From the Principal - Nudgee Junior College


From the Principal - Nudgee Junior College
27 November 2014
From the Principal
4 Bodkin
4 Lynch
5 Nolan
5 Treacy
5 Bodkin
5 Lynch
Mr Brett Cashmere
Ms Rebecca Edwards
Ms Alisha McNeven
Mr Peter Hunter
Mr Lawrie Gordon
Mrs Robyn Gainer / Mr Darren Cullen
6 Nolan
Mr David Sullivan
6 Treacy
6 Bodkin
6 Lynch
Mr Bill Walker
Mrs Gwenda Burton
Mr Sam Hassett
The list has a few changes from this year. At our Night of Excellence we farewelled a number of our long serving staff members
who will retire from the College at the end of the year. I would
like to acknowledge and congratulate Paul Smith, Peter Parry,
Janet Black, Colleen Kelly and Helen Baran on their wonderful
service to our community; we wish them well for their more leisurely pace of life next year. At our Night of Excellence I also
advised those present that Sonny Smith has taken the decision
to step down from leadership roles at the College to give more
time to his young family. I would like to acknowledge the wonderful service that Sonny has given to the College in his role as
Deputy Principal and more recently AP - Pastoral Care. Sonny
will continue at the College in a year 4 class teaching capacity
next year. This week we will also farewell Mr Chris Williams, Mrs
Rachel Walsh, Mrs Kristy Taylor and Mrs Siobhan Molloy. Chris
finishes his two year contract with us to take up a position at
Cannon Hill Anglican College, Rachel will take up a full time
teaching contract at Marist Ashgrove for 2015, Kristy finishes
her twelve month contract with us to move into an exciting journey of motherhood with her imminent arrival of her first child and
Siobhan will finish up her term 4 contract with us and we look
forward to her returning next year in relief teaching appointments. Class lists have been finalised for next year and all year
4 and 5 students will be advised on Friday of their 2015 classes.
Our graduating Year 7 Class
Tonight our year 7 class will graduate and for the first time we
will have students returning next year to Ambrose Treacy College and for others they will commence a new secondary school
journey at another College. For those students leaving tonight
we certainly hope it is not the last time we shall meet and we
look forward to continuing our association with them as we catch
reports on their progress into the various secondary colleges. To
all the year 7 students we warmly thank you for your leadership
throughout the year, and we wish you well in your upcoming
years as you continue to determine your life’s path.
As a final newsletter for the year I would like to thank the community for your continued support throughout the year. 2014 has
been another good year at the College and I look forward with
anticipation to 2015 in the dawning of Ambrose Treacy College.
To all our students I would congratulate you all on a fantastic
year; a year that realized many dreams and a year that was
filled with fun and energy. Your genuine friendship and warmth
are memories that I will take again from the year. To our staff, I
extend my sincere thanks to you once again for your professionalism and genuine care for the students. The fact that students
at Nudgee Junior experience a ‘boys’ heaven’ is a testament to
your commitment and effort. Congratulations on a job well done
and I hope you all enjoy a well earned restful break over Christmas.
May the peace of Christ be with us this Christmas and inspire us
to work for peace in our lives, in our homes, and in our world in
the exciting year that lies ahead.
With best Wishes
Mike Senior
With the Christmas season closing in on us quickly, it is always
important to take time to reflect on the bigger stage we share as
a local, national and global community. For the Nudgee Junior
community it is a time to give thanks for another great year
where fun and laughter, learning and growing, understanding
and challenge have been companions on our journey. At the
end of the year, we say farewell to the Nudgee Junior College
community and re-engage in January next year as the Ambrose
Treacy College community. This is a reminder that our journey
is a short journey and that relationships are precious and the
key to our lives. My wish for our community is that the Christmas
season will be a family season and that the story of Christmas
will be revealed to us all in the joy we share with our families.
As another year draws to a close at the College I would like to
congratulate all our students on another wonderful year. At
these times I always recall Lawrie Gordon commenting that
Nudgee Junior is a bit like the All Blacks – you never get a bad
All Blacks rugby team and here at NJC we never have a bad
year, some are just better than others. Just as the All Blacks
seem to be having another of those golden years, 2014 will be
remembered fondly by the whole NJC community not only will it
be remembered as our final year, it will be remembered for the
many highs. One of the joys of the teaching game is to sit back
at the end of the year and see the growth and changes in boys
over the year. With very few exceptions the changes are very
evident and I see boys who have grown in self confidence and
maturity, for some their physical changes are quite dramatic and
for others they have achieved personal milestones with their
learning in and outside of the classroom. Here at NJC we have
a strong community feel and it’s a feeling that is equally shared
by students, staff and parents. In the end it is this strong community basis that adds quality and meaning to our lives. In a
community we support others and in turn we are supported by
others. This caring for others is the basic story of Christmas and
I hope that this Christmas season is one where we can enjoy
the company of our families and friends and look for peace and
joy in our lives and in the lives of those we love.
Staffing 2015
Our staffing arrangements for the year 4-6 Junior School for
next year have been finalised and I would like to advise parents
that the following appointments have been made for class
teachers in 2015.
4 Nolan
Mr Sonny Smith
4 Treacy
Mrs Cathy Geraghty
Ph: 3878 0500 I Wet Weather Line: 3878 0511 I Email:
27 Nov Year 7 Valedictory Mass
28 Nov Last day of Term 4
28 Nov Yr 8 Leadership Camp
Summer Music Concert
From the
Assistant to the Principal - Identity
Conor Finn–
“Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.”
Garrison Keillor.
May I humbly offer the following Irish blessing for
our community as we conclude this chapter of our
May you live as long as you want, and never want
as long as you live.
May the grass grow long on the road to hell for want
of use.
May you live to be a hundred years, with one extra
year to repent.
May your troubles be as few and as far apart as
your grandmothers teeth.
May the roof above us never fall in, and may we
friends gathered below never fall out.
May the Lord keep you in His hand and never close
His fist too tight.
May your neighbours respect you, Trouble neglect
you, The angels protect you, And heaven accept
May your pockets be heavy and your heart be light,
may good luck pursue you each morning and night.
May the strength of three be in your journey.
May your right hand always be stretched out in
friendship and never in want.
May you have the hindsight to know where you've
been, the foresight to know where you're going and
the insight to know when you're going too far.
May you be poor in misfortune, rich in blessings,
slow to make enemies, quick to make friends.
But rich or poor, quick or slow, may you know noth-
From the
Uniform Shop
Julie Ebbage—Convenor
If you are intending to volunteer to help in the uniform
shop in 2015, can you please complete the volunteer
form and return it to the school as soon as possible?
Alternatively, you can email me the days and times you
are available together with your contact details.The
opening hours for 2015 will be as follows:
Monday 7.30am-11.00am & 2.30pm-3.30pm
Wednesday 7.30am-11.00am & 2.30pm-3.30pm
Thursday 7.30am-11.00am
Friday 7.30am-11.00am
THANK YOU: I would like to take this opportunity to
thank all of those wonderful people (both Mums and
Dads) who have helped me over this term. I can never
fully express my gratitude to you. Without your ongoing
assistance I would never have been able to manage the
volume of work that the Uniform Shop has been required to handle to outfit next year’s Ambrose Treacy
College students
If you have not booked an appointment for your son’s
ATC uniforms please arrange a uniform appointment
through the Parent Teacher Interview website
FAREWELL: To all the students and families who are
leaving us this year, I would like to wish you the very
best for your future endeavours.
To all of our families, a Very Merry Christmas and a
Very Happy New Year!
From the
All library books should be returned
by now. I hope that doesn’t mean
that there will be no reading over
the holidays! Brisbane City Council
libraries continue to operate and
have a wonderful selection of books
and e-books.
The State Library of Qld also has a Summer Reading club
which boys can join which promotes reading and online
activities until the end of January. Check it out at: http://
During the holidays we will be adding many new books to
our collection, some of which were chosen by boys who
are members of our Cereal Bookclub. We hope you enjoy
their choices in the new school year.
Many hours will no doubt be spent online so it is timely to
remind boys and families of the need to keep safe. There
is some really good advice offered by commonsensemedia, a UK based service, which has tips applicable no matter where you live. [
privacy-and-internet-safety ]
Happy holidays from everyone in the Mt Sion iCentre.
From the
Tuck shop
Danielle Milne—Convenor 2015
BREAKFAST (7:30 – 8:15am)
Counter service only with cashless card
Bacon & Egg roll with cheese
Baked bean or Spaghetti Bombs v
Toast (2 slices) with spreads*
Toasted Sandwiches – Cheese or Ham & Cheese *
Mini Pancake Stack with spreads
Yoghurt, fruit & muesli cups v
Yoghurt and fruit cup v GF
Whole fresh fruit v GF
Up & Go – Chocolate or Vanilla v
* Gluten Free bread add 80 cents for 2 slices
Freshly made with your choice of Hi-Fibre White or Wholemeal bread (Gluten Free or White Roll available – extra
Sandwiches & Rolls (Free Toasting)
Vegemite v
Tasty cheese v GF
Salad v GF
Egg, lettuce & mayo v GF
Ham GF
Chicken GF
Cheese $0.40 Tomato $0.40 Beetroot $0.50
$0.50 Avocado $0.80 Salad $0.80
White Roll $0.60 GF bread $0.80
Tortilla Wraps
Chicken and salad
Crispy chicken, lettuce & mayo (opt. sweet chilli) $5.00
Cheese and salad v
Garden Salad v GF
Side Salad v GF
Salad Box – Chicken or Ham
Angus Beef Lasagne
Chicken Tender
Gluten Free Chicken Tender GF
Meat Pie
Hot Dog w’ tomato sauce
Hot Dog w’ Cheese and tomato sauce
Nachos w’ GF Salsa, cheese and sour cream v GF
Macaroni & Cheese v
Quiche w’ Bacon & Cheese
Paddy’s Place
2015 Menu
Hot options
Garlic bread v
Scrolls – Bacon & Cheese or Vegemite & Cheese v
Snack meat pie
Sausage roll
Jumbo Cheese & Spinach roll v
Frozen options
Calippo Mini – Lemon or Raspberry Pine GF
Icy Twist GF
Paddle Pop – Choc or Rainbow
Bulla Ice Cream Cup
Bulla Frozen Yoghurt – Mango or Strawberry
Pantry options
Sumo mini cookies
Red Rock Chips – Honey Soy or Sea Salt GF
Grainwaves – Sour cream & chives
Popcorn GF
Triple-Choc Muffin
Choc-Chip Cookies
Noodle Cup – Chicken or Beef (counter only)
Fresh options
Seasonal fruit cup v GF
Watermelon cup v GF
Yoghurt – Lemon cream or Raspberry coconut v GF
Plain milk 300mls
Flavoured Milk – Chocolate or Strawberry
Water 600mls
Flavoured Water – Orange or Rasp or Lime
Juice – Apple or Orange or Apple-Blackcurrant
Up & Go – Chocolate or Vanilla
Iced Tea
Monday & Wednesday (1st and 2nd Break)
Sushi: Chicken, Tuna GF or California Roll v GF $2.80
Rice paper rolls - Chicken
Soy Sauce
Friday (2nd Break Only)
Hamburger – Beef Patty with Cheese, Tomato, $5.00
Lettuce and Beetroot (Tomato or BBQ sauce)
Volunteers: We are in desperate need of volunteers in the tuckshop for Tuesdays and Thursdays
next year. The tuckshop is open 5 days a week in 2015 for all year levels. If you are able to help
please contact Danielle—
Help needed! Stainless steel custom-made benches needed for Tuckshop ASAP. If you have experience working with stainless steel please contact THANK YOU: Thank you for all of your wonDanielle Milne on 0403 507 169
derful help throughout this year and over the
past 10 years. It has been my pleasure to
have worked with you and I would like to
Don’t forget to go to to login
or register for an account and add your student(s) wish you and your families all the very best
to get ready for 2015. The tuckshop is a cashless for the future.
Julie O’Neill - Convenor
Acting Instrumental Music Co-ordinator
Congratulations to all of our wonderful musicians on a fantastic and very memorable year, the last time anyone will play in a
Nudgee Junior College band or ensemble! Thank you for your passion for music making, commitment and enthusiasm in
rehearsals and lessons and for some spectacular performances especially in this last term. A very big thanks to parents
and families as well for supporting your sons, and getting them to rehearsals throughout the year – all the hard work is well
worth it! Those who are moving on to new schools in 2015 I would like to wish you all the very best for your future music
making, I certain that the foundation that you now have in playing your instrument/singing will serve you very well into the
future. For those who are continuing on to ATC, I look forward to what will be a very exciting phase in our music program.
We have some very exciting performance opportunities lined up for next year and are looking forward to pushing the standard to new heights as we grow our school. To everyone, have an enjoyable and very safe school holiday, and make sure
you keep up the practice so you aren’t too rusty when we get back into it next year!
2015 Ensemble Lists
The 2015 bands and ensembles will be announced this week. Keep an eye on the notice board outside the music room for
this, we are hoping to have it completed by Wednesday at the latest. Remember if you haven’t completed an audition your
name will not appear on this list. Please communicate directly with your instrumental music teacher to work out an audition
time if you have missed yours.
Return of hire instruments
CHOIR, HANDBELLS, VOCALS - Barbara McGeever Classroom Music, Choral and Handbells
A huge congratulations to the Year 7 handbell ensemble on this morning’s outstanding performance in front of Arts Educations from around the world. Your demonstration of so many
ringing techniques intrigued the audience. They loved your performance so much they gave
you a STANDING OVATION! A special thank you to Mrs Ebbage, Mr Green and Mr Senior
for all of your help this morning.
Year 7 Graduation Mass
Year 5 Handbell Ensemble please arrive at 5.30pm for a warm up and then performance
at 6pm and 6.20pm (may leave at approx. 6.30pm if NOT in the choir)
Year 4 to 6 Choir arrive at 5.45pm for 6pm start. (Finish approx. 7.30pm).
Please wear full formal uniform.
You all must know just how much I appreciate my choir, vocal and handbell ensemble students and parents. The number of performances (8 for just this term), is a heavy workload but you are there from the commencement of term to the
final day of the year.
Thank you to you all for your outstanding commitment to our Performing Arts life. My heart bursts with pride for your
achievements and stamina.
To those who are leaving us this year, thank you and good luck in your future studies. Thanks to you all. May you have a
safe and wonderful family Christmas
Speech and Drama—Susan Thompson
Community News
Thank you to everyone who expressed an interest in the
private Speech and Drama program at ATC. Please be
advised that Years 4, 5 and 6 Speech and Drama classes
for 2015 are now full. There are still limited vacancies for
Years 7 and 8, however, all new student registrations in
other year levels will still be accepted and added to a waiting list. EMAIL NOTIFICATION WILL BE SENT SOON,
I would also like to notify current students that the results
from the recent Speech and Drama examinations have not
yet been released by the Australian Music Examinations
Board (A.M.E.B.). Results and certificates will be sent
home with school reports, or forwarded to the students by
mail if they are not available before the end of the term.
Congratulations to all my students who worked so hard to
prepare for their exams – as always it has been a pleasure
to teach such an enthusiastic and talented group of boys. I
hope my students who are leaving NJC this year will find
every success in their future studies. Finally, I would like to
sincerely thank Michael Senior, David Gardiner, Glynis Galletly, and all other Nudgee Junior College teachers/staff
(particularly the hard-working ‘Front Office’ ladies!), for their
Learning Enrichment—Siobhan Brophy Counsellor
White Ribbon Day
White Ribbon Day is Australia’s only national, male led Campaign to end men’s
violence against women. White Ribbon is a
primary prevention campaign that aims to
change the attitudes and behaviours that
lead to violence against women. Domestic
violence is a widespread though often hidden problem across Australia. It occurs in
all parts of society, regardless of geographic location, socio-economic status, age, cultural and ethnic
background, or religious belief. It can have devastating
effects. Domestic violence (sometimes called ‘family violence’) can take many different forms including intimidation, coercion or isolation, emotional, physical, sexual, financial and spiritual abuse.
Find help: If you or someone you know is experiencing
violence and need help or support, please contact one of
the support services below. There are national and statebased agencies that can assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days
a week.
1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732)
Not Just a Cookbook will be one sale Thursday 27 November at the Year 7 Valedictory from 5.15pm. Only $30 or 2
copies for $55. Please order online by clicking here or contact Fiona Wright: 0418 711287 for more details
Free Movie Night
Chapel Hill State School are having a community Movie
night on Friday 5 December at 7pm The movie is THE
CROODS. Bring a blancket and picnic basket. Drinks and
GloSticks available for purchase on the night.
2015 Deacon Tennis Coaching
Deacon Tennis will be offering tennis lessons at ATC in
2015 to students.
All lessons are run by fully qualified coaches and last 45
minutes. Prices start at just $18.50 per week. For registration please phone 3300 6668 or pick up an enrolment form
from the College office.
Holiday Golf Clinics
The Brisbane Golf Club has upcoming Junior Learn To
Play Golf Clinics, hosted by Director of Golf and AAA PGA
Member Joe Janison and his team at the Yeerongpilly
Club during the school holidays. Clinics run on 18 December, 8th January and 22nd January. For more information
Parents and Friends: Before the boys return to school in 2015, let’s meet up for a few hours to give our hard working
groundsman a helping hand. Our school always looks fantastic, but you sparing a few hours in January will really help
ensure the grounds are at their best, especially for those first day of school photos.
We need about 20 people to help spread mulch and assist with odd jobs throughout the school grounds.
Saturday 17 January, 2015
7-11am (to beat the heat)
What to bring: Gloves, rakes, wheelbarrows, shovels, blowers, etc
Please let us know if you’re coming so the right amount of mulch,
food and cold beverages can be sourced.
For more information, or to let us know you’re coming, please contact Steve Davidson
on 0418 814 501 or
Dan Wilson visits
and speaks to NJC
ATC Cricket
Brett Henschell —
There is little doubt that Saturday produced the best set of results thus far for the school during the Term 4
junior cricket season. This is a credit to the coaches and players for their effort and attention to detail at
team training. Most Two Day matches are evenly poised and another solid week of practice and play could
see more results go the way of ATC this Saturday.
Win, lose or draw, one huge advantage of playing Term 4 junior club cricket is the experience our older players gain from playing on turf. This season has seen all ATC U13 and U12 teams play at least one round on this
type of surface. Players have come to realize that the bounce of the ball is different on turf. You must wait
for the ball to reach you when batting and anything short when bowling sits up and is easy pickings.
The final round on Saturday 6 December 2014 will be played as One Day matches across all age groups.
Please make sure you are available so your team is not forced to play short of forfeit.
Players and parents are reminded that Term 4 junior club cricket fixtures will be played right up to Saturday 6 December 2014.
U10 Blue
Valley Goannas 74 v ATC 126
Will Baker
U10 Green
Valley Brumbies 143 v ATC 168
U10 White
Valley Kookaburras 159 v ATC 175
U10 Gold
Valley Dingoes 336 v ATC 66
U10 Red
Valley Koalas 113 v ATC 99
U11 Blue
Wilson North Yellow 5/115 v ATC 9/63 Day 1
U11 Green
Toombul Green 4/101 v ATC 7/89 Day 1
Zac Beachy-Head
U11 White
Toombul White 5/103 v ATC 3/96 Day 1
Harry Hopkins
U12 Blue
Albany Creek Eagle Hawks 2/138 v ATC 120 Day 1
William Burton
U12 Green
St Patrick’s College 8/105 v ATC 9/189 Day 1
U13 Blue
ATC Green 7/60 lost to ATC Blue 6/122
U13 Green
ATC Blue 6/122 defeated ATC Green 7/60
Connor Hourigan
Tom Nugent
Zac Allan & Darcy Molloy
Linus Borger & Hamish Snowden
Josh Sullivan
Lachlan A-K & Tom Ziebarth
Connor McCarthy
Oliver Hewitt
From the
Director of Sport
Dave Capra —
Triathlon As our triathletes prepared for the final official NJC tri event for the year, they were visited
on Monday morning at training by professional triathlete and Noosa Tri 2014 Runner Up Dan Wilson.
The boy enjoyed hearing his tips for training and the opportunity to ask an elite level athlete lots of
questions about life at the top of the triathlon world. Our thanks to Malcom Barter for organising this
opportunity. On a sadder note, this week we farewell one of our triathlon coaches Brett Travis. Brett
has been an wonderful role model, coach and mentor for our boys and has been instrumental in setting up our program here at the College. We wish Brett the very best of luck in the future and look forward to seeing him around the triathlon scene into the future. Thanks Brett, for all your hard work,
dedication and enthusiasm!
Triathlon training will continue on Monday and Wednesday next week in preparation for Sunday’s Gatorade Tri Event at Raby Bay. This will be the end of the tri season for 2014, however boys will be
able to swim over the holidays in the ATC Swim program. Training for boys who have been selected
in Met West and Met North will begin on Monday 12 January at 7.00am and will continue on Monday,
Wednesday and Friday mornings until Term 1 begins at which time a new training timetable will be
released. Best of luck to all of our triathletes at the Gatorade Tri on Sunday 7 December.
Club Cricket Our inaugural ATC pre-Christmas cricket season has been a resounding success and
with games continuing until Saturday 6 December there is still plenty of cricket left to go. Please note
that coaches will be handing out awards after the final game of the season on Saturday 6 December
at each teams playing venue. This will be a great opportunity to celebrate the boy’s achievements
and a great inaugural ATC season.
Cricket Teams 2015 Please be aware that cricket trials for the Year 5 – 8 school season and *Year 4
Club Season will be held as follows in preparation for the first round of games on Saturday 31 January: Wednesday 28 January – Year 5 and 6 3.15pm to 4.45pm; Thursday 29 January – *Year 4, 7 and
8 3.15pm to 4.45pm
What year it has been! I think 2014 has been a wonderful example of staff, students, parents and
community members working together to create great sporting opportunities which will be remembered for many years to come. I would like to thank everyone involved in sport in 2014 in making our
program a possibility. For those ending their journey with the College, I would like to wish you the
very best of luck in your future endeavours. For those continuing, enjoyed a restful holidays and I
look forward to seeing you back in 2015, ready to embark on what will be an action packed and exciting start to Ambrose Treacy College Sport.
Paul Jones —
Holiday Swimming Program
The swimming programs at the college are in full swing and there is no rest for our swimmers during the
Christmas holidays.
The squad program will continue with the same sessions on offer through to the 20th December. We will
then have a break from all programs and recommence on the 5th of January. In January, the same sessions
are on offer and this is a great time of year to do a couple of extra sessions or an intensive week where you
come every day. The morning training time will be moved so that all squads start at 7am and the afternoons will stay the same at 3.30pm for recreational squad and 4.30pm for the advanced squad. We look
forward to seeing our squad swimmers continue the good training that they have been doing.
The learn to swim program will continue to the completion of the 10 week block on December 13 and then
have a break until recommencement on January 5. In January we are offering learn to swim intensive
weeks where you can book in for a week and complete 1 half hour lesson each day in that week. This is a
great way to improve your child’s swimming capabilities. We have intensive weeks starting on January 5, 12
and 19. All enquires can be emailed to
We hope all our swimmers and students have a fun and safe school holiday and we look forward to seeing
Don’t be bored on the holidays
HENSCHELL CRICKET ACADEMY PTY LTD will be conducting Cricket Coaching Clinics during the Summer School Holidays exclusive to 2015 Ambrose Treacy College students. Boys of all standards are welcome.
The December Clinic will build on the skill base established during Term 4 junior club cricket whilst having
fun and enjoying the game of cricket. The January Clinic will concentrate on preparing players for the Term
1 school and junior club cricket seasons.
Attendees will be arranged with others of like ability and age, in groups small enough to ensure individual
tutelage is provided. A Cricket Australia accredited coach will be allocated to each group for the duration of
the Clinic to enable a structured program to be delivered and a comprehensive written report will be provided
post Clinic conclusion.
A Senior First Aid Officer will be in attendance in case of illness or injury.
At each Clinic, one lucky player will win a Gabba cricket
valued up to $175.00 (depending on size) simply by attending!
Ambrose Treacy College, Twigg Street, Indooroopilly.
Week 1 – Tuesday 2 to Friday 5 December 2014
Week 2 – Monday 19 to Thursday 22 January 2015
Week 1 – 8:30am to 12:00pm/Week 2 – 2:00pm to 5:30pm
What to wear:
Cricket whites (white shirt minimum), sunscreen and hat/cap
What to bring:
Personal cricket gear (if owned), water, snack, positive attitude
$199.00 (Incl. GST) per Clinic
To book your place at these
(family rates available)
FOUR day Clinics, or for further information, please
ordering available by clicking here.
Copies will be available for sale at the End of NJC
” Celebration Day and in the College office. Online
Celebrating the end of Nudgee Junior College, Indooroopilly,
‘Recollections –A Journey’ embraces the essence of what makes
NJC such a unique place. With hundreds of intriguing photographs capturing the journey of the school over 76 years, this
publication is a wonderful souvenir for anyone who has been
associated with the college.
Book Launch ‘Recollections’
Nudgee Junior
Purchase your copy at
the College office this
week or click here to
order online
$40 each
2 copies for