Open-Source EU Policy and Funding Newsflash


Open-Source EU Policy and Funding Newsflash
EU Policy and Funding Newsflash
- November (First Half) 2014 –
With the financial support of
the Covenant 2022 signatory Regions
and the French Ministry of Ecology.
November (First Half) 2014
Table of Contents
1. EU Policy News ................................................................................................................................. 4
Environmental Council Conclusions on Greening the European Semester, on the Europe 2020
Strategy and on Waste Management ................................................................................................. 4
Commitments made at the hearing of Karmenu Vella Commissioner for Environment, Maritime
and Fisheries ....................................................................................................................................... 4
New INTERREG IVC policy report on eco-innovation: “Recommendations for boosting ecoinnovation” ......................................................................................................................................... 4
New UNEP report: "The Business Case for Eco-innovation" .............................................................. 4
Resource efficiency lessons from south-east Europe ......................................................................... 5
Better public relations urged for under-fire ecodesign ...................................................................... 5
Cautious backing for EU resource efficiency goal ............................................................................... 5
Recycling compliance plan criticised................................................................................................... 5
Ministers say 2030 recycling goals too high ....................................................................................... 5
Consultation on policy options to optimise water reuse in the EU .................................................... 6
Mining Waste: Commission to Publish First Implementation Report ................................................ 6
EU Commission begins preparation of 2015 work programme.......................................................... 6
2. EU Funding News.............................................................................................................................. 7
Call for Speakers: Waste Management & Recycling ........................................................................... 7
Call for proposals H2020: a resource to recycle, reuse and recover raw materials ........................... 7
Call for proposals H2020: Growing a Low Carbon, Resource Efficient Economy with a Sustainable
Supply of Raw Materials ..................................................................................................................... 8
Call for proposals H2020: Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing ........ 9
Erasmus+: Knowledge Alliances and Sector Skills Alliances Info Day ................................................. 9
Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge: Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw
Materials 2015 Calls Information Day ................................................................................................ 9
3. Other News ...................................................................................................................................... 10
IMA-Europe publishes its Roadmap to 2050 .................................................................................... 10
Creation of the European Recycling Industries’ Confederation (EuRIC) ........................................... 10
Growing a circular economy: key barriers and business benefits .................................................... 10
Scotland proposes a more resource efficient and circular economy ............................................... 10
Why it pays to join the circular economy ......................................................................................... 11
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Five countries moving ahead of the pack on circular economy legislation ...................................... 11
4. Events............................................................................................................................................... 12
European Resources Forum .............................................................................................................. 12
17th European Forum on Eco-Innovation......................................................................................... 12
SET-Plan Conference 2014 ................................................................................................................ 12
Circular Economy Awards ................................................................................................................. 12
2014 Green Budget Europe Annual Conference “Recovery, Jobs and Sustainable Prosperity: A New
Agenda for Green Fiscal Reform in Europe” ..................................................................................... 13
Resource Efficiency in Practice - Closing Mineral Cycles .................................................................. 13
Changing Capitalism: Business models for a Regenerative Economy and the Regenerative Resource
Revolution ......................................................................................................................................... 13
European Parliament Environment Committee Meeting ................................................................. 13
The European Week for Waste Reduction ....................................................................................... 14
Disruptive Innovation Festival .......................................................................................................... 14
European Business Awards for the Environment ............................................................................. 14
5. Covenant 2022 Partners News ....................................................................................................... 15
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November (First Half) 2014
1. EU Policy News
Environmental Council Conclusions on Greening the European Semester, on the
Europe 2020 Strategy and on Waste Management
28 October 2014 – EU Council Press Release
The Council adopted conclusions on Greening the European Semester and the Europe 2020
Strategy. The Council calls on the Commission to explore how to better integrate resource efficiency
in the EU 2020 Strategy, including through the introduction of an EU non-binding aspirational target.
Ministers also held a first public policy debate on a legislative proposal for an amending directive
addressing the management of different types of waste. The aim of the proposal is to improve waste
management in the European Union, with a view to protecting the quality of the environment and
ensuring prudent and rational use of natural resources.
Commitments made at the hearing of Karmenu Vella Commissioner for Environment,
Maritime and Fisheries
3 November 2014 - European Parliament Press Release
In his answers to the hearing on 29 September 2014 before the Committee on Environment, Public
Health and Food Safety and the Committee on Fisheries, the commissioner-designate Karmenu Vella
made a number of commitments (including the EU Resource Efficiency Agenda). Commitments
relevant to the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety in the European
Parliament are highlighted below.
New INTERREG IVC policy report on eco-innovation: “Recommendations for boosting
7 November 2014 - Eco-Innovation Action Plan Newsletter
The importance of eco-innovation is clearly being recognised in the EU and worldwide. Ecoinnovation is not limited to specific industries or sector of the economy. It can be introduced into
manufacturing, services, organisations, management styles, urban and rural planning and design,
agriculture and many other areas. It can therefore be instrumental in building healthy, competitive,
and sustainable regional economies.
New UNEP report: "The Business Case for Eco-innovation"
7 November 2014 - Eco-Innovation Action Plan Newsletter
The Business Case for Eco-innovation demonstrates the compelling case for eco-innovation to a
business audience. It includes information on growing market trends and real examples from small to
large companies worldwide that have embedded sustainability throughout their operations and value
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November (First Half) 2014
Resource efficiency lessons from south-east Europe
04 November 2014 – Eco Innovation Action Plan Newsletter
A recently-concluded project involving partners from Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia,
Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia has published a library of guidance on resource efficiency policies
and implementation for municipalities. The guidance is primarily intended for cities in the 16 countries
that participate in the European Union's South East Europe (SEE) Transnational Cooperation
Programme, but is also relevant for municipalities outside those countries.
Better public relations urged for under-fire ecodesign
7 November 2014 - ENDS Europe [private subscription, not to redistribute]
Industry has urged lawmakers to consider public opinion when setting new ecodesign standards for
consumer products, while the European Parliament may get a say in the process to improve public
Cautious backing for EU resource efficiency goal
28 October 2014 - ENDS Europe [private subscription, not to redistribute]
Member states have asked the European Commission to investigate integrating resource efficiency
into the EU’s economic growth strategy. The Commission should investigate the introduction of “an
EU, non-binding, aspirational target” on resource efficiency to the EU 2020 Strategy, environment
ministers agreed in Luxembourg on Tuesday.
Recycling compliance plan criticised
28 October 2014 - ENDS Europe [private subscription, not to redistribute]
A number of member states have raised concerns about a proposed governance mechanism for
improving compliance with recycling targets. The ‘early warning system’ put forward by the European
Commission would require member states to submit a compliance plan to Brussels within six months
of being told they were at risk of missing targets.
Ministers say 2030 recycling goals too high
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28 October 2014 - ENDS Europe [private subscription, not to redistribute]
Recycling targets tabled by the outgoing European Commission are too ambitious, according to the
majority of member states. The ‘circular economy’ package of proposals put forward in July included a
goal of recycling 70% of municipal waste by 2030, and 80% recycling goals for packaging and wood
waste, as well as 90% goals for ferrous metal, aluminium and glass.
Consultation on policy options to optimise water reuse in the EU
3 November 2014 - DG Environment Newsletter
The aim of this consultation is to evaluate the most suitable EU-level instrument/s to foster water
reuse, while ensuring the health and environmental safety of water reuse practices and the free trade
of food products. The results of the consultation will be used as input for the preparation of the Impact
Assessment covering all key areas of potential application of water reuse: agriculture, urban,
industrial, and recreational uses (e.g. golf courses, bathing water), groundwater recharge, etc.
Mining Waste: Commission to Publish First Implementation Report
4 November 2014 – DG Environment Website
The Commission is expected to publish a Report on the implementation of EU rules on the
management of waste from extractive industries. The expected Commission Report, which is
foreseen by Article 18(1) of Directive 2006/21/EC, would assess the implementation of this Directive.
Directive 2006/21/EC on the management of waste from extractive industries aims to ensure the safe
management of waste generated by mining facilities, which includes preventing accidents and air
water and soil pollution.
EU Commission begins preparation of 2015 work programme
The Commission Work Programme will translate the ten points of the Political Guidelines, the Juncker
Commission's political contract with the European Parliament, and the European Council's Strategic
Agenda for the Union in Times of Change, into concrete deliverables.
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November (First Half) 2014
2. EU Funding News
Call for Speakers: Waste Management & Recycling
11 - 13 March 2015 – Sofia (Bulgaria)
The European Network of Environmental Professionals is calling for speakers in waste management
and recycling. Keeping pace with the market trends and demand the event and exhibition encourages
the waste and recycling technology transfer to South-East Europe. It will provide participants with a
quick market entry and opportunity to meet face-to-face state and municipal representatives e.g.
government officials, mayors, ecologists; branch associations; investors and entrepreneurs;
executives from the sectors: waste management, recycling, ecology and related industry branches.
If you are interested in presenting at the SEE Forum 2015 please send the following material before the 7th November
(midnight) 2014: 1. An Abstract (max 500 words) about the topic of your presentation (relevant to
Waste or Energy) 2. Your CV (in English).
Call for proposals H2020: a resource to recycle, reuse and recover raw materials
Deadline: Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Actions foreseen within this call for proposals include the following topics:
WASTE-4d-2015: Raw materials partnerships. The complexity and heterogeneity of waste streams
require coordination and networking between researchers, entrepreneurs and public authorities to
harmonise technologies, processes and services, to profit from benchmarking, sharing best practices,
and gender mainstreaming, and to use or develop standards. Insufficient cooperation between
different value chain players in several raw materials sectors results in lower recycling rates or
suboptimal use of raw materials from an environmental and socio-economic point of view. Improved
cooperation within or along different value chains and among stakeholders, including a participatory
role of citizens, representing the wider society, and civil society organisations, can lead to more
efficient use of raw materials and to waste reduction. The global nature of the waste management
challenge requires coordination, pooling of resources and support to the definition of global objectives
and strategies, and holds a potential for export of eco-innovative solutions and seizing new markets.
Dissemination at international level of knowledge on waste management, including environmental
regulations and standards, can contribute to turning waste into a resource at global level and to
setting up resource efficient waste management systems and technologies and services, particularly
in developing countries and emerging economies. To this end, enhanced forms of participatory
processes for all stakeholders are needed.
WASTE-6a-2015: Eco-innovative solutions. The growing waste produced in Europe, particularly in
urban areas, where the vast majority of the world population are expected to live by 2050, represents
a cost for society and a burden on the environment and, at the same time, a valuable stock of
resources that can be exploited. Boosting eco-innovative solutions to prevent waste generation and
promote the use of waste as a resource, in line with the objectives of the EU Resource Efficiency
Roadmap and the Waste Framework Directive, can enhance the natural and living environment in
urban and peri-urban areas. Developing and demonstrating such solutions in real-life environments
will enhance their market uptake and contribute to sustainable urbanisation worldwide. Cities are
more than spatially extended material artefacts; they are complex systems similar to living organisms
that use energy, air, water and nutrients and need to dispose waste in a sustainable way. Adopting an
urban metabolism perspective opens the way for innovative, systemic approaches, involving the
analysis of resource flows within cities. Integrating in this way economic, social and environmental
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November (First Half) 2014
dynamics, it is possible to understand the socio-economically and gender nuanced patterns of
resource use and consumption, and pinpoint drivers of waste-avoiding behaviour, manufacturing and
business and public governance models.
WASTE-6b-2015: Eco-innovative strategies. The growing waste produced in Europe, particularly in
urban areas, where the vast majority of the world population are expected to live by 2050, represents
a cost for society and a burden on the environment and, at the same time, a valuable stock of
resources that can be exploited. Boosting eco-innovative solutions to prevent waste generation and
promote the use of waste as a resource, in line with the objectives of the EU Resource Efficiency
Roadmap and the Waste Framework Directive, can enhance the natural and living environment in
urban and peri-urban areas. Developing and demonstrating such solutions in real-life environments
will enhance their market uptake and contribute to sustainable urbanisation worldwide.
Call for proposals H2020: Growing a Low Carbon, Resource Efficient Economy with a
Sustainable Supply of Raw Materials
Deadline: Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Actions foreseen within this call for proposals include the following topics:
SC5-19b-2015: Mapping Member State research and innovation in climate change,
environment, resource efficiency and raw materials. Better transnational cooperation and
coordination of research and innovation policies, programmes and initiatives in the area of climate
action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials within the EU is needed to enhance the
impact of research and innovation and ensure a more efficient use of resources and R&I
developments. Trans-national cooperation between National Contact Points (NCPs) within this
Societal Challenge should be facilitated with a view to identifying and sharing good practices and
raising the general standard of support to programme applicants, taking into account the diversity of
actors that make up the constituency of this Societal Challenge. Innovative ways are required to link
up all relevant actors, increase policy coherence and improve public awareness of EU research and
SC5-13d-2015: Raw materials research and innovation coordination. The appropriate and
sustainable supply of raw materials requires framework conditions which relate to mineral policies,
permitting procedure and data reporting system, raw materials knowledge infrastructure, research and
innovation coordination, and international cooperation. Mineral policies are sometimes not clear, too
dispersed in their implementation or insufficiently linked to other related policies (e.g. land-use
planning) to be fully effective. A common understanding of which mineral deposits are of public
importance is lacking. Permitting procedures can be lengthy and sometimes conflict with other public
authorities’ requirements. Knowledge of raw materials reserves and resources is dispersed,
terminology is often heterogeneous and reporting standards vary throughout the Member States.
There is no raw materials knowledge infrastructure at EU level. Research and development in the
area of raw materials is scattered between different players. Further coordination is required between
industrial players, researchers in the EU and across the whole value chain and EU and Member State
funding authorities. There is a need to better exploit synergies in R&D with the best world players in
raw materials technology and scientific developments, as well as to learn from the experience of raw
materials-producing countries.
SC5-12b-2015: Materials under extreme conditions. High-tech products, including electric and
electronic equipment, green energy technologies or extreme applications, contain substantial
amounts of certain Critical Raw Materials (CRM). Although the amount of CRM per product in general
is very low, the huge number of products manufactured makes the total amounts very impressive. The
prices and availability of CRM varies in time. There is therefore a need to find alternative solutions to
replace certain CRM in concrete applications, or to diversify the supply of raw materials sources.
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Substitution of CRMs can also increase the recyclability of waste products, allowing for more efficient
processes and reduce environmental impacts.
Call for proposals H2020: Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and
Deadline: 18-03-2015
To remain competitive, limit environmental degradation and optimise the efficient use of resources,
the development of more resource-efficient and sustainable food production and processing,
throughout the food system, at all scales of business, in a competitive and innovative way is required.
Current food production and processing systems, especially in the SME sector, need to be revised
and optimised with the aim of achieving a significant reduction in water and energy use, greenhouse
gas emissions and waste generation, while at the same time improving the efficiency in the use of raw
materials, increasing climate resilience and ensuring or improving shelf life, food safety and quality.
New competitive eco-innovative processes should be developed, within the framework of a transition
towards a more resource-efficient, sustainable circular economy.
Erasmus+: Knowledge Alliances and Sector Skills Alliances Info Day
12 November 2014 – EACEA Website
The European Commission and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
organised an "Info Day" in Brussels on 12 November 2014 to explain the funding opportunities
available under "Knowledge Alliances" and "Sector Skills Alliances". Speakers offered advice and tips
on preparing and submitting proposals as well as provide support with the financial aspects of
funding. The recorded event, presentations and other useful material for applicants are available
Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge: Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency
and Raw Materials 2015 Calls Information Day
7 November 2014 – Brussels (Belgium)
The purpose of the Information Day was to present the calls under Work Programme 2015 to the
potential applicants as well as to provide guidance on the preparation and submission of
proposals. The six brokerage sessions planned in the afternoon were an opportunity for participants
to network with other potential applicants. The recorded event, presentations and other useful
material for applicants are available online.
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November (First Half) 2014
3. Other News
Check also on Twitter the following news feed:
IMA-Europe publishes its Roadmap to 2050
07 November 2014 – IMA-Europe Website
"Imagine the Future with Industrial Minerals" is a response to the European Commission's Roadmap
for moving to a competitive, low carbon economy in 2050 and to the Flagship initiative for a resourceefficient Europe. It looks at the essential role industrial minerals play in today’s economy and how
industry will continue to meet future demand in an innovative, sustainable and resource efficient way.
It provides a vision for 2050 and how we will get there.
Creation of the European Recycling Industries’ Confederation (EuRIC)
07 November 2014 - euractiv
The European Ferrous Recovery and Recycling Federation (EFR), the European Recovered Paper
Association (ERPA) and the European Metal Trade and Recycling Federation (EUROMETREC) are
proud to announce the creation of the European Recycling Industries’ Confederation “EuRIC”. This
new Brussels-based international association will be the umbrella organisation of recycling industries
in Europe. Through its Member Associations, EuRIC represents hundreds of small, medium and large
companies involved in the collection, processing, recycling and trade of various streams of recyclable
materials. They provide across the European Union several hundred thousand jobs which cannot be
Growing a circular economy: key barriers and business benefits
4 November 2014 – eddie newsroom
A new thought leadership paper has unravelled the complexities surrounding the sustainability
buzzword that is the circular economy, highlighting the key challenges and potential business benefits
of going circular.
Scotland proposes a more resource efficient and circular economy
23 October 2014 – The Guardian
At the beginning of October, the Scottish government released its blueprint for a more resource
efficient and circular economy, Zero Waste - Safeguarding Scotland's Resources. In it, the
government clearly recognises the economic imperative for using the planet's finite resources more
effectively. Some 20 actions are proposed to help businesses use resources more efficiently;
stimulate innovation and business opportunities in the sector; promote better design; improve
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November (First Half) 2014
producer responsibility; improve information on materials; and stimulate a culture of resource
Why it pays to join the circular economy
21 October 2014 – The World Economic Forum website
The concept of the circular economy is about decoupling growth from resource consumption – and
maximizing the positive environmental, economic and social effects. It’s about designing products so
that they are easier to reuse or recycle. It’s about making sure that every product ingredient is
biodegradable or fully recyclable, like the chemicals company that has replaced fossil-fuel feedstocks
in their production methods. It’s about maximizing useful product life by repairing or remanufacturing.
Five countries moving ahead of the pack on circular economy legislation
29 October 2014 – The Guardian Sustainable Business
Denmark has banned the construction of incineration plants, Scotland is charging for plastic bags and
Sweden is aiming to increase its metal recycling.
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November (First Half) 2014
4. Events
European Resources Forum
10-11 November 2014 – Berlin (Germany)
The aim of the European Resources Forum (ERF) is to provide a European platform for discussion of
the issue of sustainable resource use by focusing on the political and scientific debate on this subject.
The ERF takes place biennially and is hosted by the German Federal Environment Agency. It seeks
to contribute to the development and implementation of common positions for policymaking in Europe
and internationally. The ERF is an important instrument for communication on resource issues and for
setting up networks and initiating stakeholder alliances at European level. The European Resources
Forum is held in the context of the European Commission’s 2011 Road Map to a Resource Efficient
Europe and relevant follow-up processes.
Read more »
17th European Forum on Eco-Innovation
1-2 December 2014 – Lyon (France)
The 2014 Commission's Green Employment initiative, together with the communications on the
Circular Economy and the Green Action Plan for SMEs, will help ensure that environmental and
employment policies converge and that appropriate funding is channelled to support the economic
recovery process. The Forum will examine employment opportunities and challenges arising from the
transition to a green and circular economy. These will be presented through the lens of the
stakeholders: worker associations, businesses, citizens and city authorities. The event will also
identify and showcase eco-innovative solutions that can facilitate the up-skilling for green jobs and the
greening of the labour market. This event is jointly organised by the European Commission’s
Directorate General for Environment and the French Ministry for the Ecology, the Sustainable
Development and Energy.
Read more »
SET-Plan Conference 2014
10-11 December 2014 – Rome (Italy)
The SET Plan aims at increasing the efforts in research and innovation and enhancing the market
uptake of new solutions as well as strengthening EU worldwide leadership in the development of
energy technological solutions. The Conference will represent a unique forum for experts,
researchers, producers, stakeholders and representatives of national and EU institutions to have indepth discussions on the future developments of the SET Plan needed to respond to the grand
energy challenges ahead of us.
Read more »
Circular Economy Awards
23 January 2015 – Davos (Switzerland)
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November (First Half) 2014
The Circular Economy Awards, or The Circulars, is an annual event recognizing individuals and
enterprises from commerce, civil society and academia that have made a notable contribution to
driving circular economy principles. We look forward to hearing about your own efforts and welcome
you to enter. All entries must be submitted by 31st October 2014 and should be sent in PowerPoint
format to
Read more »
2014 Green Budget Europe Annual Conference “Recovery, Jobs and Sustainable
Prosperity: A New Agenda for Green Fiscal Reform in Europe”
5 November 2014 – Brussels (Belgium)
The 2014 GBE Annual Conference will provide a platform to discuss the potential of green fiscal
reform to create jobs and aid economic recovery. We will discuss the opportunities and shortcomings
of the European Semester as a key process to move this agenda forward. The event is organised in
partnership with the Italian Presidency to the EU.
Read more »
Resource Efficiency in Practice - Closing Mineral Cycles
18 November 2014 – Brussels (Belgium)
Within the project “Resource Efficiency in Practice - Closing Mineral Cycles”, the most promising and
cost-effective measures at the regional and farm levels were identified to increase the resource
efficiency and use of nutrients (N, P, K) and help close mineral cycles, particularly in saturated areas
in Europe. The findings have been translated into relevant practical measures for the farming
community in these areas. The final policy conference aims to present and discuss the project
findings with relevant stakeholders and experts, including inter alia representatives of the European
Parliament, European Commission, farmer unions and advisory services, NGOs and member state
but also regional authorities, as well as representatives from academia.
Changing Capitalism: Business models for a Regenerative Economy and the
Regenerative Resource Revolution
03 November 10:00 GMT - 03 Nov 10:20 GMT (Webinar)
The circular economy, blue economy, values-based economy, collaborative consumption,
collaborative capitalism, constructive capitalism, shared value - while different these models are
cohering around the concepts of restoration and regeneration. The circular economy, for example,
has the potential to support local sustainable economies and their associated communities and
provides an example of how business practices can change.
European Parliament Environment Committee Meeting
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November (First Half) 2014
3 November 2014 – Brussels (Belgium)
A meeting of the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety took place on 10
November and on 11 November in the European Parliament in brussels. The agenda of items
discussed is available here. The video recording is available here. The next meeting of the Committee
is scheduled for Thursday 20 November 2014, 9.00 – 12.30 in Brussels. The agenda is still to be
The European Week for Waste Reduction
22-30 November 2014 – Europe
The European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR) is an initiative aiming to promote the
implementation of awareness-raising actions about sustainable resource and waste management
during a single week. It encourages a wide range of audiences (public authorities, private companies,
civil society as well as citizens themselves) to get involved.
Disruptive Innovation Festival
20 October – 14 November – Various Locations [webinars]
The Ellen MacArthur Foundation will stage the first Disruptive Innovation Festival (DIF) in 2014,
bringing together thought-leaders, entrepreneurs, businesses, makers, learners and doers to catalyse
system-level change for a future economy. Over four weeks, using a mix of online and face to face
events, participants will have an abundance of opportunities to explore the economy through a
different lens. A challenged linear ‘take make and dispose’ economy can be replaced by a more
prosperous regenerative and circular economy - is this the ultimate disruption?
European Business Awards for the Environment
1-2 December 2014 – Lyon (France)
The shortlist for the 2014 European Business Awards for the Environment (EBAE) has been revealed,
following a two-day jury meeting in Rome, Italy. The 16 finalists come from 10 countries. The winners
will be announced at a ceremony in Lyon on 1 December 2014 at the Pollutec exhibition of
environmental technologies in Lyon, France. The European Business Awards for the Environment are
awarded to eco-innovation companies that successfully combine innovation, competitiveness and
outstanding environmental performance.
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November (First Half) 2014
5. Covenant 2022 Partners News
European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials.
The Operational Groups met the representatives of the Raw Materials Commitments on Monday 10
and Tuesday 11 November.
Our Raw Material Commitment has been presented.
You can find the draft agenda and programme of the meeting on the EIP Website: It includes an
interesting overview of ‘commitments’.
At the initiative of the European Commission, the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials
Conference will take place in Brussels on January 13-14,2015.
Regional Action Plans
The newly created ACR+ Circular Economy Working Group, aimed at elaborating guidelines for
improved planning and practical implementation of circular economy at local and regional
level, met for the first time on 4th November.
During this meeting, successful experiences were presented by speakers from the city of Ferrara, the
region of Brussels, Flanders, Nord-Pas de Calais and Scotland.
By clicking on the links below you can download:
• the Agenda
• the Terms of Reference
the Working Document
Sustainable Mining in the Arctic Region
The County of Norrbotten and the County of Västerbotten in Northern Sweden, hosted a seminar on
sustainable mining in the Arctic region on 21 October 2014 in Brussels.
Norrbotten and Västerbotten have a long tradition of mining and the rich minerals and metals deposits
have played an important role in the economic and social development in the region. The region is a
major player in the Raw Materials field, contributing to 90% of the production in the EU of Iron ore and
also provider of other valuable minerals and metals e.g. copper and gold. In order to ensure the
continued sustainable growth of the mining industry in the region, the regional authorities have
together with a broad partnership of stakeholders prepared a strategy that sets up goals and
measures that will contribute to economic, social and environmentally sustainable mineral extraction
in the region. The seminar will give an insight into the challenges and opportunities that exist in the
region linked to the continued development of the mining industry.
You will find the presentations and a brief summary on the seminar following this link:
Covenant 2022 Steering Committee
The Assembly of European Regions, which is the largest independent network of regions in
wider Europe. Bringing together regions from 35 countries and 15 interregional organisations, is
joining the Steering Committee. AER is the political voice of its members and a forum for interregional
cooperation. AER will be represented by Cristina BAIZAN EDGE, Coordinator, Committee 1 Economy
and Regional Development
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