here. - The Pupil Premium and Ofsted
here. - The Pupil Premium and Ofsted
r by be rd ok cem bi bo de rly nt u th ea c o 19 or dis f Organised by: 3rd NATIONAL CONFERENCE: The Pupil Premium & Ofsted - Ensuring Successful Outcomes A SecEd & Headteacher Update conference 13 MARCH, 2015, HILTON BIRMINGHAM METROPOLE, B40 1PP Objectives: Join national Pupil Premium Champion Sir John Dunford, as well as a mix of innovative schools, respected educationalists and key experts to discuss how to improve the planning, delivery, monitoring and evaluation of your Pupil Premium strategies. This one-day conference will provide you with: l An opportunity to discuss and explore the latest information and advice on Pupil Premium best practice and evolving Ofsted requirements l Interactive workshops offering practical approaches and solutions l A forum to meet, network and share ideas with colleagues from other schools l General advice on surviving and thriving during Ofsted inspection l Practical ideas, information and guidance that you can take away and implement immediately on current thinking and best practice regarding: 1. Preparing for Ofsted / inspecting the Pupil Premium 2. Robust and effective use of data 3. Pupil Premium, SEN & inclusion 4. Closing the attainment gap 5. Homework & parental engagement 6. Pupil Premium partnerships between schools 7. Narrowing the achievement gap 8. Pastoral interventions 3rd National Conference: The Pupil Premium & Ofsted: Ensuring Successful Outcomes 13 MARCH, 2015, HILTON BIRMINGHAM METROPOLE, B40 1PP one-day Programme 9.00-9.25 Registration & refreshments 9.25-9.30 Welcome & introduction Pete Henshaw, Editor SecEd & Headteacher Update 9.30-11.00 Sir John Dunford, National Pupil Premium Champion 11.00-11.30 Refreshments & exhibition viewing 11.30-12.30 This day is designed for: l Headteachers l Deputy headteachers l SLT members l Heads of year l Subject heads l SEN professionals l Classroom teachers l Teaching assistants l Local authorities l Education advisors l Governors Session 2, an in-depth, practical Pupil Premium Workshop Sir John Dunford, National Pupil Premium Champion 12.30-1.30 Lunch & exhibition viewing 1.30-2.15 Workshop Sessions 1 A SECONDARY: CASE STUDY: Narrowing the achievement gap and sustaining the reduction Teresa Roche, Headteacher, Dronfield Fanshawe School, Derbyshire B PRIMARY: CASE STUDY: Pupil Premium best practice in Manchester Gary Handforth, Director of Primary Education, Bright Futures Educational Trust, Manchester lDetails Return to your school inspired by new, proven ideas and insights into the Pupil Premium and – most importantly of all – able to put these into practice. Session 1, an in-depth, practical Pupil Premium Workshop C INCLUSION / DATA: Using soft data to help close the attainment gap and demonstrate the impact of interventions Daniel Sobel, Founder, Inclusion Expert, London 2.20-3.05 Workshop Session 2 A SECONDARY: CASE STUDY: Pastoral interventions at secondary level Speaker name tbc B PRIMARY: Pupil Premium case studies from a group of primary schools Helen Frostick, National Leader of Education, Headteacher, St. Mary Magdalen’s Catholic Primary School, London C OFSTED: Inspecting the Pupil Premium: preparing for Ofsted John Peckham, HM Inspector of Schools & education consultant, Macclesfield 3.05-3.30 Tea & coffee break 3.30-4.15 Workshop Session 3 A SECONDARY: Preparing for inspection: people, paperwork and the Pupil Premium Matt Bromley, education consultant, SecEd writer, experienced secondary education leader, Derbyshire B PRIMARY: Homework and Parental Engagement Project, Tower Hamlets, London Carol McAdams, Family Homework Project Leader & Jon Swain, Senior Research Officer & Senior Lecturer NRDC, Institute of Education, London C DATA: The Pupil Premium, inspection and data best practice Andrew Hill, Head of Training, FFT, & case study school tbc The Pupil Premium and Ofsted Ensuring Successful Outcomes Booking line: +44 (0)207 501 6342 Ways to book: Organised by: Cheque: to the address below Fax: +44 (0)207 978 8319 Request an invoice Payment Details: Your Details: Title (Dr, Mr, Mrs etc) • I wish to pay by Debit/Credit Card Forenames Please debit my Visa Mastercard Maestro American Express Surname Card no Job title Home address Valid from Expiry date Issue no (Maestro cards only) 3 digit security code Post code Signature Work address Date • Invoice Requesting an invoice and signing this form will secure your place at the conference. All invoices must be paid in full before the event. See booking condition 1. Post code If you have authorisation from your local authority/school/department to attend this event and require an invoice, please provide the correct billing address and a purchase order number. We are unable to process any bookings without this information. We are unable to send out invoices to home addresses. Telephone Email PLEASE COMPLETE IN FULL WITH CONTACT NAME IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE I understand that this registration booking is subject to the booking conditions. Signature Date Delegate Rates PO Number Contact Please tick the box as applicable DELEGATE RATES Please tick the box as applicable To guarantee your places at the conference, take advantage of our Early Bird Rate of £269 (plus VAT), a 10% discount on the standard rate of £299 (plus VAT), by booking before 19 December 2014. You must also select the workshops you wish to attend at the point of booking so that your places in these can be reserved. WORKSHOPS Friday 13 March, 2015: Full invoice address Please tick the appropriate boxes on the list here: Workshop Sessions 1 A o B o C o Workshop Sessions 2 o o o Workshop Sessions 3 o o o Post code Telephone Signed Value added tax; UK Customs & Excise specify that all conference participants must pay VAT at its current rate of 20% Conference fee includes Accommodation Entrance to the conference, lunch & refreshments, full conference documentation and certificate of attendance. Once your booking is confirmed we will send you a list of recommended hotels. Confirmation of booking How did you hear about the conference? All bookings will be confirmed by email, unless otherwise stated. Please contact us if you have not received your confirmation 5-7 days after submitting your booking. Direct mailing Email Recommendation SecEd / HTU website Other website (please specify) Advert in Journal (please specify) Other (please specify) Exhibition & Sponsorship If you are interested in exhibiting or sponsoring this event contact: Matt Govett on +44 (0)207 501 6735 The Venue Hilton Birmingham Metropole, National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, B40 1PP A map of the venue will be sent with your booking. Booking conditions MA Education Ltd (The Company) accepts bookings under the following conditions: 1 Returning the signed registration form constitutes a firm booking. 2 The Company reserves the right to cancel a booking if payment is not made six weeks prior to the conference taking place. Any outstanding payment becomes the responsibility of the signatory made on the reservation form 3 Written cancellations received six weeks prior to the conference will be accepted and a refund less a 10% administration fee will be made. After this date, no refunds can be given. Verbal cancellations will not be accepted. If written cancellation is not received six weeks prior to the conference full payment will still be due irrespective of whether the delegate attends the conference. Substitute delegates are welcome at any time. 4 MA Education Ltd reserves the right to make changes to the speakers and programmes without prior notice. Speakers approached at time of print. 5 MA Education Ltd shall not have any liability, except for death or personal injury caused by its negligence, beyond the value of the conference. Personal arrangements including travel, subsistence and accommodation relating to the conference are made by delegates at their own risk. Full terms and conditions can be viewed at: or telephone +44 (0)207 501 6342 email: Please return to: MA Education Ltd, PUPIL PREMIUM 2015, Freepost Bfh1337, London, Se24 9Br Stay Informed Mark Allen Group Preferences Occasionally, the Mark Allen Group would like to contact you via email, direct mail or telephone about related products, events, special offers and services that we think you might enjoy. Please note that our e-mail and direct mail products may contain promotional materials from pharmaceutical companies and other third party sponsors. If you would prefer not to receive these communications, please tick the box Please note that all of our e-mail alerts and newsletters provide opt-out facilities, which allow you to unsubscribe to these communications. Third Party Preferences Mark Allen Group may also allow carefully selected third parties to contact you about their products and services which we think may be of interest to you. 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