 2014, over 400,000 people from
over 1,500 groups (including the Sierra Club) mobilized and
joined together for the largest-ever single event on climate
change in history. People filled the streets in New York City
joining with other marchers across the globe from Berlin to
London to Johannesburg to Melbourne.
On Saturday, our bus picked up passengers from Georgia
and Alabama and shuttled them to New York City for the
March on Sunday and back. It was a whirlwind excursion. As
we traveled, we shared our stories, inspiring others and
being inspired. We chanted. We sang. We made
connections. Our contingent included college students and
a high school student, teachers, mothers, grandmothers, a
woman priest, vegans, first time activists and members of
the old guard. The issues motivating us were just as diverse:
renewable energy, food and water justice, tar sands,
Keystone Pipeline, mountaintop removal and more.
As we filled the streets, it was amazing and awe-inspiring to
be surrounded by the signs, banners, flags, and floats as
music and chants filled the air. We were intent on sending a
message—the loudest, strongest, clearest call for action on
climate change the world had ever seen.
The turnout was so large that the Sierra Club contingent,
located in the middle of the staging area with other
Environmental groups, didn’t even start marching until well
over two hours after the start time. Then it took another
hour to reach the official starting point. Once we started
marching, we quickly mingled with other groups and
became a part of the larger whole, waving our signs and
sharing our stories with others.
At 12:58, one of the most remarkable actions that I have
ever been a part of happened. At that moment, we joined
hands, raised them above our heads, and held a collective
moment of silence in witness to those affected by climate
change. Up and down the avenue was a shared community,
a feeling of connection and kinship. As the moment ended,
a wave of cheering erupted from the crowd, a rumbling like
an avalanche or roar of a jet engine spread from the front to
the back. It was exhilarating!
Unity, as it was felt in that moment of silence and then the
deafening roar that echoed through streets, is what we
hope will shape the future of the environmental movement.
We hope that policy makers hear our message and
recognize that we are all in this fight together. The world is
paying attention and will hold policy makers and
corporations accountable for our future. The debate is over.
It is time to make changes.
The Sierra Club GA Chapter
has done its homework and has endorsed.
Jason Carter for Governor because unlike
his opponent he has a strong record on supporting Conservation and Clean Energy issues.
Michelle Nunn for Senator because we
believe she will listen to us and show leadership on issues we care about.
Candidates for SRG EXCOM
2014 Election
(Ballot on page 3)
Sam is a Sierra Club Life Member and has held many
positions in both the local and state Sierra Club, including SRG Co-Chair (current), GA Chapter Chair, and
SRG Newsletter Editor (current) just to name a few.
He has testified for a healthy environment at many
Larry has led many cycling trips for our local Group
and is also active in SORBA (a cycling organization that
helps maintain safe and environmentally friendly GA
cycling trails). Larry is also active in Adopt-A–Stream
monitoring in both Richmond and Columbia Counties.
Linda is a Sierra Club Life Member and before moving
to Augusta was active on the Virginia Wildlands Committee. She has been instrumental in organizing our
tabling endeavors and is active in the monitoring
several Adopt-A-Stream sites in our area.
Greg is a long time member of Sierra Club. Most recently he was responsible for training participants and
helping organize the GA March on Climate in Atlanta,
followed by participating in the New York City People’s
Climate March this past September.
Ballot for SRG EXCOM 2014 Election
The following SRG members are asking for your vote to represent you on the
Group Executive Committee (EXCOM). Please place an X for no more than three:
________ Sam Booher
________ Linda McBurney
________Larry Komp
________ Greg Sutherland
For joint memberships, please place a second X in front of the name. All ballots
must be received by the end of the 18 November monthly meeting to be counted.
Please tear off the top half of this page and bring it to the November monthly meeting
or mail it to : PO Box 3434, Augusta, GA 30907-3434
Mail early enough for the mail to arrive before 18 November.
Outings for November - December 2014
1 Nov, 9:30 am, BikeFest Want to tryout some of the latest fat tire mountain bikes for free? Demo bikes will
be provided to ride on the Bartram trail (beginner to moderate rating) at Lake Springs picnic area at Clarks
Hill Lake. To ride one of the demo bikes you will need to bring a picture ID & bike helmet. For more info and if
you'd like to caravan out to the event, contact Larry Komp at ( 706) 825-7395.
7-9 Nov, Tent camping and Waterfall day hikes, moderate, 2 miles per hour. We will camp overnight Friday
and Saturday at Oconee State Park, SC. Sat. hike to King Creek Falls then Ellicott Rock total 9 miles. Sunday
hike along Whitewater River and view Whitewater Falls 6 miles. Contact Cathy Black to sign up and for more
information < >
15 Nov. 9:30 am, 7 mile Mistletoe State Park Hike. This scenic hike takes you through deciduous & evergreen
forests and along Clarks Hill Lake. $5.00 Parking fee required. Contact Richard Dillenbeck at (706) 869-8770.
6 Dec. 6 to 10:30 pm. SRG Christmas Drop-In Party at 4387 Roswell Dr., Martinez. ( see front page )
7 Dec 10:30am Canal Bike Ride. Join us for a leisurely bike ride downtown along the canal and back. Lunch
downtown. Helmets required. Contact Larry Komp at ( 706) 825-7395 .
13 Dec 7 pm Lights of the South. Walk or take a hay ride through 4 million Xmas lights. Great family event!
Children $5.95, Adult $8.95 Entrance fee. Contact April < >
To participate in any SRG activities, please contact the leader listed prior
to the event to sign up and get necessary information
Looking for a gift that is unique and may also support the environment? Then checkout the following:
> Sierra Club Vehicle tag. This sale supports the Sierra Club Savannah River Group. Contact Linda at (706) 631-1489.
> Sierra Club Store which offers items such as books, shirts, camping & hiking stuff, etc. (For more info, go to http:// )
> Bee Natural's Honeypot Beeswax Luminaries Up to 25% of your cost will be donated to
a Water keeper of your choice.
> Books on Nature for children and adults. Support the Richmond County library system by purchasing books at greatly
reduced prices. Contact Liz Johnson at 706-733-5035
place label below line
Group Directory
* EXCOM Members
Join the Sierra Club today and receive a free Weekender Bag!
Name: _____________________________________________________
* Judy Gordon,(706) 650-8314,
Address: ___________________________________________________
* Sam Booher, (706) 863-2324, ( Editor )
City: ________________________ State: ____ Zip Code: __________
Vice-Chair:* Greg Sutherland, (706) 699-3506,
Phone: ______________ Email: _____________@_______________
Secretary: * Richard McCrary, (see below)
Treasurer: Ann Sutherland, (706) 699-0210,
From time to time, we make our mailing list available to other worthy organizations. If you prefer that your name not be included, please check here:
At- Large:
Please select a membership level:
* Julia Crowley, (706) 736-5951,
Membership: * April Wilson, (414) 232-8871,
Individual Membership
Outreach Coord.,
Linda McBurney, (706) 631-1489,
___ Introductory $25
___ Regular $39
___ Regular $49
Web Master:
Charlotte Gardner, (706) 868-1667,
___ Supporting $75
___ Supporting $100
___ Contributing $150
___ Contributing $175
___ Life $1000
___ Life $1250
___ Student $25
___ Student $35
___ Senior $25
___ Senior $35
Political Chair: Liz Johnson, (706) 733-5035,
Outings Chair:
*Cathy Black, (706) 284-0230,
Conservation Chair: Frank Carl,(706) 364-5253,
Joint Membership
___ Limited Income $25 ___ Limited Income $35
Chair , Local Food Coop Liaison, * April Wilson, (414) 232-8871
Chairs, Adopt A Stream Program:
Enclose a check and mail to:
Richmond: Frank Carl, (706) 364-5253,
Sierra Club, P.O. Box 421041, Palm Coast, FL 32142-1041
Columbia: Mike Reardon, (706) 421-8639,
Contributions, gifts and dues to the Sierra Club are not tax deductible; they
support our effective, citizen-based advocacy and lobbying efforts. Your
Chair, River Watch Adopt A Highway,
dues include $7.50 for your subscription to Sierra Magazine and $1 for
*Richard McCrary, (706) 840-2047,
your Chapter newsletter.
Please include code:
F94Q W 3411 -1