This week's diary - Our Lady of Lourdes/Our Lady of Fatima Parishes


This week's diary - Our Lady of Lourdes/Our Lady of Fatima Parishes
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Sunnybank & Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Acacia Ridge
Acacia Ridge, Algester, Archerfield, Calamvale, Coopers Plains, Kuraby, Macgregor, Parkinson, Robertson, Runcorn, Stretton, Sunnybank, Sunnybank Hills
 Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 121 Mains Road, Sunnybank  Our Lady of Fatima Church, 350 Mortimer Road, Acacia Ridge
Parish Office (adjacent to OLOL Church, Sunnybank)
Monday to Thursday, 8.30 am - 4.00 pm; Friday 9.00am - 4pm.
Ph: 3345 3766
Fax: 3344 3343,
Mass Times: 3345 1831
Post: PO Box 32, Sunnybank, QLD 4109.
Web: Email:
Deanery website:
Priests (After Hours Emergency Only: 3345 3498)
Fr Dan Ryan (Parish Priest: Sunnybank; Administrator: Acacia Ridge)
Fr Noyichan Mamoottil MCBS (Associate Pastor)
Fr Peter Kavumpuram MST (part time Associate Pastor, part time
chaplain to Syro-Malabar Community).
First Sunday of Advent: Year B
30th November 2014
This week’s diary
1st December
Dear Parishioners
8:15 am
8:30 am
Morning Prayer - S/bank
Mass - Sunnybank
Today we begin Advent, the time of “waiting” for Christmas. You will
notice in the Advent Masses we do not sing Christmas carols – we
sing Christmas carols at Christmas time. You will notice at Mass we
will sing “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”. We will sing these songs
and the “Advent Litany” all through Advent. After Communion for the
next four Sundays of Advent we will have a few minutes of quiet prayer, with no music,
to bring a little time of quiet reflection during the busyness of preparing for Christmas.
Tuesday 2nd December
8.15 am
8.30 am
7.00 pm
Morning Prayer - S/bank
Mass - Sunnybank
Silent Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament - S/bank
The Archbishop has appointed a Parish Priest to be in charge of the Acacia
Ridge Parish. Fr Terry Nueva has been appointed to begin at the beginning of
Wednesday 3rd December
January to lead the Parish. However Fr Terry's mother is very ill in the Philippines.
St Francis Xavier
Fr Terry is travelling to the Philippines in the middle of December to be with his mother.
8.15 am Morning Prayer - Sunnybank When he will begin his time in the Acacia Ridge Parish will be determined by the health
of his mother.
8.30 am Mass - Sunnybank
9:00 am
Rosary - Sunnybank
Thursday 4th December
8.30 am
8.45 am
9.00 am
7.30 pm
Mass - Acacia Ridge
Morning Prayer - Sunnybank
Mass - Sunnybank
Meditation Media Rm
5th December
8:15 am
8.30 am
9.30 am
9.45 am
Morning Prayer - Sunnybank
Mass - Sunnybank
Benediction - Sunnybank
Legion of Mary - Media Rm
Saturday 6th December
10.00 am Rosary - Sunnybank
10.30 am Mass - Sunnybank
11.00 am Reconciliation - Sunnybank
2.30-5 pm Catholic Charismatic Prayer
(Our Lady of Guadalupe) in Spanish
Media room - Sunnybank
5.00 pm Reconciliation
6.00 pm Mass - Sunnybank
Sunday 7th December
Second Sunday of Advent: Year B
6.30 am
8.00 am
9.00 am
9.15 am
10.30 am
11.30 am
6.00 pm
Mass - Sunnybank
Mass - Sunnybank
Mass - Acacia Ridge
Mass - Sunnybank
Mass - Sunnybank
Mass - (Spanish) - A/Ridge
Mass - Sunnybank: Youth
This weekend we will welcome a seminarian to be with us during Advent. Jack Ho
has been studying this year at our Holy Spirit Seminary at Banyo. There is a short
introduction to Jack on the 2nd page of this newsletter.
I mentioned in the newsletter last week that our long serving secretary Gabby will be
retiring in early February. Kristen our assistant secretary will also be finishing. I
mentioned we are looking for a full-time Secretary/Receptionist to work in the front
office of the Parish office. I am calling for applicants to contact the Parish office for a
job description. The applicant will need a high degree of computer ability and be able to
communicate very well with anyone who comes into or contacts the Parish office.
Please remember in your prayers a large group of our youth who are away on
camp this weekend. Our Conquest and Challenge youth groups are in
Toowoomba this weekend with Steve and Eloise our Youth Coordinators and a large
group of youth leaders. The camp is the culmination of another successful year for
some of the youth of our Parish.
You are invited to attend a special Mass for the feast of the Immaculate Conception
of Virgin Mary on Saturday 6 of December at 10:30am at Our Lady of Lourdes
Church. There will be a Mass followed by a lunch with all the details elsewhere in this
On the actual feast day of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, Monday
December 8, Deacon Stephen Camiolo will be ordained at 7pm in the Cathedral of
St Stephen. We have only a few seats left for the bus which will be going to the
Cathedral at 5:45pm that evening. The bus will cost $10 and can be paid for at the
Parish office. Stephen’s First Mass will be celebrated at Our Lady of Lourdes on
Wednesday 10th of December 6:30pm. You are invited to stay for Parish barbecue after
Stephen’s First Mass and you are invited to bring a plate of finger food to assist in the
Next weekend at all the Masses in both Parishes the St Vincent to Paul Conference
members will be speaking at each Mass to ask your assistance to help people in our
Have a good week everyone.
Next Sunday: Second Sunday of Advent: Year B. Isaiah 40:5, 9-11; 2 Peter 3:8-14; Mark 1:1-8
First Sunday in Advent: Year B
There are tensions between today’s readings, reminders of past failures and future hopes,
along with a recognition of the need to remain attentive to the present moment in all of its
implications. Overall, however, is the thread of God’s care for each one of us.
First Reading: Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7
This Isaian text can be likened to a sandwich—it begins and ends with a call to God as our father, while the
“filling” is an acknowledgment of sinfulness, along with a plaintive cry for forgiveness in light of God’s paternal
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9
Six times in this brief reading, Paul mentions the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ is above all the sign of God’s fidelity
to us in all of our struggles. He is the pledge of grace.
Gospel: Mark 13:33-37
The verbs in this text tell the story, but they need to be received less as dire threats (which may mislead some
preachers and congregations), and more as calls to be eagerly alert to the Lord’s coming even as we live our
day to day lives.
Catholic Kids Club CHRISTMAS PARTY!
Last Meeting for the year Saturday 13th December
Activities Room - Paloma
3:00pm - 5:00pm (4yrs - 11yrs)
(Come dressed in Christmas gear and
bring a plate of food to share)
For more information on this ministry call
Kristen on 3345 3766.
You’re invited to
The Feast of Our Lady
of the Immaculate Conception
Fr Dan’s 40th Jubilee: Video Presentation
Saturday 6th December, 2014
Commencing with Rosary in 5 languages at 10 am,
followed by Mass, lunch at Runcorn Tavern and
Christmas carols.
Practices for the 4 pm & 6pm Children’s Christmas Eve Mass
Parents, if your children want to be involved in the 4 pm or 6pm Mass on Christmas Eve,
they need to attend all practice sessions:
4 pm MASS: Thursday 18th December 3-5pm, Saturday 20th December at 2pm –3pm and
Tuesday 23rd December 3pm-5pm.
6 pm MASS: Thursday 18th December at 1pm -2:30PM and Tuesday 23rd December at 10am-12pm
For further information please contact Kristen Roe 3345 3766 or email the parish office.
We give thanks for the gift of our bodies, for the ability to run, walk, jump, swim, catch and throw. We pray for the
patience and discipline that we may learn the joy of mastering new skills, achieving success and cheerfully bearing
failure in the company of others.
We pray that our relationships be enriched through the friendships we form. May we learn to include others across
borders of language, colour, gender and religion. We pray that we care for others. May we especially look out for
those who are differently abled, and those often left on the boundaries.
Through our vigilance may we always play fair, and ensure that no one is abused or exploited. Amen.
The final meeting for the year of the social justice community will be held in Paloma on Thursday 4th December
commencing at 7pm.
All welcome to attend.
Dear Parishioners,
My name is Jack Ho, I'm a first year Seminarian for the Archdiocese of Brisbane at Holy Spirit Provincial Seminary.
Prior to entering the Seminary at the beginning of this year, I studied Music Education at the University of
Queensland and had worked in the education sector for several years, both in teaching and in school management,
before shifting to a management role with a U.S. based international firm working with the US Department of States.
On entering the Seminary this year, I attended classes in Theology, Philosophy and various elements of Church life
such as liturgy, spirituality, sacraments and scriptures. I was glad that in different ways within the Seminary I was
able to keep up with my interests in music and in liturgy.
I look forward to my time here at Sunnybank and the many learning opportunities and friendships that no doubt will
be an important part of my formation to the Priesthood.
Your Prayers Are Asked For:
the recently deceased: Eva Baker, Rowena Banillas, Margaret Firth.
those with anniversaries & others who have died: Evelyn Cameron, Derek Chase-Currier, Fr Francis
Truong Buu Diep, Filippo Pirrotta, Philip Salmon, Abraham Veliyath.
those who are unwell: Rose Kenny, Nita Anthony, Catherine Miller, Anthony Christmas, Edna Daley,
Margaret Cavanagh, Anna Chow, Baby Milla Wilson, Chris Carr, Paul Hennessy, Anthony Co, Eva Cruz,
Maria Alvarado, Melissa, Natalie and Stephanie Perkovic, Lola Kelly, Mag Complex, Daphane Maccampley,
Desmond O’Reilly, Janie Booth, Jessica Vasen, Ljerka Doslovic.
the Continuing Sick: Kath Adams, Elizabeth Boase, Vaughan Boucher, Maxine Brady, Jeremy Carroll,
Betty Catchlove, Robyn Clark, Hilary Collins, Noel Combey, Mary Dixon, Yvonne Fletcher, Baby Luka Kello,
Bianca Miller, Catherine Miller, Julanne Slater, Maria Surdo, Emma Weatherley.
Pat Briggs is home from hospital and wants to express her great appreciation to all those who prayed
for her and sent cards.
Parish Secretary/Receptionist
Full -Time
Our Lady of Lourdes/Our Lady of Fatima Parishes
require a full-time secretary/receptionist to work
8am to 4pm Monday to Friday,
commencing early February 2015.
This position requires a person who has excellent
communication skills and a high level of computer skills.
Please call Karrin Halliday, Parish Manager, in the
Parish Office on 3345 3766 for a job description.
Deacon Stephen Camiolo will be ordained on
December 8th in the Cathedral of St Stephen
He will celebrate his First Mass at
Our Lady of Lourdes on December 10th.
The Welcoming Committee will be hosting a Supper
Function, including a sausage sizzle, after Stephen’s
First Mass. Parishioners are asked to contact the
Parish Office to say how many adults and how many
children are attending for catering purposes.
Tea and coffee will be served during the supper.
The Committee requests that parishioners bring a plate
of finger food, either savoury or sweet, to share.
Committee members will be in the Media Room from
5.30 pm onwards to take delivery of food contributions
Sunnybank / Acacia Ridge
Friendship Group
Just a reminder: Our end-ofyear luncheon is on the 3rd
December at the Sunnybank Community and Sports Club,
McCullough Street. Time: 11.30 am for 12 pm. As you
enter, please remember to collect your ticket in the Lucky
Door prize. There will also be plenty of raffles as well as
the drawing of our delicious-looking Christmas Cake.
Come along dressed in your Christmas finery – and don’t
forget to wear something REALLY Christmassy. This will
be our last meeting for this year, BUT we will be back
bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in February next year.
Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School Prep to Year 6
There are limited vacancies in some year levels for 2015
School closes 5 December for the year.
Enrolments for Round 1 interviews for Prep 2016 close on
2nd March 2015.We are committed to providing a quality
Catholic education in both academic and social fields. Our
facilities include refurbished and well-equipped, air
conditioned classrooms swimming pool, modern library,
performing arts centre with auditorium.
Enrolment forms can be obtained from our
website or for more information, please
contact the Enrolments Officer
Debbie on 3345 0700 or email
Sacramental Programme 2015
Important Notice for Parents
Interviews for the 2015 Sacramental Program are continuing until the end of January. If possible we would
appreciate having all the interview times organised
before the completion of the school year. If you have
not contacted the Parish office for an interview time,
please do so on 3345 3766. Please access the website, Sacramental Program/Sacraments.
The SVDP Christmas Appeal
will be held at our churches
on 6th / 7th December.
This appeal helps us to purchase food
vouchers to be used for the next six months. This
support is only possible through the generosity of the
parishes. Receipts will be available for tax deductions.
We ask those who send their donations through the
post to the head office via cheque or credit cards,
please mark your donation to the Sunnybank
Conference or the Acacia Ridge Conference making
sure that the funds are available within our areas.
Thank You
Pastoral Associate
Stella Noskoff rsj
Parish Office Staff
Karrin Halliday
Parish Manager
Gabby Nelson (Assistant)
Kristen Roe (Assistant)
Tam Nguyen (Accounts)
Caring Co-ordinator
Carol Micale
Unite Youth/Young Adults
Co-ordinators Steven & Eloise Bird
0403 182 617
Youth and Young
Adult Ministry
The Lounge Room
Ultimate questions.
Please leave your questions in the
box and we will get an answer for the
next lounge room which will be on Sunday
the 14th of December
Centacare - Sunnybank Aged Care
Community Program ManagerJennifer Vanarey
3216 9554
Paloma Reception Centre
3345 6666
OLOL School, Sunnybank
Principal - Mark Badke
3345 0700
Co-ordinator - Sarubh Malviya
3344 3064
This weekend our Challenge and Conquest youth groups
head away for their annual camp.
We would like to wish them the best of luck and know that
you will all be in our prayers. Thank you to the awesome
group of leaders who have stepped up and volunteered
their time not only every fortnight but to come along on
camp this year.
If you are a young adult and feel called to help out in this
ministry (especially if you are a male) please contact us as
we need more leaders to help out next year.
OLOF School, Acacia Ridge
Principal - Warren Fields
3275 1152
St Stephen’s School, Algester
Principal - Steve Taylor
3711 4911
St Stephen's OSHC
Co-ordinator - Victoria Hickling
3711 9291
St Thomas More College, Sunnybank
Principal - Peter Elmore
3323 4600
Soubirous Place
Coordinator Sr Brigid Courtney rsm
3344 3481
Sunnybank Parish
Bob Davis
Therese Prygiel
Louise Weston
Stay in touch by liking the ‘Unite Sunnybank’ page. All events are posted on
facebook and extra things to make you think or just smile =)
It’s the easiest way to be in the know!
There will be no BBQ this weekend!
NOTE to all on the Sunday Evening Ministry Roster
Ministry Roster for December to February
Will you be away over Dec, Jan and/or Feb?
Please let us know as soon as you know as we will need to start doing the
roster for this time period and would love it to be as accurate as possible.
If you plan on coming to the 8pm Christmas Eve Mass and would like to
serve, please let us know that too =)
Latino American
Sunday 7th December
Fr Martin Ignacio Gutierriez
0481 118 521
MUSICIANS: M. Kearney, E.Dulay, M.Primacio, S.Gomez
SINGERS: S&D Luate-Wani, L.Sharrock, L.Dulay
READERS: L.Kadell, T.Koorbanally, W.Madassery
OFFERTORY: C.Lambert, M.Guerra
SPECIAL MINISTERS: S&M Rodriguez, A.Banett, J.Frassetto, K.Lee, K.Koorbanally,
Marina Castellanos (Secretary)
0481 168 748
Office: Tuesday & Wednesday
9.15am - 3.00pm 3277 6367