North Georgia News
North Georgia News
North Georgia News Legal Notices for November 19,County 2014 Official Legal Organ of Union Legal Notices for September 2008 Legal Notices for June 17,10, 2009 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC STATE OF GEORGIA YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that on the 25th day UNION COUNTY of November, 2014, at 2:00 P.M., at the Towns RE:Estate of HerbertCOURT MartinOF Schuette, Jr., CountyOldCourthouse in the City of Hiawassee, IN THE SUPERIOR UNION COUNTY 1544 Alabama Road N THE SUPER OR COURT OF UN ON COUNTY NOT CE OF SALE UNDER POWER All debtors and creditors of the estate of Her- Roswell, Georgia, the presiding Judge of the Superior STATE OF Georgia 30076 ATowns UN ON COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA GEORG A Jr., deceased, late of GEORG Court of County will hear the case of the bert Martin Schuette, In vRe:Ac Lisa J.No Green TH S LAW F RM S ACT NG A DEBT COL C on 09 CV 63 LA v. Joint DevelopUnion County, Georgia, are hereby notified to STATE OF GEORGIA, Plaintiff, AS Civil Action File 10/7/08 LECTOR ATTEMPT NG TO COLLECT DEBT Sand a their L Bye sNo. P a08CV-271-MM n and payments to the MR/tmw ment Authority of Fannin County, TownsA County render demands NOTICE PETITION TO CHANGE no. County 51648408-FT7 ANY NFORMAT ON LL BE James Bye s De endan and file Union and OBTA YoungNED HarrisW College, PersonalHOF Representative(s) of the NAME estate, ac- Our GEORGIA, COUNTY EXHIBIT A THAT USED FOR To James HtheBye s and 6589allEag es Nesindebted D ve Defendants, Civil PURPOSE Action File No. 14CV191-MM, cording to UNION law, persons Notice given thattoLisa J. Green, the All that tractbyor lyingthe and be-e in the Superior Court of Towns to asaid estate required make immediate Unde and vparcel ue oof land heCounty, Powe o same Sa B svis ehereby GAare 30512 undersigned, filed hisON petition to the Supe- ing being proceeding to1st confirm validate the payment to the Personal Representative(s). inaa10th Land 51 con ned nDistrict, a Secu y Section, Deedand g ven byLot Hans NOT CE OF PUBL CAT NOTICE OF SEIZURE OF PERSONAL STATE OF GEORGIA issuance of revenue bondsMo in the aggregate ThisOPROPERTY 30th UNION COUNTY rior Court of Union Union County, Georgia, containing A Ve sdah o HomeBanc gage Co0.680 po By de day o of seOctober, v ceCounty, by2014. pubGeorgia ca on on da the ed of VALUED AT LESS THAN $25,000 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS principal amount of not to exceed $25,730,000 By:Herbert Thomas Schuette 21st dayh of April, 2008,2009 praying more less, as shown on aeco platded of a on Estate da edor Decembe 30 2004 he 28 day o toAp youfora ae change he eby acres, Pursuant O.C.G.A. §16-13-49(n), any (theRE: of George W. Middleton “Bonds”).The Bonds are to be byand the 275the Haizlip Ridge in name ofonpetitioner J. following Greeny survey byBook Rochester & Associates, n Deed 561 Page 472 Unissued onInc., Coun yof no fied ha he hfrom dayLisa Janua party claiming an 27 interest inothe AllDevelopment debtors andAuthority creditors of the estate Joint ofrecords Fannin County, Blairsville, to Lisa J. GA. Whitfield. GeoGeorge g a Reco ds as as deceased, ans e in ed 2009 Sand ais30512 Bye s Notice fi notified ed suis hereby aga on nsgiven you inW.Union County Platoof property hereby that the 20th recorded Middleton, late Towns County and Union County (the “Issuer”) N(Nov5,12,19,26)B day ofto said property party was seized Union County, Georgia, are notified Chase Home F189. nance LLC by assa gnmen o Comp aJune, nlawo 2008, D vo ceinterested pursuant to any to Book 60, Page Said plat ishereby incorporated andtoloaned totheir Young Harris College, Georgiato by undersigned inhe Union render demands and payments eco ded nreference DeedRepresentative(s) Book 789 Un on You a OF ethe equ ed oand fi eagency h objections C e kCounty, oto herein, appear in GEORGIA said court towfile bycorporation hereto, for 760 a offull and nonprofit and thePage owner and opSTATE Georgia. the Personal the esCoun y Geo g a Reco ds convey ng he a he Supe o Cou and o se ve upon p a n such name change. complete description ofCollege the above Property Seized:Objections must be filed tate,ofaccording to the law, and described all persons erator Young Harris (the “College”) UNION COUNTY e desc bed p ope y o secu e a No e nto s a o ney K s Ann S an ey P C 231 PROPERTY ONE: Six Hundred & Seventyindebted to said estate are required with said Court within 30 days of the filing property. for the purpose of (a) financing, refinancing or NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS three 07/100 Dollars ($673.07) in An United Also immediate payment to Personal hemake oconveyed g na p nc amoun o the TWO HUN Cha ugepetition. Way H awassee GA 30546 an of said isacquisition, apanon-exclusive perpetual reimbursing the construction and RE:Estate of& Jorg Michael Rost, States Currency Representative(s). DRED NETY EofGHT THOUSAND HUN swe n wdayand ng w h n2008. s1995 x yof60 o vehicle, he installation of certain land, buildings and perAll debtors creditors thedays estate of easement This 21st of TWO: April, for the use of the2008. roads NforNE ingress PROPERTY Ford LGT ThisN8th day August, DRED AND 0and 100 DOLLARS $298 900 da oMichael he o de pub ca on sonal property to be used as a student housing Jorg Rost,o deceased, lateALP3885 of Union and GA Tag By: Kristin Stanley, Lisae1FTDF15Y0SNA85996, J. Green, Petitioner egress, further described as a0010 facility and related amenities, located on County, Georgia, are hereby notified to render Conduct giving rise to said seizure: Said Clerk of the Probate Court w h n e es he eon as se o h he ethe n W ness he Hono ab e Lynn Ake ey A de N(Aug20,27,Sept3,10)B foot gravel road running from Rich Gap Road of Mi- campus 114 8 cYoung of the College theSuite City theirproperty demands and payments to the Personal e above wCourthouse bedescribed so d Street, a inpub c ouof y o Harhe man Judge owas h sfound Supe in o possession Cou tohethe property. chael Lee White and Orinaccording Lee Huckeba, Blairsville, GA 30512capitalized ris, Georgia, (b) paying interest on Representative(s) of the estate, to h ghes b10/7/08 dde o cash be o e he cou Th sand heOF 19INTENT h dayproximity oTOMay 2009 NOTICE INCORPORATE in close to a prohibited sub- MR/tmw theN(Aug13,20,27,Sept4)B Bonds and all or a portion of the the and all persons indebted to said es- house doo o (c) Unpaying on Coun ga w h M law, stance, to wit: MARIJUANA. Said property Our Notice given that Articles of Incorporation file no. 51648408 - FT7 y Geo Bonds ofega issuance will tate was areisrequired to to make immediate payment costs STATE OFhou GEORGIA intended facilitate the distribution n he sofothesaBonds.Said e on he fi s Tues for Teach Us, Inc. will be delivered totothe Sec- N(Sept10,17,24,Oct1)B be issued by the Issuer pursuant to an Indento the Personal Representative(s). UNION COUNTY and possession with intent distribute NOT CE State for filing in accordance with day n Ju y 2009 he o ow ng desc bed retary NOTICE DEBTORS CREDITORS violation said TO proceeding theAND Court will also pass This MARIJUANA, 3rdofday of November, 2014. of the Georgia ture.In ope yOF SEE EXH B TIndenture, A POWER ATTACHED HERETO No ce s he eby ginven ha Ame can the MThe npro- p RE: Estate of Edwin F. Cook Controlled Substances Act, or was NOTICE SALE UNDER the Georgia Corporation Code. upon the validity of the an Agreement By:Shirley A. Business Rost A PART HEREOF S o age w ofRd. ho office d illegal a Pub c Auc onFurther, pu will su the AND debtors and creditors of therewith. the estate of ceeds said activities. andAll aMADE Security Deed in connection 616 Emerine GEORGIA, UNION COUNTY initial registered of the Corporation Edwin F. Cook, deceased, late yof Deed Union said property and Sthe prohibited substancThe deb secu ed by sa d Secu an o Geo g a Se o age Ac Geo g a Pursuant O.C.G.A. Section 3682100, the COLIssuBlairsville, GA. 30512 LAWtoFIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT be located atseized 1750 from Deepthe South Farm Road, County, Georgia, are dec hereby notified to esSec were above-named indi- THIS has beennotifies and s all heinterested eby a ed due be Code onwhile 10 4the 210vehicle o 10 215 on June hereby noto N(Nov12,19,26,Dec3)B LECTOR TO COLLECT Athat DEBT. Blairsville, 30512, and4was its registered renderATTEMPTING their demands andparties payments vidualsGeorgia operated by er cause o among o he poss b e even s o 28 2009 a 2 p m a Ame can M n S o performance audit or performance review (the the Personal Representative(s) of the esWhite and occupied by Huckeba, in Union ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED agent at such address is Hugh W. Stone. au according a ubee conducted o pay ndeb edness as age 465 NoGeorgia. e y COURT Dam Road B a COUNTY sv e GA de tate, to thehe law, and all persons County, “Audit”) will with respect to the IN THE SUPERIOR OF UNION THAT N(Aug20,27,Sept3,10)B indebted to and said are required The owner said purported to FOR and whenPURPOSE. due nestate hewill manne p that ov ded 30512 Coun y oof Un onproperty S a e o isGeo ga Bonds.However, the Issuer ensure theto STATE OF GEORGIA Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale conmake immediate payment to the Personal be: proceeds Bonds efficiently CITY OF BLAIRSVILLE, n Representative(s). he Noofethe and Secuare yexpended Deed The deb Deb a W sWhite, Un 78 #177 Fu Dam n u Road, e Boxes MichaelPETITION Nottely Deed by Audit. Bonnie J. NOTICE TO CHANGE NAME Blairs- tained economically asAugust, intended by the Petitioner, ema nin8th nga Security n deofau h s given sa ew be made M scville,OFGeorgia This day 2008. 30512. Orin Huckeba, 3106 and Jones aka Bonnie Jones and Donald Jones Georgia, County Any citizen of the State of Georgia residing v. sMerritt o he pu pose o pay ng he same and ain Th aucUnion on w be cash sa e o h ghes By: Kristin Stanley, Drive, Blairsville, Georgia 30512. to Mortgage Electronic SysSUSAN HYLTON, the undersigned, Towns County, or ded UnionnCounty, UNION COUNTY, GEORGIA, Clerk ofothehFannin Probate Court Any party claiming interest in said prop- expenses s sa eCounty, as pRegistration ov Secu bDEBRA dde Sa e sub ec oan cance a on n he Courthouse Street, 8 arecorded erty ispetition hereby further that you must Inc., dated 7, Georgia, or and any other person wherever residing aeven body politic, and filed her in the Superior Court of tems, y114 Deed byDecember aw ncSuite ud2005, ng o neys o any se emen be notified ween owne and Blairsville, GA 30512 file claim in OF accordance with O.C.G.A. in who has a right to object, may intervene and UNION COUNTY BOARD EDUCATION Deed Book 619, Page 448, Union County, Union County, Georgia on August 22, 2008, ees no ce o n en o co ec a o neys ob ga ed pa y N(Aug13,20,27,Sept4)B within 30 days of the sec- become party to this proceeding. and §16-13-49(n)(4) Records, as last transferred to Wells praying a changeofinthis her Notice name from DEB- in Georgia ees 5th havaday ng been g ven ond for publication of Seizure This of November, 2014. ALL THE WORLD, and All persons known or unFargo Bank, N.A. Americas RA SUSAN HYLTON to DEBRA McCUL- of Sa STATE OF y GEORGIA the North Georgia News,SUSAN a newspaper d pSuperior ope w dba be so d sub ecServicing o any Court known who may claim adversely Petitioner’s UNION COUNTY and pursuant thetolegal Company by ad assignment recordednc in ud Deed LEY. general Notice iscirculation hereby given toorgan law of Clerk, s and ng va o em ng NOT CEa portion Towns County, title to Lot 273 the 9th Dis-un- ou NOTICE TO Georgia DEBTORS ANDaxes CREDITORS this county,of byLand serving saidofclaim to the Book 769, Page 340, Union County, Georgia to any interested or affected party to appear axes wh ch ofa Jean e a Lucille en buCook no ye due No he eby venagency ha Ame can n RE: Estate dersigned seizing and the M District N(Nov12,19)B trict,ce 1st sSection of gUnion County, Georgia. Records, conveying the after-described propin said Court and to file objections for such All debtors and creditors of the estate Attorney by certified mail, return receipt and payab e any ma e s wh ch m gh beof S o age w ho d a Pub c Auc on pu suan Respondents. Jean Lucille late of Union requested. erty to secure Note indeceased, the original principal name change. Objections mustGeo be filed with d osed by aanCook, accu a eUNION su vey and n o Geo g a No. Se 14-CV-539-MM S o age Ac g a Code INsc THE SUPERIOR COURT OF COUNTY Civil Action County, Georgia, are hereby notified This 15th day of August, 2008. amount ONE FORTY THOUSANDto said Court within dayson of June the filing spec on o their he HUNDRED pdemands ope y any assessmen Sec onOF10SUMMONS 4Attorney 210thirty o 10(30) 4 215 25 STATE OFofGEORGIA NOTICE render and payments s to District AND 0/100 DOLLARS ($140,000.00), with of Inens Re: The Name Change of:on ng o dofnances TO:said UNION GEORGIA, encumb ances 2009 a Petition. 10COUNTY, a m a Ame M n SCOUNTY o age the Personal Representative(s) theinesEnotah Judicial CircuitcanUNION CRYSTAL KENDALL LANIER, Petitioner. BOARD EDUCATION, ALL THE and all terest according to forth the law, and eall SEIZING AGENCY: as set therein, there This 22nd of Hwy August, estate, cthereon ons covenan s and ma s persons o will e 1476 B OF ue Day R dge B a2008 sv WORLD e GA 30512 indebted estate required Investigator Case persons or G. unknown who gmay be sold at14-CV-610-MM public outcry to the highest Debra d No.: supe oto osaid he Secu yare Deed fi s bidse to Coun ySusan oknown Un Hylton on S Parks a e o Geo a claim ad- co make immediate payment to the OF Personal Union County Sheriff’s Office PETITION CHANGE NAME versely Petitioner’s title toFu an portion Land NOTICE ou above John CtosBeasley ak Un #059 u e of Boxes derRepresentative(s). for OF cash beforeTOthe courthouse door of N(Aug27,Sept3,10,17)P 940 KENDALL LANIER Lot 273 of the 9th Street District, 1st Section of Union CRYSTAL The enCounty, y day haGeorgia, has uwithin au2008. ho y o nego M sc Union the legal hours This 8th of August, Blairsville, Georgia 30512 Notice is hereby given thatyCrystal LaCounty, Georgia. By: Kristin Stanley, asale e amend and mod ain October, e Kendall ms o2008, he Th s(706) auc on w beTOcash sa e o h ghes the first Tuesday NOTICE OF439-6066 PETITION nier, by on and through the Court undersigned, filed her All that orA.parcel of CHANGE land lyingNAME and being of Clerk of w the Probate By: tract Cathy Cox-Brakefield mo gage h he deb o s Chase Home bSTATE dde Sa e sub ec o cance a on n he the following described property: OF GEORGIA in the Superior Court of Union County, in Land Lot 273,District 9th District, 1st Section, Union Petition 114 Courthouse Street, Suite 8 Assistant Attorney nance LLCorA3415 Vthe s on Dday ve ofCo umbus even oGeorgia emen be ween and FSEE EXHIBIT ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE COUNTY OFseUNION Blairsville, GA 30512 114 Courthouse Street, Box 6owne Georgia, on about 3rd November County, and being 1.289 acres, more 43219 800 8939 in Pthe ease unde ob ga ed pa yGeorgia N(Aug13,20,27,Sept4)B Blairsville, 30512 A PART HEREOF ROBERT MAURICE IVES andofFRANCINE 2014, praying for 446 a change name from or less, as shown on a plat survey forIVES, City OH (706) 439-6027 s and ha he secu ed c ed o s no e debt secured by to said Security Deed has the undersigned, filed their petition the The Crystal Kendall Lanier Nicole Kendall Lanier. of Blairsville, Georgia by Cleveland & CoxtoLand N(Aug20,27,Sept3)B qu ed by aw o nego a e amend o mod Notice is hereby given pursuant to law to Surveying, LLC, Roger L. Owenby, G.R.L.S. # 2763, of, Superior Court of Union County, Georgia on been and is hereby declared due becauseany y he other e ms o he mo gage ns umen N THE SUPER ORAugust, OF filed UNpraying ON interested or affected party to ofappear in failsaid dated September 8,COURT 2014 and of COUNTY record possible events default, the 15th day of 2008, forona among heto bes know edge and be when e change. o due he STATE OF Ain Plat courtto filetheobjections to such name September 26, Book minor 67, Page 34 in To ure pay indebtedness as and change in GEORG the2014 name for their grandObjections must be filed with said court within the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court, Union unde s gned he pa y n possess on o C v Ac on F e No 09 CV 389 LA child from COLBY ROBERT BARRETT to and in the manner provided in the Note and 30 days of the filing of the Petition to Change County, Georgia. Said plat is incorporated herein he p ope y s Hans A Ve sdah o a enan n e he name change o M RANDA LEE Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, COLBY ROBERT IVES. Notice is hereby given Name of Crystal Kendall Lanier. by reference hereto, for a full and complete de- o enan s and sa d pfor ope s mo eofcom ARRANT sale will made the ypurpose paypursuant lawabove to any interested or affected this This 3rd day ofbeNovember, 2014. scription oftothe property. monthe y same known S avange Road Ange atoDen se Bu nedescribed eCourt Pe and one andasall10699 expenses of this sale, as party appear in said to file ob- ing AKINS & DAVENPORT, P.C. You are hereby notified that the above-styled Mo gan on Geo g a 30560 vs provided in Security Deed and by law, includjections for such namefor change. Objections Daniel J. Davenport action seeking a Petition Quiet Title Against The sa e w be conduc ed sub ec 1 Je ey L A an Responden attorneys fees (notice of intent to collecto must filedand with saidreason Courtofwithin thirty Attorney for Petitioner All the be an Order for ing on he been sa e given). s no p oh b ed NOT CEWorld, OFofPublication PET Tthat ONby TOsaid CHANGE Georgiama Barfees No.ha 821237 Service by entered by theNAME Court OF on confi attorneys having (30) days the filing of Petition. he U S Bank up cy Code and 2 o M NOR CH LD 80 Town Square October 2014, you are2008 hereby commanded unde Said property willonbeand soldaud subject Thisce 14th10, Day of August, fina confi ma o toheany s aoutus No s he eby g ven ha counse o P.O. Box 923 and required to file with the Clerk of said Court standing ad wvalorem taxes taxesy Robert Ives he oan h he ho de (including o he secu Ange a Maurice Den se Janna Bu neD. eAkins, he Petitioner’s unde s gned Blairsville, GA 30514 and serve upon at- o which are a lien, but not yet due and payFrancine Ives deed has fi ed a peaddress on n ishe o Cou P.O. o (706) 745-0032 torney, whose 80Supe Town Square, N(Aug27,Sept3,10,17)P any matters which Chase Home F nance LLCmight be disclosed Un Coun y Geo Georgia, g a on he 20 day May able), N(Nov12,19,26,Dec3)B Boxon 923, Blairsville, 30514, an oanswer by A an oaccurate survey ney n Fac o and inspection of the 2009 o change name o Peof the one to the Petition withinosixty (60) days dates as IN THEOrder SUPERIOR COURT OF COUNTY property, assessments, liens, encumNOTICEA OF UNCLAIMED PROPERTY of the by Publication. Veany sdah m no ch dfor M Service anda Lee A UNION an o M anda Hans STATE zoning ordinances, restrictions, VALUE AT MORE THAN $75 Witness theGEORGIA Honorable Murphy Miller, Judge of brances, McCa a Rayme LLC Lee BuOF ne e Brittany D. Gomez, Plaintiff covenants, and matters of record superior to Pursuant to O.C.G.A 17-5-54, any party claiming said Court. No ce s he eby g ven pu suan o aw o 1544 O d A abama Road Rafael the Security first set out above. an interest inDeed the property is hereby This 22nd dayed ofDefendant October, Roswe Geo g a following 30076 any n Gomez, e es o a ec2014. ed pa es ha notified onhas October 30, propJudy L. Civil The entity full ne authority to said negotiate, othat ecthat osu eho ne 2014, hey Action obOdom ec No. o 08-CV-528-MM he p oposed name change www Clerk of Superior County erty was located in all theterms evidence room of the TO: Gomez amend, modify of the mortgage MR m 1and 7 7 09 heyRafael mus appeaCourt, n Union he Supe o Cou o N(Oct29,Nov5,12,19)B Unionthe County Sheriff’s Office inNorwest Union County, 1475 Eaglebend Road with debtor is: A.S.C. for Home fi e no 53308008 FT3 Un on Coun y and fi e w en ob ec on o Ou Blairsville, GAchange 30512 Ob ec ons mus be Georgia. Improvement, PO Box 10328, Des Moines, EXH BTA such IN THE name PROBATE COURT Item Owner NOTICE OF PUBLICATION IA 50306-0328, unA ha ac o1-800-662-3806. pa o SERIAL and Please ng and fi ed w h sa d Cou w h n h y 30 days COUNTY OF UNION MOSSBERG MODEL 380ce .22LR #y M41XXX Order by publication dated the be derstand creditor reng n that he 8the h Dsecured s c 1s Sec is onnot Land oBy he OF fi for ng oservice sa d pe on STATE GEORGIA UNKNOWN 11th of August, 2008, you quired toonnegotiate, amend, modify Lo 120byolaw Un Coun y Geo g a or and be FOX CHANDLER H are CKShereby & McKnoN IN RE:day ESTATE OF HOMANS REMINGTON TARGET MASTER MODEL 510 .22LR tified that on the 13th day of August, 2008, the terms of the mortgage instrument. ng T ac 1 con a n ng 5 00 ac es mo e o NON LLP GERALD WATKINS, DECEASED NO SERIAL # UNKNOWN Brittany D. oGomez knowledge belief of the essthe as best shown on a p a .12 oand su vey by Roch A o neys Pe filed one suit against you for To ESTATE NO.14-130 NEW ENGLAND FIREARMS GAUGE SHOTGUN NOTICE OF PETITION TO FILE FOR YEAR’S SUP- es SERIAL NM331XXX UNKNOWN e &# Assoc a es ncin da ed Sep embe M Complaint for Divorce. undersigned, the party possession of the PORT BB is GUN NO 26 2002 ev sedSERIAL Decembe 2004Jones and You are required to file with the Clerk of the DAISY property Bonnie Jones# UNKNOWN and 13 Donald The Petition of Judy Carol Watkins, for a year’s SAVAGE MODEL 16 .300 WSM SERIAL # G008XXX eco ded n Un on Coun y eco ds n p ais NOT CE OF NTENT TO NCORPORATE Superior Court and to serve upon plaintiff’s or a tenant or tenants and said property support the estate Watkins, deUNKNOWN book 55 page 84 known Sa d p as a s1094 ncoChatham po a ed No ce from sKris-Ann g ven ha Aof cGerald es oChatuge nco po a attorney, Stanley, 231 Way, more commonly ceased, decedent’s spouse, hav- MOSSBERG 80 .410 NO he e nBlairsville, by MODEL e e ence he GAUGE e30512. o oSHOTGUN a u and on wh for ch w nco posurviving BATHTUBOLOGY Hiawassee, GAfiled, 30546 ana eAnswer in writing Drive, Georgia ing duly interested persons SERIAL compsale e#eUNKNOWN descbe pconducted on o he above(1)deto NC been wsixty be(60) de days vealled o date he Sec e aorder yare o within of the of the The will subject hereby notified to show cause, if any they have, LORCIN .25 CAL. PISTOL SERIAL # 293XXX UNbed p opethat y the sale is not prohibited S e before o fi ng n acco 8,dance h said he Geo for publication. confirmation onaor December 2014,wwhy Peti- sc KNOWN so conveyed s a.22CAL. non pe pe and uaSERIAL ease gWitness, a Co poThe anoton Code TheMurphy n a eg e ed A Honorable C. sMiller, under theMODEL U.S. Bankruptcy Code (2) to# tion should be granted. BERETTA 21A PISTOL o ngUNKNOWN ess and ess of o the he use o oJudge oof this he co poPetition a on smust ocabeedinawriting, 1239 men Superior Court. final confirmation andegaudit status Allfice objections to the BBS495XXX hethe oad as shown onholder he above e esecurity enced Boemanns S the ee grounds a svof e2008. GAsuch 30512 and of setting any objecDAVIS INDUSTRIES MODEL P380 CAL. PISTOL This theforth 13th day ofBAugust, loan with the of the p a s n a eg s e ed agen a such add ess tions, and must be filed on or before the time deed. SERIAL # AP180XXX UNKNOWN N(Sept3,10,17,24)B 1 MODEL 7 7 309N.A. s V ginn the a Apreceding Boemanns stated sentence. All pleadings/ MR SAVAGE .270 dba CAL.Americas RIFLE SERIAL WellsmFargo Bank, Servic-# fi e no 53308008 FT3 objections must be signed before a notary pubG031XXX UNKNOWN IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF UNION COUNTY Ou ing Company lic or before a probate court clerk, and filing as MARLIN MODEL 60Wfor .22LR. SERIAL # 10438XXX STATE OF GEORGIA Attorney in Fact fees must be OR tendered with your UNKNOWN N THE SUPER COURT OF UN ONpleadings/ COUNTY Civil Action Number 08-CV-404-LA J. JonesFIREARMS aka Bonnie Jones and Donobjections, unless you qualify to file as an in- Bonnie NEW CE ENGLAND .243 CAL. RIFLE SESTATE OF GEORG A NOT OF SALE UNDER POWER Plaintiff, Beverly Whitt. v. Talal Siam, DefenJones digent party. Contact probate court personnel at ald RIAL # 226XXX UNKNOWN No ce s he eby g ven ha Na han e Nea GEORG A UN ON COUNTY dant. McCalla Raymer, LLC TARGET BULLDOG .44 the following address/telephone number for the CHARTER ARMS CORP. S ms heOFunde s gnedTO: fi ed h s Siam pe on S LAW F RM S ACT NG AS A DEBT COL NOTICE DIVORCE Talal Lasto TH 1544 Old ATTEMPT Alabama Road required of filing fees. any objections SPC. SERIAL # 443XXX he Supeamount o Cou o Un onIf Coun y Geo LECTOR NGUNKNOWN TO COLLECT A DEBT are filed,address: a hearing12807 will be Ashford scheduledChase at a later RAVEN ARMS .25 CAL. known Dr. Roswell, Georgia 30076 gdate. a on he en h day o June 2009 p ay ng ANY NFORMAT ONPISTOL OBTASERIAL NED #W1727XXX LL BE If noTXobjections are By filed the Petition may UNKNOWN Houston 77082-2104 Order of the Court o a change n he name o he pe one USED FOR THAT PURPOSE be granted without a hearing. dated July 6th, MR/tmw Any party10/7/08 claiming an interest in said property for service by publication, om Na han eSt.,Nea ms o Na han e Nea Unde andfurther by v notified ue o that he Powe o file Sa ea 65 Courthouse Ste.S8notified you must 2008, youNoarecehereby on Juneo is Ourhereby file no. 5244308-FT7 Swaney s he eby g venthat pu suan con ainned n a Secu y Deed17-gwithin ven by Blairsville, GA 30512 claim accordance with O.C.G.A. 30 23rd, Whitt against EXHIBIT ADa y A son aw o2008, any Beverly n e es ed o afiled ec suit ed pa y o W and Rache A son Address days am of the fourth publication of the Notice of you divorce. You are required land appea n sa d Cou and o fi e to obfile ec with ons All o that Mo tract gage Eparcel ec onofcProperty Reglying s in aand on being Sys (706)for 439-6006 Disposition oforUnclaimed the North the clerk of the Union County Superior Court, in the 9th District, 1st Section, Land Lot 238 o such name change Ob ec ons mus be Georgia ems ncNews da ed 2006 Telephone Number by Augus serving 2said claimeco to ded the and serve attorney, UnionBook County, containing 1.02 Dwain undersigned seizing agency78by certified mail, fi ed towBrackett h sa dupon Cou Plaintiff’s w h n 30 days o Beth he of n Deed 662Georgia, Page Un on Coun y Martin, Box on 310 acres, more orrequested. less,asas as shown on eanumbers plat Judge theO. CourtHiawassee, Georgia Geo returng areceipt The serial fi ng oof P. sa dProbate pe Reco ds ans ed ofo 30546 anhanswer in writing survey by go Appalachian Company, By: sKristin Stanley to the above listed have partially Th en day o June 2009within sixty (60) We s Fa Bank items NA Surveying by assbeen gnmen e Clerk of Court Witness, the Honor- Inc., hidden, owner must ableand to prove which days of the JulyProbate 14th 2008. dated July 16, be 1992 recorded in co ded n Deed Book 801 Page 112 Un on N(Nov12,19,26,Dec3)B case the items seized from or have valid able Lynn Akeley-Alderman, Judge, Towns Coun Union in Plat Book 27, yCounty Geo Records gwas a Reco ds convey ng Page he proof of purchase indicating the complete seCountyOF Superior incorporated STATE GEORGCourt. A 8:1,8,15,22 a116. e Said desc plat bed Is p ope y o secuherein, e a Nobye ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROPOSALS rial N(Sept3,10,17,24)B reference fullamoun and complete deUN ON &COUNTY n number. heMason, o ghereto, na p for ncapa o THREE Bowen Watson, Inc. is soliciting Proposals for Mack Sheriff scription ofTH the above described AND property. NOT CE TOTRIM DEBTORS & CRED RTY THOUSAND 0 100 the WOOD Work Package forTORS the new Audi- HUNDRED Union County, Ga. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Also conveyed is an easement for ingress RE Es a e o Ca E d ed Vann DOLLARS $330 000 00 w h n e es torium at Union County High School and would 378 Beasley Street Bowen Watson, bidding A deb o& sreceiving and c ed o sisofrom he your es aWork eo he eon asGa. se3051 h hedescribed e n he property. e w be and egress to theoabove appreciate aInc. quote comBlairsville, Ca d ed deceased a e oin2,Un on so d a pub c ou c y o he h ghes b d Packages forVann the following project Union MR/tmw 10/7/08 pany. EBid time is 2:00 PM, December 2014. (706)439-6066 Coun y You Geo gbea quote a e by hemail ebyorof no fied o no. cash be o e- FT7 he cou house doo County. may portions the Worko de Our file 5244308 Proposals may sent hand delivN(Nov12,19,26,Dec3) ende he demands and paymen s o o Un on Coun ered to the Union County Schools, 124 Hughes Packages to Bowen & Watson by mail, fax or N(Sept10,17,24,Oct1)B y Geo g a w h n he ega Street, GAesen 30512, send the NOTICE he PeBlairsville, sona ve September sviao FAXheto es s o sa e on he fi s Tuesday n Ju y phone no laterRep than 9:00 aa.m. 23, hou owner’s office 706-745-5025 or the office of 2009 This notice purpose that a e acco d ngon ocomplete he aw and a Packages pe sons he ow ng descPOWER bed Blairsville p ope y Flea SEE NOTICE OFoserves SALE UNDER 2008. Quotes Work Bowen & delivered Watson, 706-886-3010 andedmay Storage will hold aAND public aucndeb be ed o sa dInc. a e aCounty e equSchools, o Market EXH B Tand AUNION ATTACHED HERETO MADE A GEORGIA, COUNTY must toesUnion be submitted by email to bids@bowen-watson. tion pursuant to the Georgia Self Storage Act: make mmed a e paymen o he Pe sona PART HEREOF LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS AtoDEBT COL10 Hughes Street,must Blairsville, GA 30512 by THIS com. esen All proposals arrive before the stipu- The Georgia Code Section 10-4-210 10-4-215, Rep a ve s deb secu ed by sa d Secu y Deed ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. bid time 3:00 p.m. September 23, 2008 to be LECTOR lated Bid time. on theeby Blairsville Super Flea Th s 22nd Day o Faxed May 2009 has11/25/2014, been and at s he dec WILL a ed dueUSED be INFORMATION BE opened publicly. quotes, on complete Project Names: New Auditorium Building for ANY Market Storage,OBTAINED at 27 Orbit Drive, By K Packages sCounty n S anHigh ey oandPURPOSE. among o located he poss b e even s oof FOR THAT Work (except work Union School Bidpackages Package re#3: cause Blairsville, GA 30512, County of Union, State C e k o he P oba e Cou de au a u e o pay he ndeb edness as quiring bonds) will be accepted at the own- Under Wood Trim Georgia.and by virtue of the Power of Sale 114 Cou house ee of SuBowen e 8 & Watson, and due and R1; n he manne ovKended Architect: A&E Chriswhen Cothern, Jeff Byers, B12; contained in a Unit Security Deed givenpUnit by er’s officeSouthern or theSoffice B a ifsvsubmitted e GACounty 30512 n heJ.No e and Secu yC.Deed deb Owner: Union Schools Byrd, Unit A14; John Shyrack, UnitMortE12; neth Brown and Lisa Brown The to Inc. prior to the bid time. The Roberty M ema n ng nUnit de au h s sa eSystems, w be Description Project: Project includesPlease Work gage Jessica Kidd, D34; Erica Freeman, Unitmade C34. Electronic Registration Inc., owner’s fax of number is 706-745-5025. o he pu pose o pay ng he same and a Packages #1 -quotes. Wood Trim consisting of wood dated This Auction will18, be a2005, cash recorded sale to theinhighest October Deed do not e-mail STATE OFcrown GEORG A Gymnasium h s324, satoecancellation as p ov ded nGeorgia Secu blocking, molding, wood basefor andWoody stage expenses bidder. SaleoPage subject in the event Book 610, Union County, PROJECT NAME: New frontON nosing. of ya Deed settlement between andaobligated UN COUNTY and aw owner nc udtong neys as lastbytransferred WellsoFargo Gap School David Keener will be the&estimated for this proj- Records, party. NOT CE TO DEBTORS CRED TORS ees no n en o to co beecrecorded a o neys Bank, NA ce by oassignment in ARCHITECT: A&E ect. Es Email N(Nov19,26)B RE a oSouthern Te y A an Law ence ees hav ng been g ven the of dSuperior of OWNER: County Quality Carpenters A debFinish oUnion s and c ed Schools oonly. s o he es a e o Sa dOffice p opeof ythe w Clerk be so sub ec Court o any Union County, Georgia Records, conveying DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Project includes a Special Requirements: NOTICE Te y A an Law ence deceased a e o ou s and ng ad va o em axes nc ud ng after-described property secure 19,825 sf New Bid Documents: Plans are the (For Discharge Liability) Un on Coun y Gym Geo g aand a especifications he eby no fied axes wh ch from a e aOffice enand buallto no ye duea available &onearthwork; our websitetermite at PROBATE COURT OF UNION Note in the principal amount of Grading control; slope o ende he demands and paymen s o and payab eoriginal any ma eL.COUNTY sBURNETT, wh ch mJR., ghONE be under the “subcontractors” tab, the password Re: PETITION OF THOMAS FOR HUNDRED AND 0/100 protection; fencing, Pe sonagrassing, Rep esen a ve site s o concrete; he es d sc osed SIXTY-FIVE by accuTHOUSAND a eOFsu vey and n ishe“ucaud” DISCHARGE AS an EXECUTOR THE ESTATE OF DOLLARS ($165,000.00), with interest therestorm drainage; cast-in-place concrete, a e accoparties d ng omay healso awcontact and a Keith pe sons onL.oBURNETT, he p ope any assessmen s Interested Led- spec THOMAS SR.,ythere DECEASED. on as set forth therein, will be sold at block and brick masonry; structural steel; ndeb706-835-5104 ed o sa d with es aUnion e a eCounty equ Schools ed o Toens encumb ances on ng o d nances ford whom it may concern: to you the to highest bidder cash metal fabrications; architectural joint sys- public make mmed a e or paymen Pe sona es isc outcry covenan sfileand ma e for sifothere e with any questions to reviewotheheplans. This toons notify objection, before thethe courthouse door of UnionfiCounty, tems; millwork; Rep esen a ve ssheet waterproofing; damp- co d supe oabove o hereferenced Secu y petition, Deed s this se N(Nov12,19)B is any, to in Georgia, within theDecember legal hours of sale on the proofing; EPDM2009 membrane roofing; ou Th s 22nd60 Daymil o May Courtabove on or before 1, 2014. first Tuesday in October, 2008, the following hollow metal; prefinished wood doors; NOTICE BE NOTIFIED the By K sOFnUNCLAIMED S an ey PROPERTY The en y haFURTHER: has u Allauobjections ho y o to nego property: overhead doors; aluminum VALUE MORE THAN $75 windows; glass described petition must be writing, C e k oAT he P oba e Cou a e amend andin mod y asetting e msforth o the he Pursuant O.C.G.A 17-5-54, grounds of w any such pleadings/ SEE EXHIBIT A hATTACHED AND & glazing; finish ceil- mo 114 Cou tohouse Shardware; ee Su any eacoustical 8party claiming gage he objections. deb HERETO o s All We s MADE Fa go an interest in the following property is hereby objections must be signed before a notary A PARTMo HEREOF ing; drywall; wall panels; wood Home B a sv e GAacoustical 30512 gage nc PO Box 10335 Des notified that on October 19, 2014, prop- public or before a probate clerk, and filThe nes debt secured by said court Security Deed has athletic flooring; resilient tile &said resilient M Mo A 50306 1 800 416 1472 P ease erty was flooring; located inresinous the evidence room carpet of the unde ing fees must be tendered your pleadings/ been and is hereby because of, athletic flooring; s and ha hedeclared secuwith eddue c ed o s no Union County Sheriff’s Office in Union County, objections, unless you qualify to file as an indipossible events tile installation; paint; high performance among STATE OF GEORG A equ party. edother by aw probate o nego aofe default, amendfailoat Georgia. gent Contact court personnel UN COUNTY eindebtedness ms o he mo gage ns u ure to ypayhetheaddress/telephone as and when coatings; visual display boards; louvers mod ItemON Owner the following number fordue the NOT CE TO DEBTORS & TORS and in the manner provided the objections Note and and vents; signage; fireCRED protection CARGO CRAFT 6’X12’ ENCLOSED TRAILERspeci- men required amount of filing fees. in If any RE amanufactured e o Lu he Ove K ngcovers; he bes know edge and be in eatdefault, oa later he Security Deed. The will debt alities; canopy VIN Es 34DEB12184A01XXXXX,AND MISC. toilet CON- To are filed, a hearing beremaining scheduled A debOFoTRAILER s and cUNKNOWN ed o backstops; s o he esdisplay ae o unde gned paare y filed, nthe possess onofo payhe this will behe made for purpose accessories; basketball TENTS Ifsno objections the petition may Lu OvePISTOL K ngbuilding deceased a e hydraulic o385XXXX Un on p y swithout W Da y A ofson RG he .22LR SERIAL NUMBER beope granted a hearing. ing the same and am all expenses thisand sale,Ra as casework; metal systems; Coun y ANN Geo g a amechanical; e he eby control no fiedsys-o che son o a enan enan s and sa d CHERYL NEBLOCK DwainA Brackett provided in Security Deedo and by law, includelevator; sprinkler; BROWNING BUCK MARK .22LR PISTOL SERIAL Probate Judge ende he demands and paymen s o p ope y s mo e common y known as 2255 tems; plumbing; fire alarm, data and electri- ing attorneys fees (notice of intent to collect NUMBER 655PV0XXXX JOSHUA By: Kristin Stanley he systems. Pe sona Rep esen a veCOOK s o he es Coosa Runfees Rd having B a svbeen e Geo g a 30512 attorneys given). cal SMITH & WESSON.22LR SERIAL NUMBER Probate a e acco d ngwillo be hePISTOL awestimator and a pe sa eCourt w Clerk be be conduc ed subtoecany1out-o Said property will sold subject David Keener the forsons this The B54XXX UNKNOWN 65 Courthouse Street ndeb ed E-Mail o sa ddavidkeener@bowen-wates a e a e equ ed o standing confi ma ad onvalorem ha hetaxes sa e s(including no p oh taxes b ed project, ROHN .22LR SERIAL NUMBER Blairsville, 30512 make mmedPISTOL a e paymen o he Pe127XXX sona unde he GA Ua Slien, Bank Code which are but up notcyyet dueand and 2pay-o BRENDA MCDOWELL (706)439-6006 Rep esen a ve s fina confi ma on and aud o he s a us SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: NonePISTOL SERIAL able), N. AMERICAN .22MAGNUM N(Nov19)Bany matters which might be disclosed Th s Documents: 8 h R1XXXX DayARMS o May 2009 he accurate oan w hsurvey he hoand deinspection o he secu of they Bid Plans may beWILSON requested oby an NUMBER TOMMY EUGENE By Kthe s9MM n SPISTOL an eyfor RUGER SERIAL NUMBER deposit 3108XXXX IN THE PROBATE COURT property, any assessments, liens, encumfrom Architect a refundable of deed C e k oPlans he will PMCKERAL oba e Cou s FaOFgo Bank ordinances, NA JIMMY JOHN III available for review We COUNTY UNION brances, zoning restrictions, $150. also be 114 Cou house S ee Su e 8 as A o ney n Fac o INTRA TEC 9MM PISTOL SERIAL NUMBER STATE OF GEORGIA and matters of record superior to at: McGraw-Hill Construction Dodge,07XXX 1750 covenants, B a sv e GA 30512 W am Da y A son and Rache A son FRED LEE JONES IN RE: ESTATE OF Enterprises Way, Suite 103, Marietta, GA the Security Deed first set out above. aHOYT Rayme LLC M WINCHESTER .20 GAUGEFaxSHOTGUN SERIAL McCa LEBURN LANG, DECEASED The entity has full authority to negotiate, 30067, (770) 953-2442, (770) 953-2430, 1544 d Athat abama Road NUMBER L3579XXX FRANCIS RESCIGNA ESTATEO NO. 14-142 all OF terms of the mortgage Reed Data, 30 TechnolSMITH CAT &Construction WESSON CALIBER SERIAL PETITIONand FOR LETTERS ADMINISTRATION Roswe Geomodify g a 30076 APPL ON TO .40 REG STER PISTOL A BUS NESS amend, the debtor is: Wells Fargo Home Mortogy Parkway South, Suite 100,TRADE Norcross, GA with NUMBER SW4XXX FRANCIS RESCIGNA NOTICE www o ec osu eho ne ne TO BE CONDUCTED UNDER NAME 10335, Des IA 30092, (770) FaxSERIAL (770) 849-6475, HI-POINT 9MM NUMBER gage, Kevin A.Inc., LangPO to beMoines, appointed MR mp 7have 7Box 09petitioned PARTNERSH P849-6420, ORPISTOL OTHERS 50306, Please understand AGC Builders Exchange, 1940 The Exchange, Ou P1559XXX Administrator of the FT5 estate of Leburn Hoyt fi e 1-800-416-1472. no 5706009 STATE OF FRANCIS GEORG ARESCIGNA that the securedofcreditor is not required by Suite 300,380 Atlanta, 30339,NUMBER (678) 298-4130, HI-POINT PISTOL P910XXX EXH Lang,B deceased, said County. (The petitioner TA COUNTY OF UN ONGASERIAL CHRISTOPHER E. GARRETT has applied waiver ofand bondy and/or grant law to negotiate, amend, modify terms Fax Gainesville, WhiteyPrint, A also ha ac o for pa ce o or ngthe and be The (866) unde 570-8187, s gned does he eby ce ha INTERBradford ARMS STAR 380 PISTOL SERIAL NUMBER of certain powers instrument. contained in O.C.G.A. §53-12of the mortgage 312 Street, NW, Gainesville, GA ng nAllLand Lo 83parties o heare 10 h D s notified c 1s Judy A kROBERT nson conduc ng a bus ness as 261.) 1951XXX HONKENFax interested To the andghereby 30501,Eng (770) on best Un onknowledge Coun Geo abelief con of anot nthe ng Sma ne536-5047, Repaan interest n he (770) Cin ysaid o534-3174, Suches Any party claiming property Sec to show cause why saidy petition should be undersigned, the party in possession of the Bowen &o Watson, Inc. &SArchitects office. a o a o 5 875 ac es and be ng Lo Twen Coun y Un on n he a e o Geo g a un is hereby further notified that you must file a granted. All objections to the petition must be in N(Sept3,10,17,24)B is J.esgrounds Brown and Lisa C. y A 20setting A Kenneth 0forth 22 ac Lo Twen y such One de o Mowe Powe 217U within and ha claimhe in name accordance with O.C.G.A. 30 property writing, the of any tenant andthe prop21 4 or 525aand ac must es or and Lo Twen ysaid Two 22 he na e ofourth he publication bus ness sofSma Eng ne days of uthe the Notice of Brown objections, betenants filed with court on NOTICE OF PUBLICATION erty is more commonly known as 4171 Gar1 328 ac es o Cossa Run Subd v s on as Repa and ha he names and add esses Disposition of Unclaimed Property in the North or before December 15, 2014. All pleadings/obNAME rett Road, Blairsville, 30512. on a pbe a signed o suGeorgia vey made by B public Ke h oTRADE he pe sons by fi ms o pasaid ne sh p own ng shown Georgia News serving claim to the jections must before a notary Notice thatsaHarbin Dry Inc.,s Roches The saleeawill be conducted (1)fees to undersigned agency byoCleaners, certified mail, or before probate court and filing & Assoc a esclerk, ncsubject RLS #1534 and cais ygiven ngseizing on d ade bus ness return receipt requested. The serial numbers must be tendered with your pleadings/objeca Georgia corporation, is P.O. confirmation that as the sale is not prohibited da ed 05 12 88 ev sed 05 08 01 and Judy A k nson 11630whose M ne address Sca es D ve to the1869, above listed items have been partially tions, unless you qualify as an Box Georgia 30514, gives under the nU.S. Code and (2) on to eco ded P aBankruptcy Book to 49file Page 62indigent Un Suches GeoBlairsville, g a 30572 hidden,that owner mustoperate be able to prove which Coun party. confirmation personnel ats the notice it may under the followfinal andcourt of the yContact Geo gprobate a eco dsaudit wh ch p a status by case the items was seized from or have valid following address/telephone number for the a ed he eof n and made a ing trade name: HARBIN UNIFORM RENTAL, ofe etheence loannco withpothe holder the security proof ofOFpurchase indicating the complete amount of filing fees. If any objections pa he eo STATE GEORG A and that the statement relating thereto seas required deed. rial number. are filed, a hearing will be scheduled at a later Sub ec o he oad easemen s as shown UN ON COUNTY required by Sheriff O.C.G.A. § 10-1-49, has been Wells Bank, NAare filed, the petition Mack Mason, date. IfFargo no objections may pa NOT TOthe DEBTORS CRED TORS Court of on filed with Clerk of&the Superior as Attorney in Factafor UnionCE County, Ga. be granted without hearing. ecBrackett o Brown he es and c Lisa ons C. eco ded n Deed RE a e oStreet CGeorgia. a ence Ga Dye Jagent Sub Union County, The and registered Kenneth J. Brown 378 Es Beasley Dwain Book 160 Pages A deb o Dry s and o s is o William he es H. a Hareo of Harbin Cleaners, McCalla Raymer, LLC464 465 and n Deed Blairsville, Ga. 3051c ed Inc. PROBATE JUDGE 152Alabama Pages Road 740 741 Un on Coun y C a ence Ga and Dye Blairsville, J deceased a e Book (706)439-6066 By: Kristin Stanley bin, 37 Hospital Street, GA 30514. 1544 Old Geo g a eco ds oN(Nov5,12,19,26)B Un on Coun y Geo g a a e he eby no PROBATE CLERK N(Sept3,10)B Roswell, Georgia 30076 ec o anSt., easemen n avo o B ue fied o ende he demands and paymen s Sub 65 Courthouse Ste. 8 IN Blairsville, GA a30512 dge Moun n EMC as eco ded n Deed o THE he PROBATE Pe ARTICLES sonaCOURT RepOFesen a ve s o he R NOTICE OF INCORPORATION MR/yrb 10/7/08 COUNTY OF UNION (706) 439-6006 Book 151 Pages 372 374 es a e acco d ng o he aw and a pe Notice is given that Articles of Incorporation Our file no. 51579308-FT5 and 152 Page STATE ndeb OF GEORGIA N(Nov19,26,Dec3,10)B Un on sons ed o sa d es a e a eSTUDIO equ edINCo 748 that incorporate ZADAI’S EXHIBIT A Coun y Geo g a eco ds IN RE:will ESTATE OF ec tract o aor parcel gh o ofway o Un on make mmed a e paymen o he Peof sona have been delivered to the Secretary State Sub All that land deed lying and being CECIL CLYDE FLOYD, DECEASED Coun as District, eco ded1stn Deed Book 122 Rep filing esen ain ve s for accordance with the Georgia in the y9th Section Land LotPage 136 ESTATE NO.14-127 197 Un on Coun y Geo g a eco ds Th s 3 d Day o June 2009 Business Code. The initial reg- of Union County, Georgia, containing 1.135 NOTICE OF Corporation FILE ecmore o he floodand a eabeing as shown on sa By soffice nPETITION SSUPPORT an ey TO istered of the corporation is located at Sub FORKYEAR’S acres, or less, Lot Seven 7 ofd a C e k o he P oba e Cou The Petition of Road, Barbara Floyd, forGA a year’s 1450 My Own Blairsville, 30512supand p Northwoods Subdivision, as shown on a plat mp 7 7 09 114 Cou house S ee Suatesuch 8 address port from registered the estate of Cecil Clyde Floyd, deits initial agent is MR of survey Rochester fi e noby5706009 FT5& Associates, Inc., B a sv for e GA 30512 surviving spouse, hav- Ou ceased, decedent’s Darryl G. Zadai. dated 4/18/95 and recorded in Union County ing been duly filed, all interested persons are N(Sept3,10)B records in Deed Book 33 Page 47, and said hereby notified to show cause, if any they have, is OF incorporated herein, by reference NOT NOT CE SALE UNDER POWER on orCE before December 2, 2014, why said Peti- plat APPLICATION REGISTER A BUSINESS TO GEORG hereto, for a full complete description of tion should not TO be granted. GEORG A UN ON COUNTY PROBATE COURT A UN ONand COUNTY BE CONDUCTED UNDER TRADE NAME, PARTthe Sabove All objections to the Petition must be oin writing, Be y Sue Hya has pe oned be ap TH LAW property. F RM S ACT NG AS A DEBT COL NERSHIP OR the OTHERS The property is subject a roadway easesetting po n edforth Adm n sgrounds a o oof any he such es aobjece o LECTOR ATTEMPT NG TOtoCOLLECT A DEBT STATE OF GEORGIA ment as shown the OBTA plat NED W LL BE tions, and must be filed on or before the time James Ha o d Hende son deceased o sa d ANY NFORMATonON stated yin the preceding sentence. COUNTY OF UNION The property is PURPOSE subject to the restrictions Coun The pe one has aAllsopleadings/ app ed USED FOR THAT objections be signed notary The undersigned does that recorded Deed o wa ve must o bond and hereby obefore g anacertify o ce puba n Unde andin by v Book ue o 238 he Pages Powe 269-270 o Sa e lic or before a probate court clerk, and filing Mtn. Laurel Log Homes Land, conductUniona ned County powe s conbe a tendered ned n O &C G Ayour §Inc. 53pleadings/ 12 232 con n arecords, Secu amended y Deed ginvenDeed by feesamust with ing business as Kickin Mule in the City of Book 244 Pages 187-188 Union County A n e es unless ed pa you es qualify a e he to eby noasfied o Tony Lev Gadd s and N ck e L Gadd s re-o objections, file an inBlairsville, County of Union in the State of cords. show cause why sa d pe on shou d no be Mo gage E ec on c Reg s a on Sys ems digent party. Contact probate court personnel at the Kickin and property is 28 subject theded powerline gGeorgia, ed under A ob ec name ons oofhe pe Mule onfor mus nc da ed June 2007 toeco n Deed thean following address/telephone number the The that nature of the isg objections Barbecue easement Blue434 Ridge be nthe w amount ng se ng business ofees. h Ifhe ounds o Book 715 toPage UnMountain on Coun EMC y Georerequired of filing any Sauces that the names corded in ds Deed any suchand ec ons musand beaddresses fiateda w h g a Reco as Book as 233 ansPage e ed163o Union We s are filed, aob hearing willand be scheduled later of partnership County records. hethe cou o firms be oare eor10 a mtheJu y 6owning 2009 go Bank NA by ass gnmen eco ded date. If persons, no on objections filed Petition may Fa be granted without a hearing. and on trademus or business are Grantor A pcarrying ead ngs obsaid ec ons be s gned n Deed also Bookgrants 801 Page 113 Un on Coun y to grantee a non-exclu65 Courthouse Ste.and 8c oJobe be o e a no aSt., y pub o e aMezzano. p oba e Geo a Reco easement ds convey he of a the e Ambrose F. Mezzano Marie sive, gperpetual forng the use Blairsville, 30512 cou c e kGAand fi ng ees mus be ende ed desc bed proads ope yforoingress secu e and a Noegress e n he N(Sept10,17)B subdivision to Address w h you p ead ngs ob ec ons un ess you othegabove na p property. nc pa amoun o TWO HUNDRED (706) 439-6006 qua y OF o fiSALE e as UNDER an nd gen pa y Con ac TWENTY F VE THOUSAND AND 0 100 DOL NOTICE POWER MR/yrb 10/7/08 Telephone Number p oba e cou sonne a he o ow ng Our LARS 000 00 -w GEORGIA, UNIONpeCOUNTY file$225 no. 51579308 FT5h n e es he eon Dwain Brackett add e ephone o he equ ed as se o h he e n he e w be so d a N(Sept10,17,24,Oct1)B Because of defaultnumbe in the payment of the Judgeess of the Probate Court amoun o fi ng ees any ob ec ons a e pub c ou c y o he h ghes b dde o indebtedness, secured by a Security Deed By: Kristin Stanley fi ed of a hea ng w Court beJohnson schedu ed a ae cash beOF o eSALE he UNDER cou house doo o Un on NOTICE POWER executed Deborah anda Joseph Clerk thebyProbate da e notoobMortgage ec ons aElectronic e fi ed heRegistrape on N(Nov5,12,19,26)B Johnson may be g an ed w dated hou aAugust hea ng tion Systems, Inc. 16, 2006 in Dwa n B acke P oba e Judge the amount of $249,600.00, and recorded By K s Book n S an664, ey Page P oba134, e C eUnion k County, in Deed 114 CouRecords;as house S ee e8 Georgia last Su transferred to MortB a svElectronic e GA 30512 gage Registration Systems, Inc. 706 439 6006 the undersigned, Mortgage by assignment; Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. pursuant to said deed and the note thereby NOT CE OF UNDER secured, hasSALE declared thePOWER entire amount of GEORG A UN ON COUNTY said andCOL purTH Sindebtedness LAW F RM Sdue ACTand NG payable AS A DEBT suant to the power of sale contained said LECTOR ATTEMPT NG TO COLLECT AinDEBT deed, on theON firstOBTA Tuesday ANY will NFORMAT NED inWOctober, LL BE 2008 during thePURPOSE legal hours of sale, at the USED ,FOR THAT Courthouse doorv inue Union sell oat pubUnde and by o County, he Powe Sa e lic outcry to the highest bidderg for the con a ned n a Secu y Deed vencash, by Ken property described in said deed to-wit: ne h J B own and L sa C B own o Mo All those parcels of land lying and gage E ectracts on c or Reg s a on Sys ems nc being 290 & eco 323,ded 9th District, da ed in OcLand obe Lots 18 2005 n Deed 1st Section of Union Georgia, conBook 610 Page 324 County, Un on Coun y Geo taining 1.445 g a Reco ds acres as asand being ans e shown ed o as WeLots Seventeen acres and Fa go Bank(17)NAand by 1.490 ass gnmen ecobeing ded shown Lot774 Eighteen (18) Un of on Creekside n Deed as Book Page 591 Coun y Subdivision on: ds plat of survey Rochester Geo g a Reco convey ngby he a e & Associates, Inc., yRSo#secu 2653,edated desc bed p ope a No 10/8/96, e n he and Book 38, PageHUNDRED 34, Union o g recorded na p ncinpaPlat amoun o ONE County which description said S XTY F records VE THOUSAND AND 0 100on DOL plat is hereby incorporated and LARS $165 000 00 w h by n ereference es he eon as se a part o h hereof. he e n he e w be so d a made pub c ou c is y subject o he toh the ghes dde o The property roadbeasement cash be oon e said he cou as shown doo o Un on Coun y Geo gisa subject w h n tohethe egarestrictions hou s o The property sa e on he fi s Tuesday Ju y 117, 2009Union he recorded in Deed Book 149,nPage o ow ng desc bed p ope y SEE EXH B T County records. A ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART The property is subject to the Protective CovHEREOF enants of Creekside Subdivision as recorded The deb Book secu 292, ed by sa d 347-351, Secu y Union Deed in Deed Pages has been and s he eby dec a ed due be County records. cause o among o he poss b e even so The property is subject to the Road Maintede au Agreement a u e o as payrecorded he ndeb edness as nance in Deed Book and and Union n he manne p ov ded 292, when Pages due 343-346, County records. n he No e and Secu to y Deed TheEasedeb The property is subject Powerline ema to n ng au Mountain h s sa eEMC w recorded be made ment Bluen de Ridge o he pu pose o pay ng he same and a in Deed Book 151, Page 375, Union County expenses records. o h s sa e as p ov ded n Secu y Deed and by aw nc ud ng a o neys The theecflood ees property no ce ois subject n en otoco a ohazard neys area as shown on gsaid ees hav ng been venplat. For informational purposes only: The APN is Sa d p ope y w be so d sub ec o any shown byng theadcounty assessor 023ud173 ou s and va o em axesas nc ng A17; Book 392 axessource wh chofa title e a isen bu 392, no Page ye due (recorded and payab10/26/01) e any ma e s wh ch m gh be which has the property address of 975 Wildd sc osed by an accu a e su vey and n water Trail, Blairsville, together spec on o he p ope y Georgia., any assessmen s with fixtures ances and otheronpersonal ens allencumb ng o d property nances conveyed by said deed.s and ma e s o e es c ons covenan The subjecty to anyfiunpaid co dsale supewillo beo held he Secu Deed s se Coun y Geo g a COUNTY w h n he ega hou s o GEORGIA, UNION sa e on he Tuesdayin nthe Ju ypayment 2009 he Because of fithes default of o ow ng desc bed p ope yH. SEE EXH and BT a note executed by BRYAN MASON A ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART TAMMY MASON in favor of CADENCE BANK, HEREOF N.A in the original principal amount of The deb secu edJuly by 13, sa d2007, Secusecured y Deed $415,116.73 dated by has been s he ebyexecuted dec a edbydue be a Deed to and Secure Debt BRYAN cause o among o he poss b e even s o H. MASON and TAMMY MASON to SEASONS de au n/k/a a u eCadence o pay he ndebN.A., edness as BANK, Bank, dated and when due and n heinmanne p ov 569, ded March 8, 2005, recorded Deed Book n he No e and Secu y Deed The deb pages Deed ema n506-514, ng n de Union au hCounty s sa e Georgia w be made Records, Modification to and Secure o he puthe pose o pay ng ofheDeed same a Debt datedo July Deed expenses h s15, sa e2005, as precorded ov ded ninSecu Book 593, page 620-622 Union County y Deed and by aw nc ud ng a o Georneys gia eesDeed no Records; ce o n the en Modification o co ec a ofo Deed neys toeesSecure hav ngDebt beendated g ven September 7, 2005, recorded in Deed Book 605, page 316-318 Sa d p ope y w be so d sub ec o any Union County Records; ou s and ng adGeorgia va o emDeed axes nc udthe ng Modification axes wh ch ofa Deed e a to enSecure bu noDebt ye dated due Aprilpayab 13, 2006, recorded Deed and e any ma e in s wh chbook m gh643, be pages 110-112 d sc osed by anUnion accuCounty a e suGeorgia vey andDeed n Records; Modification of Deed to Secure spec on the o he p ope y any assessmen s Debt November in ens dated encumb ances 13,on2006, ng orecorded d nances Deed pagess322-324 es cBook ons682, covenan and maand e sfurther o e the dModification Extension of Deed co supe o o and he Secu y Deed fi s seto Secure Debt dated July 13, 2007, recorded ou above in Deed unThe en Book y ha 724, haspages u au415-416, ho y othe nego a e amend mod y the a efull ms unpaid o he dersigned hasand declared mo gage w hindebtedness he deb o secured s We sbyFasaid go amount of the Home Moand gage nc and PO Box 10335 deed due payable, acting underDes the Mo nesof A 50306 1 800in416 power sale contained said1472 deed, Pforease the unde s and ha hesaid secuindebtedness, ed c ed o s will no purpose of paying equ aw oinnego a e 2008, amend o on theed firstbyTuesday October, during mod y he e ms o he mo gage ns the legal hours of sale at the Courthouse uin men Union County, Georgia, sell at public outcry To hehighest bes know and be o he to the bidderedge for cash, the efollowing unde s gned he pa y n possess on o described property: he p ope y s Tony Lev Gadd s o a enan All that tract or parcel of land lying and beoing enan s and d p and ope 323, y s 9th mo District, e com in Land Lotssa322 mon y known as 3813 Moun a n Top V ew 1st Section, Union County, Georgia containB sv e acres Geo g and a 30512 inga 1.752 being shown as Lot The sa e (14) w be conduc sub ec Fourteen of Old BirchedBend on a1plato confi ma on ha he sa s no p oh bInc., ed of survey by Rochester &e Associates, unde he Udated S Bank up cyrevised Code and 2 o RS #2349. 5/4/04 10/30/04 fina confi ma on and aud o he s a us recorded 198-199y oandhe oan winhPlat he Book ho de55,o page he secu Union deed County Records which description on said plat is hereby incorporated by reference We s Fa go Bank NA and hereof. as Amade o neya part n Fac o The property toethe road seaseTony Lev Gaddis ssubject and N ck L Gadd ments as shown on said plat and to all existMcCa a Rayme LLC ing road and utility easements. 1544 O d A abama Road The property Roswe Geo gisasubject 30076 to the restrictions recorded in osu Deedeho Bookne149, www o ec ne pages 117-118, Unionmp County7 7records and to the Release MR 09 Fromfi eRestrictions recorded Ou no 51208009 FT5 in Deed Book 155, EXH Bpage T A 287 and in Deed Book 155, page IN THE PROBATE COURT COUNTY OF UNION STATE OF GEORGIA IN RE: ESTATE OF any matters which might taxing NOT CEauthority, OF SALE UNDER POWER DOUGLAS EDWARD SEXTON, DECEASED be disclosed by accurate survey and inGEORG A UN ONanCOUNTY ESTATE NO. 14-139 spection ofF the property, any TH S LAW RM S ACT NG AS assessments, A DEBT COL PETITION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION liens, ordinances, LECTOR ATTEMPT NG TOzoning COLLECT A DEBT NOTICE encumbrances, restrictions, covenants, and NED matters of reANY ONpetitioned OBTA LL BE PatriciaNFORMAT Ledford have to be W appointed cord superior to the Security Deed set USED FOR THAT PURPOSE Administrator of the estate of Douglasfirst Edward out above. Sexton, deceased, saido County. (The petitioner Unde and by v ofue he Powe o Sa e The willn be conducted subject (1) to has applied waiver of and/or grant con asale ned aforSecu Deed gCOUNTY ven by IN also THE SUPERIOR COURT y OFbond UNION certain powers GEORGIA confirmation that the sale not LofSTATE nda J OF Lope ocontained Mo gageinisEO.C.G.A. ec prohibited on§53-12c Reg In Re: Lisa J. Green 261.) All interested parties are hereby notified under the Sys U.S.ems Bankruptcy and (2) to s a on nc daCode ed Novembe Action File No. 08CV-271-MM toCivil show cause why petition not be final confirmation and audit ofshould the status 18 2004 eco dedsaid n TO Deed Book 553 Page NOTICE OF PETITION CHANGE NAME granted. All toholder the must of theUnloan with ythe of the security 622 on objections Coun Geo g apetition Reco ds asbeasin GEORGIA, UNION COUNTY writing, setting forth the grounds of any such Notice hereby that LisaSe J. vGreen, ans e is edand o must BACgiven Home Loans c ng deed. objections, be filed with the court on thekaundersigned, filed petition LP Coun yw de Home Loans Se vtoc the ng Notice has been of his intention toGeorgia collect orSuperior before December 2014. All pleadings/obCourt given of15,Union County, LP by ass gnmen eco ded n Deed Book attorney’s feesbe insigned accordance with the terms on the must 21st day of April, 2008, praying for jections before a notary public change in the name ofDeed. 795 Page 13 Un on ypetitioner Geofiling g a from Re of Note secured by Coun said orathe before a probate court clerk, and fees Lisa J. Green to Lisa Notice is co dsproperty convey ng he sold aJ. eWhitfield. bed p opof Said will be asdesc the property must be tendered with your pleadings/objechereby given pursuant to law to any interetions, y ounless secu etoaappear No nto he Brooke oascourt gannaindigent p nto you qualify Bryan Sosensky andeSydney Sosenested in file said and csky, pa amoun o ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND party. Contact probate court personnel at the file the objections to such name change. Objecproperty, to the best information, following address/telephone number tions0 must be filed said Court within AND 100 DOLLARS 000 00 for wthe h knowledge and beliefwith of$100 the undersigned, of the filing said required amount filing fees. any n30e days espresently he eonof as seofpossession o hIfpetition. he eobjections n Bryan he e being in the of This 21st day of April, 2008. are filed, a hearing will be scheduled at a later wLisa d aand pubSydney c ou cBrooke y o heSosensky h ghes P. Sosensky Green, Petitioner date. no are filed, the petitiondoo may ddeIfthe o objections cash be oof e said he cou N(Aug20,27,Sept3,10)B ,bbeand proceeds sale house will be apgranted without aGeo hearing. oplied Untoonthe Coun y g a w h n he ega paymentTOofINCORPORATE said indebtedness Dwain Brackett NOTICE OF INTENT hou all s o saexpenses e on he of fi said s Tuesday n Ju y and sale,Incorporaincluding Noticethe that Articles PROBATE 2009 heisJUDGE ogiven owall ng desc bedbepof ope SEE tion for Teach Us, Inc. will to attorney’s fees, as provided indelivered said yDeed, By: Kristin Stanley EXH B T A ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A thethe Secretary Statewill forbefiling in accorPROBATE CLERK of and balance, if any, distributed as dance with the Georgia Business CorpoPART HEREOF 65ration Courthouse St., Ste.initial 8 provided by law. Code. The registered office The deb GA secu edMarkets by sa d located Secu Corp. yat Deed Blairsville, 30512 of the Corporation will beRealty 1750 Citigroup Global as has been andFarm s heRoad, eby dec a ed due be (706) 439-6006 Deep South Georgia Attorney-in-Fact for BryanBlairsville, P. Sosensky and NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER STATE OF GEORGIA, COUNTY OF UNION Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a Deed to Secure Debt given by CYNDESCRIBED PROPERTY. NOT OF SALE UNDER POWER THIA CE R SWANSON to ELECTRONIIC THIS CONVEYANCE ISMORTGAGE MADE TOGETHER WITH GEORG A UN ON COUNTY REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. (“MERS”) AS AND SUBJECT TOauA NON EXCLUSIVE PERPETBecause o de n he paymen o he NOMINEE FOR ACOPIA, LLC , dated 04/07/2011, UAL FOR THE USE OF THE ySUBDIndeb ednessCounty, secu ed by arecords, Secu and ,EASEMENT UNION Georgia asDeed last VISION ROADS FOR INGRESS EGRESS TO execu ed Peggy Dav s AND oBANK, Wash ng(the on assigned toby JPMORGAN CHASE N.A. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY. Mu ua Bank FA by da assignment, ed May 15 conveying 2006 n Secured Creditor), SUBJECT ROAD AS the property secure a Note he after‑described amounTOo THE $100 000 00toEASEMENT and eco ded SHOWN ON THE ABOVE REFERRED TO PLAT of in the original principal amount of n even Deeddate Book 647 Page 114 Un NAME on Coun y NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE $148,186.00, with at the ans rate especified Georgia, County OF SURVEY. Geo g a Union Reco dsinterest as as ed o DEBRA SUSAN HYLTON, the undersigned, therein, there will be sold by the undersigned at SUBJECT TOChase AN EASEMENT BLUE RIDGE JPMo ganpetition Bank Na TO ona Assoc a filed her the Superior Court of public to thein highest bidders for MOUNTAIN AS RECORDED INcash DEED on byoutcry ass EMC gnmen he unde gned JPat Union County, Georgia on August 22, the UNION County Courthouse within the2008, BOOK 271, 639, UNION COUNTY, GEORMo gan Chase Bank Na Assoc alegal on praying forPAGE a change in ona her name from hours of SUSAN sale on the first Tuesday in December, DEBRA to DEBRA pu suan o sa dHYLTON deed and he property: no e SUSAN he eby GIA RECORDS. 2014, the following described ALL McCULLEY. Notice is given secu ed has dec a hereby ed or he en epursuant amoun SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIONS RECORDED THAT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING to lawTRACT to any interested affected partyAND toIN oDEED sa d ndeb edness due and payab e and 400, PAGE 488, COUNTY, appearBOOK said Court and to UNION file objections BEING INin LAND LOT 305, 9TH DISTRICT, 1ST pu suan o he powe o sa e con a ned n for such name change. Objections must be GEORGIA RECORDS. SECTION, UNION COUNTY, GEORGIA, CONTAINfiled withACRES, said thirty (30) sa d0.44 deed w Court on hewithin fiELLIOTT s Tuesday n7days Ju y ADDRESS: 12550 GLEN RD; SUCHES, ING BEING SHOWN AS LOT AND of the filing of said Petition. 2009 ng he egaPARCEL hou sSUBDIVISION, sa eMAP a PART OFdu LOT 6, of MOUNTAIN VIEW GA TAX MAP OR IDo NO.: This30572 22nd Day August, 2008 hePARCEL Cou house n Un on Coun y se AS PER PLAT OF doo SURVEY ENTITLED “SURVEY Debra Susan Hylton 79 34D FOR BLAIRSVILLE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE” N(Aug27,Sept3,10,17)P aThe pub c ou c y o he h ghes b dde o Debt secured by said Security Deed has BY BLAIRSVILLE CO.,n because ROBERT J. cash he isp hereby ope SURVEYING y declared desc bed sa d deed been and due of NOTICE PETITION TO CHANGE BREEDLOVE, R.L.S #2228, DATED NAME AUGUST 2, o w OFOFGEORGIA nonpayment of the indebtedness when due STATE 2005 AND RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 56, PAGE A ha ac o pa ce o and y ng and be COUNTY OFmanner UNION provided in the Note and and in the 95, COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH ROBERT MAURICE IVES, ng UNION n Land LoThe 34IVES 9 hand D s FRANCINE c 1sin Sec on Security Deed. debt remaining default, PLAT ISonBY REFERENCE HEREtheUn undersigned, filed their petition the othe Coun ymade Geo gINCORPORATED athebepurpose ng pa to Lo saleMADE will be for ofo paySuperior Court of Union County, Georgia IN AND A PART HEREOF. 39 con asame n ng 0IS862 ac es mo eFOR ess as o on the 15th day ofAN 2008, ing the and allAugust, expenses ofopraying sale, ALSO CONVEYED EASEMENT SEWER Chape HACRESS Subd v s PROPERTY on asDeed shown onby a law, pBY a for a UP change in Security the name for their minor HOOK THE RETAINED provided in from the and grandchild COLBY ROBERT BARRETT oincluding su vey by Roches e & Assoc a es nc GRANTOR WHICH LIES TO THE SOUTH OF THE attorney’s fees, notice of to to COLBY ROBERT IVES. Notice is intent hereby da ed CONVEYED Janua y to 17 1995 and eco ded n ABOVE PROPERTY TObeen SERVICE SAID given pursuant law having to any interested or collect attorney’s fees given. P a Bookparty 36 Page 210 ninUn on Court C y Geo PROPERTY HEREIN CONVEYED. affected to appear said and Said property will bea sold subject tonco any g a Reco ds Sa d p o su vey s to file objections for suchTOname change. THE PROPERTY ISvalorem SUBJECT THE ROADS AS outstanding any Objections must be efiled withhe said Court po a edON heTHE eadnAFORESAID by e taxes, ence e oassesso a SHOWN PLAT. ments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordiwithin thirty (30) days ofpthe filing ofabove said GRANTOR GRANTS TO GRANTEE A he NON‑EXu and comp e e desc on o Petition.restrictions, covenants, and matters nances, CLUSIVE desc bedPERPETUAL p ope y EASEMENT This 14th Day of August, 2008 OF INGRESS of record toethe Security Deed AND EGRESS AND THE SUBDIVISON Sub ec Maurice osuperior aOVER ma sUPON and cond onsfirst as Robert Ives set out above. ROADS AS SHOWN eON THE AFORESAID PLAT. Francine shown onIves above e ence p a o su vey N(Aug27,Sept3,10,17)P The debt secured by said Deed to Secure Debt To the best knowledge and belief of the Sub ec o he Easemen o B ue R dge EMC has been and hereby declared due because undersigned, the party inOFpossession ofPage the fi and ecois ded n Deed Book 229 INed THE SUPERIOR UNION COUNTY of, among other COURT possible of default, property Kimberly Wood aReco tenant or tenSTATE GEORGIA 213 UnOF on Coun yindebtedness Geo gor,aevents ds failure to pay the as and when ants, andD. was is commonly Brittany Gomez, Plaintiff Sub ec osaid he property ansm ss onor ne due and the manner provided ineasemen the Note Rafael Defendant known asin 12550 GlenfiElliott Rd., eco Suches, GA da ed 2Gomez, 26to 76 and ed Because and deddebt n and Deed Secure Debt. the Civil Action No. 08-CV-528-MM 30572. Deed Book 90 Page 281 will Un be on made Counfor y TO: Rafael remains in Gomez default, this sale The sale will be conducted subject (1) to 1475 Eaglebend Road Geo g a Reco ds the purpose of paying the same and all exBlairsville, 30512 confirmation the sale is not prohibited Sub ec of this oGAthat he es c ons ded n penses sale, as provided ineco the Deed to NOTICEthe OF U.S. PUBLICATION under Bankruptcy Code Book and (2) to Un Coun yservice Reco ds npublication Deed 229 Secure Debt by law, attorney’s By on Order forand by including dated final confirmation audit the status fees (notice ofofintent to collect attorney’s fees Pages 572 andand mod fiedyou aof Deed Book the 11th day573 August, 2008, are herehaving been153 given). JPMORGAN by the notified that on the 13th day of August, of loan with the of the security 231 Page Un onholder Coun y CHASE Geo g BANK, a Re 2008, Brittany D. Gomez filed suitand against N.A. the duly endorsed Note is the co dsholds deed. you for Complaint Divorce. current assignee offorthe Security Deed to the Sub ecHome o oad and ansm Chase Finance LLC You are required toeasemen file with the Clerk of thes property. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL sSuperior on neCourt easemen on plaintiff’s he above As Attorney in Fact and for to shown serve upon ASSOCIATION, behalf 231 of and, as necattorney, Kris-Ann Stanley, Chatuge e e enced p aacting o suon vey Kimberly essary, in Wood JPMORGAN Way, GAswith 30546 Answer in G an oHiawassee, aconsultation so sixty gcurrent an odays G an an ee date aCHASE non Martin &within Brunavs BANK, (the loan), writingN.A. (60)investor of on thethe of exc usNorth vefor pe pethe ua easemen he use 2800 Druid Hills Rd. the order publication. is the entity with full authority too negotiate, oamend, he subd vHonorable s on oof the ess and Witness, The Murphy Miller, Building B, Suite 100 and modify alloads terms PurJudge ofGA Superior Court. eg essto othis he above desc bed p JPMORGAN ope y Atlanta, 30329 suant O.C.G.A. § 44‑14‑162.2, Thisch thehas 13thhe daypofope August, 2008. wh y add ess o 6519 CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION may (404) 982-0088 N(Sept3,10,17,24)B John Sm No.: h Road B a sv e CHASE Geo g aBANK, o be contacted at: JPMORGAN M&B File 07-5949 ge heLAW w ASSOCIATION, hFIRM a fix es and heDEBT pe DRIVE, sona NATIONAL 3415 THIS IS uACTING ASo VISION A COLCOLUMBUS, OH 43219, 866‑550‑5705. Please p ope y conveyed by sa d deed LECTOR, ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. note sa that, O.C.G.A. §o44‑14‑162.2, The e wpursuant be hetod sub ec WILL anyBEunpa d ANY INFORMATION USED the secured creditorOBTAINED to amend axes assessmen sis not ghrequired s o way ease FOR THAT PURPOSE. or modify the terms of the loan. To the best men s p o ec ve covenan s o es c N(Sept10,17,24,Oct1)B knowledge of theo undersigned, ons ens and and belief o he supe ma e s o the ina possession theysubecoparty/parties d wh may ec POWER sa d p ofope NOTICE OF ch SALE UNDER ject property known as 569 KIMSEY STREET, The sa e w be conduc ed sub ec 1 o BLAIRSVILLE, GEORGIA 30512 is/are: CYNTHIA GEORGIA, UNION COUNTY confi ma ofondefault heinsathe e spayment noSaid p oh ed R SWANSON orha tenant/tenants. property Because ofb the unde he U S Bank up cy Code and 2 ado will be sold subject to (a)byany indebtedness, secured a outstanding Security Deed fina confi ma on and aud o he s a valorem taxes (including taxes which areus a executed by w William A.hoHowell Wilmington olien,he h he de o to (b) he secumat-y butoan not yet due and payable), any Finance, a division of AIG Federal Savings deed ters which might be disclosed by an accurate Bank Marchg 3, 2005 the on amount of No cedated has inspection been ven nproperty, en o co(c) survey and of othein and $220,500.00, andees recorded intodance Deed Book all of record superior the Deed Seecmatters a o neys n acco w to h569, he Page 479, Union County, Georgia Records; as cure seteout above, including, but not e msDebt o first he no secu ed by sa d deed last Theso Bank ofheNew Yorky limited liens, Sa d transferred p to, opeassessments, y w to be d asencumbrances, p ope Company, as Trustee zoning ordinances, restrictions, oTrust Peggy Dav s N.A. andeasements, hesuccessor p oceeds o sa d covenants, The sale be conducted to JPMorgan Chase National Associasa e w beetc. app ed Bank, o hewill paymen o sa d subject to (1) confirmation that sale tion Original Trustee for theotheMLMI SURF ndebasedness he expense sa d is sanot e prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Trust Series 2005-BC3 by assignment; the aandas pfinal ov confirmation ded n sa d and deedaudit andof the heCode; un (2) staundersigned, The Banke aofdeed New oYork Trust de s gned w execu he pu tus of the loan with the holder of the security Company, successor tooned JPchase as N.A. p ovtoas ded n he a Trustee o emen deed. Pursuant O.C.G.A. Section 9‑13‑172.1, Morgan Association Secu y Chase DeedforBank, which allows certainNational procedures regardas Trusteeof forjudicial theNa MLMI Trust JPMo Chase Bank onaSURF Assoc a ing Original thegan rescission and nonjudicial Series tothe saidDeed deedUnder and on in2005-BC3 sales the State pursuant of Georgia, the secured, has declaredmay the A onote ney nother Fac foreclosure o Power andthereby documents not beamount provided confirmation Peggy Dav s of until entire said final indebtedness due and audit of the status loan as provided in An hony DeMa o of A the otoney payable and pursuant thekca power of sale the preceding paragraph. JPMORGAN McCu dy & Cand e L L C contained in said deed, will on the firstCHASE TuesBANK, N.A.1612 as Attorney in Fact CYNTHIA 404in373 day October, 2008 , during thefor legal hours R SWANSON. THISCourthouse LAW ACTING AS A www mccu dycand e FIRM com IS of sale, at the door in Union DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A F e No 08 29727 FHLMC County, sell at public outcry to the highest DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE TH S LAW RM SPURPOSE. ACT NG AS Adescribed DEBT COLin bidder for FTHAT cash, the property USED FOR 00000004759296 LECTOR S ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A said deedAND to-wit: BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIERNG LEVINE & BLOCK, DEBT ANY NFORMAT OBTA NED WbeLL All tract or parcel ofONland lying and LLPthat 15000 Surveyor Boulevard Addison, Texas BE USED PURPOSE 75001 (972) 341‑5398. ing in Telephone: theFOR 9th THAT District, 1st Section, Land Lot Legal Notices September 3rd, 2008 cause o and among o he poss b eateven o 30512, its registered agent suchsadN(Nov19,26,Dec3,10)B Sydney Brooke W. dedress au is aHugh u e Sosensky o Stone. pay he ndeb edness as File no. 08-005429 N(Aug20,27,Sept3,10)B IN THE PROBATE COURT and when due and n he manne p ov ded L. J.he SWERTFEGER, JR. y Deed The deb COUNTY OF nNOTICE No eUNION and Secu OF INTENT TO INCORPORATE SHAPIRO & SWERTFEGER, STATE GEORGIA ema nOFng n de au h s LLP* sa e of w Incorporabe made Notice is given that Articles Attorneys Counselors Law IN RE: OF which will Union Station otion heESTATE puand pose o incorporate pay ngathe same and a Condominium OwnersMINOR Assn., Inc., KYLIE LEANN LANGSTON, 2872 Woodcock Boulevard, Suite 100 expenses oto hthe s sa e as p ov ded nwill Secube delivered Secretary of State for filESTATE NO. 14-136 Atlanta, GA 30341 y Deed and by aw ncthe ud Georgia ng a o neys ing in accordance with NonCITATION FOR TEMPORARY (770) 220-2730/CC profit (O.C.G.A. Section ees noCorporation ce o n enCode oLETTERS co ec OF a GUARDo neys IANSHIP: 14-3-202.1). The ginitial registered office of ees hav ng been ven NOTICE OF PETITION FORbeTEMPORARY the corporation atLETTERS 178 In*THE FIRM ISwill ACTING AS A ec DEBT Sa d pLAW ope y wBlairsville, solocated dGA sub oCOLany OFdustrial GUARDIANSHIP OFbe MINOR Blvd., 30512, and its LECTOR. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL ou s of and ng ad vaagent o___ emDate nc ud ng initial registered at axes such address is Date mailing, if any of second pubBE USED Greg Owenby. axes wh ch THAT a e aPURPOSE. en lication, ifFOR any November 26, bu 2014no ye due N(Sept3,10,17,24)B N(Sept10,17,24,Oct1)B and payabLangford e any ma e s wh ch m gh be TO: Steven dYou scare osed by an accuthat a e Charles su vey Langston and n hereby notified TRADE NAME REGISTRATION NOTICE OFo It SALE and/or Sherry Langston filedassessmen to be appointspec on he pUNDER ope has yPOWER any s To Whom May Concern, edens temporary guardian(s) the Please be advised that,of GEORGIA, UNION COUNTY encumb ances onAdventa ng above-named o d Hospice, nances Inc. cwhose address 5959 minor. All objections theand Petition Under and bycovenan virtuetoof the Power Sale es ons sis maSouth edescribed sofoShere woodeither Forest Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70816 above to the appointment of a temporary contained in that certain co d supe oowner(s) o he Secu ySecurity Deed fi sDeed se is/are the of theofcertain business guardian or the appointment theProgress Petitioner(s) ou above and Agreement fromonBrian Cubbins Wight now being carried at 140 Ciras temporary guardian(s) must be in writing, set cle, Suite 3, Blue Ridge, GA 30513-4474 in The en y ha has u au ho y o nego (“Grantor”) to Appalachian Communityand Bank forth the groundstrade of anyname, such objections, be following Amedisys athe e with amend and mod y than ato-wit: ms o filed he (“Grantee”), dated November 6,efourteen 2006, filed this Court no later (14) Hospice of Blue Ridge, and that the nature mo gage w hnotice he deb o 6,s Health Bank Ame and recorded November 2006, inNursing Deed of said is Home days after business this is mailed, or ten o(10) days ca 2270 Lakes de B vd R cha dson TX Services. Book 676,notice Page Union County, Georgia after this is391, personally served upon you, This statement is made in conformity with 75082 1 888 219 7773 P ease unde s and Records “Security Deed”), conveying orO.C.G.A. ten (10)(the days after the second publication of § 10-1-490 et.o seq. required the ha he secu ed c ed s no equ ed this notice if you are served by publication. All the after-described property to the secure that filing of such statement with Clerk of by aw Universal omust negobeof aNote e amend o a mod he pleadings signed beforeSeptember notaryypubSuperior Court this county. certain dated 13, eThis msGeorgia o he modaygage nsclerk the 30th of July, 2008 lic or probate court and filinginfees 2007, from Grantor payable toumen Grantee the Larry President must tendered with yourand pleadings, To hebeGraham, bes know edge be eHundred ounless he original principal amount of One N(Aug27,Sept3,10,17)B you qualify to file an indigent party. Contact unde s gned heasHundred pa y nFifty possess on o Ten Thousand Two and No/100 Probate Court the below he p ope y personnel swith L nda Jat Lope o aaddress/ enan ($110,250.00), interest thereon as set telephone for amount of oforth enan snumber and d pthe operequired y srenewed, mo e com therein (assamodified and the filing yfees. mon known as 4110 Ke y C B a sv e “Note”), there willguardian be sold files at public outcry to NOTE: If a natural an objection to Geo g a 30512 the creation highest bidder for cash before the courtof the temporary guardianship, the The a door ewill w of beUnion conduc ed Ifub ec 1 guardo con Petition be dismissed. aGeorgia, natural house County, within fi onanhours ha heof asale e the noappointment p ohfirst b ed unde ianma files objection to of the the legal on the Tuesday he U S Bank up c Code and 2 o fina con petitioner(s) as guardian(s), or if a parent who in October, 2008, the following described fiis ma on and aud o he a u o he not a natural guardian files an objectionoan to property: w hPetition, he ho de o he on ecuthe matter deed shall be the a hearing ALL THAT OR OF ka LAND LYBAC HomeatTRACT Loans Se PARCEL v Ifc no ngobjection LP scheduled a later date. isCoun filed, ING AND BEING IN granted UNION ywPetition de Home Se vCOUNTY, c ng LPa GEORGIA the mayLoans be without hearing. AND LOT 65 Courthouse Suite as A BEING o neyPART nSt., FacOF o 8 OF LAND NO. 241 IN DISTRICT 9, SECTION ONE OF SAID COUNTY GA. 30512 LBlairsville, nda J Lope AND CONTAINING 0.7 ACRES, MORE (706) STATE, 439-6006 McCa a Rayme LLC OR LESS, AND DESCRIBED Dwain 1544 OBrackett dA abama Road AS FOLLOWS: BEJudge of the Court GINNING AT A gPOINT THE SOUTHWEST SIDE Roswe GeoProbate a 30076 By: Kristin Stanley OF U.S.oHIGHWAY 19, SAID www ec osu eho ne neBEGINNING POINT Clerk/Deputy ClerkATofTHE the Probate Court FORBEING LOCATED INTERSECTION MR k2 7 7 09 N(Nov19,26)B MERLY SOUTHWEST RIGHT OF WAY Ou fi e BY no THE 5604609 FT4 LINE OFOF HIGHWAY AND THE CENTERLINE EXH TSAID AGEORGIA STATEB OF Aha GRAVEL TO THE HOMEA ac ROAD o paLEADING ce o and y ng and UNION COUNTY PLACE OFLand EB Lo BROOKS; THENCE be ng nTO 29 hRUNNING D s c 1s Sec NOTICE DEBTORS AND9 CREDITORS NORTH 56 DEGREES 30 MINUTES WEST on Un on Coun y Geo g a and be ng mo e RE: Estate of Robert C. Harkins, ALONG OFh SAID S. pa cu THE a y SOUTHWEST desccreditors bed asSIDE Lo een U.13of All debtors and of the estate Robert C. 19, Harkins, deceased, ofSTAKE: Union oHIGHWAY he Wa e 194 Bauen Subd s late on and con FEET TO Av LOCUST County, are hereby to shown render a n ng Georgia, 1SOUTH 16 ac 61 es DEGREES mo e o notified ess as THENCE WEST 184 FEET their demands and payments to the Personal on a P a o su vey by Jack S an ey Un on TO THE CENTERLINE OF A GRAVEL ROAD; Representative(s) ofdathe according to Coun y su veyo 81 ed estate, 5 11 81 andALONG be ng THENCE SOUTH DEGREES EAST the law, and all persons indebted to said estate eco CENTERLINE ded n P a Book J Page 178 ROAD; n he THE OF SAID GRAVEL are required to make immediate payment to the O fice o SOUTH he C e81k DEGREES o he Supe o ALONG Cou THENCE EAST Personal Representative(s). and sa dday P aof November, s SAID nco po a ed he e n 132 by THE CENTERLINE GRAVEL ROAD This 12th 2014. e e ence he e o o a u and comp ee FEET; THENCE By: Robyn H. StillSOUTH 72 DEGREES 30 MINdesc p Ridge onALONG o Ct.he above p ope y OF SAID UTES EAST THE CENTERLINE 67 Knoll Sub ec ROAD oGA.a 30528 oadway as THENCE shown on he Cleveland, GRAVEL 100 FEET; NORTH p a N(Nov19,26,Dec3,10)B 71 DEGREES 30 MINUTES EAST ALONG THE Sub ec o es c ons eco ded n Un on CENTERLINE OF SAID GRAVEL ROAD 103 Coun y OF eco dsUNDER n deed bookOF119 NOTICE SALE POWER FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST SIDE SAIDpages U. S. GEORGIA, COUNTY 294 295 UNION HIGHWAY 19 AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING. By virtue of an a Power of Saleo contained in Sub ec o easemen B ue RPLAT dge SAID PROPERTY FULLY DESCRIBED IN A that certain Security Deed from KENNETH Moun a n EMS ded n UnREGISTERED on CounM.y PREPARED BY E.ELECTRONIC FRALEY, GIBBS to MORTGAGE REGISTRAeco ds n deed book 170 pages 666 668 SURVEYOR, DATED DECEMBER 1962. TION SYSTEMS, AS 1, NOMINEE FOR G anindebtedness o a so gINC., ansecured sSOLELY o g an a non ex The by ee said Security BANK D/B/A REGIONS cREGIONS us ve pe pe ua easemen s oMORTGAGE, he use Deed been and is hereby declared due dated has November 8, 2010, recorded November o22, 2010, he subd v s on oads o ng ess and in Deed Book of, 850,among Page 450, and payable because other, Union poseg ess o he above p opesaid y Security County, Georgia sible events of09Records, default, failure to payDeed the MR k2 7 7given having been to secure a Note of indebtedness as and when and ineven the Ou fiine the no 5604609 FT4 due date original principal amount of Two manner provided in the Note. The debt reHundred Nineteen Thousand Seven Hundred maining in00/100 default, this sale will be made NOT SALE UNDER POWER FortyCE andOF dollars ($219,740.00), with for the OF purpose ofApaying andsaid all STATE GEORGas interest thereon providedthe forsame therein, expenses of UN this sale,been as provided the SeSecurity Deed having last sold,inassigned COUNTY OF ON curity Deed andvto byue law, attorney’s and transferred REGIONS REUnde and by o including heBANK PoweD/B/A o Sa e fees intent collect attorney’s GIONS MORTGAGE, thereoto will be sold at public con a(notice ned n ofa Deed Secu e Deb om outcry to the highest bidder for cash at the fees having been given as provided by law). Ca H F e sche J and C ndy D F e sche Union County Courthouse, within the legal The property for cash11 or 2004 certio Dan e E onwill Aabe onsold da ed June hoursfunds of sale onnthe firstBook Tuesday in page December, fied and subject to any and all matand eco ded Deed 529 742 2014, all property described in said Security terson of Coun recordysuperior to said Un deed ds toSecurity he shaDeed, be Deed including but noteco limited thee following outstanding ad valorem matters so d a pub c ou c y otaxes, he hany ghes bd described property which might be disclosed by an accurate de o cash be o e he Cou house doo ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING survey inspection the zonn UnBEING onand Coun y Geo w property, h n 1ST he SECega AND IN THE 16THgofaDISTRICT, hou sLAND o saLOT e on22 he s Tuesday Ju y ing ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and TION, OF fiUNION COUNTY,nGEOR2009 ow JuTRACT y the 7 2009 he if oany. ow ng easements against property, The GIA, AND BEING A CONTAINING 2.130 desc bed ea p ope y o w ACRES, MORE OR LESS, AS SHOWN ON PLAT OF sale will be conducted as set forth herein SURVEY BYac ROCHESTER A ha to o pa ce &o ASSOCIATES and toy the ng INC., and subject (1) confirmation prior sale DATED 16, AND be ngtheSEPTEMBER nsale Landis Lo 1791996, & 180 9 RECORDED h Dthe s U.S. c that notsprohibited under IN PLAT BOOK 37, PAGE 66, UNION COUNTY, 1s Sec on Code Un on y Geo g a con Bankruptcy andCoun (2) final confirmation GEORGIA RECORDS, SAID PLAT IS INCORPOa n ng a o a o 4 543 ac es and be ng and audit prior to theAsale of the status of DEthe RATED HEREIN FORac MORE COMPLETE Lo Two 1holder 789 S x 6Deed. 0 839 loan with 2the ofes the Lo Security SCRIPTION OF THE SUBJECT ac es Lo Seven 7 right 1 22PROPERTY. acsell es the and Lo Grantee reserves the to propALSO CONVEYED IS A PERPETUAL NON-EXCLUN nein 9one0parcel 695 FOR acores o entirety, AaAND on sEGRESS Cainch as erty as an or such SIVE EASEMENT INGRESS ON shown a p a ROAD, omay suelect, vey Tam ok RUN Asin parcels asWOODS Grantee as permitted EXISTINGon SAIDby ROAD TO soc a es nc RS #2599 da ed 6 26 95 and FROM FAIRVIEW the Security Deed.ROAD. ALSO AN EASEMENT eco ded a Book 33 page Un on FOR INGRESS EGRESS OVER 132 THE EXISTTo the bestnofPAND the undersigned’s knowledge Coun y ecoROAD ds property wh ch desc pWOODS on at onROAD sa d ING WOODS WHICH LEADS and belief, the is located 1955 p a s he eby nco po a ed by e e enced WHICHPoint, LEADSBlairsville, FROM THE Union GRAVEL ROAD TO US Piney County, Georand made a pa he eo The p ope HIGHWAY 19 AND 129 AS RECORDED ON WARgia 30512, and the party in possession ofythes RANTY DEED RECORDED IN UNION COUNTY REsub ec o he es c ons and amendmen property Brian Cubbins Wight, or his tenCORDS INisDEED aant ached The BOOK p ope282, y PAGE s o he tenants. Saidorlegal description being controlling, easemen o B ue R dge Moun a n EMChowe APPALACHIAN COMMUNITY BANK448 everded the property is more commonly known as co n Deed Book 232 page Un on as Attorney-in-Fact for Brian Cubbins Wight 141 FAIRVIEW AVE, BLAIRSVILLE, GA 30512. Coun y eco ds G an o g an s o g an ee Thompson, Kemp &by Nasuti, indebtedness said P.C. Security aThenon exc O’Brien, us ve secured pe pe ua easemen o Deed has beenParkway and is hereby declared due 40 South, Suite heTechnology use oof he subd v s on oads o 300 ng ess because default under the terms of said Norcross, Georgia 30092 and eg ess o he above p ope y Security Deed and Note. The indebtedness re(770) 925-0111 The ndeb edness this secu edwill by besamade d deed maining in FIRM default, sale for THIS LAW IS ACTING AS A DEBT o secu e deb has been and sall he ebyCOLde the purpose of paying the same, expenses ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. cLECTOR a ed due because o among o he pos of the sale, including attorneys’ fees (notice to sANY b eINFORMATION even o de OBTAINED au a uWILL eand o BE pay he collect sames having been given) all USED other FOR THAT PURPOSE. ndeb edness as and when the dueterms and of n the he payments provided for under N(Sept10,17,24,Oct1)B Security Deed manne p ov and ded Note. n he No e and Deed o Said property sold on ann“as-is” baSecu e Deb will Thebedeb ema ng n de sis any or NOTICE SALE UNDER POWER au without hOF s sa e w representation, be made o warranty he pu pose recourse against the above-named or the unCOUNTY oGEORGIA, pay ng UNION he same and a expenses o he dersigned. The sale will also be subject to the Under and of the sa e nc udby ng virtue easonab e aPower o neyof s Sale ees following which mayec affect title: any contained that Security Deed no ce o items ninen oncertain o co a othe ney s and ees outstanding from ad valorem taxes (including taxes Agreement John Craig Stephens and hav ng been g ven as p ov ded by aw which are a lien, whether or not now due and The saStephens e the w right be(“Grantors”) conduc ed to sub o 1 Chad Appalachian payable); of redemption of ec any taxing confi ma matters onBank ha which he sawould e s be nodated p ohOcb Community (“Grantee”), authority; disclosed ed unde he U S Bank up cy Code and tober 2007,survey filed and October by an 26, accurate or byrecorded an inspection of 229, confi mazoning on and aud o he 2007, in Deed Book 733, Page as 69,assessUnion thefina property; all ordinances; amoun and s encumbrances; a us o he (the oanrestrictions; w h he ments; liens; County, Georgia Records “Security ho de oconveying he oother Secu e Deb of record covenants, andDeed anythe matters Deed”), after-described propsuperior towsaidbe Security Deed. The sa he certain d sub ecUniversal o any Note ou erty to esecure that Toand the ng best of the knowledge and belief of the sdated ad va o em axes nc ud ng axes October 26, 2007, from John Craig undersigned, inand posseswh ch a epayable a the enowner bu noandyeparty due pay Stephens to Grantee in the original sion of the property is KENNETH M. GIBBS, ab e heamount gh oof Seventy-Eight edemp on o Thousand any axor principal tenants(s). ng Hundred au ho yFifty anyand maNo/100 e s wh ch m gh Six ($78,650.00), The sale will be conducted subject (1) to conbe dinterest sc osedthereon by an accu a e su vey and with therein (the firmation that the saleas is set notforth prohibited under nspec on o he p ope y any assess “Note”), there will be soldand at public outcry to the U.S. Bankruptcy Code (2) to final conmen s ens encumb ances ccourtons the highest bidder for beforees firmation and audit of cash the status ofthe the loan and e sofo Union d supe Georgia, o o hewithin Deed with ma thedoor holder ofeco the County, Security Deed. house o Secu Deb fiofssale se on outhe above Regions holds duly the legaleMortgage., hours the firstendorsed Tuesday To heand besis know edge and be eofodescribed un Note the current thehe Secuin October, 2008, the assignee following de s gned he pa y n possess on o he rity Deed to your property. Regions Mortgage, property: pacting ope on y behalf s Ca ofH and, F e sche J andinC conndy as necessary, All that tract parcel ofHome land and sultation withoroFederal Loan Mortgage D F e sche a enan o lying enan s being The in Land yLots ¤t 166, District, (the ono Secyour pCorporation ope w 165 be so d as8th heinvestor p ope y1st Ca tion, Union County, Georgia, and being shown loan), is the entity with the full authority to H F e sche J and C ndy D F e sche and as 19amend, ando20sa ofdMaple Springs negotiate, and modify all terms of your heLots p oceeds sa e sha be Subdiviapp ed sion, aspaymen per plat of sa survey dated 11/04/05, loan. to oO.C.G.A. 44-14-162.2, you o hePursuant d §ndeb edness and may contactbyRegions prepared he expenses oSouthern sa dMortgage sa eGeosystems, ncat:ud ng a LTD, o REGIONSC.BANK D/B/A REGIONS MORTGAGE James Jones, GA GRL, and recorded in ney ees a Farms as p ov ded o n sa d Deed 7130sBook Goodlett Parkway Plat 56, Page 313, Union County, Georo Secu e Deb and he unde s gned w Cordova, TN 38016 gia records, whichoplat by reference execu e a deed pu ischase a sa dincorsa e 800-734-4667 porated herein made part hereof. as p ovnote ded o and npursuant he a oaemen oned §deed Please that, to O.C.G.A. 44The indebtedness secured by said Security o secu e you deb are not entitled by law to an 14-162.2, Deed has been and is hereby declared due Dan e E on Aa on as a o ney n ac o amendment or modification of the terms of and because of, Camong other posCa Hloan. F e The sche J and ndy F e sche your payable entity having fullDauthority to sible of DeLo default, to pay negotiate, amend or modify of the Ange aevents S ewa mefailure P all C terms loan (although not required by law to do so) is: indebtedness as and when due and in the A o neys a Law Regions Loss Dept., manner provided in theMitigation Note. The debt7130 reP O BoxMortgage, 1549 Goodlett Farms maining in default, this Cordova, sale will TN be 38016, made B ue R dge GA Parkway, 30513 Telephone Number: 800-748-9498. 706the632 0444 of paying the same and all for purpose REGIONS BANK D/B/A REGIONS MORTGAGE TH S LAW RM S ATTEMPT NG inTOtheCOL expenses ofFthis sale, as provided Seas Attorney in Fact for LECT A DEBT ONbyBEHALF OF THEattorney’s ABOVE curity Deed law, including KENNETH M. and GIBBS REFERENCED LENDER AND ANY NFORMA fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY BE HELD TO BE Tfees ONhaving OBTA NED W LL BE USEDUNDER FOR THAT given as provided by law). ACTING AS Abeen DEBT COLLECTOR, FEDPURPOSE The willANY be INFORMATION sold for cashOBTAINED or certiERALproperty LAW. IF SO, WILLfunds BE USED THAT PURPOSE. fied andFOR subject to any and all matAttorney Contact: RubintoLublin, LLC, 3740 Daters of record superior said Security Deed, STATE OF GEORG A Peachtree vinci Court, Suite 150, Corners, GA outstanding ad valorem taxes, any matters 30092 might COUNTY OF UN which beON disclosed by an accurate Telephone Number: (877) 813-0992 Case No. NOT CE OF SALE UNDER POWER survey and inspection of the property, zonREG-14-05218-1 Because o a derestrictions, au n he paymen o and he ing ordinances, covenants, Ad Dates 11/12/2014, ndebRun edness secu11/05/2014, ed property, by a Secu y Deed easements against the if any. The 11/19/2014, 11/26/2014 execu ed be by conducted S an ey G asGaset dnefortho herein Mo sale will gage E ec onconfirmation c Reg s a on Systoems nc subject to (1) prior the sale N(Nov5,12,19,26)B da ed Ap 24 2008 and eco ded n that the sale is not prohibited under theDeed U.S. Book 759 Page 127 (2)Un on confirmation Coun y Re Bankruptcy Code and final co ds sa d Secu y Deed hav ng been as anddaudit status of the so ass prior gnedto the anssale e of edthe and conveyed loan withnmen the holder of the Deeds.a o Gove Na ona MoSecurity gage Assoc Grantee reserves the right to sell the on by Ass gnmen secu ng a No e propn he erty as an entirety, or 493 in such o g in naone p parcel nc pa oramoun o $179 00 parcels as Grantee in he ho de he eo may pu elect, suan asopermitted sa d Deed the Security and No e heDeed. eby secu ed has dec a ed he To the best of the undersigned’s knowledge en e amoun o sa d ndeb edness due and property is located at Lots 19 and belief, payabthe e and pu suan o he powe Maple Springs Union o& 20 sa eofcon a ned n sa dSubdivision, Deed w on he County, Georgia, the parties possesfi s Tuesday Ju and y 7 2009 du ngin he ega sion of John Craig Stephens hou s othesaproperty e be o are e he Cou house doo and Chad Stephens, or their tenant or n sa d Coun y se a pub c ou c y otenhe ants. h ghes b dde o cash he p ope y de APPALACHIAN sc bed n sa dCOMMUNITY Deed o w BANK as Attorney-in-Fact John Craig Stephens ALL THAT TRACT ORfor PARCEL OF LAND LY NG and Chad Stephens AND BE NG N LAND LOT 127 OF THE 10TH Thompson, O’Brien, Kemp Nasuti, P.C. D STR CT 1ST SECT ON &UN ON COUNTY GEORG A BE Parkway NG LOT South, 6 FORTENBERRY 40 Technology Suite 300 CREEK RETREAT SUBD V S ON CONTA N Norcross, Georgia 30092 NG 1925-0111 040 ACRES MORE OR LESS AS PER (770) PLAT RECORDED PLAT AS BOOK 40 PAGE THIS LAW FIRM IS N ACTING A DEBT COL111 UN ATTEMPTING ON COUNTY TO GEORG A RECORDS LECTOR COLLECT A DEBT. WH RECORDED OBTAINED PLAT S NCORPORATED ANYCH INFORMATION WILL BE USED HERE N BY TH S REFERENCE AND MADE FOR THAT PURPOSE. A PART OF TH S DESCR PT ON PARCEL D N(Sept10,17,24,Oct1)B NUMBER 089 043 A06 SUBJECT TO ANY EASEMENTS ORUNDER RESTRPOWER CT ONS OF RE NOTICE OF SALE CORD GEORGIA, UNION COUNTY Sa d p ope y s known as 650 EchoofVa Because of a default in the payment the ey B a sv e secured GA 30512 he w Deed ha indebtedness by aoge Security fix u es and pe sona p ope y a ached executed by Birlie Wayne Deyton and Nancyo and a pa o saMortgage d p ope Cory Lynncons Deytonu tongNew Century any poration dated August 9, 2005, and recorded Sa d p ope y w be so d sub ec o any in Deed Book 596, Page 632, Union County ou s andsaid ng ad va o Deed em axes nc udlast ng Records, Security having been axesassigned, wh ch a etransferred a en wheand he conveyed o no now sold, to due and payab e he gh o edemp on HSBC as o any Bank ax ngUSA, au hoNational y anyAssociation, ma e s wh ch Trustee for ACE 2006-NC1, by Assignment m gh be d sc osed by an accu a e su vey securing a Note the poriginal and nspec on oin he ope y principal any as amount ofs $183,200.00, the ances holder thereof sessmen ens encumb zon ng Note thereby opursuant d nancesto said es cDeed ons and covenan s and secured has declared the entire amount ma e s o eco d supe o o he Secu ofy said due and payable and, Deed indebtedness fi s se ou above pursuant of ed salesub contained The sa e to w thebepower conduc ec 1 ino said Deed, willha on the firste Tuesday, October confi ma on he sa s no p oh b ed 7, 2008,he during legal of sale, unde U S the Bank uphours cy Code andbefore 2 o the Courthouse door in said County, sell at fina confi ma on and aud o he s a us cash,y opublic he outcry oan wtohthe hehighest ho de bidder o he for secu the property described in said Deed, to-wit: deed All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 210, 17th District, 1st Section, UnionCE County, Georgia containing NOT OF SALE UNDER POWER7.497 acres as shown on aONplat of survey by LandTech GEORG A UN COUNTY Because o de au 8/31/04, n he paymen o he Services, Inc. dated revised 6/16/05 ndeb edness secu ed by Secu 86y Union Deed recorded in Plat Book 56 aPage execu ed by Abe a do He ed a and M ka County Records which description onnusaid He o Mo gage E ecbyon c Reg s and a plated is aincorporated herein reference on Sys emshereof. nc da ed Ma ch 19 2007 n made a part he amoun 800 to 00the androad ecoeaseded The propertyois$268 subject n DeedasBook 699 Pageplat. 26 Un on Coun y ments shown on said Geo g a Reco ds as as ans e ed The property is subject to the restrictions at-o Deu sche Bank Na ona T us Company tached hereto. as us ee o isAme can to Home gage TheT property subject the Mo easement Asse s T us 3 Mountain Mo gage EMC Backed granted to Blue2007 Ridge as Pass Th ough Ce fica es Se es 2007 recorded in Deed Book 538 Page 258 Union3 by ass gnmen he unde s gned Deu sche County Records. Bank Na onais subject T us Company as Tstream us ee The property to the 50 foot o Amethecan Mo buffer gage Asse s T 100 us buffer, 100Home foot well and the 2007 3 Mo gage Backed Pass Th foot spring head buffer as shown onough said Ce plat. fica es Se es 2007 3 pu suan o sa d deed and he no e he eby secu ed has de grantor to grantee non-excThe a ed he engrants e amoun o sa d andeb ed clusive perpetual easement of suan ingresso and ness due and payab e and pu he egress to the above described property powe o sa e con a ned n sa d deed w along Amour Drive running from U.S. 76 as on he fi s Tuesday n Ju y 2009 du ng shown on hou said splat. he ega o sa e a he Cou house Said property known as 2108 Amour Drive, doo n Un onisCoun y se a pub c ou cy Blairsville, GA b30512, o he h ghes dde together o cash with he p all opefix-y tures and personal property attached to and desc bed n sa d deed o w constituting property, A ha ac aopart pa of cesaid o and y ngifand Said anyLand outng nproperty he 16 will h Dbe s sold c subject 1s Sectoon standing ad valorem (including Lo s 22 and 23 o Untaxes on Coun y Geotaxes ga which are a lien, whether or not now con a n ng 1 253 ac es mo e o ess due as N(Nov5,12,19,26)B 308 of Union County, Georgia, and being Tract 1, containing 2.357 acres, more or less, as STATE NOTICE OF GEORG POWER shown OF on aSALE PlatUNDER ofASurvey by Landtech SerSTATE OF OF GEORGIA COUNTY UN ON vices, Inc., dated March 6, 2003, and recordCOUNTY OF UNION NOT CE OF SALE UNDER POWER ed in Union County records inpayment Plat Book 54, Because of oa default in the of the BY V 287. RTUE he powe o sa e con a ned Page Saidsecured Plat is incorporated herein, by indebtedness by that certain Security n a Deed o Secu e Deb da ed Sep embe reference hereto, for a 29, full 2000, and complete deDeed, dated November executed by 1scription 2006 om G eg S ude o G & H Fa ms of the above described property. in Ricky nc Hughes n he too Bank g naOne, p N.A., nc parecorded amoun Deed Book 360,property Page 12,address Union County, Georwhich has the of 643 Chafogia $480 00 and ecosecuring ded n aDeed Book Deed 000 Records, Note in the fin Street, Blairsville, together 666 Pages 70 74amount UnGeorgia., onofCoun y Deedwith e original principal $91,200.00, said all fixtures and other personal property co ds he e wlastbe so d been a pub c ouconc toy Security Deed having assigned veyed by said deed. o cash o he h ghes b dde be o e he CENTRAL MORTGAGE COMPANY, current The sale will be held subject to the any unpaid Cou house doo n Un on the Coun y Geo ga holder thereof, has declared entire amount taxes, du said ng assessments, he ega hou evidenced srights-of-way, o sa e on heeasefis of indebtedness by the Note ments, protective covenants or restrictions, Tuesday n due Ju yand2009 by and, G &pursuant H Fa ms immediately payable to liens, other ofSecurity record the of sale contained nc power aand o ney nsuperior ac o matters G inegsaid S ude he which may affect said Deed, on thebed firstpproperty. Tuesday o owwill, ng desc ope y ino December, w The ha sale will subject (1) 2014 to-wit: December, during legal A ac o bepaconducted ce 2014, o and y ngthe and beto hours sale,Lo before Union County confirmation that sale is ng nofLand 88theothe he 8 hnot D prohibited s cCourt1s house door, sell at public to highest underon theo U.S. Bankruptcy Code (2) Sec Un on Coun outcry y Geo g the aand be ng toa bidder for following reale final and ofbethengstatus o a oconfirmation 17cash, ac esthe mo e oaudit essdescribed mo property: of thefica loany with the the security spec desc bedholder as land Loof5lying cons ng All that tract or parcel of in sLand odeed. 5253, 40 ac es mo o ess1 ofLoUnion 8 cons s Lot District 17, eSection County, Notice has been given of intention to collect ng o 7 51 ac es mo e o ess Lo 9 con Georgia, containing 1.1 acres, more or less, in sattorneys’ ng o on 2fees 03 acaccordance es survey mo e by owith esstheStanley, Loterms 11 assshown a plat of Jack cons snote ng secured o in 1 38 es mo e o 37, essUnion and of therecorded byBook said deed. C.S., Platac H, Page Lo cons swill ngbe o sold 05,68as ac moplat e oof Said13 property thees property County records on May 1978. Said is ess as A. shown onand pbya the o su veythereto p epa ed incorporated herein reference for William Howell proceeds of said aby complete Jack S and an eyaccurate Un Coun y Geo gthea sale will be applied to on thedescription payment ofofsaid property conveyed. Su veyo hereby andthe eco ded ofn said P a sale, Book L indebtedness, expense all as The aforedescribed property Page 51 in Unsaid on Coun yand Geo g aundersigned ecoisdsalsoo provided deed,real the known as 476 Alfred Hughes Road, Blairswh ch e e ence s he eby made o a mo will execute a deed to335 theAlfred purchaser asRoad, pro-e ville, GA a/k/a a Hughes comp e e30514 and accu e egaSecurity desc pDeed. on vided in the aforementioned Blairsville, GA 30512, according to the present Conveyance s made sub Company, ec o heN.A.oad The Bank of New Yorkhouses Trust as system numbering Union County, gh o of way easemen s ainong he Bank, Eas successor Trustee to JPMorgan Chase Georgia. No heas and Sou h bounda es o sa d National as Original for This sale Association will be conducted subjectTrustee (1) to conLo 11 asthat shown on Series pisanot o 2005-BC3 su vey eco d firmation the sale prohibited under the MLMI SURF Trust ed n P aBankruptcy 169 (2) Untoonfinal Coun y the U.S. Code and conAttorney inBook Fact M for Page Geo g aA. Reco ds as to the amount and stafirmation and audit William Howell Sub ec o B anke Easemen om G ego tus of theDeMarlo, loan withAttorney/kgrant the holder of the Securityy Anthony G S ude oCandler, Bbut ue not RL.L.C. dge E ecto, acdeterminaMembe Deed, including limited McCurdy & tionpthat reinstated the sh Co the po borrower a on dahas ed not May 29 2008 (404)prior 373-1612 loan to the foreclosure sale. eco ded May 29 2008 n Deed Book 762 The name, and Pages 360address 361 Un ontelephone Coun y number Deed eof File No. 08-08022 /CONVwith full authority to the individual or entity co ds THIS LAW amend FIRM ISand ACTING ASallAterms negotiate, modify ofCOLthe CURRENT OWNER AND PARTY NDEBT POSSES Note Security Deed Mortgage LECTOR IS TO ATTEMPTING TO SCOLLECT A S ON and BELAND EVED BE Mis Central G eg ude 989 Company, Homeowner’s Assistance DEBT. INFORMATION WILLDeBE Da onANY S Attn: ee EJohn ay Barrow GA OBTAINED 30540 partment, 801 Road, Suite 1, USED ndeb FOR THAT PURPOSE. ed by sa d deed The edness Little Rock, AR 72205.secu The telephone number is N(Sept10,17,24,Oct1) o secu e deb Option hav ng1,been dec a ed due 1-800-366-2132, ext. 5609. and payab e because o sold de au h stosa Said real property will be subject anye NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER w be made o he pu pose o pay ngtaxes he outstanding ad valorem taxes (including GEORGIA, COUNTY same and alien, expenses o due he and sa epayable), nc ud which are aUNION but not yet Because of redemption default the payment of ng right a o of ney s ees innoof ce o taxing n enauthorontheo the any indebtedness, secured by Security ity, which disclosed by co any ec matters a o ney s eesmight hava be ng been gDeed ven executed bysurvey Kristi K. Lariscy andofTrevor C. an inspection the real as paccurate ov ded by awand property, encumLariscy Option The sa etowany beassessments, he One d subMortgage ec liens, o anyCorporaunpa d brances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covtion January 25, 2007s wh in the amount axesdated o o he assessmen ch may be enants, and record the ofens $322,500.00, in Deed toBook aga nsmatters saand d pofrecorded ope y superior Security Deed first out 690,dPage 44,yUnion County, Sa p ope w set be soabove. d Georgia as he pRecords; ope y Upon information and belief, real property last transferred to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. oas eg S ude and he pe said son be eved is G presently in the possession ors control of o be he cu en owne s and paLoan es as Trustee for Option One Mortgage Ricky Hughes AND/OR Mary Ann Walker and n possess as sale s a ed andto Sehe Trust 2007-5on Asset-Backed Certificates, the proceeds of said willabove be applied the p oceeds d sa e w thebe app edex-o ries 2007-5 bysa assignment; undersigned, payment ofosaid indebtedness and all the he paymen osale, saN.A. dincluding ndeb edness ex Wells Fargo Bank, as Trustee for he Option penses of said attorney’s fees, penses o sa d insa e aSecurity as p 2007-5 ovDeed ded and n sathed all provided said OneasMortgage Loan Trust Assetdeed secu e deb and he distributed undepursuant s gned excess if any, will 2007-5 be as Backedoproceeds, Certificates, Series provided by law. w execu e and a deed o he pu chase a to said deed the note thereby secured, CENTRAL MORTGAGE COMPANY sa d sa e as p ov ded n he a o emen has declared the entire amount of said inas Attorney-in-Fact oned deeddue o secu e deb and pursuant to debtedness andfor payable RICKY G &power H HUGHES Fa ms nccontained as A o inney n Fac o the of Ratterree sale Ellis, Painter, & Adamssaid LLP deed, will G eg S ude theBryan first Tuesday in October, 2008 , dur2on East Street, 10th Floor G W am L e ing the legal hours31401 of sale, at the Courthouse Savannah, G Win amGeorgia L County, e PCatdba B ue R dge door Union sell public outcry to (912) 233-9700 Law the highest bidder the property deTHIS LAW FIRM MAYforBEcash, ATTEMPTING TO COL931 Eas Ma n S ee LECT A in DEBT. OBTAINED scribed said ANY deedINFORMATION to-wit: B R gTHAT a 30513 WILL BEdge USEDGeo Allue that tract orFOR parcel ofPURPOSE. land lying and being N(Nov5,12,19,26)B in Land Lot #125 of the 8th District and 1st Section of Union City, Georgia and being more NOT CE OF SALE UNDER POWER particularly described as Lot 23, containing GEORG A UN ON COUNTY 0.357 acres or paymen less, of theo Lake Because o ofdeland, au more n he he Worth shownyonDeed plat ndeb Nottely ednessClub, secuInc. edS/D by as a Secu of survey execu ed prepared by Cyn hby a Rochester Queen and& AssociTommy ates, Inc.o GRLS# 2653E ec dated Queen Mo gage onMarch c Reg 11, s a1997 on recorded Book 47, Page1571,2006 Union Sys ems inncPlat da ed Novembe n County Records. Said recorded plat is hereby he amoun o $170 000 00 and eco ded made a part of 680 this deed reference thereto n Deed Book Pageby 557 Un on Coun y for a gmore complete description of the aboveo Geo a Reco ds as as ans e ed described W sh e Cproperty. ed Co po a on by ass gnmen Said property is conveyed subject he unde s gned W sh e C ed Co to po all a easements, restriction, way on pu suan o sa d and deedrights and ofhe noase set on recorded oraasedappearing he forth eby secu ed hasplat dec he en ofe record. o sa d ndeb edness due and pay amoun Thee above described is theo same ab and pu suan oproperty he powe sa e property con a nedasn conveyed sa d deedbywWarranty on he Deed fis dated Apriln12, from Lake Tuesday Ju1989 y 2009 du Worth ng heNottely ega hou o in safavor e a ofhe CouKapua house n Club,sInc. Cleto anddoo Cheryl Un on recorded Coun y se a pub ou cPage y o 779, he Kapua in Deed Bookc 183, h ghes b dde o cash he p ope y de Union County Records. sc bedhasn the sa dproperty deed oaddress w which of 8041 Lake The ow ngBlairsville, ea p ope Georgia., y desc bed as View oCircle, together A ac o and paother ce opersonal and yproperty ng and with ha all fixtures be ng n Land Lo 213 9 h D s c 1s conveyed by said deed. Sec on Un Geo g to a any con unpaid a n ng The sale willonbeCoun held ysubject 4taxes, 50 ac assessments, e and be ng shown as T ac One 1 rights-of-way, easeon a p aprotective o su veycovenants by B a svor erestrictions, Su vey ng ments, Co nc RS #22287 da ed 10 14 05 and liens, and other superior matters of record eco ded P a said Bookproperty. 56 Page 247 Un on which maynaffect Coun y Reco ch desc subject p on on(1)sato d The sale will ds be wh conducted p a s nco po ed sale he eisn not by prohibited e e ence confirmation thata the and made a pa he eo under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to The ope y s sub o an easemen final pconfirmation andecaudit of the status ngloan ess with and the eg ess oveof the ac oss and ofo the holder security h ough sa d p ope y se v ng he ad acen deed. p ope y shown as T ac 2 on he above Notice haspbeen of intention to collect e e ence a o given su vey attorneys’ with exc the terms G an o g fees an sinoaccordance G an ee a non us ve of the note secured by said easemen o ng ess anddeed. eg ess o he Said property be sold theoss property of above p ope will y ove andas ac he 30 Kristi K. Lariscy and C. Lariscy oo easemen o dTrevor ho ow ane and unn the ng proceeds of said sale will be applied to the o and om Honake Road as shown on payment sa d p a of said indebtedness, the expense of said sale, all as provided and Common y known as 9601 in O dsaid Ho deed, ow Lane thea undersigned will execute a deed to the B sv e GA 30512 purchaser by as provided aforementioned Howeve show ng inhthe s add ess no ad Security Deed.age s p ov ded d ona cove Wells wh chFargo has Bank, he p N.A. ope as y Trustee add essforo Option 6091 One Mortgage O d Ho ow Ln Loan B a Trust sv e 2007-5 Geo g aAsseto Backed ge he wCertificates, h a fix uSeries es and2007-5 o he pe sona Attorney Fact for by sa d deed p ope y in conveyed KristisaK.eLariscy C. Lariscy The w beand he dTrevor sub ec o any unpa d axes assessmen s gh s o way ease Anthony DeMarlo, Attorney/isheffield men s p&oCandler, ec ve L.L.C. covenan s o es c McCurdy ons 373-1612 ens and o he supe o ma e s o (404) eco d wh ch may a ec sa d p ope y The sa e08-04922 w be /CONV conduc ed sub ec 1 o File No. confi ma FIRM on haIS ACTING he sa e AS s noA DEBT p oh bCOLed THIS LAW unde U SISBank up cy Code and 2 Ao LECTORhe AND ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT fina confi ma on and aud o he s a us DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE oUSED heFOR oanTHAT w hPURPOSE. he ho de o he secu y deed N(Sept10,17,24,Oct1)B No ce has been g ven o n en on o co ec a oOFneys n acco dance w h he NOTICE SALEees UNDER POWER e ms o of hethe nopower e secuofed by contained sa d deedin a By virtue sale Sa d ptoope y wDebtbebysoGary d asGuffey he pand opeDe-y Deed Secure oniseCyn h a Queen and Tommy Queen and Guffey to Mortgage Electronic Registrahe p oceeds o sa d sa e w be app ed tion Systems, Inc. (“MERS”) as nominee for o he paymen o sa d ndeb edness America’s Wholesale Lender, dated April he 9, expense sa for d sa e a May as p 1,ov2007 dedinnDeed sa d 2007 and ofiled record deed and he unde s gned w execu e Book 705, Page 702, Union County, Georgiaa deed o he pu chase as p ov ded n he records, securing in the original a o emenandoned Secu a yNote Deed principal $216,000.00; last transW sh e Camount ed Coofpo a on ferred to The Bank A o ney n Fac o of New York as Trustee for the Benefitand of Tommy the Certificate Cyn h a Queen Queen holders CWABS, Asset-Backed An hony Inc. DeMa o A o ney Certificates, p an cka Series 2007-9 by Assignment McCu dy & Cand e L L C filed for record March 27, 2008, in Deed Book 754, Page 12, 404 373 1612 Union mccu County,dycand Georgiae records, www com there will be at a09 public outcry for cash to the highest Fsold e No 11986 FNMA bidder before theSCourthouse of Union TH S LAW F RM ACT NG AS door A DEBT COL County, Georgia, between legal hours of LECTOR AND S ATTEMPT the NG TO COLLECT A sale onANY the first Tuesday October, DEBT NFORMAT ONinOBTA NED 2008, W LL by The Bank NewPURPOSE York as Trustee for the BE USED FORofTHAT Benefit of the Certificate holders CWABS, Inc. Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2007-9 as Attorney-in-Fact STATE OF GEORGfor A Gary Guffey and Denise Guffey theOFfollowing COUNTY UN ON property to-wit: NOT CE OFTRACT SALE or UNDER ALL THAT parcelPOWER of land lying and Unde v District, ue o he o Land sa e being inand theby 10th 1stpowe Section, con a ned n a Secu y Deed om R CKY Lot 91, of Union County, Georgia, containing L1.500 BROWN JOEY L BROWN o TOWNS acres,AND more or less, as shown on plat COUNTY N K A UN&TED COMMUNInc., TY of surveyBANK by Rochester Associates, BANK da ed 1994 in ecoUnion ded dated July 2, Decembe 2001, and 1recorded Decembe 1 1994 n Deed Book 226 County Records in Plat Book 47, Page 245. Page 77 isUn on Coun yherein, Geo gbya reference eco ds Said plat incorporated as modfor fied byand Mod fica ondescription o Secu ofy thereto, a full complete Deed da ed Janua property. y 15 2009 eco ded the above described Ma 31 described 2009 n Deed Book 794known Page The ch above property is also 230 Un on Coun y g a Blairsville, eco ds saGA d as 1295 Horseshoe Geo Lane, Secu 30512. y Deed be ng g ven o secu e a No e omindebtedness R CKY L BROWN AND by JOEY L Deed BROWN The secured said to da ed Janua y 15 2009 he o g na n Secure Debt having beenn declared duepand cpayable pa amoun o Fo y Two Thousand One because of default in the payment of Hund ed Seven y secured and 77 100 $42this 170sale 77 the indebtedness thereby, Do a s w h n e es om da e a a a e will be the purpose paying the pe cenmade pe for annum on he ofunpa d ba same and allpaexpenses ance un d he e of w sale, be including so d by athe torney’s fees, if applicable. unde s gned a pub c ou c y o he h ghes The property will be sold as the property b dde o cash be o e he Cou house doo aforesaid theega folaof the Un on Coun y grantor Geo g asubject w h ntohe lowing: hou s oallsaprior e onrestrictive he fi s covenants, Tuesday neaseJu y ments, rights-of-way, security deeds, 2009 he o ow ng desc bed p ope y or encumbrances valid zoning orA ha ac o ofparecord; ce o all and y ng and be dinances; matters ng 0 71 ac es o which Land would Lo 152beodisclosed he 9 h bysancaccurate property D 1s Secsurvey on Unofonthe Coun y Geoorgby a anyng inspection of the be Lo Seven 7 oproperty; Ho ow all H outstandSubd v ing taxes, assessments, unpaid bills, chargs on as shown on a p a o su vey made NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER GEORGIA, UNION COUNTY GEORGIA, UNION COUNTY THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR INFORMATION OBTAINED USEDtoFOR of paying the same and all expenses of sale, division roads forUNDER ingressWILL and BE egress the STATEPURPOSE. OF GEORG A NOT CE OF SALE POWER THAT as provided in Deed and by law, THAT abovePURPOSE. described COUNTY OFby UNthe ONSecurity GEORG A UN ONproperty. COUNTY Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale conUnder and virtue of the Power of Sale including fees POWER (notice of intent to The debt secured said Security Deed hase NOT CE OFattorney’s UNDER and by v by ue o given he Powe o Dear Sa tained in a Security Deed by Hilary contained inSALE a Security Deed given by Chad Unde collect attorney’s been given). been hereby dueoSystems, because Unde and byand v fees ue ohaving he powe o satoe con a and ned isnElectronic ha cedeclared a n Deed Secu e to Mortgage Registration S. Stephens Stacy Celina Stephens Said aproperty be soldREGISTRATION anySYSoutof, among possible events of default, con ned ELECTRONIC n will a Secu ysubject Deed toom R A Deb om other James H Veach “GHome an oLoans, ” o Inc. as nominee for Countrywide MORTGAGE standing adASvalorem taxes (including taxes failure to pay indebtedness as and KLOPPINC., CONSTRUCT ON o UNHIGHTED FInc. s itsNa ona the Bank Un on dated Coun y when pe successors andoassigns, DecemTEMS, NOMINEE FOR NC SOUTHERN which are a lien on da the property but yet decesso due15, and2006, in othe manner provided the Note ber recorded Deed Bookin683, Page LANDS MORTGAGE, LLC,ed dated COMMUN TY BANK Oc obe06/25/2007, 31not 2006 Appa achinan Commun y Bank due payable), any2 matters might 659, Union Records, last inNovembe Deed COURT Book 715, Page 144, Union and Security Deed. The remaining in eco ded 2006 nwhich Deed Book ADVERTISEMENT “G an ee” County, da edGeorgia Sep debt embe 19 as1996 INrecorded THEand SUPERIOR OF UNION COUNFOR BIDS transferred tosale NationStar Mortgage, LLCpurbyn County, Georgia as last transferred TY OF 652 GEORGIA & this Watson, Inc. isembe bidding beSTATE disclosed by records, an survey and default, will be made forWork the 675 Page Un accurate on Coun y Geo g a ine Bowen fi ed and eco ded Sep 30 1996 Civil Action Number 08-CV-404-LA Packages for the following project in Union assignment recorded in Deed Book 922, Page to HSBC BANK USA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION spection ofasthemod property, anyMod assessments, pose ofBook paying thePage same445 and all co ds as fiedv. by fica Deon o County. Deed 255 Unexpenses onWork Coun of y Plaintiff, Beverly Whitt. TalalALT-A Siam,SECURIYou may quote portions of theconveying 500, County, AS TRUSTEE DEUTSCHE liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, re- Packages this Union sale, as provided thesbySecurity Deed Secu y DeedFOR da ed Ap 1 2008 eco ded Geo g atoReco ds Georgia he in“FRecords, Deed” and fendant. Bowen &property Watson mail, fax the to esecure a Note TIES MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST, SERIES 2007-3 strictions, covenants, and matters record and byce law, fees n Deed Book 762 Page 105 Un onofCoun y or phone ha after-described alater nincluding Deed oattorney’s Secu Deb (notice om NOTICE OF DIVORCE TO: Talal Siam Last no than 9:00 a.m. September the original principal amount of TWO by assignment recorded or to beChase recorded in 23,in2008. known 12807 Ashford Quotes onand complete PackGeo g address: a toeco saGeorgia d Secu y Deed be James H to Veach Jack BWork Veach oHUNAp superior theds Security Deed. of intent collect attorney’s fees having DRED NINE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED AND the Union County, records conveyHouston 77082-2104 Order the must delivered to Union County gToven oTX secu ebyapublication, No property eBy om Rto Aof KLOPP pa ach anbeCommun y Bank dawith ed Sep em the best knowledge and belief of thea ages been given). 0/100 DOLLARS interest ing the secure Court for after-described service dated July Schools, 10 Hughes($209,700.00), Street, Blairsville, GA CONSTRUCT ON NC da ed Ap 1 2008 n be 8 2000 fi ed and eco ded Sep embe undersigned, the in notified possession Saidby property will betherein, sold subject to any out6th, 2008, are party hereby that onthe 30512 bid time 3:00 p.m. September 23,sold thereon as set forth there will be Note in theyou original principal amount of of Three he o23rd, g Seventy na p ncThousand amoun Two Hun 11 Deed 353 Page 759 June Beverly Whitt suit to2000 be outcry opened Faxed quotes, property is2008, Fred S.paRoberts oroHundred afiled tenant or 2008 standing adnvalorem taxes (including at public topublicly. theBook highest bidder fortaxes cash Hundred Four and against divorce. You are required complete Work Packages (except work dtenants. ed E you gh yfor E gh Thousand Fou Hund ed on Un on Coun ylien, Geo g anot Reco ds he “Sec which are a but yet due and paybefore the courthouse door of Union County, 00/100 DOLLARS ($370,400.00), with interest to file with the clerk of the Union County packages requiring bonds) will be acTwen y as SCourt, xset and 50 therein, 100 $288 426 50 ond he F which soffice Deed and he Second Georgia, ormatters at such place asor may lawfully thereon forth there will be Do sold cepted Bank of Hiawassee able),Deed” might bebe disclosed Superior and to serve upon Plainatany the owner’s the office a public sAttorney w houtcry nineBeth es om da P.e bidder a aBoxafor310 e cash pe of Bowen Deed na e alternative, co ve e e prior ed legal o as designated as an the at to the highest tiff’s attorney, Martin, O. & eWatson, if submitted As Fact for by anheaccurate survey andywithin inspection of hours of sale on the first Tuesday in December, before the courthouse door of Union County, Hiawassee, Georgia 30546 an answer in to the bid time. The owner’s fax number cen pe annum on he unpa d ba ance un he “Secu y Deeds” convey ng he e Fred S. Roberts the property, any assessments, liens, aeasewriting within sixty (60) July 706-745-5025. do not e-mail 2014, the following Georgia, within the hours sale14th the is desc pa d he ew be legal so d days by heofofunde songned bed p opePlease y described o secu eproperty: ha ce SEE an Elizabeth A. Stuhldreher ments, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, 2008. Witness,inthe Honorable Lynn EXHIBIT HERETO21AND MADEom A first Tuesday December thebAkeleyfollowing aLawpub c Judge, ouofcElizabeth y Towns o he A. h2014, ghes dde o quotes. Un ve sa“A” NoATTACHED e daNew ed Augus 2007 Offices Stuhldreher restrictions, covenants, and matters of reAlderman, County Superior PROJECT NAME: Gymnasium for PART HEREOF Theand debtJack secured by said Secudescribed cash be oproperty: e heStreet Cou house doo a Un on Woody James H School Veach B Veach payab e Court. 8:1,8,15,22 Gap 117 ½ Bradford cord superior to the Security Deed first set rity has due ALL THAT TRACTa OR LAND N(Sept3,10,17,24)B Southern A&E Coun w PARCEL h n he OF ega houLYING s o ARCHITECT: o GDeed an ee nbeen he oand g is nahereby p ncdeclared pa amoun SuiteBEING 4y GeoINgLAND out above. because of, among other possible events of AND LOT 53 OF THE 16TH DISOWNER: Union County Schools sa e on he Georgia fi s Tuesday n Ju y 2009 he oTo Fo Th ee Thousandand Seven Hund ed Gainesville, 30501 the yfailure best belief of and the NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OFknowledge PROJECT: includes default, to pay the Project indebtedness as TRICT, 1ST SECTION OF UNION COUNTY, GEOR- DESCRIPTION o ow ngCONTAINING desc bed p2.978 ope ACRES, y S x y Edue and 100 Do a provided s $43 768 TRADE NAME sfgh New Gym (770) 532-8244 undersigned, the party in possession of when and in08the manner in 08 the GIA AND MORE OR a 19,825 A ha ac o pa ce o and y ng and be w h n e es he eon as se o h he e n Notice is given that Harbin DryAFOR Cleaners, & earthwork; termite control; slope in Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining LESS, AS PER PLAT OF SURVEY CHAD S. Grading THISa LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS DEBT COLproperty is LISA DWYER, JUSTIN DAVENPORT Inc., whose grassing, fencing, site concrete; ng nGeorgia he 16corporation, h D s cTO GEOSYSTEMS, 1s Secaddress on Land he WENDY “Nothis e”sale he e be w made be dthea purpose pub default, will for BY SOUTHERN LTD, protection; LECTOR ATTEMPTING COLLECT A DEBT. AND DAVENPORT or aso tenant or ten-c isSTEPHENS P.O. Box 1869, Blairsville, Georgia 30514, storm drainage; cast-in-place concrete, Lo 57 o KENDALL Unthat on itCoun yoperate GeoDATED gWILL aunder be ng Lo9, block ou cand y brick o the he same h ghes dde o steel; cash be of paying andbstructural all expenses of this W. GARY RLS #2788 APRIL ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED BE USED gives notice may the masonry; ants. 6FOR con a ntrade ng 0 name: 973 ac es moBOOK eUNIFORM o 59, ess as metal o e as heprovided cou house doo oDeed Un and onjoint Coun y sale, in Security by law, 2007 AND RECORDED IN HARBIN PLAT PAGE following fabrications; architectural THAT PURPOSE. UNITED COMMUNITY BANK, shown on a p a o su vey by Hayes James Geo g a w h n he ega hou s o sa e on RENTAL, and that theCLERK statement millwork; sheet waterproofing; including attorney’s feesLISA (notice of intent to 240, RECORDS OF THE OF THErelating SUPERIOR systems; N(Sept10,17,24,Oct1)B as in 60 Fact for DWYER, thereto as O.C.G.A. §410-1-49, mil EPDM membrane & Assoc es da COUNTY, edbyNovembe 2003 heattorney fi sattorney’s Tuesday n Ju y 2009 hegiven). o JUSTIN owSaid ng collect fees having been COURT OFarequired UNION GEORGIA. THE and DE- damp-proofing; DAVENPORT WENDY DAVENPORT has filed with the Clerk of the hollow metal; prefinished wood property will be sold to any outstandSCRIPTION SAID CONTAINED ecobeen ded nOF Un on PROPERTY Coun y Reco ds nSuP IN a roofing; desc bed p AND ope y subject perior Court of Union County, Georgia. The doors; overhead doors; aluminum winNOTICE THE PUBLIC L. Lou Allen ing ad valorem (including taxes SAID BEING EXPRESSLY Book PLAT 53TOagent Page 175 Sa d Dry p INCORPORATED a Cleaners, s nco po dows; A ha ac otaxes pa ce o and y ngwhich and registered of Harbin glass & glazing; finish hardware; YOU ARE that Stites &nceiling; Harbison, are a lien, but9 not yet andSec payable), any HEREIN AS THE a ed heBYe HEREBY nREFERENCE byHarbin, e eNOTIFIED ence he eDESCRIPTION o Street, oona the u acoustical be ng he hdrywall; DPLLC s due c acoustical 1s on Land Inc. is William H. 37 Hospital wall 22nd day of September 2008, at above 9:00 A.M., 11 Mountain Street, Suite 8 resilient matters might beydisclosed antile OF THE PROPERTY HEREBY CONVEYED. Blairsville, GA flooring; and comp e e30514. desc p on o he de panels; Lo 66wood owhich Unathletic on Coun Geo g a by con aaccun ng N(Sept3,10)B & resilient athletic flooring; resinous floorat the Union County Courthouse in the City rate survey and inspection of the property, any AND Blue Ridge, Georgia 30513 sc bed p ope y 10carpet 00 actile esinstallation; mo e o ess as pe perpa o ing;assessments, paint; high liens, encumbrances, zoning orALL THAT TRACT PARCEL OFve LAND LYING of Blairsville, Georgia, the Judge (706) A so conveyed s OR a non excPresiding us pe pe ua formance su vey632-7923 o Rona dvisual W desdisplay by M Eboards; R cha ds NOTICE OF ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION coatings; dinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters AND IN THE 16TH DISTRICT, LAND LOT of theBEING Court of Union County will louvers Fileon No. 7484A-00646 Notice isSuperior given that Articles of Incorporaeasemen o he use o subd v s on oads Un Coun y Geo g a Su veyo da ed Feb and vents; signage; fire protection of record superior to the Security Deed first 53 OF UNION COUNTY, GEORGIA, CONTAINING hear theess case ofegSTATE GEORGIA vs. specialities; tion will incorporate ZADAI’S STUDIOde THIS FIRMand IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT manufactured canopy covers; o that ng and oOF above ua out yLAW 17above. 1987 eco Mortgage ded n Un on Coun set Nationstar LLC is the 0.85 ACRES, MORE ORess LESS, AShe SHOWN A toilet INC have been delivered to the Secretary accessories; backstops; UNION COUNTY, GEORGIA, Civil Action FileONNo. Ay DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED sc bed pSURVEY ope Reco Pmetal abasketball Book StoPage 163 WILL Saind holder of ds the nSecurity Deed the property OFfor SURVEYING ofPLAT State filingyBY in BLAIRSVILLE accordance with the display casework; building systems; 08-CV-575-DB, in the Superior Court of Union BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. The DATED debBusiness secu edCorporation by sa d AND Secu y The Deed hydraulic paccordance a s elevator; ncowith po OCGA asprinkler; ed §he44-14-162.2. e nmechanical; by e The e ence Georgia Code. enCO., JANUARY 3, 2000 RECORDED N(Sept10,17,24,Oct1)B County, the same being a proceeding to coninitial registered office of the corporation is control systems; plumbing; fire alarm, data has been and s he eby dec a ed due be he e o o a u and comp e e desc p on IN UNION COUNTY RECORDS IN PLAT BOOK tity that has full authority to negotiate, amend, located at 1450 My$15,000,000 Road, electrical firmPAGE and validate ine aggregate cause o 119, among oOwn he poss bBlairsville, even s o andoand hemodify abovesystems. desc bedofp the opemortgage y all terms with 45, WHICH PLAT IS INCORPORATED GA 30512 and its initial registered agent at David Keener will be the estimator for STATE OF GEORGIA principal of obligation bonds thisToge de au aREFERENCE. uis eDarryl o general pay he ndeb edness he wE-Mail a davidkeener@bowenmp ovemen s LLC, he eon theproject, debtor is: hNationstar Mortgage, 350 HEREIN BYamount such address G. Zadai. COUNTY UNION (theand “Bonds”) to be issued formanne theDeed purpose Highland Drive, Lewisville, TXBe 75067 The debt secured byand saidn Security as when due he phas o nc ud ngOF ha ce a n 1997 mon888-850Mob e N(Sept3,10)B 9398x3705. Toac theuUNDER best knowledge andwh belief been and declared of, SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: NOTICE OF SALE providing funds paySecu thedue cost of the The folvofded n is hehereby No e to and y because Deed Home Manu e s None DPOWER No 29018 ch Plans may be of the undersigned, in ofpossession among other default, theparty power sale conlowingema capital projects or BidUnder deb npossible ngoutlay n deevents au ofhto s be sa owned e wfailure be sDocuments: ocaand ed by onvirtue and aofthe fixed o requested he above de from the property Architect for a Dear refundable de- or of the is Hilary or a tenant to pay the indebtedness as and when due and made o orheboth pu pose o pay ng he same posit sc bed y will tained inpaope Security Deed from LISA DWYER, operated by Union County, Georgia: of $150. Plans also be available and said property more commonly in the Note and and a manner expenses o hins(2) saJail e asRenovation p ovSecuded fortenants AND ALSO JUSTIN DAVENPORT ANDisConstruction WENDY DAVEN(1)the Roads andprovided Bridges, review at: McGraw-Hill known as 4083 Frank Martin Rd, Blairsville, rity Deed. The ydebt remaining in default, this Dodge, 1750 Enterprises Way, Suite 103, n he Secu Deed and by aw nc ud ng T ac PORT to 30512. UNITEDThe COMMUNITY BANK, dated and will Expansion, (3) the County Administration GeorgiaGA sale will be conducted sale be made for purpose of paying the Marietta, 30067, (770) 953-2442, Fax and a o ney s ees no ce o n en o co ec A ha ac o pa ce o and y ng April 28, 2006, recorded May 8, 2006, inisDeed Annex Renovations, (4) Park and Recreation subject (1) to confirmation that the sale not same and all expenses of this sale, as provided (770) 953-2430, Reed Construction Data, a o ney s ees hav ng been g ven be ng n he 9 h D s c 1s Sec on Book 645, Page 316, Union County, Georgia Facilities and Land Acquisition, (5) Library 30 Technology Parkway South, Suite 100, and in Security Deed and by law, including attor- prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy CodeLand Sa d fees p ope y wof intent be so sub ecattorney’s any Norcross, Lo s 67 &asconfirmation 6830092, o Un on Coun y Geo g Fax astatus GA (770) 849-6420, records, amended by Modification ofcon SeRenovation, Expansion, and Books, (6)oPub(2) to final and audit of the ney’s (notice todcollect Builders Exchange, ou shaving and ng ad given). vaVehicles, o em axes nc ud ng (770) n849-6475, ng 0 99 acAGC e holder mo e5,of o 2007, ess and be ng curity Deed dated June recorded in lic Safety Facilities, and Equipment, ofa the loan with the the security deed. fees been The Exchange, Atlanta, GA axes wh Waste ch will a eTransfer a sold en subject bu noto any ye outdue 1940 known as 298-4130, Lo 4 oSuite he 300, Bud Ke ey P in ope Nationstar Mortgage LLC as Attorney Facty Said property be Deed(678) Book 713,#Page 239, Union County, Geor(7) Solid Station/Recycling 30339, Fax (866) 570-8187, and payab any ma eExpansion, s wh ch m(8)ghtaxes be Gainesville, as onsaid aMcCalla p aSecurity o312su vey bygiven Pa for shown Hilary Dear Raymer, LLC 1544 Old standing ade valorem taxes (including gia records, Deedmade being Center Renovation and New White Print, Bradford Street, dFarmers sc osed anbutaccu a edue su and vey payable), andCivic n NW,to eGainesville, son & Road Dewa Eng s DWYER, nc536-5047, da ed Sep Alabama Roswell, Georgia 30076 www. which areMarket/Livestock aby lien, not yet GA 30501, (770) secure a Note fromnee LISA JUSTIN Arena, (9) (770) 534-3174, Bowen Watson, Inc.that “A”desc All any matters might be an spec on o which he p ope anydisclosed assessmen s embe 24 1973 sa dEXHIBIT o& be ng bed DAVENPORT AND WENDY DAVENPORT dated Center Renovation and yExpansion, (10)byNew & Architects office. tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land accurate survey and inspection of the propens easemen s encumb ances on ng as o ows June 5, 2007 in the original principal amount Multi-Use Building for Economic DevelopN(Sept3,10,17,24)B Lot 294 &NG 319, District, Section, Union erty, any assessments, liens,covenan encumbrances, oment d nances es c ons s and BEG NNHundred a 17th anEleven on pThousand n 1st n he Sou gh of Two Eighth HunOffices, Community Center, Recreation Georgia, containing 5.876 zoning restrictions, ma e sordinances, o eco dProsupe o (11) o Renovations hecovenants, Secu y County, o way ne Eight o Gum Road sa dacres on and pn dred Eighty andog ($211,888.00) Department, Shop, being shown on a heas Plat ofNo/100 survey byLoRochester and matters ofand record superior to the Security Deed fi s se ou above ma k ng he No co ne o # 4 and with interest from#1534, date atdated a rate per to Oldfirst Courthouse, Old Gym, and other His- Dollars, &heAssociates, Inc., R.L.S. JanuDeed set out above. To he bes know edge and be e o he No hwes co ne o Lo # 5 hence S per1993, annum onand therecorded unpaid balance until7 toricentity Facilities, andfull (12) AnimaltoControl Fa- cent19, Book The that has authority negotiate, unde gned he pa n possess onGeorgia o he ary deg ees 44 mfiled nu W 202the 25Records.Subject eein Plat hence N 44, Page 248, Union County amend, allofyterms of theofmortgage paid; there will bees sold by undersigned at cilities.s and Any modify citizen the State presiding opetheydebtor Ais: KLOPP CONSTRUCT ON NC 74 degright ees 01 mthe nutohighest esUnion W 23bidder ee for hence S with Ocwen Loan Servicing, to the oftoway County, Georgia public outcry cash ins RUnion County, Georgia, or LLC, any o a enan o enan s 89 deg ees 8 m nu es W 183 81 ee hence 1661 Worthington Road, Suite Palm recorded inCourthouse Deed Bookdoor 178,atPage 48,County, Union theees Union person wherever residing, who100, hasWest a right to before UN TED COMMUN TY BANK N 7 deg 43 m nu es E 219 62 ee Beach, FL 33409, 561-682-8000. Please underCounty Records.Subject to the ofeasement too on the object, intervene a party as a that omay ney Fac and o Rbecome A isKLOPP CONto Georgia, an on pwithin nMountain n the he legal Sou hhours gh osale way ne stand the n secured creditor not required Blue Ridge EMC recorded in Deed first Tuesday in October, 2008, the following this proceeding. STRUCT ONnegotiate, NC Gum Road h eeRecords.Said 3 cou ses by law to amend, or modify the o Book 161,ogPage 344, hence Union Count described property: OF mortgage PUBLIC instrument. ACCOUNTABILITY: NO and LWAIVER LouofA the en d s isances a ong w h rights he saofd terms property subject to all and easements, All parcel land lying and bePERFORMANCE PERFORMANCE To the andOR belief of the under- Sou waythat restrictions above S es best & Haknowledge b sonAUDIT PLLC handtract gh o orway asasof oshown ows Son87the deg ees ing in Land Lot 59, 8th District, 1st REVIEW UNDER SECTION 36-82-100 OF THE signed, thea parties possession of the prop- 25 referenced OurSection, file no. 11 Moun n S eein Su e8 m nu esplat. E 96MR/ms8 42 ee 12/2/14 S 81 deg ees 56 Union County, Georgia, containing 1.00 acre OFFICIAL CODE OF GEORGIA ANNOTATED erty are Chad S. Stephens and Stacy Celina 51667409 FT2 B ue R dge Geo g a 30513 m nu es E 90 94 ee 78 deg ees 1 m nu e E and being described SHALL BEor7923 CONDUCTED WITH and RESPECT TO 17 Stephens a tenant or tenants said propN(Nov5,12,19,26)B 706 632 64 ee more o heparticularly PO NT OF BEG NN NGas Lot erty is more commonly Twelvehe(12)wash shown onovemen a plat ofssurvey by BONDS. FTHE e No 7484A 01208 known as 2622 Dover Toge a mp he eon Road, Blairsville, 30512. Blue Mountain This the 3rd day GA of September 2008. nc udRidge ng ha ce a nSurveying, 1999 Ho yInc., Pa R.L.S. k 14 The will be conducted subject (1) to con- #3007, dated December 12, 2005 last revised Allensale Conley 66 mob e home wh ch s oca ed on and firmation that the sale not County, prohibited under xFebruary Clerk, Superior Court of is Union Georgia 6, 2006 filed and recorded in Plat STATE GEORG ACode the U.S.OF Bankruptcy and (2) to final con- a fixed o he above desc bed p ope y N(Sept10,17)B Book COUNTY OF UN ON T ac 58, Page 24, Union County Records. firmation and audit of the status of the loan Said ha plat isac incorporated by reference NOT the CE OF SALE UNDER POWER A o pa ce herein, o and y ng and with holder of the security deed. STATEBANK OF hereto, a full description of Unde andGEORGIA by v NATIONAL ue o heASSOCIATION powe o saASe be ng nforhe 9 hand D scomplete c 1s Sec on Land HSBC USA, COUNTY OF UNION the above described property. Said con a ned n a Secu y Deed om ROBERT Lo s 67 & 68 o Un on Coun y Geo gproperty a con TRUSTEE FOR DEUTSCHE ALT-A SECURITIES NOTICESOF SALE UNDER POWER2007-3 isa subject to ac theeroad as shown TRENT PSY o UN TEDSERIES COMMUN TY BANK n ng 0 99 mo easements e o ess and be ng MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST, As Attorney invirtue Fact 14 for Chad Stephens and Lo Under of the power of ded sale Sep conda ed and Sepby embe 2005 # 3 plat. o he Bud Ke ey Subd v s on as on said Stacy Stephens embeCelina 2005 nDeed Deed Book 603 Page on a pisa subject o su vey made by Pa tained in19 a Security from AMANDA GAIL shown Said property to the restrictions Weissman, Nowack, Curry, & Wilco P.C. 712 Un on Coun y Geo g a eco ds as e son and Eng nee nco 123-127, po a ed ALLBRITTON to UNITED COMMUNITY BANK, recorded in Dewa Deed Book 633,s Page Attn: Lender Services as mod by Mod fica onMay o 23, Secu Geo gRecords. a da ed Sep embe 24 1973 dated Mayfied 22, 2006, recorded 2006,y Deca Union uCounty One Alliance 4th Floor Deed daBook ed Center, Sep embe 14 ded and ng eco ded n to Unthe on easement Coun y Reto in Deed 647, Page 706,2007 Unioneco County, Said be property is subject 3500 Lenox Road n Deed Book 728asPage 234 Un Coun y Blue co dsRidge n P aMountain Book F EMC Pagefiled 171and Sa recorded dpa s Georgia records, amended byon ModificaAtlanta, GA 30326 Geo g a eco ds sa d Secu y Deed be ng nco po a ed he e n by e e ence eo tionFile# to Security Deed dated May 31, 2007, in Deed Book 621, Page 26-27, Union he County Our 017237-001624 g ven o secu e a No e 713, om RPage TRENT PSY Book 66, SUnion da ed Sep emberecords, 14 2007 he o gDeed na County, Georgia said nSecurity pbeing nc pa o One Hundfrom ed SAMANDA x y One NOTICE OFamoun SALE UNDER given to secure aPOWER Note Thousand E gh Hund ed Twen y Seven GEORGIA, UNION COUNTY GAIL ALLBRITTON of dated May 31, 2007 in Thousand and 16 100 $161 827 16 HunDo THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO amount COLLECT ANY the original principal ofA DEBT. Two a s w h n e es om WILL da eSeven aBEaUSED a e FOR pe INFORMATION OBTAINED dred Twenty Four Thousand Hundred THAT PURPOSE. cen annum he unpa d ba ance un Thirtype Nine and on No/100 ($224,739.00) DolUnder and bywvirtue of the Power of Sale conpa d he e be so d by he unde s gned lars, with interest from given date at rate per tained in a ou Security by aWilliam acent pub c y onoDeed he unpaid h ghes b dde Lee o percannum the balance unto Mortgage Electronic Registration cash be o e he Cou house doo aSystems, Un on til paid, as amended by Note Modification Inc., as nominee for Countrywide Home Loans, Coun y Geodated ga w h n he 19, ega2007; houthere so Agreement September Inc. Wholesalen Lender, its sucsa edba on America’s he fi s Tuesday Ju y 2009 he will bengsold the pundersigned cessors and by assigns, dated June at7, public 2007, o ow desc bed ope y recorded in Deed Bookbidder 712, Page 380,before Union outcry to the highest for cash A ha Georgia ac o Records, pa ce oasand y ng and beto County, last County, transferred the Union Georng Courthouse n he of 9 hNew D door s York c at1s SecFKA on The Land Lo The Bank Mellon Bank gia, within the legal hours of gsale on the 233 o Un on Coun y Geo a con a nfirst ng of New York, as Trustee for the certificate in mo October, following 8Tuesday 40 ac es e o 2008, ess Inc., asthe shown on a pdea holders of the CWABS, ASSET-BACKED scribed property: o su vey by NoSERIES h Geo 2007-10 g a Land by Su assignveyo s CERTIFICATES, All that tract or parcel of land lying and beda edrecorded Feb ua yin24 1983 and ded160,n ment Deed Book 827,eco Page ing on in Coun the 17th District, 1st Land Union County, Georgia conveying Un y Reco ds nRecords, P a Section, Book J Page Lotsafter-described 215 Union the property to secure 233 Sa dand p a218sof nco po County, a ed heGeorgia, eanNote by and Lot Bridge in original principal ofSubdivision ONE e the e being ence he e25 oof oRoss aamount u and compHUNee DRED FIFTY THOUSAND AND 0/100 DOLLARS Phase 1, containing 1.44 acres, more or less, desc p on o he above desc bed p op ($150,000.00), interest set plat of surveythereon by NorthasGeoreas yshown on a with forth therein, there will be sold gia Land Surveyors, dated Aprilat9,public 1985, outand And cry to the highest bidder for cash before the recorded in Union County Records in Plat A ha ac o pa ce o County, and y ng and beor courthouse door of Union Georgia, Book Page Said ngsuch nP,he 9 h 131. D smay c be 1splat Secis incorporated ondesignated Land Lo at place as lawfully herein, by reference hereto, for a full and 233 o Un on Coun y Geo g a con a n ng as an alternative, within the legal hours of sale of the described 1complete 00 esdescription mo e o iness as above shown onthe a pfola on theacfirst Tuesday December, 2014, oproperty. su vey by Lane S B shop Assoc a “A” es Also conveyed is SEE aand non-exclusive lowing described property: EXHIBIT da ed Novembe 1991 and ecoHEREOF ded n perpetual easement for ingress and egress ATTACHED HERETO30 AND MADE A PART Un on Coun ydescribed Recobydssaid n PSecurity a BookDeed 27 Page The debt secured has to the above property. been and isa hereby 4TheSa d psecured s nco po eddue he ebecause nDeed by has eof, debt bydeclared saida Security among other events default, ebeen enceand he is e opossible o a declared u andofcomp e e failde hereby due because ure to pay the indebtedness as and when due sc p on o other he above desc bed pofope y of, among possible events default, and in thepay manner provided the Note and The deb secu ed by sa d inSecu y when Deed failure to the indebtedness as in and Security Deed. The debt remaining default, has been and s he eby dec a ed due be due sale and will in the in the this be manner made forprovided the purpose of Note paycause o among o he bremaining e even s oin andthe Security Deed. Theposs debtof ing and expenses this sale, as de au same usale e all owill pay he byndeb edness default, this be and made for purprovided ina Security Deed law,the includas and when due and n he manne p oof poseattorney’s of payingfees the (notice same and all expenses ing of intent to collect vthis dedsale, n he e andbeen y Deed The attorney’s fees having given). Said propas No provided inSecu the Security Deed deb ema ng nsubject de attorney’s au to any h s sa ew be erty will benincluding sold outstanding and by law, fees (notice made o tohe pu (including pose o pay ng hehaving same ad valorem taxes taxes which are of intent collect attorney’s fees and a expenses o h s sa e as p ov ded abeen lien,given). but not yet due and payable), any matn he Secumight y Deed andsubject by by awan ng ters which be accurate Said property will bedisclosed sold tonc anyudoutsurvey and of the asastanding o ney sadinspection ees no ce o property, n en o any cotaxes ec valorem taxes (including sessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordia o ney s ees hav ng been g ven which a ylien, not due nances, restrictions, covenants, and matters Sa d p are ope w but be so dyetsub ecand o payany able), anyng matters disclosed of superior toothe Security ou record s and ad vawhich emmight axesbe Deed nc udfirst ng by an accurate survey and inspection of set out above. The Bank of New York Mellon axes wh ch a e a en bu no ye due the property, any assessments, liens, easeFKA The Bank of New York, as Trustee for the and payab e any ma e s wh ch m gh be certificateholders the CWABS, Inc., ASSETencumbrances, ordinances, dments, sc osed by an ofaccu azoning e su2007-10 vey and n BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES is the restrictions, covenants, matters of respec on o he p opeDeed yand any assessmen s holder of the Security to the property in cord superior to the Security Deed first set ens easemen s encumb ances The onenng accordance with OCGA § 44-14-162.2. out above. o d that nances c onsto negotiate, covenan samend, and tity has fulles authority To the knowledge of the ma e s best o alleco d supe o belief he Secu and modify terms of theoand mortgage with they undersigned, in Servicing, possession of Luthe Deed fiis:s Specialized se the ou party above debtor Loan 8742 property is GAILand ALLBRITTON orhea To he know edge be eCOo80129 cent Blvdbes STEAMANDA 300, Highlands Ranch, tenant tenants. 800-306-6059. To unde sor gned hethe pa best y nknowledge possess onand o behe BANK, lief of the undersigned, the party in possession pUNITED ope yCOMMUNITY s ROBERT TRENT S PSY o a en of is William Lee or aGAIL tenant or as the attorney for AMANDA ALLan o property enan ins Fact tenants said property BRITTON UN TED and COMMUN TY BANKis more commonly known as 8474 Timber Ridge Rd N, Blairsville, L. Lou as a Allen o ney n Fac o ROBERT TRENT Georgia 30512. ThePLLC sale will be conducted Stites S PSY & Harbison, subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not Lprohibited A en 11Lou Mountain Street, SuiteBankruptcy 8 under the U.S. Code and S esRidge, & Haconfirmation b son PLLC Blue Georgia 30513 (2) to final and audit of the status 11 Moun n S the eeholder Su eof8the security deed. (706) 632-7923 of the loanawith B ueBank R dge Geo York g a 30513 File No. 7484A-00570 The of New Mellon FKA The Bank of 706 York, 632 as 7923 THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT New Trustee for the certificateholders FA DEBT. ethe NoCWABS, 7484A 01236 of Inc., ASSET-BACKED CERTIFIANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL CATES, SERIES 2007-10 as Attorney in Fact for BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. recorded in Deed N(Nov5,12,19,26)B William Lee McCalla Raymer, LLC 1544 Old N(Sept10,17,24,Oct1)B Alabama Road Roswell, NOT CE OF SALE UNDERGeorgia POWER30076 www. EXHIBIT “A” All that GEORG A GEORGIA UN ON COUNTY STATE OF tract or parcel of land lying beingo inSa thee Unde and v ue o heand Powe COUNTY OF by UNION 7th District, Lot y56Deed of Union con a ned n1sthaSection, ce a nLand Secu and NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER County, Georgia, and being Tract 1, containing Ag eemen om S ephen S power ove “G an Under and by virtue of the 2.000 acres, more or less, as shown onofa sale plat ocontained ”survey o by Appa ach an& Associates, Commun yJOSEPH Bank inRochester a Security Deed fromInc., of dat“GDecember an ee” da ed June 2007PARKER fiinedUnion and YOUNG WOODY LULA MAE to ed 22,AND 1998, and20recorded eco ded June 21 n Deed 713 County Records in 2007 PlatBANK, Book 45, Book Page 158. UNITED COMMUNITY dated January Page 558 Un on Coun y Geo g a Reco ds Said plat is incorporated herein, by reference 21, 2003, recorded January 28, 2003, in Deed he “Secu y Deed” convey ng heGeorgia a eof hereto, for aPage full and description Book 451, 213, complete Union County, desc bed p ope y o secu e ha an the above described property. Also conveyed records, as amended by Modificationce of SeUn ve saisNo e da ed Oc 27 2008 from om herewith a perpetual 40obe foot easement curity April recorded Timber Ridge Road (County Road the G an odated s payab e 26, o G2007, an ee n #113) he ointogDeed na Book 706 Page 541, subject property. MR/krc1 OurGeorgia file Sno.x p nc pa amoun o FUnion y12/2/14 S County, x Thousand records, said Security Deed being given 5316912 FT1 Hund ed N ne y Seven and 70 100 Do atos secure Note wfrom N(Nov5,12,19,26)B $56 697a 70 h nJOSEPH e es YOUNG he eon WOODY as se dated April in the original princio h he e n26,as2007, mod fied and enewed he pal amount of Forty Three Thousand “No e” he e w be so d a pub c ou One cy Hundred Forty One and 81/100($43,141.81) o he h ghes b dde o cash be o e he Dollars, withdoo interest from rate gper cou house o Un ondate Counatya Geo a centh per annum thes unpaid w n he ega on hou o sa ebalance on he until fis paid; therenwill Tuesday Jube y sold 2009by the he undersigned o ow ng deat public sc bedoutcry p opetoythe highest bidder for cash before at Union County, A ha theacCourthouse o pa ce door o and y ng and be Georgia, within the ng n Land Lo sthe 6 7legal 8 &hours 30 9 hofDsale s con 1s first Tuesday in Coun October, 2008,g atheand following Sec on Un on y Geo be ng described Lo Two 2property: o P easan Meadows Subd v tract oras parcel of land sAllonthat Phase shown on alying p a and o subeing vey in the 11th District, 1st vey Section, Land 68 by C eve and Land Su ng da ed Lot Janu aof yUnion 12 2006 as Ga., ecocontaining ded n P a4.17 Book 59 County, acres, Pages 5 Un onbeing CounLot y 4Geo g a whoncha more or3less, and as shown desc p survey on s nco po a ed heSurveying e n by eCo., e plat and by Blairsville ence made a38, pa Page he 204, eo and recorded datedand September The ndebCounty ednessrecords secu edinbyPlat sa dBook Secu 38,y in Union Deed has been eby dec a ed due Page 204. Said and plat sishe incorporated herein, and payab e because o among o he pos by reference hereto, for a full and complete sdescription b e even sof othede au a u e o comp above described property.y w h and he Except: p ov s ons o he Secu y Deed Less The debtractema n ng ou s and ng and h sbeing sa e All that or parcel of land lying w made o 1st he Section, pu poseLand o pay in thebe11th District, Lot ng 68 he same and a expenses o h s sa e as of Union County, Georgia, and being further pdescribed ov ded nas he Secu y Deed and by aw a Portion of Lot 4 of Lula Mae nc ud ng a o ney s containing ees no ce0.375 o n acres, en o Parker Subdivision, co ecora less, o ney ees hav beenofg survey ven as more assshown onng a plat pbyovCleveland ded by aw & Cox Land Surveying, LLC The ope y w be so o cashino Union ce datedp October 2, 2007, andd recorded fied unds and sub ec o any and a County 160. ma e sRecords o eco ind Plat supeBook o o57,saPage d Secu Said plat is incorporated reference y Deed ou s and ng herein, ad va obyem axes hereto, of any mafore asfull whand ch complete m gh be description d sc osed by the above described property. an accu a e su vey and nspec on o he restrictions or easements of pSubject ope yto any on ng o d nances es c ons record. s and easemen s aga ns he covenan The debt secured by said Security Deed has p ope y any The sa e w be conduc ed been hereby declared because as se and o hishe e n sub ec o due 1 confi ma of,onamong ofedefault, p o other o hepossible sa e haevents he sa s no the indebtedness pfailure oh b toedpay unde he U S Bankasupand cy when Code due and in the manner provided in the and 2 fina confi ma on and aud p oNoteo and Security Deed. remaining in he sa e o he s a usThe o debt he oan w h he default, made for the purho de othis hesale Secuwilly be Deed pose the he sameghandoall G an of eepaying ese ves seexpenses he p opof aspa provided in the Security ethisy sale, n one ce o as an en e y Deed o n and bypalaw, (notice such ce sincluding as G an attorney’s ee may e fees ec as pe of intent fees having m ed n to he collect Secu yattorney’s Deed beenhegiven). To bes o he unde s gned s know edge and e hewill p ope y subject s oca ed a Lo Said be property be sold to any out-2 ostanding P easanadMeadows Subd (including v s on Phase 1 valorem taxes taxes Un on Coun y Geo g a and he pa y n pos which are a lien, but not yet due and paysess he p ope y might s S ephen S ove able),on anyo matters which be disclosed oby han s enan o enan s and inspection of accurate survey APPALACH ANany COMMUN TY BANK as Aeaseo the property, assessments, liens, ney n Fac o S ephen S ove ordinances, ments, encumbrances, zoning Thompson O B en Kemp & Nasu P C restrictions, covenants, and matters of re40 Techno ogytoPathe kway Sou hDeed Su efirst 300set cord superior Security No oss Geo g a 30092 out cabove. 770 925 0111 To the best knowledge and belief of the TH S LAW F RM ACT in NGpossession AS A DEBTofCOL undersigned, the Sparty the LECTOR TO COLLECT A DEBT property ATTEMPT is JOSEPHNG YOUNG WOODY AND LULA ANY NFORMAT OBTA NED W LL BE MAE PARKER or a ON tenant or tenants. USED THAT PURPOSE UNITEDFOR COMMUNITY BANK, as attorney in Fact for JOSEPH YOUNG WOODY AND LULA MAE PARKER NOT CE OF SALE UNDER POWER L. Lou Allen GEORG A UN ON COUNTY Stites Harbison, Unde &and by v PLLC ue o he Powe o Sa e 11 Mountain 8 con a ned n Street, ha ceSuite a n Secu y Deed and Blue Ridge, Georgia 30513Veach “G an o ” Ag eemen om James (706) 632-7923 o Appa ach an Commun y Bank “G an File No. ee” da7484A-00616 ed Feb ua y 22 2007 fi ed and e THIS LAW TOBook COLLECT co ded FebFIRM ua yIS27ATTEMPTING 2007 n Deed 693 A DEBT. OBTAINED WILL Page 710ANY UnINFORMATION on Coun y Geo g a Reco ds BEheUSED FORyTHAT PURPOSE. “Secu Deed” convey ng he a e N(Sept10,17,24,Oct1)B desc bed p ope y o secu e ha ce a n Un ve sa No e da ed Augus 3 2007 om IN THEo SUPERIOR G an payab e COURT o G anOFeeUNION n heCOUNTY o g na OF GEORGIA pSTATE nc pa amoun o One Hund ed E gh y IN RE: Thousand Th ee Hund ed and No 100 Do Dustin Brannen Mason, a s $180 300 00 w hMinor n e es he eon as Leslie Petitioner se o Denise h he eJones, n as mod fied and ex ended Civil Casee”No. 08-CV-580-MM he “No he e w be so d a pub c NOTICE ou c y OF o PETITION he h ghesTObCHANGE dde oNAME cash be o e he cou house doo o Un on Coun y GEORGIA, UNION COUNTY Geo g ais whereby h n he egathat hou s o sa e on Notice given LESLIE DENISE he fi sfiled Tuesday n Jufor y 2009 ow ng JONES a Petition ChangeheofoName of desc p Superior ope y Court of Union County, Minor bed in the ALL THAT OF LAND LY Georgia onTRACT the 4thOR dayPARCEL of September, 2008, NG ANDfor BE aNGchange N THEin9TH STR CTof 1ST praying theDname the SECT LAND LOT 66Brannen OF UN ON COUNTY minor ON child to Dustin Jones from GEORG A CONTA N NG 10 00 ACRES MORE Dustin Brannen Mason. OR LESS SHOW ON A PLAT OFtoSURVEY Notice is AS hereby given pursuant law to MADE BY M E orRaffected CHARDSparty UN ON COUNTY any interested to appear in GEORG A SURVEYOR DATED FEBRUARY 17 said Court and file objections to such name 1987 AND RECORDED N UN ON COUNTY change. Objections must be filed with said GEORG A RECORDS PLAT Court within 30 daysN of theBOOK filing SofPAGE said 163 SA D PLAT S NCORPORATED NTO Petition. TH S NSTRUMENT BY REFERENCE HERETO This 4th day of September, 2008 FOR COMPLETE ACCURATE DESCR P AllenAConley, ClerkAND of Superior Court TUnion ON OF THE ABOVE County, GeorgiaCONVEYED PROPERTY ALSO CONVEYED S A NON EXCLUS VE PER N(Sept10,17,24,Oct1)P PETUAL EASEMENT FOR THE USE OF SUBD V S ON ROADS FOR NGRESS AND ECRESS NOTICE OF SALEDESCR UNDER POWER IN DEED TO TO THE ABOVE BED PROPERTY SECURE DEBT The ndeb edness secu ed by sa d Secu GEORGIA, COUNTY y Deed UNION has been and s he eby dec a ed Because the default in theo payment the due and of payab e because among of o he indebtedness secured poss b e even s o deby aua Deed a u to e Secure o pay Debt executed by John C. Neuschafer to he ndeb edness as and when due and Hill’s n heSupply manneCo.,pdated ov dedSeptember n he No22, e 2007, The in the original principal amount deb ema n ng n de au h sofsaSixty-Four e w be Thousand and 28/100 ($64,060.28) Dolmade o Sixty he pu pose o pay ng he same lars, and recorded in Deed Book 729, pages and a expenses o h s sa e as p ov ded o a u and comp e e desc p on o he Records. above desc bedisp subject ope y to the ingressSaid property Toge w h a Deed mp ovemen he eon egressheEasement in Deed sBook 160, nc ud ng ha ce a 1987 Dynas y 12 x Page 93, Union Countyn Records. 48 mob e home wh ch s oca ed on and Grantor grants to grantees a perpetual nonaexclusive fixed o easement he above desc bed pand opeegress y of ingress The edness secuproperty ed by sa d Secu to thendeb above described across the y Deeds has been and s from he eby dec aGap ed subdivision roads running Jonica due and payab e because o among o he Road (a county road). poss b e evenisssubject o de au a u e oeasepay The property to a reserved he ndeb edness as and when due and ment the above for n he inmanne p ov shown ded n restrictions he No e The ingress andn egress deb ema ng n deand au utilities h s satoe the w adbe jacent property which lies to the south and made o he pu pose o pay ng he same to the east of the above referenced property and a expenses o h s sa e as p ov ded as above as n shown he Secuon ythe Deeds andreferenced by aw ncplat ud ng easement for a“Future o ney Development,” s ees no ce osaidn en o co ec ingress and egress shall utilize and be along a o ney s ees hav ng been g ven as p o or about v ded by the aw subdivision roads from Jonica Gap (a County road). The p ope yw be so d o cash o ce The secured said fieddebt unds and by sub ec Security o anyDeed and has a beeneand hereby declared ma s o is eco d supe o odue sa dbecause Secu of,yamong other possible events of default, Deeds ou s and ng ad va o em axes failure the ch indebtedness when any mato epay s wh m gh be dasscand osed by dueaccu and in provided an a ethesumanner vey and nspec inontheo Note he debt remaining in pand opeSecurity y onDeed. ng o dThe nances es c ons default, this sale will be made for ns the purcovenan s and easemen s aga he same of ppose opeof ypaying anythe The sa eand w all beexpenses conduc ed as o as h he e n subinectheo Security 1 confiDeed ma thissesale, provided on by p law, o oincluding he sa eattorney’s ha he fees sa e (notice s no and pof oh b edtounde U S Bank fees up cyhaving Code intent collectheattorney’s and fina confi ma on and aud p o o been 2given). he sa e o he a us o subject he oan he Said property wills be sold to w anyhoutho de o ad hevalorem Secu ytaxes Deed (including taxes standing G an eeareese ves but he not gh yeto se he ppayop which a lien, due and eable), y nany onematters pa ce which o asmight an enbe edisclosed y o n such pa ce s as G an ee may e ec as pe by an accurate survey and inspection of m ed n he Secu y Deeds liens, easethe property, any assessments, To he bes o he unde szoning gned s ordinances, know edge ments, encumbrances, and be e he p ope s oca ed nofLand restrictions, covenants,y and matters reLo 66 10 h D s c con a n ng ac set es cord superior to the Security Deed10first and a so Land Lo s 67 and 68 9 h D s c out above. 1s Secbest on knowledge con a n ng and 0 99 belief ac e of Lo the4 To the oundersigned, he Bud Ke y P ope y Un on Coun y the party in possession of the Geo g a is and heDWYER, pa y nJUSTIN possess on o he property LISA DAVENPORT pAND opeWENDY y s James H Veach B or Veach DAVENPORT or aJack tenant teno he enan o enan s ants. APPALACH AN COMMUN TY BANK as A o UNITED COMMUNITY BANK, ney n Fac o James H Veach and Jack as attorney in Fact for LISA DWYER, JUSTIN B Veach DAVENPORT WENDY Thompson OAND B en KempDAVENPORT & Nasu P C L. Lou Allenogy Pa kway Sou h Su e 300 40 Techno Stites & Harbison, No c oss Geo g a PLLC 30092 11 Mountain Street, Suite 8 770 925 0111 Blue 30513 TH S Ridge, LAW FGeorgia RM S ACT NG AS A DEBT COL (706) 632-7923 LECTOR ATTEMPT NG TO COLLECT A DEBT File No.NFORMAT 7484A-00647 ANY ON OBTA NED W LL BE THIS LAW ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT USED FOR FIRM THAT IS PURPOSE A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. N(Sept10,17,24,Oct1)B NOT CE OF SALE UNDER POWER GEORG A UN ON COUNTY STATE Unde OF andGEORGIA by v ue o he Powe o Sa e COUNTY OF UNION con a ned n ha ce a n Secu y Deed NOTICE SALE UNDER and AgOF eemen om POWER Veach P ope es Under and of the of sale nc “G anby o ”virtue o Appa achpower an Commu n y Bank “G ee” da Deed ed Apfrom 23 BULL2002 contained in aanSecurity fi ed and eco ded Ap 25 2002 n Deed DOGWOOD PROPERTIES, LLC to UNITED Book 415 Page 231dated Un on Coun y 28, Geo ga COMMUNITY BANK, February 2003, Reco ds March he “Secu y Deed” ng recorded 3, 2003, in Deed convey Book 456, he a 63, e Union desc bed p ope y o secu e ha Page County, Georgia records, as ce a n Un ve sa No e da ed Augus 21 modified by Modification of Security Deed 2007 om G an o payab e o G an ee n dated January 15, 2007, recorded in Deed he o 744, g naPage p nc pa Union amoun o One Hun Book 641, County, Georgia d ed Th said ee Thousand Fou being Hund ed Sevto records, Security Deed given en y and 36 100 DoBULLDOGWOOD a s $103 470 PROPER36 w h secure a Note from n e es he eon as se o h he e n as TIES, LLC, with interest from date at a rate modcent fied per andannum enewed he unpaid “No e”balance he e per on the w be so dthere a pub ousold c y by o he ghes until paid; willcbe thehunderb dde at o public cash beoutcry o e he house doo signed to cou the highest bidoderUn on Coun y Geo g a w h n he ega for cash before the Courthouse door at hou s o sa e on he fi s Tuesday n Ju y Union County, Georgia, within the legal hours 2009 he o ow ng desc bed p ope y of sale on the first Tuesday in October, 2008, ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LY the described NG following AND BE NG N THE property: 9TH D STR CT 1ST TRACT I LAND LOT 79 OF UN ON COUNTY SECT ON All that tract or parcel of land andMORE being GEORG A CONTA N NG 2 0 lying ACRES in 17thAS District, 1st ON Section, LandOFLotSUR 295 ORthe LESS SHOWN A PLAT of County, Georgia,21containing 16.506 VEYUnion DATED FEBRUARY 1999 REV SED acres, more or less, as shown on a plat and FEBRUARY 24 1999 BY T M CABLE SUR survey Rochester & Associates, datVEY NGby AND RECORDED N UN ON Inc., COUNTY ed August N13,PLAT 1996, and42 recorded in Union RECORDS BOOK PAGE 127 SA D County in Plat Book Page 176. PLAT S Records NCORPORATED HERE 40, N BY REFER Said is incorporated herein a full and ENCEplat HERETO FOR A FULL ANDforCOMPLETE complete description of the property. DESCR PT ON OF THE ABOVE DESCR BED TRACT II PROPERTY All that tractWorTH parcel land lying and being TOGETHER ALL ofMPROVEMENTS LO in the 17th District,NCLUD 1st Section, LandCERTA Lot 295 CATED THEREON NG THAT N of Union County, GA,MOB containing 1 acre, more 1999 BELLCREST LE HOME #2878A or less, as shown a plat andONsurvey by AND 2878B WH CHonS LOCATED AND AF Rochester & Associates, dated May 25,PROP 1996, F XED TO THE ABOVE REFERENCED ERTYrecorded in Union County records, in Plat and TOGETHER W TH LO Book 36, Page 149.ALL SaidMPROVEMENTS plat is incorporated CATED for THEREON NCLUD NG CERTA N herein a full description ofTHAT the property. 1999 AND P NNACLE MOBAlLEha HOME LESS EXCEPT: ac #1945AAL o pa ce #1945 S LOCATED oANDand y ng BAL and bWH ngCHn he 17 h D s ON c ANDSec AFFon XEDLand TO THE ABOVE REFERENCED 1s Lo 295 o Un on Coun y PROPERTY Geo g a and be ng Lo 1 Mossy Rock Subd edesbymo saedoSecu vThe s onndeb con edness a n ng 1 secu 608 ac ess Deed has he eby dec a ed asyshown on abeen p a and o susvey by Roches e due and apayab o among he & Assoc es nce because da ed June 10 2003o and poss b e even s o de au a u e o pay eco ded n Un on Coun y Reco ds n P a he ndeb edness Book 54 Page 209 as Sa dand p a when s ncodue po aand ed n manne p ov ded n he No e The he ehen by e e ence deb AND ema EXCEPT n ng n deA au ha h sacsa oe wpa ce be LESS he and pu pose omade and oy ng b ng on pay he ng 17 hheD ssame c and Sec a expenses s sa ov ded 1s on Land oLo h295 o eUnasonp Coun y n he Secu y Deed and by aw nc ud ng Geo g a and be ng Lo 8 Mossy Rock Subd a o ney s ees no ce o n en o co ec va soonney con n nghav 0 949 ac es gmo o pess s aees ng been vene as o as shown on a p a o su vey by Roches e v ded by aw & Assoc a es nc da ed June 10 2003 and The p ope y w be so d o cash o ce eco n Un on sub Coun ds and n Paa fiedded unds and ecy Reco o any Book 209d Sa d p oa so nco a ed ma e54s oPageeco supe sa dpoSecu heye Deed n by eou e ence s and ng ad va o em axes LESS AND EXCEPT A ha ac o pa ce o any ma e s wh ch m gh be d sc osed by andaccu y ngaand ng and n he nspec 17 h D on s oc 1s an e sub vey he Sec Un on Coun p opeon yLand onLo ng 295 o donances es yc Geo ons gcovenan a and be 10 Mossys Rock s ng andLo easemen aga Subd ns vhe sp on n ng The 2 009 moconduc e o ess opecon y a any saac e wes be ed as se shown o su Roches o honhea ep na sub ec vey o by 1 confi mae &on Assoc nc sa daeedhaJunehe10sa2003 p oa es o he e s and no Un onheCoun Recoup dscynCode Pa peco oh ded b ed nunde U S yBank Book Pageconfi 209 ma Sa donp and a saud nco po and 254fina p oa edo he n by heesa e o e eheence s a us o he oan w h he LESS ha ac o pa ce o ho deAND o EXCEPT he Secu Ay Deed Gand an ee he n gh o se y ngese andves b ng he 17 h D she cp op 1s Sec LandpaLoce295 Coune y Geo e y on n one o oasUnanonen o n pa ce mayRock e ec Subd as pev gsuch a and be sngasLoG an 11 ee Mossy n ahen Secu y Deed smonedcon ng 0 984 ac es mo e o ess To shown he bes on o ahe s gned s know edge as p aunde o su vey by Roches e and be ea eshenc p ope y June s oca10ed2003 n Land & Assoc da ed and Lo s on c Coun 1s Sec on con eco79ded9 hnDUn y Reco ds an nPng a 2 00 ac Un209 on Coun a and Book 54 es Page Sa d yp aGeos gnco po a he ed pa y n possess on o he p ope y s Veach he e n by e e ence P ope nc edo byhe enan has s The deb essecu sa d enan Secu oy Deed APPALACH BANK A o been and sANheCOMMUN eby dec TY a ed due as because ney n Fac o Veach P ope es nc o among o he poss b e even s o de au Thompson O Bheenndeb Kemp & Nasu P Cwhen a u e o pay edness as and 40 Techno kwaypSou h Sun ehe300 due and n ogy he Pa manne ov ded No e No cSecu oss Geo g a 30092 and y Deed The deb ema n ng n 770 de au 925h 0111 s sa e w be made o he pu TH S oLAW RMheS same ACT NG DEBT COLo pose payF ng andASa Aexpenses LECTOR NG TO h s sa eATTEMPT as p ov ded n COLLECT he Secu Ay DEBT Deed ANY by NFORMAT NED W LL and aw nc udON ng aOBTA o ney s ees no BE ce USED FOR THAT PURPOSE o n en o co ec a o ney s ees hav ng been g ven Sa p ope y w UNDER be so d POWER sub ec o any ou NOTd CE OF SALE sGEORG and ngA ad em axes nc ud ng axes UNvaONo COUNTY wh ch aand e aby en ye Powe due and Unde v bu ue ono he o pay Sa e ab s whcechamn ghSecu be d ysc Deed osed cone a any ned man eha by an accu a e su vey and nspec on and Ag eemen om T anspo a on Loo s o ens ghes pc ope Specyaany s s assessmen nc “G an ” oease Ap men s an encumb ancesy Bank on ng “G o dan nances pa ach Commun ee” es edc Augus ons covenan s and s o ded e da 30 2006 fi edma ande eco co d supe o hen Secu y Deed fi sPage se Augus 31 o2006 Deed Book 664 ou 682 above Un on Coun y Geo g a Reco ds he To he bes know convey edge and he “Secu y Deed” ng be he ea oe de unde s gned y n epossess sc bed p ope hey pa o secu ha ce ona no Unhe pveope y s eBULLDOGWOOD sa No da ed Oc obe PROPERT 15 2007ES LLC om oG an a enan o enan o payab e o sG an ee n he o g na UN TED p nc paCOMMUN amoun TY o BANK E gh y F ve Thousand Onea Hund Th een and 42 100 Do as as o neyed n Fac o BULLDOGWOOD PROP $85ES 113LLC 42 w h n e es he eon as se ERT o h he e n as mod fied and enewed he L Lou A en “Noese”& Haheb eson w PLLC be so d a pub c ou c y S o Moun he h ghes b dde 11 a n S ee Su eo 8 cash be o e he cou doo g oa 30513 Un on Coun y Geo g a B ue Rhouse dge Geo w706h n632he7923 ega hou s o sa e on he fi s Tuesday n Ju y 2009 he o ow ng de F e No 7484A 00658 sc bed p ope y A ha ac o pa ce o and y ng and be ngCEn he 8 h D s c 1s Sec on Land NOT Lo ce 88 os he Uneby on Coun g a can and Mben No g ven y haGeoAme ng 1c14Auc ac on es pu mosuan eo Sngo Lo age 23 w con ho da an Pub ess o Ac su Geo vey gbya Code Jack o heas Geoshown g a Se onS poaage S an ey Un on Coun y Su veyo da ed June Sec on 10 4 210 o 10 4 215 on Sep embe 18 2008 1981a and ev ased June and 25 10 a m Ame can20M n1983 S o age eco ded n dge Un on Coun Reco n Pa 1476 B ue R Hwy B ay sv e ds GA 30512 Book N 158S aSae do pGeo a sg anco po a ed Coun y oPage Un on he e n by e e ence he e o o a u and Buck Un p#9 on Tooos Fuhen above u e Boxes compFeshe e desc de M Ak ns sc scbedMpkeope y Un #62 Fu n u e Boxes M sc Toge he w h a mp ovemen s oca ed Th auc on be cash sa ea on h1973 ghesMon bd heseon nc w ud ng ha ce de e sub ec o cance egoSa Mob e Home Manu aac on u en sheDeven No oBMse7319 emen be ween owne and ob ga wh ch s oca ed on and a fixed edo pa y he above desc bed p ope y The ndeb edness secu ed by sa d Secu y Deed has been and s he eby dec a ed APPL CATpayab ON TOe REG STER oA BUS NESS TO due and because among o he BE CONDUCTED poss b e even sUNDER o de TRADE au aNAME u e oPART pay