Apr 2014 - Royal Corps of Signals
Apr 2014 - Royal Corps of Signals
wire THE April 2014 www.royalsignals.mod.uk The Magazine of The Royal Corps of Signals ROYAL SIGNALS INSTITUTION Deane-Drummond Prize Essay Competition 2014 (Closing Date - 31st July 2014) 1st Prize - £1000 2nd Prize - £500 3rd Prize - £250 Context: “Operations in Afghanistan have served to highlight the vital role of information on the modern battlefield. Indeed, the richness of the operational information now routinely delivered at all levels of command down to sub-unit and below has fundamentally changed the information landscape to such an extent that it may be time to re-examine the current division of responsibilities for information management (IM).”. Question: Should all information necessarily be treated in the same way; which aspects of the information landscape belong to commanders and their staffs, and which are best left to R SIGNALS personnel? The essay should demonstrate understanding of the IM challenges and the steps to be taken to mitigate against them, highlighting specific recommendations for R SIGNALS. Rules of the Competition: Entrants must be serving (regular or reserve) members of the R SIGNALS or the QG SIGNALS. Essays should be between 1500 – 2500 words and submitted in electronic format. Classified matters must not be included. References and quotes must be in accordance with the Harvard System of Referencing. Essays should be sent to the Corps Adjt under unit arrangements. The closing date for entries is 31 Jul 14. The Magazine of the Royal Corps of Signals APRIL 2014 Vol. 68 No: 2 Find us on Established in 1920 The Wire Published bi-monthly Annual subscription £12.00 plus postage Editor Mr Keith Pritchard Tel: 01258 482817 Editor: Mr Keith Pritchard Deputy Editor: Ms J Burke All correspondence and material for publication in The Wire should be addressed to: The Wire, RHQ Royal Signals, Blandford Camp, Blandford Forum, Dorset, DT11 8RH Contributors Email: thewire@royalsignals.com Accounts / Subscriptions Deadline for The Wire : 15th February for publication in the April. 15th April for publication in the June. 15th June for publication in the August. 15th August for publication in the October. 15th October for publication in the December. 10th December for publication in the February. Mrs Jess Lawson Tel: 01258 482087 To see The Wire on line or to refer to Guidelines for Contributors, go to: http://www.army.mod.uk/signals/25070.aspx Subscribers All enquiries regarding subscriptions and changes of address of The Wire should be made to: 01258 482087 or 94371 2087 (mil) or CorpsAccounts@royalsignals.com. Remittances should be made payable to Royal Signals Benevolent Fund CONTENTS News from Operations News from Blandford News from Training News from Regiments News from Squadrons Other Units Adventurous Training Last Post Obituaries FRONT COVER 2 Sig Regt Ex Northern Gokyo Keys exped to Everest Base Camp. Photo taken at the summit of Kalapatar with Mt Everest and Nuptse in the background. Page 2 10 14 22 76 84 85 April Edition Adventurous Training In line with the new policy of Wire submissions instead of formal PXRs, we have several AT reports from Units in this edition: Ex ALPINE BUFFALO - 3DRS skiing in Austria Ex MOUFLON'S LOTUS - 14 SR trekking in Chile Ex TIGER HANUMAN DIVER - British Forces Brunei diving expedition to Bali Ex NORTHERN GEO ADVENTURE - 2 & 32 SR skiing in Austria Ex DIAMOND MANSKI - 1ADSR skiing in Bavaria 97 98 BACK COVER LCpl Aaron Rouget (30 Sig Regt) smashing down the Giant Slalom course at the Army Champs Authors alone are responsible for the content of their articles. The opinions expressed in the articles of this publication are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the policy and views, official or otherwise, of the Royal Corps of Signals or the Ministry of Defence. All articles and submissions are published at the discretion of the Editor. This publication may contain official information. It should be treated with discretion by the recipient. Printed by Holbrook Printers Ltd, Norway Road, Hilsea, Portsmouth © Crown Copyright NEWS FROM OPERATIONS HEADQUATERS JFCIS(A) DComd Lt Col A E A Corkery RSM WO2 Robertson Camp Bastion Superstars X-Fit Competition – by Cpl Paige AGC(SPS) We had to wait all afternoon for the results of the competition which were finally released at 1700hrs. When the results were shown we were all shocked to see that we ended up in fifth position and only 40 seconds from 3rd place. Considering the competition we had been up against which included the Danish, Estonians, and many other British teams we all felt we had done ourselves proud. As we were the top placed British team we now have the bragging rights for the next competition which hopefully will take place in Apr 14. HELMAND ICS SIGNAL SQUADRON (220 SIGNAL SQUADRON) OC SSM Maj P Stowell MBE SSgt Miller Helmand DA – by Sgt Keers The XFit team looking rather fit! JFCIS(A) decided that they were going to enter a team in the inaugural Superstars Xfit competition that took place on Tue 14 Jan. The team consisted of Flt Lt Hawley, WO2 (SSM) Robertson, Cpl Dean and myself as team captain. We only decided that a team was going to be entered 3 weeks before the event so training time was of the essence. Our team name was “21 seconds to go”. We only managed to have 2 training sessions as a team before the event took place so spent a little time assessing strengths and weaknesses of all participants. We were all delighted to find that we had a team that overall could compete strongly in all events that the competition had to offer. The day of the event arrived and we were all understandably nervous, waking up realising what lay ahead. The competition itself consisted of a 500 metre row for each member (eughhhhhh) followed by 40 reps of bench pressing 50Kg. After this we moved on to the farmers walk (or should I say run). Two 25Kg plates in each hand covering 20 meters before turning around and making our way back to the start line counted as 1 rep. We had to do 40 as a team. This was the longest time exercise of the event as a whole which was followed by 50 tyre flips which involved flipping a MRAP tyre. These tyres weigh approximately 100Kg. 200 box jumps followed in which all team members had to complete 50 before moving to the next team member. The penultimate event was 200 squat thrusts, which was the same as box jumps, involving each team member completing their amount of reps before the next team member could go. The final event was a 400 metre sprint. Each team member had to hold a baton and pass it on to the next member at the end of their sprint. Cpl Dean went first followed by Flt Lt Hawley, the SSM followed and I went last. We started behind the Estonians but beat them to the line which was a nice end to the competition. 2 Sgt Taff Collwell, Sgt Micky Keeps, LCpl Plummeret-Page On my arrival into Theatre all I heard from the Sqn Yeoman was that LCpl Page is glad you are here. Slightly wary, I thought it cannot be all that bad, can it? My first day in the office revealed what the next seven months or so was to have in store. We oversee a Crypto account that covers the whole of Helmand as well as accounting for almost 3000 secret documents. Luckily LCpl Page came over for the handover from 3 (UK) DSR so all was well! After I settled in and completed RSOI I started my handover. Thankfully LCpl Page is a wealth of knowledge and things started to run smoothly after we got our heads around what was required. As we work inside our own little compound things can get a little bit boring throughout the day, but we were kept entertained with some classic one liners from LCpl Page such as, “Isn’t Paul Daniel’s married to that Mystic Meg?” or “1666, wasn’t that the Battle of Hastings?” - It’s the little things that keep us entertained throughout the day! The Christmas period was busy and there was plenty organised to keep us all entertained. We all took part in running home for Christmas to raise money for charity and there was a sports day organised on Christmas day to keep us all amused. I, on the other hand, decided it would be a good idea to take part in the Christmas day half marathon after doing very little training. THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 LCpl Page has now decided that he has had enough so he is off back to Colerne to be replaced by Cpl Smiejkowski. All in all we have had a busy first three months working hard trying to backload as much equipment as possible as well dealing with our eighty accounts and trying to keep them all happy. KABUL CAMP SOUTER ICS DETACHMENT (214 SIGNAL SQUADRON) OC SSM Maj Bennett SSgt McDermott MOB PRICE – by Cpl Rodway Souter ICS Det in festive sprits MOB Price communication towers and assets As January draws to a close the pace is constantly on the rise for the ICS detachment at MOB Price. With units moving location to accommodate the closure of camp this is the start of the busiest period for the members of 21 Signal Regiment. 2014 has now well and truly arrived and with it this new beginning brings a new host of challenges for the small 3 man, one woman team. As the MOB closure creeps upon us our job of simply maintaining the communication infrastructure of MOB Price has evolved into tearing out and back loading several ISO containers full to the brim with used equipment. Along with the remediation of CIS equipment it seems all the home comforts are disappearing day by day. The latest casualties being the office chairs that will go the same way as the detachment sofa. Along with the chairs the flooring has started to be taken up with half of the detachment looking like a sandy beach. Unfortunately we are not in some far away holiday destination that will have to wait until the hard work has finished within MOB Price. Now we have the plan for when each service will be switched off and taken away the end of our time here seems ever closer and returning to Bastion is a daunting reality… The ICS Det has now settled into tour life and the learning curve has begun to even off a bit. Having just lost Sig ‘Arthur Tour’ Hunt (a member of the Det who got an early ticket home), we were fortunate to gain LCpl ‘Rusty-nuts’ Harrison as replacement morale. He arrived in style, finding himself in front of the RSM after only being on the camp for 12 hours. Standing to attention alongside Rusty was Cpl ‘should-know-better’ Lawton, LCpl ‘Creosote’ Mackell and LCpl ‘Yankee candle’ Boyd, all quaking before the Scottish monster. This was all down to LCpl Boyd, who thought it would be a good idea to host a ‘movie night’ in his room. In an attempt to ensure LCpl Mackell succumbed to his seductive charms, he decided to add a little romance with the help of some Cherry Vanilla Yankee candles. Unfortunately the fire alarms put a dampener on events and the entire block had to be evacuated. When LCpl Boyd said ‘Well, it smelt nice Sir’ as his defence, the RSM replied with a glare and the immortal words; ‘You’re a banger’. Eight hours of work parades (each) followed for the ‘4 Candles’ gang and in a display of poetic justice, LCpl Boyd was appointed Fire Safety JNCO. The Det was stood down (with the exception of Sgt Wayne Addison) from 1400 on Xmas Eve until 0800 Boxing Day for sports and quizzes and other Christmas activities. The Camp officers and seniors took over everyone’s guard on Christmas day which was greatly appreciated by the Det. 7 ARMOURED BRIGADE HEADQUARTERS AND SIGNAL SQUADRON (207) TFH HQ Real Life Support – by Cpl Hunt Right from the start of the tour when the first men touched down in Camp Bastion it has been non-stop, with the only thing changing is the amount of work being undertaken from such a small team. We have all been responsible for providing all the J1/J4 for over 190 personal deployed within Task Force Helmand HQ. SSgt Noble (TFH HQ SQMS) has been kept busy all the way through the tour with his merry band of minions (LCpl ‘Paddy’ McLoughlin, LCpl ‘Riddy’ Rydeard and Sig ‘Gaz’ McDermott) closely following behind his every move. They have been THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 providing everything you could imagine an HQ would require, no matter what time of day. SSgt ‘Mac’ McMullen has been kept busy managing the complete accommodation allocation and planning for Camp 501 for the duration of the tour. This has included the constant complaints about air conditioning units not blowing out cold air, then hot air, then cold air as the temperature begins to rise again, and the constant changes in the temperature of the water in the shower cubicles not remaining at a constant hot temperature at all times. This has also been run alongside the twice monthly range packages which he has organised to ensure all personal within TFH HQ 3 remain current and competent on their weapon systems. He has been assisted by Cpl Matt Hunt as range staff and LCpl Rydeard as always happy Ammo NCO. We have managed to have a few laughs whilst on the ranges, most notably LCpl ‘Paddy’ McLoughlin’s single shot rifle! At least we know that he cleaned his gas parts the week before the ranges. SSgt ‘Jas’ Janes has managed for the majority of the tour to provide a one man J1 support cell from within Camp 501 for all TFH HQ personal, as well as those personal from the Squadron deployed/attached to the various battle groups within Theatre. Cpl Hunt has been kept busy not only running TFH HQ MT providing transport support for their every need being assisted by his one man driving team of Sig ‘Clapdog1’ Clapperton, but also running the TFH HQ Armoury ensuring all weapons remain serviceable at all times. Although Cpl Hunt had completed all the risk assessments for everything and anything which could be carried out, he still manages to bang his head in the armoury on a weekly basis due to people storing rifles in there. We have had some fun times during the tour as three of the team have celebrated their birthdays over here with pizza and alcohol free beer. During one such celebration LCpl McLoughlin managing to spill beer and bits of pizza everywhere when a rather large bang shook the room and he took cover under the table. Well the light at the end of the tunnel is getting bigger and it will be soon be time to say goodbye to Afghanistan with everyone looking forward to not only a safe return to Hohne, but the long awaited ‘Decompression’ in Cyprus closely followed by POTL!!!!! Main Troop - by Sig Guy As September 21 2013 arose amongst us, the boys and girls of the mighty 207 Signal Squadron, “the Desert Rats” deployed on Op HERRICK 19 for the first time as TFH Signal Squadron. We arrived safely and got put into transit accommodation by the RSOI camp, met up with the remainder of the Sqn who arrived before hand and had a whistle-stop tour of Camp Bastion. RSOI day one was all death by PowerPoint, which took its toll on the already tired troops. Day two started with a squadded march in full PPE with weapon. The heat was immense! We arrived at the ranges, zeroed our weapons and had more briefs. That was it for the Cat ones, with the lucky Cat 2 personnel completing a further 3 days, which included OP BARMA, CIED, patrols, CQB, etc. On the first day, as we took over from 1 Mechanized Brigade, we had a pizza night at TacCIS village with the departing personnel. The morale between the two was slightly different as 215 were clearly happy to be going home and we were just starting. We got split into 12 hour shifts of 6 people with tasks including radio shifts as the J3 signaller in the JOC and monitoring comms systems in TacCIS Village. Sig 'Shauny G' Guy signed for the network eqpt room which has all the 117F and Bowman equipment supplying the JOC, providing situational awareness from out on the ground. Down at TacCIS village, our jobs were to keep the terminals working and monitor chat, the Data network and NFFI feeds (NATO Friendly Forces Identifier) which provide HeATS and GrATS, Blue Force Tracker, ANA, Civilian Convoy and BCIP tracks. The first few months were very busy as we had to familiarise ourselves with new systems and equipment, and get to know how LAS was cabled in (this took a while to re-organise). 4 Once all the niff and naff was done, we had all comms IAW with no problems at all. LCpl ‘Stonesy’ Stones deployed with the Warthog group for a week and did a good job with them sorting the comms out. Later on in the year he and LCpl Beni ‘Close Protection’ Greenaway deployed with the BAT to Lashkah Gah Durai where famously Stonesy tripped down a drainage ditch and got suspected meningitis and was subsequently MEDEVAC’D back to Bastion as CAT A (where tests concluded he had a sore head!) Christmas had arrived and we all had to parade at TacCIS village as the Boss, Capt Miller, had organised the best Christmas party Afghanistan has ever seen! All available members of 207 Sig Sqn (along with some hangers on like the Bde Comd’s PA and driver (LCpl Rachel ‘Dozza’ Dorrian and LCpl Karl ‘Smudge’ Smith) and had a great time. As we are separated across the AO, it was good to see some different faces like Sig ‘Little Mac’ McMahon, LCpl ‘Red Belt’ Gaffer and Sig Ollie ‘The Boss fancies your Mum’ Lippitt. The celebrations included a raffle, secret Santa presents and a quiz, and of course Christmas music. This wasn’t your ordinary Christmas day like back home, having a beer, a proper dinner, family, but what more could you ask for, spending it with the people you have lived and worked with for so long. Boxing day came and Sig ‘Shauny G’ Guy deployed on an Op in the North of the AO with an LO from the Artillery. He proved he earned his money (finally) establishing comms and relaying back to manoeuvre BG. This was not a good experience as temperatures were in the minuses, and he had to wash and shave with only a bottle of water…which most days was frozen. May I add he didn’t get MEDEVAC’D. January 25 2014, LCpl Beni Greenaway and Sig Guy deployed with the BAT as the two signallers to the Sangin Valley where they both set up MMS, VHF and TACSAT. These links were vital as they were relied on to get comms back to PB Nolay where the CO was, talking to the ANA on the ground. It’s coming to the end of an era, with the majority of the shifts churning and going back to Germany for a bit of well-earned POTL, and the new boys come in and take their place. We will say farewell to Cpl Hanley, LCpl Eccles and Sigs ‘Noodles’ Eady, ‘Dingle’ Dinsdale, ‘V-Dog’ Veringa, Chadwick, Sharp, Lippitt and Eccles, and welcome LCpl Cobb and Sig Hallett, Davies, Farrow, Burnett, French, Main and Caress. FRT– by LCpl Daly With the main RIP completely over by the end of 2013 we were all expecting work to calm down in the FRT, unfortunately this did not happen. With the battle groups still bringing equipment into us by the truck load (or literally brining their trucks in to get fixed). We have inspections and the close down of bases around the AO coming thick and fast, and the redistribution of Bowman kit has brought a lot of work our way, doing serviceability checks for each bit of equipment. A very busy period for the FRT is upon us. We are now fully integrated with 21 Signal Regiment after a few months of musical room changes and are very much settled in our new home for the duration of our tour. With Sgt Jim Berridge away conducting a DIT course, the FRT was left in the hands of Cpl Nickie Creswell. In this short time her 10 a day habit shot up to 30 a day to allow her a few moments of peace she required to take a break. LCpl Resh Ramsahye has been doing a splendid job running with the VTC for the duration of HERRICK 19. The look on his face every time he gets “Signaller, the VTC is not working” is priceless, THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 being that the most common fault is the microphone is not turned on or they need to switch the TV on. We say goodbye to Sgt Jim Green who left us at the end of December. We organised a pizza and poker night (during which no money changed hands), however Sgt Green did walk away the victor with our monopoly money. Life in the Warthogs – by LCpl Fell Both myself and Sig jones deployed on HERRICK 19 with 9/12 Royal Lancers as part of the Warthog group. Our role is to provide that critical link for the Warthogs back to TFH Comd when the Warthogs deploy on the different operations outside the wire of Bastion. We have also helped the Sqn with the maintenance of the Warthogs and the running of the signal stores. The first couple of months of the deployment has been very busy for the Warthogs with the handover and takeover from 2 RTR and with the different operations that we have been tasked with in Helmand province. We have now hit the half way mark in our tour. The first half of the tour we have kept busy with all the different things that have gone on. Both myself and Sig Jones were involved with an event to raise money for BLESMA, doing 30 miles each either running or biking, to help 9/12 Royal Lancers get back home to the UK. Some good news, Sig Jones was expecting a child around the time of his R&R, he managed to get home just in time to see the birth of his little girl. With us going in to the last half of the tour and only having a few months left we are getting ready for our replacements to arrive. interesting and varied with EST Coy depending on the tempo of operations Ops have been “interesting” from receiving SAF from AK47s and PKMs to RPGs and UGLs flying overhead to the quiet days when the Coy are screening in an overwatch position. The most memorable Op so far was 11 days in the hills around Sangin when temperatures fell to –16o overnight whilst sleeping in old fashioned shell scrapes. When not on Ops we are based in Bastion, making sure all the kit is functional and the Coy have everything they need to make their own radios work, and organising training on UK ECM. The highlight of the day though is when we’re able to catch up on Jeremy Kyle to remind ourselves what we are missing back home. Running Home for Christmas – by Sig Eady During the Christmas period here in Afghanistan, 207 Sig Sqn, along with 21 Signal Regiment, were set the task of running home for Christmas. This was a challenging task which consisted of covering 7500km by either running, cycling or rowing. This was made harder than it should have been as we only had 7 days to complete the 7500km! For this to be achieved in such little time it meant some of us would have to put in an all-nighter and row, cycle and run in the dark. The first night this was done, we as a Troop managed to cover a staggering 1500km. Estonian Company (Manoeuvre BG) – by Cpl French and Sig Rabar Cpl French and Sig Rabar from 207 are part of a 6 man contingent attached to C Coy 17 Estonian Scout Battalion. Other attachments include a Liaison Officer (4 Scots) FST (3 RHA) JTAC (RAF Regt) and Int Offr (11 MI Coy). Life is THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Sig Rabar on Patrol 5 Lashkar Gah Rear Link Detachment - by Sgt Baker It’s been a busy tour to date for the RLD located in MOB Lashkar Gah. At the start of Op HERRICK 19 Sig ‘Ozzy’ Whittaker and Cpl ‘Nath’ Watts faced all the usual challenges of taking over a new detachment in unfamiliar surroundings. Luckily it wasn’t long before the RLD welcomed their inspirational leader, Sgt Matt ‘Bakes Cakes’ Baker. With the RLD complete, there was just enough time to get settled into our shift pattern before the arrival of the Second Battalion the Royal Anglian Regiment, ‘The Poachers’, who we are attached to. November saw Sig Whittaker depart to a more isolated working environment at the Operational Coordination Centre – Provincial. This is where half a dozen ISAF personnel work side by side with Afghans in a joint Ops Room. It’s only 500m from the MOB but may as well be 500 miles. Personnel have to remain in either the Ops Room or the accommodation, and if they go to the gym it must be in pairs. While Sig ‘Golden Maggot’ Whittaker was safely tucked up in his sleeping bag at the OCCP, the remaining RLD were adding a new acronym to their dictionary, BRAC/T! (Base Realignment and Closure/Transfer). To us, it meant we needed to work out how we were going to remove the remaining cabling, antennas and tactical communications that had been established in MOB LKG over the previous 18 Op HERRICKs. During Sig Whittaker’s absence, Cpl ‘I wish I was an Operator’ Watts took a giant leap for the CS ENGR trade, covering operator duties as well his own hands-on technical work. As a reward for his efforts, Cpl Watts was sent to the FRT in Bastion to recover from his operator experience. Sig Whitaker establishing secondary communications on a 117f With Sig Whittaker safely back from the confines of OCCP, and Cpl Watts back from his operational holiday, it was time for the RLD to embark on a new operation, Op WOMBLE. We found ourselves deployed on a ruthless, gruelling mission with the task of minimising anything that was not operationally necessary. Brew kit, televisions and furniture all had to go. The Christmas period saw Sig Whittaker return to the UK for R&R leaving Sgt Baker and Cpl Watts to enjoy the festive season in Lashkar Gah. Prior to the Christmas Day banquet, we donned our lycra, tinsel and our newly issued Santa hats, for a Christmas Day fun run. Both of us had the opportunity to open gifts and speak to loved ones back home. As we entered 2014, we welcomed the following members of the 2 R ANGLIAN RSIST, Cpl ‘Winge’ Farrar, LCpl ‘Get some guns’ Cargill and LCpl ‘Night Walker’ Hymers. 6 Cpl Watts carries out some critical repairs to a coax, which fell victim to a JCB operated by a locally employed civilian With more hands on the pump, it was time to focus on downsizing and removing our tactical communications. All the team worked hard reducing the FSU HQ to a minimal Ops Room that they can operate from for the final weeks. With British troops scheduled to leave the MOB next month, the scenery is constantly changing. We have witnessed the removal of accommodation tents, the closing of the EFI shop and the down scaling of Paradigm facilities. Next week will see the closure of the dining facility and introduction of ration packs. Following the close down of MOB Lashkar Gah, the RLD are looking forward to a few weeks in Bastion before that wellearned banana boat ride on decompression, and then spending some well-earned Post Operational Tour Leave with family and friends. The LKG RLD stripping cables and equipment from our Bowman DOR Operational News - MOB PRICE – by Sgt Virot and Cpl Abusah From our arrival into MOB Price on September 18 2013, Sgt Virot and Cpl Abusah hit the ground running. We took over from the respective RSDC and RSIST members and settled into the routine of MOB life as Watchkeepers and Signallers. MOB “NICE” as it’s referred to was soon to lose the majority of its AO as we dropped from 2 patrol companies to 1 Protective Mobility company location. This came into effect a month into our tour once C Coy 3 Mercian arrived and assumed their duties. We said goodbye to friends in 1RRF as they left the end of September to mid-October. Once departed we set to the task of making the Ops Room our own (as happens on all tours). We started by tracing THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 every cable known to man within the DORs and sending Visio diagrams to Bde. During silent hours we disconnected, rerouted and re-established comms, feeling pleased with the work done we settled into routine. Establishing Combat over the HCDR network was our next task. Although we could get Sterga 2 and Bastion, our aim was to bring LCpl Robertson and Sig Wright into the fold from Durai junction. This in itself was proving difficult even with the assistance of a 25 metre Racal mast. The location of the mast itself was a problem as the real estate required for the guys was exceeding the space given within the Citadel. As our predecessors only had it half elevated we decided to go whole hog and get it up to the max, only to learn that the guy ropes were cut and the mast pump was nowhere to be seen. A move was in order to get the 20 odd stone mast to a suitable location and gain comms. We recruited a “few big guns” from the FST and a pump from Durai then elevated the monstrosity of a mast. It had a few admirers and was a favourite resting place for the transiting birds of Gereshk. After all the effort of the move, Lashkar Gah Durai was still out of reach. The Yakchal Mountains had beaten the mast; the next step was to move the mast via Chinook to Sterga 2 where the link came in. We then started the fun of BRAC/T. This entails the removal of ISO containers and shrinking the HESCO from the MOB, and the start of the base downsize (which came with problems of its own!). Some of our masts were elevated on top of ISOs stacked 2 high so getting to them with long enough ladders was a mission in itself, only to learn once scaled that the base plate had been welded on so could not be removed. A few choice words followed as we had to then improvise the TFH RRB mast onto HESCO, and part of our mast kit was soon on its way out of Afghan on top of a container. One of the biggest problems faced is the legacy cabling lying all around the MOB, having to trace miles of cabling and coaxes to their end, the majority being legacy Danish and American equipment left aloft numerous metal masts. Trying to track down the owners in Bastion has proven difficult enough but we are getting there slowly. Company training continues on request for TacSat and VHF, and the BRAC/T of the Ops Room continues on a daily basis in slow time and will pick up pace massively as we get towards the end. Having been here 4 and bit months we have seen the base shrink dramatically. Soon the luxuries will be going, down to a field kitchen, welfare and internet services are off, as are the tents and air con, and to everyone’s upset, the gym. Everyone within the MOB are looking forward to a bit of aggressive camping when we go into ponchos for the last couple of weeks and deploy an alternate Ops Room before we lift out of what was MOB Price and head back to Bastion, leaving a relic of a camp to the Americans within their small compound. Operational News - Manoeuvre BG HQ – by Sgt Harris Life in 4 Scots RLD team has been relatively busy…and then we deployed on Op HERRICK. Our general working day consists of radio shifts broken up by occasional (monthly) re-zeroing of weapons. However, there was a break in the normal routine when the THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Manoeuvre Battle Group CO’s Signaller went on R&R between Christmas and New Year, well timed on his part as CO’s TAC was to deploy on Boxing Day as part of an operation to support the BRAC/T of American PBs. Unfortunately (for me) this coincided with the lowest temperatures of the year (-12o C) which was recorded by the Tac snipers in an OP. Our admin was certainly tested; cold water shaves, john bags (that really was an experience!!) and a brand new issued thermorest which ended above my knees, all added to the fun! I also found out that the tier 2 protection in conjunction with the Husky rear seats makes for an extremely sore backside. The issued tier 1 underwear was a godsend, 12 days of continuous wear and my bits still smelt fresh...ish. Despite a few downsides it certainly made a nice change to see something of Afghanistan other than the inside of a JOB/MOB/FOB, albeit most of the view consisted of miles of Dashte (desert) with the occasional mountain in the far distance interspersed with the odd bizarre appearance of a random herd of goats complete with goat herder. As for the comms side, the usual Bowman VHF with a liberal sprinkling of TacSat was the norm, although I did end up using a new (for me at least) comms system. Mobile Mission Secret (MMS) which would appear to be the updated version of LWRN comprises of a BGAN sat dish and a pelicase with a built in framework of router, VoIP phone and Toughbook. This is certainly a smaller, lighter and overall more compact system than LWRN ever was. New Year came and went and passed us by as we were leaguered up in our desert box seeking shelter from the biting wind. Now it’s finished I’m back in Bastion and once again sat behind a desk running a myriad of comms nets in the relative warmth. I say relative because is started snowing yesterday and appropriately enough the heating systems in both the accommodation and in the Ops Room have chucked in the towel and refuse to work. It’s still warmer than it was out on the ground though! Happy New Year everyone. Superstar’s Competition – by Sig Roberts On 14 Jan a Superstars competition was held in Camp Bastion. It was a team event which consisted of four people. The competition was open to anyone on Camp Bastion, regardless of service, cap badge, sex or nationality. In total there were 26 male and 8 female teams. The events included: • • • • • • • 2000m row (500m per person at level 10). 20kg shoulder press, 30 reps. 40kg Romanian dead lift, 10 reps. Farmers walk. 20 kg disks, 40m walk ten times. Box jumps. 50 reps. Squats thrusts. 50 reps. 400m run. The dead lift, farmers walk and box jumps could be split unevenly between the team, but each member had to attempt every exercise. Many people were interested in entering the event in TFH HQ. My team, “Fatty Boom Boom” ended up consisting of myself, 7 LCpl Dorrian (AGC, Comd PA) Lt Eldridge (ISTAR EW LO, R SIGNALS) and Lt Hunter-Choat (BAT, Int Corp). Many teams trained for weeks prior to the event, but due to our team working different hours, it was hard to meet up for training, and as a result only having one training session as a team. The big day came. Many personnel from the HQ came and supported us. My team was confident we would do well, even due to the lack of training and that LCpl ‘Dozza’ Dorrian had tonsillitis. From start to finish the event was challenging, but the team was strong in every event, completing most exercises quickly with short rest periods. The hardest part of the event was towards the end at the squat thrusts, because our legs were tired after farmers walk and box jumps. The team finished in 42min 13secs, putting us in the lead; but there were still strong teams to go. We kept the lead all day, but the other TFH team, “Nice Apps” (Lead by our very own Capt Katie Apps) beat our time, then the Danish team after them also beat us by 40secs. We came third over overall which we were all very happy with. STERGA 2 – by Sig Lippitt Set high on a cliff beside the Helmand River, OP STERGA 2 has two contrasting views. To the north is the Green Zone and to the south an empty desert. There are several key reasons why this OP is located here, not only to observe upon the unknowing locals as they do their strange day to day business or as insurgents do their thing. Myself, Sig Oliver ‘Kid’ Lippitt and LCpl Carl ‘the Kraken’ Eccles play an important part as we provide a radio re-broadcast (RRB) station. We are a lynch pin for communications throughout the Helmand AO and are sat here so that vital communications can be heard and sent from Lashkar Gah Durai. At STERGA 2 we work alongside two of the 4 Scots infantry signallers. The remainder of the 4 Scots lads do the FP of the camp and protect the ISTAR Gp asset. We have 5 Regt Royal Artillery providing a Mamba asset and BISTAR for better viewing and to assist sangars. A male nurse and a medic provide the medical facility. Because of the small space it is important that everyone works together to supply basic administration for the OP i.e. area cleaning, odd jobs around camp and important sangar duties. The reason this camp runs so smoothly is that everybody digs in together. 207 Sig Sqn Christmas Function – by Sig Sharp It’s Christmas Day, the snow is falling, the Christmas songs are playing and we’re all happy that it’s that time of year again, especially Cpl Hanley. Sorry who am I kidding, I couldn’t think of a better way than to spend Christmas Day out here in sunny Afghanistan! The only way you could tell it was Christmas is that the temperature had dropped to a chilly 25o C and the decorations were up. On the plus side it meant we got to avoid all the hustle and bustle of doing any Christmas shopping, going into shops and listening to the same old Christmas songs being played which we have heard a billion times over. Also we got to avoid the dreaded task of cleaning up the Christmas pots, pans and dishes which is also a bonus. A task LCpl Stones enjoys doing with his rubber gloves and apron on. Anyway back to the story. The Squadron had organised a function for the guys out here, which was held down at TacCIS Village, just to make it feel a little more “Christmassy”. This was probably the first time, since getting split up into our shifts, departments and to other locations that the majority of the Squadron could be together. There were prizes up for grabs which included iPads, headphones, cameras, Galaxy tablets and some other prizes. It was a free raffle, for which names were pulled out of a rather fetching Christmas hat. 8 The funding for the prizes was kindly donated by the Squadron PRI funds which totalled around €2000. Some of the money went towards food for the function, although it wasn’t Christmas dinner on the menu, pizza, snacks and cans of pop was just as good, even though the pizza was gone in a matter of minutes. Christmas dinner is overrated anyway! After we had eaten pizza and did the raffle it was time for Secret Santa, which was organised by Sig Roberts. Once all that had finished, we had some time to chill out before the videos from the families back home were played. To top the night off we finished with a quiz on Best of British which was won by Capt Apps and her team. Brigade Reconnaissance Force (Spec Op’s) – by Sgt ‘Viking’ Aanes and Cpl Ash Spooner After a hectic start to life with the BRF, things are now starting to calm down slightly. We are now 4 months into our 9 month tour so we have had and still have plenty of time to get stuck into the BRF way of life. Cpl Ash Spooner and I took on the Crypto, ECM and Bowman accounts as soon as we got into Theatre so we are both kept fairly busy. As well as doing the accounts we also deploy out on Ops as the Tac Signaller/Tac defence. Going out on Ops with the BRF has proved to be very different to any other Ops we have done in the past, mainly because the BRF are the last remaining fighting troops in Theatre. When we’re not out “on the ground” we have both been taking the troops through various Comms lessons. These include TacSAT and 152 which they appreciate a lot as they do not touch these types of Comms on their Signals courses. When it comes to physical training with the BRF it started off quite hard with a lot of battle PT, often tabbing up to 12-15 miles carrying a disgusting amount of weight!! Now though it’s pretty much do your own thing, so a group of us have just completed Insanity and are about to start it for a second time……’cos we’re hard!! A typical day on an Op consists of being woken up at a god awful time during the night, getting into the compound to get all our kit ready, carry out radio checks with the troops then it’s onto a coach up to the flight line. We normally sit on the flight line for about 30-40 mins before loading. Once on the Helo everyone tends to get a few mins of shuteye before touching down on target. From there, under cover of darkness the troops make their way to the relevant compounds before carrying out strikes and searches. Cpl Spooner and I are attached to one of the troops, taking over a compound and setting up our comms to Higher. Once comms have been established we normally hand over to the 2IC Capt ‘I’m Bloody Hot’ Grant and we crack on with whatever tasks are being dished out by the troop we are with. These tasks can be Tac protection, rummaging or engaging in fire fights with Terry Taliban. So, once we have carried out all tasks we call the Helo’s back for pickup and get out of Dodge as fast as we can!! Once back in Bastion it’s just a case of squaring all our kit away and getting back on 60mins notice to move for future Ops. THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 PRRS Jan 2014 – by Cpl Willis In September 2013 an elite team of Royal Signals Electricians were assembled and deployed to Afghanistan to work in the Power Response and Repair Section (PRRS). Based out of Camp Bastion, the department is responsible for repairing and maintaining FEPS generators and electrical distribution equipment across multiple locations within Theatre as well as Camp Bastion itself. With Task Force Helmand closing down various MOB’s and FOB’s, it has also been our job to fly forward and advise in the changeover from civilian KBR equipment to FEPS generators. It is also the task of the PRRS to inspect, repair and clean all surplus generators to the high standard required for them to be redeployed to the UK. The most time consuming part of this process is washing down the FEPS, with it taking about 8 hours to clean one generator to the standard required by the bio hazard inspection. On a trip to Sterga 2, Cpl Flanagan was tasked with carrying out a yearly inspection on two generators and to survey the power equipment on site. On his return to Bastion the only information he was able relay back to us was the fact that it was dark and he couldn’t see any faults or damage due to it being night time. Cpl Flannigan and LCpl Harland waiting to start the New Year run coffee with the Afghan Police. On his return to the PRRS yard he decided while load testing a 40kW generator to set it on fire and leave it to Cpl’s Flanagan and Willis and LCpl Harland to extinguish it before the RAF fire service arrived to congratulate us on a job well done. Although it has been a long tour the heavy workload is keeping us very busy and helping to make our time in Afghanistan go quick. With the first of us now going on R&R it won’t be long until we are back home with our families. On the run up to Christmas, Camp Bastion was visited by Katherine Jenkins where we all got the opportunity to watch her perform and after the show we were given the chance to meet the opera singer to get a few photos and an autograph. Christmas Day in Afghanistan was celebrated with LCpl Bob Harland running the Santa half marathon while Cpl Andy ‘Tash’ Willis cycled six miles of the route to take pictures of Bob’s impressive time of 1hr, 37mins 42secs, putting him into the top 100 of over 400 runners. New Year’s Eve was seen in with all members of the PRRS being scrambled to supply backup power to the Task Force Helmand HQ due to a power outage; however we were finished in time for midnight. 2014 was started with all the RSE’s taking part in the more sensible 5 kilometre Bastion fun run with Cpl Flanagan dressed in his home made snowman costume and LCpl Bob Harland wearing a teenage mutant ninja turtle onesie. Four months into the tour and with Christmas out of the way Sig ‘Pyro’ Sackey was flown out to visit all the remaining locations within Helmand to check up on all of our deployed equipment and to fix any faults. While out at Lashkar Gah he needed to tag along on a foot patrol to OCCP where he became a celebrity with the locals and even got to go for a THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Cpl Flannigan fighting fire 9 NEWS FROM BLANDFORD HEADQUARTERS ROYAL SIGNALS The Corps Recruiting Team On 13 Jan 14 the Royal Signals Corps Recruiting team was reformed with the intention of reinvigorating Corps recruitment. The Team, consisting of Capt Stu Keenan, LCpl Rosie McMullen, Sig Matt Carter and Sig Daniel Wren, were thrown straight in at the deep end and immediately began assessing the scale of the task. With new recruiting literature to be produced and presentations to be refreshed the team have been busy preparing for the wave of upcoming recruiting events. A trip to the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst for the Arms and Services day was a gentle way to settle in and provided the team with an opportunity to polish their pitches. The next few months are lightly to continue at pace with the calendar filling up quickly. You should look out for the CRT in your area. If units are attending any events that would benefit from CRT attendance please contact Capt Stu Keenan at HQ Royal Signals on 94371 2855, R SIGNALS HQ-CRT-OC. CIS TRIALS AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT Warthog Driver Training Course - by LCpl Longman A Sunday morning in mid January saw myself and LCpl Alex Reid begin our journey to Germany for a 3 week Warthog driver training course in support of TRUST ECM trials. Obviously the journey began with a standard MacDonald’s breakfast on the way to Heathrow. On arrival at the airport LCpl Reid was hit with an unexpected £77.00 extra baggage fee because he’d brought along his full 1157! After a 1½ hour flight to Munich, a 4 hour wait then another hour’s flight meant we finally arrived in Sennelager. Due to the delay we weren’t surprised to learn that we had missed the bus so had to pay for a €100 taxi to the camp. So far this was becoming an expensive course! Monday morning came and so did the beginning of the course; with the only other people on the camp being QRH (Queens Royal Hussars) LCpl Reid and I stood out like a sore thumb! The first couple of days was learning the ins and outs of the vehicle which then led onto driving soon after. The driving phase began …and so did the fun. We drove out to the wet, muddy and hilly driver training area and were told “go where ever you want, get used to the vehicle”. We took this to mean go as fast as you could, through the deepest puddles and up the steepest hills! Needless to say it was great fun and we both thoroughly enjoyed the experience. At the beginning of the second week we were told that we would be finished a week and a half early because we didn’t need to do the range shoots. This wasn’t a bad thing because the weather was awful and it was absolutely freezing. After a couple more days driving and then the assessment we had successfully passed the course. 10 The Warthog platform JTRS Trial - by LCpl Maggs The aim of the Joint Tactical Radio System trial was to evaluate the effectiveness of the JTRS Bowman Waveform (JBW), utilising the US Soldier Radio Multifunctional (SR-M) and the BCIP 5.5 VHF radio suite. Tests were conducted using both a voice only network and a mixed voice/data network, all within the confines of a (not so sunny) Blandford Camp. Although at times the trial felt a little like Groundhog Day, the 4200 serials were completed despite LCpl Carr’s VP, and Sig Lee moaning about the weather at every possible opportunity (even though he’s from Wales). THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Exercise TIGER TRIAL – Advanced Group - by LCpl McColl When we eventually arrived in Les Deux Alpes we were allocated rooms in the UCPA hotel, which was located around 200m away from the main slopes of the resort and was central on the strip of bars and restaurants that the resort had to offer. After our first night to settle in and look around, the next morning we gathered in the lobby to receive our ski passes and get fitted for our ski equipment. An hour later and we were on the first slope of the day, a simple and uncomplicated blue run, for a chance to regain our ski legs and remember what it was like to be on skis. Everyone in this group had been skiing before and had qualifications so it didn’t take us long to get back into the swing of things. There is a trial going on around all that admin!!! Exercise TIGER TRIAL – Beginner Group - by Sig Lee The lucky 15 from CIS TDU set out from Blandford on 17January but we were painfully limited to 60mph for the 18 hour drive to Les Deux Alpes in France! The aim of the exercise was to provide the alpine skiing foundation skills required for a student to be a party member on slopes within a recognised ski area. The group was split down into two ability groups, a beginner group and a continuation of training group, this was for the qualified skiers to further their knowledge of the sport and practise already learned skills. The beginner group, which consisted of four of us, began by learning how to walk with skis, side walking and how to stop using the snow plough method. Both LCpl Maggs and Sgt Williamson excelled at the snow plough and used this new found skill throughout the whole week! The week started off with a lot of falling over and LCpl Maggs and Sgt Williamson constantly cursing their skis whilst sat in the snow. The theme of the week was expensive with a pint of Stella costing at least €5 …but the night life was great and definitely worth the money. At the end of the week the instructor felt that we had improved enough to go down a red slope. The whole group managed to achieve the SF1 qualification including the injured who, for crating reasons will not be named (Sig ‘Jelly Leg’ Lee and SSgt ‘Bad Groin’ Nix). By the end of the week we all left with very light wallets but with a new found love for skiing. Just one of the numerous slopes THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Welcome rest bite from the slopes, in the bar! Maj Hill, LCpl Maggs, Random Massive Dog, Capt Hammond and Sgt Lamkin Once our instructor, WO2 (YofS) Webster, was happy with our skiing to a point where we weren’t going to cause any physical damage to the other skiers on the mountain, we progressed through the day. Starting with a few easy slopes and simple tasks, proving in a small assessment that we could all do the plough, stop safely and control short turns in order to slow down or stop. Everyone did really well including an off balance Capt Hammond who on the previous night packed a tent sized daysack which included an emergency poncho and first aid kit just in case he was caught in an avalanche and had to stay out for the night. The day came to an end and we were all happy with how it had gone. After a good nights sleep we carried our confidence into the next couple of days, sticking mainly to blue slopes and having a few more refresher lessons on crucial skiing skills such as carving, tucking and were even taught how to do 360 degree turns with style. We enjoyed a few of the restaurants on the slopes as well, taking advantage of them especially in the freezing cold temperatures which were sometimes as low as -20o. Day 3 and our instructor felt it was time to try everyone on the black slope for the first time of the trip. We coped with it really well, it was a massive test of our skiing ability and everyone navigated it safely and professionally. The black run experience was thoroughly enjoyable, although the same could not be said when trapped in a closed confined ski lift 11 with Maj Rodger’s flatulence ‘issue’, something that had a major effect on SSgt (FofS(IS)) Fraser. With everyone tired we headed back to the hotel for a few well-earned beers and a sample of the hotels entertainment, a local French band. On days 4 and 5 we were a lot more relaxed when skiing because after completing the black slopes, the blue and red slopes felt really easy. We tried out routes we hadn’t used before and even found ourselves at the top of the 3500m mountain, taking some pictures of the beautiful scenery and enjoying the sun which occasionally shone through the thick cloud. After skiing down we caught up with the beginner group and had a chance to witness LCpl Maggs and Sgt Williamsons tentative, yet progressing, skiing methods. After another tiring day a few of us took advantage of the hotels sauna and Jacuzzi, paying the €10 for an hour of relaxation and recovery. On the final day we joined up with the beginner group and together we navigated down a few of our favourite slopes from the last 5 days. As the weather was horrendous, this came to an abrupt end and the majority of us headed back to the hotel early to go ice skating instead while a brave few carried on. When everyone had returned to the hotel we handed back our ski equipment, packed up our kit Group photo at 3500m and were ready to start the long horrific journey back the next day. We travelled back with everyone extremely tired from a hard but excellent and rewarding trip. A unique discounted price of £109 per rider has been offered to Army personnel booking before May 1st. Thereafter it will be £129 for ALL personnel. Before May 1st the day can only be booked with No Limits Trackdays by ringing 01727 827794. This years annual British Army Trackday will take place on Sat 23rd Aug at Snetterton Race circuit. The day is open to all serving, ex-army and reservists so please feel free to spread the word to your pals!!! Please DO NOT DELAY in booking, it is a Bank Holiday weekend in the height of summer on a great circuit – it will sell out months in advance!!! After May 1st the day will be opened up to the general public. Secure your place early or you will miss out!!! The day is open to ALL levels of riders and anyone booking can choose between novice, intermediate and experienced groups. There is no safer environment to improve on your skills and gain advice from professional instructors. A charity auction of signed motorbike merchandise last year raised over £1000, this year our chosen charities are the Royal British Legion and East Anglia Air Ambulance. The aim of the day is for riders to transfer skills to the roads and ultimately make for safer road riding. For those intending on going for the Army Road Racing Team selection further details will be on the Facebook group page. British Army Trackday 2014 Specific detail ref the event can be found on the Facebook group page. Search for - British Army Trackday 2014 For any queries contact - WO2 Glyn Hannah, Q Bomb Disposal, 29 EOD Gp on 94659 5534. 12 THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 13 NEWS FROM TRAINING 11th (ROYAL SCHOOL OF SIGNALS) SIGNAL REGIMENT BLANDFORD CO RSM Lt Col M C Brookes WO1 (RSM) C Hoggard 2 (CATTERICK) SQUADRON OC SSM Maj G Wills WO2 (SSM) K Umney Exercise FROSTY TIGER – by Sig Thomas, Sig Ball, Sig Bennetts and Sig Walker We left Blandford Camp early morning Saturday 25 January, heading for London Gatwick to embark on six days of Skiing in the Tyroleon Alps in Austria. For us Signallers this was to be our first taste of Adventure Training in the Army, an experience which we were very much looking forward to. As part of a large group, which included a mixture of ranks, trades and appointments we flew to Salzberg. The aim of the exercise was to train novice skiers and personnel with little to no experience in order to qualify to Ski Foundation Level 1. However, we had never put on a pair of skis in our life, and from early conversations it appeared that some of the group had at least skied once before. No pressure there then! As it turned out our first experience of extreme high octane thrills came in the form of our ski rep and his approach to driving the mini bus from the airport to the town of Kirchdorf where we would be staying. Surviving this journey we were sure we could handle whatever the Austrian slopes threw at us in the coming week. Arriving late in the afternoon, we had time to collect our rented ski equipment and head off to our hotel; a cosy, family run establishment. This could be love? Maj Graham Wills and Sgt Ryan Booth us. In the afternoon we faced an even greater challenge, using our first T-Bar lift. Eventually we all reached the top of the first slope and successfully skied to the bottom, albeit with many spectacular falls along the way. For day two we headed to St Johann in Tirol to ski on our first proper mountain. The day consisted of working on the techniques we had learnt on the previous day. However, some people learn slower than others and then some people Our first day of skiing had finally arrived; we were a mixture of excitement and nerves! We broke down into two groups of ability; those who had skied before and those who hadn’t. Much to our embarrassment we were led to the kindergarten slope whilst the others headed up the mountain to split down further into intermediate and advanced groups. First lesson: how to put on your skis, which can be harder than it sounds, especially if you have the balance of a drunken Signaller on a night out in Blandford. After this we began to learn how to bring ourselves to a stop safely, followed by basic turning, all the while being completely out shone by children zipping past Capt (Tfc) Gethin ‘Mega Dob’ Thomas demonstrates the best technique for cracking ribs 14 SSgt (YofS (EW))Conrad Keegan takes a rest during a long day THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 just don’t learn at all, with Sig Dan Ball propelling himself into the ground resulting in a dislocated shoulder and an Olympic dream in pieces. Despite losing one member of our group, we managed to maintain high confidence levels, essential for successful skiing. By the end of the day our skiing was definitely beginning to take shape. Over the next few days we skied at both St Johann and Fieberbrunn, progressively developing our skiing ability and skills to enable us to ski comfortably and safely down the slopes, and we even managed to get the hang of using the T-Bar, a lesson learnt the hard way. Eventually we found ourselves piling in less and less and that we were going faster, using parallel turns, which were later enhanced by pole plants and that just maybe we were getting the hang of this skiing malarkey! All of the credit belongs to the instructors, particularly Maj Elizabeth Mortimer, who was extremely patient with us. By the last day we had successfully proven ourselves to be skiers worthy of qualifying for the Ski Foundation Level 1 and were allowed free reign of the slopes without the supervision of our instructors. Another side of adventure training which we very much enjoyed, and was suited to our existing skills, was the après ski, which roughly translates as ‘after ski boozing’. This included a fancy dress balcony party, beer pong with members of the Austrian army (which we won), tobogganing and curling. It is safe to say that everyone involved in the exercise thoroughly enjoyed themselves, became better skiers and would jump at the chance to ski again! We would like to thank all those involved in arranging the exercise and to the fantastic instructors who taught us. We would recommend that everyone takes the opportunity to give skiing a go! The instructors from Cuerdon Associates were very welcoming as we delved deep into the subjects that where presented to us. Applications such as OPEN JOP, ICC, ICS which where as foreign to us as the 0600 wake-up call the Navy get were studied in depth. Other lessons where presented to certain individuals such as how not to salute Leading Hands (equivalent to a Corporal) to Sgt Smith and also how to stay quiet for 5 minutes to Sgt ‘Jabber Jaws’ Broderick. The 2 weeks progressed with us eventually instructing the instructors on how to fix their own equipment and how great the applications where (honest). Lessons learnt, we returned to the sunny inviting arms of Blandford to bask in the knowledge that our boss, Mr Evans, had thoroughly enjoyed his 2 weeks of golfing, I mean work whilst we where absent. Military Support Section (MSS) – by SSgt Jay Smith MSS has seen the departure of Sgt Del Farr, and the newly prompted SSgt Phil Sills and also the arrival of two new members in the form of Sgt ‘Razor’ Gillett and Sgt Jay Smith. The Section has continued its hard work providing contextualised assessments to the Class 1 and 3 CS Engineers, and also to the Class 3 CS Operators. This is an important part of their training as it assesses everything that they have learnt throughout their respective courses from building servers, to the physical configuration of switches and routers for the engineers and the service desk for the operators. And through the use of our training facility in nearby Piddlehinton they are put through their paces to ensure we have trained confident and efficient soldiers to go forth and carry out their trades effectively. My role is to assess the Class 3 Operators on the service desk. This is done by putting them in a service desk environment and assessing their ability to react to faults that might occur in a real situation such as security issues, requests for new equipment and faulty equipment. While carrying out their normal work the Section has also found time to involve itself within the Regiment and wider Corps, whether its Sgt Chris Slade utilising his many Military Qualifications to aid in training, or Sgt Andy Hogg organising the Christmas Family Friday in the Mess, or Sgt Jay Smith representing the Corps in the Inter Command Indoor Hockey Competition where the Royal Signals narrowly missed out on getting to the final by one goal. Sgt Pete Mellor continues to impress the Section with his ability to be in The Wire for two months running. Our cosy and very welcoming hotel, The Gasthof Neuwirt 3 (HARROGATE) SQUADRON OC SSM Maj J C Wilson WO2 (SSM) P Kemp Digitisation Section JC2SP Train the Trainer Course – by SSgt Mick Frain With the transition of upgrading the teaching LAN’s from BCIP 5.4 to 5.5 successfully completed, Digitisation Section en-mass refocused its attentions and headed for HMS Collingwood to attend a 2 week, train the trainer package on JC2SP. Successfully arriving on mass we initially had to decipher what the Navy where talking about. Words such as “galley”, “cabin” and “going ashore” confused some initially and a further translation into Nepalese for our civilian instructor Mr Rana was even more of a challenge. THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Military Support Section 15 CABLE SYSTEMS SECTION Installation Technician Basic Training – by SSgt Phil Brown ITBR 13/001: The senior Installation Technician Basic course is coming towards the end of their Phase 2 Trade Training. Over the last few months they have covered a number of subjects at Cable Systems Section ranging from Electronic Switching Systems and Line Testing, taught by Cpl Chris Rutter, Structured Cabling, taught by Sgt Del Slowey, and finally progressing onto Fibre Optic Cabling, taught by Cpl Ioesefu Barinisavu. A long journey which started in May 13 will culminate in a final contextualized exercise, where the students will put into practice and demonstrate all that they have learned over the previous months. This exercise simulates the full tour experience; therefore there are plenty of early mornings and late nights with each student given the responsibility of team IC in order for them to demonstrate their trade and leadership skills amongst their peers. On completion of the final exercise, the students are due to carry out driver training and Military refresher training prior to attending their working units. ITBR 13/002: The current “baby Inst Tech” course arrived in early Nov 13. So far they have covered subjects such as Electronic Principles, Communications Principles and Electronic Workshops. At present the course is attending Mechanical Workshops. This subject teaches the students about numerous hand tools and the correct ways of using said tools safely, progressing to using the tools under assessment. This comes as a sigh of relief after the mental taxing aspects of the course so far. Over the next few months the course will progress onto subjects such as Underground and Overhead Cabling, where they will learn to install, terminate and test Copper cabling within both confined spaces and also whilst working at height. Foreman of Signals Course 84 – by Sgt ‘PC’ Charlerey Following an eventful first term, full of confusion and despair FofS 84 arrived back from Christmas leave still slightly battered but ready for more fun filled classroom hours. The absence of the Italian stallion instructor that was Mr Franco DiCaprio was felt throughout; however he seemed to leave behind his offspring in the form of Sgt Jim Gallop who inherited the Italian way by his great love for expensive suits, fine cut shoes and Rolex watches. He has a real chilled out attitude and can always be found recovering from his day drinking a couple of Strongbow whilst posing in his yellow leather mankini. SSgt Lee Greenhough started the new term still crazy with desire to be top student. However, this was fast becoming a challenge as SSgt Helen Tweed stormed into the lead without even breaking a sweat. Never-the-less, he remains focussed and motivated with persistent revision. Within the young and spritely (not) group we have the selfproclaimed cross country champion, SSgt Jerry ‘Springer’ Springett, who wears his maroon tee shirt with the uttermost pride … when he turns up that is. We are all waiting for this sub 8 minute PFA which he claims is easily achievable after a heavy night on the drink. The persistent back row ‘clicking’ can be often heard for many hours. If the assignment was on candy crush it would be 100% all round. Porridge eating SSgt Loz Howarth’s breakfast antics was abruptly brought to an end during an extra special Digital Logic Lesson. One thing for sure is her time management skills will never be brought into question again. 16 The second term hasn’t failed to maintain the ‘not enough hours in the day’ pace, as we surpassed the fundamentals and embrace more advanced modules such as ITIL and Digital Electronics. Although exceptionally hectic, the high level of comradeship amongst course members has helped ease the pressure developing lifetime friendships. We are still, however, thoroughly looking forward to a well deserved Easter leave, as the smile remains firmly etched on our faces as we plough on until the end. DEPLOYABLE SYSTEMS TROOP OC SSgt Capt Hebindra SSgt M Wilson Visit by Mrs Patti Lomax – by Cpl Marc Speed The Troop were honoured with a visit from Mrs Patti Lomax, wife of the late Capt Eric Lomax MiD, who was an Officer in WW2 and author of the book The Railway Man. She visited Blandford Garrison on Thu 30 Jan 14 in order to open a new exhibition in the Corps Museum. Whilst in Blandford she visited 11 (RSS) Signal Regiment, Deployable Systems Troop to meet the Detachment Commanders and crew to discuss the challenges which face the new generation of Royal Signals personnel. Much was discussed with topics varying from trade training to housing conditions! Mrs Lomax was welcomed to Deployable Systems Troop by Sgt Cath Charnley. After reading the book and watching the newly released film, Sgt Cath Charnley was overwhelmed with the visit. A very fascinating and memorable visit from a lovely lady. Capt Eric Lomax was an ex serving Royal Signals Lieutenant who during World War ll was captured by the Japanese in Singapore and sent to a POW camp where he was forced to work on the Thai-Burma Railway. During his time in the camp Eric was tortured for building a radio. Years later, and still suffering the psychological trauma of his wartime experiences, he, with the help of his wife Patti, and best friend Finlay, decided to find and confront one of his captors. Lomax returns to the scene of his torture and manages to track down his captor, Japanese officer Takashi Nagase from the prison camp, “in an attempt to let go of a lifetime of bitterness and hate.” LIGHTNING TROOP OC SSgt WO1 Mason SSgt Challand Exercise LIGHTNING FITNESS - by Cpl Chris Kell On Saturday 9 of November 20 members of Lightning Troop headed to Swanage Bay View Caravan Park for the Children in Need charity event. There were quite a few different events happening concurrently. The fire-service were climbing the ladders to cover the distance of the 3 peaks, there were a team that broke a record for rowing 1 million metres non stop and many local sports teams were all doing different events. When we got to the event there was one lady called Mimi that was more excited than a kid at Christmas that we were coming. As the gent I am I took it upon myself to entertain her throughout the day with witty anecdotes and selling her tickets to the gun show. She was quite rowdy from the off, then she started on the rosé wines. Things escalated quickly. THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 So after we packed up we went round the different tents to try and raise some more money and we thought the only way to do this was to have a dance off to the Cha-Cha Slide by DJ Caser. This went down a treat with the locals, who seemed to not know the difference between their left and rights. The caravan park was a lot different to how Jay described it from the Inbetweeners but it was still a good day. All the guy’s worked hard and we raised money for a worthwhile cause. ULSTER TROOP OC SSgt WO1 C Brown SSgt McCreadie Life in Ulster Troop - by Cpl SA Bevan Doing the sit-up challenge. Mimi is the one in the white top giving ‘inspiration’ to the guy’s Our event consisted of 4 teams of 3, which were all Phase 2 soldiers. Each team was racing against each other in these events. 60 mins of rowing (500m intervals) 60 mins of cycling (Furthest distance in that time) Break for lunch Superstar circuit of clean and press, push-ups, situps, bench press, box jumps (these were best effort at maximum reps for each) Ulster Troop has seen two significant changes recently. We said goodbye to Sgt Clough, who was filling in the gapped Tp SSgt post and has now taken up a position in 3 MRSR on promotion to SSgt. The new incumbent, SSgt McCreadie, has taken over after being posted in from 3 (UK) DSR. SSgt McCreadie has been getting involved straight away in many Troop activities including organising a Mil Skills weekend for the Phase 2's and an Adventure Training exercise happening later in the year. Troop training has continued since Christmas leave with some more interesting activities taking place as well as the more mundane tasks such as weapon cleaning. One notable activity being led by LCpl Ingleby, Ulster Troops resident PTI, which involved much leopard crawling, partner exercises and grappling on Pond Bottom. Not much different from a normal PT session (or a normal Friday Night) you may think…..however by the time the activity took place it was pitch black leading to much hilarity being caused by the diminished visibility. All good training for what is to come as military skills exercise, Exercise HARROGATE FOLLY fast approaches. This will be a Squadron level exercise taking place in March, and will be the last significant action by Ulster Troop OC, WO1 Brown, who has been waiting two years for his desired RSM post to be vacant. There are a number of different sporting events that have happened recently. WO1 Brown has started taking Mixed Martial Arts training on a Monday and Wednesday, with many from not only Ulster Troop but other Troops and Squadron’s attending. LCpl Taylor from the Troop has continued to represent the Regiment at Hockey and as such was the natural choice to head up the Troop’s hockey team as they commence their training for the Harrogate Cup match which will take place in February. Alongside hockey training, Troop basketball training has also begun, led by LCpl NG, in preparation for their Harrogate Cup match which is also taking place in February. The Tp SSgt claims to have failed to win an Inter-Sqn competition only once in his career, so the pressure is on the Sport ICs to deliver. The Troop has also been represented in the Regimental football team. The Clean Press Challenge We had a few visitors coming round but the most random was possibly Ed Stewart, the presenter from Radio 2 who just came in and took his shirt off and announced, “I bet you haven’t got a belly like mine” Thankfully none of us did. So a few rosé wines later and Mimi became Mr Motivator and started beasting the blokes to give them the motivation. She seemed to take a shine to Sig Morgan who was not a fan of hers after a good 3 minutes of getting belt fed abuse. However, this was a lot of fun for everyone else watching it. THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Cross-country has featured heavily as the season resumes after a break for Christmas. A number of people from the Troop have continued to run in the Regimental team; some helping the male senior team to a well deserved second place at the Corps Championships. The championships were held at Bulford this year with Signals teams, including some TA, from not only the UK but abroad attending. The course was particularly demanding with steep hills being made all the more tiring by the bog that the ground had turned into underfoot due to all the recent rain. As a result of this race Cpl Bevan from the Troop has been selected to represent the Corps at the Inter-Corps Cross-Country Championships in March. Finally looking forward as the season draws to a close 17 Articulacy Confidence Empathy Enthusiasm Mental agility Physical attributes Objectivity Self criticism both male and female senior teams are in a strong position to rank highly in the Southern Area Cross-Country League. Lastly members of the Troop continue with their trade courses. Some Phase 2s are nearing completion of their courses and as such are looking forward to moving onto their first unit and being let out into the “real” Army. The Phase 3 course which is part of the Troop is progressing steadily with the first technical phase over and all exams passed, causing much relief throughout the course. Now that just leaves the project and IS side to complete! 4 (MILITARY TRAINING) SQUADRON OC SSM Maj E A Mortimore WO2 (SSM) B Sherwin Welcomes, Promotions and Farewells The Squadron has seen plenty of change in personalities in past weeks. Firstly we welcome the new members of 4 (Military Training) Squadron permanent staff: SSgt Steve Ware joins us as 611 Troop SSgt, SSgt ‘Ratts’ Rattenbury joins us as MT SSgt and Cpl Jamieson, Cpl Skates and Cpl Williams join us as instructors within 611 Troop. We would like to congratulate the following on promotion to WO2: SSgt ‘Gaz’ Collins, SSgt ‘Nate’ Dorrian, SSgt Stu Welton and SSgt (Combat YofS) ‘Olly’ Smith, beers in all-round. As always with new arrivals, come our farewells. We say farewell to: Sgt ‘Compo’ Gallon (JCLM Training Team), Cpl Jim Machin (PNCO Training Team) and Cpl ‘Kenty’ Kent (PNCO Training Team). We wish them all the best in their new posts. Royal Signals Instructors Selection Board - by Sgt A Creighton - JCTT All Royal Signals personnel selected for promotion to Corporal attend the Junior Command and Leadership Course in Blandford. During attendance on the course soldiers are also assessed for the Royal Signals Instructor Selection Board. The Royal Signals Instructor Selection Boards aim is “To assess a candidates aptitude, character and suitability to be employed in a Royal Signals Instructor post primarily in a Phase 1 or Phase 2 Training Establishment but also in Phase 3 Training Posts” So how does it work? Each candidate on successful completion of the AFT at the start of the course is placed into a section led by a Sergeant from the Junior Command Training Team. Accompanying each section is also an External DS, who is either a Warrant Officer or Captain. This enables each candidate to be assessed with two sets of eyes, therefore giving a more balanced and better picture of instructor ability. The candidates are observed and assessed on various activities throughout the 5-week course. These activities include: Battle PT sessions DIT theory and practical lessons Discussion groups Written essays Individual interviews Basic Close Combat Skills What are they looking for? The attributes assessed throughout these serials are varied, and have been deemed the qualities that all personnel should have the highest of, when representing the Royal Signals in training establishments. These are: 18 At the end of the course a Selection Board is held by a number of personnel specifically selected for their expertise and experience in the training environment. These include the Commanding Officer 11 (RSS) Sig Regt, OC 4 (Mil Trg) Sqn, RCMO and or SO2 Soldiers, a representative from ATC Pirbright and Winchester, the SSI Junior Command Training Team and the section directing staff. The Board will have in front of them the candidate’s personal file from APC and the reports from the various activities they have been assessed on throughout the course. The Board will then make a recommendation on an individuals suitability for employment in a training environment. A report is raised and then forwarded to APC, in which recommendations on further training and development are made. Royal Signals Instructor Selection Board has been deemed the most suitable to assess potential instructors over an intense and short period of time. The ultimate goal of this whole process is to identify and assign the most suitable NCOs to training establishments as Instructors. 611 (COMMUNICATIONS TRAINING) TROOP OC SSgt Capt M Gauntlett SSgt S Ware 611 (Communications Training) Troop, is the latest evolution of what used to be know as Radex (ETT). This change was brought about by the ever changing requirements of the trade training environment. As has always been the case within the training environment the Troop is working at near maximum capacity to deliver training to not only Phase 2 operators, Basic Signalling Skills and also Technician upgrading but also to the YofS, FoS and Troop Commanders courses. This means that the majority of the Troops time is spent on exercise, away from the garages and family. The Phase 2 solider now spends 3 weeks with the Troop instead of two. This time is split over three weeks throughout their course. The first exercise the trainees embark on is KEY DEVELOPMENT 1.2. This exercise concentrates on the fundamentals of detachment working environment from basic detachment sighting and construction to antenna theory and practical. KEY DEVELOPMENT 3 tests the trainees on everything they have learnt in trade so far including KD 1.2. This is achieved by sending two and three man teams as RLD’s around the Dorset countryside, their intention to set up, achieve voice communications and pass traffic to the headquarters. The final stage is KEY DEVELOPMENT 4 where the trainees continue on with the RLD and Headquarters roles but now start with a full pacex including initialisation, to deploying a robust and resilient data network across the Dorset area. The Troop’s makeup is unusual within the Corps as it is mainly manned by full corporals and a few Lance Corporals. This enables the Troop to have a vast amount of knowledge and skill sets to call upon. This vast amount of experience is of great advantage to those seeking to progress within the supervisory roster. That, and the fact that we also facilitate many of the YofS exercises during their time in Blandford, gives us a unique insight as to what is required to be successful on the YofS Selection Boards. THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Due to the vast amount of exercises that the Troop supports our fleet is vast with a total number of 42 vehicles; this means that when Troop members are not on exercise, the mammoth job of maintaining the fleet takes up the majority of the time. With that and courses the Troop is very rarely all in camp at the same time. It’s important that when we do, we make the most of it with team bonding trips to London and an impressive trip to HMS Havoc. Troop Commanders Course – by 2Lt Zach Brookmier Troop Commander’s Course 87 (TCC87) arrived in Blandford in Sep 13 and the 12 man strong course is made up of 10 British officers and 2 Kuwaitis. After a variety of long and short attachments having been completed across the Corps, we are now well into our training and eagerly anticipating taking command of our future Troops. With such a high work tempo postings here tend to fly by and this month we have said goodbye to Cpls Johno Aitken, Ricky ‘Beefy’ Henstock and Marc ‘Matty’ Matthews, also LCpls Michael ‘Bruce’ Lee and Paul ‘Enzo’ Entwistle. A warm welcome to Cpls Kitchen, Jamieson, Williams and LCpl Skates. Treat yourselves! 611 is a great place to push your career forward and for those that wish to be future YofS I believe there is no better place to be. 5 (MARESFIELD) SQUADRON OC SSM Capt S Rice WO2 (SSM) Ellis Squadron Notes The Squadron has finally settled down after a dynamic period of change during the re-orbatting of 11 (RSS) Sig Regt and our focus is now firmly on delivering Officer and Command training. The Troop Commanders Course and CISM Course remain the main-stays, whilst other officer courses repeatedly arise on each turn of the training handle. Currently there is planning underway for the forthcoming Squadron Commanders Course and the Reserve Troop Commanders Course is also not far away. ‘The Railway Man’ visits Blandford On 30 January 2014, Mrs Patti Lomax, Mr Andy Paterson and Mr Mike Finlason visited 11 (RSS) Signal Regiment. All three are connected to the Royal Corps of Signals through the late Capt Eric Lomax MiD who served in the Corps during the Second World War. For those not aware of his amazing story, Eric became a Prisoner of War following the surrender of Singapore and spent the majority of the war building the Burma Railway, which claimed the lives of over 100,000 men. Eric was key in keeping morale high through building a radio to receive news about how the war was going thus countering the Japanese propaganda machine. Unfortunately, the radio was discovered and Eric and others were punished for its existence. Eric particularly suffered at the hands of a Japanese Officer named Takashi Nagase. Following the war, Eric returned to Britain and spent the remainder of his life suffering from the trauma of his ordeal. In the early eighties he met and married Patti who, as a nurse, could tell something was wrong and encouraged him to write a book about his time in captivity in order to help him overcome his feelings; he called the book ‘The Railway Man’. Mr Mike Finlason picked up the story and made a documentary about Eric and joined him and Patti when they travelled to Japan to meet Eric’s wartime tormentor in the mid 1990s. Following this, Mr Andy Paterson heard of the story and spent many years working hard to bring Eric’s story to the masses. Thanks to the film, and the kindness of Patti, the Royal Corps of Signals have benefited with a large donation to the Royal Signals Benevolent Fund and the opening of a new exhibition in the Corps Museum thanks to Patti’s donation of some of Eric’s military memorabilia. Patti and her party had the opportunity to meet soldiers of all ranks and trades from across the Unit before having lunch in the Officers’ Mess with the Commanding Officer and other officers of the Regiment. THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 TCC 87 In recent weeks, the course has moved under the instruction of Command Support Troop who provide the communications training. WO2 (YofS) Burton was up first to teach us all about Trunk communications before handing us over to WO2 (YofS) Young to teach us all about Combat Net Radio. Ex LAST ORBIT was the culmination of the Trunk training and gave us an insight into the planning of a Trunk network and the chance to develop our delivery of communications orders, having received the bulk of our orders training thus far based on an Infantry model. Competition was fierce between the two syndicates, as was the banter and ‘good ideas’, but the Directing Staff of WO2 (FoS) Gordon, Sgt Ramsay and Sgt Grindle ensured we got through in good order. Our CNR phase provided us with our first practical experience with the equipment and this was culminated by a week in the field on Ex FIRST GLANCE. Many questions were asked and answered, such as how many Troop Commanders does it take to raise a 12m mast? It appears the answer is five if the wind is 75kph and the rain is hitting you at an almost horizontal angle! This was watched with much amusement by our course Yeoman, WO2 (YoS) Young and his giggling sidekicks Sgt Ryall and Sgt Davies RM not to mention the Det Comds of 611 (Comms) Tp. It seems they enjoyed it more than us… In sporting terms TCC87 have already made an impact at Corps level, with 2Lts Owain Miller, ‘Murph’ Murphy and Dan Tarbox each being selected to the Corps Rugby Union squad. 2Lt Ash Jackson has taking the reins of Blandford Garrison’s Cross Country team due to his hyperactivity and the idea of forming an American Football team received some support from the course following an introduction to Flag Football (akin to touch Rugby). As we all know, no course would be complete without the occasional extracurricular balancing event. This we have managed with a combination of a Graeco-Roman Wrestling party and a Superbowl Party in the Officers’ Mess. In addition, the course has managed to undertake some charity work, 2Lt Brookmier, supported by TCC87, raising £765 for the Huntingtons Disease Association after singlehandedly lifting 25 tons (and eating an inordinate amount of chocolate brownies in the process). 19 B SQUADRON ARMY TRAINING REGIMENT WINCHESTER Head of Arm SSM Maj EL Roberts WO2 (SSM) R Whitmore The Warrior Trophy - by Cpl Coleman The Warrior Trophy is awarded to the winning section of each intake and is based upon their performance throughout their 14 weeks of training at ATR Winchester. It is established around existing professional tests within the Common Military Syllabus, but also includes a testing and arduous march, shoot and assault course competition. The Warrior Trophy forms an important part of Recruits training where the spirit of competition and “the will to win” is strongly encouraged. one area may prove to be the strongest in another. I made sure I would lead from the front when things got tough, constantly providing encouragement rather than screaming at them. I felt that this approach got the best out of my section and really helped forge that section spirit which was evidenced with 2 Section’s victory. I believe that I was really lucky with the recruits that made up 2 Section, right from the start they were keen and strove to do their very best. The winning section during the SE16 intake was 2 Section, commanded by myself. My section was made up of 8 female recruits, who went onto join the Royal Military Police and the Royal Artillery. They had stiff competition from the other two female sections from 8 Troop and the four sections of male Recruits from 9 Troop. When the two troops formed up on 15 September 2013, I was given 2 Section to command. This was my first intake as a Section Commander and I was probably just as nervous as the recruits. I immediately tried to establish a team spirit within the section, explaining that we would tackle everything as a section and I would be there to give them any help they required. When the two troops were informed exactly what the Warrior Trophy was and how it was scored the female troop wrote themselves off, believing there was no way they could beat the male Recruits, especially when it came to the physical aspects of the course. It was our job as 8 Troop training team to motivate and convince them otherwise. In order to build up 8 Troop’s self-belief, we continuously encouraged them and tried to make every small triumph over 9 Troop seem like a massive victory. This included getting into uniform first and looking the part, marching in step around camp. The girls reacted well and immediately refused to be beaten in anything they were faced with. The training team built a strong troop ethos, giving them ownership of their own troop and their own sections within that troop. 2 Section started to gradually pull away from the other sections, especially when it came to the more physical aspects of training. I tried to help them understand that it wasn’t about individuals but the section as a whole, that we were only as strong as our weakest member. I also explained and made it apparent that someone who appears to be weak in Halfway through their training with still a lot of work to do Learning to Ski at Serre Chevalier – by Capt John Triddon Learning to ski for the first time is difficult right? I mean it gets to a point when you just think I really can’t be bothered. Yes I’m getting paid for it, and yes AT is supposed to be a period of development but when I’m bouncing down the ice like a bowling ball for the seventh time that morning – I get a little peeved. I don’t blame others for my ineptitude, but I do blame them for raising my expectations of how good I was going to be. The oft quoted phrase ‘going down the slopes is incredible – nothing else like it’ makes the assumption that you are going down the slopes upright and with a degree of ease. For those who know balance to be an issue (symptoms include bumping into door frames and a poor about turn) then the advice ‘skiing is like a treadmill that has an ever increasing decline setting’ is far more appropriate. But what do I know. I’ve recently put The Wolf Of Wall Street in my top 3 least enjoyable films of all time though am yet to find anyone who is even close to agreeing with my assessment. Everyone loves that film ... and everyone loves skiing. So I’m thinking I’ve got this one wrong. Being keen on his sports in general, but particularly skiing, the CO was keen that every member of staff who wanted to get on this trip found a way of doing so and in the end nearly 50 personnel did. I was on the second week and the journey over (which is obligatorily to mention in a Wire article) was from Gatwick to Turin, where we were met by the white fleet that had driven over on the first week. We made our way to the apartments and debated with the designated roommates which side of the double beds we wanted to sleep on. (For the record, I always go by the window. Always.) Cpl Coleman’s winning section 20 Over 90% of those on the AT had skied before (I have to be wrong on my assessment of skiing with that sort of return rate) and therefore were halfway down the mountain before the motley crew of beginners had their first piste of the morning. There were three groups, defined by ability level and each with a home-grown ATR(W) skiing instructor. The THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 vibes were good throughout the week as everyone continued to be tested and found space on the not-too-packed slope to find their own routes if feeling adventurous. The evenings were spent cooking our dinners and in the bars, though mostly to escape the exorbitant fee for Wi-Fi in the apartments. The trip back was spent reminding ourselves of the stories of the week – the wipeouts, the tantrums, the jumps, the bar room propositions, the slugs, and the man sauce. Oh how we laughed. If you’re thinking of organising an AT in the near future may I recommend getting a few tips from Sgt Ash Stoby who did an excellent job of booking and co-ordinating the trip. It acted as a perfect respite from the training courses at ATR(W) and everyone – bar none – took something from it. I went to an indoor ski slope in Milton Keynes last weekend. It really does get easier the more you do. And I’ve bought The Wolf on Wall Street on DVD. I’m a changed man. Pro-active Coaching Ethos of an Army Training Regiment – by WO2 (SSM) Ritchie Whitmore Continuing the success of Commando Training Centre Royal Marines (CTCRM) and Infantry Training Centre (ITC), Army Training Regiment (Winchester) (ATR (W)) has adopted a pro active approach to coaching in an attempt to create more opportunity for recruit first time passes in the Common Military Syllabus (Recruit) (CMSR). ATR (W) is in a fortunate position previously benefitting from the assignment of 2 ex ASLS instructors and a former instructor from the Values Based Leadership (VBL) Cell at ITC. The instructor previously from ITC and our own MAA, due to their expertise and their appointments outside of the training Squadrons were chosen to carry out the initial culture change. The journey to creating a VBL culture within ATR (W) started by the CO, Lt Col N A P Wright MBE bravely volunteering to be the first to endure a 360 leadership survey from his Squadron Commanders. This questionnaire more commonly known as “slate a mate” is a statistically psychoanalysis of leadership behaviours displayed by the commander from the subordinates perspective. The question set has also been developed by Prof Lew Hardy and Dr Calum Arthur – Institute for the Psychology for Elite Performance, School of Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences, Bangor University, Wales, from the Multi Factor Leadership questionnaire designed, and academically stress tested by Bruce Avolio and Bernard Bass. The questionnaire was then applied to other rank structures within our ATR which, albeit suffering from the quick turnover in Permanent Staff, gave most in the unit a better awareness of their strengths and weakness as leaders. The ITC VBL model was plagiarised, work smart not hard, where we are now at the point that each training team attends VBL training in a purpose built learning environment as a team. These sessions are conducted prior to a new intake, in the middle of an intake, as a VBL top up, and post intake. The sessions involve interactive vignette based learning drawing on the knowledge from experienced instructors and the ideas from new instructors. The training team, after initial VBL training sets its own action plans on which leadership areas to concentrate on. For example goals set by training teams range from applying punishment more contingently with parity between instructors to displaying more individual consideration to specific learning differences. To aid integrity and ownership of these action plans immediate chain of command are not allowed to attend the VBL sessions. ATR (W) is only a year into this VBL journey but subjective measurements suggest improvement in our recruits desire to learn and the VBL sessions have identified areas we can continue to improve on such as better use of praise. I believe the above is another example that, although a physically and mentally demanding, assignment, working at an ATR offers the opportunity to not only develop soldier basics but does present many opportunities to develop leadership. Prof Lew Hardy receives a thank you from CO ATR (W) Your Legacy can help us …….. Did you ever benefit from a welfare grant from Corps Funds or maybe one of your mates received help with a welfare problem where the Royal Signals Benevolent Fund stepped in to help him or her in their time of need? There has been a long-standing saying that the “Corps looks after its own” and Royal Signals has a proud history of care for its people, supported by the one day’s pay scheme and generous donations from serving and retired Signallers. …. help others in their time of need That work continues today and every year we help hundreds of those who have fallen on hard times whether it be a serving Signaller who has been injured on operations, the families of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, members of the Corps who need help with specialist medical care for their children or veterans who need help in maintaining their mobility and independence. The Royal Signals Association and The Royal Signals Benevolent Fund Swift and Sure Help for Signallers in Need We don’t distinguish between Regular, TA, National Service, ex-ATS or WRAC who served with the Corps, officer or soldier and their dependants; any case brought to us will be considered with expert support from SSAFA, The Royal British Legion and the Army Benevolent Fund. We will help whenever we can …. and you can help too, by leaving a legacy in your will. Its simple to do and can make all the difference to someone who has worn the same capbadge and who may not have been as lucky as you. If you would like to make a difference, please contact the Association who will tell you how to leave a legacy so that others from the Corps might benefit from your generosity. Royal Signals Association – ‘phone 01258 482090 or e-mail admin@royalsignalsassociation.co.uk THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 21 NEWS FROM REGIMENTS 1st (UNITED KINGDOM) ARMOURED DIVISION HEADQUARTERS AND SIGNAL REGIMENT HERFORD CO RSM Lt Col J G Hill WO1 (RSM) D Mears 1 (UK) ADSR Alpine Ski Season – by Sig Hudson, Sig Jabob, Sig Rennie, LCpl Gowlett and 2Lt Parsons 1 (UK) ADSR’s alpine ski season saw the team competing at both Corps and Divisional levels with aspirations to make it the full 9 yards to the Army’s. The season began on 16 Nov with 8 keen Bode Miller wannabes setting off in the early hours of the morning for Ex MERCURY GLACIER, the Corps race camp and ski championships. After an 8 hour journey with Sig Dan Jacob’s contribution of excessive sarcasm and Sig Josh Rennie’s insistence that he does actually have massive guns, the team arrived in Zell Am See, surprisingly still in high spirits. The first weeks training would be on the Kitszteinhorn Glacier, known as the coldest place on earth. With the first morning being team ski, it allowed all to regain their ski legs and inevitably brought with it some impressive falls. The quote “if you’re not falling, you’re not trying hard enough” was soon coined. The afternoon consisted of the mighty ‘ski off’ and determined which group each would be skiing in for the duration of the camp. On conclusion it was clear that 1 Div had strong potential with 4 skiers in the top 2 groups. With week 2 came a fresh dump of snow giving all the opportunity to test their powder skiing. It soon became apparent that no matter how determined a skier may be, racing skis combined with some questionable powder technique equal many a buried skier. This was highlighted when Sig Dan Jacob, a first time instructor on the camp, took his upper beginner group off piste. He still maintains that all learnt something from the experience. Along with fresh powder the impenetrable clouds began to roll in on the glacier providing some very testing conditions to train in. The undeterred and mighty 1 Div however did not succumb but instead fought through to get the best out of the week. It was clear that after 2 weeks of training many had made the transition from punter to budding racer. This was especially evident in Sig Emma Hudson who unfortunately was unable to complete the camp in 2012 due to injury but came back with renewed confidence determined to do well. Following a weekend of rejuvenation the 1 Div team were well prepared to take the final week of training head on. This also saw the transition to the Schmittenhoe Mountain, very well received by all on the camp as being lower down meant warmer temperatures. Combining this with the forecast of blue skies for the last 2 weeks, conditions and morale could not have been better. The atmosphere became more serious as rivalries between teams started to form, notably 11 Sigs and 1 Div. Race suits began to come into play as all set to get the most out of the final week and adjust to the unnatural feeling of wearing lycra. RQMS Mark Anderson was particularly disappointed to find that his mid arrival to the camp had meant all the current race suits in the 1 Div armoury had been signed out. Determination to wear lycra in an acceptable environment however paid off when he was graciously given 22 one by another team. 1 Div finished week 3 confident that they would perform to a standard able to attain silverware in the upcoming race week. The weekend prior to race week saw some of the team visit the Christmas market in Salzburg and a few well earned beers in the Irish pub. On return to resort final prep began consisting of waxing and sharpening skis as well as the customary motivational speeches. Race week was finally upon the team with the first event being the GS seeding. Strong performances by all meant that 1 Div had attained favourable positions with more than half the team in the top 25. The team who had been untouched by injuries unfortunately also saw their first casualty, LCpl Alex ‘Smudge’ Smith who had been growing in ability throughout the camp as well as a vital asset to the team had decided that morning that he much preferred being amongst the trees. The result was a broken bone in his knee that spelled the end of his race camp. Tuesday and Wednesday saw the individual and team GS races. All team members demonstrated just how much they had progressed in the 3 weeks prior to race week and as a result were well rewarded with winning the team GS event, 11 Sigs looked on feverishly as their winning streak from previous years became vulnerable. 1 Div however knew it would be the slalom on Thursday and Friday which would settle it as 11 Sigs strength was this discipline. 1 Div were not wrong, all team members put everything they possibly could into the slalom but however fell short coming only 3rd place behind 30 Sigs and 11 Sigs. 2Lt Parsons gunning it on Race Week 1 Div gathered for one final meeting before putting on their gladrags nervously as they waited for the transport to presentation evening. All teams attended and the prizes for all events were handed out including the medals and trophies 1 Div were awarded for 1st place in the team GS and 3rd place in the team Slalom. The wait for the final announcement of who had won the team combination seemed to take a lifetime, but finally it arrived. 3rd place: 30 Sigs, 2nd Place (Sig Josh Rennie begins to walk out of the crowd convinced 1 Div would not win) 11 Sigs, a huge eruption from the 1 Div team rang out realising that they had positioned 1st. Cpl Grom Wallace looked to have tears of joy, finally winning after 3 THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 years of attending the Corps Camp. The team were ecstatic and deservedly so. 11 Sigs, who had performed incredibly, congratulated the 1 Div team and 1 Div returned the gesture. It had been extremely close with 1 Div only winning by 88 race points. The night followed in high spirits with celebratory drinks before the return journey the following day. conditions – wet, cold, windy and very, very muddy. The course had changed from the previous year, now faster with plenty of short, sharp hills. The female race was first to start, with 2Lt Hall leading the way to an excellent 3rd place. She was followed in by Lt Haley, LCpl Jones and Sig Farrell, all of whom placed within the top 50. On to the men’s race and here it was Sig Taylor who took the honours, coming in first for the team in a very creditable 30th place in a field of over 400 runners. Despite a strong showing in both races there were to be no team prizes for 1ADSR, so once 2Lt Hall had collected her trophy the buses were back on the road for the journey back to Herford. Unfortunately, technical problems with Eurotunnel meant that there was to be a 3 hour wait at Folkestone, which resulted in the teams getting back at the less-than-sociable hour of 0530. Debate continues as to whether the runners or the drivers had the more difficult task. It was an enjoyable trip and we hope to improve on our results again next year. The Royal Signals Ski Champions 2013 The Corps Camp is an incredible opportunity open to all and is highly recommended to anyone who has an appetite for competitive, adrenaline fuelled sport. The entire 1 Div team put everything into the camp this year and as a result got a huge amount back in return. All are now looking forward to next season where the Corps Cup will once again be up for grabs. Lt Haley moving so fast the photo blurred 200 SIGNAL SQUADRON The 1ADSR Ski Team The Div championships in Les Contamines were a great opportunity for the 1 Div team to develop their racing further and at a higher level. Overall finishing middle of the table it was a great result for the team considering it was their first year competing at this level. The bar has now been set for next year with the intent to get a full team qualified for the Army’s. Army Cross Country Championships 2014 – by Lt Haley The Army Cross Country Championships took place at RMAS on Wed 5 Feb and for the second year in a row 1ADSR had representation in both the male and female competitions. After a long drive over to the UK and more Nando’s than you could shake a stick at, the teams were ready to go. The weather, obligingly, provided classic cross country running THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 OC RSM Maj Stoy WO1 (RSM) Revell Exercise DRIVING GAUNTLETS - by Sig Davies At 200 Signal Squadron the work comes thick and fast so the maintenance of morale is extremely important and after a few long weeks it was decided it needed to be built back up. So on 31 Jan, Sig ‘Kenty’ Kent from Tigris Troop organised a night out for all the available Tigris personnel to do some Go-Karting. We met at Talbot Barracks guardroom, where we set off towards the Kartbahn in Bielefeld. On arrival excitement and anticipation built as we watched other groups race. In an attempt to try and psych each other out, the experienced racers brought their very own gloves and head-overs. The first session consisted of practice laps, including qualifying. We spent this time learning the track and 23 practiced finding the ‘racing line’, plus it gave all competitors the opportunity to recognise their closest competition. By the end of the first race it was evidently clear who the quickest drivers were... the lightest. After only the first lap, the physical strain was starting to show on a couple of the racers: ‘my arms!’, ‘my neck!’ could be heard dotted around. The second race is where things began to heat up. In typical soldier fashion, everyone’s goal was to take each other out. That being said, it was amusing to see the person who just passed you smashed out against the barriers, and everybody was at it! By this point we all knew the track corners and straights, the 2nd race was taken perhaps a little too seriously by some. For the 3rd and final race, deep rivalries had been established; people saw the last race as an opportunity to have a bit of fun and try and get the best take out. The main culprits were LCpl ‘Get Them Rounds Down’ Ewen and LCpl ‘Bradders’ Bradfield who were ruthlessly and relentlessly taking out the competition; tactically looking behind them, allowing themselves to be overtaken, then picking off passers by. Cheers for the bruised shoulder-blades lads! In the later half of my time in Herford, I deployed on a week long battle camp with 211 Sig Sqn in Haltern Training Area. I was happy to be doing something that I was so familiar with, these basic field skills had been drilled into me over the past year and it was great to put them to use with real soldiers. The exercise finished with a platoon deliberate attack, something a lot of the soldiers hadn’t done since basic training. I spent the second part of my attachment about 45 minutes down the road in Sennelarger with 200 Sig Sqn. Throughout my time there, I was heavily involved in the Squadron Cross Country team and managed to successfully qualify for the Army Championships. I also attended a week long battle camp similar to the one I attended in Herford. Overall, the attachment has been thoroughly enjoyable and provided a fantastic opportunity to learn about Regimental life prior to attending my Troop Commander’s course. The most rewarding thing has been the chance to command soldiers in the field and in barracks and I look forward to doing both these things in my first posting as a troop commander. Overall it was a fun and light hearted night followed by a visit to the Sqn bar to swap stories of failure and victory. Congratulations to Sgt ‘Jay’ Shone who won the much sought after award for best overall driver. Tigris Troop on race day Lt Hall doing what she does best Junior Officer Attachment – by Lt Hall Exercise WARRIOR GAUNTLET – by LCpl Ewan My time at Sandhurst had finally ended and I found myself preparing for the next big thing; an attachment in the ‘Real Army’. After a few weeks leave in Portugal, I began the long drive to 1 (UK) Armoured Division and Signal Regiment in Herford, Germany. After finally arriving, I was summoned to the Green Bottle Bar, a delightful drinking establishment in the cellar of the Officers’ Mess. After a warm welcoming, which consisted mainly of jumping aboard the infamous Jaeger train, it was time to call it a night and I headed back to my half unpacked room. The Senior Signal Squadron deployed on a well-executed five day semi-conventional exercise organised and run by Sgt Bob Rankin. The exercise took place on Haltern training area. The aim of Ex WARRIOR GAUNTLET was to improve the Squadrons individual military skills. The incentive to do well was to be awarded “Top Tom” and “Top Field Soldier”. The first week of Regimental life consisted of using the range qualifications I had obtained at Sandhurst. I found myself assisting with the ranges, enabling the soldiers to get their MATT testing done in preparation for deployment this summer. After this, I was involved in a ‘Staff Ride’ to Stalingrad, Russia. The study was a great opportunity to reflect upon tactics and doctrine adopted during the battle of Stalingrad and to compare it to those currently used on operations today. 24 Day one of the exercise took a lot longer than it should have. LCpl ‘Trigger’ Stevens was commander of the lead vehicle and what should have been a two hour journey took four and a half. A similar situation with the initial patrol to the FOB. LCpl Dan Priday was point man and with his exceptional map reading skills, what should have been a short and sweet 15 minute patrol took an hour and a half. Remedial MATT 5 for you boys! Day two and the Platoon was well into a working routine. Enemy activity was becoming apparent in and around our FOB. Various patrols were sent out to observe the enemy. 2 Section led by Section Commander Cpl Gemma Rolt went out to observe the enemy in their territory. When they came THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 The Platoon at Endex under contact a decision was made to tactically withdraw, even with the QRF led by Cpl ‘Sharpy’ Sharp, the ratio of enemy to friendly was too great. Day three and the Platoon Commander Lt Baynes felt the need to step it up a gear, a set of orders was given to the Section Commanders. 1 Section led by LCpl ‘get the rounds down’ Ewen was to set up an ambush at objective BRONZE. 2 Section led by LCpl ‘JJ’ John was to maintain FOB security. 3 Section led by LCpl Bradfield was to set up an ambush at objective COPPER. The Section Commanders then gave their Sections a set of orders and executed two very successful ambushes resulting in capturing one of the enemy for questioning. Day four was a demanding part of the exercise. The FOB was overrun by IDF resulting in a tactical hasty withdrawal at 0500. We deployed into a harbour area and stood too until first light then began our routine. Shortly after entering routine the new Platoon Commander, 2Lt Hall decided the harbour area was not in a good enough location and so we moved 200m up the track into better cover. If 2 Section only knew what the enemy had installed for them in the early hours between midnight and three. DS/Enemy SSgt ‘Jacko’ Jackson and Sgt Richie Andrews began their “sneaky beaky” bit by sneaking into a very wide and thinly spread harbour area, unlucky for 2 Section their method of entry was through their line which saw Cfn Donna Anderson, Sig Elliot Rhodes and Sig Pearson get captured. Sig ‘Wez’ Wright’s personal weapon and 2 Sections GMPG were also taken. Luckily the enemy were lenient that evening and returned them all safely some hours later. congratulated us on a very successful exercise. Although the scoring throughout the whole week was extremely close, the OC announced the following awards: Best overall Section was 2 Section, “Top Tom” went to Cfn Donna Anderson and Top Field Soldier went to LCpl Ewen. 201 SIGNAL SQUADRON OC SSM Maj Stanard WO2 (SSM) Scarcliff Squadron Update - by Sig Hubbard With Op HERRICK 20 getting closer, everyone has been busy on courses and exercise in preparation for the job they will be required to carry out whilst on tour. This has made January and February busy months for 201 Sig Sqn including Ex PASHTUN PANTHER, KITE, OSPREY and SKUA, not to mention Ex PASHTUN LION in Sennelager. However, these commitments have not stopped us from getting people onto adventure training as Sig Hudson and Sig Goulding have just gone to Bavaria skiing for a month on Ex Day five encompassed the usual end of exercise Platoon attacks. In total the Platoon completed 4 Platoon attacks, each one more successful than the last. As we were formed up in our Re-Org positions, much to our relief we heard those beautiful words come from OC Sqn Maj Stoys mouth “STOP, STOP, STOP, END EX”. Brilliant! At the end of the day a scale A parade was called at the Sqn Bar, where the lads and lasses enjoyed a well-deserved hot curry and cold beer. The OC addressed the Sqn and THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 201 Sig Sqn en route to the assault course 25 SNOW WARRIOR and LCpl Waryck and Sig Entwistle are to go snowboarding in Austria for 2 weeks. A Sqn trip to Berlin has also been organised for the beginning of March for 2 days. Throughout our normal weeks work, we’ve also worked on our leadership skills by having a command tasks with everyone also delivering presentations to the others in the Sqn. There were several different subjects covered such as World War I, history of the rifle, berets, etc. In the middle of February we had a visit from the Master of Signals, Lt Gen Robert Baxter CBE, and we set up an inter Squadron competition which involved an assault course, a log run, and a gun run; although not coming first it proved to be a great event - well done to 211 Sig Sqn for their victory. was also on standby for any serious generator faults. As part of cross-training theme, central to much of the Sqn’s preparation for tour, REMEDY courses were being conducted on the exercise in preparation for our core role on tour of service desk provision. It was very busy to begin with as there were only four RSEs on the exercise these were: LCpl ‘Poor Banter’ Hodgen, Sig ‘The Muffin Man’ Herbert, Sig ‘Simple Jack’ Cardwell and Sig ‘Morale Man’ Smith. With such a big demand for power to be installed in different locations, it consisted of nonstop working until the early hours of the morning, never stopping until the job was complete. Once the initial build was complete we soon settled into routine, including daily PT sessions led by Cpl ‘C/S Deadly’ Rana (including an excellent demonstration of how not to run into a lamppost) Another highly of the exercise was when Sig ‘The Jack of all Trades’ Williams managed to disable the mini bus by getting it stuck, until the Recovery RSE Team led by LCpl Hodgen came to the rescue! All in all, an incredibly varied exercise of which all learnt a great deal; it goes without saying of course that none of it would have been possible without the multi-talented and highly skilled team of electricians. ‘Power to the Corps!’ Squadron Command Task Exercise – By Sgt Cocozza LCpl Wilkinson-Welch and the Master of Signals Ex PASHTUN PANTHER – By Sig Smith Ex PASHTUN PANTHER is a series of CFXs in preparation for Op HERRICK 20; it lasts over two months and is visited by almost all deploying soldiers. This exercise helped us to understand the ‘bigger picture’ of Op HERRICK 20, giving insight into how things are going to run and the challenges that come with working with a variety of different cap badges and trades. Sig Williams fighting for comms 26 As an RSE, it was my job to provide power to three different locations on the exercise area. The FOB locations required power for lighting, heating, comms equipment and kitchens for the chefs; I It was a bitter, cold but strangely sunny January morning when the troops of 201 Signal Squadron deployed armed with helmets, gloves and a sense of keen anticipation to the Wentworth sports pitches. Sgt Cocozza had put together a series of challenging and ‘fun’ command tasks as part of the Squadrons Command and Leadership training week, in the hope of bringing the best out of the soldiers and developing Squadron cohesion.Initially morale was high and the guys were really looking forward to it as this is something they don’t do a lot of. After a short brief and introduction to the command tasks, the men and women of 201 were broken down into syndicates and sent on their merry way. Sig ‘Chalkie’ White and LCpl ‘Lance’ Neilson seemed to be enjoying the leap of faith task hosted by LCpl Waryck a bit too much as they had a full on man hug moment whilst balancing on a tyre. At the other end of the field, where Cpl Wilde was hosting the electric fence task, Sig Elliot was attempting to show off his gymnastic prowess as he immediately did a handstand expecting his team mates to lift him over the fence legs first (perhaps next time he’ll remember to brief them). Cpl ‘Mac’ Mclaughlin wasn’t taking any prisoners on the barrel extraction task, getting the guys to start again even if it barely scuffed a blade of grass. On the ‘5 Tyres’ task that Cpl Moore was hosting, everyone was of the impression that it was easy as they had done it before. This didn’t stop LCpl ‘Rory’ Cobb and LCpl Neal from getting their tyres in a twist! Sig Elliot and his gymnastic skills THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 All things considered, it was a great day and everyone took something away, even if was a couple of bumps and bruises. 211 SIGNAL SQUADRON OC SSM Maj Moran WO2 (SSM) Tiplady Exercise FREE FLIGHT Over the period 10 –15 Jan 14, the Sqn deployed to Sennelager training area on Ex FREE FLIGHT. On our return from Christmas leave the Sqn hit the ground running with a PACEX before rolling out the door on the Friday. All the vehicles were lined up on the square on Thursday in preparation for deploying on the Friday. The vehicles were lined up as per there packets and inspected by the TCWO for the relevant documents and break down equipment. Friday saw all the packets rolling out the main gate on route to Sennnelager Training Area. All the packets were safely accounted for at the UDTA where the SQMS organised sleeping areas and a feeding facility for the Squadron. Prior to everyone getting their heads down a brief by the Troop Commanders was given. The SQMS provided cooked meals to the HQ’s and ICS locations for the duration of the training week. Main Troop commenced their build the following day at Campsite 5 and deployed there RRB/Radio Relay Detachments, while at Campsite 0 Falcon Troop deployed their detachments around the training area and the remaining elements of the Troop along with Tac troop started the build of the Ops room and set up of the HQ where the VTC and conference call testing were conducted. The remainder of the week Falcon and Bowman voice and Data Networks were established. The Falcon WAN Network was trailed back to Corsham and also trunk functionality test capabilities as per FALTAT’s TO’s. The Falcon TNG and DivLAN were also tested. The climax of the Ex was a visit from the CO 1(UK)ADSR along with elements of the Regt Ops Team to Campsite 0 and Campsite 5 locations on Tue 14 Jan. Endex was called on Wed 15 Jan and the Squadron returned back to Herford to complete the turnaround process of the Detachments. HQ SQUADRON OC SSM Maj Leigh Crossing WO2 (SSM) Baz Anderson HQ Squadron has continued to support both Regimental activities and the wider Herford station in the lead up to the Christmas period. This has seen the Sqn support MST training for 201 Sig Sqns upcoming Op HERRICK 20 deployment in the form of Ex PREM KUSH1 and Ex PREM RANGES1 whilst also maintaining service provision in Herford. The Sqn has also carried out a number of organic tasks such as delivering the Station Remembrance Service and Station Carol Service whilst individual departments of HQ Sqn have enabled numerous other events from the Station Bonfire to the SSAFA Fayre and Christmas parties. Regardless of who is the lead for a Station event it is clear that some component of HQ Sqn will be involved ensuring the departments remain busy. More on this below in the department updates. To assist keeping the Sqn on track, the SHQ has been bolstered by the arrival of a new Sqn 2IC Capt 'Dangerous Dave' Malortie and a Sqn Ops SNCO in the form of SSgt Jo Cordery. Jo is a short term fix who will depart on maternity leave at Christmas and we wish her all the best for the baby coming along in the New Year. THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 REGIMENTAL GENERATOR BAY RGB SSgt SSgt Al Winter Another busy period for the department started with the Anglo-German Carol Service, Sig Southam receiving the GOC Commendation for his professionalism whilst on Guard and Sig Ratandi gaining his Ski Foundation Level 1 (at the same time as the Regiment returned from leave!! Just saying). We have members from the Department away on two separate exercises being carried out in the UK. We had to say farewell and all the best for the future to Cpl Douglas – now Mr Douglas at the time of writing, and welcome to LCpl Amanda Turnbull who is fortunate enough to join us from 201 Sqn. Congratulations go to Sig Robinson on passing his PTI course and showing us on a daily basis how good at heaves he is. TM TROOP - by LCpl Davidson Tp SSgt SSgt (SQMS) Lee Jolly It has been a period of significant change for TM Troop as the majority of the manpower has been distributed around the Regiment to support other tasks. The Troop lines have subsequently been closed down and handed over to 201 Sig Sqn who have moved in from Harewood Barracks on the other side of Herford. TM Troop does though still exist in a smaller capacity in the guise of LCpl 'the body' Pritchard, LCpl 'Davo' Davison, LCpl Measom and LCpl Hickson. Now co-located with HQ SQMS SSgt 'Task Force' Jolly, the Troop roles have been reduced down to the DII Helpdesk, MOSS TSA’s and equipment calibration. Amongst those to leave the Troop were the FofS SSgt Biggs Hancock, Tp SSgt Wayne Topping who went to 201 Sig Sqn and Cpl Sam McGinley and LCpl Butters who departed for Civvy Street. We bid them hearty farewell, and good luck. MT TROOP MTO TCWO Capt Bodycomb RLC WO2 Jackson RLC HQMT have been heavily committed in the recent Regimental exercises PREMIER KUSH 1 and PREMIER RANGE. During Ex PREM KUSH the mission was two fold; provide RLS to the Regt main effort which was preparing 201 Sig Sqn for Op HERRICK 20 whilst also conducting some internal role specific training. The latter took the form of a GS Fam course run by Cpl Jimmy Bentley. This was quickly followed by Ex PREM KUSH which was a two week range package primarily aimed at those Troops deploying on Op HERRICK 20. The exercise was supported in the form of transport and drivers but also by Cpl Bentley and Sgt 'Barney' Barnett conducting ranges. 2013 has been a very successful year for our young MT soldiers with Sig Page, Sig Wilby and LCpl Qasevakatini all promoting in the last few months. They have all worked extremely hard and thoroughly deserve their promotions. In addition to this the White Fleet JNCO LCpl 'Tonks' Tonkinson will be moving onto Elmpt in the new year. They all deserve a huge thank you for their efforts at 1 ADSR and will be deeply missed, we wish them well for the future. QM (T) DEPT - by Sig Armstrong QM(T) Capt Fred Fensom RQMS(T)WO2 Mark Anderson It’s a busy period for the QM(T) and with all guns blazing, but the arrival of Cpl Martin Jarvis from 662 Sig Troop Gutersloh, the new Bowman Accountant will be seen as another hand to the pump, taking a small piece of the work load away from 27 Cpl Jese Saunitoga as a few of us prepare for deployment on Op HERRICK 20. We should and can always find time for a bit of departmental fun with Sig Steve Warriner who has taken it upon himself to organise an AT Ex in Sennelager, hopefully the Skydiving centre are aware that most of us are afraid of heights, but more to follow on what should be an interesting day out. It’s business as usual for the next coming months and as a whole the department we are looking forward to more arrivals and a few MJDI training days before ops. REGIMENTAL TRAINING WING RTSM SSI WO2 (SSM) Savage SSgt Bill Reddy A child from the local school sings a carol The Christmas period has seen a number of personnel moving in and out of the Training Wing. Firstly, we say a fond farewell to Lt Miller, who after only a short stint as the Trg Offr has decided that her future lies in law and not comms; all the best for the future “Copper”. Cpl Dave 'On time' Horton also leaves Herford for the green, green grass of 21 Signal Regiment in sunny Colerne with his 5 a side team and shouldn’t have any dramas with turning in on time with the extra hour gained from moving back to the UK! on behalf of a local German children’s charity and Scotty’s Little Soldiers, raising over €650. We welcome to the Training Wing, SSgt Bill Reddy who joins from 200 Signal Squadron, with his wealth of knowledge he is a welcome addition to the team. Finally, we welcome Sig Connolly and Sig Wilson from the Regimental Generator Bay, who will boost the team when enemy troops are required! We now look forward to the upcoming months supporting the Regiment in getting all the boys and girls ready for deployment for the final Op HERRICK tour, including the final Regtl Exercise, PREMIER KUSH and Exercise PREMIER RANGE to name a few. The congregation of both 1 ADSR and the local German community Regimental Carol Service The traditional Anglo-German Carol Service took place in early December and a number of soldiers in the Squadron were involved with our very own SSgt Winter taking the lead on behalf of the Regiment. Music provided by the band of the Coldstream Guards proved to be suitably rousing for the slightly chilly attendees and combined with the fantastic turnout ensured the church filled with the sound of carols being sung in English and German at the same time. Alongside the traditional Christmas story read in both English and German, there were contributions from the Military Wives Choir, Lister School Choir and Konig Mathilde Gymnasium (the local German secondary school) Choir. A collection was made After the service there was an opportunity to strengthen Anglo-German relations with gluhwein, stollen and mince pies in the Church Hall. A good number took advantage of this and reaffirmed friendships with some local personalities. There was much talk of our shared past in Herford and the history of the British Army in Germany. As the move back to the UK draws ever closer and the number of events involving the community falls, we are reminded how strong the connection with Herford is and how much it will be missed. British guest of honour Maj Gen J Chiswell CBE MC, GOC 1 (UK) Armoured Division, clearly felt the same and spent the reception talking with many of the German guests. 2nd SIGNAL REGIMENT YORK CO RSM Lt Col Hargreaves WO1 (RSM) Mason 219 SIGNAL SQUADRON OC SSM Maj Rose WO2 (SSM) Blowes Exercise NORTHERN KEY ALPINE – by Lt Noone On a mild Saturday morning, the managerial team from 2 Signal Regiment left Imphal Barracks towards Manchester 28 airport. In a break from tradition, all remembered their passports and the outward journey continued without incident into Geneva. WO2 (YofS) ‘Jono’ Hanes had just about finished his first monologue by this point and his second carried us from the airport to the resort of Avoriaz. Here, our final 500m was on horse-drawn carriages and we soon settled into our 1960s-themed hotel. Our fashionably late arrival for dinner meant a hungry wait for most but WO2 (SSM) John Blowes’ plan delivered and all received good food and average wine before bed. The French restaurant was kind enough to offer the diet-plan THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 breakfast which set us up nicely for our assessments from Maj ‘Jersey’ Howell-Walmsley and Sgt Phil Dransfield. Both groups set off with the larger, more experienced group taking to the bigger slopes to suss each other out. WO2 (SSM) Nige McDiarmid was keen to aid the process and skied straight underneath a ‘Caution’ barrier. Outside of this, plenty of good skiing happened and muscle memory soon kicked in to reduce falls and heighten egos. Capt ‘Wings’ Watson, keen to lighten his skiing load, tasked a local barkeeper to look after his daysack while he carried on a bit more but the results of this experiment were negligible so he returned to SOPs. Day 2 saw a further break in the ability groups with the top skiers being given free reign. They received their pocket money for lunch and set off so quickly, our actions-on-lost procedures were well tested. Days 2 and 3 provided good amounts of skiing as the instructors let us run and Day 4 allowed for a lot of off-piste runs as well as trips down through the woods and over jumps. Some elevation was more intentional than others and I surprised myself by clearing one hump before crashing into another, while simultaneously removing both skis – multi-tasking any CO would be proud of. However, our CO was under far more sensible control as he and the other members of the group clocked in some good skiing under the careful watch of the QM. Maj Anthea Burdus demonstrated smooth skiing to the group and the team of SSMs Blowes and Gleave were never too far behind. WO2 (YofS) Hanes was being complimented on his new ability right up until the moment he fell over skiing to breakfast one morning but he showed it takes more than a cold face to keep him down. The week culminated in an enhanced group-meal at the local restaurant and fondue; melted cheese and beef joints helped to replenish energy before an early start the following morning. The return was uneventful despite the best efforts of Capt Vishal and our coach driver performed a rolling replen to get everyone back to York. Traditions were maintained and not all management personnel made it back unscathed but walking wounded and questionable limbs did nothing to dampen a fun, demanding and bonding week. After we had finished the tests we had most of the day to wait for the other teams to complete their march and shoot as our Squadron was one of the last of the day. This gave us plenty of time to plan strategies of how we were going to march, work out how many points we needed on the shoot and also time to get nervous. As we approached the start point we were told of how 214 Squadron had achieved the fastest march of the day so far and it was in a time we knew we couldn’t beat. However, if we could just come second we would still have a chance. As we began the march, Lt Kearney set the pace so that we were fast enough to achieve second place but not so fast as to tire us out for the shoot. It was a long 2.5 miles carrying 10kg of weight plus trying to carry a weapon. We did well as a team, helping each other out and I don’t think I would have made it in time without the help of Cpl Lalit and Sig Sanjeev. On the way round I think most of us were wishing we had done more phys over Christmas leave when we had a march and shoot on our 3rd day back. I definitely was! Finally we made it to the range where we were given ammunition and 5 minutes to get ourselves together. The shoot began with a 100m sprint to the 300m point which to me seemed the longest 100m in the world after that march. As the targets popped up it was clear how much being fatigued affected our shooting but we needn’t have worried as we gained plenty of points. On the way back to camp we wondered if we had scored high enough in the written tests and done well enough on the shoot to achieve first place. When the time came to announce the winner, the CO told us that each Squadron had come first in an event each; 214 in the march, 246 in the shoot and 219 and Support Squadron in the written tests. After an anxious few minutes he finally announced 246 Squadron as the winners of the 2014 March and Shoot Competition which I think I can say we all thought was a great way to start the year. Kowloon Troop Mountain Biking Day – by Sig Beni The event was organised on 22 Jan 14 by Kowloon Tp OC Lt Kearney at Dalby forest, Pickering. We left the camp around 0800hrs and arrived at our location around 0900hrs. We all geared up with appropriate dress and everyone selected his own bike and helmet. First, we had a safety brief from Sig Bishnu who is a Mountain Bike Leader and demonstration by Cpl ‘007’ Milan on going down hills, up hills, changing gears and adopting correct position etc. We were split into two groups. Obviously, I was in the slow group. Regimental March and Shoot Competition – by LCpl Cassidy We then set off for our adventurous journey, which was about 12 miles. I was very excited about my journey but that did not turn out quite right for me. The route was not as easy as I had thought. I was expecting the normal off road track but the track was full of stones, tree branches and tight turns. There were a lot of small pot holes, up hills, down hills and bends throughout the track. Since I have never ridden on that kind of route I struggled from the beginning. However, Cpl Milan and Cpl Jayaram encouraged me after the first 3 miles proved tricky. In addition, Sig Sagun taught me how to adopt the downhill position and to use the gears better. Most of the time I came off the bike and walked. I was too scared, especially when going down steep hills. I should have gone through the green route but instead, we did the more technical red route. The day for us started with a CBRN written test followed by a race to see which Squadron could get into full CBRN kit the quickest. As we were trying to pull on our suits we realised the Squadron before us had tied the legs and arms together in a bid to sabotage our efforts. Sadly for them we still finished in a quick time. Following this was a BCDT written test before a practical BLS test on ‘resus Annie’. After a 1hr 15min ride, we all reached safely to the half way point and had a lunch break. During the lunch break Kerney Saheb, Cpl Milan, Cpl Jayaram, Cpl Mehar and LCpl Stanley were showing off their skills doing bike stunts. We then decided to go through the green route for about 2 miles, which was easy. This time there was a vey little single track with lots of bends on it. I was still feeling scared from the 2 Sig Regt management team avoiding work 246 GURKHA SIGNAL SQUADRON OC SSM Maj M Barratt WO2 (SSM) Suresh Gurung THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 29 start and fell off the bike twice. Nevertheless, with the Gods’ wishes I did not hurt myself. Cpl Jayaram also fell off his bike. We then rode for another four miles to reach our destination. Before the end of the bike route, there was a steep down hill road where we can ride up to 40 mph. I hope everybody enjoyed the last finishing part. At the finish point, we washed our bikes and went to the coffee shop for hot drinks. out for Op FORTIFY where she spent most of her time harassing members of the public to join the Army Reserves. She was still willing to continue her role but was replaced by LCpl Darren Scaife due to her PNCO course. At the same time I deployed with a group of 16 for Ex LION STAR in Cyprus. Our main role was to support soldiers from 32 Signal Regiment and lead them by example. I absolutely enjoyed the biking although that was my first experience. I would recommend all to experience the thrill and organise a group day out in the summer period. If you do not own a bike, you can hire for a whole day. We have seen members of ES Tp taking part in Regimental cross country. Sig Harris and I went to the competition in Catterick where everyone produced an amazing time despite being lost on route to the competition. This made us realise that map reading was not our greatest skill; I was pleased it wasn’t an Orienteering competition. Sig Harris also attended another competition in Bulford where she ran like a gazelle and was selected for the Corps female cross country team, well done. “Jai QG SIGNALS” Regimental Christmas – by Sgt Bates After missing last Christmas due to operational commitments the Regt ensured a return to routine for this years festivities, a day of events starting with the usual “Gun Fire” followed by the eagerly awaited “Bone of Contention” rugby match. Contested hard between a combined team of Officers and SNCOs v JNCOs and below, 44 participants donned their boots (or World War 2 equivalents in WO1 (FofS) Steve Colbecks’ case) the match was considered a “resounding success” by the CO. Kowloon Troop preparing to hit the trail SUPPORT SQUADRON OC SSM Maj Burdus WO2 (SSM) Gleave ES Troop - by Sig Giri Over the past three months ES Tp has been really busy preparing for RSIT and ECI. Over this time we have seen the promotion of Sgt Jason Sheehan to SSgt and a change of command appointment in the Troop with the Regimental FofS WO1 Steve Colbeck (leaving the Army) replaced with FofS WO1 Paul Landregan. Members of ES Tp volunteered for different Regimental duties and taskings over the period. Sig ‘Holly’ Harris went The Seniors team hobbled away eventual winners in a very closely contested match, 5 points to nil. The plaudits have to go to stand out performances by Cpl ‘Gaz’ Swannick for the Juniors and SSgt Michael ‘Fozzy’ Foster on the Seniors side. Both players put their bodies on the line and should consider playing a higher level of rugby in the future. It wouldn’t be a true representation of the game if we didn’t mention the “RED CARDS” received for “Fisty Cuffs” between SSgt Phil 'cheap shot' Stillie and Sig Oliver Dutton. The referee on the day, Lt Col Green, should be thanked for his diligence and obvious pragmatic approach to refereeing. Not to finish on a sour note, the Junior ranks mess was then invaded by the whole Regt for the serving of Christmas lunch to the soldiers by the WO’s and Officers dressed to impress in their finest Christmas jumpers. This Christmas was definitely a step up from last year for the Sqn! We will now ramp up into a busy period of training and support post Christmas. 3rd (UNITED KINGDOM) DIVISION HEADQUARTERS AND SIGNAL REGIMENT BULFORD CO RSM Lt Col P R Griffiths WO1 (RSM) Stowell and other nations, which promises to be an exciting time for all, and Normandy 70 commemorations. This has been yet another busy period for the Regiment. With Op HERRICK 18 now successfully behind us, refreshed from POTL and Christmas leave, our focus has been completing the re-subordination of 258 Signal Squadron to 30 Signal Regiment and 228 Signal Squadron from 12 Mech Bde HQ. We welcome new faces, including WO1 (RSM) Stowell as Regimental Sergeant Major, and say goodbye to some old friends. We wish them all luck in the future, especially WO1 (RSM) Luke on his commissioning and selection as the Corps Regimental Sergeant Major. CT1 training is in full swing concurrently with equipment uplifts and our continued support to tasks; ranging from local commitments to BATUK and BATUS. We are planning for a busy spring with the Regiment pioneering interoperability using Falcon deployed on Ex ROCHEMBEA with the French The future for the Regiment looks busy, but fun. Despite everything planned, and everything not planned (Op PITCHPOLE), we have still seen groups deploying on a myriad of Adventure Training expeditions and we will continue to drive Adventure Training and Sport with passion. 30 THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 202 SIGNAL SQUADRON OC SSM Maj C Dixon WO2 (SSM) K Brown The Squadron Returns – by LCpl Bethel-Hancock With Op HERRICK 18 now a distant memory; 202 Signal Squadron have returned to work after well earned POTL. With the new re-organisation of personnel throughout the Regiment, the Squadron has bid farewell to some old friends but on the other hand welcomed some new faces to add new momentum to the new year. Now that we have settled back into barrack life some members of the Squadron have been away on Falcon and driving courses ready for the Regiment’s new task as a MultiRole Signal Regiment. We’ve even had members lucky enough to take advantage of the various AT expeditions being organised in the Squadron. Thanks to Sgt Jonny Howe, Inkerman Troop, formally known as Lashkar Gah Troop have managed to get away for a week on Exercise ALPINE BUFFALO, hitting the slopes in Austria, while Overloon and Waterloo Troops still have their AT to look forward to. Meanwhile for the rest of the Squadron there has been a flurry of activity conducting Range packages, MATTS and Military Skill lessons. To everyone’s delight, Squadron PT also made a quick return! Many, including the PTI’s have been working hard to burn off the Christmas dinners and sweat out the 7 weeks of partying. It has been a busy start for 202 Signal Squadron this January, getting back into the swing of regular barrack routine. We are now looking forward to an even busier couple of months as we take control of our Bowman Detachment’s and conduct Falcon training ready for the upcoming tasks this year. A lot of changes are happening and it certainly going to be a challenging but exciting time for all of us. 3DSR Alpine Ski Team – by LCpl Harper In early January 2014, 3 (UK) Division Headquarters and Signal Regiment dispatched a mighty trio of talented alpine ski racers to Exercise SPARTAN HIKE, the Divisional Ski Championships in Serre Chevalier, France. LCpl Neil Harper and LCpl Adam ‘George’ Daws embarked on the arduous cross Europe journey under the watchful stewardship of Team Captain Lt Gemma Banting, whose unquestionable navigational skills made the journey far less stressful than in many a previous year’s pilgrimage. The team laid up for the night in a budget hotel in Grenoble where coincidentally Michael Schumacher was laid up in hospital with a head injury following a ski accident. Fortunately this proved not to be a bad omen for the trip. The following day, the Iron Division skier’s pushed on to the mountain resort for competition registration and accommodation check in. Both processes were far more complicated than expected, however 3 hours of afternoon skiing was procured. This enabled one and all to shake off the festive period and rediscover race skills honed in the previous year on Exercise MERCURY GLACIER, the Corps Championships. This was deemed adequate preparation for the seeding race and competition beginning in earnest the following morning. LCpl Harper and LCpl Daws began strongly with their eyes firmly on the lucrative prize of qualification for the Army Championships and the promise of a further 10 days skiing, not to mention the chance to represent the Royal Signals’ Corps team. All that was required was consistent and fast racing, to guarantee a finish in the top third of the 158 strong cohort of racers. Through perseverance, courage and an impeccable dedication to both equipment preparation and THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 The 3DSR Alpine Ski Team maintenance both 3 DSR men achieved this respectable feat. LCpl Daws’ qualification was touch and go in his 2nd attempt at the Divisional Champions but he improved throughout the competition and made the grade. Just, as he placed 65th overall. LCpl Harper’s qualification was less laboured as he leaned on the experience he had gained from his previous Divisional and Army campaigns which had all ended in him earning a coveted spot in the Corps team. Having represented the Corps team a total of 3 times prior to this season he was recognised with the presentation of Corps Colours at the Corps camp the previous December. In this season’s competition however, he went on to finish the overall competition in 32nd place, with his best performance coming in Super Giant slalom where he placed a creditable 18th. For the trip Lt Banting had made the generous and bold decision to adopt Sig Ollie McLeod, the current Alpine Skiing Corps Champion, from 2 Signal Regiment. Sig McLeod repaid this generosity as he successfully completed just 2 races out of 7, tumbling down the rankings and often also the piste, to a disappointing 144th place overall and failure to qualify for the Army Championships, unlike in his debut season. However, his out of character, appalling form was recognised by the race committee come competition prize giving with LCpl Daws on the Downhill 31 the award of the ‘Best Endeavour’ prize for his valiant efforts in what is only his second ever full ski racing season since taking up the sport at the Corps Camp 2 years ago. Lt Banting also in only her second season of racing placed 104th overall and was the 9th best placed female. Unfortunately this meant she too narrowly missed the cut for the Army Championships as only 7 females were permitted to qualify. This forced the team to divide into 2 with Sig McLeod and Lt Banting returning to the UK and their respective units while LCpl Daws and LCpl Harper partnered up with the rest of the Corps team, who were entirely comprised of the 4 members of 30 Signal Regiment who also enjoyed a very successful Divisional Championships. LCpl Harper on the Giant Slalom In the 10 days that followed in Chantemerle at the Army Championships, LCpl Daws began with the nice round bib number of 100 and by the end of the competition had that down to number 88, despite a tumble in the Super G and a spectacular failed jump during a downhill training day (video available on request) He also earned a slot in the Corps team and achieved several strong timings that counted towards the Corps teams overall performance against other cap badges. LCpl Harper began with a bib number of 54 and managed to place 26th in the Men’s Alpine Combination, a result which saw him bring the Michael Pearce trophy back to 3 DSR for the first time since 1985. The trophy is awarded to the top Royal Corps of Signals skier in the combination event. With a trophy in the bag and no injuries to contend with, all in all 3 (UK) Division Headquarters and Signal Regiment can be proud of their efforts out in France with a view to a repeat performance next season. 206 SIGNAL SQUADRON OC SSM Maj D Spencer WO2 (SSM) S Harrison 206 Signal Squadron have been focussed on delivering CT6 level exercises to 3 Division HQ, Exercise IRON RESOLVE and Exercise IRON TRIANGLE. After Christmas leave the Squadron has gone straight into preparations for a Combined Joint Expeditionary Force (CJEF) exercise which will include CT1 and CT2 level exercises, both two weeks long. Exercise IRON RESOLVE After just two weeks back in camp from Ex IRON RESOLVE, 206 Squadron redeployed the Divisional Headquarters to RAF St. Mawgan just outside of Newquay. We were supporting one of the biggest exercises ever run in the south of England! We were joined on this exercise by the French, who took Plymouth by surprise when they arrived. According to the Plymouth Herald “The Royal Navy have admitted they were completely unaware the French had arrived”. Working with the French was a new experience for a number of soldiers, so the time spent working with them on IRON TRIANGLE has set the tone for the upcoming year. The biggest problem we faced, besides the enormity of the HQ itself, was the fact that it had been located on top of a hill next to the sea. This meant that we had winds of up to 50mph to contend with, resulting in tents with over 90 sandbags still blowing away, with Cpl Dave Cryle and his team still holding on! Once the HQ was built and the weather calmed down (slightly) the staff arrived which brought the new challenge of keeping them warm in November. As warm kit seemed not to be an option, we managed to make the whole complex significantly warmer than the outside and 7 Signal Group had the hottest tent in the whole HQ. Trying to repair wind damaged tents Finally the exercise was finished off with a much needed Squadron Christmas function in Newquay which gave everyone the chance to blow of some steam before returning to camp for a well-deserved Christmas leave. MATTS Week LCpl Harper being presented with the Michael Pearce trophy 32 The Squadron has had a very busy start to the New Year. The Squadron has been reshuffled in terms of both equipment and manpower as we move towards becoming a Multi Role Signal Regiment (MRSR). Within a week of being back we were thrown straight into MATTs. The standard lessons were mixed in with interesting presentations on drugs and alcohol from outside speakers. On Thursday and Friday Sgt Metcalfe THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 ran the ACMT package for the Regiment. The ranges provided an opportunity to look for potential members of the shooting team who will be taking part in the Operational Shooting Competition this year. Sig Mitchell gained top shot of the week with full marks, placing him firmly in the spotlight for the team! CJEF Build-up Exercise planning is in full swing, with all three Troops preparing to deploy on CT1 in February. Cambrai Troop and Normandy Troop will be deploying to Salisbury plain to practice low level soldiering and communication skills. Mons Troop will be training people on Magpie and running the Falcon uplift programme on behalf of the Regiment. Mech Bde. Very best of luck for the future to you and your family. Losing nearly all the members of our QM Dept, we wish you good tidings and hope you enjoy the challenges of working in Sp Sqn. Capt Jim Watt (QM) and WO2 Matt Stowell (RQMS) have both been successful on recent promotion boards and have moved over to 3 DSR to assume new jobs; Capt Watt has taken over as QM(T) and will become OC Support Squadron in summer 2014. WO1 (RSM) Stowell will be taking up the post of ‘The Badge’ of 3 DSR before the publication of this magazine. Congratulations again and the best of luck to you both in your new roles. Good news is that we have a Sergeant Major, WO2 (SSM) Neil Cansfield fresh in from 10 Sig Regt; we welcome you to the Squadron and hope you enjoy your 2 years with the team. This is a very small submission from the Squadron as we have been busy since the first week of this year and all of our key events are still taking place. Next time look forward to articles on troop training from Main Tp and a quick summary of a 6 week deployment to BATUK from Lt Jay Thomas. SUPPORT SQUADRON OC SSM SSgt Swan trying to fold maps for CT1 All of the exercises over the coming months are building towards Exercise ROCHEMBEAU, a joint Divisional level exercise with the French. Exercise ROCHEMBEAU will allow the Squadron to deploy Falcon, Bowman, TNG and MIP to the north of France and to work in a CJEF role. To facilitate this a number of people from within the Squadron have spent the first few weeks of January working in Blandford with their French counterparts. They have been trialling interoperability of Bowman and Magpie with the equivalent French system, SICF. Once the testing is complete both UK and French staff will be able to exchange mapping, overlays, situational awareness, chat, email and collaborative working. The UK systems were configured from scratch to allow for a fresh start and for everyone to learn from the ground up. LCpl Jones and Sig West have found the past two weeks to be an “eye-opener”. The main obstacles they have had have been software based, closely followed by the networking side of things. Security is always a big consideration so everyone has worked hard to ensure that the balance between a secure system and shared information has remained at all times. They have found working with the French soldiers hugely enjoyable and have learned a great deal about how multinational ICS/CIS systems work together. 228 SIGNAL SQUADRON OC SSM Maj Brian Jeffery WO2 (SSM) Neil Cansfield On 6 Jan 14 228 Sig Sqn re-subordinated from 12 Mech Bde to 3 (UK) Divisional Signal Regiment. With the change in command status the Squadron say hello to 3 DSR and we are looking forward to working alongside our new colleagues and gaining the support and depth of a Regimental structure. But we have also had some key personalities move on as a direct result. It was sad when the Squadron lost their RSM, WO1 (RSM) Duncan Windsor to take on a jet setting life style in the post of Comd Sgt Major for 12 THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Maj A McKenna MBE WO2 (SSM) Law Support Squadron continues to run at a high pace since the return of 202 Signal Squadron from Herrick 18 and all departments are busy providing essential support to the regiment for the re-subordination. The Squadron has a new 2i/c, Capt Reid who has now picked up the reigns and is co-ordinating the establishment of all the many Support Sqn Departments. The Squadron also welcomes the new QM(T), Capt JAM Watt, and the new RQMS, WO2 MT Turner. The Squadron bids farewell to the RSM, WO1 R Luke, with a congratulations on his commissioning and future posting as the Corps RSM. The Squadron also wishes to say farewell to Capt Wakeling (who leaves the Army after 28 years of loyal service) and all the other redundancies with best wishes in their future endeavours. AGC Detachment - by LT Stalker In January Pte Ford, who is a keen footballer, was successfully picked to represent the AGC Corp Football team and he has been heading over to Worthy Down in Winchester to take part in training sessions and matches. In December the Detachment deployed to Bramley training area to conduct a 3 day field exercise where they practised basic soldiering skills such as occupying and living in a harbour area, patrolling, night navigation and reaction to effective enemy fire. Plus they were also required to set up a field admin office in order to experience how it would be running an office with limited supplies/resources. Thankfully the weather, although cold, remained dry and the exercise was a huge success in giving the soldiers a refresher and introduction to new skills. The start of February saw the Det Commander (Lt Stalker), SSA (Sgt Tovagone), Pte Sutcliffe and Pte Ford attend the RHQ Ski AT package in Zell am See, Austria. At the beginning of the week I think it is fair to say everyone was a little nervous, especially as Lt Stalker and Pte Ford had never skied before and Sgt Tovagone and Pte Sutcliffe hadn’t skied in a while. However, those nerves quickly disappeared by the end of day 1 for Pte Sutcliffe as she could be seen speeding off down the slopes after Lt Patterson, racing him to the bottom. The week away was enjoyed by all with everyone successfully gaining the Ski Foundation 1 Qualification. 33 Catering Detachment - by SSgt Meadowcroft MT Department – by LCpl Harrison December’s silly season descended on the Department with the usual busy period for the chefs. Combined Christmas Dinners for over 1000 soldiers, 5 Christmas Balls within the Messes, as well as the turnaround from IRON TRIANGLE 13 meant the department was extremely busy. Sgt McCulloch catered for the GOC’s shooting party and Sgt Beckett has been extremely busy catering for the Commander Land Forces and his high profile functions. One of the main events was on the 22 November, the medals parade for Op HERRICK 18, a proud moment for both the soldiers and their families. When the families arrived they had the chance to grab a quick brew before watching their loved ones receive their medals for their efforts on operations. The Super Diner hosted the Divisional Christmas Cake competition, and was run by Cpl Scott. Sgt Beckett came 2nd within the Division in the Master Class. All cakes were sold and raffled for charity, this years chosen charity being ‘Scotty’s Little Soldiers’. On the parade from the MT were Cpl Holden, LCpl Johnson, Sig Park and Sig Cowle. Once the parade had finished the soldiers and their families where transported to the other side of camp where they could enjoy the rest of their day with a band, dodgems, free ice cream and much more. Once the medals parade was over the MT drew their attention to preparing for the Christmas leave period and making sure we were ready for the exercise in January. We also managed to squeeze in an excellent Christmas function, arranged by Cpl Holden, which consisted of go-karting and a Chinese meal with a few drinks down Amesbury. A good night which not all of us may fully remember. After Christmas leave the MT deployed on exercise down to Warminster. The exercise ran for 2 weeks. The first week consisted of a build-up which ran smoothly until the Sunday night when the weather changed for the worst and strong winds managed to blow away a 18x24 tent tied down already with storm lashings. After chasing bits of tent around the exercise area the 2nd week the exercise began as planned. Sgt Beckett receives 2nd Place trophy in the Divisional Cake Competition A final welcome to the new arrivals to the MT department in the last few months which are SSgt McCrum, Sgt Chadwick, LCpl Wilby, Sig Smith and Sig Raine. 10th SIGNAL REGIMENT CORSHAM CO RSM Lt Col EA Dallyn MBE WO1 (RSM) JA Garner The New Year has started with a great variety of operational tasks, sport and adventure training. This has included a Regt skiing expedition to France and Inter-Sqn and Corps Cross Country, around the busy day job of continuous deployments to Op HERRICK and UK based operations. Congratulations go to WO2 (SSM) Watts for being awarded a Meritorious Service Medal and to Mr David House, our civilian storeman, who has been awarded a CLF commendation. Within RHQ, we sadly say farewell to WO1 (FofS) ‘Indy’ Ind who leaves the Army after 24 years of loyal and dedicated service. Soon to be Mr Martin Ind, he is about to start a new career with the Atomic Weapons Establishment. We all wish him the best of luck for the future. 241 SIGNAL SQUADRON OC SSM Maj HC Cairns WO2 (SSM) L Davies Op HERRICK Inst Tech Surge Oct – Dec 13 – by Sgt Peart Eleven members from 241 Sig Sqn with 4 members from 81 Sig Sqn (V) deployed to Afghanistan on a surge task to support Communications Planning Office projects and tasks in Theatre. The team was split in two early in the surge and remained that way for the duration. The team which I headed up, consisting 34 of Capt Oxley, myself, LCpl Hanson and Sig’s Davis, Jenkins and Kapoor-Junior, deployed to the Afghan National Army Officer Academy, Qargha, to complete various small projects and tasks. Our workload soon increased upon arrival, supporting a variety of J6 infra tasks that came to light. Sig Jenkins was responsible for accounting for all stores whilst at Qargha and Camp Souter. Despite having to use all his fingers and toes for counting, he did a superb job and the accurate work proved very helpful to the resident Inst Tech in Kabul. Once the work had finished we then moved back to Camp Souter whilst awaiting transport to NKC. Another Camp for us to “Mechanise”! The install at NKC was fairly quick but the visit gave LCpl Terry 'The Tourist' Hanson plenty of photo opportunities. He became very adept at photography, much to the teams amusement! Before heading back to sunny Bastion we were tasked with providing J6 with a records package for Camp Souter. Due to the size of the task and time constraints I brought some extra hands up from Team 2 (Bastion). Sigs Kershaw and Pain were eager to stretch their legs and joined us for the remainder of the Surge. They both had ample opportunity to test their trade ability and were not found wanting. Team 2 was headed by SSgt Rosser, a member of 81 Sig Sqn (V). The Inst Techs were led by Cpl McPherson and LCpl Page. Cpl McPherson showed great leadership, trade knowledge THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 and ability throughout the Surge and made even the difficult jobs look easy. During their time at Bastion the team spent much of it checking and updating the records to better assist the Remediation Plan. Records are an essential part of the trade and the teams effort and achievement in this work was a credit to them and essential to the local Inst Techs. Team 2 completed two high profile projects at both the CTC and the JAG. Both projects had restrictions that tested their abilities and needless to say they thrived and produced some exceptional work. Sig Coster not only stood out with his efforts during any job thrown at him but also produced some very professional work in joinery. and hiccups on the way, with recently promoted Sgt Dave ‘no more drinks for me’ Harrod, we were on the way to Luton to meet the rest of the group with Starbucks being the first port of call. After a lengthy transfer from Grenoble, we arrived in Tignes early evening, ready to start the week’s activities. Taking the lead was Capt ‘Dobby the house elf’ Dobson who was quickly impressed that his group were all competent skiers, so we said goodbye to the blue slopes and headed out for the reds and blacks. Sig Ampong was responsible for the teams PT which he thoroughly enjoyed (a little too much for some!) putting us through our paces on a regular basis. As well as some hard PT, the team enjoyed a variation of sport weekly. Sigs Goulding and Roberts both have a lot of previous surge experience and provided much support to the team members out for their first time. Both showed a very professional attitude to their work throughout. The Surge was a huge success and with this being my first Surge, as a Team Leader I was very proud of the entire team for their efforts and professionalism throughout. For all those off to new pastures I wish you all the best. Juniors vs Seniors Football – by LCpl Curry On 17 December 2013 the Junior ranks in the Squadron played an 11 a-side football match against the seniors of 241 Signal Squadron on the astro pitch at MOD Corsham. The game was organised by LCpl Rees and Sig Rogers. The senior team was run by SSgt (SQMS) Partridge who struggled to find 11 players for the game, leading to Sig Perry and Sig Stroud being drafted to the Senior team for the duration! The Junior team was run by LCpl Brodie who had managed to get 15 players for the game allowing for the draft of two of the Juniors to the Senior team. The referee for the game was Sgt D Tuck from 21 Signal Regiment who kept all decisions fair throughout the game! As the game kicked off the possession of the ball for the first 10 minutes was kept by the Seniors, leading to them being 1 – 0 up with a goal from Sgt ‘Spud’ Williams, who later scored the second goal for the Seniors. After fighting to keep the ball, LCpl Demery put the ball in the net 5 times in the game, with one of the goals being a wonderful free kick from outside the 18 yard box. The Seniors managed to score another three goals during the match, one coming from their goal keeper/out player Sgt Peart and the other two goals from SSgt (SQMS) ‘Papa Smurf’ Partridge who scored a great curling shot from outside the 18 yard box that Sig Coster couldn’t even get his hands to. A further five goals were scored by the Juniors from LCpl Page, LCpl Rees and LCpl Curry to end the game 10 – 5 to the Juniors. A glorious day up the mountain As the week progressed we ventured further and further around the resort looking for the best slopes. In Val d’Isére we came across a slope that was used in the ‘92 winter Olympics. Unfortunately, no matter how comfortable you are on skis the slope will always win in a fight, as Sgt Lisa Hutchinson reluctantly found out. Despite the ups and downs, pardon the pun, it was a thoroughly enjoyable week that I would recommend to anyone. After the first week’s group had torn up the slopes in one part of the French Alps, it was the turn of the second group to return to last years resort, Les Deux Alpes. For SSgt (FofS) John ‘been here before’ Shambrook it was a welcome return to the resort, that quickly saw him become exercise organiser turned tour guide for the rest of us. After he led us to our accommodation at the UCPA at a speed a PTI would struggle to keep up with, he then showed us the town much to Sig Scotty ‘where is my hotel?’ Nolson’s peril. After the game the Seniors hosted some of the Juniors at MOD Corsham Sgts Mess for a drink as the Christmas spirit was in the air; it proved a fitting end to a long year for the Squadron. 243 SIGNAL SQUADRON OC SSM Maj K Larsen WO2 (SSM) A Raby Exercise TIGER PISTE 11-25 Jan 14 – by Sigs Howarth and Nolson As is the norm with all exercises, the 2am start on a not too mild January morning did not surprise us. With a few pickups THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Grabbing a quick breather at 3200m 35 Day 1 of skiing consisted of two groups breaking off, those that could ski and those that couldn’t. Capt (TOT(IS)) Kerr ‘dancing on tables’ Laye and LCpl Dan ‘Franz Klammer’ Atkins being the more experienced of the outfit, headed up the mountain. The majority of us got on the baby slopes under the watchful eye of SSgt ‘Spike’ Forbes. 251 Signal Squadron was deployed on Ex HOT SANDS on 3 Feb 14 to Nesscliff Camp in Shropshire, after managing both exercise turnaround from Ex BRITANNIA TROOP and preexercise preparation for Ex HOT SANDS 14. The exercise was designed to focus on 251 Signal Squadrons main role so that soldiers can deliver their job efficiently and confidently. As the week progressed, so too did the groups, some at different rates than others. The ‘pros’ were soon joined by Sgt John ‘don’t tell my wife’ Connor and eventually by SSgt (YofS) Matt ‘snow plough’ McGinn, LCpl Danny ‘I’ll quit when I’m home’ Munetsi and Sig Scotty ‘High Roller’ Nolson. By the end of the week wipeouts became far less frequent and the entire group managed to navigate some of the more difficult runs; even in more inclement weather conditions. Thankfully the entire group made it back in one piece despite a few aches, pains and dents in wallets along the way. The first week of the exercise was divided into communications training and military exercise. This overview consisted of a brief on the roles and responsibilities of the Squadron so that everyone had an understanding of 251. It also consisted of a ConOps brief which included operations that we are currently involved with. The military phase consisted of CBRN theory and practical which included a brief exercise scenario, based on the theory we learnt. The second part of military phase was navigation. During this part of the exercise we learnt theory which was put into practice with a 20 km check-pointed orienteering navigational exercise. On a more serious note the Ex succeeded in giving 22 individuals across 3 Sqns an introduction to the rigours of alpine skiing and also allowed them to complete Skiing Foundation 1; qualifying them to ski in groups, under indirect supervision from an instructor, and potentially to gain further ski touring qualifications in the future. Finally, the first week of the exercise ended with an interesting cultural visiting to the Imperial War Museum in Manchester, followed by ‘251’s Got Talent’ in the evening. The good food, warm accommodation and these extra activities are maintaining the soldiers high level of morale, despite the cold and wet weather. A thank you must be given to the instructors from both weeks, Capt Dobson, SSgt Forbes and Sgt McGuire for their patience and instruction, and also to SSgt (FofS) Shambrook for his organisation of the exercise. Exercise TIGER PISTE BRAVO – by LCpl Munetsi 251 SIGNAL SQUADRON OC SSM Maj J Squires WO2 (SSM) L Watts Exercise BRITANNIA SNAP – 251 Signal Squadron Photo – by LCpl Guest In January 2014, 251 Signal Squadron took part in a Squadron photo at Horse Guards’ Parade in London. This is quite a big event for the Squadron because it reflected our role as the Royal Signals’ ceremonial unit, and puts us in the public eye. There are many ceremonial events that the Sqn supports, but this event gave everyone the opportunity to be involved. We set off at 0500hrs on Wednesday to Wellington Barracks to have some early breakfast and to get changed. Depending on what uniform people owned, we got changed into our Blues, FADs or PCS. From there we made sure that we checked each other over, to make sure we were smartly and correctly dressed. We then all congregated outside the barracks waiting for transport into London and because of the time we travelled we hit all the morning rush hour traffic. When we actually got to Horse Guards Parade we got into height order and separated into different ranks of people in different uniforms. Finally after already being up for about 5 hours we had our photo taken. After that we got back onto the transport to Wellington Barracks to get changed back into smart civilian attire and headed back to camp. After this event we are all ready for the ceremonial season in the summer, to once again put the Squadron in the public eye and to make everyone proud to be at such an honoured and specialist unit in the Royal Signals. Exercise HOT SANDS – by LCpl Menyangbo It was a cold, wet, windy Monday morning in Aldershot at 0700hrs with members of 251 Signal Squadron moaning/ groaning as it was the beginning of the 2 week long exercise straight after a week long military exercise (Ex BRITANNIA TROOP). The exercise was held mainly in Nesscliff Trg Camp. 36 Ex TIGER PISTE BRAVO took place over a week commencing 18 January 14 in Les 2 Alps France. The exercise was coordinated by SSgt (FofS) John Shambrook with the assistance of skiing instructor SSgt Michael Forbes, and was designed to bring everyone up to the standard of achieving Skiing Foundation Level 1 (SF1). There was a nice mix of abilities in the group with very competent skiers, complete beginners and intermediate skiers just getting used to the slopes after years with no practice. Day 1 was kit issue and teaching of the basics, which most of the group picked up quite quickly except LCpl Munetsi, who could not turn right! My excuse was too much football growing up which led to too much reliance on my right leg. Days 2 and 3 saw most of the students progress onto the various green slopes along the bottom of the mountain and then to trickier red and blue routes as the days progressed. The weather on day 3 was glorious, sun beaming through the peaks and not a cloud in sight; sun cream weather. Day 4, the nice weather had passed and the thick fog meant that you could hardly see 5m in-front of you. LCpl Munetsi and SSgt (YofS) McGinn, led by loyal instructor SSgt Michael Forbes headed to the top of the mountain with the promise: “Don’t worry, most of the time with thick fog like this it’s quite low so you can get above it, and it will be clear up top!” It was soon apparent that this was not the case as there was less visibility up at the top. Soon enough the fog became a positive, as it was so thick you could not see the steepness of the red and black routes we were skiing down. By the end of day 4, everybody had qualified for the SF1 qualification and YofS Matt McGinn had won the best fall award, blaming borrowed salopettes for his trip. Joining the Royal Signals Motorcycle Display Team (White Helmets) – by Cpl ‘Jags’ Rai On Mon 20 Jan 14, Cpl Rai from 251 Sig Sqn, Aldershot presented himself along with a squad of 5 soldiers at The Royal Signals Motorcycle Display Team (RSMDT) on Blandford Camp. This is a group of serving soldiers from the Royal Corps of Signals, British Army. Cpl Rai, being a hill boy from Nepal, the only experience of bike riding was having a couple of near misses and crashes. This was going to be very tricky. THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 On the first day of course, the duty rumour was that there was going to be an inspection first thing in the morning. Wanting to impress, everyone spent quite a few hours into the night getting ready. To be a ‘White Helmet’, one has to be smart and disciplined. After an initial brief, we were taken to Blandford Air Field for further lessons. The first lesson was a demonstration of the controls and how to do first works on bikes, then straight onto the bikes for riding. It was scary to ride the Triumph 750 because it looked heavy and completely different compared to others, with lots of leaks and the untrustworthy braking system. In the afternoon we were taught tricks on the bikes and some got to practise them. When we started learning the tricks, there was some fun and crashes, guys start coming out with some burns and bruises. Cpl Rai tried to put himself out of trouble until he crashed practising the double angel; it was not too bad, just a little burn. On the second day of the course, we were given a proper show format, tricks and building a team. Then on 22 Jan 14, it was the show day. The team had the morning to practise and make any final adjustments. Members of the team were looking more confident on the tricks that they had been learning since the course started but some of the tricks were not much of a success. However the time had come. The show started at 1400hrs, and everything went well. There were no crashes or injuries. The show ended within 30 minutes and after the show, CO 11 Sig Regt talked to the course and wished us all good luck. On 24 Friday Jan 14, we had our interviews and final selection result. There were five people all fighting for four vacancies; the reality was that one of the team had to leave with nothing. After sweating on the results, I received the news I was waiting for, I had passed the course and am now looking forward to the Annual Training Camp and riding for the Royal Signals Motorcycle Display Team. CO’s Cup Cross Country Competition – by Lt McGraw The 10 Signal Regiment inter-Squadron cross country competition for 2014 was hosted by 225 Signal Squadron, based at Thiepval barracks in Northern Ireland. It was an early start for team 251, which saw us travelling from Aldershot on the morning of the race, onboard the 0740hrs flight from Heathrow to Belfast International. On arrival at Thiepval Barracks, the event organiser, Capt Emma Allen, and the members of 225 made our team feel at home. The race took place at Randalstown Forest country park. The route was a flat, fast course through woodland with a total distance of 10.9km for the male competitors and 6.6km for the female runners. Points were scored for the fastest 4 men and 1 woman from each team. Having brought a strong team of 7 male and 3 female runners, we were confident of doing well. 81 SIGNAL SQUADRON OC PSAO Maj M Arscott Capt T Rai Member of 81 Signal Squadron on Exercise BRUNO ROCK with 10 Signal Regiment During October and November two detachments from 81 Signal Squadron deployed on Exercise BRUNO ROCK with 10 Signal Regiment. This was the first time that the Squadron had deployed on Ex as part of the Regiment. As reservists we tried to blend in and play the grey man but with an average age of 42 people were starting to ask who they old men in uniform were, was it the Home Service force or Dads Army? We took part in the mil training and adventure training phases. Some of us where tasked with being enemy and having Phil ‘rat up a drain pipe’ Welch, ex Grenadier Guardsman and SF gunner, to hand, we were soon putting the troops under sustained pressure, whilst Jonny ‘Big-Un’ Helm employed his not so long lost infantry tactics from his Kings Own Border days. Unfortunately ‘Bobby’ Sands, our chisel chinned soon to be 5 year old LCpl didn’t have any artillery pieces to practice on, so he just shouted boom boom boom a lot. Luckily all of the fighting 81st miraculously avoided the highly contagious D+V to fight another day. Adventure Training Gib Style. We had a day of culture with one of the local historians. This involved a 12km walk through the city over the rock and back through the tunnels. This was excellent and I think the highlight of everyone’s deployment, taking in just about everything you could wish to see on the Rock. We brought our very own idiot abroad Andy ‘Karl’ Pilkinton complete with the optimism to match. Day two saw ‘Pilkers’ on the sea kayaks; “Cr#p this, why would you wanna do that, look at it just gonna get cold and wet, it wants me to fall in on purpose, B%llsh@t man” etc etc…... Johnny Thain our very own Private Pike was little more enthusiastic about the kayaking. At first he looked promising but started to make ever poorer excuses for falling in, he still maintains that the pedals weren’t working. During the rock climbing Phil Welch was like a rat up a drainpipe. He claimed he’d never done this before but straight off managed to climb the hardest route (pink for some reason). I don’t think anyone else managed this. An excellent effort was put in by our new Sqn member Dan Hoggard, who was suitably mentored by Cpl Stevie ‘Nice Guy’ House. In cool and overcast conditions, SSgt Brendan Torode and Sig ‘Elmo’ Elkington took up the early pace at the front of the pack and managed to stay there for the duration of the race, coming in 1st and 2nd respectively within the Regiment. Had Capt Benjy Brown not been entranced by his own reflection in a puddle, he might have improved upon his 3rd place. In the end, all 7 male runners finished in the top 10 in the Regiment, which was a fantastic achievement. In the female race, from 251; LCpl Jade Girt finished 2nd, Lt Charlie Robins came 3rd and FofS Bev Cadogan completed the race in 4th. Following the event, the teams returned to Thiepval Barracks for an enjoyable evening consisting of a curry dinner and several drinks. The overall results were in order; 251, 225, 241 and 243 Signal Squadrons. THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 SSgt Jon 'Big-Un' Helm demonstrated his 5 min breath hold technique after capsizing 37 Reservists from 81 Sig Sqn Deployed on Hybrid Task in Northern Ireland with Their Regular Counterpart 241 Sig Sqn Eight members of 81 Signal Squadron (Almond, Willocks, Williams, Maxwell, Tomblin, Wheeler, Brittain and Dodson) deployed to NI in November and December, in order to conduct a survey of all the telephony circuits. Since the end of OP BANNER in 2007 many units have moved out; however systems were still being installed on an adhoc basis. In addition, much of the Military estate has become unoccupied or mothballed. The Brigade realised there was a saving to be made and ordered a complete review of every site. The Squadron worked in conjunction with 241 Signal Squadron with the objective of identifying every working telephone circuit in every room and ascertain whether it was in use. Last known photo of 857 Tp on their day trip into the Abyss So far it is estimated that the project has saved over £7000 per month. 14th SIGNAL REGIMENT (ELECTRONIC WARFARE) HAVERFORDWEST CO RSM Lt Col Mark Purves WO1 (RSM) Gaz Rhoades 223 SIGNAL SQUADRON (ELECTRONIC WARFARE) OC SSM Maj Miles Nettleship WO2 (SSM) Dave Corcoran Thursday: 2 weeks to event. Armed with absolutely no info what so ever, I thought this would be a good time to select the team. I paraded the troops: “Who wants to take part in the Regimental March and Shoot?” I said. 1. When was the event? – How long would we have to train? 2. How many people to a team? Can we enter an A and B team? 3. What equipment / weight will be required? 4. How far will the route be? 5. What are the details of the shoot?” they replied. The CO’s Cup March and Shoot – by Sgt Tim Burrows Tuesday afternoon: 2 weeks to event. A young lieutenant walks into the Troop office grinning like a Cheshire cat: “Good news Sgt B, from a cast of literally 2 or 3 people, you have been selected to organise the Squadrons march and shoot team. The event will take place some time between now and Xmas leave. Unfortunately I’m on leave, so I’ll leave it all in your capable hands,” he said. “Brilliant” I replied. As with any project/event you are tasked with organising, the first port of call is collating all the information. Once armed with this critical information I would be able to sit down, conduct an estimate and come up with a detailed training plan to best prepare myself and the team members for the upcoming event. A number of questions came to the forefront of my head, the answers to which would be essential in producing the training programme: 1. When was the event? – How long would we have to train? 2. How many people to a team? Can we enter an A and B team? 3. What equipment / weight will be required? 4. How far will the route be? 5. What are the details of the shoot? 2 days, 20 phone calls, and 10 emails later I was still none the wiser. 38 Despite the encyclopaedic information available, I still managed to get 5 volunteers and was confident that a number of absent Squadron members would increase my numbers to 12 (working on the assumption the teams would be between 6-12 people). That afternoon we donned our boots and went on a 12 mile run up the coastal path. Monday: 1 week to event. Still armed with zero information I briefed the team that I would be away until Thursday, and they should concentrate on long distance boot runs. I said. “Don’t worry about the weight, just get the miles in” On my return on Thursday I was delighted to hear that the team had done no phys all week, as they had been busy with mandatory equality and diversity briefs, unit health fairs, and Workplace Induction packages. At this point all I could think of was how lucky I was to avoid all the above. Monday: the week of the event. Finally an admin instruction with all the information I required! Of particular note was the news that the event had been pushed back by a week. The event will now be taking place in the last week of work before Christmas leave. I couldn’t be happier; in no way would a 10 mile weighted team event THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 interfere with the busy drinking diary of the Sgts’ Mess. Luckily the event was placed in the one gap between the living-in Xmas dinner, Xmas function, Mess staff drinks, Sgts and Officers’ drinks, Sgts and Officers breakfast and the Squadron Xmas Doo. embarked on Ex DRAGONS ROCK, an AT week in sunny Pembrokeshire in November for a good bit of team cohesion and bonding between the new faces and old. The week consisted of 5 activities: hill walking, mountain biking, sea kayaking, climbing and coasteering. Armed with some details I re-paraded the troops. One of the previous 5 volunteers was available, so I started from scratch. I needed 10 for the team and got a total of 12 volunteers including myself. That afternoon we made an attempt to run the route. We missed a turn at the 1 mile point and so cracked on with a 10 mile loop, none of which was on the route card. On our return I handed out the equipment list. The list included the usual items (water bottle, warm/wet kit etc) as well as a number of completely random items that I still to this day am confused as to how and why they would be useful on a march and shoot competition. I can only assume that the event planners envisaged some kind of massive road traffic collision (RTC) involving a military vehicle which miraculously escapes with little damage despite the driver being completely incapacitated. In this scenario 10 soldiers walking by with indate driving licences and FMTs could jump in said vehicle, fill out the works ticket with any of the blue, red or green lumo colour pens, replace the broken headlight with cylumes, place all the broken glass in one of the 20 sand bags, tie the broken door shut with 20m of green string, send the MIST report up via the safety comms we didn’t have, and drive the casualty to safety. Highlights from the week included LCpl Jack Rimmer squeaking like a frightened adolescent girl whilst coasteering, having spotted a group of ‘ferocious looking’ seals - yes that’s right, seals! On the same activity on a separate day Sig Gary Greenwood who, despite wearing a life jacket and only needing to swim or float for a short period of time, found even this too much of a physical burden. Tuesday sees another attempt to run the route, and ends in the team missing another turning. Another 10 mile boot run covering 2 miles of the actually route!!! Wednesday and Thursday sees half the team taking part in 2 more attempts to run the route, finally getting it right on Thursday. The other half of the team are unable to train due to Det inspections taking place that week. Day of the event. We arrive at the gym at 0800 and go through the inspection. All our equipment is checked: “Bring on the RTC, we are prepared!!” We step off at 0900 and 2 hours later, and not so much as an FFR in sight, we finish the route and make our way to the range for the shoot. I’ll be honest, this part has been largely over looked, mostly due to the wealth of detail available on what the shoot will consist of. Two of the team are not trained on the Sig Sauer pistol...... oops. The 10 man team splits into 2: half shoot and half take the log for a run - we will swap at half time. The Training Wing had kindly produced 5 long drop holsters for the pistols, all of which had seen better days. In addition to having to holster the pistol half way down my calf, I was also informed that due to safety we were not allowed to cock the pistol before holstering. The transition between primary and secondary weapons systems would not also involve pulling the top slide back… A successful conclusion… Despite our extensive training programme and attention to detail in all aspects of preparation, we still won the event by a clear 20 minutes: clear victory for those who enjoy “winging” the occasional event. 226 SIGNAL SQUADRON (ELECTRONIC WARFARE) OC SSM Maj Issy Bangurah WO2 (SSM) Barrington Harvey After the completion of POTL, having returned from Op HERRICK 18, the Squadron has a completely new look to it, with a lot of the personalities having changed. So we THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Whilst mountain biking Jonny ‘good at most sport’ Lodowski attempted a wall ride, forgot to turn at the top and slid down embarrassingly in front of his new peers: lesson on how to make friends and influence people required. The week threw up plenty more funny anecdotes that the Squadron still laugh about as this goes to print. A good week was had by all and it was a welcome return to life at work after tour. It was then off to Penally camp for the mandatory week of MATTS. Take aways from the week include LCpl ‘PTI’ Gill doing a recce of the PFA route on Google Earth map with no contours, resulting in the first mile and half being straight up hill on an incline which a mountain goat would struggle with. Another highlight of the week was the females nearly getting hyperthermia in their room and the lads nearly getting heat stroke in theirs, with an acclimatising week becoming a strong possibility for future trips to Penally. Our final “highlight” before Christmas leave was our Squadron function. The Sqn was greeted with the best decoration of a function room ever, that is to say the most Christmassy things in the room were LCpl Alan ‘old man’ Witts and SSgt ‘Lord’ Rich Simpson sporting fabulous Christmas jumpers. The night ran smoothly with welcome drinks for the new guys who said the next day they had a great time with the exception of the social hand grenade that is LCpl Tim ‘top cat’ Jackson who had no recollection of the nights events. The Squadron would like to welcome the new OC Maj Bangurah, 2IC Capt Gutierrez, WO2 (SSM) Harvey and a load of new sprogs: LCpl Barry, LCpl Burch, LCpl Glenn, LCpl Jackson, LCpl Lodowski, Sig Miller and Sig McLelland (for a 2nd go around at 226). The Squadron would like to say thank you and goodbye to Maj Davenport, Capt Sargeant, Capt Brazier, Capt Munn, WO2 (SSM) Witham, SSgt (YofS) Curtis, SSgt (FofS) Reade, Sgt Pauley, Cpl Musto, Cpl Munro and LCpl Taylor. 237 SIGNAL SQUADRON (ELECTRONIC WARFARE) OC SSM Maj Jane Ellis WO2 (SSM) Bruce Morrison Exercise BROADSWORD When we were told we were going on exercise, a few faces dropped, but when it was explained to us that this exercise involved us kicking off and shouting abuse at Officer Cadets everyone was more than happy to be a part of it. After our fantastic 5 hour journey from the remotest part of Wales to Longmoor Camp, sponsored by the preferred fast food chains of course, we arrived at the camp and quickly squared ourselves away with some accommodation (a lovely, fragrant, 15-man penthouse room). Later on the evening we were given a brief on what to expect during the exercise and what roles we would have. 39 The first part of the exercise was the rural phase which ran from Tuesday to Friday. For this phase of the exercise we were to act as the local populace in our own separate villages. We were given the role of the Cefo tribe, a moderate populace who seemed to not want to kick off, much against our own feelings. During this time at our village (some 12x12 tents and a fire barrel) we had to act some serials out. These ranged from hiding insurgents in our village to going to bridge openings with the Mayor. Most of the time consisted of acting as normal villagers, which we did by playing cards and pine cone fights, a popular Cefo pastime; LCpl Kidson displayed his skills in the game with his beautiful welt on the side of his face. metres opposite, with hot showers and under-floor heating (winner!). A quick trip to the local bar for a few Leffes and a kebab, aptly named ‘le monstre’, was the perfect way to meet our French counterparts and had us all ready for bed by 2300. The next day was spent getting to grips with the French FAMAS rifle. With its bull-pup design it was very similar to our own SA80, which the French kept referring to as ‘the Lee Enfield’ to the mild annoyance of SSgt (YofS(EW)) Hemming. Despite its central cocking handle and oversized carry handle/ iron sight, the skills and drills were practically identical and we had all ‘mastered’ it within a couple of hours. The second part of the exercise was the urban phase; this was split up into two 3 day stretches. One company of Officer Cadets were exercised as the ISAF forces whilst the other Company joined us as the local populace - this was then switched over at the end of the 3 days. During the first phase, we acted as local people who had to go to the FOB and speak to the ISAF forces. Topics under discussion ranged from demanding that ISAF reimburse us due to a prize-winning goat being killed to more complex scenarios where ISAF had to arrange meetings between UN officials and charity personnel. The main back story to the urban phase was the election of a new governor; this story line slowly progressed through a couple of events starting from people campaigning to the voting and finally the results of the elections. The results on the new governor were given on the second night of the phase, leading to the eruption of a full blown riot with the civilian populace moving on the ISAF FOB. This is what we had been waiting for, a chance to get a little angry and kick off! However, whilst most of the soldiers were adept at shouting the normal abusive words, the officer cadets amongst us were pitifully polite, giving the feeblest, cringeworthy “abuse”: at that point we knew we would have to make it up for them. As this was going on, the DS moved in with fire bombs and threw them at the gates which brought a smile to all our faces. Then the ISAF force came out all geared up for a riot, this being the signal to start throwing all the baton rounds we could hold. As they advanced we were sent in as small groups to attack the front lines, quickly leading to the realisation that the hollow sticks they were hitting us with hurt quite a bit. After we were hit a couple of times we moved to the back whilst a new group was sent in charging, trying to knock them down. The DS then threw fire bombs right at the officer cadets’ feet and their dance to put the fire out brought a cheer from us all. As the night progressed and the injuries mounted we finally dispersed. The next morning we had another full scale riot, though this time we split up in 3 groups and rioted against a Platoon and not a Company. This day was different as we were all very much worse for wear from the day before, but after a while the cobwebs were gone and we were in full swing again, shouting and jeering. Once that riot was complete the companies were changed over and we went through the phase all over again! By the end of the exercise we had all taken a thorough beating and returned to Brawdy with a lot of good memories to talk about. The following day we were shown the French P4 and we couldn’t help but laugh at its ‘Barbie car’ appearance. However despite only having four forward gears it soon proved its metal on some cross-country routes which we all got the pleasure of driving. We then jumped at the opportunity to drive the PVP armoured vehicle, which was comparable in weight and size to a Foxhound and a lot less Barbie car. However, LCpl Fleming (aka Panzer Knacker) managed to completely destroy the front axle of one which led to us being chauffeured around for the rest of the Exercise FRENCH FOX – by LCpl Coates The long drive to Mailly le Camp began early Sunday morning and, following an overnight stay in Folkestone, a Eurotunnel trip and a detour through Paris, ended Monday evening. Upon arrival we were glad that our French hosts had been kind enough to accommodate us in the new officers’ accommodation and not the tented village only one hundred 40 THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 exercise. After showcasing our ‘light’ EW equipment, the French in turn showed us around their vehicle-fitted EW system as part of our interoperability work. The French were impressed with how our system functioned with regards to multiple elements, whilst we saw how the French kit had been developed to be better suited to armoured mobile warfare. On Friday night after a few whiskies in the bar and a few handshakes later, SSgt Hemming had managed to organise an early morning tank ride. Standing in the commander’s position on a main battle tank tearing up muddy French countryside is certainly a good hangover cure and had brought out the inner ‘Monty’ inside us all. With the first week over it was time to spend the weekend visiting the local area and taking in some of the local culture which was very much to our taste. Cathedrals, wine and local cuisine was the ideal preparation for our next week in the field. The exercise was similar in parts to our training in BATUS with lots of armour, infantry and support elements all equipped with a laser-tag system. We split into two teams and were attached to two separate companies operating on opposite sides of the battlefield. As soon as exercise play started we were intercepting enemy communications using the French to interpret, providing them with situational awareness and bringing them onto enemy targets. The cooperation between us and our French counterparts helped save a few lives after intercepting coordinates for an enemy artillery strike. But some things were out of our hands: one French soldier on stag, looking through his night vision, saw enemy soldiers planting a minefield and woke up his platoon commander. The Lieutenant rolled over and said “Are they enemy?” “Yes” replied the soldier, “Then kill them” said the Lieutenant. So the solider fired off his anti-tank missile right into the middle off the group, only to later find out it was a friendly call-sign trying to deny the ground to the enemy (good job that it was just a laser and not a real missile)! The temperatures at night would drop close to zero and the French had a lovely way of warming themselves up in the morning; wine. Oh yes, a quick tipple of Pinot Noir at 0600 to warm the soul and followed by a ham salad for lunch and some veal or duck for dinner was the norm. The French rations left a lot to be desired with a meat paste made from boar being particularly memorable. That said the French were like seagulls at a bag of chips when trying to fight for our own British rations, even if they did think of beans for breakfast as bizarre. All in all it was a great exercise which set out what it aimed to achieve: liaising with our French counterparts and allowing each other to see how we do business. We look forward to the French being able to visit sunny Brawdy (sideways rain) and sample the local cuisine Pembrokeshire has to offer (a pint of Carling and a packet of salt and vinegar crisps). 15th SIGNAL REGIMENT (INFORMATION SUPPORT) BLANDFORD CO RSM Adjt Maj Tony Barry WO1 (RSM) Mark Collins Capt Andy McGrane Promotions The first batch of promotions have yet again proven successful for the Regiment, with a total of 6 SSgts selected for promotion to WO2. The Regiment congratulates SSgts Beckett, Blackwood, Brewington, Jones, McConnell and Tucker on their promotion. THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Commanding Officer’s Farewell 31 January 2014 marked the end of an era as Lt Col Paul Pearce handed over the reigns of Command to 2IC Maj Tony Barry. 15 Sig Regt (IS) has completed a lot of significant work during the CO’s tenure, one of which being the creation of the Regimental Pipe Tune “From Aden to Afghanistan” by our Pipe Major RQMS WO2 Martin Huxter. It was therefore only fitting that following the obligatory handshake, the CO was piped out of the Headquarters. 41 The CO hands over command to the 2IC before being Piped away Getting personnel from a dispersed Regiment such as 15 Sig Regt (IS) is always a challenge, but it was no surprise that members from Corsham, Blandford and our National Reserves were able to line the route of the CO’s exit. The Guard of Honour complete and the immortal words of the RSM “Sir! It is time to get on your bike”, the CO was presented to two White Helmets who had kindly agreed to speed the CO away into the horizon. IP John Walker briefing members of RHQ The Yeoman Warder gave us a tour and brief history of the Tower of London, and then we had the privilege to visit the Yeoman Warder’s Club. The club was filled with memorabilia from nearly every unit in the armed forces. It was then time for the Ceremony of the Keys. This is the traditional locking up of the Tower of London that has taken place every night, without fail, for over 700 years. The Yeoman Warder who escorted us was very theatrical and entertaining. He gave us a talk about the Tower of London and its history, as well as what would happen in the ceremony. We stood outside Traitor’s Gate (which kept us all quiet) and waited for the Yeoman Wader and the escort to approach the sentry. Sentry: “Halt, who comes there?” Chief Yeoman Warder: “The Keys!” Sentry: “Whose Keys?” Warder: “Queen Elizabeth’s Keys.” Sentry: “Pass Queen Elizabeth’s Keys and all’s well.” He then takes the keys to the Queen’s House for safekeeping, while the Last Post is sounded. All ranks of 15 Sig Regt (IS) wish Lt Col Paul Pearce the best of luck as he moved onto his new role as a civilian IT consultant, and we look forward to dragging back a long haired, unshaven civilian for the Regimental Birthday Dinner in April. Attending the Ceremony of the Keys was a great way to finish our cultural visit to London. Ex MAU HOMAGE was an enlightening experience and gave us an insight into some of the history of the armed forces. Exercise MAU HOMAGE - by 2Lt Sam Miskelly Ex MAU HOMAGE was a RHQ cultural visit to London, which would consist of a tour of the Royal Hospital Chelsea and attending the Ceremony of the Keys at the Tower of London. The day began with a tour of the Royal Hospital Chelsea. We arrived slightly ahead of schedule which allowed us to have look around the Chelsea Clubhouse and some members of RHQ were quick to spot that the evening’s entertainment would include Miss England. We were met by our tour guide, Mr John Walker, who had served in the Suez Canal Zone with the in the Royal Tank Regiment. We were given an insight into the history of the hospital and the lives of the Chelsea Pensioners. The tour was very enjoyable and interesting. We were invited back to the Clubhouse to join the pensioners for a drink, where we happened to meet one of the Yeoman Warders from the Tower of London, who invited us for a quick tour of the Tower of London and a drink in the Yeoman Warder’s Club prior to the Ceremony of the Keys. This was an offer we could not refuse so we said our goodbyes and left the Royal Hospital Chelsea, but not before getting a glimpse of the entertainment. 42 “The Chelsea Pensioner” THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Exercise MAU SLOPE - by 2Lt Lumby Late in the evening of Friday 17 January fifteen members of 15 Sig Regt (IS) embarked on a journey of epic proportions to reach the high peaks of Val d’Isere in the south of France for a week of alpine skiing. The 18 hour journey tested the patience of all involved but at 1700 on the 18th we arrived in the snow ridden ski town. We booked into our accommodation and had a game of human Tetris as we tried to fit four people in each of the sardine can like chalets. The next morning we paraded outside the ski hire shop, rented out our skis and headed for the slopes. The group was split between the two instructors, one a beginner group and the other advanced. Both groups got straight into the lessons and by lunch time on the first day all had their skiing legs on. Christmas is a distant memory, 21 Sig Regt are now firmly in their stride and the Ops Hub and Level 3 support activity has returned to normal jogging. Planning is, however, in full flow to get a new Network Equipment Room built, move the Corsham Falcon hub into Net Ops, lead the Falcon Integration Task Force and establish the new RSIT Capability Assurance programme. We don’t do bored! The Sqn welcomes Cpl Levitt from 1 LANCS and bids farewell and good luck to SSgt Adi Williams and Sgt Si Kidd who both move on to their new jobs in Civ Div and Cpl Jay Smith who has been promoted and posted to 11 Sig Regt where he will no doubt put his excellent knowledge of Falcon to great use. Ex MERCURY GLACIER XVII - by Sgt Shepherd Ex MERCURY GLACIER is the Corps Alpine Race Camp held in Zell am See, Austria. 15 Sig Regt (IS) were asked to release Sgt Aitchison and Sgt Shepherd as part of the instructor team, admin and race committee for the full 4-week duration of the camp. The beginner group For some, the next few days involved travelling all over the peaks of the area and some challenging skiing. For others, namely LCpl Whitfield and I, the next few days involved getting large amounts of face-time with the snow. Both groups progressed throughout the week under the instruction of Sgt Halley and Cpl Houghton and completed some of the harder, more exciting routes the mountains had to offer. One of the highlights and real tests of the week was a route called Santons which consisted of a very steep 2km long, icy half pipe with a long runoff at the bottom into town. Cpl Houghton told us that if we wanted to make it into town without poling for 800m we had to ‘egg’ from fairly high up. This resulted in some members of the group reaching speeds of 120Kmph according to a GPS. After an assessment on the fifth day the entire group had gained their SF1 qualification and went onto the free skiing phase of the exercise. WO1 (RSM) Collins, Cpl Hyde and I decided to ski one of the longer green runs, only to find that the bottom half of the run was closed due to the European Cup FIS Men’s Downhill Ski race, leaving our only route off the mountain a black run. After a brief panic we embraced the Adventurous Training spirit of pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones and successfully attacked the slope with the only casualties being our burning thighs. At the end of the week everybody had improved their skiing, pushed themselves out of their comfort zone and most of all enjoyed the expedition both on and off the slopes. 233 (GLOBAL COMMUNICATION NETWORKS) SIGNAL SQUADRON OC 2IC SSM OC Net Ops Tp OC Net Sp Tp RSIT FofS Maj (TOT) Martin Flather Capt Tom Howley WO2 (SSM) Jules Dolan Capt (TOT) Bob Pace Capt (TOT) Paddy Ferguson WO1 (FofS) Carl Gaber THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Sgt Sheppard Sgt Aitchison Sgts Aitchison and Shepherd met the Chief Instructor and the OC camp in Blandford on the Wednesday prior to the camp commencing to start the epic 18hr journey to Zell am See. Both vehicles left at the same time, but due to the OCs navigation skills Sgts Aitchison and Shepherd arrived at the accommodation 2hrs before them, with Patina waiting at the entrance with an appreciated bottle of ice cold beer! The first three days were set aside to organise the admin for the forthcoming teams that would arrive on the Saturday/ Sunday. Due to the hostel being refurbished for the new season and not finished we all had to step in and help out completing the furnishing of the rooms. On arrival of the teams (at ungodly hours!) Sgt Aitchison was given the task of distributing the keys to the team members; a task that proved more difficult than first thought – admin not being his strongest point! Monday was the first day of skiing for the students. They were all given the morning to get their legs back in and then in the afternoon took part in a ski off to determine what group they would be in for the next three weeks. Sgt Aitchison was given group five and Sgt Shepherd was blessed with group three. Throughout the next three weeks the weather conditions varied so the instruction had to be tapered to suit. The first week was more progressive focussing on students using their edges to carve, weight distribution and familiarisation with varied terrain. During the second weekend the weather closed in dramatically and the snow came down. This was the green light for powder skiing which everyone couldn’t get enough of!! During the final race week Sgts Aitchison and Shepherd were given the responsibilities of start judge and assistant start, which ran as smoothly with no major incidents. 43 order to deliver the guided walk. All material collated for the guided walk will be given to The Royal Signals Museum. Helicopter Extraction Sgt Aitchison’s instructional techniques were questionable as two of his students were air lifted off the mountain, one with a broken nose and the other with a deep gash across his knee. The final duty that the admin committee had to undertake was the retrieval of all Corps equipment back to the UK. This went surprisingly well as the journey only took 18hrs and everyone arrived home safely by the Sunday morning. Exercise GLOBAL REMEMBRANCE - by Sgt Taylor Early on 3 December, eleven members of the Squadron made the 2½ hr journey north to the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire. The day began with the Act of Remembrance in The Millennium Chapel of Peace and Forgiveness. A time for all to stop and remember the sacrifice made by those who have gone before and being made today by friends, family and colleagues, all of whom have been affected by conflict. The guided walk began at the Corps Memorial and was to concentrate on post World War 2 (WW2), to recognize just how much the British Army has been deployed in that time. Evident that during this period only one year, 1968, has passed without any British fatalities. Around the Corps Memorial there are a number of smaller personal tributes to Corps members. The personal nature of the smaller tributes was brought home to some individuals having known and worked with them closely. Following a quick detour via the grand airborne memorial the group moved to the Iraq Wall. The Iraq Wall was again another humbling moment as almost everyone present knew names on the Wall personally. The five fatalities from our Corps were highlighted and the story of their death explained. Experiences and knowledge of the individuals concerned and Operation TELIC were shared. At the impressive Armed Forces Memorial, a chronological history of the fatalities from our Corps from specific conflicts was given. This began with Palestine 1946-48 where 40 Corps men were killed. Dhofar 1969-76 1 Corps death (264 Sig Sqn), Nothern Ireland 1971-2007 27 Corps deaths, Falklands 1982 8 Corps deaths and Afghanistan 2001 - present where currently 8 members of the Corps have died. Again the sharing of experiences and knowledge of names on the walls, in particular from Afghanistan, added realism and sadness that these young men and women lives have been cut short to allow us to enjoy the freedoms that we have. The day was humbling, tranquil and calm, a day to reflect, a day to understand and appreciate the sacrifice that has been made and that all members of the Armed Forces make on a daily basis. A note of thanks to Mr Tim Stankus the Corps Museum Archivist and Mr James Kellard Museum Curator Aassistant for their help and assistance during the research of material in 44 We will remember them Falcon Support - by Capt Ferguson and SSgt Grimshaw Networks Support Troop provides Level 3 support to the Falcon user community in two different ways; Hub support and Deployed support. The Hub provides connectivity to the wider communications networks and services such as RLI and SLI, whereas the Deployed support is the Falcon SME’s out on the ground providing that extra level of knowledge and expertise to exercising Troops. Falcon Hub – In the last few months the Falcon Hub has seen the demand for its services increase dramatically; a trend that will continue as more regiments and units receive Falcon and start exercising with it. The Falcon Hub itself is currently a stand alone entity in the Sqn and is manned by Net Sp Tp. Plans are in place to refurbish the building, build a new Network Equipment Room (NER), and then migrate the Hub into the main Operational Hub. Net Ops Tp will gradually take on more responsibility for managing its services as the transition takes place from HERRICK support to Contingent type tasks. SSgt Steve Baulch and LCpl Jade Walker continue to keep the Hub up and functioning and provide key support to exercising troops. Unfortunately we have had to say farewell to Cpls Gav Davies and Adam Sawyer as they leave the Corps and move to civilian life. Both were instrumental in the development of the Falcon Hub and without their efforts and expertise we would not be in such a good position today. However, we have SSgt Andy Ward, Sgt Richie Salter and Sgt Grieg Taylor in training to join the Hub support team, in preparation for what is expected to be a busy year. Deployed Support – The last few months have been busy for the Falcon Level 3 deployed support team. Tasks have seen SSgt (FofS) Mark O’Donovan, SSgt (FofS) Prem Gurung and Cpl Andy Maidment deploy to 16 Sig Regt and 1 (UK) Div & Sig Regt, supporting the Falcon Training Advisory Team (FALTAT) as the Regiments receive and implement Falcon. SSgts Jay Bates and ‘Grimmy’ Grimshaw deployed to RAF St Mawgan, Newquay in support of Ex ARRCADE FUSION, where they had some interesting nights in an 18x24 tent in almost typhoon like weather. They were joined by the Tp OC, Capt Paddy Ferguson as one of the staff in EXCON, (no tent for the Augmentee!!) where he single handedly managed the enemy forces to a resounding DEFEAT! Sgt ‘Tosh’ McIntosh drew the short straw and deployed to sunny Cyprus for Ex JOINT VISION with 30 Sig Regt. This followed a brief and ‘not so sunny’ visit to Bramcote to help prepare the equipment before deploying. THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Falcon has worked well on all exercises, with the Level 3 Engineers acting mainly in an advisory role. The biggest issue whilst deployed in Cyprus was a syndrome known as ‘otherend-itus’; when other agencies in the UK ask us to check links that we have been trying to establish for 48hrs and then are suddenly working. We ask the question “what did you do?” The typical response was “nothing”, (really!!!). Looking to the near future we have a busy schedule with guys going back to Germany and the Midlands before starting the FALTAT process anew with 2 Sig Regt. There will also be a lot of system integration work to get our teeth into. All this as well as sending people away on their obligatory Adventurous Training in Val d’Isere (it’s not all work, work, work after all!). We said goodbye to Cpl Jay Smith who has been promoted and posted to 11 Sig Regt where he will no doubt put his excellent knowledge Falcon to great use. 259 (GLOBAL INFORMATION SERVICES) SIGNAL SQUADRON OC SSM OC IS Tp OC TS Tp OC IS Tp (G) enduring commitments. By its very nature IS Tp personnel are technically very advanced and experienced in order to provide the best possible support to the end user. The Tactical Network-Layer Gateway (TNG) section delivered a technical presentation explaining how TNG is currently supported in Theatre and how it could be deployed post Op HERRICK during contingent Operations. Over and above delivering support to TNG customers, the section also briefed on its investigation for further utilising the TNG with VoIP and IPv6 traffic with some interesting results. The Close Support and Reachback teams, headed up by members of the RLC explained how they provide incident and problem management support to the Tactical Services and BCIP community via the Remedy application in line with an ITIL framework. The Close Support team are also briefed on their role in assisting with the BCIP 5.5 uplift of the Naval fleet. Maj T Woods RA W02 S Bowles RE Capt Pete Asplen Capt Adi Watts Mr Martin Shenton Exercise APHRODITE KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE 15 Signal Regiment (Information Support) is charged with providing specialist technical support and assurance to the armed forces beyond just that of the Royal Corps of Signals. 259 (Global Information Systems) Signal Squadron is unique in that it is a tri-service, multi-cap badge team working in synergy to provide cross-service support. With each department and team focusing on specific systems, the OC, Maj Trev Wood (RA), decided that an interdepartmental presentation was needed in order to improve awareness and cohesion across the Squadron. In a true democratic fashion the young speakers who had previously been ‘voluntold’ set to work delivering a series of very informative presentations. SSgt (YofS) Geoff Rotherham-Bone opened the proceedings from the perspective of Sqn Ops outlining the enduring commitments and high level future vision of the Sqn. Sgt Adam Kayles and Cpl Grant Roberson of Information Services Troop (IS Tp) delivered an interesting presentation highlighting the trends, difficulties and pressure of supporting operations, whilst conversely highlighting the areas of strength including training and working with civilian contactors. Currently IS Tp are heavily involved with supporting Housekeeper, which in itself has numerous Cpl Cross briefing the complexity of TNG THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Sgt Bond briefing how TST utilise ITIL and REMEDY Last but by no means least was the motivational speech by OC IST(G), Martin ‘Shaggy’ Shenton. IST(G) for the most part are a Germany based mirror of the support structure established within Blandford. It is easy to believe that the smaller team in Germany have it easy but however many views were altered after the ‘enduring commitments’ and taskings were revealed. In true military fashion the ‘work hard, play hard’ attitude is greatly promoted by Shaggy and his team and they are regimentally renowned as the leaders of cultural activities and adventure training. All in all, Ex APHRODITE KNOWLEDGE proved to be a very informative and educational day which has provided a foundation for a more united and informed Squadron. Martin ‘Shaggy’ Shenton adds some passion 45 262 (LOGISTICS SYSTEM SUPPORT) SIGNAL SQUADRON OC 2IC SSM Flt Lt Jason Foster RAF Flt Lt Mike Summers RAF WO1 Chez Chester RLC It is has been another busy period for 262 (LSS) Sqn in Bicester. The Systems Analysts have recently been deployed to the following locations, Op HERRICK, Op KIPION, Brunei, Belize, Gibraltar and Germany. The team are also due to deploy to BATUK to complete the MJDI rollout in Mar 14. The two man team that deployed to Gibraltar went out to set up a VITAL Training suite for LEC and RAF Personnel. Following the training period the team then removed the suite for transport back to UK. A second two-man team deployed to Germany to complete client build upgrades and to inspect LogIS DK Kits in order to ensure that the Supply Training Facility (STF) had the equipment fit and ready for training Suppliers. This training could be Pre Class 1 training or Pre deployment training. Contingency Operations continue to be a hot topic with a strong focus on future operations, now that OP HERRICK is drawing to a close. How the Sqn deploys to support these deployments is under the spotlight as the purse strings draw tighter, with a greater emphasis on a more cost effective supply chain that still achieves its aim. It is perceivable that the loading of accounts to Primary Equipment Packs and Deployable Logistical Information Systems shortly before the equipment deploys overseas is one way of creating a more robust supply chain. Test exercises for DMJDI (deployed MJDI) are beginning to ramp up as Logistical Units are becoming increasingly keen to gain hands-on experience with the deployable MJDI stores solution. There are plans early this year to exercise from cradle to grave the deployment of the equipment and its (Level 3) 262 (LSS) Sqn and (Level 4) HP/STERIA support elements. Of note, three SSgts have recently been selected for promotion, which is rewarding for the individuals and the Sqn alike. It is encouraging to see the System Analysts holding their own against their peers. 16th SIGNAL REGIMENT ELMPT CO RSM Lt Col SW Whittley WO1 (RSM) T Woodall 230 SIGNAL SQUADRON OC SSM Maj J Higginson WO2 (SSM) Orr Bowman Pacex – by Lt Budden The recent upgrade of Bowman communication systems arrived at 16 Signal Regiment late last year and in January we were able to field test our new capability for the first time. As we move ever closer towards becoming the first Multi Role Signal Regiment (MRSR), 230 Signal Squadron has taken on new equipment including OTES, MAGPIE and DII (LD). We are also leading the way on the Bowman uplift before all these capabilities are distributed to the rest of the Regiment. time, a challenge which everyone accepted and set about with vigour and determination; a test of trade skills as much as the equipment. After a long period of hybrid foundation training and uncertainty it was obvious that everyone was glad to be out of the hanger and assuming their new role. We had prepared for this exercise with two build up training programmes; Ex MALAYA I and Ex MALAYA II. These allowed us to brush the cobwebs aside and get straight into the Pacex. Our Detachments were spread out across the local area around Javelin Barracks and further afield to simulate headquarter elements and rebroadcast detachments. The plan was to establish communications in the shortest possible The equipment was assessed through a number of cunning serials devised by SSgt (YofS) McDuff, testing the full spectrum of Bowman capabilities; old and new. Unfortunately we were denied a trip to Sennelager to set up a Detachment, a disappointment displayed overtly by the dejected look on Sig Pelans face. The high point of the exercise was being able to see a significant increase in the expertise and confidence of the Detachment crew. It also taught us a key lesson, the dangers of skill fade and how easily it happens. Above all the chief beneficiary from this exercise, and the person awarded “The Most Beasted Individual”, was LCpl Allen who was relied upon heavily in A Bowman Det in the field Lt Hollingsworth and Cpl Hazell 46 THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 preparation for his Class 1 course. I am glad to say he performed admirably and we wish himwell on his course. After a slick weekend-motivated turn around the Squadron hanger was left in its new state of normality. As a Squadron we had taken our first steps as a MRSR and we had done it well. By the time you read this article we will have a partial compliment of tactical network gateway capabilities to test and train on and will be working towards full operational capability. Goodbye CSR, the future is MRSR. To finish off the busy week, Vampire Tp organised the gun run, night navigation, a “bunker buster” military skills stand, particularly taxing command tasks and a mast construction race…with blacked out respirators! Exercise MALAYA CHALLENGE - by Lt Mahoney In February the Sqn deployed on Ex MALAYA CHALLENGE; an exercise designed as a ‘back to basics’ refresher in preparation for the Regiment’s return to contingency operations. The exercise was the first event of 230 Signal Squadron OC’s Challenge – organised and controlled by the Signallers and JNCO’s from within the Troops. The four Troops of the Squadron (Tornado, Vampire, Phantom and SHQ Tp’s) were each tasked to plan, organise and run 5 stands or serials over a given 24 hour period, allowing junior soldiers the rare opportunity to dictate the battle rhythm of the exercise. These stands centred on themes of leadership, military skills, physical training, trade and cognitive ability. As all the Troops rotated through each others’ stands they were scored against each other allowing for the development of some healthy inter-Troop rivalry, with a trophy as prize for the best Troop. Phantom Tp were the first to run their stands, which over the first 24 hours included timed casualty extraction under fire, blindfolded rifle assembly and quiz, blindfolded boxing, detachment cam and concealment and a minefield command task. All of which was thoroughly enjoyed by the Squadron and some of which was visited by Commander 11 Signal Brigade, Brig Wilson, on his visit to the Regiment. The Burden Command Task All in all a very different week for the Squadron, getting everyone out in the field and living and working from their shell scrapes - something some of the soldiers had not done in years. It was also great to see the high levels of competitiveness from all the Troops, despite a bit of rain towards the end. However, there can only ever be one winner and for this year that title goes to Vampire Tp who clinched victory from Phantom Tp by the smallest of margins. To the others… better luck next year! The inaugural MALAYA CHALLENGE trophy may have been won by Vampire Tp however there were two other presentations made by Maj Higginson prior to the main prize. Sig Connolly was presented with the ‘Malaya Grenadier’ trophy when his efforts to post his grenade from over 30 metres on the section attack ended up 2 metres away to his front in a tree instead. The ‘Golden Blanket’ award went to Sig ‘Harry’ Potter who if he was not eating or taking part in a stand was safely ensconced in his sleeping bag. 255 SIGNAL SQUADRON OC SSM Maj A Biggs WO2 (SSM) Steers Exercise PARBAT TIGER Preparation – by Lt Levens Late last year, seven members of the Regiment’s Climbing and Mountaineering Team travelled to Capel Curig in Snowdonia for a long weekend of intensive climbing and mountaineering instruction. It was organised by the Army Mountaineering Association (AMA) in preparation for Ex PARBAT TIGER; a Himalayan expedition planned for late summer 2014. Cpl Raloka enjoys the ‘Blindfold Boxing’ SHQ Tp followed with an equally enjoyable range of stands including command tasks, section attacks, a treasure hunt, a survival stand and a particularly challenging trade stand entitled “going backwards”! Tornado Tp took over following SHQ’s success. Included was a quiz on physical training (with typical PTI punishments for errors or gaps in knowledge), a leader appointed command task, an IED observation lane, blindfolded 9x9 tent build and a competitive shoot on the clay pigeon ranges. THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Led by Lt Marcus Levens (OIC of Elmpt Station Climbing and Mountaineering Club, and the 16 Signal Regiment Climbing Team), the participants faced a long drive and ferry crossing from Germany to Wales. The journey was thankfully broken by a stop at Go Outdoors in Milton Keynes; an opportunity for some of the team to buy some last minute climbing equipment and waterproof clothing. The team set off from Capel Curig to the Ogwen Valley and completed a committing and interesting ridge line walk along the top of the alpine like Amphitheatre Buttress, a fantastic opportunity to practice navigation and route finding away from tracks and paths. In addition the Welsh mountain weather was kind enough to provide the opportunity to test newly acquired waterproofs thoroughly. The day concluded with an interesting brief from the AMA regarding the aims of Ex PARBAT TIGER and a few well earned beers. 47 The Ex PARBAT TIGER Team Splitting down into smaller groups the next day gave us the chance to experience multi-pitch rock climbing, mainly on the East Face of Tryfan, in walking boots with day sacks on, again in the rain but this time with strong winds. Sgt Nat Brown (the team 2IC), made the most of the opportunity to rib the team with Sig Alan Heslop in it. He was on the adjacent route and abseiled off after completing only two-thirds due to the poor weather; that was until Sgt Brown managed to fall flat on his rear from a stable standing position whilst attempting his abseil, then the banter was definitely directed in his direction! The day finished with a brief about The Nepalese people and culture, all found this very informative, possibly with the exception of Cpl Hasta Tamang (ex QGS). The final day saw LCpl Jake Miller, second a hard multi-pitch route led by Maj Al Mason, a senior AMA instructor. It also gave LCpl John Dickson and Lt Marcus Levens the chance to instruct the team on the Tryfan Bach crag in single-pitch climbing techniques before finally escaping the weather to make the most of HMS Indefatigables indoor climbing wall. Sig Callum Langdale proved his keenness for sport climbing by making some bold moves, as well as taking a couple of big falls, to successfully lead his first F6b route. Sig Alan Heslop led his first ever sports route without drama; definitely no mean feat of bravery after witnessing Sig Langdale’s lemming like antics. The successful trip concluded with a hard earned pub meal and a couple of pints before getting heads down for the 0400 reveille to start the long drive home to the sadly very flat Elmpt Station on the Dutch/German boarder. SUPPORT SQUADRON OC SSM Maj P Williams WO2 (SSM) Dunnachie Saint Eligius Day – by Cfn Benson The first week of December 2013 saw the LAD celebrating Saint Eligius day, the Patron Saint of the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers The day started off with a LAD strongest man competition, most of which details were kept quiet by the organisers, Cpl Fannon and LCpl Popple. The competition kicked off with a warm-up session which was lead by LCpl Apimeleki and consisted of a surprise Land Rover run. The vehicle had to be pulled by ropes with the OC LAD Capt Stokes and the Artificer SSgt Bower leading from the front, much to the delight of the younger members of the LAD. The competition then began with a Land Rover pull which entailed a tug of war rope and a 1.6 tonne Land Rover. Competitors had to pull the vehicle 30 metres and the quickest timed competitor got the maximum points. The smallest competitor, Cfn Morgan, surprised everyone by producing an astonishing performance, out pulling most of the other competitors, with LCpl Bolam getting a lot of flak for being in last place. 48 Capt Stokes leads from the front As the competition moved on Cpl Fannon, LCpl Popple and LCpl Apimeleki started to emerge as favourites to win with Cfn Scott constantly voicing his opinions to try and justify not being able to keep up with the big three. LCpl Popple started to break away on points with Cfn Benson in hot pursuit as the competition moved onto the 60kg bench press and the 50kg dumbbells farmers walk. The grand finale was an equipment run, which apart from being the most entertaining was also the hardest event of them all. It started with a range of kit that had to be carried in a certain order and hauled into the back of a MAN SV; power bags, jerry cans full of water, VM basic Toolbox and then the 50kg casualty dummy. LCpl McLernon had the whole LAD in stitches trying to get the dummy onto the back of the vehicle, attempting to carry out a never before recorded type of casualty lift. The end of the strongest men competition saw LCpl Popple the victor with LCpl Apimeleki in close second place. Both junior NCO’s as a result went on to be selected for Support Sqn’s tug-of-war team which won the Regimental Christmas competition. The afternoon service saw ASM WO1 Blanks turn Padre to conduct our carol service and some quality singing from the whole LAD. The day concluded with a quiz and a Chinese meal thoroughly enjoyed by all after a hugely successful St Eligius Day. Driving for the Jungle Warfare Instructors Course – by Sig Roberts After only eight weeks in the Regiment I was offered an opportunity of a lifetime, a six week exercise supporting the Dutch Marines in Belize. My role was to be a driver supporting the Jungle Warfare Instructors Course (JWIC) providing transport in my six tonne TCV for both Dutch Marines and the Belize Defence Force (BDF). I was one of six lucky individuals who were trawled from across the Army to leave my normal working life to carry out my trade as a Communications Logistics Specialist all whilst being able to sunbathe in 40 degrees plus. The roads were a real experience and as they were only made of clay and sand they put my driving skills to the test. As if a six week exercise in Belize wasn’t enough a two day R&R package in a luxury lodge awaited the whole course and supporting staff. This allowed us to spend time in the pool, propping up the bar whilst trying to convince the Dutch that Everton FC are better than Ajax. The whole experience of working with other armies in the extreme climate of Central America was unforgettable and I would advise everyone given the same chance to volunteer! THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 21st SIGNAL REGIMENT (AIR SUPPORT) COLERNE OC ROG Maj C S Budding RSM WO1 (RSM) G Tiplady SUPPORT SQUADRON OC SSM Capt D Taylor WO2 (SSM) Stedman With all the vehicles back onto hard standing there was just time for a quick wash down before getting back on the road to Colerne. With a drama free return journey we were home in time for tea and medals. Not only was this an enjoyable couple of days out for the LAD, it covered all the basics of recovery required to ensure that future breakdowns and recovery tasks will run as smoothly as possible. LAD Recovery Exercise – by LCpl Smith Bristol Aquarium Visit – by LCpl Cairney Just as the weather got really, really bad the 21 Sig Regt LAD under took an arduous recovery training package on Salisbury Plain Training Area (SPTA). Under the instruction of LCpl Smith (Recovery Mechanic), the LAD was put through its paces in the theory and practical side of basic recovery techniques. This should have been a simple task, however the LAD being a slightly motley crew of Vehicle Mechanics, they found this a demanding experience. Even more so under the watchful eye of our new OC LAD, Capt Heaney. As the hardworking Welfare Team continue on their endeavours to provide support for the families of those deployed on Op HERRICK 19, we descended upon Bristol Aquarium for a day trip. After battling through the 7.30am Sunday alarm, the wind, the rain and the hail, we gathered the families up and set off. After a short journey, which included feeding the kids with loads of e-numbers from the lucky bags we provided, we arrived at our destination. Still pouring down with rain, we made a mad dash with kids, wives and prams and the adventure began. It all started with a theory package on the Monday afternoon including a brutal SPTA safety video which everybody seemed to enjoy. The next morning it was an early start for the lads first parading and making sure their vehicles were ready to depart. Despite a few hiccups with Cpl Evans having to change a spare wheel on his Land Rover that he had inspected only a few days prior, we were ready to go with Cfn Seruvatu leading the packet. Once on the area things were going well with a lesson on how to recover vehicles using the Tirfor winch, and with Cfn Gilleys extensive knowledge on how to roll Land Rovers we were in a good position. The only thing slowing down the exercise was Sgt Ramseys ability to hammer anchor spikes into ground. (Apparently it was his gloves!) After this exercise we moved onto some driver training, with the aim being to get the Man SV stuck in order to create another recovery scenario. With LCpl Deans at the wheel of the Man SV, this occurred sooner than expected. He made the mistake of trying to follow the SV(R) through a dry lake bed and found himself bogged in a deep clay/water mixture. LCpls Wagstaff, Gould and Cpl Derham were quickly to the scene and proceeded to recover the SV. This real life scenario led to the team having to go deeper into the water and mud than they had originally hoped, much to the delight of the Recovery Mechanic. THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 The families went off exploring what the aquarium had to offer, and the Welfare team did the same, catching up with the families on the way round for a few photos. The displays were fabulous and consisted of a giant squid, tropical fish, sharks, and a remarkable looking giant lobster that was over 50 years old. The Welfare Officer, Capt Phil Jenkinson, was in his element being a big fish fan, and even wanted to go around again! However, lunch was calling and it was time to move on to part 2 of the day. 49 We gathered up the troops and made our way to a local restaurant called Za Za Bazaar, an all you can eat buffet of different foods from around the world, situated just 10 meters from the Aquarium. This was an added bonus when it was time to crawl out of the restaurant because it wasn’t too far to the coach! The Welfare Officer and Welfare SNCO, Sgt Mick Case cleared the place out, I was sensible and only had 5 plates of food! The families looked to be having a fantastic time and the kiddies we’re making the most of the all you can eat ice-cream! Sgt Case was made a mockery of by the kids on his poor efforts in making his own ice cream cone! 214 SIGNAL SQUADRON OC SSM Maj S Bennett WO2 (SSM) McDiarmid Exercise BEAUFIGHTER COMMUNICATOR – by Sig O’Hara The exercise started under a fine canopy of rain on Mon 3 Feb 14. The morning consisted of a kit inspection carried out by the Detachment Commanders and was followed by all the Dets being lined up ready to deploy. At 1100hrs, the vehicles deployed onto the local area where Cpl LJ ‘possibly the oldest Det Comd in the Army’ Murray carried out lessons on how to site your det. He then showed everyone how to survive on exercise as he pulled out two large plastic containers stuffed with fresh food and his personal cooker with three hobs. Following the lesson, the Dets were to shown how to apply camouflage to their vehicles. This, for one of the Dets proved difficult as they forgot to peg their 12x12 down. British weather as it is at the moment picked up and blew their 12x12 across the field, taking all of their personal kit with it. After everybody weighed twice their original bodyweight, and the kids were in space with more e-numbers, it was time to head back to Colerne. The Welfare team tried to walk off the amount of food consumed and took a little detour along the river. This resulted in a small boat ride, after some poor judgement in distance from me, and the Welfare Officer complaining about being too cold and wet! Everybody piled back on to the coach, and the singing started from the kids, there’s nothing like a bit of classic “the wheels on the bus”! An absolutely fantastic day was had by all and the feedback was immense. As a department, we look forward to supporting the families on future events! Support Command (UK South) X-Country Championships - by SSgt Hamilton MPGS The Regimental X Country team continues to fly the 21 Signal Regiment flag albeit as a minor unit whilst the majority of the Regiment is deployed. On 27 Nov 13, a team entered the championships held at Minley Manor. With the going extremely arduous underfoot the team acquitted themselves admirably. The male team consisted of Capt Creek, SSgt Hamilton, SSgt Green, SSgt Deans, Cpl Bamford, Cpl Derham and LCpl Seed; and completed the 10km route in excellent spirits as winners of the Minor Unit event. Sig Gill put in an outstanding performance over the 6km female course and was the female junior winner. 50 In the early hours of the following morning, the Dets deployed to different training areas, Cpl Bishoprick and his crew which consisted of Sig Hadley, Sig Pomfret, Sig ‘Lambert and’ Butler and Sig Kennedy deployed to Strensall Training Area, kindly situated right next to a sewage works. LCpl Learmonth with her Det crew of Sig Barker-Mcgowan, Sig ‘Smiler’ Winters, Sig Wylde and Sig Smith 644 deployed to Shaiba Bivouac Area (Catterick Garrison). Cpl Murray with his crew of Sig Price and Sig ‘Head’ Thomas deployed onto the back fields of Imphal Barracks as a Control station. Most of the Dets were slow initially and seemed to have left their brains back on camp as they had temporarily forgotten the basics of setting up. After a few ‘educational’ tips, the old memories were jolted back into action and the machine was back into full flow. The Dets asked for a resupply the following morning so Sgt Norton and I went out to the Strensall Det first. As we arrived at the location, we dropped off the supplies at the agreed drop off site and moved back to watch what happened next. Slowly but surely Sig Winters emerged like a well trained sniper from the camouflage, moved towards the supplies which were neatly wrapped up in a bin liner and continued to stare at it. We were lost for words so made our way round to the detachment to wait for his return. Twenty minutes had passed before Sig Winters returned empty handed with a confused look on his face. We quickly asked him “why didn’t you pick up your resupply?” Sig Winters replied “I thought you were fly tipping”. That’s right “fly tipping”. For his stupidity and his accusations towards a SNCO of littering with intent both Sig Winters and Sig Wylde were rewarded the task of collecting their resupply from its new location. A Six figure grid was given and later that day they returned (very tired) with enough rations and water to see them through the exercise. On Wednesday 5 Feb all crews had an early start due to executing a night move. There were training serials to be carried out but there was also a little bit of fun in-between, such as bingo, quizzes and battleships. The winner had to decide a forfeit for the losing Det. Inevitably the losing Det had to clean everyone’s weapons on return to camp. During the last night Cpl Murray’s Det experienced a slight malfunction as their 12x12 angles broke due to the wind being very strong. On the evening of the 6th all Dets left their locations and returned to Imphal Barracks. After a long turnaround all equipment used on the exercise was ready for a Troop Commanders inspection. Once all the work had been completed the Squadron enjoyed a smoker. The next morning the Dets were prepared for and inspected by 2Lt THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Dale. Once they had been given the thumbs up they were packed away and the lads were to be rewarded with a deserved weekend. Or so we thought! In between the inspection and the knock off was a sneaky little trade test thrown in by WO2 (YofS) ‘fell over and came back from tour early’ Green to test what we had learnt over the past week. a 10 second time penalty for Sgt Vaughan’s, absence which knocked us off the top spot. March and Shoot Competition – by LCpl Learmonth On Thursday 9 January, 2 Signal Regiment ran a March and Shoot competition, as part of the CO’s Cup, on Strensall ranges. It was an inter-Squadron competition which included 214 Sig Sqn, 246 Gurkha Sqn, 219 Sig Sqn and 2 Signal Regiment Support Sqn. Each Squadron team consisted of 1 Officer, 1 Senior, 1 Female and 7 others. The competition comprised a 2.5 mile weighted run carrying weapons and wearing helmet and webbing. This was followed immediately by a series of different shooting practices from the 300, 200 and 100m points. In addition to the March and Shoot aspect of the competition there were BCD and CBRN stands, each consisting of a theory and a practical test. Each team took it in turns to rotate through the 4 events and were then scored relative to their placing in each. 219 Squadron began the competition and set the first time on the run of 29mins 43secs. 214 were up next on the 2.5 mile weighted run, and determined to smash 219 we completed it in 24mins 50secs. We then moved onto the shoot, which proved to us that although we could tab well, our shooting left much to be desired! The shoot started in the prone at 400m, then on seeing the target we had to sprint to the 300m point and take up the prone position where we were exposed to 9 figure 11 targets which would fall when hit. We continued to dash forward and shoot our way through further practices at the 200 and 100m points. After finishing the shoot we moved on to do the BCDT stand. At this point, Sgt Vaughn had to nip away and so we had to call in Sig O’Hara from the fatigues party to make up our numbers for the last 2 stands. The BCD was a 10 question theory test followed by a practical. Though we all had to lend our knowledge to the theory, only our three finest team medics needed to step forward for the practical test. They performed extremely well and secured a win for 214 in the BCD practical. Once the March and Shoot was over, 2 Signal Regiment held a small parade in the gymnasium back on Imphal Barracks. As a result, each Squadron had come first in at least one event. 214 Sig Sqn had come first in the 2.5 mile run and the BCD practical, 246 Gurkha Sqn won the shoot BCD theory, 219 Sig Sqn won the practical CBRN test and Support Sqn won the theory CBRN test. Overall, 246 Gurkha Sqn won the March and Shoot competition, with 214 coming in a close second. 220 SIGNAL SQUADRON OC SSM Maj Stowell MBE WO2 (SSM) Robertson ROG Introduction - by Lt Geo Maas It might not have been a thousand moons ago when the last tale of the kingdom of 220 Signal Squadron ROG was spun. But in the great hall made of metal, mortar and glass, also known as “the hanger”, where the great leaders and warriors of the kingdom of 220 ROG resides, beasts that breed legends and tales of the impossible. The Squadron might not have seen many an epic quest since the last passing of the moon, in fact, the Squadron has had its belly low to the ground, like a mighty lion that is about to pounce on a young defenceless gazelle. Since the last tales of fearless conquests were told, the mighty 220 ROG has defended the sanctity of South Wales, on the border of the valleys, at a place called Caerwent. Such was the ferociousness of the Squadron’s commitment, that not even the brutal storms summoned by Zeus himself could deter the Squadron’s determination for victory. The formidable Squadron, makers of legends, have even taken on a young apprentice. 2Lt ‘Kiwi’ Kuizinas has joined the ranks before being transformed into a young leader himself, a journey known as Troop Commanders Course. But for those who still have a sandbag left, gather around the lantern before the fuel runs out and hear two more stories of the mighty 220 ROG. Last but definitely not least, we were treated to the CBRN test, consisting of another 10 question theory test for all to complete followed by a timed effort to get into the full CBRN suit, not including boots and gloves. Once all our kit was on, 2Lt Dale, the troop commander of Viking Troop, asked me to check him over to make sure his kit was on properly. However I was unable to help him because I was laughing so hard when I realised that he had his helmet on underneath his hood, like an absolute legend! All in all we were able to get our kit on in the fastest time of the day, but we were awarded THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Exercise SCORPION HERMES 3 It was a cold, dark and rainy day when the Squadron was told that they would be deploying on yet another exercise. The clerks started shuddering in anticipation of leave applications coming in and soldiers started writing draft requests to transfer. But with the evil and cunning plan already set in motion, most of the soldiers in the Squadron got coaxed into deploying on exercise, bar those who managed to find a course to go on. 51 All seemed to be going well when the fearless leader, Lt Maas, and his batman, SSgt Hensell, did their rounds to check on all the Dets. All went well until they reached Cpl Antcliffe’s Det. The one location where there was no flex in choosing a location due to the trip wire threat, they were located in one of the areas previously pointed out by the RAF as being a high threat area for trip wire. This was rectified by everyone getting very religious very fast and being very careful when leaving the Det. The rest of the exercise went near enough without any problems, if you disregard the gale force winds and constant rain. Due to some very nifty and careful planning, all Dets bar one had a nice dry building to hide away in. The only question being raised, did we bring enough kero heaters to heat the whole building? 220 ROG poised and ready to deploy It was a mild, windy day when the Squadron deployed to Caerwent training area on 3 February 2014. The soldiers were getting restless as they waited for the final piece of the jigsaw data puzzle to be found. After a much panicked couple of hours, Cpl Garrett managed to reassure the Squadron hierarchy that data will be functional and working on the exercise. And with that bit of good fortune, the advance party set off to go and book onto the training area. The days came and went like the seasons in the year. Dets moved locations on a frequent basis in order to give everyone a chance to experience not having a building near enough to live in 5 star accommodation. Data was eventually established after SSgt Hensell and Cpl Garrett did numerous runs between the Dets in order to load mapping and work out the final kinks. Having seen LCpl Bohin and LCpl Dixon’s Det, LCpl Blake might have gone one step to far to hide his Det away LCpl Dixon’s valiant effort to hide his Det away. Only to be compromised by the Portaloo The rather big convoy of FFRs’, GS Land Rovers and Man SV trucks pulled up to the West gate of Caerwent training area shortly before 1600. After a quick brief on their final locations and the fact that the training area is bursting at the seams with the amount of other units on it, including one of the locations being in the middle of an RAF FOB and that they need to go to the exact location in order to miss the trip wires, the Dets launched onto the training area. Having seen LCpl Dixon’s Det, LCpl Bohin took hiding his Det away one step further 52 Endex could not have come quick enough for some of the Dets, including the LAD, who did their own serials throughout, including getting their MAN SV stuck after Endex was called. But as luck would have it, their Recovery Mechanic turned up just in time to pull out their vehicle. But alas, one MAN SV was not enough, so 220 provided a second MAN SV to get roped in to help pull out the stranded LAD. Overall the exercise went well. Every Det had the opportunity to utilise their brand new Det cookers to full effect. Some even prepared 5 star cuisine every evening as they sat down to dinner around the candle light, or Det light, depending on fuel state. For some this would have been their first exercise in the field Army, while for others it is yet another one they LAD always keen to train, even after ENDEX has been called THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 can add to their notch. But regardless of experience, all walked away from the exercise having learned something, including the LAD. A Young Attached Troopies Perspective – by 2Lt Kuizinas I was thrilled to learn of my attachment posting to 220 Sqn, 21 Signal Regiment as I knew this was a busy Regiment with many ongoing commitments including Op HERRICK 19, and this would be the perfect opportunity to see how a Campaign Signal Regiment operates in full swing. With the majority of the Squadron deployed, the remainder were certainly not sitting idly. As I arrived it was in full gear preparing for the next exercise, SCORPION HERMES 3 whilst juggling numerous other commitments including Op FORTIFY and also planning for its change in role to a MRSR where it is due to convert fully to Falcon in July. My attachment to 220 Sqn has given me an invaluable insight into the Royal Corps of Signals, learning how a Signal Squadron really operates, albeit with a skeleton crew, and learning those important things they don’t teach you in RMAS, i.e. who were the key players among the Regiment to keep on side (which I learnt was practically everybody as they all played a vital role) and how the appraisal system and grading boards worked. The attachment also provided an excellent introduction to the Bowman FFR system, as I had plenty of opportunities to “get amongst it” and learn directly from experienced operators, and even got to have some hands on experience helping to set up and operate a detachment on exercise. As my attachment draws to a close I feel I have come a long way from my limited knowledge of Signals when I believed Bowman was simply an extra burden the DS handed out to add to a command appointment at RMAS. 22nd SIGNAL REGIMENT STAFFORD CO RSM Lt Col LC Westerman WO1 (RSM) A Fraser 217 SIGNAL SQUADRON OC SSM Maj KM Biggins WO2 (SSM) JB Stephenson Squadron Overview - by Lt Owens family arrived followed by the SSM’s family and other invited guests. They were all welcomed and offered drinks and starters. A few moments after all the guests arrived at last we could have something to eat. All were entertained by participating in a simple, yet amusing, game organised by LCpl Karna. No doubt everyone would have loved to go on playing as long as possible, but it had to be cut short due to the limited time frame. The past few months in 217 Sig Sqn have been very busy. After returning from a long deployment in support of ARRC exercises and some well deserved Christmas leave, the Sqn was faced with RSIT, ECI and Board of Officers preparations, in addition to a change of OCs. Maj Schurmann leaves 217 Sig Sqn to return to Australia, replaced by Maj Biggins RA SIGNALS. The next few months will continue along the same trend, with the Sqn completing two Sqn level military skills exercises, followed closely by a Regt level deployment. A Troop Bids Farewell to OC 217 Signal Squadron - by Sig Rueben Limbu I guess all good things come to an end at some point and it is with regret that we had to say goodbye to Maj Schurmann, OC 217 Sig Sqn, who left the Regt on 19 Dec 13. All the way from Australia, Maj Schurmann and his family arrived in 22SR as part of an Officer exchange on 6 Feb 12 to assume the post of OC 217 Sig Sqn. He was an officer of great personality, dedicated and a perfectionist at the post he was assigned to. In thinking about how we might offer a fond farewell to the OC, A Tp (the Gurkha Tp within 217 Sig Sqn) organised a function accompanied with fun games and, of course, a Khusi ko Natch (free style dance) at the end. It was on 11 Dec 13 and Cpl Thaman was appointed the OIC for the event. As I remember it, it was quite a busy day; in the morning going through the Sqn OC’s HOTO programme, whilst in the meantime preparing everything for the function. To make matters worst, we had limited manpower for getting the event prepared. Despite the difficulties with preparing for the programme, everything was set and ready well before time. A variety of food was prepared by LCpl Bikash and his team. All A Tp personnel were at the venue, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the OC and his family. Finally, he along with his THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Farewell to OC 217 53 Soon after the games, SSgt Sim grabbed everyone’s attention, before handing over to OC A Tp, Capt Dhir. He went through several presentations to other members of the Tp, a welcome and congratulations to those recently promoted. Finally it was time for Capt Dhir, on behalf of all GURTAM personnel in the Sqn, to bid farewell to the Sqn OC. After a speech by Capt Dhir, the Sqn OC and his family were called forward to receive Khata and a Khukri as a memento for his time in the Sqn. The OC then expressed his gratitude and delivered a brief but very inspiring speech. By the time his speech was over, food was ready to be served. Children were served first followed by Ladies and finally the Gents. As a result of hard work, everyone appreciated the food prepared by local master chef, LCpl Bikash, which was delicious. And so this is how we bid farewell to Maj Schurmann. We thank you for all that you have done for us over the two years of your tenure. 217 Signal Sqn Christmas Function 2013 - by Sig Abbott So it was that time of year again, for some at least to let their hair down and enjoy a good knees-up before some well deserved Christmas leave. The Christmas function committee spoke long and hard about not doing the same old boring old do; a meal, a raffle (with prizes no one wants, and everyone going in town by 2200hrs). It was decided to book a venue with a bit more class than most were used to, so we decided on ‘The Moat House’ hotel. This confused a few, especially Sig Rogerson, as there were far too many knife and forks than he was used to. The committee decided to lay on some entertainment during the evening consisting of Stand Up comedy, a take on ‘Deal or No Deal’ for the raffle, plus a surprise piece from SSM Stephenson. chance to win one of the top 3 prizes. He was heard on several occasions saying, ‘This will look good on my SJAR’, making sure he was in earshot of the senior ranks. Cpl ‘Skippy’ Cameron did an excellent job in prising money from the Sqn and purchasing the prizes for the raffle. They consisted of: a TomTom, Raleigh Mountain Bike, Soundafreq Wireless Speakers, Driving Experience Red Letter Day, Alcohol Hamper, Male and Female Hamper, George Forman Grill plus His and Hers Perfumes. The top 3 prizes consisted of a HDX Fir Kindle Tablet, 42” Smart TV and a big cash prize. So after a meet and greet with a complimentary glass of bubbly, all the guests sat to a well awaited 3 course meal, which was enjoyed by one and all. Once pudding was consumed it was a quick rest break before the night’s entertainment. So as Sig Jimmy Anderson worked his magic on the lighting, sound and visual effects on the giant screen the stage was set. Sig ‘Lee Evans’ Abbott was greeted on stage by a rapturous applause from the crowd, which would diminish once he started his stand up! Most jokes went down well with loud laughter, but there was the odd tumble weed moment. Abbott was given free reign on some good old humoured banter with guests, but was mainly aiming at the senior ranks, especially Sgt ‘I’m Getting Married In The Morning’ Cunington, who took it in her stride. Once the stand up had finished it was onto the ‘Deal or No Deal raffle’, as when the guests came up to collect the prize they had to choose a box to determine there prize. Most were happy with what they won, apart from Cpl Daniel who was not impressed with his hair curlers, mainly due to his lack of hair. Once the last prizes had been won, it moved onto the SSM. SSM ‘Michael Aspel’ Stephenson did a fantastic cover of the old TV series ‘This Is Your Life’, in honour of the Sqn OC. This to me was the highlight of the evening, with some rather random pictures of the OC from basic training, to his wedding day to the present day. There was even some special guests flown in just for the evening with ‘Skippy’, ‘Dame Edna Everage’ and ‘Shane Warne’ all making an appearance. Once the SSM wrapped up, it was handed over to the OC for the traditional Christmas speech. This years, however, was more poignant as this will be the last time he would be able to ‘Schurminate’ all of us! Once the customary glass raising and toasts had been completed it was over to the disco. Most did find their dancing shoes and danced away till the early hours. The 217 Christmas Function Pte ‘SPS Guru’ Thomson was tasked on producing the invitations to be handed out to all 217 personnel, which I must say, were well worth the 3 months wait. No one else could have produced that quality of workmanship in a shorter period of time. They were given a green and yellow theme instead of the traditional red and white, as it was the last function our current Sqn OC, Maj ‘How Tall Is He?’ Schurmann, would be attending. He was off back to his homeland of Australia in late December, after a 2 year stint at the Sqn. So with the invitations eventually sent out, it was on to the big night! The committee arrived early to begin the set up for the evening before the coach loads of guests arrived. Sig ‘I’m A Real Boy’ De Silva was quick to sort out the place settings on getting the balance just right. He was also at hand to meet and greet plus to hand out the raffle tickets for the guests 54 This is your life I must take this opportunity to thank everyone who attended, as over 120 from the Sqn, including loved ones, made this a night to remember, one that will go down as one of the best Christmas functions ever. Some even said it was better than THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 what they get in the Sgts Mess. I would also like to thank the SSM and committee for your help on the night. Also we wish Maj Schurmann and his family a safe trip, and all the best in the future back in Australia. different weapon systems we would be using. A quick weapon-handling test and a chance to fire some of the weapons followed. The rest of the day was spent playing various roles in an advanced medical scenario with some people from Amputees in Action. 222 SIGNAL SQUADRON OC Maj H Frost SSM SSgt Finn Exercise Mercury Glacier - by LCpl Locke We arrived in Austria in the early hours of Sunday morning for the start of the alpine skiing season. Within team ‘22 Sigs’ we had three members with previous race experience, LCpl Glasgow made sure that everybody was aware of his accolade of ‘novice individual slalom runner up 2008’. The morning of departure involved a detour to pick up the final member of the team, Sgt Houghton, followed by a stop off at 252 Sqn Innsworth so LCpl Adeoti (Mr issued kit) could get some non issued footwear. Then we set of to Dover for the ferry crossing. The journey had taken its toll on the team, most significantly the loss of Lt Holmstrom’s purse, along with all her money. Sig McPhillips and Sig Lewis acting the part On the Tuesday we spent the day rehearsing 15 different scenarios which would be carried out the following day with the guys from 299 Sig Sqn. The day started off slowly before escalating quickly. As the day went on, we were put into different scenarios. Although I managed to avoid being shot with simuniton, I couldn’t avoid Sig McPhillips’ right hand when he smacked me in the nose in a scenario where I was a prisoner being beaten up by Sig Irving and Sig McPhillips. The highlight of the day though was Sig ‘Dan’ Lewis getting picked to do a scenario where he had to conduct some heavy petty on one of the other lads. His reaction was priceless. Sig McPhillps was also tasked to try to hijack a car off two of the lads, which he did in an extremely convincing manner. We ended up finishing quite late but once all the scenarios were finished, we just had to pack all the kit up and we were done. The course turned out to be a good laugh and a great experience, offering a useful insight into 299 Sig Sqn. LCpl Locke and Sgt Houghton striking a pose The first week of skiing, race training, was done in perfect conditions but unfortunately, was cut short on the Friday as poor weather conditions shut the mountain. Race week saw Sgt Houghton, with no race experience, excel in the giant slalom discipline but both LCpl Adeoti and LCpl Glasgow taking some heavy falls. The slalom discipline also had its own share of falls with Sgt Houghton taking a terrific tumble. Lt Holmstrom took the female combination bronze medal at the awards night, which is an award taking in both the slalom and the giant slalom results into consideration. Throughout the two weeks the team held several evening competitions where Sgt Houghton took the honours at ice skating, LCpl Locke on a trampoline and LCpl Glasgow at Skittles. 248 GURKHA SIGNAL SQUADRON OC SSM Maj S Smith WO2 (SSM) Autar Inter-Squadron Swimming Competition – by Sig Bachan In order to maintain a competitive environment between the 5 Squadrons of the Regiment, there are different events such as athletics, swimming, and a march and shoot in order to declare the best Squadron in 22 Signal Regiment for the year, making up the CO’s competition. The upcoming event for this CO’s competition was swimming which was being held in at a local Stafford leisure centre. 299 Signal Squadron CivPop - by Sig Hepworth On Sunday 19 January, myself and 11 others from 22 Signal Regiment travelled to Lydd camp to assist with 299 Signal Squadron’s tri annual PDT training, which would take place between the Monday and Thursday. On the Monday morning Sgt Frost, who told us what to expect for the next 3 days and briefed us on what we would each be doing. After this, we were taken to the village where the training would be conducted, and we were shown the THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Cpl Raj in lane 4 55 The event was held on 14 January 2014 and 252 Signal Squadron, based in Innsworth, was tasked with organising the event. The aim of the competition was to motivate soldiers to be physically fit and develop competitive team spirits among the Squadrons. On the day everyone was hoping that their Squadron would win, especially as the points from this event had the ability to change the overall positions on the leader board. Though the environment seemed to be calm, all of the participants looked determined to give their best so that they could put their Squadron at the top. High spirits before the race The participants from different squadrons (217, 222, 248, 252 and Support Squadron) were taken to the leisure centre from Regimental MT at 0810. As soon as we get there, we were briefed about fire safety in the building. At about 0845, the participants were asked to get into the pool and warm-up for the upcoming events. After half an hour, the first event brief was given and competitors told to get ready for the event. There were 13 events in the competition with the first starting at around 0930. As soon as it started, the respective Squadron personnel began supporting their participants. The swimming pool environment was heating up with the supporter’s noises and slogans to cheer their team. This lasted until the last event. All of the events were completed at around 1150. Now, it was time for the result and everyone seemed to be curious about their position. About 15 minutes later, one of the members from 252 Sqn, announced the result - 222 Sqn came first and the organising Sqn, 252, were announced as the runner up. After the results, the event was wrapped up with the prize giving by the CO of 22 Signal Regiment. simple carelessness could cost the MOD thousands of pounds. A simple mistake could be something such as not following the proper close down procedure on a comms exercise. After the GOSCC visit, the next destination was ASTRIUM Hawthorn where we were warmly welcomed. We got the chance to see the operator room where we normally ask for help if we have any problems on our equipment. The operators were very pleased to inform us that they are being able to maintain a 5 second phone pick up rate. We also saw the satellite monitoring room where we got the chance to get an idea about the satellites. The staff were very nice to us – they were ready to welcome us with some broken Nepali words and a rectangle shaped flag of Nepal! Although they were not perfect I personally think that was some of the best hospitality I have ever received in my career up until now. From there we headed for our final destination which was SGS Colerne. When we reached SGS it was roughly 1400. We were divided into three small groups. Each group was accompanied by a member of staff who showed us around. We got the chance to see all of the satellite discs and understand their function. We were also taken to different equipment rooms where we were shown how things work. Since most of the members in our team were Reacher trained we got more detailed information on the way that Reacher works. After learning a lot from the SGS we left for camp. We all had a wonderful day and the aim of the visit was met. We got a chance to see what goes on behind the scenes and I think the visit was very useful for us. Such a visit should be organised in future because it enhances our knowledge and it’s something we all found very interesting. Station Commanders Christmas Fun Competition 2013 – by Sig Bhuwaneshwor What better way is there to ease into the Christmas mood than taking part in a challenging and fun team game? On 12 December 2013, the COs Fun Challenge was held in 22 Signal Regiments site 5 by 22SR Gym personnel. All of the Stafford based soldiers, along with a few civilian workers, directly or indirectly participated in the event. The event itself was mixed with excitement, team work and will power in order to win the competition. The event’s main aim was to allow soldiers to have fun, encourage team spirit and make the event more challenging and exciting by wearing different types of fancy dress. Visit to the GOSCC and Paradigm – by Sig Manoj On 15 January 2014, members from 248 GSS went on a visit to the Global Operations and Security Control Centre (GOSCC) followed by a visit to ASTRIUM and SGS Colerne. The visit was directed by Capt Surendra (OC O Troop) and coordinated by Cpl Paras. The main aim of the visit was to educate detachment crews from all trades on the GOSCC and satellite ground station (SGS) by physically taking them to the location and letting them see what goes on behind the scenes whilst they are trying to establish communication on the ground. The visit was also designed to develop team bonding and experience an educational day out outside of normal work. The team of 14 people arrived at the GOSCC at roughly 0945. We were received by YofS Graham Curtis who then led us to the main working area. There he talked us through what goes on a daily basis and their role. The seniors from our group had many questions for him, mostly relating to Reacher. Although the YofS informed us about many important facts, the most important thing that I took away was how our 56 Father Christmas and his helpers All of MoD Staffords personnel gathered inside the hanger of site 5 at 0840. There was laughter and a lot of jokes being banded around when people began turning up in different styles of fancy dress. Soon after, Staff Pun (SSI) briefed all the team members about the rules and the points system of THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 the event. There were 16 teams in total and there were 4 stations with 4 teams at each station. At each station there were different events: potted sports, Santa rescue, mini obstacle course and the fun relay. I was representing 248, ‘Team 2’. The event kicked off at January 2014. All five Squadrons took part and competed in over the thirteen events for some vital additional points for the CO’s Cup competition. The events ranged from the usual individual and team events you may associate with an Olympic swimming competition, to the odd. One event required the team to compete in a relay dressed in MTP that was then handed over at the end of each stage. Unfortunately for the smaller competitors the uniform belonged to the largest member of the team! The excitement was high due to a close competition throughout, and excitement grew thanks to LCpl ‘Evo’ Evans on the mic, showing off his natural talent as a sports commentator, even if more suited towards a chess match! 222 Signal Squadron were the overall champions of the day. The competition was planned by Sgt ‘Camel Back’ Grice and was hugely successful. SUPPORT SQUADRON OC SSM The SSM having his lunch 0900. Our first station was the fun relay and we competed against 222(2), and the RHQ team among others. Our team came in 10th position overall. The event was fun but it was challenging to get points. Our second event was the gruelling session or mini obstacle relay. The event itself was challenging as well as being a bit risky in terms of safety. We were not too concerned about the risk because more importantly we wanted to be victorious! We managed to finish in quite a good time, giving us 4th position. The next station was potted sports, which was fun but again it was hard to score points. We came in 4th position in this event as well. Finally we were on the last stand, Santa’s rescue. We managed to come 5th this time. Overall the winner was 248 ‘Team 1’ and ‘Team 2’ came in 3rd position, although we tried our best. Everyone thought the event was challenging, fun and best of all, everyone enjoyed it. Overall, the event was successful and everyone got into the Christmas mood having taken part in the fun and games. 252 SIGNAL SQUADRON OC SSM Maj AB Arthurton WO2 (SSM) AP Williams RMAS Arms and Services Display day - by Sig Ray On 22 January 2014, a small group from 252 Signal Squadron deployed to the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst to represent 22 Signal Regiment at the Arms and Services Display. This day was aimed at the junior intake at RMAS, with the aim of educating them in exactly what each Regiment, and the Royal Signals in general, were responsible for. The Officer Cadets were presented with a variety of photo boards and equipment to demonstrate the varying trades and opportunities the Corps has to offer. The day was led by Lt Cutting who was keen to share his new experiences with the Officer Cadets and informing them about his role within 252 Signal Squadron, supporting ARRC PHQ. It was a very successful day, and hopefully the junior intake of RMAS will be better informed for their choice of arms. 22 Signal Regiment CO’s Swimming Competition - by Sig Ray 22 Signal Regiment held their annual inter-Squadron swimming competition at Stafford Leisure Centre on 14 THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Maj J Renshaw WO2 (SSM) N Marshall This last period has seen the Sqn wind down after a challenging and busy exercise season. The Regiment participated in the usual festivities, giving the Sqn some time to consolidate and close down in the proper manner before enjoying some much needed and hard earned rest over the Christmas break. Upon returning from the stand-down the Sqn found itself back up to normal running pace by NAAFI break with a push on ECI and Board of Officers preparations, in conjunction with RSIT and the BOWMAN 5.5 uplift, to name but a few tasks that have been tackled head on. With the Sqn well and truly back at normal operating level we now look ahead to the next set of challenges consisting of MATTs training, Pre-CLM as well as some basic soldiering and AT. This next period will offer the Sqn a good opportunity to develop our soldiers and provide some first-rate preparation for forthcoming career courses. On on! Exercise SPARTAN HIKE 14 – by Sgt CS Parry After a month of intense physical training during the ARRC exercises, and individual training over the Christmas period, six members of 22 Signal Regiment made the long haul to Serre Chevalier which is located in south east France. After finally arriving after a very long drive, there was no time to rest. As we hit the slopes those who had skied before and those who hadn’t became evident. After a few hours of eating snow and having the cold white stuff go in places that it really shouldn’t, the team started to get to grips with the different techniques that we had practised on roller skis during the previous months. As one of only 3 teams with no preparation on snow prior to arriving for the competition, we knew we had our work cut out. After a days training we went straight into the ‘classic’ events; the 5km cross country relay and the 15km individual. The 5km was fast and intense. LCpl Glasgow did well to stay on his feet in the Mass Start, which saw over 40 teams compete for just 2 tracks. Following this shake out, we set our sights on the 15km race the following day. The conditions were ideal and now we’d got to grips with ski waxing, we were prepared for the 432m total climb. With a collective team time of 3hrs 54mins, we beat our 2 main rivals, who had as little experience as us on snow. With a day turnaround before moving onto the Biathlon events, we made the most of the opportunity, covering a fair distance in the morning before spending the afternoon on the range. Our preparation paid off and in the 10km Biathlon sprint, despite icy conditions, we beat both our rivals and only 57 just lost out to SUOTC by a matter of minutes on the 7.5km relay the day after. The final event in the competition was the Military Patrol Race. This was a gruelling 20km tactical patrol/ski carrying SA80s consisting of two shoots. Our race preparation proved to be better than most teams, and we only just missed out on the maximum bonus during the GOCs inspection. This is where he tested the patrol’s knowledge of the scenario and scrutinised its turnout. The outward loop proved to be more of a tab than a ski at times, where our only option was to carry our skis along a narrow track in amongst waist high snow. Following this arduous ascent we appreciated the descent even more. Our joy was short lived as once we left the range we found that a combination of the snow warming up and the kick wax wearing off resulted in no grip left for the remaining 15km! Nonetheless we battled on, and on our second visit to the range, we shot 5th best out of 44 teams before skiing the last descent to the finish. A combination of our good preparation, good shooting and a more even playing field meant that we came 29th out of 46 teams. This meant we beat a handful of experienced teams, including 1 RIFLES, 24 Cdo Engr Regt and 47 Regt RA! Military patrol race Considering the lack of time on the snow and the novice level of our team, we made a considerable effort towards our first season at the divisional championships and look forward to making a greater impact next season. 30th SIGNAL REGIMENT BRAMCOTE CO RSM Lt Col NM Stokoe OBE WO1 (RSM) K Dade Exercise SPARTAN HIKE/LIONS CHALLENGE 2014 – by Capt TM Collins For most the Div and Army Level Alpine Race Competitions mark the culmination of the Alpine Ski Race Season, save those who go on to the Combined Services Championships. For 30 Signal Regiment, our travels started a day earlier than usual so that we could get out onto the snow for an extra couple of days training before the competition started. So under the watchful eye of the seasoned Combivan-Tetris Champion, LCpl Aaron Rouget, the van was packed up and we left for Serre Chevalier, France on 10 Jan 14. Having implemented our driver rotation plan, we drove through the night and arrived at 0730, unpacked and got our heads down ready to hit the slopes at 1100. It was then that we found that out of the 4 members of the team, 3 of us had brought along GoPro cameras and a plan was hatched to make a Royal Signals Alpine Racing Promo Video. Those first LCpl Aaron Rouget pushing himself down the Giant Slalom at the Div Champs 58 couple of training days did not provide a great deal of footage, apart from for the blooper reel as they were mainly spent getting our ski legs back and falling over…. A lot! After our 2 days training and registering the team, it was time for the competition to start and Ex SPARTAN HIKE 14 kicked off with the Seeding Giant Slalom. This race is designed to ensure that a correct starting order, based on merit, is established prior to the competition races starting. The weather conditions brought mixed emotions, the sight of heavy snowfall would usually fill us all with joy at the thought of masses of snow on and off the piste leading to some gnarly skiing conditions and plenty of fun to be had. However heavy snowfall is not conducive to great racing conditions. Each morning an extended period of course preparation had to be done and the 150 or so racers slid the top layers of snow from not only the racing line but from either side of the line so the later runners would not find themselves powder skiing if they strayed off the line. 30 Signal Regiment achieved unprecedented success at Ex SPARTAN HIKE with Capt Tom Collins achieving a 2nd 30 Signal Regiment Ski Team at the Ex SPARTAN HIKE Prize Giving Ceremony THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Individual Combination result and the team, made up of the above named, 2Lt Jonny Gillespie, LCpl Aaron Rouget and Sig Kyle Wheddon achieving a 2nd in the Midlands Region and a 3rd in the overall competition, a fantastic result. The Regimental team went on to qualify for the Army Championships, Ex LIONS CHALLENGE, the only Royal Signals Unit to do so this year. This is where the competition level increased even further and the selection was made for the R SIGNALS Corps Squad. Every member of the 30 Signal Regiment team made it into a Corps Cat Suit and that is something that they should all be very proud of. 14. Whilst not everybody deployed to Catterick, during the exercise there was plenty to do back in camp in the way of G1 and G4 (ECH) support. The lads were seen to work hard and enjoy themselves by the OC Maj Gaz Greaves and WO2 (SSM) Jim Womble who enjoyed a trip out of the office to visit the troops; indeed it was good for many of the soldiers to enjoy some time out of camp and experience the delights of some typical Catterick weather! We say a number of farewells to Sqn members. The QM(A) Maj Sean Kielty MBE leaves us on promotion to Lt Col and heads to Blandford where he assumes command of HQ BGSU. We wish him all the very best and thank him for a job well done here in Bramcote. WO2 (RQMS) Martin Cope leaves us to enjoy a stint as SSM in Aldershot and the RAO Capt Jim Hicks MBE following a successful SPSI with greens across the board, leaves us for a sunshine tour in Gibraltar. Posted in, we welcome the new RQMS (T) WO2 (RQMS) McDougall – we wish you a pleasant and busy tour! MSPGH Deployment on Exercise SWAN CONNECTION 14 – by WO1 (FofS) J Sigston Capt Tom Collins making his way down the Slalom course to finish 8th at the Army Champs The Army Championships is always a fantastic experience, especially the Downhill event, there is nothing quite like throwing yourself down the Luc Alphand, a former Olympic Downhill course, at speeds in excess of 70mph to get your adrenalin pumping… not to mention a few 50p/5p moments! When the Regiment deployed on Ex SWAN CONNECTION they took the newly issued DII-LD equipment to put it through its paces. The TOT Capt Jim Healy decided that it might be a good idea if subject matter experts deployed with the Squadrons to give them some in-depth support, this being the first time anyone from Military Service Provider Group Home (MSPGH) had deployed outside of our warm, comfy purpose built building. The names that were put in the frame to deploy were Cpl Max Sila and LCpl Parminder Singh. The exercise went without a hitch and both JNCOs hurriedly returned to their warm cosy hanger none the worse but slightly battle hardened! If you are interested in Alpine Ski Racing in the Corps then I would suggest logging onto the Jimmys in Sport page on FaceBook for information, updates and some good photos. Also please approach your unit Alpine Skiing OIC and find the Corps Alpine Racing video on YouTube, just search for Royal Signals Alpine Promo. The Royal Signals Alpine Ski Race Team 2014, consisting of 4 members of 30 Signal Regiment SUPPORT SQUADRON OC SSM Maj G Greaves WO2 (SSM) J Womble Following a busy LSI and ECI period prior to Christmas, Support Squadron have been kept busy providing support to the Field Squadrons, most recently on Ex SWAN CONNECTION THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Cpl Sila helping LCpl Singh locate his keyboard 59 MT Deployment on Exercise SWAN CONNECTION 14 – by Cpl R Calladine It’s been a while since 30 Signal Regiment MT organised a road move of 73 military vehicles to a distant exercise location, but during Ex SWAN CONNECTION we enjoyed the challenge of organising a Command Group vehicle line up and inspection on the Regimental Parade Square before releasing the various convoys led by their Packet Commanders. The MTWO SSgt ‘Ash’ Jackson was a little anxious from StartEx to EndEx, but it was clear to see that the knowledge and training given to the MT Dept, especially our new lads, was well invested as we got progressively better throughout the exercise ensuring we achieved our missions and tasks to the best of our ability. After the initial road moves, we were kept busy with resups and fuel replens. Sgt Rabin Gurung, Sgt Ratna Tamang, Cpl Olly Myles and Cpl Richie Calladine enjoyed the opportunity to introduce some of our young soldiers to their roles and responsibilities in the field. A big well done to Sig John Cunliffe, Sig John Shore and Sig Jake Applegate who all very recently arrived from RSS, as well as Sig Dan Steele who has recently arrived from 16 Signal Regiment and Sig Greg Dawes from 101 Logistic Brigade. Cpl Brett Hughes recovers a Landrover to the adoration of the passing public Bramcote Swans’ Cycling Club – by Cpl R Calladine The mission of Bramcote Swans’ Cycling Club is to promote healthy living and enjoyment through cycling. We enjoy a large following of both road and mountain bikers. The road bikers are led by Cpl Richie Calladine and Sig Mathew Thorpe who enjoy local 30-70 mile routes. The mountain bikers are led by WO2 (RQMS) Scott Tomblin and SSgt Tony Ingoe and regularly train at local trial centres. Both groups enjoy a variety of civilian and military races, as well as taking opportunities to raise money for charity on occasions. A number of our riders have recently attended courses that offer cycling coaching qualifications which benefits all our riders, especially the young talent that we see as future Corps and Army cycling champions. Following on from last year’s successful Inter Corps Road Race Series (ICRRS), hosted by Bramcote Swans’ Cycling Club, we look forward to hosting the event again, after a special request by the Head of British Army Cycling, and it is hoped that we remain competitive and achieve some credible results after some enjoyable training. 30 Sig Regt MT soldiers conducting replen duties LAD Detachment on Exercise SWAN CONNECTION 14 – by SSgt (Art) J Marks During Ex SWAN CONNECTION the LAD provided a Fitter Section to both 256 and 258 Signal Squadrons, with a ‘flying’ Fitter Section located at Wathgill Camp with ES Ops and Recovery. The Gods of mechanical engineering were smiling on us as only two vehicles broke down on the move between Bramcote to Catterick, both of which actually made it to Catterick Garrison and only fell short of getting to the training area. The next two weeks provided a steady stream of work for the LAD and despite the adverse weather conditions only one vehicle needed recovering when it slipped into a ditch on a narrow track. The road move back proved equally fortuitous as only one vehicle needed to be recovered after a charging fault. Cpl Brett Hughes, the Regiment’s Recy Mech, sprang into action on the side of the M1 and was overwhelmed by the adoration of the passing public. As he hitched up the Landrover, he worked to a backdrop of whistling females and tooting horns. Overall the exercise was a success, and a great experience builder for some of our junior ranks. Back in camp, the LAD is enjoying success in the Minor and Major Units’ Craftsmen Cup tournaments after reaching the quarter finals in both. 60 The Bramcote Swans pose for a quick photo prior to setting off into the Warwickshire countryside 244 SIGNAL SQUADRON (AIR SUPPORT) OC SSM Maj J Snelgrove WO2 (SSM) D Seymour Exercise PASHTUN VORTEX - by LCpl P Dobson A select few members on Alpha Troop touched down in the sun soaked land of Jordan for Ex PASHTUN VORTEX commanded by Lt Becky Parkinson. The aim of the exercise was to provide CH47 both Mk 2 and Mk 4 pilots with environmental training and PDT in preparation for Op THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 HERRICK. 244 Signal Squadron (Air Support) deployed providing G2G and G2A communications across the training area, as well as providing restricted data back to the UK by means of Housekeeper equipment. On arrival at Jordan we were stripped of all military clothing and equipment before being whisked to the hotel via a heavily armed military convoy. Despite this unnerving start, the accommodation was excellent; Aqabas Moevenpick was a fantastic hotel. PT sessions on the beach were a firm favourite; including diving off the jetty into a school of jellyfish and then frantically attempting to swim back to the beach. The food was superb and the service at the hotel was faultless, if only every Army exercise was like this. A Chinook ride over the Wadi Rum desert Our rotations during the detachment revolved around Headquarters day and night shifts and the Rebro detachment just over an hour’s drive away in the middle of the Wadi Rum desert. The hours were long and as you may imagine there’s not much to do in a desert besides sunbathing, building sandcastles, working out, sleeping, fighting off the swarms of flies and complaining how cold the solar shower is. One week’s worth of American MRPs meant the hotel food was a welcome treat and being able to choose from one of its three pools, jacuzzis and the sea meant we were never short of a good soak session. Jordan is a fantastic place to visit if selected to go on Ex PASHTUN VORTEX, there is some fantastic scenery, excellent hotels and the work is interesting and to anyone wishing to come to 244 Signal Squadron, 30 Signal Regiment, this is just some of the stuff on offer as well as deployments to Tampa, Kenya (BATUK) and Op HERRICK. Other attractions to Jordan are the Wadi Rum desert if you fancy taking a horse/camel trek, and then there’s Petra, made famous by Indiana Jones as the final resting place of the Holy Grail. At the moment Jordan and Ex PASHTUN VORTEX remains a standing commitment of 244 Signal Squadron (Air Support) and hopefully I will have the chance to deploy again. SIGNALS Trainees of Intake 2013 took place on Friday, 13 December 2013 at Gamecock Barracks, Bramcote. We were lucky to have reasonable weather in comparison to the previous full rehearsal day where we were soaked through by the rain. All the VIPs, spectators, soldiers and their families across the Regiment were waiting eagerly to witness the parade which commenced at 1045. The parade RSM, WO2 (SSM) Khagendrakumar Pun reported to the parade commander, Capt Ganeshbahadur Gurung, Gurkha Adjutant who than waited for the arrival of the Colonel of the Regiment. Upon arrival, the Colonel of the Regiment Maj Gen N A W Pope CBE, took the salute from the parade commander. The trainees then march smartly forward in groups of three and took the oath by placing their hands on the Regimental Flag in the presence of the Colonel of Regiment, Commander QG SIGNALS, Lt Col N Stokoe and Gurkha Major, Maj Yambahadur Rana. This year Long Service and Good Conduct medals were presented to Sgt Nirakal Gurung and Sgt Netra Rai for their 15 years of loyal service. The Colonel of the Regiment and Gurkha Major then officially commissioned Capt Vishal Pun and Capt Rupkumar Gurung. Although small in size, the QG SIGNALS Pipes and Drums put on an excellent display and kept everyone entertained throughout the parade. The Colonel of the Regiment gave an inspiring speech and welcomed all the new Trainees into the Regiment and congratulated them as well. He also wished them all the best for their new careers and said that they are the future of QG SIGNALS. The parade then concluded with the March Past in column of route by the attestation party who were later praised by all for their smart, swift and outstanding drill. After a group photograph, Commander QG SIGNALS, Lt Col N Stokoe, announced the trade allocation result to the Trainees. The trade allocation was carried out purely on the basis of individuals’ best performance and potential identified during Induction Training. This year, out of 22 Trainees, 9 were selected as Communication System Engineers, 9 as Communication System Operators and 4 as Royal Signals Electricians. The day ended with delicious Gurkha Curry lunch in the Regimental gymnasium hall. At the beginning of 2014, the Trainees will go to the Defence School of Communications and Information Systems (DSCIS) Blandford for their respective trade courses. All of us here at QG SIGNALS Pariwar wish them all the best for their future ahead. 250 SIGNAL SQUADRON OC SSM Maj J Malcolm WO2 (SSM) Sureshkumar Limbu Attestation, LSGC Medal and Commissioning Parade 2013 – by Sgt Rajkumar Gurung After successful completion of 9 months hard and arduous basic military training, followed by another 2 months Basic Signalling Skills Phase the attestation parade for the 22 QG THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Capt Rupkumar Gurung being commissioned by the Colonel of the Regt and the Gurkha Major 61 Falcon Training Advisory Team (FALTAT) Arnhem Battlefield Tour – by WO2 (YofS) Smith On Saturday 1 February 2014 the FALTAT took time out of their hectic training schedule to visit Arnhem on a Battlefield Tour. After an early start the team arrived in Arnhem and met up with the tour guide Nick Kelso, a History and Philosophy graduate from Lancaster University who now lives with his family in Holland. Nick has led many tours for guests all over the world including veterans and their families and lectured for the British Army. Typically the weather prior to the tour had been glorious and on the day of the tour the heavens opened. Luckily the team had come prepared less SSgt (FofS( IS)) Jim Elkin who kept trying to steal the OC’s jacket and Nick who, as a seasoned tour guide, turned up with a crisp packet for a coat. The tour began at the initial DZs where the paratroopers were dropped off to secure the bridges and towns along the Allied axis of advance. Despite the horrendous weather, and being chased by bulls, our tour guide soldiered on and told us the story in chronological order from 17 September 1944 onwards. We stopped off at key sites around Arnhem and Oosterbeek including the memorial, bridges, the Commonwealth War Graves Cemetery, the Westerbauwing, finishing at the little church with the tree of hope. We managed to take a break for lunch at the Schoonord cafe, the number 1 Airborne pub in Oosterbeek, where we tasted the culinary delights of aptly named menu. The OC Capt Mick O’Hara, had a ‘Red Devil’ sandwich and Sgt Pramod Gurung had an ‘Urquart’ sandwich. We were able to spend an hour at the Hartenstein museum which was a bonus, as they have just recently extended and added an extra floor. A poignant moment was seeing the Military Cross awarded to the Brigade Major Tony Hibbert of the 1st Parachute Brigade that he had given to the museum in commemoration of the countless Dutch civilians and military colleagues that had risked or given their lives to help him escape. This was all articulated in a very emotional letter that is also on display in the museum. As the rain thankfully relented in the afternoon and we were able to enjoy the scenery and the rest of the tour without getting completely soaked, especially Sgt Wood’s blue suede shoes! Nick, our tour guide, was extremely good at adding the personal touch to the tour by adding relevant stories that he had collected from veterans in addition to his extensive research. Knowing we were Royal Signals he also did a good job of promoting Esprit de Corps by ending his site briefs with “and this is where the Royal Signals played a vital role in the battle”. This was usually quickly followed by “If the QGS had of been here…...” from SSgt Chandra Gurung. The guide’s The FALTAT on the Arnhem Bridge 62 briefs were captivating, with much of the detail enhanced with fascinating facts and stories which either dispelled myths or provided an alternative perspective. The occasion was typically marked by a traditional team photo on the Arnhem bridge even though we were risking life and limb dodging the speeding cyclists and mopeds (which seem to be everywhere in Arnhem)! I think everyone on the FALTAT gained something from the tour, it was a good experience and very educational and I am sure SSgt (FofS) Matt Griffiths will have written a song about it by now. 256 SIGNAL SQUADRON OC SSM Maj J King WO2 (SSM) J McMahon Six Months in the Life of Bravo Troop – by Sig Smith We have enjoyed a frantic 6 month period in Bravo Troop, throughout which the Troop’s role has been to provide secure communications for JTFHQ (Joint Task Force Headquarters) as part of an OLRT (Operational Liaison and Reconnaissance Team). An OLRT can sustain anything from 5-12 personnel, including up to 3 J6 Staff and 2 CS Ops from the Troop. The Regiment recently deployed on Ex SWAN CONNECTION 14 to Catterick. This saw the Troop deliver the initial CIS footprint for EEHQ (Early Entry Headquarters) and JTFHQ (Joint Task Force Headquarters). Extra tasks included conducting Recce’s alongside delivering IET (Initial Entry Training) to our new sister Troop from 258 Sig Sqn. Recently, the team deployed to the Philippines to assist with humanitarian aid after the devastating typhoon Yolanda hit. Here the 3 Operators worked alongside a large OLRT Team from PJHQ. Furthermore, LCpl John Randall deployed to Bangkok, Thailand for just over a week after deploying alongside Sig Harling on Op NEWCOMBE. Sig Hobson deployed to Tunisia for a week, thoroughly enjoying his first Bravo Troop deployment, (as did I on my first deployment alongside Sig Meade). Sig Small and Cpl Walton have both been heavily involved in deployments related to the situation in Syria. Throughout the year, the Troop has seen a plethora of deployments and certainly gained valuable experience and training benefit that are rarely seen outside of the Special Forces environment. Now that Bravo Troop is under the Command of its new Troop Commander, 2Lt Will Thorogood, 299 veteran SSgt Sig Harling in the OLRT Ops Room in the role of OC’s Tac Signaller on Ex SWAN CONNECTION THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Osborn and veteran Sgt Snoz Davies, we are moving forward in our role as communications support to the OLRT capability. 258 SIGNAL SQUADRON OC SSM Maj L Kelly WO2 (SSM) S Watson Re-subordination from 3 (UK) Division Headquarters and Signal Regiment to 30 Signal Regiment – by Maj L Kelly The Squadron has seen a number of busy and turbulent years during which it has belonged to 30 Signal Regiment, 52 Brigade Headquarters and 3 (UK) Division Headquarters and Signal Regiment. On 1 January 2014 the Squadron rejoined 30 Signal Regiment, now co-locating it with the Regimental Headquarters in Gamecock Barracks, Bramcote. The Squadron have recently returned from POTL after a successful tour in Afghanistan. Revitalised from this leave, they now prepare to assume the role of JTFHQ2, delivered, at readiness, by 2015. As expected, there has been a turnaround of manpower following the tour. The OC, Maj Alex Senneck has departed, and he is wished all the best at Army Headquarters. He has been replaced by Maj Lyndsey Kelly. Also new to the team is the Squadron Ops Officer, Capt Rich Wall. Good luck to Lt Stuart Keenan who has departed for Blandford to head up the recently re-established Corps Recruiting Team. There are a number of challenges facing the Squadron in 2014, namely re-adjusting from training and operating in the Souter Force Protection and Transport Company role to accepting and training on emerging ICS capabilities in our new contingent role. Busy lives ahead, with a few “look forwards to” including a March Skiing expedition, a summer sailing opportunity and CT1 and CT2 training in the UK and Cyprus. Kabul ICS Troop Return from Op HERRICK – by LCpl Watson After LCpl Steven Jackson had said his final goodbyes to the Staff of HQ ISAF, it was left to Sgt Scott Randall and Cpl Michelle Watson to find a way home for the 24 soldiers who had to patiently wait around in Kabul international Airport. Eventually we arrived back at Bramcote for a hectic week of “get outside we have medals parade at the end of the week which we need to practice for” brrrr – welcome home Kabul ICS Troop! The rain held off for the parade and the official adoption of 258 Signal Squadron from 3 (UK) Division Headquarters and Signal Regiment to 30 Signal Regiment took place. 258 Signal Squadron are now to take on the role Lt Gen Baxter inspects the troops on parade of very high readiness alongside 256 Signal Squadron. With the Squadron having a new role it was only right that with that came a new OC Sqn, and it was yet another goodbye to Maj Alex Senneck and welcome to Maj Lyndsey Kelly. The new year came around faster than anyone would have liked and all of a sudden it was as if we were never away. SSgt Tracey Fairbairn’s head was on fire as she rapidily attempted to get her new Troop ready to roll out of the door on exercise in the Operational Liaison and Reconnaisance Team role. Everyone had hit the ground running for 2014 as admin orders, exercises, AT and courses were being flung around in every office. 32nd SIGNAL REGIMENT (VOLUNTEERS) GLASGOW CO RSM Lt Col Rennie-Smith WO1 (RSM) King Exercise NORTHERN GEO IV - by Pte Jane Davies As a first time skier, the week was a plethora of emotions. We started off Day 1 on a nursery slope at St Jakob in Tyrol, Austria. The first hour was spent mostly horizontal, and the only skiing going on was backwards. The first day ended well though, as I was still relatively in one piece despite having crashed through a fence and into a bench. I was just glad to have the protection of the helmet, as it prevented some THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 serious injuries that day. I never thought that standing up in a pair of skis could be so difficult. Day 2 we went to Kirchdorf. Here we advanced to the blue slopes which were more challenging as they were considerably steeper; although there were nursery aged children racing past us down the slopes who seemed fearless. I was not convinced and felt like I was on the summit of Mount Everest. Luckily I had our instructor, Cpl Andy Cole, to help me down and he introduced me to tandem skiing. Days 3 and 4 gave us the opportunity to improve even further 63 on Steinplatze which was higher, beautiful and there was lots of fresh snow to cushion the falls. The entire group became more confident during the two days there. We received excellent instruction and the nice wide pistes helped us to feel more confident and competent by the end of Day 4. Cpl Shantel Doyle joined our group too and was also very helpful to myself. Stuart Kimsey was very helpful in translating the menus too. received helped to improve my technique and my confidence. By the last day I was happy to ski down red and black runs in deep snow with fresh snow falling all the time to make navigation and route planning difficult. Hard work, but great fun, and I am looking forward to returning next year to develop further and attempt some cross country skiing. We spent Days 5 and 6 at Fieberbrunn, consolidating what we had learnt. We also joined up with the Intermediate group during this time, and WO2 Andy Medley gave us some more instruction. Capt Paul Knight and the rest of the Intermediate group, who were Ghurkhas from 2 Sig Regt, were off skiing, who were all fearless. By now we had all mastered the chairlifts, and on Day 6 we had a free ski, were the more confident went off in their own groups. We also enjoyed some varied après ski with Phil Fluck taking us to a karaoke bar where all the instructors took their turn on the mic. The accommodation was great too. The training was hard and we were all pushed hard and out of the comfort zone. The group bonded well and there was many laughs, with everyone treated the same no matter what their rank. By the end of the week I was skiing down red slopes and had learnt how to stop without hitting a tree, fence or another skier. This was a major achievement for me. I also didn’t want to go home. The week was really well organised and everyone looked out for one another. The week taught me a lot about myself and was an invaluable character building experience that I hope to repeat soon. 40 (NORTH IRISH HORSE) SIGNAL SQUADRON 33 (LANCASHIRE) SIGNAL SQUADRON (V) Final MATTS Sweep Up 17- 19 Jan 14 OC SSM Despite the cold chill from the north coast onto Magilligan Training area, the first training weekend in Jan 14 saw a large attendance from the Squadron at the annual scramble to complete MATTs training before the end of the training year. 40 Signal Squadron members rocked up with full CEFO on the weekend of 17 Jan in order to face a jam packed weekend of training organised by SSgt Ricky George. Maj R Paterson WO2 (SSM) Jolliffe Exercise NORTHERN GEO IV - the Intermediate Skiier When asked if I could ski, I replied that I have skis, and I have skied, but not for about 6 years when I spent a few winters in Canada and New England. When we were sorted out into groups, I was placed in the Intermediate group, which consisted of those who had skied in the past, but did not have advanced abilities. The group ability ranged from doing a one week AT expedition last year, to those who had been able to ski but a long time ago. We all needed a day or two to find our feet. Unfortunately, the conditions were not ideal for the first two days. There was very little snow cover which made skiing difficult and falling painful. This knocked the confidence of some, but we persevered. At the end of Day 2, as we were leaving the piste, it started to snow and continued snowing fairly consistently for the remainder of the exped. With the improved snow conditions, I saw marked improvements in my own abilities and confidence. I was certainly not the fastest in the group, but I concentrated on improving my technique. We skied on three resorts over six days which prevented anyone from gaining familiarity with the runs. I also realised that a red or black run on one resort was not the same as a red or black run on another. Just as I thought I was getting to grips with these runs, we changed location and the red runs became more difficult! Everyday saw higher and steeper runs which pushed me further than I would have attempted had I been on a skiing holiday. Every time I got of a ski lift and saw the stunning scenery with the clouds below me and clear blue skies above, I was also aware that there was a long, steep way down again. Once I set off, though, all that intrepidation disappeared. By the end of the week, I was skiing at a much higher standard than I was six years before. The instruction I 64 The Intermediates Group OC SSM Maj Sam Burgess WO2 (SSM) Glenn Campbell The Padre delivered MATT6 (Equality and Diversity) shortly after arriving at the centre. Obligatory test sheets were passed out and kicked off an interesting debate probing many diverse issues affecting the Army today. Some of the ideas being suggested were not exactly out of the text book of the E&D. However the complex analysis of ethics was well discussed amongst all. The main day of activities began on Saturday with BCD MATTs update brief and a somewhat old fashioned video looking at CIED training, which brought the message home of the threat pretty well using a montage of explosions from various theatres of operations. Then the fun really started, a chilly wind greeted us for the PFA. For 2LT Dan Cognolato, as the new subaltern in the Squadron, this was not the time to look bad in front of the troops....Luckily he fared well in both push ups and sit ups tests and came in third in his run assessment. One of the things he took away from his time at Sandhurst was very simple - don’t do poorly on a PFA with your troops! The afternoon was rounded off with 3 stands; BCDT with Sgt Glenn Adair, CBRN with LCpl Duke Hazard and live firing (for the first time RCO) WO2 (SSM) Glenn Campbell. Coming up to live firing 2Lt Cognolato said he was nervous. It had been a while since he had shot, even though he used to be a good shot and wasn’t sure if it was like riding a bike. Thankfully after the SSM’s reminder brief on marksmanship principles, it all came flooding back and his grouping was fairly good. THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 which was conducted in the Ripon local area organised and controlled by the Sqn ops team. Friday night’s pre-deployment preparation proved to be a battle against the elements as the Darlington ARC (ARC being the word), was battered by high winds and a relentless pounding by heavy rain. Un-phased, the troops loaded up and embarked on the hour long journey to Ripon’s Deverall Barracks, however, SSgt Fletcher seized the opportunity to conduct a driver conversion with LCpl Walton. Suddenly the trip seemed like the slowest journey in the world…..ever. Once arrived, the troops were issued their accommodation; Sig Cocker won the enthusiasm prize due to his extremely excited response to having a sink in his room, for reasons unknown to us. 2Lt Dan Cognolato on magazine filling On Saturday, having attended a 38 (I) Bde Comd meeting that morning, the OC Maj Gordon Stevenson ended the day with a “straight off the press” update regarding the future of the Reserves in Northern Ireland – more change!, With the days training finished, the Magilligan DCCT was provided for the soldiers to conduct up to date scenarios and Operational Theatre shoots. Sunday was rounded off with an AFT, taken by the Sqns PTI’s Cpl Artie Holland, Cpl John Colgan and LCpl Serena Murray. Everyone put in a superb effort, with some great team spirit and encouragement. Law of Armed Conflict lesson followed taken by the Squadron’s 2IC Capt Derek Irvine. Again there was some interesting takes on the Geneva Convention with good interaction from the troops. The final MATT navigation of the weekend was taken by SSgt Ian Palmer and then it was time for the Squadron’s fantastic G4 team to get stuck in and turn it all around, led by SQMS SSgt Dave Thomas and his team Cpl James Smart and LCpl Barry Kelly. A very tiring but productive weekend and a lot of grit and determination shown in the physical events. A note of thanks to our chef LCpl Danna Jamision who was missing her mucker and thanks to Sgt Wendy Cush whom readily volunteered for a job not relished by many in support of our chef. Saturday’s sunny but windy start proved perfect conditions to conduct the pre-exercise PACEX. Two of our newly qualified advanced signallers, Cpl Copeland and Sig ‘Sniffer’ Roberts proved their worth by guiding the troops through the testing of Bowman equipment to ensure all in working order. The troops deployed into the surrounding countryside practising mobile communications and map reading. Their main aim was to recce an area that would accommodate a Bowman detachment. Once they had found a suitable area the operators sent the details to one of the other detachments which would occupy the found area. Each operator was assessed on voice procedure and their siting considerations and then supplied with the ‘DS’ solution. Once all of the sites had been visited, the crews made their way back to camp. The less experienced crew members then received a lesson on maintenance of the detachment log book. Safe to say that all training objectives were achieved until Sig ‘Obelix’ Shield unwittingly demonstrated his strength by pulling the lock off the accommodation door, whilst trying to turn it. Sunday’s miserable dawn was the backdrop to the camp clean up prior to travelling back to Darlington. Vehicles washed by the crews and later inspected by our newly promoted Troop Commander Capt Hunter then off to Cpl Copeland’s space wave lesson, which included a few slight of hand magic tricks capped the weekend off nicely. 51 (SCOTTISH) SIGNAL SQUADRON OC SSM Maj Penny Mell WO2 (SSM) Andy Tochel Recruiting Activities – by LCpl Sinclair “The thin orange line” 50 (SCOTTISH) SIGNAL SQUADRON OC SSM Maj Brad Hogg WO2 (SSM) Paul Standing Exercise TEES TROT 2014 - by Sgt Jonathon Millington Exercise TEES TROT was a Squadron training weekend which consolidated CIS skills, deployment drills and radio recces THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 2Lt Dave MacDonald, LCpl Marc Carr and LCpl Peter Sinclair are the recruiters for 51 Signal Squadron HQ based in Edinburgh with SSgt Davie Mackenzie and Sgt Vidya Nursimiloo carrying out this role at our Troop location in East Kilbride. They are responsible for planning and organising recruitment events for their respective locations and taking an active role in recruiting with other Reserve and Regular colleagues during Op FORTIFY in the Edinburgh and South Lanarkshire areas. They have been ably assisted by the Regular Recruiting Support Team (RST) from 2 Signal Regiment in York. On Tuesday 11 Feb the team held their second open evening in Edinburgh where they invite anyone showing an interest in joining the Sqn to come along. These evenings are proving very successful with a total of 15 people attending both events. The drill hall is set up with various stands showing equipment, weapons, rations, PT and adventure training activities. There are also a variety of presentations given by both the Squadron recruiting team and the ROSWO, WO2 Billy Henderson. The feedback from members attending the 65 events has been very positive with most being impressed by the positive way in which we promote the Army Reserve. Recruiting has taken a really high priority over the last few months as we attempt to increase our numbers to meet the requirements of the new Reserve Forces structure. It will continue to do so for the foreseeable future and hopefully this current trend will continue. We have recently updated our picture boards and displays with LCpl Marc Carr becoming the new “Face” of the Sqn. made the walking conditions hazardous, so only a few hardy individuals continued with their summit attempt of Breariach the weather so bad we went man down within the first few meters of the walk when 2Lt McDonald took a tumble seconds after leaving the accommodation! The rest of us used this as an opportunity to practice our navigation skills, which for some of us were a little rusty. That being said, collectively we managed to navigate ourselves into Aviemore town centre for a quick dram in the name of the great Bard. The evening’s activities were dominated by the Burns Supper. After SSgt MacKenzie piped in the haggis, SSgt Forbes gave his “Address to a Haggis,” where there were a lot of confused facial expressions from our southern colleagues who couldn’t understand our native Scots tongue. Cpl MacDonald then gave his rendition of the “immortal memory,” which lasted an eternal lifetime! That being said, I think everyone learned something new about the life of Burns – his military career, for example where he enlisted in the Army as a volunteer. A comical “A Toast to the Lassies” was given by Sgt McLaughlin, before a witty reply was given by Sig Behrendt, ending the formality of the Burns Supper. We spent the remainder or the evening socialising in the Mess and laughing at the antics of LCpl Rodger, who managed to squeeze himself inside a Christmas tree. This was a great weekend, and I look forward to next year. LCpl Carr - ‘the Face’ Exercise NORTHERN FROLIC, 31 Jan to 02 Feb 14 – by Sgt Nursimiloo This was a field deployment exercise in Dechmont Trg Area at the end of January 14. FROLIC is a low level exercise which validates the core functionality of the Sqn and improves operator knowledge. This was a excellent training package which gave the opportunity for those newly joined the unit to learn about the equipment to get more in depth training, and those already trained to refresh their own skills. The Ex included working with CST detachments and Bowman platforms, from detachment loading, deployment, establishing communications, SOPs, closedown/movement and detachment maintenance. The weather was miserable, but this did not dampen spirits and morale was high. On Saturday night the females were treated by Capt Jane Chisholm to a pamper session, in which a few got nails painted and beauty packages carried out. The boys were entertained by a “not so quiet” games night SaBRE attended on the Sunday to give a brief on employer engagement and what they can do to assist both the reservist and the employer. This event had a really good attendance and a lot learned by all. We look forward to the next instalment/deployment which will be Ex NORTHERN TROT. Adventure Training Weekend – by LCpl Aitken The winter adventure training (AT) weekend is always one of the highlights of the training year - as well as a packed AT package, the Squadron holds an annual Burns Supper in memory of the great Bard. In addition, this year the Squadron was joined by Glasgow University Officer Training Corps (UOTC) providing fresh faces and an opportunity to mingle. The planned AT package consisted of a walking a gruelling 13 mile stretch of the Lairig Ghru, which is situated near Rothiemurchus lodge in Aviemore – our home for the weekend. However the weather on the Saturday morning 66 Winter AT at Aviemore SPSI Farewell The Squadron would like to wish SSgt Mark Reay every success for the future on his departure to 50 Signal Squadron, also part of our Regiment, to allow him to work within commutable distance of his home and family. SSgt Stu Reid our PSI (T) will be filling both posts until a replacement is sent to us by Glasgow. 52 (SCOTTISH) SIGNAL SQUADRON OC SSM Maj Jim McNaught WO2 (SSM) Sam Parke When SSgt Smith suggested that water gorging would be good AT I wasn’t really convinced. As this was supposed to be a team building event I was told it would be a rewarding challenge. On Sat 8 February we set off from Carlisle castle, each person with their own expectations. On arrival somewhere in the Lake District with snow on the ground and high winds I lost my sense of humour. As we suited up into our safety equipment, checking to make sure it was all secure we looked over the bridge to see where our first challenge would be. The first of our tasks was to abseil down the side of a fast flowing waterfall. For some this proved a difficult task as they had never attempted anything like this before and at just over THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 a 100ft it was quite tasty. In true signallers spirit though all those taking part rose to the challenge. This task was completed although some looked more professional than others. This was quickly followed by a short swim then a small descent ending in a backwards fall into a cold pool of fast flowing water. All the participants now thoroughly soaked, were reminded to keep moving to ensure they kept warm, although WO2 Brown didn’t seem to find this the case as he enjoyed swimming in the pool a little too much. The next task set sent laughter around the troops as Pte Davies lost one of her trainers and our instructor Dan from Northern Outdoors had to grab it as it continued down the river without her. As much as we tried to be professional doing this we just looked like upside down turtles! Jumping from a tree branch about 10 feet high into the rocky waters below or sitting backwards and falling from this position was a challenge. We continued downstream till our last challenge, the stepping off of a ragged edge to a 15 foot drop into a deep pool below; this proved too much for one of our group. All of the challenges set tested our courage and ability to step out of our comfort zone and face some of our fears to which we did everyone showed what they were made of. Meanwhile…… A motley crew led by the OC Maj Jim McNaught walked along Hadrians Wall from Housesteads Roman Fort to Birdoswald in very windy conditions which made the walk all the more interesting. The heavy rain had made many stretches of the walk hazardous under foot with every member of the team testing the padding in their walking trousers at some stage. WO2 Colin Richie kept everyone amused by somehow being the butt of most jokes whilst SSgt Jim Gillan soon realised that maybe the decision to wear trainers was not a good one. Everyone was surprised to see just how steep the terrain was on the Scottish Side, especially when a media crew from O2 wanted the largely Scottish contingent to stand on the wall, The motley crew stroll on holding a flag of St George for the England-Scotland Rugby match later that day. For some reason they all said no and threatened to throw Capt Steve Erskine over the wall instead. Overall a very successful weekend. 37th SIGNAL REGIMENT (VOLUNTEERS) REDDITCH CO RSM Lt Col Cairns TD WO1 (RSM) Moore 2014 has started extremely well and the Regt remains as busy as ever. The Regt has maintained a high level of support to UK Ops, with Defence Resilience Training at Lynton-on-Ouse and more recently, the flooding situation which has seen Reservists mobilised on HRR. Whilst military training has been ongoing with MATTs weekends and Trade Camps; the Regt has managed to fit in skiing in the Alps and participation in Corps Cross Country and Football competitions. Congratulations to the Cross Country team who finished in the medals and to Maj Graham Smith on promotion and assumption of command at 53 Sqn, Cardiff. Beasley-Wood, Sig Alderson, Sig Lennon, Sig Hussain and for the females: Capt Sewell, SSgt Smith, LCpl Hughes and LCpl Bellamy. Royal Corps of Signals Cross Country Championships - by LCpl Hughes On Wednesday 22 Jan 14, members from 37 Sig Regt arrived at Bulford Camp to take part in the Corps Cross Country Championships. The recent weather made for a muddy, slippery course, up and over the Kiwi and Beacon Hill; the course consisted of a combination of grass, mud and gravel tracks. The competitors: SSgt Brooks, SSgt Milton, Sgt Gilbert, LCpl THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 37 Signal Regiment Cross Country Team The race started with the females all lined up on the running track of Picton Barracks for a once round, before we headed out onto the hills of the surrounding area. Five minutes later 67 the males lined up on the track for their turn. The females had 4 miles and the males 6 miles ahead of them and after 40ish minutes of everyone running through muddy puddles and some cheeky hills, we were back at the finish line before we knew it. We all took turns to cook for each other throughout the stay and safe to say that the higher the rank, the worse the cook!! One of the days, which came as a surprise to many, was fancy dress on the slopes! This ranged from a leprechaun, a red power ranger, sumo wrestler, a priest, a rein deer, a polar bear, an emu, to name just a few. Everyone enjoyed themselves as the skiing, social and team building elements worked extremely well. This was WO2 (YofS) Scouse Lloyds last days skiing in the Regular Army, his posing, style and jolly japes will be missed for a short time until he joins the Corps as a veteran Reservist. The sun shone throughout our stay, and the snow stayed in good condition, a great time was had and a few bruises were gained. Roll on next year. 37 Signal Regiment Female Team: Minor Unit Winners All competitors did well, with Sig Lennon of 48 Sig Sqn picking up the runners up award for the junior males and the Female Team who won the Minor Units Team Award; congratulations to Capt Sewell, SSgt Smith, LCpl Hughes and LCpl Bellamy. 36 (EASTERN) SIGNAL SQUADRON Exercise DRAGON SORBET – Skiing in the French Alps - by SSgt Abbot OC SSM The Regtl Skiing trip was an experience not to be forgotten; whilst we we’re all different levels of skiers and ranks, we all mixed in together and got stuck in. There were 16 of us staying in the chalet in the village of Nancroix, in the French Alps, where we skied on the massive ski area of Les Arcs. 36 Signal Squadron Colchester Open Evening 11 Feb 14 - by LCpl Hughes (RRMT) The group was split into 2 teams at the start and sent all over the mountain to improve their skiing techniques, however this ended up in many failed attempts and crashes it must be said. The Ski Foundation 2 group smiled while going downhill, but made some choice comments when having to go up hill! Fancy Dress day at Les Arcs 68 WO2 (YofS) Scouse Lloyd (Front) on top of the mountain Maj K Humphries WO2 (SSM) WO2 K Elliott 36 Sig Sqn held an Open Evening at their Army Reserve Centre (ARC), with a good turnout of interested people and lots that wanted to join by the end of the night. Multiple stands were on offer for all to view and all the way over from Germany, we had the Op FORTIFY Regular Support Team (RST) from 16 Sig Regt who were here for the week to assist our recruiting effort. The choice of stands ranged from 1914 war period to our modern equipment. Colchester Town Watch, who provide Colchester town with a ceremonial guard unit (a re-enactment team), Weapons, Communication Equipment, .22 Range and on the big screen with a PowerPoint movie of all 36 Sig Sqn exercises over the past few years. All finished off with a Ghurkha curry provided by LCpl Sunuwar (36 Signal Squadron RLC Chef). 16 Sig Regt RST supported the evening by mixing with the public and potential recruits, talking about their own experiences from Harrogate through to Op HERRICK deployments. During their time here at Colchester the RST has canvassed the local catchment area, advertising the Open Evening and raising the profile of the Sqn ARC. THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 against us, we eventually gained the necessary permission to setup and under the cover of darkness we erected all our tentage ready for the Comms Ex in the morning. We all then moved to our accommodation, where I discovered that the RAF transit rooms were bigger and better than my SSSA. The next morning we moved out to the Dets and set up the Bantam and REEBOK equipment ready for the groups of Staff Officers that streamed through steadily all morning and the demo seemed to be a success. At around 1500hrs we were given the all clear to tear down and with the speed of a startled gazelle, we managed to get the kit packed and lined up ready for our return to Birmingham. The return journey was uneventful apart from discovering Krispy Kreme mince pie doughnuts! The event went well despite a few hiccups and the Staff Officers learnt more about our capability which was our aim, so overall on our part we were successful. 53 (WALES & WESTERN) SIGNAL SQUADRON OC WW1 Weapon Display courtesy of Colchester Town Watch Other 36 Sig Sqn News Recent attestations have included Sig Fox who has just completed his Alpha Cse and Pte Shenbote as a re-joiner, having only recently left the Regulars as an AGC clerk. We have also seen Sig Creasey, Sig Gibbs, and Sig Vigor recently complete their Class 3 Trade Training which is great news. A good start to 2014 with 6 recent applications looking to join the Army Reserve; taking our total that attend the nurturing evenings on a Tuesday, to 18 individuals. 48 (CITY OF BIRMINGHAM) SIGNAL SQUADRON OC SSM Maj S Cherry WO2 (SSM) Potts Defence Commitment to Resilience (Demo at Lynton-onOuse) - by SSgt Cooper SPSI 48 Sig Sqn were tasked with deploying its REEBOK detachment to RAF Linton-on-Ouse on 10 Dec 13, to demonstrate the comms capability that the Army Reserve in our Regt could provide in support of UK Ops. As the deployment was midweek, finding a crew for the detachment was proving to be as difficult a task as ever, but in the end, a combination of Reserve and Regular staff were corralled. We rolled out of our picture postcard location (Army Reserve Centre of Sparkbrook) at 1100hrs, and were immediately faced with the prospect of negotiating a Man SV and Daf with FEPS through central Birmingham traffic at lunch time (the drivers needed Jedi like reflexes). The drive was slow and long as our destination was virtually in Scotland and noticeably, the further north we went, the colder it got. We arrived at RAF Linton-on-Ouse where we met up with members from 36 Sig Sqn and 10 Sig Regt. We then announced our arrival at the guardroom where nobody had any idea who we were or even why we were there! Fortunately WO2 (YofS) Scottie Wilson arrived and through the magic of Vodafone, managed to discover where the briefings were taking place and after discussion with the briefing team we were given our location to setup. Despite the fact that a recce had been done the week before and things agreed, there was no clearance to use the piece of land we were on and our vehicles churned up the nice soft grass (insert angry RAF Officer here). Despite the many factors THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Maj G Smith Global MATTs 03 - by SSgt James The 3rd of four MATT weekends was run by 53 Sig Sqn in Cardiff, over the period 10-12 Jan 14. There was a good turn out from all 4 Squadrons within the Regt with a total of 48 Army Reserves taking their annual tests. The weekend was supported by the use of 1 Rifles 25m range at Beachley Barracks and Bdr Williams from 104 RA as a CBRN instructor. Saturday morning saw the testing of BCD, LF3 and CBRN with a round robin session. Once this was complete, we stopped for a spot of light lunch (delivered by SQMS Ali Nash MBE), and enjoyed the very rare sunshine that was booked for the weekend. After lunch we moved to Cearwent Trg area for an enjoyable walk around the perimeter fence, before moving back to the Army Reserve Centre in Cardiff for the evening meal. A spot of Map Reading and CIED followed and once the testing was completed for the day, we all enjoyed a soft drink or two in the Sqn bar. Sunday morning V&S was delivered by the SVWO WO1 Proffitt and LOAC by Maj Cherry which was a refreshing change from leaving the CFT until Sunday morning. Once all the testing was complete, all departed for their respective Army Reserve Centres. The weekend went well and was enjoyed by everyone that took part. The 25m range at Beachley Barracks 69 Bike Challenge - by SSgt Ali Nash MBE On 2 Feb 14 SSgt Ali Nash MBE from 53 (Wales and Western) Signal Squadron started his 890 mile Bike Challenge around Wales, in Aid of “Papyrus - Prevention of Young Suicide.” It started a few months prior to the challenge. I was thinking how I could celebrate my ½ century. A few years ago, with others in the Sqn I organised a charity walk for Papyrus and saw the outstanding work done for the “Prevention of Young Suicide”. So I decided to combine them both to raise money and awareness of Papyrus and to celebrate my birthday. Day 1 The Bike Challenge started at 2200hrs on Sunday 2 Feb 14 with a 6 hour drive to my start point in Chester. I got my bike out of the van, sorted myself out, warm kit on, lights on and off I set, heading for Caernarfon via Rhyl, Llandudo and Bangor. After 12 hours in the saddle and 115 miles behind me I was at my B&B and still dry! If you would like to donate to this charity please go to www. justgiving.com/Ali-Nash Day 7 The Final Push – Cardiff to Chepstow and an 0500hrs start with only 106 miles between me and the finish. The heavens had opened up again, so back on with the waterproofs and off I headed to Chepstow, with a real spring in my step now as I knew I had only half of a day of riding and my challenge was completed. Chepstow was getting closer by the hour and surprisingly I started to feel a bit low, as I did not want it to end. There had been so many highs and lows, but like all good things they must come to the end sooner or later. Just after 1300hrs I was at Chepstow Castle with my transport waiting for me to take me back to Cardiff to celebrate my 50th birthday. Day 2 0500hrs start and the heavens opened with rain and gales of up to 100 mph forecast. I put on my waterproofs and off I went, around Anglesey and Holly Head with the weather so harsh that the sightseeing was limited to say the least. Back on the mainland I was heading around the Lleyn Peninsula towards Porthmadog. Fourteen hours and 130 miles later, I have never been so happy to see a Travel Lodge. Day 3 A late start as I set off at 0800hrs (which I regretted later), heading to Aberystwyth via Dolgellau, Machynlleth (135 miles). Dolgellau to Machynlleth is only 9 miles, yet it took me over 3 ½ hours as the wind and rain were horrendous. I was averaging less than 3 mph, blown off my bike, not once, but twice, followed by a puncture and a snapped bike pannier. To add to more frustration, I found out my bike computer was not waterproof, so most of the day I was pedalling with no record of how far I had travelled; so it was back to basic’s with map out and guesstermation. I finally got to Aberystwyth at 2215hrs and had learnt again, that the only thing that is waterproof is your skin!!!! Day 4 The longest day both in distance and time in the saddle. Learning from yesterday’s experience, I set off at 0400hrs on another wet and windy day, wearing wet and cold kit from yesterdays Jolly’s. Today I was heading to Tenby via Fishguard, St David’s Head, Haverfordwest, and Milford Haven. The weather was against me for much of the morning and fatigue started to kick in, so around 11 am I decided to stop for a good rest and had a full “Welsh Breakfast”. I departed St David’s Head just after lunch and the wind had changed direction. It felt good that the wind was pushing me along for a change and I was soon at Haverfordwest, so I decided to push onto Milford Haven. I arrived just before 1700hrs, a quick caffeine stop and off I peddled for Tenby, arriving at 2130hrs; a total 178 miles in 17.5 hours. SSgt Ali Nash MBE at the Finish in Chepstow 54 (WORCESTERSHIRE) SUPPORT SQUADRON OC SSM Maj C Quincey WO2 (SSM) M Evans The festive season bought in plenty of cheer for 54 Sqn. December started with a “James Bond” themed social event planned and executed in style by the function’s committee. The Squadron managed a good turn out for a Christmas CO’s challenge; a series of competitive command tasks followed a Christmas lunch and a festive games competition. The Day 5 An 0700hrs start and 120 miles to Swansea, but for some strange reason I was looking forward to the ride as it had stopped raining. I had found my second breath and was pedalling for “Wales”; the hours and miles were soon passing, the rain and wind was good to me and there were only scatted showers as I arrived in Swansea at 1700hrs. Day 6 Swansea to Cardiff (International Day – Wales v Ireland). Another leisurely start at 0600hrs and the weather had changed yet again for the worst. So full waterproofs on, before I set for the Capital via Bridgend. The wind and rain were blowing in from the South and as I was heading South the going was pretty slow with the head wind in my face all day long. I kept peddling and looking at my watch as I knew KO was at 1430hrs so had no time to hang around if I wanted to watch the match. 96 miles and 8 ½ hours later I was in the Capital watching. 70 The Permanent Staff Christmas Lunch THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Squadron only came second in the Karaoke dance off, despite an impromptu and entirely unrehearsed break dancing display from Sig Dan Webster. We hosted a Christmas lunch for all Regimental permanent staff which was preceded by a tour of the historic town of Redditch. Cpl Russ Taylor, who organised the tour, took those in attendance through a most informative journey in time which included sites of significant interest that are hidden amongst the new town buildings. Members of the Squadron also took part in a fund raising effort for the Redditch Branch of the Royal British Legion in partnership with Lloyds bank, Redditch. The event involved a mammoth step machine relay covering 255 miles, the equivalent of the distance between Redditch and the site of the Normandy D-day landings. Looking forward, 54 Squadron is preparing for the Second phase of the OP FORTIFY recruiting drive, where we will be hosting members of 16 Signal Regiment as we put on recruiting events around the Redditch and Bromsgrove area. 39th (SKINNERS) SIGNAL REGIMENT (VOLUNTEERS) BRISTOL CO RSM Lt Col Cosgrove MBE WO1 (RSM) W Scarrott 43 SIGNAL SQUADRON OC SSM Maj Nixon WO2 (SSM) Donnelly Exercise WESSEX WARRIOR After arriving at the ARC on Friday evening, we settled down to the usual pre-exercise routine of having weapons, equipment and rations issued. We split into two sections, with those going on CLM’s and PNCO courses taking on the role of Section 2ic. For the first stage of Ex WESSEX WARRIOR, the current Corporals were tasked with showing the potential JNCO’s their role within the section. After receiving our first set of orders for a relief in place, we set off to Caerwent Training Area to start the exercise phase. Our first tasking was to locate and occupy a FOB, so we set off and patrolled into the designated Training area. On arrival at the FOB, the first job for the section 2ic’s was to set up a stag rota for the night. After briefing the sections on the taskings for the next day, we settled down in to FOB routine and began our first night in the field. Day two began with a short tab to the DS location where we received details of the days events. There followed a round robin of lessons designed to refresh, and in some cases teach, the green skills that we would put in to place throughout the final exercise. The stands included contact drills, casualty evacuation under fire, fight through and re-group and finally harbour area location and routine. After these lessons had finished the final exercise phase began and we were tasked to occupy a particular harbour area. Once we had identified an area on the map we set off to the location and established a triangle harbour area. We began normal harbour routine for about an hour, at which point we received orders to conduct two close target recces on possible enemy locations. We set off in a four-man team in order to recce an enemy force thought to be operating an illegal vehicle control checkpoint. The weather conditions were not the best for a CTR as the moon was full, there were no clouds and it was icy underfoot. Nevertheless we managed to get within about 50m of the position and succeeded in covering the checkpoint from three different angles. We identified two enemy personnel and possible routes in and out of the position for our assault. Once back at the harbour area we settled into our routine whilst the section ic’s and myself went through the details for the morning’s assault. THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 The final day started early with a quick set of orders given by myself before embarking on a tab towards the enemy position. Cpl Keill took the fire support section and LCpl Simpson led the assaulting section. At 0730hrs fire support began and the assault started. After a brief fight through the position was cleared and we began to search for enemy dead and to assess the situation. After about 15 minutes, information came in over the net of a friendly patrol in the area who we had lost contact with after a possible contact. We moved out from the position and patrolled to the last known location of the friendly patrol. While patrolling to the location we came across a friendly Spartan vehicle, which appeared to have crashed, although there was no sign of enemy persons. We split down in to sections, with 2 section flanking the position on the left and 1 section advancing up the middle. We were within about 20m of the position before 1 section were contacted by an enemy force to their left. 2 section were already in a position to assault the enemy while 1 section provided FSP. Once the position was clear our final task was to extract a casualty to a location for MEDEVAC. After a 15-minute slog, with everyone putting in maximum effort, we made it to the location only to be told we had to extract ourselves from the area by foot. What followed was an hours tab around Caerwent. Although everyone was exhausted from the day’s events we had a 100% success rate on the tab, with nobody ‘crashing out’. Overall, the Squadron had a successful weekend, with everyone putting in maximum effort throughout. 56 SIGNAL SQUADRON OC SSM Maj S L Trevelion WO2 (SSM) R Vincent 56 Signal Squadron Freedom Parade – 18 January 2014 In July 2013, the FR2020 announcement directed that 56 Signal Squadron would be removed from the Order of Battle and replaced in the Eastbourne Army Reserve Centre by a platoon from 3 PWRR. As part of 56’s drawdown, it was decided that a fitting way to celebrate the Squadrons proud history would be to exercise the Squadrons Freedom of Eastbourne. After several months of negotiation between the PSAO, Capt Gary Jennion, Eastbourne Council and the Lord Lieutenant of East Sussex’s office, the date for the parade was finally fixed for Saturday 18 January 2014. 56 Signal Squadron was first awarded the Freedom of Eastbourne in April 2000 and it has only been exercised once since, so it was a great honour for the Council to approve our request to exercise our Freedom through the town for one final time. 71 Thanks to several weekends of drill practice and hard graft under the supervision of the RSM, WO1 (RSM) ‘Jaspar’ Scarrott and the SPSI, SSgt ‘Taff’ Langley, the Squadron managed to turn out a marching squad of over 40 on the day, including several recruits. Despite concerns that the weather would be unkind on the day, we were blessed with sunshine which made all the difference. In addition to the marching contingent from the current members of 56, we were supported by the Corps Band and joined by nearly 30 former members of the Squadron, including no less than 5 former OCs; Maj (Retd) Brian Howe, Lt Col Sarah Streete, Lt Col Anthony Lamb, Maj ‘Dutch’ Holland and Maj Keiron Francis. Beachy Head Marathon and in particular, Sig Kerrie Edmonds and Sig Rosie Twomey from 56. Following press interviews from the BBC at the Army Reserve Centre and Squadron photographs, the parade formed up at Eastbourne Pier for the inspection by the Lord Lieutenant of East Sussex, the Mayor of Eastbourne and the Corps Colonel, Col Norton. The inspection went without a hitch and at 1130hrs sharp, the parade stepped off and marched through Eastbourne to the Council offices for the salute, arriving only 3 minutes after the civic party! We were extremely well supported by the public as we marched through the town and much to some of the Squadron members surprise, everyone managed to stay in step throughout! Despite the horror stories regaled before the parade by the Corps Colonel and the Squadron Honorary Colonel, Maj Gen (Retd) John MooreBick, the OC, Maj Sarah Trevelion, managed to get all the words of command right, albeit that some of them did come out in a rather uncharacteristically squeaky fashion! Although it is likely that the Freedom Parade will have been our last formal occasion to parade collectively as 56 Signal Squadron, I know that the ethos of the Squadron, the Regiment and the Corps will continue to shine through wherever our officers and soldiers find new homes in the Army Reserve. I know that all the soldiers were immensely proud to exercise 56’s Freedom through their home town and it has been an immense honour for me to have been selected to command them. Thank you to everyone who helped organised the parade, marched with us, turned up to support us and partied with us in the evening – it was truly a day to remember. In an effort to round off the day in a befitting fashion, 56 Signal Squadron, former Squadron members, partners and invited guests attended a black tie function at the 5* Grand Hotel on Eastbourne seafront. It was a fantastic night and my particular thanks go to the Squadron 2IC, Capt Steph Barron, for her hard work and dedication in making the dinner night such a resounding success. It was a particular highlight to be joined by the very first OC 56 Signal Squadron from 1969, Maj (Retd) Trevor Boocock. 93 SUPPORT SQUADRON OC SSM Maj AW Morris WO2 (SSM) K Butcher The Sqn’s final MATT’s training weekend took place over the weekend of the 7 – 9 February, offering a last gasp opportunity for personnel from across the Regiment to qualify for the CO’s Certificate of Efficiency, and the associated and much vaunted annual bounty payment. This years event saw a total of 71 officers and soldiers taking part in proceedings, with the training requirement varying between those requiring only a couple of the ‘classroom’ based MATT 6’s to those needing to reach the necessary competence level across the full range of activities. 56 Sqn formed up ready for inspection After the parade, the Squadron were invited into the Council offices for a civic reception where the Mayor presented each member of the Squadron with a pennant in commemoration of the occasion. Following lots of photographs, a few drinks and some canapés, everyone returned back to the Army Reserve Centre where our friends and family were waiting for us for a more informal reception. The CO, Lt Col Marcus Cosgrove, used this occasion to present a cheque to the Corps Colonel for the Royal Signals Benevolent Fund, raised by members of the Regiment who recently competed in the Saturday morning heralded an early start for all, with those needing to pass anything other than the classroom based MATT 6’s taken down the road to Colerne to our sister Regiment, 21 Sig Regt, to make use of their extensive facilities. Suffice to say that the forecasted storms and torrential rains did not fail to materialise, leaving those who hadn’t heeded the advice to bring waterproofs feeling somewhat sorry for themselves! Needless to say, morale and spirits were lifted following the return to Horfield ARC and the eventual tucking into a hearty evening meal prepared by Cpl Andy Badman, followed by the time honoured adjournment to the Jimmy Club bar. 94 SIGNAL SQUADRON OC SSM Maj Harris WO2 (SSM) Hearn Exercise COLD START – by Sig Willis Not long after the stroke of midnight on a cold Friday night in January, I kicked off my first exercise with the Army Reserve alongside personnel representing 10 other cap badges, including 3 Military Intelligence Regt and the Honorary Artillery Company, plus of course elements from my own Unit - 39 (Skinners) Signal Regiment. During the initial brief we learned that we were to act the part of a UN peacekeeping force located near a Middle Eastern border hotspot, through which refugees could 72 THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 attempt to pass. Saturday was split into 4 training elements; Guard Duty, Admin, Quick Reaction Force (playing Enemy) and Patrolling, with each ‘stand’ lasting around 6 hours. My Section were initially on Guard Duty and message running on the FOB’s main gate. The night passed without major incident, interrupted at intervals by various groups of people entering and leaving, helping us to brush up on our stop and search drills. After 19 hours of being awake and working, I have rarely been so glad to see my bed for the night. When the time came to play enemy, we in 1 Section changed into our ‘civvies’ and deployed into the nearby FIBUA village to harass the troops and attempt to escalate tensions in the area. Whilst in stark contrast to the professional way in which we go about our work as Army Reservists, we found that going ‘native’ and ramping up the tension was utterly thrilling. When our turn came to undertake the Patrolling ‘stand’, we proved ourselves to be well and truly stealthy, as after 90 minutes of CTR and patrolling in the enemy’s backyard, we were never spotted or even suspected of being out there! Exercise MERCURY GLACIER XVII - by Cpl Graeme Tait The Royal Signals Alpine Ski Championships were held in Zell am See and Kaprun, Austria in November and December. Representing 39 and 71 Signal Regiments were Capt Dave Murphy, Lt Val O’Regan, SSgt Sonja McCoy, SSgt Gareth Nicholas, Cpl Graeme Tait, Sig Kerrie Edmonds and Sig Kirstie Jackson with 2Lt Aimee Morris attending as an instructor for the 3rd week. The format of the exercise is 3 weeks of ski training culminating in a week of racing. As not all of the troops were able to attend the entire 4 week exercise we arrived in 3 tranches with Capt Murphy, SSgt McCoy and Sig Jackson forming the advance party. The initial morning on the slopes is all about rediscovering ski legs and having a team ski around the Kitzsteinhorn Glacier. The afternoon of the first day on the slopes entails a “ski-off” which sees the prospective competitors demonstrating their skills or lack thereof to the instructor team and being allocated to groups of similar ability. Capt Murphy and Sig Jackson performed well and were placed in the top group who are provided with a local civilian race instructor “Risto”, a dedicated and intense instructor. The Top group received an intensive 3 week course focussing on race technique for both slalom and giant slalom while the other groups built up to this training by perfecting the basics first under their military instructors. As the weeks progressed, more team members arrived and were allocated into their respective ability groups. Troops at the ready to storm a compound... Being woken by gunfire and explosions is certainly a strange thing, and something that no doubt I will have to get used to over the course of my career. 3MI soon saw off the militants making all the noise, and orders came to us that we needed to find and arrest ringleaders as quickly as possible. Early on Sunday, bombed up and with the reassuring weight of grenades in our pockets, we moved up to assault the village. What really amazed me was the power of the grenades and how they really shake you to the core. After 20 minutes of adrenaline fuelled combat we got our man, and after a small counter attack and a few skirmishes in alleys that I will never forget, we came back to base and Endex was called. Reflecting back on this exercise, I now appreciate how much we learned from it and how well we bonded as a team. I am already looking forward to doing it all over again next year! Section Commanders orders… THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 The first couple of weeks of the exercise took place on the Kitzsteinhorn glacier which due to its altitude is guaranteed to provide skiable areas. However, due to its exposure it can be a very cold and unforgiving environment and many people invested in a variety of protective gear to deal with the conditions, with some very interesting face masks doing the rounds. We were fortunate that after the first 2 weeks we were able to move to the Schmittenhohe which is lower and more hospitable and barring a couple of days of poor weather we were blessed with blue skies and good skiing. On to Race Week, which most were looking forward too, with Lt O’Regan slightly apprehensive. However, she proved her fears were unfounded by showing a dramatic improvement from her first race run to her last! Capt Murphy and Sig Jackson competed well, with Sig Jackson taking home some prizes as runner up in the female categories. SSgts McCoy and Nicholas were fiercely competitive against each other and after a week of toing and froing, SSgt McCoy prevailed. All in all this is a fantastic experience and I would recommend it to anyone, advanced skier to novice. The exercise was very challenging and tested all thoroughly, as well as improving Alpine race skills for future competitions. 73 71st (CITY OF LONDON) YEOMANRY SIGNAL REGIMENT BEXLEYHEATH CO RSM Lt Col J Picton QC WO1 (RSM) M Whitfield MBE News from the Regiment It has been a busy start to 2014 for the Regiment as we continue to build towards are FR2020 end state, continuing with the ever increasing pressure and demands of Op FORTIFY whilst also maintaining support to UK contingency operations. The latter has notably been in the form of ICS support to 2 (SE) Brigade during Op PITCHPOLE. Pleasingly the Regiment has had two promotions on the recent SSgt – WO2 board; SSgt (FofS) A Jackson and SSgt (ArtVeh) Jones, both extremely well deserved. 47 (MIDDLESEX YEOMANRY) SIGNAL SQUADRON OC SSM SPSI Maj M Curtis-Rouse WO2 (SSM) G Shorthouse SSgt P Tinsley A new year and a new start to training for the Squadron with emphasis on the Annual Deployment Exercise which is anticipated to be in Denmark, taking the form of an eight day comms exercise with an OPFOR from Danish Reserve units. The Squadron was introduced to the new tempo of activities with the first exercise of the year being run by the RSM and the Regt Ops Team in the delightful damp location of Cinque Ports. Being the first fully green exercise with weapons and associated military skills that the Squadron has undertaken for many months, the worse was expected and expressed (they thought silently) by many members of the Squadron. What actually materialised was a surprisingly less beasting experience than anticipated, with a well-planned and well executed FOB defence scenario and multiples from each of the Regimental Squadrons deployed in rotation to defend and execute a series of related tasks. The Squadron’s Recruiting Officer, Capt Tim ‘Banoffe’ Roberts managed to get a lucky role as a multiple commander, though perhaps in reflection he wasn’t actually that lucky. The OC, Maj Mike Curtis-Rouse was delighted to discover that he was now in command of the FOB in addition to what he thinks as his Regiment (contrary to the CO and the Adjutant). The former Squadron 2IC, Maj Alex Orr was equally pleased to discover that he was back under the notional command of the Squadron and hence OC. Eyes certainly rolled as the fighting about who was actually in command look liked it was about to arrive; though the cunning instigation of two shifts actually prevented that from happening. Meanwhile outside of the FOB Ops room in the cold but oddly dry weather, the multiples were rotating through guard, the QRF and being off duty without a great deal of incidents. That was until two of the multiples decided to start tasking each other whilst the third multiple under Capt Roberts was on a patrol. Matters escalated quickly as a gang of disgruntled PSI’s decided to descend on the FOB; naturally Maj Orr was on hand to offer suitable bribes to keep them away, at least until the Base OC could pay them off the following day. Out on the ground Capt Roberts patrol was actively engaging anything which appeared to be of threat, ranging from hazardous and dangerous species such as brambles and gate posts. The enemy, if they were present were probably 74 laughing too much to present much of a threat. Of course the story from the patrol was completely different... In the OpsRoom, LCpl Mike Hone was demonstrating his ability to mesomorph into a beautiful green butterfly, though it did appear to the remainder of the sleepy Ops staff that he might have got stuck at the caterpillar stage despite Sgt Sophy Spittles gift of a pair of antenna. Newly arrived Capt Amanda Washbrook, the Squadron 2IC, spent much of the shift trying to understand the OC’s intent, his obsession with a crumpled copy of the Lakeland’s catalogue, the sleepy caterpillar and the frequent appearances of the Regimental Ops staff at moments which oddly coincided with base attacks. As the exercise progressed Maj Orr awoke from his sleepy beauty slumber, managing the record of most sleep ever on an exercise and took command from the OC. The 2IC had managed by now to discern a pattern in attacks and presence of the CO and Ops Maj, she decided getting her head down was the right thing to do when the majority of Regt Ops arrived with the CO in tow, minus all the of PSIs. Probably, a good thing too, as after that the equivalent of reservist hell broke loose, as the Adjutant, Capt Calum MacAulay, announced his presence at the FOB perimeter as a large stumbling bomb whilst the remainder of the PSI’s descended on the bleary eyed QRF and guard multiples. The OC managed to sleep through most of this, so isn’t entirely sure what happened, other than the attacks were fought off, and day was won. Cpl Rosie Ewbank ensures that the Squadron 2IC, Capt Amanda Washbrook is really clean In the celebrations after, a moment from found to promote LCpl Mike Hone, though not for his efforts as radio operating caterpillar which appeared to have left profound effects on the FOB Ops room staff. An excellent exercise and one which all members of the Squadron learnt along from and should stand us in good stead for the upcoming exercises. 68 (INNS OF COURT & CITY AND ESSEX YEOMANRY) SIGNAL SQUADRON SSM SPSI WO2 (SSM) J Paton SSgt Beattie Squadron Overview – by Capt John Donaldson The Sqn is going through a period of transition for the initial part of the year. The previous OC, Maj Alex Downing has finished his tenure and will shortly be replaced by Maj Sarah THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Treveillion. The previous 2ic, Capt Sean Olohan, has moved to a new job as ADC to Brig O’Leary in Upavon and he has been replaced by Capt Tim Roberts, previously of 47 Sig Sqn. The Sqn continues to train for its UK Ops contingency role in London with various exercises across all spectrums. We have had members involved in comms testing at Wellington Barracks and most recently, we have a number deployed on Op PITCHPOLE. We have participated in the recent training weekends which have been produced by RHQ and these have been a great success in building up the basic level of military skills across the board. Various members from the Sqn have also attended team medics courses ran at RHQ. The skiing season is very much in full swing and SSgt Marsh has been instructing in France with 38 Sig Regt and we have SSgt Stabler and Sgt Nugent due to go to Tignes, France for an exped, courtesy of Lt Stu Kennon, a former officer with the Sqn. SSgt ‘Jim’ Brown is currently sailing around the Canaries on Ex CANARY GOLD. A highly successful dinner night was held in the last weekend of January. It was also the night when the annual awards where given out, with LCpl Gary Mills, Sig Neil Kerlen and Sig Simon Chilton being the winners. The PSAO was awarded the William Hine award for his contribution to the Sqn over the past year!! This year promises to be as action packed as the last and there are a number of high profile events that the Sqn will take part in. We will carry out a parade to commemorate the start of the First World War. This will take place at Berkhamsted as we have a memorial erected there in tribute of the training that the Inns of Court Regiment undertook back in 1914. Then the Sqn, along with over 40 members of the Association, will travel to Normandy in France to participate in the 70th Anniversary of the D-Day landings. 265 (KENT AND COUNTY OF LONDON YEOMANRY (SHARPSHOOTERS)) SUPPORT SQUADRON OC SSM SPSI Maj Keith Wrate SSgt Leigh Griffiths SSgt Carl Shackleton OC Squadron Overview The Squadron started the year as it finished the last with a continued momentum for training, development and support to operations. Ex PHOENIX CANTER was the first of 2 infantry skills exercises designed to test the Squadron members operating in and out of a FOB location, which was well attended by members. Equipment care was high on the agenda for this period and various troop level inspections were carried out by SSgt Dave Haskell, SSgt ‘Daz’ Lane and SSgt Paul Thwaite. The Squadron worked very hard to ensure the detachments, ranging from REEBOK, CST and BOWMAN were presented to a high standard. The TC OPOs are maintained by the Squadron ED’s as well as the 3 FEPS generators and were equally well presented. The Squadron continued to provide manpower in support of Op FODIENT, with SSgt Carl Shackleton, Sgt ‘Matty’ Grounds, Cpl ‘Smiler’ Sutton and Cpl Paul Broadbent ensuring the Ops Room IT continued to work efficiently. Capt Sean Wardle and his team of medics provided 2 Team Medic courses at the Bexleyheath Army Reserve Centre. The first course was supported by the permanent staff from the 3 ARC locations of the Regiment and additionally members of 32 and 38 Signal Regiments. This was heavily interrupted by the announcement of Op PITCHPOLE, where a number of personnel were deployed in support of it, Sgt ‘Caz’ Castro, THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Sigs Paul Harrild and ‘Jacko’ Jackson manning the CST detachment loaned from 47 Sig Sqn and also assisting with manning the 71 Y Sig Regt NETCEN at Bexleyheath. The second was attended mainly by reservists keen to have this excellent qualification under their belt. The OC and Squadron members would like to congratulate LCpl ‘Crazy’ Crane and his partner Nicola on the birth of their baby son Harry and both mother and son are doing very well. The Squadron would also like to wish Capt ‘Khush’ Cooper a safe tour in Afghanistan and look forward to his war stories when he returns safely as Tp Commander, Log Sp Tp. Finally, at long last, congratulations go to LCpl Bob Brasier on receiving his well deserved promotion to LCpl, well done Exercise PHOENIX CANTER The first exercise for the Squadron was well attended at the bitterly cold location of Cinque Ports in Folkstone and expertly put together and run by the RSM and the Regt Ops Team. The exercise was fully tactical, operating from a FOB with personal weapons and well developed military skills. Prior to the exercise SSgt Carl Shackleton and Cpl ‘Smiler’ Sutton produced some interesting and testing lessons in tactics and field craft at the ARC. The exercise was based around a well-planned and well executed FOB defence scenarios with multiples from each of the Squadrons deployed in rotation to defend and take part in some testing conditions. The Squadron provided the G4 Support with SSgt Ian Lapidge and SSgt Paul Thwaite providing bed and hotel and Ptes Sylvia Hirst and Phil Evans providing breakfast and other excellent meals. The G4 set and the location secure all that was missing was the exercising troops. They arrived that night primed and ready to go. After receiving briefings from the RSM, Ops Maj and DS it was time for a quick 5 minutes sleep. Reveille was early and the smell of freshly cooked bacon, sausages, eggs, beans and tomatoes was readily received by the ever hungry troops and demolished in record time. The troops were then split into multiples and set off outside for NSP’s, right on cue, the heavens opened. A round robin training cycle continued throughout the day with lessons ranging from “fire and movement”, “patrolling” and “casualty evacuation”. The Squadron multiple was led by Lt Bolt from 68 Sig Sqn and the 2 ic was Cpl Sutton, with members of the Squadron making up the numbers. Saturday evening saw the start of the testing phase of the exercise with the main orders being given by Maj Mike CurtisRouse, OC 47 Sig Sqn, and his Ops Team. The exercise went through the evening and into the early hours of the next day where the FOB was hit by the DS on numerous occasions, providing different testing scenarios for the reserves to deal with. Throughout the duration the real time logistics and feeding were provided by the Squadron who were tested to the full and provided an excellent service. Sqn members preparing for patrol 75 NEWS FROM SQUADRONS 7 ARMOURED BRIGADE HEADQUARTERS AND SIGNAL SQUADRON (207) BERGEN - HOHNE COS Rear Maj CEJ Davies OC ROG Capt GE Middleton RSM WO1 (RSM) Wedge ALPHA TROOP OC SSgt 2Lt Painter SSgt Lowes Exercise RED RAT COMMUNICATOR – by Sig Jones-Ramirez On 27 January 2014 Alpha Troop deployed on Ex RED RAT COMMUNICATOR, in order to practice our skills on establishing and living out of our detachments. Before we departed for the local exercise area we had pre inspections which were carried out by the MT, OC ROG, Capt Middleton, and WO1 (RSM) Wedge, which was slightly concerning when he didn’t carry out his usual inspection of tyre pressures. Before we could start all this we were out shovelling snow, as it had snowed heavily the night before. As you can imagine none of us were impressed at the thought of having to go on exercise, especially myself as this was my first German winter and I was used to going on exercises in hot countries. To my dismay I was told count your self lucky this is a mild winter. We deployed to the local training area and on arrival in our specific locations, conducted a PACEX. Most of the drivers parked their vehicles with ease, however Sig ‘Jew’ Davies had lost the control of his legs and feet resulting in stalling his vehicle several times, whilst the clutch showed its displeasure by giving of a strong, unique burning smell. Once we were sited we started to set up our detachments. All was going well until someone came up to my detachment and mentioned that Cpl ‘Talkative’ Marshall had set up a poncho on the side of the Det. Our initial thought was “Surely they are not making us sleep outside the tent in this weather?” Thankfully someone answered our prayers and delivered us camp cots and told us you can all sleep in the 9x9 with central heating in the form of a luke warm kero heater. That night a Fire Piquet was put in place and all Det Commanders got together and made a list of all the stags. To everyone’s surprise there was little fuss made about timings. Sig ‘Mallet’ Hallett got lucky as the one member of his crew who didn’t have to do a stag. Due to him being Det Commander he decided that this member should be himself and therefore made LCpl Andy Yarrick stag on in the middle of the night, totally ignoring the paper, scissors, and rank slide rule, which proved to be his downfall. deploy out to different locations throughout Germany. Two of the Detachments were going to Normandy Barracks, Sennelager and Herford in order to get HF Communications back to the HQ located in a far flung field on Hohne training area. The remaining Detachment moved a short distance to yet another far flung field on the training area and established VHF Communications to anyone who would listen. Upon hearing where he was going Sig Hallett came out with the ultimate quote “Yes that means I’m going to Hareems tomorrow”. This is a local Spa with extra privileges in the area of Sennelager. I don’t think WO2 (YofS) Engleby was impressed with this comment and gave him a few press ups to show his appreciation. In the early hour of 29 January 2014 all three Detachments left their locations and returned to Hohne camp in order to POL and pick up our rations for the next 48hrs. On arriving at camp we were met by members of Support Troop and at that moment in time a little bit of annoyance crept in with our merry band of travellers, knowing that they were going back to their warm offices once our replen was completed. On arriving at my intended location we quickly discussed where we were going to site our Detachments and then cracked on with setting up. As we were pushing the trailer into place, because none of us had the required skills to reverse our vehicle with the trailer connected, I suddenly saw Sig ‘Mo’ Farrow disappear. As I ran round the trailer I saw him sprawled on the floor. He clearly thought it would be clever to bang his knee on the back of the trailer, nearly getting himself run over in the process. The remainder of the Exercise went fairly smoothly, with the exception of LCpl Yarrick, Sig Hallett and Sig ‘Pizza’ Crouch having to call on the skills of 200 Sig Sqn and their LAD to confirm that the amount of oil which had filled the drip tray over night was not normal, and there was a significant reason for not being able to drive to our next location back in Hohne. Once the exercise plan had taken into account that we had now left a Detachment in Sennelager we returned to Hohne only to find that our remaining Armoured Detachment was not only back on the road but had been strategically placed to be set up outside the garages in preparation for its new crew. The following day we all received plenty of revision on Antennas and Propagation by Cpl Marshall. Due to him getting carried away, we were stood in the cold for what seemed ages, which turned out to be even longer than we had anticipated. As you can imagine he wasn’t very popular at that moment in time. That night we received a full set of orders from the newly appointed Tp Comd, 2Lt Painter. This told us everything that was planned to happen over the next couple of days. Three of the Detachments were going to 76 THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 The Exercise came to an end with yet another Tp Comd and Tp SSgt Detachment inspection prior to moving to the Sqn welfare facility for Pizzas and a couple of beers to welcome 2Lt Painter into the Alpha Tp fold. We also took this opportunity to bid a farewell to those deploying on the remainder of Op HERRICK 19 allowing some of the Sqn to return. We hope they have a safe tour. SUPPORT TROOP OC SSgt WO2 (RQMS) Williams SSgt Caplis Exercise RED RAT TEARS – by Cpl McQueen After a week of preparing and carrying out our Units LSI and ECI the Squadron was to deploy on the first Exercise of 2014. This was to be a Leadership Exercise to develop all our junior soldiers ready for future promotion. It was organised and run by WO1 (RSM) Wedge who was keeping all the surprises to come close to his chest. It started nice and early Monday morning outside the Red Rat cinema. The first task was to have a full kit check. Needless to say, even with the Warning Order out before Christmas a few people still forgot some items. The rest of that morning was death by PowerPoint, starting with Leadership, Essay Writing and Appreciations, before learning the ‘7 Questions’ prior to lunch. The afternoon was then taken up by learning the orders process, which was to be to no avail as SSgt Lowes was to find later in the week. After learning what we needed to know for the week, it was off to the gym for an interesting circuit lesson. We were split down into our Teams 1 and 2, and then again separated into to further teams Alpha and Bravo. The ‘Hero’ circuit taken by Cpl Tuite was demanding and hard work. I was devastated when I was moved teams half way through as the original team then went onto win the circuit. A quick shower and change then led to getting on the TCV’s and heading out to Hasselhorst camp where we would then spend the rest of the Exercise. Once the mandatory briefs and getting rations were sorted, we were then given time to carry out personal administration before we would be told what we were doing that night. Team 1 had to do appreciations, while Team 2 gave their presentations. The appreciations were interesting as the 2½ hours we had went very quickly. I only just had time to finish before SSgt (FofS) Trott came in to hear my presentation of the answer. Needless to say I fell into the trap of the question and believed it to be Sunday in the question rather than Thursday, which made all my answer completely wrong. As Cpl Marshall and I were the first two to complete the task, we got what would be the earliest night of this Exercise. On Tuesday we started the day with getting a set of Platoon orders in order to write our own Section orders. For most of the team this was the first time of carrying out this process and made for some interesting results. This did put doubt in SSgt Lowes mind, as to whether or not his lesson had been a waste of time. Again, being the first to finish and with time to spare, meant that I could get some sleep as this was starting to be a pattern of the Exercise. If you had free time, you got your ‘admin’ sorted. That night we had night orienteering. We were briefed by WO2 (RQMS) Williams, who gave us our maps and checkpoints and set us off at intervals to go find each of the 12 checkpoints. As I was last out I was expecting to catch a few people along the route. Instead I found that a few of them had already grouped together by the first checkpoint. Cpl Marshall was the first to return after finding one checkpoint before he went out for a second attempt to find a further three. I then came in after a long search, but successfully finding all 12, the only person on the whole Exercise to do so. The remainder all eventually turned up just THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 before the time limit only finding three. However they did manage to find a local deer that scared them all as it crossed their path. We thought that that was the end for the night; little did we know that it had just been the start. At 0100 the DS sat us down in a classroom and gave us the good news. We had to write two 500 word essays on a selection of two topics from a list of six. By this point the tiredness was starting to set in and showed when the results of the essays showed that most people had failed to read the question and had gone off the topic, as that had been easier to write. We finally finished and got some well deserved rest before another early start. On Wednesday we started the day with command tasks with SSgt ‘Tiff’ Caplis and Cpl Moon. It was a good day and was very eventful. Sig ‘TB’ Jones showed his ability of height while escaping an ‘electrified’ enclosure. Sig Cuffe was good moral throughout the day, especially when he set off believing he had his day sack on until he physically checked to find that he had left it behind. Finishing early meant that we could get some sleep that we missed the night before. That evening was time for our presentations. The RSM enjoyed quite a show that night. Cpl Marshall turned his 15 minute presentation into a 35 minute lesson, while Sig Jones forgot to check his presentation format which meant that his PowerPoint did not work. This didn’t stop him as his good knowledge of the JSP references and all the details, gave for a good presentation. Luckily for us Team 2 had already informed us that the presentations were not the only thing we would be doing that night. The RSM then handed out a Maths assessment followed by an English assessment. This is to assess our key skills to level 2 standards. Command Tasks! Thursday, the final day had finally arrived. It was time to do the ‘7 Questions’ process. We sat on top of a ‘bun line’ looking towards the two enemy positions, in the German winter weather. All available warm kit was now on and being used, but it was still very cold. 2Lt Painter took our answers while trying to guide everyone through the reasonably hard process. Once we had all finished, rumours of another PT session spread prior to our departure back to camp. We all got onto the TCV’s again and headed back to camp. We got dropped off outside the welfare and headed into the bar; where there was a hot curry was waiting for us. After a quick debrief on how well the Ex had gone, we had a few drinks and food before going home to get some well earned rest. UNIT WELFARE OFFICE UWO SNCO Capt Newman SSgt Phil Oulton - by Sig Smith We are now well into the H19 Tour and with Christmas lurking around the corner the Squadron Welfare Team (A Team) 77 decided to show of the latest fashion trend with a onezie day at work. As gorgeous as Cpl Mal Barron normally looks, his was a vast improvement with his Santa Hat and Beard. As fun as it was Sig Smith and Sam Foulkes found it a bit warm being the main workers in the café, so after a hard day at work (drinking coffee and tea) the Welfare Team deployed on Ex FEAST for a beautiful meal and drinks at the Becklingen Hof Restaurant. Although the UWO, Capt ‘The Newmanator’ Newman was doing his best to get every one in a merry mood with shot after shot of ratznputz. This was not the best idea for LCpl Andy Kenyon to drink as it took a lot of self-control to keep his meal down to prove he wasn’t a shandy drinker after all. The after effects were plain to see the next morning with Sam Foulkes and Cpl Barron struggling to peel themselves out of their beds for work. It was a great night and all enjoyed themselves after a hard few months looking after the families. With partners away for Xmas, Jerboas Welfare Team led by The Newmanator and Team Oulton (Phil and Paula) laid on a Children’s Christmas party with entertainment from one of Germany’s finest children’s entertainers, who kept the kids amused with magic, music and balloon tricks which had the children in fits of laughter. We also had a special visit from Santa himself who took the time out of his busy schedule to deliver presents to the children. The day was a great success. A new year is upon us and with it new beginnings in the welfare with a sad good bye to Cpl Mal Barron after 14 months of hard work and a big hello to Cpl Lib Elgumaty. In his first week he has been thrown into the deep end with hypo children running around and screaming till there heart is content with the First Families day of 2014. The kids entertainer, Ashley Turley, helped keep them active and amazed with tricks, music and joking around. Fun was had by all, and looking forward to many more in the near future. 16 AIR ASSAULT BRIGADE HEADQUARTERS AND SIGNAL SQUADRON (216) COLCHESTER OC RSM Maj GJ Clarke WO1 (RSM) P Henderson Exercise EAGLE’S EYE - by Sig Clifford were given the opportunity to gain their French wings; SSgt Allan, Sgt Summerfield, Cpl Carver, Cpl Lister and LCpl Meadon, some of the lucky few involved. Exercise EAGLE’S EYE was a Brigade Level exercise situated in Calvi, Corsica. C Troop deployed to Camp Raffalli, augmented by a few random extras from A Troop, on our first proper exercise as a new Troop. The exercise was an opportunity for the Bde ISTAR assets, including members of 216 (Para) Sig Sqn, to get out on the ground with Paratroopers from the French Foreign Legion, while we provided the HICON, RLD and road move. The main exercise lasted five days, during which the ISTAR assets practised their TTPs, and co-ordinated with the Foreign Legion, producing target packs after conducting close recce. The exercise proved worthwhile for the Para trained as they C Tp lob with the French Forigen Legion in Corsica 216 (Parachute) Signal Squadron were a key element, led by Lt Stradling on his first overseas deployment with the Squadron. We provided the communications backbone throughout. Local facilities were transformed into a HICON, where 117F and HF capabilities were put into action during training cycles and FTX. We also picked up the logistic burden of driving all the way to Corsica… and back… not a short trip! C Tp at the home of 2 Rep 78 Aside from the main exercise, there was scope for members of the Squadron to add value to the training. SSgt Allan and Sgt Summerfield ran an overnight survival stand on the training area for the Brigade, which included shelters, ground sign awareness and some very freshly prepared rabbit. Cpl Carver planned and co-ordinated a tactical NavEx that THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 C Tp in Corsica Ex EAGLES EYE challenged the exercising troops. The Legion also put on some training, allowing members of the Squadron to learn amphibious drills under the instruction of 3 Compagnie; this included river crossings and anti-aviation drills; nothing like capsizing in the freezing Mediterranean sea in February! of -20 we did think of these new recruits for a second or two while we were snuggled in our doss bags (not together, that would be weird). South RRB was crewed by Sig Barton and Sig Moore. Although they didn’t have the joy of the snow they were blessed with strong winds. We found this out when we heard they had to go and retrieve their 12x12 one evening! They also had time to brush up on their ‘I Spy’ skills with an epic 4 hour game, Sig Moore winning this because of his knowledge of different bushes and wildlife, clearly showing his old age. They were so keen and enjoying themselves they even stayed out another night! Overall the exercise went well, it was a good training exercise for us as well as the Officer Cadets. The comms were good and was invaluable in terms of brushing up skills and drills whilst maintaining a RRB in some tough terrain. It was also good to see what the other half do in order to earn their commission! 82 Airborne Division Visit, Fort Bragg – by Cpl Crabb Pre-Jump Overall, the exercise was a great opportunity for both the experienced and inexperienced soldiers to brush up on their skills, particularly on TACSAT and HF. It was also a good opportunity for us to train and live alongside the Legion, and of course, get out of Colly! Exercise LONG REACH – by Sig Snell 216 (Para) Sig Sqn assisted the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst by providing two RRB detachments for the new Officer Cadets’ first major navigation exercise, in a very wet and snowy Wales. The cadets, who are only in week 5, have to cover between 70 and 80km carrying a Bergen, a bit like Lanyard but not as hard. They have a number of checkpoints to go to, in which many include command tasks they have to attempt in teams and hopefully pass. North RRB was the responsibility of Sig Snell and Sig Sinclair. This was located 800m up in the Black Mountains. It was definitely a cold one, wind speeds of 52 mph and a wind chill THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Following a much deserved Christmas leave 9 specially selected members of the Sqn, WO2 (FofS) Ruscoe, SSgt (FofS) Risley, SSgt Steel, Cpl Mauger, Cpl Crabb, LCpl LavelChesterton, LCpl Moorby and Sig Gladwyn led by WO1 (RSM) Henderson eased our way into the New Year by deploying to Fort Bragg, North Carolina, home of the 82nd (All American) Airborne Division. After a nine hour flight and a 3 hour car journey, with some very tired faces, we arrived. Fort Bragg is basically the largest Army base in the world; it has a motorway, 2 hotels, 3 malls, an airbase and a training area the size of Salisbury plain. The purpose of the visit was interoperability of all tactical communications systems, both voice and data, for future joint deployments of both NATO countries. We were shown around their vehicles and deployable trunk systems, as well as their Div HQ, which turned out to be considerably smaller than our current Bde HQ. We even managed a bit of interoperability with a Dutch contingent who went on to use our TVB on an exercise with 3 BCT to great success. Between trials we managed to find space for a little recreational activity; LCpl Moorby and Sig Gladwyn took some time out of their busy schedule to travel to one of the many local pistol ranges. Upon arrival they declared that we 79 were A) “Not American red necks” and B) “Were not terrorists” and therefore were allowed to stroll onto the range (with 100 rounds of 9mm and 100 Rounds .45 special) with no instruction other than ‘try not to shoot yourself’. Whilst trying not to shoot each other they managed to fire a Springfield 9mm XDM match grade pistol, an all American classic colt 1911 and a heavily modified sports Glock 17L as a treat from our new American friends. After a very useful and interesting 10 days with a great deal learnt on both sides, it was time to say goodbye and make the long journey back to Colchester to make plans for future exercises. A short trip in May is looking promising and an extended Sqn deployment in Oct (approx 6 weeks…) is on the calendar. Exciting times to come, Para, AT, Sport, Comms and more Para!! American Jump – by SSgt Steel Fri 10 Jan 14 and the 4 Para trained personnel from the Sqn, WO1 (RSM) Henderson, WO2 (FofS) Ruscoe, SSgt (YofS) Risley and SSgt Steel had to attend jump school with elements of 7 (Para) RHA. Having passed the course we were qualified to jump the following Sunday. Sunday arrived, we received a DZ brief and off we went to Pope Airfield which is the same size as RAF Brize Norton but only 10 minutes away. It was then we found out that we were jumping from a C-17 at night with new in service parachutes. What could go wrong?! The C-17 took off with us all raring to get our American wings. One more thing was mentioned on the plane however, there were vehicles and armour on the DZ so steer away from the red cylumes, great!! themselves with their new dets and got stuck in. Admin prizes, good and bad go to; LCpl Flynn for almost getting his wagon bogged in (bad), whilst LCpl Hardy was that squared away he even managed to pack a radio, heater and a fabreeze scented air-freshener (good)! Straight from Friday Woods, C Troop deployed in force on Squadron CT2 in Otterburn, whilst the more lucky members deployed to Corsica on Exercise EAGLES EYE for four weeks. Both exercises brought their own war stories; snow in Scotland v a flooded Ops room in Corsica, living in Otterburn v being 100m from the Beach… fair to say Corsica was much more arduous! A swift recovery by all means the Troop are set and ready to go supporting A Tp on CAST(N). With a raft of new faces due to join us in the coming weeks, we say a farewell to Lt Stradling who moves over to A Tp to plan their MST year, whilst Lt Dodson comes in as the new OC Charlie Troop. SUPPORT TROOP - by LCpl Moorby and Sig Scullion OC/QM Capt Kev Read RQMS WO2 (RQMS) ‘Nipper’ Sherlock Support Troop and Para While the rest of the Sqn are busy gallivanting around Europe and swanning off to the USA Support Troop are busy preparing for the forthcoming exercises; the nearest crocodile to the canoe being the Bde CAST in Catterick, before the notorious JOINT WARRIOR in April. On 10 February the Training Wing organised a refresher and currency parachute jump for 20 blokes from 216. The weather was a bit hit and miss and despite the low cloud coverage of c.600ft, most jumps went ahead less the QM’s who is “still” waiting to complete his refresher jump! It wasn’t that the QM refused, the jump was aborted for all refreshers on board the aircraft, much to their disappointment as they had to jump from a far more casual 1000ft! Back at 600ft Cpl Black had a real test of character as the RCMO 13 Med Regt got caught in his risers, only managing to release and continue the decent when at 100ft! Luckily both came away unscathed and unsoiled after quite a fast decent. Ready for the jump The jump went in at 1000 feet and all four members landed safely with no injuries, no one collided with the heavy loads on the DZ and no one forgot their new American drills. On our final day we finally got presented our American wings, yet another set for the collection. CHARLIE TROOP OC SSgt Lt Sradling SSgt Richardson Troop Overview – by Sig Stark What a start to the year! With Charlie Troop fully established, January saw the Troop deploy on Exercise EAGLES CHAIN on the local training area. This was a chance dust off the cobwebs on the Bowman platforms, practicing our new role as a Troop. Once out on the area, the lads familiarised 80 216 Training Wing For WO2 (RQMS) ‘Nipper’ Sherlock this would be his last of many jumps before he leaves the Squadron for Northern Ireland. The RQ asked all who jumped to sign his parachute decent logbook for the very last time. The book is now full of all the names from his previous jumps, and there are a few! A fine way to mark the end of loyal service to 216 (Parachute) Signal Squadron; we all wish the RQ the best for the future. THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 next activities leading the Troop to an all you can eat Chinese buffet and beyond…! MT/LAD TROOP OC SSgt Capt Oliver SSgt Conley Exercise EAGLES EYE (CORSICA) With elements of the Sqn deploying with the French Foreign Legion, 2 Para and Charlie Troop the MT/LAD managed to secure two places for the deployment. Cpl ‘Scotty’ Graham and Sig ‘No Banter’ Tranter were the lucky chosen ones. The RQ’s final jump ALPHA TROOP – by Sig Wood OC SSgt Lt Dodson SSgt Allan After a well deserved break over the Christmas period, Alpha Troop hit the ground running at the start of the New Year. LCpl Johnny ‘Tight Face’ Laval-Chesterton and Sig ‘Gladders’ Gladwyn deployed to the US on Ex EAGLES MESSENGER as part of a small group of SME’s testing interoperability with our American counterparts, whilst the remainder of the Troop slogged away in the less glamorous role of EC in preparation for our next deployment. Deployments in support of the PF Cadre and Ex LONG REACH followed, with our final commitment involving a Troop deployment on CAST (North). Some changes in Troop hierarchy see Lt John Dodson depart the Troop for pastures new in next doors Charlie Troop garages, as the Troop welcome Lt Pete Stradling the other way as he begins his ordeal as Alpha Troop OC! Welcome sir! The Troop also welcomes Sig ‘S-P’ Smailes-Peart as he is posted in fresh from Blandford. An exciting time for the Troop as it approaches the end of its tenure as ‘Ops Troop’, he could not have arrived at a better time in terms of development as we move into the role of MST Troop. 3 … 2 … 1 … Go! With a well earned Christmas holiday over all too quickly, the Troop organised an Alpha Troop bonding day in which it would say farewell to Troop Commander Lt John Dodson. With promises from Cpl Sean Bowden of a ‘Call of Duty’ style paintball arena proving to be a figment of his imagination, the Troop settled for a Grand Priz style event at the local Go Karting Track. With helmets on and suits zipped up, we were chomping at the bit to get started. With a minimum of 6 heats of 5 laps per person, the race was on to see which 8 would make the grand final! With Sig Tyrone ‘Spaghetti-neck’ Cox counting himself out the running with the lap times expected of a pensioner, and Cpl Sean Bowden still struggling to find a step ladder to use to get himself up into his go-kart, early indications suggested that Sig James ‘Jimmy’ Harper was the most likely to end victorious as he bulleted around the track in a Donkey Kong esq manner. Other personnel would soon stake their claim for the crown, as LCpl ‘Slavs’ Slaven and Sig Joey ‘Sam Turkington’ Barton showed what weighing 8 stone can do for your lap times! Come the final race the Troops lined up as expected, with surprise appearances from LCpl ‘Revs’ Revell and Sig Dominic ‘Road Rage’ Galdwyn amongst the starting line up. Troop OC Lt Dodson showed little consideration for his men as he claimed pole, whilst Cpl Bowden surprised all to make the final 8 despite being unable to reach the pedals. A nail biting race saw the boss cross the line in 1st with Sigs Nunn and Harper finishing 2nd and 3rdy. The prize giving signalled the conclusion to the Troop bonding days warm-up, with the days THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 After their mammoth road trip from Colchester to Corsica, they were fortunate enough to go through survival training with SSgt ‘Gaz’ Allen. The comedy duo was exposed to group killing, skinning and cooking wild rabbits and generally devouring everything remotely edible in their path. There was also the opportunity to carry out boat capsizing drills and other survival techniques thanks to members of the Foreign Legion. I’m sure that these new skills will be put to good use in rain swept Essex. Parachuting February saw the airborne members of MT/LAD conducting ground training ready for some parachuting. After some dubious flight swing action from the Tiffy and a few dodgy landing rolls from the MTO it was time to load onto the coach and head to Wattisham airfield. Once there it was an agonising wait, in the rain (of course), hoping for the C130 Hercules aircraft to arrive. After checking our kit, we were good to go, the beautiful sound of ‘Fat Albert’s’ engines drew nearer and we knew that the jump was on. Once in the air the anticipation was palpable, you could see the excitement on the faces of the young and old (MTO) as the air dispatchers did their final checks, the DZ was nearing and the words “action stations” called. The first stick wasted no time in getting into the door, “Red On, Green On... GO”, one by one the mighty MT/LAD was deployed. AIRBORNE. Arrivals and Departures Since the beginning of 2014 there have been a number of comings and goings in MT/LAD Troop. Firstly we would like to say our goodbyes to LCpl ‘Baggy’ Bagshaw who has been a great asset to the Troop and we wish you all the best for the future. At the same time we welcome back Cpl ‘Big Rig Riggers’ Ridguard and we would like to welcome Cpl ‘Little Louie’ Hibbins and LCpl ‘Buzz’ Burrows into the Sqn. Cross Country: On 22 Jan the Squadron Cross Country team travelled to the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst to compete in the Army Championships. The top Army cross country runners were in attendance so it was surely the cream of the crop. People were slipping and sliding everywhere and running through knee deep water, and with over 500 runners it was a busy course. Sgt Devlin performed particularly well, being the first Squadron member to cross the line and despite the heavy rain, boggy conditions and a tricky course he managed a very respectful time. Congratulations go to the whole team for what was an excellent effort. Football: On 5 Feb the Squadron played football against 7 Para RHA. Three members of Support Troop played in the fixture all contributing with sterling performances. Cpl Black particularly, in goal, making some good saves but despite his efforts three got past him. The strength of the 7 Para RHA side came through in the end and despite a dogged battle by the Squadron, the final score was 3-1 to the Gunners. 81 299 SIGNAL SQUADRON (SC) BLETCHLEY OC Maj Sarah Clifford After a much needed festive break, the Sqn has picked up the tempo right where it left off and launched straight into training for an increased number of overseas deployments, later on in the year. The current SC Course has now embarked upon Module 3 which sees them undergo OGD specific training at the hands of external instructors. This builds towards their final, confirmatory exercise in March where all of their newly acquired skills will be put to the test. In addition to daily life, Sqn personnel have also been busy with other active pursuits: skydiving in California (Ex JUMPING LYNX), Keswick Runner and the Inter-Unit Cross Country Championships. On a more arduous note, our congratulations also go to Capt Liam Crane on recently passing P Company. We are delighted to say welcome to Lt Chloe Bensaid, Sgts Mike Jones, Jim Luke and Paul Traxler who will join the team to face the challenges ahead, and it is with regret that we have to say farewell and thank you to Capt Joey Collins, SSgt Si Gibney, Sgts Steve Hicks, Gaz Stewart and Ben Heath, Cpls Lewis Hibbins and Ben Donaldson who all leave us to use their talents for the benefit of the wider Corps. And finally good luck to Sgt Jenny Ingram as she leaves the Army and sets out on her new career. The Co-Responder scheme is staffed by Military, Fire and Police personnel across the country. Co-Responders deploy in marked ambulance service vehicles and receive driver training. They often cover shifts to support local emergency services. The ability to use blue light response increases the area that the scheme can cover, and hasten the provision of medical support to the local community. The Sqn now has over half a dozen (and increasing) qualified Co-Responders plus 3 qualified response drivers who complete several shifts a month. The scheme benefits the community but also the Squadron by allowing the participants to increase their medical knowledge and get experience and exposure to real medical emergencies. The visit culminated in the presentation of the Op HERRICK medal to Sgt ‘Gaz’ Stewart, who served with OGD in Kabul. The Corps Colonel also took the opportunity to update the Sqn on the future of the Corps and how the 299 Sig Sqn (SC) will play its part in the new Corps structure. The Corps Colonel visits 299 Sig Sqn (SC) – by Cpl Jenkins On 14 Jan 2014 299 Sig Sqn (SC) had the pleasure of hosting the Corps Colonel, Col Norton. As the Colonel had previously experienced a full Sqn capability demonstration, it was decided that the format should be changed to display some of the more personal and operational aspects of the unit’s role. On arrival the Corps Colonel was taken to the Lynx Club for the usual spread of tea and biscuits prior to a comprehensive meeting with the OC, Maj Sarah Clifford. The Corp Colonel was then presented several vignettes from a number of serving Special Communications Operators (SC Op), who had recently returned from operational deployments all over the world. Sgt Stewart, Cpl Younge and Cpl Haworth vividly described the unique operational roles and responsibilities of a deployed SC Op, generating some interesting discussion points. Once the vignettes had been delivered and questions answered, it was time to introduce the NHS Co-responders within the Sqn. Sgt ‘Gaz’ Stewart receiving his Op HERRICK medal An Insight into the Special Communicator’s Course from a Student’s perspective - by Sgt ‘Scotty’ Pardoe Module One The primary aim of Module 1 of the SC Course is to ensure that all applicants have the required military skills to operate efficiently, both as part of a team and as an individual, whilst on operations. This is achieved with a mix of both theory based and practical lessons taking place in the classroom, and delivered on the surrounding training area. The skills covered throughout Module 1 included field-craft, navigation, medical training, marksmanship and of course, physical training. Due to the nature of Module 1, and the amount of work on the timetable, the 7 weeks spent in Lydd passed by extremely quickly, paving the way for the Module 1 Test Exercise. Module Two The Corps Colonel and some of the 299 Sig Sqn (SC) CoResponders 82 The course’s progression into Module 2 saw the initial tuition focused on communication principles, mainly satellite and GSM. These lessons served as a good foundation and refresher for all of the students, many of whom had never been exposed to satellite communications. The main bulk of the communication lessons revolved around satellite bearer systems and different VHF/UHF radios that are utilised by the Sqn during operations. The hardest bit about these lessons THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 for the majority of the course, was the move away from widely used Bowman systems in order to become familiar with a new system – which is small and very capable. Students on the current SCC will be soon be moving onto Module 3 and the final overseas Test Exercise. The next SCC commences in September, see below to apply: With the Personal Protection Package (PPP) in Module 2, pistol shooting really came to the fore. A lot of practice time was well spent on the pistols and more rounds were sent down the range in one day than any of the course members would have fired in a year at their current units. Many new techniques and firing positions were introduced. The pistol shoots were integrated with good use of cover and vehicle contact and fallback drills. Each day ended with a competition that tested speed, accuracy or both and resulted in the loser buying biscuits for the rest of the course. Special Communications Briefing Course (SCBC) PPP concluded with 3 days of scenarios. We would be deployed to conduct a task, wither alone or with a partner and inevitably get caught up in a riot, civil order situation or a robbery, unless you were Cpl ‘withdraw’ Whitmore, who managed to evade more scenarios by driving through bollards or barging down doors. Throughout the exercise we were armed with rifles and pistols, both adapted for the use of simunition...an excellent way to ensure maximum use of cover. THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 SCBC courses 2014: 3-6 Feb 10-13 Mar 19-22 May 9-12 Jun Please complete and submit PD206 to attend. SCBCs will be held at Longmoor Camp. Special Communicators’ Assessment (SCA) SCA course 2014: 2-3 July 14 A second filter has been added this year. Successful candidates from the SCBCs will attend a SCA at Aldershot. 83 OTHER UNITS HEADQUARTERS BRITISH FORCES SOUTH ATLANTIC ISLANDS - J6 ACOS J6 Sqn Ldr Richard Coles RAF SO3 J6 Capt (Tfc) Clarke Fatchett YofS SSgt (YofS) Adam Philpotts - by LCpl Keith Introduction British Forces South Atlantic Islands BFSAI (Falklands) is a Joint and integrated command formed of personnel from all three services charged with delivering a very real operational effect; the deterrence of any aggression towards the South Atlantic Islands and reassurance to the local population. RADCON is the Tactical Communication section and are responsible for the provision of secure and insecure tactical reach-back communications enabling Command and Control to support HQBFSAI activities. These communications take the form of rapidly deployable Immediate Response Operators (IRO) and Bowman FFR vehicles known as CrashOut Detachments (COD). Exercise/Activities The Roulement Infantry Company (RIC) recently carried out their final live firing phase in the form of Ex CAPE BAYONET which took place on 2-8 Dec 13. During this ex, LCpl Steve Dickson, Sig Nathan Crowe and Sig Kieran Johnstone deployed to provide a safety communications net for the Grenadier Guards. It was a great opportunity for the guys to give ‘real time’ comms in support of the infantry on the ground seeing how the ‘other half’ operate. Christmas Trips Out A ‘Force Development’ day out to Mount Harriet and Port Stanley memorial sites was organized for RADCON personnel. This gave us the opportunity to get out of work for the day to the battlefield sites and learn a bit about the history of the Falkland Islands conflict. We were picked up at 0900 by Petty Officer ‘Smudger’ Smith; our first stop was Mount Harriet. There we took a short trek up the path that the commandos would have taken finding various items strewn about along the way including Argentinean water bottles and rusted mortar base plates. Looking back out to sea we could make out the un-cleared minefields that they would have had to yomp through. From there we really got a sense of what had happened there on those dark winter nights. We then proceeded to Gypsy Cove and it wasn’t long before we were almost tripping over the wildlife. Stumbling upon a group of about eight young seal pups, amazingly camouflaged in the long grass, mesmerised by their large dark eyes we didn’t realise the daddy was lying round the corner, and then his stench hit us! This guy was huge and after a few nervous photos were taken he gave us a growl that said “time’s up guys” and so we obligingly proceeded back towards the penguins and their young. Once we had had our fill of wildlife it was time to sample 84 On top of Mount Harriet memorial, which was the key ground 42 Commando fought and won on 11-12 June 1982 L-R – Sgt Dipak, Sig Iatsenko, Sig Johnstone and LCpl Hack some Falklands culture in Port Stanley. A few of us were in our last two weeks and so it was straight to the souvenir shop where the business acumen of the Falkland islanders became apparent with everything from a £500 watch to a tiny glass bottle of Falklands sand available and all decorated with penguins! Once we had satisfied our ‘tacky gift for the family’ obsession, we visited a couple of “historic buildings”, to our joy both buildings just so happened to sell beverages of the alcoholic type! It was the perfect end to a day of history, wildlife spotting and souvenir buying. Welcomes and Farewells Welcome to Sgt Dipak Gurung, LCpl ‘Shacks’ Shekhar, LCpl Michael Robertson and LCpl ‘Daveo’ Davison from 30 Signal Regiment, 22 Signal Regt and 1ADSR respectively. Farewells to Sgt Vicky Gurung who heads happily back to 22 Sig Regt and then to Blandford for her Yeoman of Signals course in September. LCpl Andy Keith returns to 1 ADSR in Herford. Also leaving us are LCpl Nefin Hack and Sig ‘Pav’ Iatsenko back to 216 Sig Sqn. Christmas in the Falklands Christmas celebration and New Year was celebrated quietly with parcels from home and goody boxes for the Armed Forces to boost morale for the self-pity lads. An organized sport was played in the gym with refreshments later in the Oasis Café during the festive period. Unfortunately there was no snow but plenty of wind! THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Exercise Alpine Buffalo 24 Jan 2014 – 01 Feb 2014 - by 2Lt Ciborowski Eighteen members of Inkerman Troop (Previously known as Lashkar Gah Troop), 202 Sig Sqn 3 DSR deployed on Friday 24 January on the adventure training exercise ALPINE BUFFALO to complete a week of Alpine skiing in the Austrian ski resort of Zell Am See. Led by course instructor Sgt Jonny Howe, the Troop began the long journey from Bulford to Austria via France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany, arriving in time for pre adventurous training festivities. The Troop were based at the impressive ‘Club Kitzsteinhorn’ at the bottom of the Schmitten ski slopes. A new €5m building had recently been completed, with facilities including two 5-a-side football courts, a rock climbing wall, beach volleyball courts, trampolines and most importantly…a sauna. Having spent the remainder of the weekend settling in and a day trip to Salzburg, the Troop were split down into 2 groups based on ability with one group led by SSgt Kate Hopkinson, mostly having never skied before, and the second group led by Jonny, who had some experience of skiing. For Kate’s group, the Monday morning consisted mainly of learning how to put skis on, how to fall over (gracefully) and an introduction to skiing down the slope on a gentle slope at the bottom of the Schmittenhoe, mostly populated by 3-5 year olds, or ‘snow babies’ as they fondly became known. Jonny’s group, however, were put through their paces with some advanced skiing techniques taught by their keen instructor. The beginners then advanced up the mountain to the blue slopes where they all stylishly fell over before the ski lift with LCpl Mike ‘Black Mike’ Harrage managing to lose a ski and his helmet whilst skidding backwards down the slope. The rest of the day was spent gaining more confidence on the skis and learning how to turn and how to slow down with the favoured ‘snow plough’ method. Following a change of personnel in each group SSgt Kev Bickford and 2Lt Danny Ciborowski were promoted to Jonny’s group and were quickly sent down the red slopes. The advanced group were taught well by their attentive instructor and were soon carving nicely down the slopes before everyone enjoyed some well earned aprés ski in town. The weather was forecasted to be clear on the Wednesday which merited a trip up to the Kitzsteinhorn glacier. After a gut wrenching trip up the gondola to the top of the mountain, the group were rewarded with the stunning views of the Austrian Alps at the top and a glorious day of skiing ahead. Sgt Howe’s group went through popular techniques such as the ‘teapot’ whereas Kate and twin sister Kerry’s group focussed on moving smoothly down the nice wide pistes and enjoyed themselves. After a regroup at lunch, the groups made their way down the variety of slopes. The afternoon proved to be challenging yet very rewarding with some slopes reaching 63% gradients. Sgt Howe then proved his Corps championship value by descending the slalom course in 35 seconds. To his disappointment, he was told he was not the quickest that day with a snow baby completing the course in 34 seconds. Towards the end of the week the main challenges the group faced were the thinning of snow and the temptations of aprés ski. The skiers were left to practice all that they had been taught on the Friday where most were able to descend freely down the more challenging slopes despite completing just one week’s instruction with no previous skiing experience. The week concluded with a meal out and a timely HATO with the Regt HQ staff for their week’s AT in Zell am See and the aims of the trip were met. A solid week’s AT to build on the mental and physical robustness that the troops developed on their recently concluded tour on Herrick 18 and a readjustment to barrack life for 2014. THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 85 Exercise mou 3 - 17 Ja On 2 January 2014, ten expedition members made their way to 14 Sig Regt (EW) following a refreshing Christmas break. Having driven several hours westbound, the team proceeded to make their way east, back down the M4 to Heathrow. There, they met the other (sensible) four members of the team. The plane left in the early hours bound for Madrid, our first of many stops, before arriving at our final destination; Torres del Paine, Chile. The Outbound Journey Excited at the prospect of being in Spain, Moustache Trump Cards were dealt and thousands of Chilean Peso was up for grabs. LCpl Robert ‘Sanchez’ Churchward had the inside knowledge of the trump cards and profited accordingly. Following a luxurious thirteen hour flight which included four inflight meals, personal entertainment and the onset of Deep Vein Thrombosis, we arrived at Santiago, the capital of Chilean culture. Sadly we had to press on to Punta Arenas; the poor, unwashed cousin of Santiago. However, before checking in to the internal flight we made sure that our baggage had not made its way into the baggage claims hall. Fortunately, we checked, and it had. In the wee hours of 4 January, we arrived at Punta Arenas airport, collected our luggage and set off by coach to the Singing Lamb hostel, Puerto Natales. After a three hour journey, we struggled to orientate ourselves at the Puerto Natales bus station highlighting to the group this may be a taster of things to come. After the JSMLs negotiated many a map and compass, we thought it best to ask the locals. Upon arrival at the Singing Lamb, with backpacks in one hand and passports in the other, the front desk informed us they were unable to find our booking of the accommodation. The JSMLs reassured the group it had definitely been booked, but already, confidence in the JSMLs had begun to dwindle! On 5 January we boarded another bus and set off for the Torres del Paine National Park. Whilst on tarmac, faith in the driver’s ability was dubious; when the road turned to gravel, it was non-existent. On the plus side, LCpl ‘Hoogs’ Hoogesteger had a stroke of luck; the poor Chilean girl crushed in next to him left the coach after twenty minutes and for the first time in a four day journey, he was able to stretch his legs. Coming over the John Garner Pass to Glacier Grey 86 THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 uflon's lotus an 2014 - by LCpl Evans and LCpl Hoogesteger The Trek The first leg of our trek was a 7km tester from the briefing hut to our first camp site location; Hotel las Torres. The JSMLs, furious with rage at a split group, made no effort to conceal their fury and debriefed the hikers accordingly. ‘’Half pace’’ became a catchphrase born out of frustration for those who chose to dawdle at the back of the group. Then the rain came. We awoke at 7 the following morning for an early start, packed our wet tents and had what we were to learn was a standard Chilean breakfast. This comprised of an egg cup’s worth of scrambled egg, two slices of bread that could have been used as a prop in ‘Alice in wonderland’, a token piece of fruit and ranges coftea to wash it all down with. This was the point that we began what is known as the Torres Del Paine loop: an undulating and at times challenging 110km + circuit that took in all terrains and scenery on offer within the National Park. That day, we were able to take in the full beauty of the lower plains of the Torres del Paine. The scenery was Chilean, but the weather was Brawdy, with the group encountering all weathers over the course of 24 hours. We came to realise the JSMLs may not have been the only cowboys on the trek as we were overtaken by whooping men on horseback with cigarettes in their mouths and real spurs on their boots. That evening at Refugio Seron, we were treated to the best hospitality to be found in the Park. The camp site rangers fitted us into what can only be described as a garden shed for an excellent hearty stew. The JSMLs newly found friend, ‘Chico’, was happy to host us and wished us on our way the following morning with full stomachs for the onward journey. Destination: Camp Dickson. Still, it rained. The day was wet. Wet underfoot, wet overhead, wet kit and for LCpl Thomas ‘token-smoker-but-not-allowed-in-the-NationalPark’ Whyte; wet cigarettes. Mawdor’s routes were probably more penetrable than what the group encountered that day. The staff at Camp Dickson informed us that the pass for our onward destination was closed for repair due to inclement weather and were we to continue, we would be turned away at Los Perros campsite. The following two, wet days spent at Dickson were miserable to say the least: LCpl Luke ‘no WIFI?’ Munchmore went into a state of depression unable to contact his now ex-girlfriend. The shopkeeper however, kept morale high by informing the group in 30 minute increments as to when he would be opening the shop. Undeterred by making a profit, he sold large quantities of food with reluctance and brought to our attention that ‘’there were other campers’’ on the site. Very few, we were to learn, were attempting the pass and were doubling back to the comparative luxuries of Hotel Las Torres. Still, it rained. Icebergs floating in the lake did not deter LCpl Dan ‘the-man’ Evans and Sig Sam ‘sunglasses-all-the-time-even-when-it-poured-so-not-the-man’ Dow from skinny dipping in the lake and subsequently found out it was no colder than the showers. Games of cards and ‘Mafia!’ ensued... We set off with eagerness on 7 Jan to conquer the John Garner pass. We had not realised the quality of the map the JSMLs were using until today. If we were to hike where the Eagle was drawn on it, we would’ve inevitably got lost! After a relatively steep ascent through a beautiful green lush forest and out past a retreating glacier carving a huge lake into the mountainside, encountering no-one, we came across the campsite; Los Perros. Los Perros, literally translated, means ‘the dogs’ in Spanish. ‘The Dogs’ it was, and not in a good way. It was like somewhere time had forgotten, with a swampy atmosphere that could only be described as creepy. It was so wet there, that even Lt ‘we only really have to use the tents once, anyway’ Hodder and Capt ’I had to carry you’ Winkles were unable to set alight to anything. Glad we had not had to endure a night there, we pressed on up the valley through the dense forest The Summit Team following a hanging Orange. Yes, a hanging Orange. We were lost. Attempting to negotiate our way out of the woodline we realised the error of our ways and began to retrace our steps. This put an hour and a ‘’smidge’’ into our trek and when we finally emerged from the woodline on the right course and into the snow we could see the task that lay ahead of us: The pass. THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 87 Only park rangers and what appeared to be a group of walkers attempting the pass were ahead of us. When we caught up to the group, their inexperience became apparent. Donning trainers and neglecting to wear gloves, they asked us for help in getting over the pass. In the dense snow and blizzard like conditions, visibility was poor and the one-step-forward-two-stepsback was disheartening. Still, sometimes dragging our new friends up increasingly steep terrain in increasingly adverse conditions spurred us on. Physically, we were most challenged by this stage. It was worth it however, when we got over the John Garner Pass at 1150m into the relative calm of the other side. We said goodbye to the family we had helped and wished them well for the remainder of their journey. We were now in sight of the awesome Glacier Grey. Glacier Grey Glacier Grey was about 10 km at its widest point, and stretched as far as the eye could see to the north east. The moraine left dumped at the sides was clearly evident to see and the snout where the glacier met the lake at its end was between 30 and 40 metres high. Our job was to walk adjacent to this glacier to the west whilst descending the opposite side of the pass. Although there was relative calm, the descent was steeper than the ascent and twice as slippery. Tree roots, branches and fingernails were used to remain upright, but everyone fell eventually. The descent was starting to take its toll and just as everyone began to doubt the JSMLs’ navigational skills and assume we had missed our next stop at Campsite Paso. We miraculously stumbled across it. We all had a relatively good nights’ sleep having dined so well on Toblerone, tinned tuna and cracker biscuits. The next stage of our journey took us to Refugio Grey where LCpl Luke Munchmore was really looking forward to using some much needed internet and secretly, most of the group were looking forward to some sort of civilisation. The WIFI was not working. We had lunch and pressed on to the next stage of the loop to Refugio Paine Grande. This was a welcome break for some of the group and where we probably had the best showers and our best meal of the trip so far. Not so, we were assured though by Sig ‘six chicken wraps and a supacharga’ Castille. The following day we pressed on to Campsite Italiano and it was here that some of the hardcore few (the JESMLs, both Officers, Sgt ‘say nothing’ Newton, LCpl Robert ‘Miguel’ Churchward and LCpl Hoogesteger) took the decision to climb to the lookout point at the top of the French Valley. The views at the top were dramatic, with the peaks of Cuernos, Espada, Hoja, Mascara and Paine Grande surrounding the viewpoint. On the way we passed Campsite Britanico and thanked our lucky stars we hadn’t opted to stay there. The next stage took us onto Cuernos. This was next to Lake Nordenskjold and featured such luxuries as a hot-tub (Robert ‘tonktash’ Churchward washed in it!) for those that had paid the extra money to stay in the cabins. The setting was picturesque and whilst reflecting on what we’d walked so far, some of us took the time to realise we had become badly burned. It had stopped raining! Our next stage closed the loop for us, taking us back to where we had started at Hotel Las Torres. The going was easy and everyone was in a jubilant mood thinking of what luxuries they had in store for themselves. As we began to cross more and more man-made bridges and encounter better made pathways our sense of what we had achieved became heightened: Many don’t do the full ‘loop’, inclusive of the pass, but just do the ‘W’ which we had realised was comparatively easy. When we finally got back on the bus to return to Puerto Natales, the driver had counted us on ‘Chilean style’ so some of us were left to stand and marvel at the scared sheep being herded by half Rottweiler - half Border Collie dogs and men on horseback not too dissimilar to the ones we’d seen on day one driving their horses through the snow to Refugio Seron. The team at Glacier Grey When we got back to the Singing Lamb Hostel, normality was restored and people began to reflect on what they had achieved even the QMSI looked proud of himself! Some badly needed showers were taken and souvenirs were bought for friends and family back at home. The following day, the long journey by bus was made back to Punta Arenas where some much needed R&R was had by all. To say that the long journey back to West Wales went without incident would not be far from the truth. We were all too tired to be concerned with the in-flight entertainment (we’d watched all the films in the outbound journey, anyway!) or the harassment for ‘Taxi’ or ‘Transfer’ at the airport or the onset of Deep Vein Thrombosis. Many thanks to those who went through the meticulous planning of the AT including Lt Hodder and Capt ’I had to carry you’ Winkles. Also, many thanks to the JSMLs who put up with us throughout the trip and helped put us through our SMF, especially to Dave who stepped in at short notice, and to Sgt Richie ‘half pace’ Simpson who played a permanent game of catch-up. 88 THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Ex tiger hanuman diver 5 - 12 Jan 2014 - by Sgt Pikendra Tumbahangphe A small yet no less enthusiastic group from British Forces Brunei (BFB) participated on Exercise TIGER HANUMAN, an Adventure Training (AT) Diving Package in the waters off Bali over the period 5-12 January 2014. The five day package initially saw the group divided into groups according to previous dive experience or, for some, qualifications held. Our three groups took part in either the professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI) Open Water Diver, PADI Advanced Open Water Diver or PADI Specialty qualifications towards Scuba Master Diver. Led by AQMS WO2 Phil Jones, we (I was the only one from the Corps in my group) left the dry land of Seria in the early morning of 4 Jan 14 to eventually meet up with our transport in Bali to take us on to our accommodation for the next five days and, the chance to meet our instructors for the first time. Diving is a sport taken up by enthusiasts all over the world and never more so the case with our instructors: a local Indonesian, a Dane, a Japanese and a Czech thrown for good measure. I had zero dive experience and so was in the basic group but was thrown literally into the deep end on day one. Classroom theory and some basic skills in the swimming pool were to follow. As the days passed we were taught practical skills such as mask changing, regulator changing and buoyancy control etc mixed with group diving sessions on the various locations around the Island. Classroom lessons continued and theory tests came around all too often. The final day was planned as a fun dive at different island locations off shore. Our transport was a speed boat that took us almost 45 minutes to get to the first dive site. By the time we arrived however most of us were unable to dive due to sea sickness due to rough seas; breakfast tastes so much better second time round! We eventually managed 3 dives in different locations and by mid afternoon we were back at the hotel. A challenging day for all concerned but well worth it. Exercise TIGER HANUMAN was an excellent opportunity for members of BFB to get together to take part in a completely new activity that, for most of us, was the first time, visited a new country and able to experience a whole new culture. The location of the training led to good team cohesion and, for some, a once in a life time experience which will hopefully encourage more to have a go at fantastic sport. THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 89 Exercise NORTHERN 18 - 25 J - by Sgt Stevie Williams Ex Northern Geo Adventure 4 was an Alpine Skiing adventure training exercise. Twenty nine personnel from 2 and 32 Signal Regiments, including 4 instructors, deployed out to Kirchdorf in Tirol, Austria. The training took place in the local areas of St Johann, St Jakob, Fiberbrunn and Steinplatte. We went with the aim of qualifying a number of novices to Ski Foundation Level 1 (SF1), carry out continuation training for those already qualified to SF1 and qualify the more experienced skiers to SF2. We departed a wet and cold Edinburgh Airport on Sat 18 Jan heading for Munich. On arrival at Munich we were met by our host, Phil Fluck, Tyrolean Adventures who had arranged transport to our hotel in Kirchdorf. On arrival at the hotel we met up with the advance party WO2 (SSM) Steve Joliffe, Sgt Dave Coleman and Cpl Kev Jones who had the unenviable task of driving the equipment from Liverpool to Austria. Sunday morning we were all up bright and early and after a hearty breakfast we departed for the ski shop to be issued with our kit for the week. Once we were all kitted out we broke down into our groups and headed off with our respective instructors. The party were broken down into 4 groups, a beginner group, instructed by Cpl Andy Cole, an intermediate group instructed by WO2 (RCWO) Andy Medley and 2 advanced groups led by Maj Rob Ware and Capt Dave Alleyne. Day one saw the beginners and the intermediate group sticking to the nursery slopes while the advanced skiers headed to the more challenging slopes. Snow conditions were not good due to the lack of snow and made skiing difficult for even the more experienced skiers and falling painful for those in the beginner group. At the end of Day 1 we all returned to the hotel eager to share our day’s highlights and, more importantly, discuss who had the best wipe out. Dinner was followed by a number of lessons, followed by an early night ready for Day 2. Cpl Woolerton on the slopes The remainder of the week flew by with everyone’s skiing vastly improving. By the end of the week, the beginners qualified to SF1, the intermediate group and one of the advanced groups gained valuable log book experience and the other advanced group qualified to SF2. The week was another fantastic opportunity to get away and for the 2 Regiments to spend time working alongside their regular/ reserve counterparts. Overall the expedition was a great success however it could not of gone ahead without the dedication of the instructors. A big thank you to Capt Dave Alleyne and WO2 (RCWO) Andy Medley who joined us from 38 Sig Regt, Maj Rob Ware who joined us from HQ CVA and Cpl Andy Cole from 2 Sig Regt. A final thank you to WO2 (YofS) Nicola Lyons for organising the exercise. Day two saw the beginner group head for the local slope in Kirchdorf, where the morning was spent on the nursery slope before progressing to a blue slope in the afternoon. The other groups all headed for the Steinplatte which was much higher so the snow conditions were better. The intermediate group continued finding their ski legs, while the advanced groups looked for some Off Piste areas where they could develop their techniques. At the end of Day 2 as we were leaving the slopes, it started to snow and continued snowing fairly consistently for the remainder of the exped. We headed back to the hotel for dinner and to finish off the lessons. Day three saw all the groups head for the Steinplatte. The improved snow conditions helped boost everyone’s morale and as a result the skiing improved. The fresh snow made the tumbles a lot less painful. Everyone had a great day on the slopes and as we had completed all the lessons the evening was ours. We headed to a local Karaoke bar where a number of potential stars were identified; Cpl Kath Wilkinson, Capt Dave Alleyne and WO2 (RCWO) Andy Medley should consider applying for X-Factor later this year! 90 Sgt Coleman stuck Off Piste THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 RN GEO ADVENTURE 4 Jan 2014 - by Capt Paul Knight - by Pte Jane Davies As a first time skier, the week was a plethora of emotions. We started of on Day 1 on a nursery slope at St Jakob in Tyrol, Austria. The first hour was spent mostly horizontal, and the only skiing going on was backwards. The first day ended well though, as I was still relatively in one piece, despite having crashed through a fence and into a bench. I was just glad to have the protection of the helmet, as it prevented some serious injuries that day. I never thought that standing up in a pair of skis could be so difficult. On Day 2 we went to Kirchdorf here we advanced to the blue slopes which were more challenging as they were considerably steeper; although there were nursery aged children racing past us down the slopes who seemed fearless. I was not convinced and felt like I was on the summit of Mount Everest. Luckily I had our instructor, Cpl Andy Cole, to help me down and he introduced me to tandem skiing. Days 3 and 4 gave us the opportunity to improve even further on Steinplatze which was higher, beautiful and there was lots of fresh snow to cushion the falls. The entire group became more confident during the two days there. We received excellent instruction and the nice wide pistes helped us to feel more confident and competent by the end of Day 4. Cpl Shantel Doyle joined our group too and was also very helpful to myself. Stuart Kimsey was very helpful in translating the menus. When asked if I could ski, I replied that I have skis and I have skied, but not for about 6 years when I spent a few winters in Canada and New England. When we were sorted out into groups, I was placed in the Intermediate group, which consisted of those who had skied in the past, but did not have advanced abilities. The group ability ranged from doing a one week AT expedition last year, to those who had been able to ski, but a long time ago. We all needed a day or two to find our feet. Unfortunately, the conditions were not ideal for the first two days. There was very little snow cover which made skiing difficult and falling painful. This knocked the confidence of some, but we persevered. At the end of Day 2, as we were leaving the piste, it started to snow and continued snowing fairly consistently for the remainder of the exped. With the improved snow conditions, I saw marked improvements in my own abilities and confidence. I was certainly not the fastest in the group, but I concentrated on improving my technique. We skied on three resorts over six days which prevented anyone from gaining familiarity with the runs. I also realised that a red or black run on one resort was not the same as a red or black run on another. Just as I thought I was getting to grips with these runs, we changed location and the red runs became more difficult! Everyday saw higher and steeper runs which pushed me further than I would have attempted had I been on a skiing holiday. Every time I got off a ski lift and saw the stunning scenery with the clouds below me and clear blue skies above, I was also aware that there was a long, steep way down again. Once I set off, though, all that trepidation disappeared. Days 5 and 6 at Fieberbrunn We spent the last two days at Fieberbrunn consolidating what we had learnt. We also joined up with the Intermediate group during this time, and WO2 Andy Medley gave us some more instruction. Capt Paul Knight and the rest of the Intermediate group, who were Ghurkhas from 2 Sig Regt, were off skiing; they were all fearless. By now we had all mastered the chairlifts, and on Day 6 we had a free ski, were the more confident went off in their own groups. We also enjoyed some varied après ski with Phil Fluck taking us to a karaoke bar where all the instructors took their turn on the mic. The accommodation was great too. The training was hard and we were all pushed hard and out of the comfort zone. The group bonded well and there were many laughs, with everyone treated the same no matter what their rank. By the end of the week I was skiing down red slopes and had learnt how to stop without hitting a tree, fence or another skier. This was a major achievement for me. I also didn’t want to go home. The week was really well organised and everyone looked out for one another. The week taught me a lot about myself and was an invaluable character building experience that I hope to repeat soon. THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 The Intermediate Group on the summit of the Stienplatz By the end of the week I was skiing at a much higher standard than I was six years before. The instruction I received helped to improve my technique and my confidence. By the last day I was happy to ski down red and black runs in deep snow with fresh snow falling all the time to make navigation and route planning difficult. Hard work, but great fun, and I am looking forward to returning next year to develop further and attempt some cross country skiing. 91 Exercise diAmond manski 24 Jan 2014 – 01 Feb 2014 1 (UK) ADSR Management Skiing - by Lt Celine Buescher When a last minute spot came up on the annual 1(UK) ADSR MANAGEMENT SKI it did not take me long to make up my mind. A week out of the office and into the mountains, who could resist? Granted, my last time on skis was a wee while ago, but there is no better place to rekindle some old talent than on the slopes. The weather forecast had not been too promising, but despite the eerie suggestion that a few planning whiteboards may be a good backup plan for snowless days(?!), I set off with 21 other personalities representing the highest echelons of the Regimental hierarchy. The Pfeiffermühle in Wertach turned out a rather nice surprise. Its jacuzzi and sauna would become particular favourites throughout the week, while its gastronomy - service with a smile! - covered the entire spectrum. Once all the equipment administration had been seen to, nothing could stop us and even the weather gave us the thumbs up with a massive snowfall on day one, providing gleaming conditions for the rest of the week. FoS Sharman, Capt (Tfc) Ian Fawcett, OC 201 Sqn Maj Andy Stannard posing on the Fellhorn We broke into three groups: beginners, advanced skiers (a.k.a those who thought they could make their way down the slopes with only minor destruction in their wake), and boarders. The last only featured two amateurs and mostly did their own thing, though they came back with some impressive photographs and entertaining tales. The beginner group, led by Q ‘Curly’ Robb, spent most of the week learning and honing the art of gliding on skis rather than their backside at the Ober- and Unterjoch. The (more) advanced, under the keen guidance of Capt Ian Fawcett, worked their way up from the picturesque Hörnerbahn to the impressive Fellhorn and its Kanzelwand, alternately invading both Germany and Austria. Lest it be said that regardless of experience (or rank for that matter), it is always a rather humbling experience to (re-)discover that despite however much practice there may have been, those two planks on the bottom of our feet will not just do ‘as told’. When even the Commanding Officer turns into a laughing ball of snow in fresh powder, the world becomes refreshingly simple for a moment. We formed a merry group overall. While OC 201 skilfully demonstrated his mastery of 80s style skis and matching outfits (and a keen desire not to waste a single second), the Adjutant did his best to enforce Anglo-German relations on the slopes. The Regt 2IC, nonchalantly puffing his pipe, lifted slope standards and etiquette, while OC 200, displaying all characteristics of a swift little racer, gleefully whizzed down the slopes with razor-sharp precision, closely matched by Foreman Stu Sharman. The rest of us covered the remainder of the capability range; mostly happy-go-lucky, enjoying the sensation of agility and grace (some more so than others); there may have been the odd occasion on which we rattled through the crowds somewhat out of control. Throughout the week the group dynamics changed a little, with some swapping Tfc Capt Ian Fawcett, Adjt Capt Joni Carey (odd pose) and Regtl 2IC Maj Al Garrett taking that condor moment and changing to enable everyone to have a go at the Fellhorn. SSM ‘Kiwi’ Scarcliff deserves special mention for his fearless approach to all slopes, whatever the outcome, while Capt Col Raynor found great pleasure in practicing his 360 turns and, possibly accidentally, some hairy slope choreographies with Capt Jen Dowdall and myself. The last day saw everyone join forces on the Fellhorn. After a week of skiing, carving, boarding, tumbling, jumping, and most importantly, laughing, ranging from standard piste to slightly out-of-the-ordinary James Bond “Spy Who Loved Me”-stylee trails, we finished off the week with a bit of après ski and a strong sentiment of achievement and relaxation. Our special thanks goes to Capt Mick Bodycomb for expertly organising the trip - a brilliant experience! R - L Capts Jen Dowdell, Fred Fensom, Colin Raynor and Lt Celine Buescher all smile after a hard day on the slopes 92 Lt Col Hill taking a break THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Patron: HRH The Princess Royal President: The Master of Signals Chairman: Brig DA Hargreaves Association Office RHQ Royal Signals Blandford Camp Blandford Forum Dorset DT11 8RH www.royalsignlalsassociation.co.uk Col (Retd) Terry Canham Tel: 01258 482081 Welfare Secretary Tel (mil) (9)4371 2089 Tel (civ) 01258 48 2089 Email: welfare@royalsignalsassociation.co.uk Membership Secretary Tel (mil) (9)4371 2090 Tel (civ) 01258 482090 Email: admin@royalsignalsassociation.co.uk General Secretary and Treasurer: Col (Retd) T Canham Assistant General Secretary: Maj (Retd) M Tivey Welfare Secretary: Mrs L Sizeland Membership Secretary: Mrs C Addison Maj (Retd) Mark Tivey Tel: 01258 482082 Mrs Linda Sizeland Tel: 01258 482089 Mrs Caroline Addison Tel: 01258 482090 These notes are written just after the 69th AGM held in the Carisbrooke Hall at The Victory Service Club on 15 Mar. It was good to see 112 members who, I hope, found it an informative meeting. The New Master of Signals, Maj Gen Nick Pope CBE, was introduced by the Chairman, Brig David Hargreaves. The final item was a very interesting presentation about the Serving Corps by the Corps Colonel, Col Graham Norton, the new CRSM, WO1 Rob Luke, plus Cpl MacDonald, LCpl Beazely and Sig Mitchell. This was very much appreciated by everyone in the Hall. Next year the meeting will be held in the same place on 14 Mar 15; it will begin with coffee for delegates from 0930 hrs and I hope many members of the Association will put this date aside so that they can join us. Following the business of the meeting, there are sandwiches and the opportunity to chat informally. The 2014 Association Newsletter is now ready for publication. You will notice that this year the publication has been amalgamated with the Retired Officers Newsletter to reduce duplication of effort and cost. Copies will be available on the website shortly so that you download/copy/read. An email will be sent to all members (with a valid email address) including the link. I hope that you will enjoy reading it. A printed copy will be sent to members who do not have a valid email address. As you know, during December the UK Premier of the film The Railwayman was held in Leicester Square. This was the first opportunity to see the cinematic depiction of the book written by Eric Lomax based on his experience as a prisoner of the Japanese on the Burma Railway and the subsequent impact this had on his life. I am sure many of you have been to see it. Mrs Lomax visited the Museum early in 2014 to open a new exhibit containing items which previously belonged to her husband. If you are planning a visit to the Museum don’t forget to look out for it! The Museum Shop now has a copy of the original documentary made at the time Mr Lomax returned to Burma. The link to the item in the museum on-line catalogue is: www.royalsignalsshop. com/acatalog/Enemy__My_Friend__DVD.html During February I represented the Association to lay a wreath in memory of those killed by the M62 Bombing. This year is the 40th Anniversary. The memorial service was held at the Hartshead Moor Services (westbound). If you visit the service area, the memorial is situated on the right hand side of the main services building. In the last issue a forecast of events for the year was published. As an addition to that, I am adding the link to find the confirmed display programme for The White Helmets 2014 http://whitehelmets.co.uk/?page_id=76 Finally, elsewhere in this issue, a longer item is published to request your personal memories/memorabilia of the Corps in BAOR. Submissions (by post, email or fax) are requested by Colonel TF Moncur, PM BAOR History Project, The Royal Signals Museum, Blandford Camp, Dorset DT11 8RH. Fax No 01258 482084 E-Mail moncurtom@gmail.com. New Life Members. A warm welcome to the following members, enrolled since the last issue of The Wire: Cpl Lancelot Allen Sgt Gina Allsop (Atkinson) Cpl June Anderson WO2 Robert Atkinson WO1 Richard Ayling Cpl Colin Baines Cpl Bill Barnes LCpl Steve Beedie Sig Alec Bilham Cpl Daniel Bird Sig Michael Bowling Cpl Nigel Brennan Cpl Christopher Brogan LCpl William Brooks 1964-76 1996-06 1978-86 1968-03 1988-13 1982-96 1957-59 1997-05 1955-58 1986-97 1989-94 1988-10 1997-14 1972-83 THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 Cpl Andrew Brooks Sig David Butters WO2 Anthony Byrne Sgt Peter Byrne Sgt Billy Cain Sgt David Cascarino Capt Paul Ceaser Cpl Janine Cogram LCpl Gary Coupe LCpl Michael Cousins Sig Cowell Sig Clifford Crockett Sig Stephen Curwen Sig Brian Davis 1973-90 1974-88 1972-97 1989-date 1973-84 1980-04 1987-13 1997-13 1989-96 1965-80 1981-84 1939-42 1979-84 1981-85 Sig Fred Deacon WO2 William Denny Sig John Devlin Sig Rawnie Dewhurst Cpl John Doran Sgt James Dunlop Cpl Leslie Ebbage WO1 (YofS) Trevor Evans Sig Dan Fagan Cpl Nicholas Feasey LCpl John Fielder Sig Christopher Fielding Cpl Paul Forster Sig Eric Fuller 1952-55 1986-93 1999-06 2005-11 1992-date 1982-?? 1965-77 1964-86 1979-90 1985-93 1967-73 1984-88 1989-date 1979-89 93 Sig Tony Gerrard 1988-88 Sig Mark Gibson 1990-99 Cpl Stuart Goldstone 1953-55 Sig Geoffrey Goodall 1968-72 Cpl Matthew Haley 1986-97 Cpl Andrew Harvey 1998-date Sig Frank Higham 1963-69 Cpl Colin Holman 1976-92 LCpl Darryl Hughes 2003-date WO2 Neil Hunt 1985-07 LCpl Michael Hurn 1979-93 Cpl Piers Johns 1991-02 Capt Paul Jordan 1988-13 Sgt Jim Keating 1958-67 Sgt Andrew Keatley 1990-07 Sgt Martin Kelman 1982-94 LCpl Carl Antony Kettlewell1989-99 Cpl Gordon Keys 1998-07 Sig DavidKing 1955-57 SSgt Dale King 1992-date Sig Gary Lovell 1976-93 Cpl James McGuinness LCpl Gerard McMichael Cpl Jimmy Miller Sig Malcolm Mills LCpl Derek Morey LCpl Thomas Morgans Sig Brett Murthwaite Sig Caroline Napier (Simpson) SSgt Kam Nicholas Sgt Dawn Oakes Sig James O’Neill Sig Stephen Park Cpl Tony Philbrick LCpl Alan Pinnington Sig Stephen Purvis Cpl John Reynolds Sgt Lee Rickard Cpl Keith Ring LCpl John Salter Sig David Sharpe 1970-84 1987-94 1972-86 1970-76 1973-83 1992-06 1993-97 1963-66 1990-date 1992-date 1998-06 1990-93 1977-91 1990-07 1958-60 1985-90 2009-13 1961-76 1956-64 1985-90 Cpl Stuart Sheehan Sig William Short Sig Tracy Smith Sig Frank Spencer Cpl Matt Stock WO2 Heather Taylor Cpl Chris Treweeks LCpl Marc Turowski Cpl Iain Tweedie LCpl Colin Usher Sig Lomani Waqairawai Sig Karl Welsh Sig Ross Westlake LCpl Nicholas Williams LCpl Kevin Williams LCpl Jodie Willliams Sgt Stephen Wilson Cpl Philip Winter WO1 John Woolley Cpl Mark Zimmerman 1997-date 1957-59 1986-92 1959-61 1988-95 1994-12 1998-13 1997-02 1975-86 1980-89 2005-13 1992-98 1967-73 1986-95 1979-87 2001-13 1995-13 1984-94 1964-86 1995-13 DONATIONS The RSBF would like to thank the following individuals and fundraisers: Individuals: Units: 2 Sig Regt 11 (RSS) Sig Regt “In Memory” Collections: Mr R Waldron Mr J Blake Maj Gen AAG Anderson CB RSA Branches and Other Organisations: FUNDRAISERS Poole Branch Exmouth Branch Huddersfield Branch R.B.L Ruislip Manchester Branch Bedford Branch Gurkha Community Blandford Herbert Leonard Buchanan Mrs Lucie Barnes Mr Kieran Lee Mr Richie Savage Mr Luke Roberts Mr Andrew Moffat BLACKPOOL BRANCH Christmas Function Our Christmas Party took place on Friday the 13th December at the VIVA Showbar Blackpool. The guest of honour, Col Ian Thompson, our Area 2 representative of the RSA was hosted by John, Howard, Paul and Mike along with their partners and families. It was also a chance to welcome three members of The Billy No Mates splinter group of HQUKLF Wilton, Angie, Wendy and Trevor. We hope you all enjoyed yourselves. The entertainment is in line with Blackpool and the show host, Leye D Johns has a habit of selecting one of the audience for his banter. It is fair to say we were all very relieved when we found out it was our very own Mike Leeming who took most of the flack. Well done Mike, we were very proud of you. 94 Featured Fundraiser: Richie Savage, who is collecting your old mobile phone and processing funds to the RSBF. Contact richard.savage756@mod.uk For more info visit us at: www. royalsignals.org/rsbf or find us on Facebook under: Royal Signals Benevolent Fund – Fundraisers Email: marketing@royalsignals.com The evening started with a meal followed by the cabaret show. Leye has a way of getting people to do what he wants and it saw most of us up on our feet and singing and waving our arms to the music like we were back in our teens. The night went well and a thank you must go to our Chairman, Ernie, for his hard work in organising the event. Towards the end of the show and with Dutch courage applied several members were on the stage shaking their booties to the disco. I hasten to add that in true Royal Signals tradition we were the last to leave. AGM Our AGM took place on 14 January. Michael took over as Chair and ran the meeting like clockwork. The existing committee were re-elected for the next 12 months. The meeting was then handed over to our newly elected committee and our monthly meeting took place. It was all rather slick as we were about to celebrate Matthew Japps’ THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 100th birthday. The ladies (associate members) laid up the buffet in the bar area whilst our meetings took place. Thank you Dorothy, Carol and Pat for your hard work. Matthew was presented with a picture with an inscribed plaque from the Branch, a Corps tie, beret and badge from the RSA HQ. We also held our annual BBQ evening at the Catterick Golf club which was well attended including Caroline Addison and her Husband ‘Doc’ from RHQ. At this event we managed to display our new Branch Standard which is to be dedicated in April 2014 (TBC) along with the laying up of the old one and a possible dinner evening or Sunday lunch. The new Branch Standard on display The annual BBQ evening Events CATTERICK BRANCH September saw the grand advertising get underway with a 60 person mail shot, e-mail drop and advertising in local shops and the press. Our thanks go to Caroline for her help and support. Whoever thought of putting a return to sender address on the envelopes it was a master stroke, as undelivered letters came back allowing us to update our records. We have also gone international with our first member in the USA. Rumours that the Chairman John McIllree, Secretary Iain Scrivin and Treasurer Jim Rodgers are planning a house call have been firmly scotched as the Welfare Officer, Elaine Edwards, had told us that it’s her job to do the visits! A busy four months since our last report for the Branch. Sadly in August this year we saw the last Signals unit in Catterick disband on what once was 11 Signal Regiments parade square in Helles Barracks. It brought back vivid memories for members of the Branch Ian Forbes, Jim and Ena Rodgers, Tony Brend and Elaine Edwards, amongst others) who attended along with old comrades from 4 Armoured Brigade. October was a reasonably quiet month, however we had to get ready for two remembrance parades, one at the Garrison Memorial Church and one in Richmond. We had two standards on parade at the Memorial church and a wreath was laid on our behalf by the Catterick Garrison Royal Signals ACF detachment, ably commanded by one of our members, Sgt Rory Milne. The Cap Badge is still being shown around the Garrison by these keen young teenagers who will hopefully become the future of the Corps. This year will see us visiting locations of interest such as the Arboretum and taking part in the 100 year celebrations. We are also busy raising funds for the Royal Signals Benevolent Fund to show our appreciation for their help in the purchase of our Branch Standard. Welcome Finally if you are visiting Blackpool on our meeting nights (second Tuesday) or would like to see if the Branch has anything on during your visit we would love to see you. Just email us on rsablackpool@yahoo.co.uk In November we were given permission to lay wreaths at the Howse/Woods Memorial in Gaza Barracks so on Monday 11th 16 members of the Branch were on parade with a greatly diminished 204 Sig Sqn. We were all welcomed back to the Sqn Admin room by the OC, Capt Tony McBean, for a very welcome brew. This is possibly the final, final parade of the Squadron so a bitter sweet moment for all who have served in THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 95 Catterick, but like all old soldiers the Royal Signals soldier continues to be seen around the Garrison, so we might be gone but not forgotten. Wreaths were laid by Elaine Edwards, John McIlree and Bob Kaiser. This brings us neatly up to December and our annual Christmas function. Keen eyed readers will notice that the Golf Club keeps cropping up as our venue of choice, probably because so many Wednesday afternoons used to be spent out and about the course and many of our members are still keep golfers. On 6 December 40 of our members and their guests had an excellent three course meal in preparation for the big day on the 25th. If any readers want more of the photographs from the Catterick and District Branch (the spiritual home of the Corps) please e-mail the secretary, Mr Iain Scrivin, on iscrivin@aol. com. Regrettably funds do not permit postage transmissions. The meal was followed by a short speech by Brigadier David and then we moved into the entertainments stage of the evening starting with our raffle. This year our star prize was a 32” Flat Screen Television and there were many other excellent raffle prizes to be won. I can honestly say that every table had its fair share of winners and everyone was very satisfied and even Brigadier David won a prize. The evening carried on into the wee small hours with dancing and much fun, everyone had a wonderful time. The next morning, somewhat later on and with some bad heads, many of our members turned up again at the TA Centre to help clean up and return the place back to normal. We would like to thank the SQMS and PSAO of 33 Signal Squadron for their support without which we would not have had such a brilliant evening. Next year we are hoping to surpass this and lay on another evening that will not be forgotten, with another honoured guest. Catterick AR POOLE BRANCH LIVERPOOL BRANCH President Jimmy Carutthers Chairman Bob Taylor Secretary Tony Mullin Treasurer Paul Smith Honorary ChaplainRevd John Williams Standard Bearer Graham Christian December has been a very busy month for the Liverpool Branch leading up to our Annual Christmas Function. Our Guest of Honour this year was Brig David Hargreaves, Chairman of the Royal Signals Association, and his partner Kathleen but unfortunately, at the last minute, due to ill health she was unable to accompany him. Right up to seven o’clock on the evening of the function our entertainments team were “beavering” away to ensure that everything was in its correct place and seeing to it that nothing had been forgotten. This year was our best year ever with over 110 members, friends and guests sitting down to a 4 course festive meal. This was a challenge for our caterers who handled it exceptionally well. The food was of a high standard and there was plenty of it too. President Chairman Secretary Lt Col (Retd) Bob Peake BEM Barrie Walker Ray Williams John Hyde died in September after a very short but aggressive illness, he was 82. He joined the Corps for National Service in 1949 and rejoined the Colours in 1960, serving a full pensionable career, leaving in 1980. He served in Hong Kong, Libya, Northern Ireland and throughout Europe, reaching the rank of Sgt and his final posting was in Blandford Camp. He and his family settled in the Poole area, where John, a trained carpenter, became a wellJohn Hyde respected shop fitter. His great hobby was photography, to such an extent that he served as chairman of 2 local Camera Club’s and eventually was Chairman to a group of clubs. John, who held a ‘50 year badge’ was also our official photographer and maintained our albums. Always well supported by his wife Sheila, she has been our ‘home visitor’ for many years and also conducts our monthly draw. Both of them were weekend volunteers at the Corps museum. Such was their service that they and Harry Hawke, also of our Branch, were voted as Dorset’s Museum Volunteers of the Year for 2012 - a unique achievement for 3 people in the same organization. John was cremated at Poole crematorium and he was held in such respect that it was standing room only. The Branch was out in force, carrying out ‘Guard of Honour’ duties and then a wake was followed in the RBL. John’s sonin-law, Jeffrey Watts, also an ex SNCO in the Corps was so impressed he joined the Branch within the next week! To Sheila and children Stephen, Claire, and Karen and grandchildren we extend our deepest sympathy; and look forward to seeing Jeffrey, Claire and of course Sheila at our future monthly meetings. Brigadier Hargreaves addresses the Branch 96 THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 BEVERLEY EX-BOYS ASSOCIATON BIRGELEN VETERENS ASSOCIATION Beverley Boys Last Parade! - by Jeff Jephcote The Boy Soldiers of No 6 Boys Training Regiment which was based at Victoria Barracks Beverley between 1949 and September 1955 formed an association which has met over many years for an annual re-union, many of them held at Beverley in East Yorkshire. This association will hold its last Parade and Reunion in late September 2014. It was the members express wish to return to Beverley which holds very many memories for them. The reason for closure is the advancing age of its members, the difficulty of travel and falling numbers due to infirmity combined with old age. The “Boys” from all over the UK including many boys from the previously Nazi- occupied Channel Islands enlisted straight from school to be trained from 14/15 years of age as potential NCO’s in the Royal Signals… the Army’s main communications Regiment and received a good education and tough training in Military skills and discipline. Most went on to serve in the many Military Campaigns since then, during the Cold War and in many countries throughout the world. Many of the posts were highly sensitive and not all wore uniform. News Letter: Mick Morby and Ida Carmichael had been talking on how the BVA can keep members up-to-date with what is going on (past, now and future). They have done this by producing a quarterly newsletter. The first one was released at the end of January 2014. This is something new and it has been well received by members of the BVA. If by chance you have not received your copy then please contact Mick. If you are not a member then join the BVA, by contacting any of the following: Chairman – Keith Clarke e-mail: webmaster@birgelenvets. org Secretary/Treasurer – Mick Morby e-mail: fieldway16@ hotmail.com or secretary@birgelenvets.org Tel : 01423 547080 Editor – Ida Carmichael e-mail: gavnida@ntlworld.com Tel: 01282 423612 Wire Notes – Jeff Jephcote e-mail: jeffjephcote@hotmail.com Tel: 01333 351676 New Members: The following new members who have joined since the AGM are welcomed into the BVA. The final celebrations will consist of a Dinner with a senior Army Officer as Speaker, the sounding of the last Post at the Beverley Memorial Gardens and a short Parade to a Church Service. Jan Coglan (Wife of Jim Coglan), John Lambert (R SIGNALS 1965-68), Jean Morby (nee Brown: WRAC/Int.Corps, 1980-83), Uschi Searle (wife of Fred Searle), ‘Spy’ Dyer (R SIGNALS 1970-72, 1982-85 and 1988-90), Tony Score (1967-68), Diane Knapman (widow of Colin Knapman), Helen Jephcote (wife of Jeff Jephcote and WRAC/R SIGNALS – still serving), Ted Parkinson (R SIGNALS 1975-78), Pauline Clarke (wife of Keith Clarke), Roger Nadin (Int. Corps), Susan Brown (nee Barber – WRAC, 1976-79) and Peter Lambert - (Royal Australian Signals 1985). Anyone who served with the Beverley Boys Regiment or with memories of the Boys or have photographs or memories to share can phone John Wardle on 01246 590573 or Email atjohn.wardle2011@btinternet.com. Annual Reunion 2014: This year’s 14th Annual reunion will be held at the Cavendish Hotel Torquay on 26th – 29th Sep 2014. You can check out our website and become a member, www. birgelenvets.org A Morrison’s Supermarket now stands where the old Barracks once stood and a small display still exists within the store. A Barrack Block at Blandford was also named “Beverley” after No 6 Boys Training Regiment. LAST POST Sgt BW Archer Cpl HR Bartlett Sig SJ Baxter SSgt GE Bayley Sig KRL Bradbury Sig J Brewster LCpl F Broadbent Sig LC Brown Sig JP Brownlee Col TA Byrne LCpl RD Castle Sgt LW Colquhoun Sig P Craft Cpl R Craig SSgt IMF Danter Maj FW Edwards Sgt M Fellows Sgt EF Ferguson Capt JDF Francis MBE Sig JW Frost THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 1956/79 1963/77 1979/86 1949/71 1939/46 1943/47 1948/64 1950/56 1979 1954/86 1943/47 1981/05 1944/47 1952/65 1995/09 1952/69 1978/90 1938/39 1948/75 1958/64 ??/12/2013 27-Dec-13 ??/02/2014 08-Jan-14 01-Feb-13 20-Jan-14 29-Jan-14 13-Feb-14 06-Jan-14 25-Dec-13 14-Feb-14 06-Jan-14 11-Jan-14 13-Feb-14 27-Jan-14 10-Dec-13 05-Feb-14 27-Dec-13 28-Jan-14 27-Dec-13 Lt Col LHM Gregory MBE WO2 MP Grimshaw Maj PW Hill Cpl WJC Johnson Lt Col DJ Jolly Capt CL Lewis-Barclay WO2 JJF Logan Sig B MacDonald Sig DN McGrath Cpl RM Melhuish Sgt CC Mitchell Cpl AG Mulholland Sgt FC Murfitt LCpl K Nevin SSgt T Noonan Lt Col MG Panton Sgt B Perrin Sgt DC Powell Cpl G Preece SSgt JMW Richardson 1941/62 1964/88 1940/46 1978/89 1956/86 1945/59 1953/77 1953/56 1990/94 1939/41 1960/85 1952/61 1957/80 1971/76 1962/84 1950/84 1961/?? 1962/77 1949/58 1960/89 17-Feb-14 17-Feb-14 02-Mar-14 18-Jun-13 24-Feb-14 27-Dec-13 04-Feb-14 ?? 03-Feb-14 27-Jan-14 ?? 28-Feb-14 24-Jan-14 22-Feb-14 28-Feb-14 28-Jan-14 28-Jan-14 17-Dec-13 03-Dec-13 02-Feb-14 97 Sgt W Richardson Sig GA Riley LCpl AJ Saxby Sgt LW Sharp LCpl PC Sherry WO2 A Sim SSgt K Stewart LCpl AB Walker 1963/85 1958/67 1973/84 1951/73 1942/49 1951/74 1975/00 1964/76 17-Apr-13 07-Jan-13 ??/02/2014 ??/01/2014 06-Feb-14 12-Jan-14 20-Feb-14 20-Oct-13 Maj DK Wallis Maj NF Webb Sig LA Wells Cpl GA Whalley WO2 EJ White WO2 T Wilkinson J Wollin 1948/85 1946/82 1991/00 1942/46 1957/84 1959/84 1949/51 21-Feb-14 ??/07/2013 27-Dec-13 20-Jan-14 28-Jan-14 05-Mar-14 09-Feb-14 OBITUARIES LOGAN – Jimmy Logan died 4 February 2014 Founder of the Poole Branch. Born in Motherwell on 31 January 1932, Jimmy enjoyed a happy life with his two brothers and sisters and on graduating from high school joined the RAF as an apprentice. Service life in No1 Radio School at RAF Locking did little for him, except for boxing. He became the RAF junior boxing champion at his weight before leaving for civilian life back in Scotland. He worked in the steel industry for a while before joining the Royal Signals in 1953. He was determined to become a Lineman and despite trade selection objections he eventually achieved this sole ambition. He was always immaculately turned out – both on and off duty – and quickly rose up the ranks and was an excellent tradesman. Whilst serving with the Line Troop at RAF Goch he met Evelyn Bates a Cpl in the WRAF and their courtship led to marriage in the station church in 1955. In 1956 they moved to RAF Butzwilerhof near Koln where their first child, Jimmy, was born. Later in Scotland, daughter Sandra arrived and the family moved to Cyprus for 3 years during the EOKA emergency. The family returned to UK and during Jimmy’s tour in Catterick as an instructor, Eve gave birth to Douglas and Jacqueline. A further overseas tour of 2 years in Singapore, where Jimmy was the troop Staff Sergeant of Changi Troop followed before it was back to BAOR. Altogether he served 12 years in Europe and his final tour was as RQMS of 7 Signal Regiment at Herford. He then retired from Service life after 24 years and settled in Poole in 1977. Having adjusted to civilian life he became Head of Site at the local Poole Grammar School for Girls, a job he thoroughly enjoyed and he gave dedicated service there until ill health, in the form of COPD and osteoporosis, forced his early retirement in 1992. In 1978 Jimmy placed postcard advertisements in several Poole supermarkets inviting ex Corps members to make contact with him if they were interested in forming a local RSA Branch. This proved very rewarding and from its humble beginning meeting in the back room of a local pub, Jimmy, well supported as ever by Eve, ensured its stability and eventual relocation to the Broadstone Royal British Legion Club. He acted as Chairman with Eve as Secretary/Treasurer. In 1983 Brig Paddy Evans joined the Branch and Jimmy asked him to become Chairman and took over the Secretary duties from Eve and continued to carry out this task until 1998 – 20 years of continual duties despite increasing frailty. He continued in his support the Branch, rarely missing a monthly 98 meeting or social event and in 2003 was made an Honorary Life Member of the RSA. He died four days after his 82nd birthday and was cremated on 13 February at Poole Crematorium. It was standing room only; 20 members formed a ‘guard of honour’ with 4 standing either side of the coffin and saluting during the playing of the last post. An emotional eulogy was given by Lt Col (Retd) Alan Davies. Alan’s first posting was as a lineman in Jimmy’s troop – resulting in a friendship for 57 years; indeed both families have been very close, living near each other for almost 4 decades in Dorset. A lively wake followed in the RBL Club and Jimmy’s life was celebrated in a fitting manner, one which the great man would surely approved of! Our sympathy is extended to Eve, his wife for almost 60 years, and to his 4 children and 7 grandchildren. The latter are all forging good careers, 2 in Australia and Ian a graduating army officer at Exeter University. Jimmy was extremely proud of them all. PRITCHARD – SSgt Clive Pritchard died 6 December 2013 Clive Pritchard was born abroad on 26 November 1934 as his father was a Captain in the South Wales Borderers. Clive went to school in Corsham and then joined No 1 Boys Selection Squadron at Richmond in 1950 which then moved to Beverley and became 6 (Boys) Training Regiment. In 1952 he transferred to 5 Signal Regiment until 1953 when he was sent to Singapore/Malaya until 1957. Apparently he pioneered jungle communications in Malaya. Clive went on to serve in Minden and Bunde in Germany from 1957 to 1961 after which he returned to the UK until 1967 when he again returned to Osnabruck for three years and then Gutesloh for a year. His last service was in Catterick until he left the Army in 1974 but he then went to the Army Apprentice College at Harrogate as an Instructor. Ian Scrivin, from Catterick Branch RSA, said that he first met Clive in 1981 whilst undergoing upgrading training at 8 Signal Regiment. He thought what the heck could a “civvy” teach him about Morse Code but he soon found out that Clive was extremely good. Clive was always extremely smart and well turned out. He joined the Beverley Ex-Boys Association right at the start and was always a stalwart member. He died suddenly on 6 December and his funeral (which he had arranged himself) was held on 17 December 2013. Clive had arranged a PowerPoint presentation for his funeral and his family and friends were deeply touched at the pictures he had chosen to be remembered by. A large collection was made at the funeral and this, together with donations from the Beverley Ex-Boys Association, was sent to the Royal Signals Benevolent Fund. THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 WILKINSON – WO2 (YofS) Thomas Wilkinson died 5 March 2014 Born in Barnsley in September 1944, the son of a miner, Tom was a keen footballer and played for Barnsley Boys at a young age, and continued to play throughout his career, representing the Army. He enlisted into the Army on 22 December 1959 and spent 3 years at the Army Apprentice College, Harrogate where he was trained as a Radio Telegraphist. On completion of his apprenticeship he completed a tour in Cyprus as a UN peace keeper. Between 1963 and 1965 he had short tours in BAOR, the UK and Cyprus again. Tom met and married his wife, Mary, on 23 December 1965. His first settled tour was 22 Sig Regt, Lippstadt for 3 years. His first son, Shaun, was born in 1967 followed by another son, Dean, in 1971. Although he didn’t know at that time they were both also destined to have careers within the Corps. He steadily rose through the ranks and attended the Royal School of Signals in order to complete his Yeoman of Signals course from 1970-72, and from there he was posted to Hong Kong and Singapore. His Army career was eventful and colourful and he was fortunate to have served as far afield as Nepal, however the majority was to be spent in Germany. His final tour was with the newly formed Task Force Foxtrot, 206 Signal Squadron, 3 (UK) ADSR in Soest, a tour that he always remembered fondly because of the close bonds that he formed with his colleagues. Upon leaving the Army Tom took up a new position as a Fisheries Manager in Wentworth, South Yorkshire, not far from his birthplace. He was a keen fisherman and his obvious managerial and people skills made him the perfect man for the job. He became a somewhat reluctant gardener, although always with fantastic results as even though he didn’t enjoy it his thoughts were “if the job needs doing, I’m going to do it properly”. He also had a spell breeding golden retrievers, and his first dog, Gemma, became the second great love of his life. When Tom finally retired in 2009 he began to suffer with breathing difficulties and found it hard to be as physically active as he would like. However, his mind was still as sharp as a tack, and he became a “silver surfer”, taking to the internet with gusto and embracing technology willingly. Most notably over this period he started to network again, becoming a life member of the RSA and last year, despite increasing ill health, attended a re-union in Scarborough. He has renewed many old acquaintances and his family have been deeply touched by the comments and condolences that have come flooding in from across the globe. Tom passed away peacefully on 5 March after a short spell in hospital and was buried in Wentworth on the 14 March. His loving wife Mary, sons Shaun and Dean, grandsons and all his family and many friends will miss him dearly. FRY - Captain Ian Fry Ian Fry was born on 22 October 1922 and left Grammar school in the summer of 1941 hoping to pursue a career in medicine. The situation meant a change of direction and he enlisted at Aldershot in August 41 on a “Duration of Emergency” engagement joining the Royal Berkshire Regiment. In 1943 he was drafted to India. During various movements he sustained a catastrophic injury to his right leg which resulted in his downgrading and a transfer to the Royal Signals where he trained as a Cipher Operater in STC Mhow. From 1944 to the end of hostilities he served with “S” L of C Signals in the Arakan area ending on Ramree Island providing crypto cover for supply airdrops during the advance of the 14th Army down the centre of Burma. The Regiment regrouped in Chittagong intending to supply communications in the Dutch Celebes area (now Indonesia). Ian eventually moved to Singapore early in 1946 and in late 1946 was posted as a WO2 to ALFSEA Signal Regiment working in the GHQ Cipher Office. On returning to the UK in 1947 he realised that employment opportunities for those without pre-war qualifications were few, so Ian enlisted on a Regular engagement being granted the ‘shadow’ rank of LCpl. It was also in 1947 that the met his future wife, Daphne, and was posted to the War Office Signal Regiment. In 1948 after a re-mustering course in Harrogate, he was posted to HQ Chairman Western Europe in Fontainebleau as a WO1. The later advent of NATO changed the unit title to HQ Allied Land Forces (Central Europe) Signal Squadron where Ian had the responsibility for training US, Dutch, Belgian and French operators in NATO Cryptosystems. In 1953 Ian was posted to GHQ (FARELF) Signal Regiment in Singapore. In 1955 he was offered a Short Service Commission as Lt (Cipher) and in January 1956 he was posted to 19 Army Group Signal Regiment in Rheindahlen. After a tour in 611 Sig Tp, Brighton, where he was responsible for the worldwide distribution of Cipher material, he was posted to 240 Sig Sqn in York where he was in charge of HQ Northern Command Communications Centre. His last years of service in the Corps, from 1963 to 1965, were spent at 18 Signal Regiment Singapore, where he was in charge of the large Cipher Office in GHQ FARELF. This period was at the height of the Indonesian Confrontation and the time difference with the UK meant 24 hours of non-stop work. The severity of his wartime injury debarred him from being granted a Regular Commission and Ian retired on 1 December 1965. He then worked as a Senior Executive Officer in the Finance Department of British Telecommunications until he retired on his 60th Birthday to enjoy his hobbies of gardening and philately. He regularly attended the annual Traffic Officers dinner in Blandford, as the Senior Member, and attended his last dinner in 2008 at the age of 86. JAYARAM PURI - Cpl Jayaram Puri died 9 March 2014 On 9 March 2014, Cpl Jayaram Puri was involved in a Road Traffic Accident whilst on duty. He was taken to the Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham where, sadly, he died from his injuries. Cpl Jayaram Puri was born on 23 April 1985 in Chabahil, Kathmandu, Nepal. After successfully graduating from Manakamana Boarding School and the National College Maharajgunj, Cpl Jayaram joined the British Army on 18 December 2003. His basic recruit training took place with the Gurkha Company, Infantry Training Centre, Catterick, where he was identified as a bright, motivated and intelligent individual and won the Unit Champion Recruit award. On THE WIRE, APRIL 2014 completion of his basic training, Cpl Jayaram joined the Queen’s Gurkha Signals as a Communication System Engineer and was awarded the best trainee of the Queen’s Gurkha Signals in 2005. He also won the Top Student award in his a year long Class One course. Cpl Jayaram deployed to Kuwait in 2009 with 30 Signal Regiment in support the Joint Force Headquarters and to Operation HERRICK 17 in October 2012. Lt Col Niall Stokoe OBE, Commander Queen’s Gurkha Signals, said: “This is very sad moment for QG SIGNALS PARIWAR. We have lost a much loved Bhai. Cpl Jayaram was one of the best QG 99 SIGNALS Non-Commissioned Officers of his generation. His selfless commitment, dedication and professionalism was second to none. He was immensely popular who had so much to offer and will be sorely missed by us all. Our thoughts go out to his family, especially his wife, Narbada, son, Joseph and parents.” Maj Yambahadur Rana, Gurkha Major Queen’s Gurkha Signals, said: “The sudden death of Cpl Jayaram casts a dark cloud over the PALTAN. He was the best of his generation who led by example. His untimely demise has left a huge hole in the Regiment. I have known Jayaram since he joined the Regiment, he made profound impact from the outset. He stood out for his professionalism, commitment, loyalty and humour – all qualities that I have come to expect from the very best QG SIGNALS soldiers; a true modern Gurkha soldier with exceptional all round talent. Our deepest sympathy and thoughts go to his wife, Narbada, son, Joseph, bereaved family and friends.” Lt Col Ian Hargreaves, CO 2 Signal Regiment said. “The tragic death of Cpl Jayaram is a sad loss of a top-class soldier to the Queen’s Gurkha Signals and 2 Signal Regiment. Having been Champion Recruit, Best Trainee and later Top Student on the Class One Communications Engineer Course, he was destined for senior ranks. Now he cannot fulfil his potential, our thoughts and practical help will focus on supporting his family through difficult times – both today and in the future. We will remember Cpl Jayaram as a dedicated professional soldier, a friend, a husband and a father.” Maj Mark Barratt, OC 246 Gurkha Signal Squadron, said: “Cpl Jayaram was the epitome of a Queen’s Gurkha Signaller; fit, intelligent, articulate and utterly dedicated. It was impossible not to be impressed by him. Of his many strengths, he had a particular talent for instructing and this is where I first met him. Each year a new intake of recruits joins our family and Jayaram had been selected to begin their education about life and work in the Queen’s Gurkha Signals. He rose to the task with his usual good humour and professionalism and it is reassuring to know that a new generation of Gurkhas has benefited from Cpl Jayaram’s intelligence, enthusiasm and passion. The loss that the Squadron is feeling is nothing compared to that of Cpl Jayaram’s loved ones. You have the thoughts and prayers of all of us. Cpl Jayaram was a fine man and he will be greatly missed.” Capt Lok Bahadur Gurung, 2IC 246 Gurkha Signal Squadron, said: “Cpl Jayaram Puri’s death has shocked and saddened all of us in 246 Gurkha Signal Squadron and Queen’s Gurkha Signals. An outstanding, intellectual Communications Systems Engineer he was a loyal, trustworthy and experienced soldier who had an irrepressible personality. I have known Cpl Jayaram for as long as he has been in the Regiment. Most recently I got to know him on Operation HERRICK 17 where he worked tirelessly as my Projects Non-Commissioned Officer. It was easy to see him as a future Foreman of Signals in the Royal Corps of Signals. All members of 246 Gurkha Signal Squadron, our families and his many friends extend our deepest sympathy to his wife Narbada, son Joseph, his parents, brothers and wider family. We wish them all strength during this very difficult time.” Lt Mike Kearney, OC, and SSgt Lalit Bahadur Thapa, Troop SSgt Kowloon Troop, said: “Cpl Jayaram Puri was an intelligent, hard working and 100 energetic Non-Commissioned Officer. As an exceptionally talented engineer and innovative thinker, he had a very bright future ahead of him. He embodied the best of what it means to be a Gurkha in the modern era. He was a role model and mentor to his juniors and a loyal friend to his peers. Most of all, he was a true gentleman to everyone he met. Cpl Jayaram will be sadly missed by all who had the pleasure to work with him. He was a corner stone of the Troop. His enthusiasm, professionalism and positive spirit rubbed off onto those around him and will live on in all who he influenced. We are deeply sorry for your loss and our thoughts are with you and your family at this difficult time.” Sgt Suzyoki Tamang and all York based numbaris (Cpl Jayaram’s intake mates), said: “Jayaram, you were one of the best friends we ever had. You were like a brother to us; we trained and worked together for many years. Truly a selfless, kind and caring person you were always ready to help those around; you were a real hero. With hands on our heart, we honestly have hardly seen anybody as diligent, enthusiastic and devoted as you. Your great personality earned you huge respect that will always remain. We will never forget your passion for football or the way you led by example in arduous events like the Lanyard Trophy, Cambrian Patrol and Trailwalker. Your passion for writing and your ability to express your views and feelings will live on in your many published articles. We will continue to follow your example. Words fall short to express how we feel about your death but our thoughts and deepest sympathy are always with your bereaved family. May your soul rest in peace. You will be immensely missed.” THE WIRE, APRIL 2014