Newsletter - Forest Hills Presbyterian Church
Newsletter - Forest Hills Presbyterian Church
November - December 2014 For through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father. So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit. Ephesians 2:18-22 What a joy the past two weeks have been! It is hard to summarize all of the experiences that I was afforded in the two weeks I spent in Ethiopia into one brief article, but I will try. Let me start with another re-stating of trip’s purpose. I went with five other pastors with only one thing in mind- to listen and observe what God is doing in the Mekane Yesus Church. What we found was a church that stands in the midst of deep persecution and yet by the power of prayer is transforming the world. The church has more than seven million members and close to eight thousand congregations. What is really staggering is their attentiveness to where God is leading them. Over the next five years the Mekane Yesus has set goals to present 30,000,000 unreached people with the gospel. How do they plan on doing this? Simple, every member of the Mekane Yesus Church is expected to share their faith with at least one person. As they grow through personal evangelism, they hope to start another 8,000 congregations, train 100,000 missionaries, and call another 20,000 evangelists (lay-pastors) and ministers. As astonishing as those numbers are that isn’t the full story. They are passionate in their commitment to living for God and have hearts that are attuned to sing God’s Grace from the mountain tops. These are not just nominal Christians, these people are deeply committed to living sacrificially for God. One of the churches we visited grew from being a 24 member church two years ago when it was founded, to being more than 500 at the point of our visit. The only requirement they ask of new members is that they offer the church one month’s salary and bring someone new to Christ every year. Are you as convicted by those requirements as I am? Their Story The Mekane Yesus Church is the Evangelical National Church of Ethiopia and is made up of Presbyterians and Lutherans. There are primarily only four religious presences in Ethiopia. There are the Christians in the Mekane Yesus Church, the nominal Christians of the Orthodox Church, Muslims, and those that practice ‘traditional religion’ or what we would refer to as ‘witchcraft.’ There is very little Roman Catholic presence in Ethiopia. Those that follow the Orthodox Church are generally regarded as ‘nominal Christians’ due to the fact that their services are held in the language of Ge’ez which is neither spoken nor understood by the general public. Those that attend Orthodox services tend to have a rudimentary at best understanding of what they are professing and generally have little understanding of salvation by faith and what God has revealed to His people in His Word. Their bible is also in Ge'ez! While, the Mekane Yesus do acknowledge the Orthodox sacrament of baptism they also see the Orthodox Church as a mission field in need of 'Christian Discipling' to the life of freedom in Christ. Therefore, the Mekane Yesus have gone about trying to reach Orthodox Christians, Muslims, and the adherents of traditional religion for Christ. In these pursuits they have experienced much persecution. Muslims burn Christian churches and kill their pastors. There have been threats to the men attending worship that they will be killed and their widows married off to Muslim men as a means of converting their families. The Orthodox Church uses the government to raise property prices and levy taxes on the Mekane Yesus Church in order to prevent them from acquiring property to build new churches. The Orthodox Church views their 'discipling' as sheep stealing and therefore is generally hostile to Mekane Yesus efforts. The adherents of Traditional Religion have no qualms with killing those who encroach on their territory. They tend to still be very 'tribal' oriented and live in the most remote parts of the country. On top of the conflicts that these other faith traditions pose for the Mekane Yesus they also endure extreme poverty. However, persecution for the Mekane Yesus Church is not a new thing. Their Past Through the late 1970’s and into the early 1980’s the Communist regime that controlled the country, known as the Derg, killed and imprisoned many Christians. Churches were chained shut. Prayer meetings were raided. The property of those faithful to God was seized and pastors were thrown into solitary confinement which meant they would receive no food unless a loved one brought it to them daily. In fact, very few current leaders of the church who were around during the Derg escaped a prison sentence. I was stunned at how many of their testimonies began, “when the Derg arrested me…” The Derg systematically shut down Christianity in Ethiopia. It was in this season of intense persecution that God began to lay the framework for the incredible things that are happening in the Ethiopian Church today. While pastors, elders, deacons, and church members spent time in prison and were forced from their places of worship two things happened. The church was forced underground and every believer began to pray fervently. They had nothing else to cling to. Every Christian was humbled and forced to their knees to seek God in a season of absolute desperation. The Derg lasted from 1974-1987 and in the latter portion of their reign a severe famine, responsible for over 400,000 deaths, struck the weary and oppressed country. The church prayed vigilantly for more than a decade that God would deliver them. They did not know what tomorrow held. They did not know if they would even make it through the day. They only knew that they needed God. They relied completely on God’s providence to get them through. They prayed that God would deliver them from the Derg, the famine, and that they would have the freedom to worship God in the open. God answered their prayers. When the doors to the churches were unchained and sermons were finally allowed to be heard in the free air, the spirit of God descended and began to transform a country. Hundreds upon hundreds of people crowded around the open doors and windows of the churches to hear the word of God preached. Hundreds upon hundreds overnight came to a saving faith in Christ. The country was hungry for the truth of the Word of God and it spread like wildfire. The point of all of this isn’t to talk just about the wonderful and incredible things that are happening in Ethiopia. The question that we need to be asking is- why? Why is there so much growth? Why are churches growing by leaps and bounds? Why are their members so deeply committed? There many things that we could point to as reasons for why everything is coming together so perfectly in Ethiopia for the spreading of God’s Word, but to create a list of what is going 'right' would be to miss the point. Ethiopia is experiencing a revival because of prayer. The transformation of that country and its church are the fruits of God in action. They are witnessing the results of continual and persistent prayer. God laid it on my heart to read a book I have mentioned many times on the trip. The book is Prayer by Ole Hallesby and everyone would be blessed to read it. As I listened to testimonies of the revival that was happening in Ethiopia God brought this passage to my attention from that book to my attention: “We long for revivals; we speak of revivals; we work for revivals ; and we even pray a little for them. But we do not enter upon that labor in prayer which is the essential preparation for every revival. Many of us misunderstand the work of the Spirit in the unconverted. We think that this work is limited essentially to the time when the awakenings are taking place. We seem to think that the unconverted are not subject to divine influence between times. This is a complete misunderstanding. The Spirit works without interruption, during awakenings and between awakenings, even though He works differently, and the effect therefore also is different in the hearts of men. The work of the Spirit can be compared to mining. The Spirit's work is to blast to pieces the sinner's hardness of heart and his frivolous opposition to God. The period of the awakening can be likened to the time when the blasts are fired. The time between the awakenings corresponds, on the other hand, to the time when the deep holes are being bored with great effort into the hard rock. To bore these holes is hard and difficult and a task which tries one's patience. To light the fuse and fire the shot is not only easy but also very interesting work. One sees "results" from such work. It creates interest, too; shots resound, and pieces fly in every direction! It takes trained workmen to do the boring. Anybody can light a fuse. This fact sheds a great deal of light upon the history of revivals, a history which is often strange and incomprehensible. There are many people who would like to light the fuse. Many would like to be evangelistic preachers. And some preachers are even so zealous that they light a fuse before the hole has been bored and explosive matter put in place. The resulting revival becomes therefore, nothing but a little display of fireworks! But that is just when the Spirit calls us to do the quiet, difficult, trying work of boring holy explosive material into the souls of the unconverted by daily and unceasing prayer. This is the real preparatory work for the next awakening. The reason why such a long period of time elapses between awakenings is simply that the Spirit cannot find believers who are willing to do the heavy part of the mining work. Everybody desires awakenings; but we prefer to let others do the boring into the hard rock. There are, God be praised, in every community some who take up this work which tries one's patience so sorely. The Lord reward you, brother and sister, and, above all, give you grace to persevere in the holy work which you have taken up!” Prayer is the answer. God uses the church to transform lives and nations. In Ethiopia we witnessed many examples of how the church is impacting the country to the glory of God. They are rehabilitating girls who had been abducted into prostitution. The church provides treatment, testing, and information to those who are afflicted with AIDS. The church cares for the deaf and blind as most of the specialized schools for those with physical and mental needs are run and funded by the church. The church partners with programs like Compassion International to provide food and aid to families that are very poor. The church helps poor rural churches begin to farm, raise bees, and raise livestock to support both the pastors and their starving members as well as provide income for their impoverished community. Also, it is the church that is leading the way to teaching safety to a nation that has been thrust overnight into the modern world. There is very little information published in Amharic or Oromo (the two major languages of the people in Ethiopia) regarding the dangers of the internet and pornography. Zerihun Gebre, a good friend I got to know well during our time there, has just finished a book and is raising money to publish it that will become the first work in their country on this issue. He has more than 50 congregations under his care and is concerned about how their spiritual lives are being transformed by dangers and addictions that they are blindly walking into. The church is a beacon of light in Ethiopia. It not only cares for the spiritual well-being of the nation but also has a hand in socially providing for those who have been cast off. I would invite you to join me in prayer. The Ethiopian Church was a beautiful picture of what the church can be. We do not need to mimic how the Mekane Yesus Church is organized or try to make ourselves into them. God has placed us uniquely where we are with a purpose. What we need to do, is begin praying that God might use us as He has used the Mekane Yesus Church. Pray that through us, souls might be saved spiritually and lives might be changed as we selflessly give and provide to those in need. Pray that God would renew us and give us vision. Pray that we would be filled with the Holy Spirit and bear the fruits that are promised the church. Pray that God would begin to remake your own life and give you a heart to love. Finally enter into prayer while keeping Colossians 1:9-12 close by, the Mekane Yesus Church is praying this for us: And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. May we be stirred to a revival through prayer and by the power, grace, and providence of God in the leading and work of His Holy Spirit given abundantly to those who abide in Christ. To God be the Glory Pastor Ben Necrology Service As part of our morning worship on Sunday, November 23, 2014, we are planning for our annual Necrology service. The Necrology service is a time when we remember and honor our loved ones who have gone on before us and have joined the Church Triumphant through faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank you so much. If you have any questions, please see Donna Shuster Trusting God with Obedience So, here’s a question for you: how do you feel about traveling to Ethiopia? It was a question put to me as simply as that by a dear friend and Christian Brother. How would you respond to a question like that? My initial reaction was probably no different than yours. My friend, Timothy Scoonover, is a friend who I often joke with and I naturally assumed that his question was a peculiar joke. As the conversation continued, it became crystal clear that he was completely serious. I didn’t write it off but I certainly didn’t say yet. I said I would pray about it, talk with my wife, Sarah, and try to learn more about the trip. The trip in question was an invitation only trip, focused on pastors who had been in the ministry for less than ten years and was being put together by The Outreach Foundation. The Outreach Foundation’s Mission and Vision is to engage Presbyterians and global partners in proclaiming the Good news of Jesus Christ by creating dynamic relationships that deepen mission passion and build mission capacity. Reverend Dr. Rob Weingartner, the director of The Outreach Foundation flew to Pittsburgh within the month of my initial invitation and shared with me his hope of what this trip would do for young pastors in America. In short, things are happening in Ethiopia. The church is growing, prayers are being answered, and God is moving in incredible ways. The goal is to take young pastors and sit them down with the leaders of the Ethiopian Church and let them witness first-hand how God is working in a different culture and context. The hope being that in this new context, these pastors would be able to develop new connections and think critically about what could happen in the context of the Western Church as well. As in my conversation with Timothy, Rob left our conversation without an answer from me as well. I had a lot to think about, pray about, and digest. I talked with Sarah, looked at what I had accrued in my study leave, examined the timing for the trip, and I prayed. I prayed a lot. What happened was pretty remarkable. Every doubt, reservation, and hesitation I had regarding the trip systematically vanished. God was answering prayers I did not even voice out loud. It was a reminder of how incredibly God works when we begin to pray the prayer “not my will, but yours be done.” I phoned Dr. Weingartner and informed him that I would be traveling with him and the other pastors to Ethiopia. I never in a million years would have guessed I would be awaiting a flight to Ethiopia. Ethiopia has never been on my list of “top ten places I must see before I die.” I think that list would look more like: The Holy Land, Hawaii, Paris, Ireland, Greece, etc. However, God has a way of humbling us when we step out and follow him. He has taken care of every matter, even the seemingly small things like getting Maddie to childcare in the morning, which is typically my job. I also think that just the step of saying “yes” to traveling to a distant country on the other side of the planet 7,257 miles away was a reminder that God will take care of everything when we are obedient to His voice. When we are obedient to God, there is nothing else we have to worry about. The passage from Luke 12:6-7 keeps reverberating in my head “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows.” God has everything covered. We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded with messages of fear. Just today, I got an “EMERGENCY BULLETIN” in my email proclaiming that three people from Pennsylvania were on a flight with the stewardess carrying Ebola. I found myself, first wondering how those people must feel but then secondly wondering what the purpose of that email was? We live in a world where there is disease. Tragedy strikes every day, yet is not God still in control? If we have not already, we will all likely find ourselves in uncertain places, bumping shoulders with things that could be potentially be fatal. Some of us, have already found ourselves facing these tragedies and uncertainties of what tomorrow might bring whether it be from illness, cancer, an auto-accident, the list could go on. The question before us is this: do we believe that God is really in control? Do we believe that if we are obedient to Him, He will take care of the rest? Fear not, you are of more value than many sparrows. You are valuable and God has a purpose for your life. God is calling you to something right now. It most likely isn’t Ethiopia, but God has something for you, if only you pray, listen, wrestle, and obey. My challenge for all of us is this- please pray. Keep me in prayer as I travel, keep my family in prayer over these next two weeks, and pray over your own family and your own heart that God might lead you in obedience. It is only by listening to what God has for us through prayer and carefully studying His Word that we can find contentment and peace in a world that constantly thrusts anxiety, worry, and doubt into our mouths and down our throats. So pray together and trust that God is in control, because he does have purpose for your valuable life exactly where he has called and placed you. Peace and Joy to you from across the globe, Pastor Ben Nothing tends more to cement the hearts of Christians than praying together. Never do they love one another so well as when they witness the outpouring of each other’s hearts in prayer. ~ Charles Finney Worship & Music News “Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; Tell of all His wondrous works! Glory in His holy name; Let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice! (Psalm 105: 2-3) It’s exciting to have the choir back in the service. We are learning a variety of anthems and working on this year’s Christmas Cantata. We are also hosting the Thanksgiving Eve Service, so we are looking forward to singing with our local choirs. We have also begun a children’s choir. They rehearse every other Sunday, and practice directly after the service. The choir will sing for the congregation several times a year. We have been blessed to guest musicians this fall. Marissa Knaub blessed us with her beautiful harp playing. Sam Middlemiss has inspired us with her voice. We will be hearing from others this fall. The Praise Team continues to play monthly. We are excited to have new members on the team. This fall, we have introduced several new songs to the congregation. We so enjoy sharing this contemporary music as we all come together to worship our Lord. I would also like to thank the sound team. You help us each week, and we appreciate your hard work. Thank you for supporting the music ministry. In Christ, Jennie vanMastrigt Looking ahead to Christmas Festivities Sunday, November 23 Pie for Stewardship Wednesday, November 26 Community Thanksgiving Eve Service 7:30 pm - Forest Hills Presbyterian Church Sunday December 7 Communion to Shut-ins following worship service Sunday, December 14 Light luncheon.will be provided in the Parlor before we leave for Christmas Caroling to the area nursing homes. Sunday, December 21 10:30 am – Christmas Cantata Wednesday, December 24 7:00 pm - Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Life Groups Meet Weekly If you haven’t been to a Life Group study yet why not stop by and see what’s all the talk about. Everyone is welcome and you can start anytime during the study! The group is studying the letter to the Galatians throughout the summer. They meet Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm at Phil and Cindy Sherer’s house. Their house is located at 165 Avenue A, in Forest Hills. If you have any questions or would like more information please see Phil or Cindy. Deacon’s corner can sign-up by completing and returning the sheet in the bulletin or contact any Deacon. Join us as we gather to give thanks. Ministry of Compassion Visiting the Homebound: A Portrait Singing, laughter, wisecracks, prayer, conversations, eye contact, hand holding, sharing personal life stories, communion, bible verses, —the elements of a picture painted in the rich hews of Christian community. This is not, however, a picture of Sunday morning at Forest Hills church or a special event at 1840 Ardmore Boulevard. It depicts a Deacon visiting his or her homebound friend. Each month we spend time sharing life together, amazing things happen! It is a surprising adventure. We invite you to come along with us! Contact any Deacon; we’d love for you to ride along!! Our primary emphasis is the care and support of the congregation and others who are in need; members who cannot worship with us or who are ill. If you know of someone in need, please refer to the schedule of Deacons on Call or any one of the deacons. November 2014 Sue Lescinsky December 2014 January 2015 AJ Lescinsky Darla Yesko Meals Ministry Join the team to provide meals to families or individuals during difficult times. You will be called and asked to prepare and deliver a meal. If you are busy or you don’t like to cook, buying an already prepared meal is a great offering. Contact Kristie Stumme 412-271-2077. Community Thanksgiving Eve Service and Reception Forest Hills Presbyterian Church is sponsoring the Community Thanksgiving Eve Service on Wednesday, November 26, 2014 at 7:30 pm. The Deacons are providing a time for fellowship following the service. We are asking for help baking cookies, serving and cleaning up. You Thanksgiving Baskets The Deacons will be preparing 8 Thanksgiving Baskets for families in the Woodland Hills school district. We are looking for assistance packing the baskets following worship on Sunday, November 23rd in the Cascade Room. We can also use help with the final prep before pick up and delivery on Monday, November 24 at noon. There are sheets in the bulletin to sign-up. Christmas Caroling and Luncheon Sunday, December 14, 2014 Once again the Deacons are sponsoring Christmas Caroling. Following worship, we will gather in the Parlor for a light luncheon. We will then head out to car pool to Hamilton Hills, LGAR and Juniper Village to sing Christmas Carols with the residents. This is a terrific way to celebrate this wonderful season. There will be a sign-up sheet in the bulletin during Advent. FHPC Deacons Mike Ash, Sharon Bindas, AJ Lescinsky, Sue Lescinsky, Cindy Sherer, Darla Yesko, David Perkins and Dorothy Buchanan Do You Have Information For “The GooD news” If you have announcements, stories, pictures of events, thank you notes, births, sympathies or any other information for The Good News, please feel free to send it to Kathy in the church office for consideration for the next newsletter, 1840 Ardmore Blvd., Pittsburgh PA 15221 or email to Forest Hills Presbyterian Church Financial Statement September, 2014 Budgeted Income YTD $148,027.19 Actual Tithes & Gifts YTD $156,306.15 Actual Expenses YTD $161,790.04 Unfavorable YTD $ (5,483.89) Newsletter Available by E-Mail Get informed as soon as possible by receiving the Newsletter to your e-mail promptly after it is finished. By doing this you save FHPC postage and printing cost and most importantly you get the information before it is out dated. Please call the office or send an email to Kathy Lippke at 412-271-1647 or Keep Informed A Weekly email announcement is sent out on Thursdays to keep everybody informed of what is happening here at your church. If you do not receive the announcement and would like to, please let Kathy in the office know so she can add your email to the weekly list. Call the office at 412241-1647 or email: Mission and Outreach Fall 2014 The leaves are falling fast and we are well into planning for the upcoming holidays. How the year passes so quickly. In the last few months and the remaining of the year, Mission Team thanks all who have been involved in outreach projects. We thank you in advance for getting involved by sharing your time, gifts and assistance future events. We do this all to give Glory to God. Feeding the Homeless We feed the Homeless every second Saturday of the month. This is an ongoing outreach we are happy and Blessed to be able to minister to. Thank you all that have volunteered your time and participated. We meet at 5:00 PM at church kitchen. Juniper Village Nursing Fellowship and bible study continues on each second Saturday on the month. We explore God’s Word with our friends at Juniper Village Nursing Home. We invite anyone that may be interested in joining us with this ministry. We welcome anyone that would enjoy playing a piano or guitar during our service. We meet at 3:30 PM every second Saturday. Pittsburgh Project A great way to help others who need help repairing, restoring their homes and bringing hope back to their lives is through this ministry. It’s foundation is for individuals to come together for one purpose, to serve those in need and being a witness to Christ. The next outreach event is October 25th, for the One Day Plunge. Food Bank We are maintaining a collection of can and dry foods each week to take to our local banks. We ask for your steadfast support by bringing in food for the local bank. Place your donations inside the food pantry in the hallway. Food is collected each week. Thank you for your donations. Mission team welcomes any ideas or information for current or future events that may fit our vision, “to be a witness to Christ in this community and to the world”. Mission and Outreach Team: Submitted by Darrell Matthews, Mission Team: Susan McKibben, Eunice Yang and Darlene Yesko and Jim Garard Stewardship and Communication Team Scripture Reflection Membership Rolls Starting in 2015 we will be going through the Forest Hills Church membership rolls. We will start by going through the church directory and then sending out letters to those members we haven’t seen or heard from for a while. I Chronicles 29: 12-14 “Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, O Lord, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all. Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all. Now, our God, we give praise and glory for your glories name. But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give a generously as this? Everything has come from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand,” (NIV) Stewardship Campaign The Stewardship Campaign will begin on November 9, 2014. We will be handing out your pledge cards and letters before the worship service. Then on November 23, 2014 during worship you will have an opportunity to place your pledge cards on the Communion Table. Also on Sunday November 23, 2014 we will have a luncheon for the congregation. We will be serving roast beef, chicken, lunch meats, salads and Macaroni and Cheese. Please plan on joining us to fellowship with our church members. Pie for Stewardship Submitted by Jane DiMenno Join us Sunday, November 23 following worship for some feasting and fun! Hot lunch will be provided. Stewardship & Communication Team: Jane DiMenno, Phil Sherer, Betty Powell Fun and Festivities will include: Pie Baking Competition Pumpkin Pie Eating Competition Pie Sale Support our Stewardship Team while checking an item off your busy Thanksgiving schedule and purchase a pie: Apple $7.25 and Pumpkin $8.25. Pre-Orders for pies will be accepted now through Sunday November 16. A limited number of pies will be available to those who have no pre-ordered the day of the sale. Money is due the day of the sale. Calling All Scribes! The Forest Hills Newsletter, The Good News can use your help! Do you have something to say? Do you have news to share? Do you have pictures of an event? Do you have a story of how God is working in your life or something you have seen recently to which you would like to draw attention of the church? We are looking for people who would be willing to contribute, edit/proofread, and provide the FHPC The Good News with… news! Also, a picture is worth a thousand words - so if you snap a few digital photos and include them with your submission we would be very grateful! If you would like to be a part of that process or have something to share, please call the church office 412-2411647 or contact us at! Thanks! FOREST HILLS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Bringing Christ into Lives…and Living 2014 - 2015 SESSION (ELDERS) Darrell Matthews (15) Charlie Jefferson (15) Bert Axelson (16) Phil Sherer (16) Suzie Thompson (16) Bob Bindas (17) Jane DiMenno (17) Jim Garard (17) Clerk of Session: Sue Lescinsky DEACONS AJ Lescinsky (15) Darla Yesko (15) Mike Ash (16) Sharon Bindas (16) Dorothy Buchanon (16) Sue Lescinsky (17) David Perkins (17) Cindy Sherer (17) NOMINATING TEAM Michele Axelson (15) Bob Edinger (15) Gary Skerlec (16) Heather Whitmore (16) August 2014 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! We like to wish everyone a Happy Birthday who is celebrating his or her special day during the months October, November and December. Listed below are the birthdays of which we are aware of; we apologize if we overlooked anybody. Please call the church office if you would like your birthday listed. October Birthdays Oct. 2 Oct. 3 Oct. 5 Oct. 6 Oct. 7 Oct. 7 Oct. 10 Oct. 13 Oct. 17 Oct. 18 Oct. 19 Oct. 19 Oct. 20 Oct. 21 Oct. 26 Oct. 26 Oct. 26 Oct. 30 Oct 30 Oct. 31 Lydia Garard Ron Slover Ben Black Brandon Bindas Bonnie Theiss Keith Tebroski Dot Elek Hayden Douglass Janet Sivak Vince D’Alesio Mark Jefferson Timmy Patsko Robert Lehew Abigail Garard Viola Patsko Peggy Reding Barry Kohlhoff George Getty Terry Sypolt Janice Milligan November Birthdays Nov. 1 Nov. 1 Nov. 1 Nov. 4 Nov. 4 Nov. 4 Nov. 5 Nov. 5 Nov. 7 Nov. 8 Nov. 8 Nov. 9 Nov. 11 Jim Shuster Lauren Sivak Mark Glew Bruce Sivak David Lescinsky Jim Powell Mitch Jarosz Phil Sherer Hannah Garard Lora Kramer Tim Patsko Tetyana Tebroski Cathy Adamson November Birthdays Cont’d. Nov. 11 Nov. 11 Nov 13 Nov. 14 Nov. 17 Nov. 22 Nov. 22 Nov. 29 Nov. 30 Nov. 30 Daniel Theiss Jim Tobin Dez Farkas Adam DiMenno Kathy Kramer Lorraine Hogan Mary Whitmore Sarah Black Eleanor Weaver Timothy Rindt December Birthdays Dec. 3 Dec. 4 Dec. 13 Dec. 18 Dec. 18 Dec. 20 Dec. 22 Dec. 22 Dec. 24 Dec. 26 Dec. 27 Dec 28 Dec. 30 Jim Theiss Jack Byers Elaine Ash Jean Bunyan Zeta Thomas Beka Garard Kim Lescinsky Lowell Thomas Amy Collins Erin Patsko Cindy Sherer Nathan Patsko Ginny Adamson Forest Hills Presbyterian Church 1840 Ardmore Boulevard Pittsburgh, PA 15221 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED DATED MATERIAL Looking Ahead to the Holidays November 26 Ecumenical Service at FHPC Church 7:30 pm December 7 Serving Communion to Shut-ins following Worship December 14 Christmas Caroling After Worship Service December 21 Christmas Cantata December 24 7:00 pm Christmas Eve Service December 25 Merry Christmas November 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 30 9:15 am Sunday School 10:30 Worship Saturday 1 2 3 9:15 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship 4 7 pm Discipleship 7 pm Session 5 Life Groups 7 pm FHPC Parlor 6 6:30 Chancel Choir 7 8 5:00 Feed Homeless Package Food and head downtown 9 10 9:15 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship 11 6pm Stewardship 7pm Worship 7pm Finance 7pm Mission 12 Life Groups 7 pm FHPC Parlor 13 6:30 Chancel Choir 7:30 Praise Team 14 15 16 17 9:15 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship 18 7 pm Deacons 19 Life Groups 7 pm FHPC Parlor 20 6:30 Chancel Choir 7:30 Praise Team 21 22 23 24 9:15 am Sunday School 10:30 am Necrology After Worship Pie for Stewardship 25 7pm Session 26 7:30 pm Thanksgiving Eve Service @ FHPC 27 Thanksgiving 28 29 December 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 7 pm Discipleship 3 Life Group 7pm FHPC Parlor 4 Chancel Choir 6:30 5 6 7 9:15 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship Communion to Shut-ins 8 9 6 pm Stewardship 7 pm Worship 7 pm Finance 7 pm Mission 10 Life Group 7pm FHPC Parlor 11 Chancel Choir 6:30 Praise Team 7:30 12 13 Feed Homeless 5:00 pm Package Food and head downtown 14 9:15 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship After Worship—Caroling 15 16 7pm Deacons 17 18 Chancel Choir 6:30 Praise Team 7:30 19 20 21 9:15 am Sunday School 10:30 am Cantata 22 23 7 pm Session 24 7 pm Christmas Eve Service 25 Christmas 26 27 28 10:30 am Worship 29 30 31 New Year’s Eve 1 New Year’s Day Church Office Closed