ballot and candidates information Builders Association of


ballot and candidates information Builders Association of
President (Vote for one):
Dan DeVol - Daniel DeVol Custom Builder, Inc. (unopposed)
Vice President (Vote for one):
Mike Dorsten - Beaver-Vu Construction (unopposed)
Treasurer (Vote for one):
Don Stewart - Hammerman, Graf, Hughes and Co. (unopposed)
Secretary (Vote for one):
Chad White - G.A. White Homes, Inc. (unopposed)
Past President (Vote for one):
Larry Phillips - Phillips Companies. (unopposed)
Builder At-Large Members (Vote for no more than TWO.) The candidate receiving the
most votes will have a two year term (2015-2016), the runner up will have a one year term
Mike Jonas - Ellis Custom Homes, LLC
Brian Lambert - Schumacher Homes
John Peebles - Peebles Homes, LLC
Associate At-Large Members (vote for no more than ONE). The candidate receiving the
most votes will have a two year term (2015-2016).
Dona Niswonger – Union Savings Bank
Jake Poffenberger – 84 Lumber
Mike Sandner – Pickrel, Schaeffer & Ebeling Co., LPA
NAME ______________________________________
(One vote per company, please fax to 937-298-4226 or e-mail your vote to by Noon on Friday December 5, 2014 )
At-Large Candidates Profiles
Builder Candidates:
Mike Jonas, Ellis Custom Homes, LLC
Mike has 25 years in home building. Jonas Homes, Inc. – Superintendent, US Home Corp – Construction
Manager(national production builder), CP Morgan – Regional Operations Supervisor (large privately owned
production builder), Jonas Homes - VP, Ellis Custom Homes – Purchasing Director. “Having worked for
several builders in multiple capacities (Superintendent, Operations, Sales, Purchasing) I have an overview of
our industry that would be valuable on a board that supports the home building industry.”
Brian Lambert, Schumacher Homes
Brian started working in construction as a laborer. Now, through hard work and determination he has gained
knowledge and skills to manage within a home building company. He has supported and participated in HBA
events for over 10 years. "I have lived in the Dayton area my whole life. I have a great knowledge of home
building and construction in general. Not only how it’s done but who can do it for you. I possess the
networking and communication skills to help the Dayton HBA reach the next level!"
John Peebles, Peebles Homes, LLC
John has been in the building industry for the past 13 years and an HBA At-Large Builder Board Member for
the 2012-2014 term. He also sits on the High Performance Home Task Force. "I am a third generation home
builder in the Dayton area. I spend my time and energy on the HBA Board providing constructive ideas and
input to better the future of the Local/State/National HBA and Industry for strong sustainably."
Associate At-Large Candidates:
Dona Niswonger – Union Savings Bank
Dona is currently on the Board for the Dayton Mortgage Bankers Association and is consistently ranked
among the top loan originators in the Miami Valley. "I will continue to work to bring the HBA, DABR and
DMBA together to promote a unified positive message to the public on home ownership. My focus is bringing
more business to the members of the HBA."
Jake Poffenberger – 84 Lumber
Jake has been in the building industry for 20 plus years. "I know the business from a sales perspective as well
as from a builder’s standpoint. Not only have I worked in this industry for an extended period of time, I
understand the hard work and dedication it takes to be a home builder. I built my family's home and take pride
in my work. I feel that my hard work and dedication will be my strongest attributes to the HBA board. I served
for many years on the Miami County HBA board and still to this day host events with them and attend their
meetings and gatherings.”
Mike Sandner – Pickrel, Schaeffer & Ebeling Co., LPA
Mike has been practicing law involving issues that impact builders and remodelers for 20 years. “As an
attorney I believe I have perspective on some of the issues and challenges that confront the Association and
its members and have had the privilege on serving on many local boards, such as the Boonshoft Museum of
Discovery, Springboro Chamber of Commerce, Springboro Rotary, and YMCA Camp Kern Board which has
given me an opportunity to see how a variety of organizations communicate and function. Additionally, I have
chaired the Education Committee for the NARI for the past 4 years.”