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The European Workshop on Novel Aspects of
Nanomedicine Now - The Challenge to Translate Scientific
Results to Applications for Patients
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Room 5 - Council of Europe, Strasbourg
08.30 Welcome Addresses
Paul Rübig, MEP 1 / ITRE 2 Committee / STOA3 Chair / Past President ITRE Committee
(introduction by Felix Unger, President European Academy of Sciences and Arts)
Antonio Correia De Campos, MEP / Former STOA Chair / Former Minister of Health
(introduction by Rodrigo Martins, President of E-MRS Senate)
Catherine Florentz, University of Strasbourg Vice-President, in charge of Research
(introduction by Eric Fogarassy, Head of Télécom Physique Strasbourg)
1. Opening
09.00 Welcome Address by UNESCO
Paul Siffert, UNESCO Chair in Materials Science and Engineering / University of
Strasbourg and Secretary General of E-MRS, Strasbourg
09.05 Welcome Address by the French Academy of Medicine
Edwin Milgrom, French Academy of Medicine
09.10 Welcome Address by the European Academy of Sciences and Arts
Felix Unger, President European Academy of Sciences and Arts
09.15 Welcome Address by the European Science Foundation
Jean-Claude Worms, Head of Science Support Office
09:20 Welcome Address by INTERREG Upper Rhine project Nano@Matrix
Genevieve Pourroy, Scientific Coordinator of the INTERREG Project Nano@Matrix,
Research Director, CNRS IPCMS – Department of Chemistry and Inorganic Materials,
09.25 Welcome Address by the European Foundation for Clinical Nanomedicine
Beat Löffler, CEO of the European Foundation for Clinical Nanomedicine (CLINAM),
MEP: Member of the European Parliament
ITRE : Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
STOA: Science and Technology Options Assessment
This event is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund – ERDF in the framework of the
INTERREG IV Upper Rhine Program.
2. Pathway of Nanomedicine - Experiences and Outlook
Chair Yechezkel Barenholz, Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem
09.30 The Experience with Doxil to Translate Results to Clinical Application
Yechezkel Barenholz, Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem
09.45 Innovative Applications of Nanomedicine in Oncology – How far to Bedside?
Christoph Alexiou, University of Erlangen, Erlangen
10.00 Nanomaterials for Medicine: The Key to Clinical and Pharmacological Use
Andrew Owen, University of Liverpool, Liverpool
10.15 Nanomedicine at Clinic: What is Possible and what shall be Possible in 5
Patrick Hunziker, Intensive Care Unit, University Hospital Basel and President of
the European Society for Clinical Nanomedicine
10.30 Questions and Debate
10.45 Coffee Break
3. Conquering the Hurdles of Toxicity
Chair Edwin Milgrom, French Academy of Medicine
11.10 Clinical Aspects of Immunotoxicity in Nanomedicines
Jacques Descotes, Head, Poison Center and Pharmacovigilance Department Lyon
University Hospitals, Lyon
11.25 Infusion Reactions to Nanomedicines: Causes, Prediction and Prevention of an
Immune-Mediated Stress Reaction in Blood
Janos Szebeni, Nanomedicine Research and Education Center, Semmelweis
University & SeroScience Ltd, Budapest
11.40 Pitfalls and Development of Testing Strategies in Nanotoxicology
Carsten Weiss, Group Leader, Molecular Toxicology of Genotoxins and Nanomaterials,
Institute of Toxicology and Genetics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT),
11.55 The Acceptability of Nanomaterials for Nanodrug Delivery Systems
Peter van Hoogevest, Head Development and Scientific Department Lipoid
GmbH, Ludwigshafen
12.10 Questions and Debate
12.30 Lunch
4. Imaging in Nanomedicine
Chair Miroslav Mikolasik, MEP
13.30 Nanosized Probes for Medical Imaging: Challenges and Opportunities
Alessandro Maiocchi, Research Projects Manager, Centro Ricerche Bracco, Bracco
Imaging SpA, Colleretto Giacosa, TO
13.45 Dendrimer-nanoparticle conjugates as nanomedicine tools
Delphine Felder-Flesch, Research Associate CNRS - IPCMS – Department of
Organic Materials, Strasbourg
14.00 Advanced Image Analysis Creating Knowledge in an Automated Fashion
(“Tissue Phenomics”)
Gerd Binnig, Founder of Definiens Inc., Nobel Laureate, Munich
14.15 Questions and Debate
This event is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund – ERDF in the framework of the
INTERREG IV Upper Rhine Program.
5. Nanomedicine: The Pharmaceutical Outlook and the Translational Technology Position
Chair Beat Löffler, CEO of the CLINAM-Foundation, Basel
14.35 Now Nanomedicine develops from the View of a Pharma Company
Bernd Riebesehl, Principal Fellow, Novartis Pharma AG, Basel
14.50 Practical CLINATEC Examples supporting a new methodology for a safer and
accelerated translation of micro-nanotechnology at the bedside
François Berger, CLINATEC Director, Grenoble
15.05 The nanomaterial-biomolecule corona: A critical factor in nanomedicine?
Roland Stauber, Molecular and Cellular Oncology/Mainz Screening Center (MSC),
Medical University Mainz
15.10 Questions and Debate
15.20 Coffee Break
6. The European Funding, the Regulatory and the Characterisation View for Nanomedicine
Chair Patrick Hunziker, Intensive Care Unit, University Hospital Basel and President of the
European Society for Clinical Nanomedicine
15.40 Horizon 2020 – The Future of Nanomedicine seen by EC
Clara de la Torre, Director RTD.D, DG Research and Innovation, EC, Brussels
15.55 Enabling the Development of Nanomedicine in Europe
Patrick Boisseau, CEA-Léti, Chairman of the Board of the European Technology
Platform on Nanomedicine, ETPN, Grenoble
16.10 Regulatory Challenges to be tackled to bring Nanomedicine to Clinic
Marisa Papaluca, European Medicines Agency, Human Medicines Evaluation
Division, London
16.25 Characterisation Networking – The worldwide US Paradigm
Scott E. McNeil, Director, Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory, National
Cancer Institute, Frederick, USA
16.40 Questions and Debate
7. Conclusions
Chairs Patrick Hunziker, Intensive Care Unit, University Hospital Basel and President of the
European Society for Clinical Nanomedicine
Beat Löffler, CEO of the CLINAM-Foundation, Basel
17.00 Panel Discussion “Needs in Nanomedicine and its Development in Europe and
Scott E. McNeil, Director, Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory, National
Cancer Institute, Frederick, USA
Edwin Milgrom, French Academy of Medicine
Marisa Papaluca, European Medicines Agency, Human Medicines Evaluation
Division, London
Herbert Von Bose, Former Director of the DG for Research and Innovation, EC,
17:30 Open Discussion
17.45 Closing Addresses
Fabienne Keller, French Senator
Antonio Correia De Campos, MEP / Former STOA Chair / Former Minister of Health
18.00 End
This event is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund – ERDF in the framework of the
INTERREG IV Upper Rhine Program.
UNESCO Chair in Materials Science and Engineering / University of Strasbourg
French Academy of Medicine
INTERREG Upper Rhine (Nano-Matrix project)
European Commission (Directorate for Research and Innovation)
European Academy of Sciences and Arts
European Foundation for Clinical Nanomedicine (CLINAM)
European Science Foundation (ESF)
European Materials Research Society (E-MRS)
Scientific Committee
Yechezkel Barenholz, Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem
Jacques Chambron, Faculty of Medicine, University of Strasbourg, corresponding
member of the French Academy of Medicine
Gabriel Crean, Vice-President for Technology and Director for Europe, CEA Tech,
CEA, France
Patrick Hunziker, CSO of the CLINAM-Foundation and University Hospital Basel
Paul Siffert, UNESCO Chair in Materials Science and Engineering / University of
Strasbourg and Secretary General of EMRS, Strasbourg
Marcel Van de Voorde, Professor University of Technology Delft
Organization Office
E-MRS European Materials Research Society
23 Rue du Loess
BP 20
F - 67037 Strasbourg Cedex 2
Tel +33-388-10 65 43
Fax +33-388-10 62 93
This event is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund – ERDF in the framework of the
INTERREG IV Upper Rhine Program.