Polynuclear Hydrocarbons a) Naphthalene
Polynuclear Hydrocarbons a) Naphthalene
Polynuclear Hydrocarbons Classification of Polynuclear Hydrocarbons Polynuclear Hydrocarbons may be divided into two groups, 1) Benzenoid which may be isolated e.g biphenyl or fused in linear form e.g naphthalene or fused in angular form e.g anthracene or it may be 2) Non benzenoid e.g azulene Biphenyl Naphthalene a) Naphthalene Phenanthrene OH 8 2 6 3 4 Br HO3S OH 7 5 Br 1 1-Naphthol or -Naphthol 2-Naphthol or -Naphthol 1,8- Dibromo-naphthalene SO3H Naphthalene-2,7- disulfonic acid Structure elucidation of naphthalene can be explained by such oxidation of naphthalene that give phathalic acid COOH O Naphthalene COOH Phthalic acid When naphthalene was treated with nitric acid it give nitro naphthalene that when oxidized it give nitro phathalic acid So nitro group is present in benzene ring NO2 COOH Naphthalene nitration Nitronaphthalene O COOH Nitrophthalic acid But when nitro naphthalene was reduced it produce amino naphthalene that when suspected to oxidation it give phathalic acid this means The benzene ring in phthalic acid produced by oxidation of aminonaphthalene is not the same ring is that obtained by oxidation of nitronaphthalene. COOH Naphthalene nitration Nitronaphthalene redn. aminonaphthalene O COOH Phthalic acid 1 Naphthalene contains two benzene rings and we can explain this by this equation A B HNO3 NH2 NO2 NO2 COOH HOOC O B A redn. B A O B A COOH HOOC Synthesis :1- Howarth method O O O + AlCl3 Zn-Hg/HCl HO R R O Succinic anhydride conc.H2SO4 -H2O HO R O O Se Zn-Hg/HCl R R R O 2-Other way of cyclization O O + O SOCl2 AlCl3 HO R R O Succinic anhydride AlCl3 O Se Zn-Hg/HCl intramoluclar Friedel Craft R Cl R O R R O The reaction occurs if R is o- or p- directing group such as NH2, NHR, OH, OR, R, halogen. If R is m- directing group (e.g. NO2, CN, COOH, COCH3, SO3H) no reaction occur.The above reaction gives -substituted naphthalene. 2 Chemical Reactions of naphthalene 1. Reduction Na EtOH 1,4- dihydronaphthalene Na isoamyl alc. 1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene Naphthalene Tetralene H2 Ni decahydronaphthalene Decalene 2. Oxidation O CrO3 AcOH O 1,4- naphthoquinone CHO 1) O3 2) H2O/Zn CHO Naphthalene Phthaldehyde O O2 V2O3 O O Phthalic anhydride COOH KMnO4 H COOH Phthalic acid 3) Electrophilic substitution reaction At position 1; carbocation intermediate stabilize by two resonance So carbocation is more stable position 1 than 2 3 NO2 conc. HNO3 conc. H2SO4 1- nitronaphthalene SO3H conc. H2SO4 40°C naphthalene-1- sulfonic acid SO3H conc. H2SO4 180°C naphthalene-2- sulfonic acid Cl Naphthalene Cl2 FeCl3 1- chloronaphthalene COCH3 CH3COCl AlCl3 CS2 1- Acetylnaphthalene COCH3 CH3COCl AlCl3 PhNO2 2- Acetylnaphthalene Elctrodonating group (EDG): NH2, OH, OR,alkyl Substituted naphthalene Activating groups direct the electrophile to the same ring, while deactivating groups direct it to the other ring. Minor EDG Electrowithdrawing group (EWG): NO2, CO, COOH, CN, SO3H E E EDG E Major 4 Examples: OH OH OH NO2 conc. HNO3 + conc. H2SO4 NO2 Major NO2 OH OH conc. HNO3 conc. H2SO4 NO2 NO2 conc. HNO3 NO2 NO2 + conc. H2SO4 NO2 Minor Major NO2 NO2 conc. HNO3 + conc. H2SO4 O2 N NO2 5 NO2 8 Anthracene 9 1 2 7 3 6 5 10 4 Anthracene has 4 isomers I III II IV Synthesis of anthracene 1) Friedl Crafts CH2Cl AlCl3 -2H + ClH2C Anthracene Benzyl chloride 2) Elbe reaction O Pyrolysis CH3 Anthracene o- Methyl- benzenophenone or o- Benzoyl- toluene 3) From 1,4- Naphthoquinone The following method shows presence of naphthalene in anthracene O O O CrO3 AcOH + O 1,4- Naphthaquinone 1,3- Butadiene O Zn O 9,10- anthraquinone 6 Anthracene 4) From benzene and phthalic anhydride O + O O O H2SO4 AlCl3 Zn -H2O HOOC O Phthalic anhydride O anthraquinone Anthracene Chemical reactions X X X2 X= Cl or Br -HX Halogenation X O Oxidation Dil HNO3 In using dil. HNO3 only to obtain 9,10anthraquinone Anthracene Anthracene O Reduction 9, 10- Anthraquinone Na isopropanol Anthracene 9, 10- Dihydroanthracene O Anthraquinone O Preparation O 1) From anthracene Dil HNO3 K2Cr2O7 O Anthracene 9, 10- Anthraquinone 7 Phenanthrene Position of double bond The most stable 3 benzenoid rings Preparation of phenanthrene: 1) Howrth method O O COOH + Zn-Hg/HCl AlCl3 O O Succinic anhydride COOH 9-bromo-9,10-dihydro-phenanthrene Br Br Br2 Br 9,10-dibromo-9,10-dihydro-phenanthrene Biphenyl-2,2'-dicarbaldehyde CHO Br2 1) O2 2) H2O 9,10-dihydro-phenanthrene Na/EtOH CHO 8 FeBr3 COOH COOH Diphenic acid O Zn-Hg/HCl conc.H2SO4 H2O2 AcOH Naphthalene