- Gospel Synergy Magazine
- Gospel Synergy Magazine
Ms. Julia Ann Gardner was born in New York, N.Y. Butgrew up in South Carolina. Ms. Gardner began singingas a child at churches in the South and continued uponher return to New York where she was a member of THEVOICES OF PRAISES AND THE COMBINED CHIORat THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH in East Elmhurst, N. Y. She’s also a mother of (one Child) and a retired postal clerk, who loves gardening, sewing, and relaxing with a good book. But whatever she’s doing, she’s always singing. Cd cover art was designed by Ms. Gardner which shows MAKE A DIFFERENCE by feeding a homeless person, the clock and rose tells us to TAKE TIME to enjoy life, smell the rose, MOM, DAD and WTC will ALWAYS REMEMBER, the flag, as we continue to live in peace is THE SPIRIT OF AMERICA. Message 1. Make A Difference 2. The Blood 3. Rise 4. Until I What 5. Take Time 6. Let It Go 7. Spirit of America 8. Always Now Available online download your favorite song for $.99 at www.gospelswap.com Airplay - Corrently in rotation Make A Difference , Rise and Spirit of America www.gospelpower.fm For more information and booking call 803-644-0854 or visit us online at www.juliaanngardner.com Email: julandmusic@aol.com http://www.gospelsynergy.com/members/?thankyou-page=335 Christian Business Opportunity! After the 9/11 tragedy, she was inspired to write the songs for her debut record “MESSAGE” The songs “SPIRIT OF AMERICA” and “ALWAYS REMEMBER” were composed as the search for survivors and victims began at the World Trade Center site. Ms. Gardner feels that this was a time when all America joined together in pain and sorrow but was united in SPIRIT. THE HOPE OF Ms. Julia Ann Gardner is that everylistener will also be inspired to live their dreams, find their purpose in life work and rejoice in the giving of joy and happiness to others. For it’s truly up to each one of us to rise us to make a difference in the world. Sense moving too S. C. Ms. Gardner have had very successful Debut of her CD MESSAGE, and is singing in local Churches in the SC area WHERE SHE IS GETTING AN exhilarating audience respond. In my brief conversation I asked the question as to what really inspired the songs that were written for this project. “ September 11, was a day that I will always remember, the postal station that I worked for was only a few blocks from the World Trade Center. Our station would service the many businesses and the people who worked their used our location.” Say Ms. Gardner. I wanted to do something special for all of the families for people who lost their lives as a reult of this tragedy. After that day in September I had a much greater apriciation for life and a better understand of how awesome God is. So much love so much caring strangers helping each other. It wasn’t to long after 9/11, I retired after writing and producing the CD I relocated to Aiken, S.C. to enjoy a comfortable life and enjoy all of the beauty of what God had created. I believe God gave me these songs as an expression for the love that He has for mankind and the words to each of these songs will bring healing and understanding to everyone who hears the this project as the word penetrate their hearts. Contents Volume 9 Number 4 June 2006 Page 4 My Assignment! Andr’e L. Carter Page 5 Ministry vs. Industry What Drives Your Life? I observed that the basic motive of success is the driving force of envy and jealousy! Ecclesiastes 4:4 (LB) Many people are driven by guilt. Many people. Many People are driven by resentment and anger. Many people are driven by fear. Many people are driven by materialism. Many people are driven by the need for approval. The Benefits of Purpose - Driven Living Knowing your purpose gives meaning to your life. Knowing your purpose simplifies your life. Knowing your purpose focuses your life. Knowing your purpose motivates your life. Knowing your purpose prepares you for eternity. Mel Holder - Reprint Mar/Apr 2000 Page 7 A Tribute to Beverly Jean Nicholson By: Medina J. Nance One day you will stand before God, and He will do an audit of your life, a final exam, before you enter eternity. The Bible says, “Remember, each of us will stand personally before the judgement seat of God... Yes each of us will have to give personal account to God.” Fortunately, God wants us to pass this test, so he giees us the questions in advance. Excert from Rick Warren’s book The Purpose Driven Life... Be sure to pick up your copy for a life changing experience! Page 23 The Belle Report Sharing information about what going on!!! Page 9 The Way To Wellness Series By Carol Hinkle Page 13 Meet JoAnn Woods Page 18 YOU AIN’T HEARD NOTHING YET The Future of Gospel Music: 2020 By: Dr. Nat Irving II Page 26 Gospelpower.fm Playlist The Best Independnet Gospel Music Online! Add us to your favorites and listen as you surf or work on the Net. Commercial Free gospel music 24/7. Page 27 & 28 Gospel Swap Playlists List includes most requested and sold! We welcome your feedback please send to alcarter@gospelsynergy.com Order Your Subscription online at www.gospelsynergy.com Page 2 PUBLISHER’S NOTES Synergy is the essence of principle-centered leadership. It is the essence of principle-centered parenting. It catalyzes, unifies, and unleashes the greatest power within people. What is synergy? Simply defined, it means that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The essence of synergy is to value differences-to respect them, to build on strength, to compensate for weakness. Synergy is almost as if a group collectively agrees to subordinate old script and to write a new one. Value the difference in the essence of synergy-the mental, the emotional, the psychological difference between people. And the key to valuing those differences is to realize that all people see the world, not as it is, but as they are. The person who is truly effective has the humility and reverence to recognize his own perpetual limitations and to appreciate the rich resources available through interaction with the hearts and minds of other human beings. Synergy works it’s a correct principle. It is the crowning achievement of all previous habits. It is effectiveness in an interdependent reality-it is teamwork, team building, the development of unity and creativity with other human beings. VOLUME NUMBER 9 NUMBER 4 Publisher/Editor Andr’e L. Carter Webmaster - Andre A. Carter Charlene Turner - Gosplelinks.com My Pastor Rev James T. Meeks House of Hope of Chicago 724 E. 114 St. Chicago, IL 60628 Contributing Writers Willette Duvall, Andr’e L. Carter Shelle Belle, Mel Holder, Medina J. Nance Carolyn Hinkle, JoAnn Woods, Michelle Colson-Smith Dr. Nat Irvin II, Attorney Joseph Smalls, Marketing And Promotions ALC Cover Design ALC Legal Advisor Attorney Arthur Sutton Photographer One year subscription $20.00 USD Synergy is collectively working together but at the same International $40.00 time each party maintains their own identity. There should Allow 4-6weeks for delivery. Please notify subscription be more positive synergy in the body of Christ. It doesn’t department of change of address. matter what assignment God gives each of us we are all placed in an interdependent position. If you are a gospel Submission of manuscripts, illustrations, and or photographs announcer brokering your time you are looking for sponmust be accompanied by a self-address envelope for the return sors and advertisiers to help pay for your time. If you are a materials. The publisher is not responsible for unsolicited gospel artists you are interdependent on the gospel anmaterials. nouncers to play your music. We live in a world of Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is SNERGY, God has given each of us a dream. prohibited. It is up to us to put the correct pieces of the puzzle together that will make our dream and vision a reality. Bottomline we live in an interdependent world, in order to move to the next level we have to position ourselves to maximize on our positive synergy. God Bless! Postmaster send change of address to: Gospel Synergy Magazine P. O. Box 286261 Chicago, IL 60628 The opinions expressed by the authors who contribute to Gospel Synergy Magazine are their own and does not necessarily reflect those of Gospel Synergy Inc. All work is copy written. Reproduction of any material appearing in Gospel Synergy Magazine without prior written permission is prohibited. However, any articles, photographs, graphics, or other mediums accepted for publishing becomes the property of Gospel Synergy Inc, unless other reproduction rights, terms and conditions are negotiated and approved prior to publishing. Page 3 My Assignment! By: Andr’e L. Carter As I sit here is deep thought reflecting back and reviewing the many different situations I have encountered since I accepted God’s assignment and purpose in August of 1989. I had enough of being caught up in a world of sin. I recall be awaken at 3 a.m., I heard the voice of God say, “Andr’e it’s time to go to work for me.” I felt that I had no choice but to respond so I went back to sleep. When I woke up the next morning which happened to be a Sunday, I had a strong urge to go to church. Since I believed that urge came from God, I acted upon it because I desired to be obedient to the voice of God. As I drove around looking for a church to attend, old gospel songs came to my mind. Here I was driving around praising God in song during my search for a church to attend. I knew that most services had already started because it was after 11:00 a.m. I was already late for Sunday School. I guess it was fate that the church I attended and eventually join (First Baptists of University Park, IL) reminded me of the church I attended when I was a child. I remained a member for eight years under the leadership of Rev. Rogers Jackson. I had been running from God for almost 20 years but know it was time to come back home. God had a plan for my life. I felt the plan was for singing all I wanted to sing. I couldn’t get enough opportunities at church so I would go to nursing home and where ever I could to sing. I became more receptive to God’s call on my life, as I became restless, I joined a community choir on the Westside at the invitation of a co worker and became a member of Carl Mabins and Changed Community Choir. Where I was a member for about 5 years. I was sure that this is what God wanted me to do. But no He was preparing me for something even bigger although I really enjoyed singing. God was revealing so much to me and I mean he revealed a lot to me. One night I attend an event and out of no where a man came up to me and told me that God told him that I was the person who would help him launch a gospel magazine? I was amazed how could this be I had never met this person in my life? I accepted the new assignment because I can’t argue with God especially when he is in control of my destiny. In the summer of 1997, my assignment with the magazine ended. During that time I was confused, I began to question God, “what do you want from me?” I asked if I had moved in the flesh, no I didn’t move in the flesh because I had learned a lot during the 3 years I worked for the magazine. God was not pleased with the owners of the magazine and He wasn’t pleased with me because I was living with a woman who wasn’t my wife. He revealed to me what I had to do in order for the two of us to have His favor. During that period of adjustment God had planted a seed in my spirit to start my own magazine. My friend gave me the new name for the publication that God had revealed to me. It was a struggle but the first issue was published and on the streets in June of 1998. I was so proud even though I had experienced losing the woman I loved and had lived with for eight year, lost my car and a place to call home. Nevertheless I had a new assignment and it was up to me to please God and not man so I continued on in faith. Page 4 I made many sacrifices over the years and many times I wanted to give up but I couldn’t and I knew in my heart that God wasn’t going to let that happen. Again He was revealing more and more to me with each passing year with the highs and lows of being in the publishing business. I have met a lot of people over the years. I have definitely had my share of life’s ups and downs. Yet and still through it all I still find myself standing up and with each passing day I have learned to lean more on Him. Because man will let you down. As I continue to press on God has now imparted in my spirit two more businesses that can help to spread the good news around the world. The Internet isn’t new but because of our lack of knowledge many of us are stuck in a traditional rut because we refuse change. The sad part is we really don’t need to complain what we really need to do is change. Everything we want is available to us as man has experienced the agriculture age the industrial age and now we are in the technology age. I thank God for the wonderful assignment that He has given me. I thank Him for all of the experiences that I have had over the years. I thank him for the people that He has sent into my life negative and positive. I thank Him for my friends and my enemies. It is because of His Love for me and my determination to please Him... Ministry vs. Industry By: Mel Holder Reprint from Mar/Apr 2000 New York, one of the most compelling issue in gospel music is the difference between “Music Ministry” and Music Industry.” Currently, many gospel artists have not only taken the church world by storm, they have advanced deeply into the secular market. This new elevation increases revenue within the secular market. Gospel music now shares more than twenty-five percent of the music industry revenue. Many major secular labels are seeking to open a gospel division to benefit from this economical boom. Music ministries must avoid the hoopla and excitement of these trends and remain focused on their purpose. Unfortunately, some have been lured by world offerings, causing the term “crossover” to mean, getting a piece of the pie, instead of taking the gospel message to an audience that would not have heard it traditionally. What is the difference? Ministry is the act of service in which one contributes time and energy to benefit someone other than themselves. Industry is the habitual steady attention to business. The Bible tells us to be fervent in business, to be prosperous and to act with integrity. In fact, experiencing the increase from the labor of ministry, is expected of a good and faithful steward. However, we need to be careful that the benefits do not become the motivating factor. When, this happens you become victims of the industry. Here are some checkpoints to see where you stand. Are you relying on the Holy Spirits guidance and anointing instead of on the skill, talent and ability He gave you? Is you ultimate goal to glorify self? Is your quest for deeper spiritual possessions or greater material possessions? Are you seeking recognition from God or from man and for self? Many of us may answer these questions with spiritually correct answers. However, is that truly what we are practicing in our hearts? Because ministry is about serving, we offer our skills, talents and abilities back to God to serve the body of Christ. As we lift up the name of the Lord, He becomes glorified and He will draw men unto Him. You see, the purpose here is to glorify Him, His presence enters with a rich anointing which makes it easy for us to minister to His People and bring down the strongholds of the enemy. As a child of God, there is no sweeter place than bathing in the presence of the Lord! Our secular music counterparts spend millions of dollars marketing artists, giving them images larger than life, believing this will translate into revenue. Meanwhile, the artists cannot handle the glorification and full social vices. God never intended for man to be glorified. When man seeks to obtain glorification, his downfall is inevitable. History has proven this. Sadly, the same condition and consequence has become a reality in the church. Marketing gospel talent is important. However, we must avoid certain gods. We must focus on the message. The messenger should never be greater than the message. Promoting gospel talent should simply be making the public aware of a vehicle from which the message will flow. Therefore, the ministry aspect remains the primary focus and the industry aspect is secondary. What really motivates involvement in ministry? Is it recognition? Recognition drivers the industry. Gospel music offers the Billboard charts, The Dove Awards, The Stellar Awards and the Grammies as instruments to recognize one’s achievements. Even in this, we should honor each other as God intended, and not strive for recognition. Remember our gifts will make room for us. Recognition should be a by product of service, not a goal to attain. Is publicity the motivation? Although it is popular to be in videos, television, magazines, CDs, and radio stations these resources should be used to promote God’s plan and not ourselves. We are agents and representatives of Jesus Christ. The aforementioned mediums can definitely help in expanding the gospel. Let’s remember that if we receive any praise in these things let it go to calvary. Is position motivation? There is a distinct difference between position and being called. An artists, who is truly called, understands there is a higher value placed on a calling because of its eternal ramifications. As A Christian Artists, I have struggled with these questions. I remember years ago when I accepted the Lord into my life I was ready to just do everything for Him. I felt that God should be honored to have someone as talented as I was in the ministry. Quite quickly I realize that God was not interested in my talent. He was concerned with me and the condition of my soul! After fighting with God, I put my talent on hold for a period. Shortly there after, I attended Bible School and started studying the word seriously. After a period of three years the Lord released me into the music industry. I later realized that if those three years of studying God’s word hadn’t taken place I would have done things exactly as I did in the secular music industry. I needed a renewing of the mind. Just like a soldier in the natural I had to have a period of basic training. I had to learn that the focus was not on me but on Christ. I had to learn it was not about my performance but His ministry. Ultimately, the difference between ministry and industry is eternal. Only what’s done for Christ will last. Yes, both are attainable, but you can only be motivated by one. For More Information Regarding Mel Holder Please visit him on line at www.melholder.com Mel Holder is a Gospel Jazz Artists Listen to him and others on www.gospelpower.fm for the best verity of independent gospel music on line. Page 5 THE BALM IN GILEAD GEARS UP FOR SEVENTH ANNUAL OUR CHURCH LIGHTS THE WAY TESTING CAMPAIGN The Balm In Gilead announces the seventh annual Our Church Lights The Way: The Black Church HIV Testing Campaign, a partnership between the Balm In Gilead, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Black Church to solicit the Black faith leadership to encourage African Americans to get tested for HIV and to know their status. This campaign, which runs the entire month of June and culminates June 27th National HIV Testing Day, seeks to get every African American tested for HIV and to help Black churches become community centers for HIV/ AIDS education and information.“The quest to save African Americans from HIV/AIDS is the civil rights fight for today,” says Pernessa Seele, Founder and CEO, The Balm In Gilead. “We need the African American church to, once again, mobilize and engage the entire Black community in stopping the spread of HIV/AIDS among our men, women and children. The strong voice of the Black pulpit must speak loud on HIV prevention, which includes informing African Americans about the importance of HIV testing and counseling.” Of the estimated 40,000 new HIV infections each year, more than 50 percent occur among African Americans. AIDS is the number one cause of death for Black adults aged 25 to 44, before heart disease, cancer and homicide. Methodist Episcopal Church — is designed to build the capacity of these denominations to address cervical cancer, HIV/AIDS and other health issues in Black communities. To learn more about these and other churchbased HIV testing programs and how your church can participate in “Our The Balm In Gilead’s pioneering Church Lights the Way: The Black achievements have enabled thousands Church HIV Testing Campaign,” of churches to become leaders in preventing HIV by providing As a pillar of strength in the Black comprehensive educational programs community, the Black Church has and offering compassionate support taken up the cross in the fight against to encourage those infected to seek HIV/AIDS with Our Church Lights Church-based programs. The The Way: The Black Church HIV organization has expanded its efforts Testing Campaign. We are sending internationally to address the messages of love and hope to those devastation of HIV/AIDS in African living with HIV/AIDS through Jesus countries including Cote d’Ivoire, Christ, our Lord and Savior. We are offering uplifting words of Kenya, Nigeria, and Tanzania. inspiration to those infected and The Balm In Gilead’s other affected by HIV/AIDS and we are groundbreaking work in the African telling everyone in our community to American faith community includes take a stand and help us stop the the African American Denominational spread of HIV by getting tested. Leadership Health Initiative. Call The Balm In Gilead at Launched in March 2004, this historic 888-225-6243 partnership between the Balm In or visit us Gilead and the women’s missionary online at societies and councils of three Black www.balmingilead.org religious denominations – The African Methodist Episcopal Church, Become a partner - Find a location in your area more information is The African Methodist Episcopal available once you visit us! Zion Church and The Christian Page 6 Tribute to Dr. Beverly Jean Nicholson By: Medina J.Nance On May 2, 2006, we lost a giant in the field of Natural Health, not to mention a bright ray of sunshine. Dr. Beverly Nicholson, better known as “Doc” to many was a giant in the herbal industry. Wherever she traveled, she was sure to be educating on natural health – specifically ‘Cleansing the Colon’! She was well known and respected as the ‘Herbal Doctor’. I met her at a Nature’s Sunshine Herbal Conference about 12 years ago. It seems like yesterday that she walked right up to me and started to educate me on how to truly cleanse the bowel and system with the 90 Day Colon/System Cleanse. She told me that she had been diagnosed with Lung Cancer, Leukemia, Lupus, Hiatal Hernia and Gallstones! I was blown away at her wealth of knowledge and her ability to lay out all the stats concerning the state of health for Americans today. I haven’t mentioned the magnetism, she literally had everyone running to her as if she had a built in magnet. Actually, she epitomized the herbal company we utilize, Nature’s Sunshine Products. Beverly always shined! She was well loved and respected by everyone at Nature’s Sunshine. We both love this company as they personify ‘People to People’ or actually helping people, not just selling them a product. Page 7 Beverly started as a Distributor with Nature’s Sunshine about 30 years ago and furthered her knowledge and education to obtain mastery in the field of natural healing, she had the rank of Senior Divisional Manager, once obtaining Manager of the Year for her tireless efforts in the field, and she had many awards plaques and certificates. She opened the doors to the many opportunities that the company has to offer. There’s no other company than I’ve seen that has such potent products and is so big on Education. This is what Beverly did for me – she took an illness that I’d been diagnosed with, Lupus SLE and actually turned it around as well as opening the door to a whole new world. This world consisted of a job I love, almost as much as she did. Not to mention a great income and traveling all over the world. Beverly was great at taking that sunshine she had within and shining it all over. I’m still trying to figure out how she found the time, let alone the energy to do all that she has done. It seems impossible, but Beverly did a juggling act out of this world! She juggled raising Lil’ Beverly (her namesake and granddaughter), being a Mom, mentoring many, running a Wholistic Health Spa, Committees, Boards, Foundations, family members, friends and being a Socialite here in Chicago & abroad. God blessed her with that special gift. So for those who want to doubt herbs, cleansing and natural health because she was taken away so soon (she was only 58) – I say this, “we work on our health for Quality, the Longevity is in God’s hands”. God blessed us with the time we had with her, those years were the best of Quality. I miss her so much, and I’m not alone in my sorrow and heavy heart – at times it seems so unreal and unbearable, but God is great all the time and He Sure blessed my soul and many others in the person on Dr. Beverly Jean Nicholson, PHd. She’ll be missed but never forgotten and for all those seeds she planted out there, we owe it to her to help harvest her 30 years of hard work – her labor of love. First by taking care of ourselves, she’d always say, “Medina, let’s not be like the beautician, who’s head is a mess or the shoe maker with ragged shoes, or the seamstress with torn clothes – let’s take good care of ourselves”! I’ve yet to meet anyone who cleansed or took herbs like Beverly, she had a high quality of life. Next, let’s help each other. Beverly would say quite often, “you can’t get anything with a closed fist”. She understood the ‘Gift of Giving’, she gave to so many and God loves a Cheerful Giver (that was Beverly). Last year this time, we were on a cruise through Europe – Sweden, Finland, Germany, England, Denmark, Russia and some places I can’t even remember. She called me up in the fall of last year and said, “Pack your bags, this spring we’re going on a TAC trip to Europe”! Those are trips that Nature’s Sunshine pays for to reward their Top Achievers and Beverly qualified for two. The company is just great that way, and we had a blast. I never would have thought that this would be our last trip, we were planning to go to China in the fall. I’m going to miss calling my mentor/sister/friend up for advice and a good word, but I thank you God for the wonderful times and all the nice people that I met through your ray of sunshine. Beverly, Thank You from all the thousands of people you helped heal and uplift over the short time you were here ………………. May God bless and keep you for evermore. Medina J. Nance C.H..H.C Offers Personal Programs - Personal Conultant, Nutritional Training, Herbalist Courses, Blood Type Charts, B./T. A. Testing for more information call: 773-324-4372/ herbs1519@yahoo.com - Tune in every Thursday - Education is the Answer Herban Renewal on Ch 21(Can TV) 6 pm Chicago Only. New show will be added to www.gospelpower.fm . Coming Soon!!! New Ministries New Programs New Artist New Music Independent GospelMusic At Its Best www.gospelpower.fm Advertise your Product or Service to The World Special Rates Limited Time Offer Call Today 708-272-6640 Email: alcarter@gospelcynergy.com Page 8 The Way To Wellness Series By: Carol Hinkle “WHEN YOU FEED YOUR BODY AT THE RIGHT CELLULAR LEVEL THE PROPER BUILDING BLOCK THE BODY HEALS ITS SELF” You might ask yourself, am I really getting all the necessary nutrients I need in my daily diet? Rather if you think its yes or no, the answer is absolutely not. Today’s fruits and vegetables may look fresh and ripe and full of nutrients, the truth is they’re nutrients poor. The US. Senate#264 and the Earth Summit Report, documents an 85% mineral depletion of our farm and range soils over the past 100 years in North America. As a result, food grown in such soil is devoid of the intended vitamins and minerals. Even worse, the produce farmed for distribution in grocery stores is generally cultivated using chemical fertilizers,pesticides and waste contamination. Life Force manufactures a unique comprehensive nutritional supplement called Body Balance. First,it is in liquid form for maximum absorption. the Physician’s Desk Reference (considered to be the medical ‘BIBLE’) reveals that vitamins and minerals in pill form are only 10 to 20 % absorbed by the body. The other 80 to 90% are literally being flushed down the drain. But nearly 100% of a liquid supplement like Body Balance is quickly digested and pumped into the blood stream because it’s easily absorbed. Plus pills are difficult to swallow for many people. Body Balance is also superior to pill form because of it’s ingredients. Whole foods are used in the manufacturing of Body Balance, including Sea Vegetables from the pristine ocean waters. Sea vegetables are far more superior to land vegetables because of their vital phytonutrients. It also contain Aloe Vera, which adds remarkable healing and soothing properties to a nutritional supplement. Aloe Vera is a great source of more than 75 nutritional compounds, including vitamins,minerals and 18 amino acids. With the lack of nutrition in our foods, it’s obvious that we need to supplement our deits. In fact, in June 2002, the journal of the American Medical (JAMA) publish the following findings: “Most people do not consume an optimal amount of all vitamins alone and it appears prudent for all adults and children to take vitamin supplements. However, there are so many vitamins and minerals supplements on the market that choosing an effective one becomes difficult this is where Life Force comes into play. Page 9 Make the right choice for you and your family. Choose Body Balance by Life Force International for maximum nutritional benefit in an easy to take form Look for next month article for testimonials and How to solve your calcium intake problem. It’s easy to order directly from Life Force Intnl. Products are shipped fresh and never over 14 days old.You can also purchase your products online at www.lifeforce.net./ Sponsor # 20497970 For more information call Carol at 708-275-3479 or you can email me at hnk755@aol.com A Changed Life Style By: Michelle Colson-Smith Several years ago I was going through a painful divorce. My ex-husband was divorcing me for another woman. After five years of marriage, I had just given birth to our daughter four months earlier so you could imagine the anguish of this abandonment. During this period of my life, I had not accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. However, I was seeking answers! An acquaintance of mine, introduced me to his friend. He believed she would be of some help to me because she was a Christian. As time went by, I learned she was a lesbian. I’ll call her Linda (for this testimony). Linda was a very attractive woman. She was tall and slim, but she was also masculine. I was very intrigued by her knowledge of God and his Word. Linda was also the mother of a son. Our kids played very well together. I began to develop feelings for her, just the same as I would for a man. I knew Linda felt the same way about me. One evening, I invited her over for dinner. Later that night, Linda and I talked about her lifestyle as a lesbian. Be not deceived, evil communications corrupt good manners. Awake to righteousness and sin not: for some have not the knowledge of. I found myself in sin. Several months later Linda and her son moved in with us, I unquestionably believed that I was in love with this woman. We were living like a real family. Proverbs 14:12 there is a way, which seems right unto man (woman) but it sends the way of death. During this time, Linda taught me how to pray and fast, basically, how to be a Christian. But she had never mentioned having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Meanwhile, she had introduced me to her Christian’s friends who also were gay. These friends are also in the gospel entertainment business. The songs they sung did not apply to the life they lived. 2 Timothy 3:5-7: Having a form of godliness but denying its power, and from such people turn away. For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, always learning andnever able to come to knowledge of the truth. Linda suggested that we should go to church on a regular basis and to raise our children in the church. One day, I asked her what the Bible said about Lesbians. She mentioned Sodom and Gomorra (Genesis 19), which I was already familiar with the story. Linda said, God destroyed the City, because the men tried to rape God’s angels. It had nothing to do with sexuality. Linda also stated, it is not a sin for two women to be in love. Unfortunately, I was not completely satisfied with her answers. One evening while Linda was asleep. I got her Bible looking for scriptures on homosexuality, Acts 17:11... Receive the word with all readiness, and search the scriptures daily to find out whether these things are so. Although, the homosexuality search I could not find, I did find it hard for me to put this book (the Bible) down. I read the Bible until 6:00am. Well, Linda was so upset, she hid her Bible from me. Praise God! I was able to purchase my own Bible. At that time, Linda and I had been together for one (1) year. Afterward our relationship got ugly. This woman became very abusive verbally and physically. Proverbs 22:24-25: make no friendship with an angry man, and with a furious man do not go, lest you learn his ways and set a snare for your soul. One Sunday Service, the Pastor made a statement pertaining to homosexuals... Leviticus 18:22: You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. Unfortunately, I was not completely satisfied with her answers. One evening while Linda was asleep, I got her Bible looking for scriptures on homosexuality, Acts 17:11... Receive the word with all readiness, and search the scriptures daily to find out whether these things are so.Although, the homosexuality search I could not find, I did find it hard for me to put this book (the Bible) down. I read the Bible until 6:00am. Well, Linda was so upset; she hid her bible rom from me. Praise God! I was able to purchase my own Bible. At that time, Linda and I had been together for one (1) year. Afterward our relationship got ugly. This woman became very abusive verbally and physically. Proverbs 22:24-25: make no friendship with an angry man, and with a furious man do not go, lest you learn his ways and set a snare for your soul.One Sunday Service, the Pastor made a statement pertaining to homosexuals... Leviticus 18:22: You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination before God. Linda was squirming in her seat. Later on that same day, she called my family to inform them of our relationship. They were not surprised since it was geting closer to Easter, which Linda was planning to spend time with her family.tting closer to Easter, which Lindawas planning to spend time with her Page 10 family. On Easter Sunday, I gave my heart and life to Jesus Christ to become my personal Lord and Savior. I was very excited about being saved. Evening came and Linda has returned home. I could not hold the news so I informed her I gave my life to Jesus Christ. Once again, she was furious; she cursed me out for getting saved. Later on that same day I asked her to move. This really was not hard for me to do, because I was truly sick of her belligerent behavior. Of course she was not happy with my decision so she moved back to Fresno, California. After she had moved, I had stopped attending church for many months. Heb. 10:25- Not forsaking the assembly of ourselves together ...I had a next door neighbor who would bring her poodle over for my kids to play with. I will call her Kelly was much younger than me and was of mixed race. In fact, Kelly looked like Sally Richardson. Proverbs 6:25 says, Do not lust after beauty in your heart. Not let her allure with her eyelids. Once again, I found my myself in sin. I was accepting the fact that I was a lesbian. However, my family wasn’t accepting my lifestyle. In fact, they wanted to fight for custody. They believed I was neglecting my children. Actually, they were absolutely right. Everything about me changed, my behavior, and the way I dressed, and I was becoming very masculine. Kelly and I were attending many gay parties and nightclubs every weekend. I was truly lost! I though I would never change. We even became engaged (can you believe it?!). Kelly and I was together for about one (1) year. In fact, I was getting worse! Jesus was right when stated in Luke 11:26 Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse that the first. Kelly knew how much I wanted to return to church so she suggested we attend a gay church. We decided to call the church to send us information, which they sent us a brochure. It stated how God accepted Homosexuals for themselves, used with a biblical story also. For instance, HowDavid and Jonathan had a gay relationshipand how God Blessed it. Read it for yourselves 1 Samuel 20:17-41. If you know anything about King David...King David was pretty popular with the sisters. They Believed you could openly be a gay Christian. In 1 John 3:56 clearly states, “ And you know that He was manifested to take away sins, and in Him there is nor sin. Whoever abides in Him does not sin. Whoever sins has neither seen Him nor know Him. If we are born into the family of God, we cannot make sin a lifestyle because the Holy Spirit that is in us will convict us of sin. Meanwhile, Kelly and I had gone to this popular gay and lesbian bar. The owner of the bar entered the hospital so the worker suggested we have a silent prayer on her behalf. As I was praying, I heard the voice of God saying, “Michelle, I can’t hear their prayers, but I hear yours!!!” Proverbs 28:9 says, One who turns away his ear from hearing the law even his prayer shallbe an abomination. As I waspraying for the owner, I was also praying for myslef. This scripture came to mind. Psalm 66:1820 says, If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear. But certainly God has heard me:He has attended to the coice of my prayer. Blessed be God, who has not turned away my prayer. Nor His mercy from me! After the prayer was over I turned to Kelly and I told her I wnated to leave. Kelly did not want to leave, but she knew I was in no condition to drive. I had too muchto drink. During this time Kelly and I was living in separate apartments. I was staying with my mom and she was staying with her grandmother so I decided to drive myself home. A voice, the (devil), tried to convience me to take my life. After all, I drove like amaniac. I can recall, I made it home by the grace of God. As my children slept, I kissed them. That Same evening, I prayed that God would remove this desire from my heart. The next day I asked my mom and sister to help me. I no longer wanted tp accept calls from Kelly or her friends. Kelly would not accept this!!! One day I went to pick up my kids from school and she God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10:9). Do you remember the club owner? Well, she died and I do not know if she knew Christ personally. But if not, she is in hell. You don’t go to hell because you However, it was also a struggle for me, are gay or a lesbian. You simply go but I had to focus on my relationship with God and my children. One day I met with because you have rejected the truth. was there, waiting for me. I clearly stated, “Stay away from me and my kids or I’ll get the police involved.” I was absolutely cold towards Kelly. I felt this was the only way to cut ties with her. the Pastor from the church I was attending. It was a struggle to meet with him, because my car broke down and I had to catch the bus. The Pastor was so patient. I finally made it to the church and he was a blessing!!! He never judged me, he just encouraged me in the Lord. He is the same pastor God used to speak on homosexuality. I truly thank God for that pastor, who did not compromise the word of God. Isaiah 52:7 says, How beautiful upon the mountains, are the feet of him who bringsgood news, who proclaim salvation... Even though I had fallen in love twice with a woman. I boldly went to the Throne of God and asked Him for mercy.Proverbs 24:16 says, For a righteous man may fall seven times and rise again, but the wicked shall fall by calamity. I’ ve been delivered for eight and a half years. I am now married to a man, and the mother of four children. If anyone is struggling with homosexuality, first of all you have to recognize it as sin. You are not born gay, but into sin!!! If you believe you are a Christian and living in this kind of sin, then this scripture is for you. 2 Timothy 2:19 Neverthless the foundation of God stands, having this seal: The Lord knows those who are His, and, Let everyone who names the mane of Christ depart from iniquity. What the Bible says about “ Homosexuality” in Romans 1:26-28 is: For this reason God gave them vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the women, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which is due. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to debased mind, to do the things, which are not fitting If you do not know, Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, The Bible says: that we will have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that Page 11 In John 14:6, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. In an acceptable time I have heard you, and in the day of salvation I have helped you, (2 Corinthians 6:2). And as is appointed for me to die once, but after this the judgment (Hebrews 9:27) Please don’t leave here without Jesus Christ. To have a personal relationship with Jesus, please repeat this prayer: Heavenly Father, please forgive me for all of my sins. I believe Jesus died for all of my sins. Lord God, take full control of my life, help. Heavenly Father, please forgive me for all of my sins. I believe Jesus died for all of my sins. Lord God, take full control of my life, help me to be the person you created me to be. I now believe I am a child of God. And my name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. I thank you, in Jesus name, Amen. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Now find a Bible teaching church, which does not compromise the word of God as in Hebrews 10:25, Romans 10:17 and Colossians 2:8. Find the time to study the word of God as according to 2 Timothy 2:15. Find the time to pray as God word says in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 and Luke 18:1. Begin a new Godly relationship as in 2 Corinthians 5:17 and Psalms 133:1 I would like to thank my husband for giving me his blessing for sharing this testimony. God knew what he was doing, when he brought you into my life. “I love you my King! Like the word of God in 1 Peter 3:6 says: As Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, whose daughters you are if you do good and are not afraid with any terror. MATHEW KNOWLES LAUNCHES SPIRIT RISING MUSIC: Beyonce’s manager/father taps gospel markets By Mona Austin / mona@lachurchscene.com After the mutual agreement to part ways with Sanctuary, entertainment mogul Mathew Knowles has regained ownership of his companies; Music World Entertainment and the Music World Music Record Label, and has revamped and restructured the gospel/ inspirational division, Spirit Rising Music, with plans to release several projects. A simultaneous, September 2006, release will set off a snowball effect of inspirational bliss under the Spirit Rising Music umbrella on “Music World Entertainment.” A Threefold Experience The rollout begins with a cohesive work of art from Pastor Rudy Rasmus of St. John’s United Methodist Church in Houston, TX, where he invites one to travel through and experience his ministry, music and inspirational writings. The musical experience: ministry principles, but more than that, it’s the story of God using Rudy and St. John’s to reach into people’s deepest fears and highest hopes—and touch them with God’s transforming love. A percentage of book sales will be donated to “Bread Of Life” to continue feeding the homeless. The ministry: “Bread of Life” has provided meals 7 days a week feeding the Houston, TX downtown homeless community distributing 15,000 lbs of fresh food every week and serving 6,000 meals per month without fail. It also provides housing assistance, life skills/social services, temporary shelter, drug rehabilitation services, acute health care and mental health services/case management. Through “Bread of Life”, Pastor Rudy is on a mission to promote selfdetermination, self-empowerment, and ultimately self- sufficiency by using a community network approach. Also in the works is a Michelle Williams dance re-mix record, Spirit Rising III and long-awaited projects from Ramiyah, and Trin-i-tee 5:7 all under the Spirit Rising Music imprint. Mathew Knowles, President of MWE best-known for his role as manager of Beyonce and the global phenomenon Destiny’s Child, the most successful girl group in the history of pop music, is dedicated to bringing quality entertainment and ministry to the world. For more information visit: www.spiritrisingmusic.com. Spirit Rising Volume I & II The Pastor Rudy Experience Volume I: Touch, is an exceptional production introducing an exciting variety of styles from various talents including Brian C. Wilson, Ron Summers, Nikki Ross (Kirk Franklin singer) and Soulfruit. The inspirational writing: Touch: The Power of Touch in Transforming Lives (September 1, 2006 release), is the story of Rudy’s life, his response to God’s grace in his own life, and his passion to touch the lives of every person with God’s great love. The Spirit Rising Volume l & ll boasts a virtual who’s who of gospel, inspirational and mainstream artists including Bishop TD Jakes, Michelle Williams, Mahalia Jackson, Marvin Winans, Mary Mary, Mighty Clouds of Joy, Kelly Price, Earth Wind and Fire, Israel & New Breed, Alvin Slaughter, and Men Of Standard. A bonus DVD featuring various artist performances will be available at Walmart. Page 12 Billy Preston Known as The Fifth Beatle died on June 6, 2006. This is the day that most people feared because of the date 6-6-06. God had a plan of His own. Billy will always be remembered for his musical contributions over the years. After a long battle with kidney problems and being in a coma since November of 2005 Billy went Home to be with the Lord. Meet JoAnn Woods Jo Ann Woods, a native Houstonian, is the older of two children born to Mr. Joe Ellis and Mrs. Leavergia Woods. She received her Christian and church experience at an early age. Jo Ann began singing solos at one year old under the direction of her mother who is a musician. At the ages of five to eight, she was featured every Wednesday night on her radio show with KYOK and was known as “The Little Darling of the Airwaves.” After graduating from Worthing High School, she attended Texas Southern University majoring in Business Administration. She also earned an Associate Certificate from CCS Travel Academy and is now an Executive Accounts Representative for Continental Airlines. Jo Ann has performed with many gospel music greats and has traveled extensively around the country and internationally promoting gospel music. She has appeared on several television productions: HBO Special-Robert Townsend and His Partners in Crime-”Take No Prisoners Part II”, Bobby Jones Gospel, Texas Music Awards and Wrigley’s Spearmint Gum Gospel provides Road and Booking Management, Artist Development, Promotions and Productions. She is proud to represent some of the finest Jo Ann has also served as Artist independent artists and ministers in Relations for Take It To The Bridge, Gospel music today. JAW Marketing Representative for Stellar Entertainment Group is your talent Awards Gospel Star Search, pianist resource for concerts, speakers, of Mt. Horeb Baptist Church, Music workshops, plays, and tours. Director for the Good Gang Children’s Choir and Faith Jo Ann enjoys training young voices, Community Choir Children’s Choir, workshops, concert productions and children’s choir director for the New traveling. Faith Church, Redeemed Chapel Roster of Artists Below... CME, The Community of Faith, Covenant Glen UMC and Southeast Community Church. Choir national Competition, to name a few. She also appeared the movie “Jason’s Lyric.” Today, Jo Ann serves as Music Director for the Children music ministries her at Southwest “The Bridge”, Music Teacher at Southwest Community Christian Academy and Event Chairperson for the American Christian Schools International (ACSI) South Central District Choral Festival 1999-Present. On a national level, Jo Ann serves as Assistant Office Manager and Computer Specialist for the Academic Division of the Gospel Music Workshop of America where she has been a member for over thirty (35) years. She also serves as Road Manager for The Christianaires, Marketing Manager for Nu Horizon Booking and Management, Tour Director for playwright Michael Matthews and Travel Director for several plays and concerts touring the country. In October of 2005, Jo Ann saw the need to give a voice to independent artist trying to minister and presenttheir musical and speaking talent locally and nationally. From that need was formed her new company, JAW Entertainment Group Page 13 For More Information call 281-778-6370 or Email JoAnn at jwoods@entouch.net yes, this is Michael Jackson’s “Man in The Mirror.” The Cantons sing “I Can See Clearly Now.” Slim and The Supreme Angels sing “Blowin’ In The Wind.” The Christianaires sing “Bridge Over Troubled Water.” Lee & The Spiritual QC’s sing Bill Withers’ “Lean On Me.” And the gang come together to “jam’ with “Love Train.” Some may question the “gospel” aspect to this project. At the same time, even those that may not find the “gospel” music in the songs should appreciate the fact that the guys recorded these songs and took each to another level. As we continue to thank God for allowing us to see another year let us remember to pray for the entire gospel music industry. It is the prayer of Gloryland Gospel that each and every artist presented throughout this year, and who continue to proclaim the Word of our Lord and Savior in song, will sincerely seek God in every action throughout the year. Below you will find the latest in Gospel May 9, 2006 Quartet Industry News. A relatively new label, Low Rush Music has just released 3 exciting June 3, 2006 projects. They have released The June has been designated Black Golden Wings Quartet’s You’ve Music Month. During this month, Got To Leave It Here! – Live in we encourage you to celebrate gospel Concert; The Gospel Imperials’ quartet music by sharing the music Move Satan; and The Veal Brothers’ with others. Take every opportunity Recorded Live In Alabama & to engage in a conversation about Louisiana – Feel The Spirit. The gospel quartet music. There is a rich label is also positioning itself to history to this music and it is only release projects by other groups and beginning to be told. Do you part and soloists in the not to distant future. share the history. To acquire copies of any of the projects on this label contact Low May 16, 2006 Rush Music at (770) 464-0349 or The street date for SoulLink Live 3 visit their website at is May 30, 2006. This is one project www.lowrush.com. that you definitely want to order in advance. The subtitle of the project May 5, 2006 is “Man In The Mirror.” That title alone should tell you that you are in Bill Pinkney’s Gospel Drifters are for something entirely different with in the studio working on a new this project. We have heard the entire project. We heard some of the songs project and it is awesome and unique. that will be on this project and they There are 14 songs on this project. are great. This CD is likely to be one The project is unique because of the of the most anticipated of this year. selection of songs and who are Reggie Funderburk is featured on singing them. For instance, “Man In many of the songs. He also The Mirror” is sung by The contributed to the arrangements of Williams Brothers, with The many of the songs. The CD is Cantons, The Christianaires, Slim, scheduled to be released by the end and Lee singing background. And of the summer. Page 14 May 1, 2006 David Talley has produced an outstanding CD on the group Randy Gaines and Chozen. The CD is titled Heaven. If you do not have this project, contact Mr. Talley at Praise G. Records. The telephone number is 256-326-9847. May 1, 2006 It’s another month and what a month it is going to be for gospel quartet music. Several new projects are scheduled to be released this month. One of the most anticipated is Just Being Me by Keith “Wonderboy” Johnson and The Spiritual Voices. In addition to the releases, there are several major events slated for May. They include the World’s Greatest Mother’s Day Gospel Bowl Ever, the SC Gospel Quartets Awards Banquet, and Barbara McLauglin’s National Association of Gospel Promoters and Managers’ Convention. April 26, 2006 Jerry Mannery, the Director of the Gospel Music Division, of Malaco Music Group, has accepted a position with another company. He will become Client Service Director, Entertainment Marketing Division, at OwensMorris Communications. Gloryland Gospel is the number one site to visit for the latest update and reviews with what’s happening on the quartet scene. As we celebrate the Black Music Month you have to make sure to include the quartet artists contribution to the Gospel music you can go online 24/7. Visit us online today at www.glorylandgospel.com Visit us on line today and enjoy the #1 online site dedicated to Quartet music. Come see what we have to offer for your listening pleasure. www.gospelswap.com celebrates Black Music Month The Soul Revivals Witness For Christ Gods Posse Leon Scott Rev. Charlie Wells & Voices of Clouds Yvette Williams & The Voices of Paradise Arthur Crume & The New Generation Soul Stirrers Dr. Rev. Ruth Singletary Arthur Sutton & The Gift Of Praise Dr. Fred Jones & The Jones Family Singers El King Compilation Gene Viale Sister Maxzine West Alvin Willis & Praise Alive Gene Stewart Joe Sharkey Down Load Your Favorite Song On Line For $.99 Listen to www.gospelpower.fm for the best Independent Gospel Music online Page 15 “Worthy To Be Praised,” is a profound ballad of anthemic proportions, with the Singletons delivering a vocal performance that is nothing short of stunning, while “Savior, Lord and King” closes the album with a perfect coda of meditative, quiet-fire jazz/R&B. The Singleton’s Better Than That For most great vocal ensembles, the magic is all in the blend…that perfect mixing and matching of voices that surpasses merely a sound, working its way into the very body and soul. The Singletons have got the blend, and then some; no questions there. But there’s more happening than that. For this eightmember family group, the power is not just in the blend. It’s in the blood. If their latest release, Better Than That, sounds like six women and two men so tight—so righteous and just plain right—that they could’ve “grown up singing together,” you couldn’t be more correct. Sisters Camilla, Andrea, and Catrice planted the first seeds of the larger group to come, as the Singleton Sisters. When nieces and nephews Crystal, Carmen, Tia, Ryan and Alfred joined them officially in the year 2000, they kept things simple by settling on “The Singletons,” the name carved on the trunk of a very extensive family tree. All raised in Lansing, Michigan—where they are still based today—in a closely knit family where literally everyone was either vocally or instrumentally gifted, and church was integral to day-to-day life, the Singletons were steeped in an environment of musical diversity built on a solid spiritual foundation. With an age range from mid-20s to late-30s, the Singletons keep each other widely versed in genres that run the gamut from traditional Gospel, cool retro-soul and easy jazz, to modern R&B, urban and hip-hop. And as only a big, happy family could do, they make it all work— seamlessly and distinctively—with a sound that is as familiar and friendly as it is fresh, surprising, and entirely their own. With each of the Singletons gifted as both a soloist or ensemble singer, and all moving into and out of that role—often within the same song—the variety of sounds, textures and grooves in their repertoire is almost staggering. Yet on Better Than That, with the master production skills of Gospel great Fred Hammond at the helm, it all flows together like a mountain stream; from smooth and deep (“Nobody Like Him”) to driving as whitewater thundering over hard-edged rock (“Dance In The Spirit”). The album’s title song, “Better Than That,” is an irresistibly hooky, modern Gospel/R&B gem, punctuated by a toocool horn section, and several Singletons alternating lead lines—often spine-tingly improvised—playing off an absolutely airtight, rock-steady wall of group vocals. The Singletons are quick to emphasize that strong, and readily accessible, singable melodies are key in everything they do, and “Created To Worship Him,” with a contemporary R&B jam laid over a funky, 70s-soul guitar riff is just one of many cases in point. “You’re Welcome Here,” opens with a gentle, enticing piano figure, before exploding into a flat-out, back-beat driven rocker, with edgy, distorted electric rock guitars adding even more muscle. Put the Singletons’ reverential, angelic vocals over that and you have the definition of pure praise and worship, redesigned and custom-fitted to the 21st century. Page 16 Following in the footsteps of other great family acts who’ve preceded them—and all of whom they consider true musical heroes— including the Hawkins Family, the Winans, and the Clark Sisters—the Singletons clearly love what they do. And they speak much as they sing: honestly and naturally, with a profound sense of purpose, and more than a touch of humor as well. “Lifting up His name in song, and touching as many souls as we can reach is our greatest purpose,” says Camilla. “We don’t just perform. We go to churches and talk to people, and get very interpersonal with them, and that’s crucial to the role we feel we have in ministry. And singing songs of encouragement that touch hearts, and hopefully open a place for the Lord to move in lives, is the other part of it. “We also want to show,” she adds, “and let it be known, that we are a family, a strong family, and God blesses and strengthens and uses the family in powerful ways.” The Singletons have been very busy since their release performing at the Chicago Gospel Musical Feast and are scheduled to be in New York the week of June 13th through the 18th. They will be at the New Life Christian Bookstore for a preformance and CD signing for more information please contact Hope Allen at Flip Side Entertainment Agency hope.flipsideagency@gmail.com or call 973-848-1818. The Synergy of Gospel Music Let Us Help You Take You Music Ministry To Another Level This is your resource guide to online promotions for your music ministry. Independent Gospel Artists Join our Online Distribution Service $35.00 One Time Set up Fee Submission - One CD -Bio - Contact Information Make Your Money Order payable to Gospel Synergy Magazine Mail To: Gospel Synergy magazine P O Box 286261 Chicago, IL 60628 www.krazyfaithradio.net www. Krazy Faith Radio Network.Net Page 17 YOU AIN’T HEARD NOTHING YET The Future of Gospel Music: 2020 Futurist thinker and professor Nat Irvin II writes about an emerging generation of blacks dictating a new future for themselves, free from the history of victimization and oppression. On Sunday Morning January 5th 2020, a distinguished group of black gospel mussicians gathered at the St. Luke baptist Church on the southside of Chicago to commemorate the Emancipation -- the advent of the 5th Century of Black America.The Stellar Award winning ensemble, directed by revolutionary hiphop music innovator Kirk Frankklin, 50, performed a rousing, hand clapping acapella redition of “How I Got Over My Soul Looks Back and Wonders, How I Got Over.” The Legendary group included included Gospel Ambassador Dr. Bobby Jones, 80, Rev. Dr. Shirley Ceasar, 82, twin pastors Sandra and Andrea Crouch, 69, CeCe Winans, 66, BeBe, 58, John P. Kee, 60, Whitney Houston, 57, and the still “Amazing Grace” Areatha Franklin, 79. The speager for the occasion was none other than former President, William Jefferson Clinton, 74, who years earlier became a Baptist preacher. Rev. Clinton was introduced by his long time friend and ally, Rev. Jessie Jackson who at the age of 79, was still fiery, still rhyming, and still pushing for change. How fitting that this group of gospel music pioneers, innovators, and performers would be honored in a celebration of the future past. After all, they were the Gospel creators who in the past, were responsible for managing the musical revolution that saw gospel become a truly global music-dominating worldwide markets with sales from 500 million to billions by 2020. Gospel music was an industry whose time had come. Yet at the beginning of the 21st centry, The future of Gospel music was not certain The indutry would struggle with its identity, navigating through stormy waters of a digital technologgical revolution that changed both ownership and distribution rights, while the musical artists themselves fought against creative stagnation in a search of a new market in tides of swiftly changing demographics. At the dawn of the 21st century, over 50% of Black America were under the age of 30 and nearly 40% under the age of 30. Some 17 million where barely alive when Edwin Hawkins shocked the Gospel world when he used at dominating two track tape recorded in 1969, to recorda youth choir singing the famous “Oh! Happy Day” in the basement of a California Penecostal church. The recording sold over two million copies. The influence of Islam continued to spread within the black community. By, 2020 Islam had become the fastest growwing religion world religion exploding from 400 million adherents in 1960 to well over 1.3 billion. And with ver two billion teenagers on the planet all linked by the power of MTV and the Internet, how would gospel music continue to flourish? Yet, so pervasive was gospel music Page 18 with its blend of hip-hop that people were expecting t find music everywhere. When Kirk Franklin & God’s Property “Stomped” there way into the NBC Tonight Show in the fall of 1998, it was considered a big deal! TV and radio producers were all scrambling for gospel artists because they could bring the audience... ratings. But there was a downside: What was gospel music becoming? In an effort to reach new audiences the so called new jack gospel was also stifling innovation, once a boom, soon became a bane. Just a few months later, there was a sense that musical stagnation had set in. there was little distinguish between one community’s choir from another. Artists were staring to sound the same. Unlike the times past when Thomas A Dorsey penner the 20th century classic “Precious Lord,” having lost his wife in childbirth, few if any of the new jack gospel tunes actually made people want to sing, hum, or even moan when faced with their own personal crisis. There was something missing! It was as if the whole gospel music makers cried out “will somebody please just write a tune, filled with the Holy Ghost, with genuine soul and inspiration born out of a personal experience with the man called Jesus? Sales of hip-hop gospel started to decline. Where was the real creativity and innovation? Who could sing acapella-without being surrounded by all of that technical equipment? Even the artists themselves, used to using digital sampling techniques began to openly wonder, “just how much more of our parents music can we steal?” Gradually the generation X’er & Y’s found themselves seeking a new message. Now that they were hitting middle age, becoming parents and grandparents themselves, they turned back (just like there baby boomer parents) to the music of old for inspiration and consolation: Pass Me Not Oh Gentle Savior, Hear My ‘Umble Cry!” Gospel music innovation soon turned outward--to world audience for new markets and for inspiration suddenly, groups like Nu Nu World Gospel, comprised of musicians from Ghana, Jamaica, Brazil, Nova Scotia, Columbia, Guinea and Senegal began producing Cd’s. using digital technology, these musicians came together--not in recording studios in downtown Nashville, Paris, London or even Los Angeles, but instead, they met in cyberspace to create the newest global Gospel based on old hymns like “Amazing Grace” and “ I Need Thee Every Hour.” The Nu Nu World Gospel had mastered the Net. They saw the future of Gospel music would lie in cyberspae, and in the process they helped bring the world closer to God than at any time in history. This newest music had a taste of Cacaos, Kwasa, Soukous, Hip-Hop, R&B, Reggae, Zouk, Gospel and Jazz, with a little Merengue and Salsa mixed in. Now Gospel music was truly reaching beyond the influences of Jazz, Blues, the rhythmAfrica, and the contexual experience of being Black in America. Now, People from all over the world with their multiligual rhythms were having an influence on something called Black Gospel Music. What helped the music grow in the beginning was also helping it to change. But of all the changes faced Gospel music, none were more important and dramatic than the matter of who would control distribution rights--an issue that nearly destroyed the music industry. The digital revolution meant that Gospel musicians could produce recordings that sounded as good or better than the major studios right in their own sanctuaries. Using single storage devices such as mp3 player meant that users could record hundreds of copies of their favorite tunes zapped to anyone with access to the Internet. Black churches became their own record labels; hosting their own websites in association with their own musical artists. Churches were paid by others to play their music in their congregations. It was a reversal of fortunes. The power shifted back from the record companies back to where the original creativity for the music all began--the church. Finally the yoke of the past -- the good old boys (white) broadcast networks had been broken. And for Gospel music, that meant good news and smooth sailing for the next 50 years-- at last. In the year 2020, over 45 million black Americans will celebrate the 5th century of existence. At Future Focus, we are interested in the history of that futureyet to be written. Our children may be the first of our ancestry to live well beyond 100 years of age. Children of today are the adults who will be here in the year 2075 and beyond. The first black president of the United States may already be among us! Page 19 What will black America look like in the year 2020? Will most of us live in the south? Will mega-black churches headed by female pastors sing “Amazing Grace” be the glory of the day? Will our families be even more diverse, made up of Black, Brown, Yellow and Whites, migrating from throughout the World? Will dual citizenship be commonplace? Will Aids continue unabated? And will race matter? Will non- technology and biotechnology live up to promise of creating blue-collar manufacturing jobs? Will the complexion of the human genome project hope or lead toward a blind alley of endless ethical dilemmas? For many of us, the concept of the future is something abstract, a place somewhere in the distant horizon... But what ever your views are about the future, there is no doubt that we will all be there! That is why Future Focus 2020 has undertaken a ground breaking initiative designed to engage the black community in futurist thinking: Where will we be in the year 2020? Is it not our intent to predict the future but rather serve as the catalyzing organization that leads the black community toward a better understanding the future. By targeting the year 2020, we hope to use this watershed in America’s history to lead us to consider longer term views of the future. Our focus in on the Black community; however, we welcome alliances with others interested in creating new and better futures. We are committed to engaging YOU in the Futurist Movement. It is time... Join us! Dr. Nat Irving II is the President and Founder of Future Focus 2020, he will be a contributing writer for Gospel Synergy Magazine. This article is a reprint from January/February 1999. Contact information: Future Focus 2020 C/O Wake Forest University P O Box 7208 Reyonlds Station Winston-Salem, NC 27109 336-896-8764 www.wfu.edu/futurefocus West Coast “Gospel Scoop” Willette Duvallat Double-Header Live CD Recordings featuring Brent Jones & the TP Mobb and Elaine Norwood Whoever said that Gospel music is slow on the West Coast obviously didn’t take March 25th into account. That day I attended two live CD recordings that were truly off the hook. First up was Stellar & Grammy Award nominated icon Brent Jones & The TP Mobb’s live recording at Hollywood’s legendary Capitol Records located at 1728 Vine St., Hollywood, CA. Known as the “Capitol Tower”, this Capitol Records location has recorded legends such as Nat King Cole, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra and many of today’s R&B greats. Brent Jones & the TP Mobb brought out some of Hollywood’s greatest – Playwright/Author David Talbert, Gospo Centric’s own Vicki & Claude Lattilade, and icon Shandra Denney. Brent Jones & The TP Mobb are back and stronger than ever before with more power and anointing. Brent Jones is one of my favorite Gospel music artists - I can always count on him to deliver a message with a twist of worship, soul, and urban flair. Just to spice things up, Orlando Wright and Nysa Shenay were brought in as guest artists on this project. With what has shaped up to be an excellent project and under the very capable helm of business manager Neilly Dickerson, there should be no problem finding a label that will snatch these guys up quick fast in and in a hurry. I won’t disclose the entire album song list but here’s a sneak peak: Brent offers listeners a little bit of everything - an intimate worship ballad, an R&B influenced love song to God, and a Caribbean Praise song with dancehall style and reggae vocals. To really set things off, the project includes a soulstirring song by Orlando Wright (that was performed in David Talbert’s hit stage play “A Fabric of a Man”) and a very edgy track that was a whole lot of fun but even more truth performed by Nysa Shenay. When the CD drops and when Brent gets a record deal we will be the first to let you know. This is truly one day that I was glad of the many highways in Los Angeles. After leaving Hollywood I took a drive to mid-Los Angeles to check out my girl Elaine Norwood’s Live CD and DVD Recording. The best way to prepare for what you are to receive is to say, “get ready to experience the amazing and inspiring music of Elaine Norwood.” Elaine recorded her second solo project “God Has A Way” at her label’s recording studio EVEJIM Records in Los Angeles. Elaine is no newcomer to gospel music (and also no relation to the legendary Dorothy Norwood). She is simply known as the “The Psalmist Extraordinaire” for her master abilityto captivate the audience and Page 20 take her listeners on Gospel journey with every song that she sings. Elaine is truly striving for mastery in her music career. She has been singing since the tender age of eleven, and was afforded the opportunity to study voice under the tutelage of Professor Winston Poe, formerly of the Thomas Whitfield Company. Elaine has recorded and performed with renowned gospel artists such as Edwin Hawkins, Kim Burrell and Thomas Whitfield. You can check out Elaine new project online at www.elainenorwood.com. Willette Duvall is a contributing writer from Los Angeles. In addition to the nationally syndicated column the “ West Coast Gospel Scoop”& the “Inside Gospel Scoop”, Ms. Duvall is the publisher of “Women In Ministry Promo”, an international syndicated publication that focus on Women In Ministry. For questions or comments you may contact her at: Pro-Vision Entertainment, c/o: Women In Ministry Promo© * PMB 43816, LA, CA 90043 or logon onto: www.willetteduvall.com or via email at: wimpromo@willetteduvall.com Kiki Sheard to Release Sophomore Album June 27 Tyler Perry Brings The ‘Payne’ Madea man’s new sitcom is a raiting winner during test run in New York! Perry, the mastermind behind the films “Madea’s Family Reunion” and “Diary of a Mad Black Woman,” produces “House of Payne” at his own studio in Atlanta where he can tape the episodes non-union at a cost of only about $500,000 per show. As previously reported, the other test stations for “Payne” include WCIU Chicago, WPHL Philadelphia, KTXH Houston, WBDC Washington, KTXA Dallas and WBFS Baltimore. Gospel songstress Kierra Kiki Sheard will be releasing her much anticipated sophomore album This is Me on EMI Gospel at the end of next month. The follow up to Sheard’s smash hit I Owe You, which debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard Gospel chart in 2004, This is Me features a new sound from Sheard, famous for the powerful gospel sound of her family heritage, with the artist integrating more R&B and hip-hop into her music. Production on the 12-song CD includes work from Warryn Campbell, Antonio Neal, Tommy Simms, PJ Morton, PAJAM, Dark Child Productions’ Fred Jerkins and Kiki’s younger brother J. Drew. If the results mirror the ratings success found on WWOR, DebmarMercury will launch a nationwide syndication to stations for fall 2007, adding as many as 32 new half-hours to the 10 already produced. Look What The Lord Has Done A test run of Tyler Perry’s new sitcom “House of Payne” on New York’s WWOR this spring has proven to be a ratings success, even raking in better numbers than its previous timeslot holder, “Girlfriends.” During its 10-episode run from April 27 through May 18 – mostly at 11 p.m. weeknights – the show scored a 2.6 household rating, beating by 53% UPN’s “Girlfriends,” which aired in “I am so excited about this album,” says its spot a year earlier. 18-year-old Sheard. “This Is Me, really is me. It’s the type of music that I listen to and the experiences that I’ve been through.” In the targeted demos, “Payne” clobbered “Girlfriends” by 56% in adults 25-54 and by 40% in adults 1849. “Payne” shot ahead by 83% with This is Me is set to hit stores on June 27. A special edition of the CD, which will women 25-54 and by 50% with feature five bonus cuts and a live version women 18-49. of the title track, will also release from EMI Gospel simultaneously. Mort Marcus and Ira Bernstein’s Debmar-Mercury, the show’s This Is Me is currrently in rotation on distributor, has cleared “Payne” in www.gospelpower.fm playing the best nine other test markets, many of independent gospel music online.Visit us which will begin rolling out the series online today! in the next few weeks. Page 21 We all grew up with the temptations and over the years the name alone takes us back. Even though the group has changed and there are two seperate groups it really doesn’t matter. What matters is they continue to make good music. Many of the members grew up in church and had to make a choice. The Temptation Review featuring Dennis Edwards has released their first gospel CD. This is a must have for your collection the harmonizes are tight as always. They will take you on a spiritual journey giving God all of the credit for there God given talents and Gifts. DARIUS BROOKS BARES IT ALL WITH NEW RELEASE “MY SOUL” Chicago, IL – April 4 th, GRAMMY Award winning songwriter / producer Darius Brooks releases his best yet…”MY SOUL.” This true renaissance man places it all on the line as producer, artist, songwriter and label owner for the world to experience the bearing of his soul in a moving and inspiring musical journey. The career of Darius Brooks spans over two decades and includes songwriting, accompanist, production and arrangement credit for a myriad of Gospel luminaries that include Shirley Caesar, Vickie Winans, Ricky Dillard, Daryl Coley and the famed Rev. Milton Brunson and the “Tommies”, as well as R&B icons Aretha Franklin, Lou Rawls and Stevie Wonder to name but a few. For over eight years Brooks has been the Musical Director for Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow PUSH Coalition. MY SOUL features classics including the title track originally recorded by Donnie Hathaway in 1970 (Thank You Master, For My Soul), along with two songs close to Darius’ heart “Lord I Believe”, written by Percy Bady and “Thank You,” both from his eighteen year tenure with the late Rev. Milton Brunson and the Thompson Community Singers. This project would not be complete without the ballads that have become the signature of Darius Brooks, for this reason he adds “Trust You More,” the first single released from the album and “Healed Heart” which is also featured on jazz legend Ramsey Lewis’ “With One Voice” (2005). The hardhitting, contemporary track “Put Your Hands Up,” produced by Steve “Stone” Huff (Zomba) can go undetected on R&B / Hip Hop stations around the globe, but the commanding message of adoration to GOD sets it apart. “Survivor” inspired by the nation’s recent wave of natural disasters, meant to encourage and uplift those affected by the tragedies. Brooks pulls out all the stops to create an eclectic mixture on this project that appeals to a wide range of listeners. With this collection of songs from MY SOUL, Brooks is sure to continue blazing a trail that is on the heels of the acclaimed success he received for YOUR WILL. The title track and hit single placed Brooks and his backup ensemble SDM at the 2004 Stellar Awards with a performance and nomination for Contemporary Choir of the Year. YOUR WILL has found it’s place among the timeless hits already in Darius’ repertoire including: “Safe in His Arms,” “My Mind’s Made Up,” “For the Good of Them” and many more. Brooks’ MY SOUL release schedule already includes performances on Praise The Lord (Trinity Broadcasting Network), Singsation (WGN the Superstation) and the Bobby Jones (WORD Network). SGN The Light (Atlanta, GA) served as radio host for the on-air release party on the K.D. Bowe Morning Show, syndicated in 45 markets. He has also interviewed with both the BeBe Winans and Donnie McClurkin Radio Shows along with other stations around the country. Today with great satisfaction Brooks releases MY SOUL on Journey Music Group (JMG) where he is President and CEO. He has a full staff and a state of the art recording studio, DebDash (named after his wife Deborah and twoyear old daughter Dasha). MY SOUL is the first of three projects to be released on JMG in 2006 and is distributed by KOCH Entertainment. KOCH Entertainment is the leading and Page 22 fastest-growing independent music and video company in the U.S. and its operations encompass record and video labels and distribution companies in the U.S. and Canada. KOCH Entertainment is the market leader among independents in both the U.S. and Canada and its record labels had the largest number of Billboard charting albums among independents in 2004/2005. For more information, please contact: Shea Howell Marketing Director Journey Music Group (JMG) 7630 W. Madison Forest Park, IL 60130 708-366-9770 office 708-366-9870 fax sheahowell@journeymusicgroup.com In Stores Every Where In Heavy Rotation 5 Star Rating On www.gospelpower.fm My Soul Put Your Hands Up Life Keep Living It 5 star rating on Playing the best independent gospel music online. The Synergy of Gospel Music Hollywood, FL — Day two at the Artist Retreat was very eventful. Beginning with the morning panel discussions, the presentations could not have been more informative. Panelists included Donald Lawrence, Alvin Williams, Xernona Clayton, Jolinda Wade, Walter Rutledge, Veda Brown, Shawn Tate and Al Hobbs, who reminded the audience that Radio is still the door for Gospel music. A special luncheon was given in celebration of Black Gospel Promo’s fifth year of business. As a special guest for the luncheon, Kim Burrell opened things up with a powerful song that truly set the atmosphere. The company’s president Veda Brown said, it was God who had brought her so far. Brown also passed out plaques to close friends and supporters of her company over the years. In a continued celebration, a red carpet event was held, where Lisa Collins, also arrived with a cake for Brown, along side artists who were interviewed by various media outlets including The WORD Network. This was truly an idea pulled from Hollywood that allowed the saints to experience what so many others experience on the other side of the tracks. Special Performance by Oscar & Grammy AwardWinner, Peabo Bryson All Proceeds to Benefit ULP Community Empowerment Programs Philadelphia, PA— The Urban League of Philadelphia announces its 4th Annual Song of Equality Gala paying tribute to one of America’s most prominent songwriters who has used music as a vehicle to heal social ills, to promote unity and to economically empower individuals within the African-American community. Join us on Saturday, June 17, 2006 at 8:30pm at the Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts, 260 South Broad Street, as we honor this year’s Harmony Award recipient: legendary singer/ songwriter Teddy Pendergrass. Oscar and Grammy Award-winner Peabo Bryson will perform. Concert tickets are $36 each and will go on sale at the Kimmel Center ’s Box Office (215.893.1999 or http:// www.kimmelcenter.org) on May 15th! As the first African-American male solo singer in history to record five consecutive multi-platinum albums, Teddy Pendergrass is a living musical legend whose music spans over three decades. His stellar career began with Philadelphia International Records as a part of Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes, which brought us such hits as “Wake Up Everybody” and the Grammy- nominated song “If You Don’t Know Me By Now.” In 1976, Teddy embarked on his solo career producing a string of hit albums including “TP” and “Life Is A Song Worth Singing.” In 1982, a car accident left Teddy paralyzed and wheelchair-bound. From 1983-1998, he recorded six albums;performed at Live Aid; publishedan autobiography entitled Truly Blessed; and participated in the legendary gospel musical Your Arms Are Too Short To Box With God. He has made numerous appearances on television and award shows. Since 2001, Teddy has made selected concert appearances performing to sold-out arenas throughout the country. Teddy is an outspoken advocate for the disabled. In 1998, he founded the Teddy Pendergrass Alliance (TPA), a national (501c3) non-profit organization that helpsindividuals with spinal cord injuries Page 23 rebuild their lives. TPA acts as a conduit, making the resources of government, universities and private industry more readily available to people with spinal cord injuries who seek education, training and employment. We are proud to honor Teddy Pendergrass as a Philadelphia native who has used music as a vehicle to promote unity and to economically empower individuals. Oscar Award and Grammy Awardwinning singer Peabo Bryson has earned unprecedented international success with almost twenty albums to his credit. He is widely known for recording many hit songs including duets “A Whole New World (Disney/Aladdin’s Theme)” with Regina Bell, “Tonight I Celebrate My Love” with Roberta Flack, “By The Time This Night Is Over” with saxophonist Kenny G and “Beauty and the Beast (Disney)” with Celine Dion. As an actor, Peabo appeared in the lead role for the touring production of the Tony Awardwinning play “Raisin” and in the Michigan Opera Theater ’s production of Gershwin’s “Porgy and Bess.” With over twenty-five years of music behind him, he continues to give electrifying performances throughout the world. Sheilah Belle has worked in the field of broadcast news, journalism and with the press for over 15 years. She currently holds the title as News and Community Affairs Director and Talk Show Hostess for five 50,000 watts FM radio stations in Virginia, including the top Urban Radio Stations in Richmond and Norfolk, VA . Ms. Belle is also a contributing editor and columnist for Streaming Faith, Gospel Today, Gospel Truth, Gospel International, Gospel Synergy and XII Magazines. Ms. Belle is also the host for the brand new “The Belle Report,” radio show, that now airs in four different markets. Ms. Belle, was also recently tapped as the Program Director for WTBC Gospel, one of the largest on-line gospel internet radio stations. Ms. Belle has worked as a News & Helicopter Reporter, Health Producer, and Talk Show Hostess from New Orleans to New York for television, radio and print media. She owns Ma & Popop Productions, Inc., The Gospel Times Newspaper, The Belle Report, LaBelle & Associates (a PR, Promotions and Marketing company) and works as a Media Consultant. To join my newsletter for a daily report email me at thebelle@thegospeltimes.com The Hardest Working Woman in Gospel Draws 10,000 to Chicago for Historic “Woman to Woman: Songs of Life” Live CD & DVD Recording and Launches an “I am One of the Million” Campaign It was raining, cold, and windy in Chicago on Friday night, May 12th; but none of that stopped almost 10,000 people from coming from around the country to pour into the House of Hope Worship Center. In the audience that night were gospel legends Andrae & Sandra Crouch, Albertina Walker, Richard Smallwood, Inez Andrews, Delores “Mom” Winans, Angie Winans and over 100 of Winans’ relatives, the Bowman family, including her 82-year old mother, Mattie Bowman. The ambitious, 30-song “Woman to Woman: Songs of Life” project has been a decade in the making and will be unveiled at Bishop T. D. Jakes’ Mega Fest Conference in July where Winans will be performing. The official street date is August 8, 2006. At the electrifying performance hosted by Bishop T. D. Jakes, Winans turned in one riveting performance after another. Dr. Rita Twiggs was also on hand to make sure that the opening of the show ran smoothly as she introduced Joy Enriquez of Joyful Sound Records, PreZence, Datisha Pickett, and The Mircle Lights all from Vickie Winans record label, Destiny Joy Records. The live recording was produced by Vickie Winans and hit producer Steven Ford. Page 24 Steven Ford masterfully brought together the orchestra and horns that played throughout the entire night. Vickie performed 11 songs, mostly traditionalstyled up-tempo such as “Stretch Out” and “I Win.” She also rendered a calypso flavored “Everyday is a Good Day” and the gut-wrenching ballads “Stand Up and Carry On” written by her hit producer son, Mario Winans, and “The Rainbow,” written by Brent Jones. The live recorded portion will comprise almost half of the new project which is rounded out with hot gospel and urbanfriendly studio tracks produced by the likes of Rodney “Darkchild” Jerkins, Cedric & Victor Caldwell and Winans herself, among others. A true masterpiece, this set deals with a variety of issues that women face and struggle with on a daily basis. “I’ve been through almost everything in my life,” says Winans. “These songs will inspire and speak to people wherever they are in life. I’m so excited because this is a whole new level of ministry for me!” The new project is the foundation for Winans’ new “I Am One of the Million”campaign to get over one million women (and the men who love them) to buy the new CD for themselves or someone else before the first week of release. It’s a fete that no other gospel artist has ever accomplished, but Winans is up for the challenge. “People laughed when I booked the recording at the House of Hope and we filled that up,” she says. “People laughed when I invited Bishop Jakes to host and said that he would never do it because he’s never hosted any artists’ live recording; but he came; so I’m just crazy enough to believe that we’ll get a million people to buy this project before the street date. I am shooting for the stars, even if I hit the street lights,” she beams! For a limited time you can purchase 1 CD for $12.97 and 2 for $24.97! “I asked my record company if they would allow 30 songs to go for that price up until the release date and they so readily said yes,” explained Winans! This is a mighty low price for 30 songs, but I really want everybody to own this project and the orders are pouring in! It’s my baby!” Be “One of the Million” and order your CD’s now at www.VickieWinans.com The Synergy of Gospel Music Concerts, Seminars & Events you don’t want to miss in 2006 June 10, 2006 Annual Gospel Music Industry Summit Malcolm X College 1900 W. Van Buren St Chicago, IL For Info Call 773-445-9104 or visit us online at www.chicagogag.com June 25 - July 1, 2006 2006 Urban Gospel Music Industry Awards & Conference In conjunction with the Music & Arts Love Fellowship Conference Houston, TX for details visit us online at www.musicandartslovefellowshipconference.org July 12- 14th Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International Conference Returns to New Orleans After Katrina... Registration Hotline 888-424-2643 Ernest N. Morial Confention Center New Orleans Monday, July 10, 2006Friday July 14, 2006 STILL ON HIGH ALERT If you have an event that you would like to feature please contact us at 708-272-6640 or you can email us at alcarter@gospelsynergy.com July 19 - 22, 2006 Mega Fest It’s More That You Think! July 20th Celebration of Unity Concert Featuring Aretha Franklin, Donnie McClurin, Shirley Ceasar, Kelly Price, Fred Hammond, Vanessa Bell Armstrong and Jeff Majors August 4-5 2006 Always Sisters - Cece Winans 2nd Annual National Conference TheCurb Event Nashville, TN Register online www.alwayssisters.com For More Info Call 625-371-1575 August 12-18, 2006 July 21st Just Churchin’ Comedy Featuring: Steve Harvey, Tommy Davidson, Johnathan Slocumb & Vickie Winans July 22nd You’re Not Forgotten Concert Performers include: Kim Burrell, Myron Butler & Levi, Detrick Haddon, Ty Tribbett, & IROC Registration Info: http://www.mega-fest.com July 28 - 29 2006 Its Your time Gospel Showcase National Armory 2761 Goodwin Blvd Suffolk, VA 23434 For More Info call: Hunter Is Productions & God Is Anointed Touch ministries P O Box 409 Windsor, VA 23487 Or You can call; 757-242-4151 Do you have an event coming up in July or August 2006 Send it to us today! Email: alcarter@gospelsynergy.com Page 25 GMWA Annual Convention Dallas, TX Hyatt Regency Dallas Hotel at Reunion (Headquarters Hotel) Adams Mark Hotel Dallas Convention Center For more information visit: www.gmwa.org August 19, 2006 First Annual En Sound Independent music Awards at the Robert Treat Hotel 50 Park Place Newark, NJ 07102 Contact: Kevin James 301-809-6633 Delroy Souden 718-741-3271 awards@ensoundentertainment.com www.ensoundentertainment.com The Synergy of Gospel Music www.GospelPower.fm Playlist... On Air Now! The Best independent gospel music online supporting independent gospel everywhere... Song Artists Rating 1. Ta Ta You Jesus 2. Have U Heard 3. Yes God Is Real 4. Trouble 5. I Came To Praise The Lord 6. My Soul Cries Out 7. Have U Heard 8. So Amazing 9. This Is Our Day 10. Never Alone 11. He Will Heal The Pain 12. Yeah, Yeah 13. Come On 14. Anyway 15. Where There’s A Will 16. Unity 17. Expecting A Blessing 18. A Chance 19. Hold On 20.Lord Help Me To Ou 21. Free Indeed 22. American Idol 23. Adore 24. Put Your Finger On Me 25. Praise Is What I Do 26. Everything 27. Show Me The Way 28. Wade In The Water 29. Your Cross Reaches 30. I’m Sorry Lord 31. Now and Forever 32. My Love For U 33. Church Medley 34. Your Will 35. When I Come Into Your 36. Saved 37. Come On 38. Rain On Me 39. No Problem 40. You Don’t Know 41. Blood of Jesus 42. Father 43. When I Think 44. Alright! 45. I Feel Good Kirk Whalum E. J. Johnson Theola Booker & Friends Women of Intergrity Jason Allen & Family Apostle Donald Alford E. J. Johnson Darwin Hobbs Gary Anglin Jason Allen & Family Mamon & Mamon Men of Standard Take 6 Euclid Gray Sister Maxine West Sounds of Blackness The Bradby Girls Malcolm Williams Kathryn Righgins Pennel Johnson Darrell Alexander Bloodbought Willette Johnson Green Sounds of Blackness Ministrel Jordan Cheldon CCMJ Valarie Cooper The Compilation Armintha Williams Willie J. Harris Mel Holder Gary Mayes Nu Era Rev A. Wheeler/Blessed Darius Brooks Portia Young Chris Fields Take 6 Bradby Girls Lenasia Tyson Keriah Shears Katalys Crew Nina Lockhart Tinika Wyatt Sounds of Salvation Betty & Leslie Lester 10 9.7 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 8.8 8.8 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 7.6 7.6 7.0 7.0 7.0 6.8 6.8 6.5 6.5 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.9 5.9 Song Artist Rating Cheryl Porter/I.M.G 46.Higher & Higher Postured for Praise 47.Fruit of My Lips Sara Remer 48.You’re All I Need Mark Caston/JFC 49.It’s Yours 50 You Can’t Hurry God Evaughn High 51.Think of His Goodness Min R. Matterre 52.Possessed By HisLove William Crook Jeri Little 53.Help Somebody Women of Integrity 54.Trouble The Compilation 55.Waiting On Jesus Denise Wolford 56.When Your # Comes Evaughn High 57.Available T. Gains/Judah 58.Speak A Word J. Edwards/Reverence 59.Call On Jesus Lisa D. Nelson 60.No Weapon The Compilation 61.Glory To His Name KiKi Sheard 62.You Don’t Know Victory Christian AMC 63.Over & Over Darrell Alexander 64.Free Indeed More Than Conquerors 65.We Ain’t Playin’ K.W.A. 66.23 Min. Greg Harris 67.What Did You Bring Lenasia Tyson 68. No Problem Danielle Nightengale 69.I Care 4 U Rev C.Wells/VOC 70.I Heard The Angels Tina Brown 71.Hip Hop On In Paulette Triplett 72.The Place Chris O’Neal 73.I Need You 74.Jesus Keeps Working On Fred Jones/Jones Singer Hunter Brown 75.In The Church 76.Lay My Burdens Down Bishop Joe Simon Apostle Donald Alford 77.My Soul Cries Out Grace & Glory 78.When He Comes Cathey Townsend 79. Halleluia God’s Posse 80.Ride On King Jesus Valerie Cooper 81.Blessed Be The Lord Kunjalo Music 82.Come By Ye Gina Green 83.Hiding Place Arthur Sutton & GOP 84.Jesus KWA 85.He Was There 86.I Need You To Survive Hezekiah Walker Smokie Norful 87.I Need You Now Greg Shell 88.God’s Love Willie J. Harris 89.No Turning Back Yvonne Cobbs- Bey 90.Stand Still Playing The Best Independent Gospel Music On Line Download your favorite song today! Supporting Independent Gospel Artists Worldwide! Page 26 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Listen to www.gospelpower.fm For The Best Independent Gospel Music Online New Singles New Singles 1. Sister Maxine West -Where There’s A Will 2. Dr. Willette Greene - Johnson Journey Song - Adore 3. Jones Family Singers - Jesus Keeps Working On Me 4. Paulette Bush & CSU - I’m Free 5. William Crook - Possessed By His Love 6. Robert Houston & True Dedication - Hold On 7. Elder Charles Scott - Dr. Jesus 8. 2High - You Can’t hurry God 9. Denise Wolford - Keep Watching Over Me 10. Minister Ronald Materre - Near The Cross 11. Kathryn Riggins - Secret Place 12 Dorlisa Gales - Flow Drive 13. Jason Allen & The Family - Never Alone 14. Arthur Sutton & Gift of Praise - Jesus 15. Gospel Artists United - Can’t Nobody 16. Mamon & Mamon - I Won’t Complain 17. Yvette Williams & Voices of Paradise - It Will Be Alright 18. Delroy Souden - No Doubt 19. Ledoria - Dance Like David 20. Leon Scott - I Am Not The Same New Addition CD 1.Sister Maxine West - Sister Maxine West 2. Dr. Willette Greene-Johnson Journey Song - Adore 3. Jones Family Singers - Taking It To The Next Level 4. Paulette Bush & CSU - Live In Chicago 5. William Crook - Kimistry 1 6. Robert Houston & True Dedication - Heaven 7. Elder Charles Scott - Elder Charles Scott 8. 2High - Bring It On (I Want My Stuff) 9. Denise Wolford When Your # Comes 10. Minister Ronald Materre - Look At God 11. Kathryn Riggins - Give Him The Praise 12 Dorlisa Gales - Simply Dorlisa 13. Jason Allen & The Family - Never Alone 14. Arthur Sutton & Gift of Praise - Praise Him 15. Gospel Artists United - 411 16. Mamon & Mamon - He’s My Rock 17. Yvette Williams & Voices of Paradise Self Titled 18. Delroy Souden No Doubt 19. Ledoria - Heaven’s Callin’ 20. Leon Scott - The Demonstration of Love www.gospelswap.com once you enter click search music type in artist name or song title and listen to 2 minute sound Clips before you purchase your favorite track for $.99. 1 Postured For Praise - I Was Created. 2. Marcy Morman & Ekklesia - Imma Whosoever 3. Betty & Leslie Lester - I Feel Good 4. Charles Green - Fly Away 5. Evangelist Faye Mosby - Continual Praise 6. Blood Bought P. I. F. - American Idol 7. Alvin Willis & Praise Alive - Church Thanks Giving 8. Yvonne Bey Cobb - Stand Still 9. B.A.S.I.C. - This Is the Day 10. Darrell Alexander - Free Indeed 11. Leon Triplett - Let Jesus Love The Hell Out of You 12. Hunter Browhn - In The Church 13. Nat Brown -Wonderful 14. Prenestine Williams Porter - It’s time To Pray 15. Chris Fields - Holyghost party 16. Chris O’Neal - I Need you Lord 17. The Bardby Girls - Rain On Me 18. Lady Peachena - Stay In The Will of God 19. Phillip Carter and SOV - Have Faith 20. Mark Caston & Just For Christ Chorle New Additions CD’s 1. Postured For Praise - Fruits of my Lips 2. Marcy Morman - My Secret Place 3. Betty & Leslie Lester - To Be Faithful 4. Charles Green - Bring Your Troubles To The Lord 5. Evangelist Faye Mosby - A Symphony of Prasie 6. Blood Bouught P. I. F.- The Truth Unveiled 7. Alvin Willis & Praise Alive - Churchy Thanksgiving 8.Yvonne Bey Cobb - Stand Still 9. B.A.S.I.C. - This Is the Day 10. Darrell Alexaner - Praise Your Pains Away 11. Leon Triplett - Let Jesus Love The Hell Out of You 12. Hunter Brown - Raise Up! 13 Nat Brown - Family Album of Praise 14. Prenestine Williams Porter - Appointed for Praise 15. Chris Fields - Saved 16. Chris O’Neal - Got Praise 17. The Bradby Girls - Expecting A Blessing 18. Lady Peachena - The Bishop’s Daughter 19. Phillip Carter and SOV - The Journey Continues 20. Mark Caston & Just For Christ Chorale - He Did It All Visit us online today www.gospelswap.com Page 27 Listen To www.gospelpower.fm For The Best Independent Gospel Music Online New Singles 1. Minister Greg Harris - What Did I Bring 2. Rev. Dr. Ruth Singletary - Fly High 3. TM Wright - Beleive Love 4. Julia Ann Gardner - Made A Difference 5. Clarkwise - Victory In The Storm 6. Sounds Of Salvation - Don’t Let The Devil Ride 7. K. W. A. - He Was There 8. M. T. C. - Old Ship of Zion 9. Simply Phia - Joined Together 10. Paulette Triplett - The Place Part 1 11. Endurance - Thankful 12 Sam Hofer - Lethal Action 13. Sam Hofer - The Battle Is The Lord 14. Clarissa Smith - Since I Met Jesus 15. K A E DJ Production - The Last Time 16. Minister Gerry Grant - Jesus Has Kept Me 17. Rev. C. Wells & The Voices of Couds - Angels Singing 18. Charle Green - Fly Away 19. Endurance - Come See About Me 20. Masterpiece Compilation - It’s Worked Out (D.Coley) New CD Additions 1. Minister Greg Harris - Love 2. Rev. Dr. Ruth Singletary - The Church Is Flying High 3. TM Wright - Life Related 4. Julia Ann Gardner - Message 5. Clarkwise - victory In The Storm 6. Sounds Of Salvation - Alright 7. K. W. A - A New Heart 8. M. T. C. - His Season Our Time 9. Simply Phia - Simply Phia 10. Paulette Triplett - The Place 11. Endurance - He’ll MAke Away 12. Sam Hofer - Imagination Station 13 Sam Hofer - Whitestone 14. Clarissa Smith - God Has Got Your Back 15. KAE DJ Production - Breathe In Breathe Out 16. Minister Gerry Grant - Jesus Has Kept Me 17. Rev. C. Wells & The Voices of Couds - I Love You Lord 18. Charlie Green - Fly Away 19. Endurance - A Few More Miles 20. Master Piece Compilation - Self Titled www.gospelswap.com once you enter click search music type in artist name or song title and listen to 2 minute sound Clips before you purchase your favorite track for $.99. Top Clips Played 1. Dr. Margaret Douroux - The Glow of Glory 2. Dr. Margaret Douroux - Thank You 3. Dr. Margaret Douroux - Already Done 4. Arthur Sutton & Gift of Praise - In This Place 5. Joe Sharkey - If It Had Not Been 6. Pilgrim Rest - Created For Worship 7. Pilgram Rest - Church Medley 8. Ronald J Matterre - Amazing Grace 9. Lady Peachena - Lord Save Our Young Men 10. Witness For Christ - Are You Ready 11. O Lord Is It I - Nat M. Brown Productions 12. Thank You - Minstrel 13. Since I Met Jesus -The Voices of Progressive 14. All Of God’s People - MAMON and MAMON 15 Deliverance Is On The Way-God Will Deliver 16. Church House Rap - KAE DJ Publishing 17. Jesus Is Real - Unity In The Spirit Chorale 18. Simply Serene - Karli Bonne 19. Center Of My Joy - St. Monica 20. Angel Without Wings - Karli Bonne Editor Choice 1. Portia Young - When I Come Into Your Presence 2. Rev. William Crook - Possessed By His Love 3. Robert Houston & True Dedication - Devotion 4. To Be Faithful - Betty Lester 5. Willette Green Johnson - Adore 6. The 411- Can’t Nobody 7. Secret Place - Kathy Riggins 8. Jesus - Arthur Sutton and The Gift of Praise 9. What A Friend - C.C. M. J. 10. Over & Over - Victory Christian Assembly Mass Choir 11. Grateful - Zi’el 12. Where There’s A Will There’s A Way - Maxine West 13 Can’t Nobody - Women of Integrity 14. God Has Got Your Back - Clarissa Smith 15. Since Jesus - Cathy Townsend 16. Lay My Burden Down - Bishop Joe Simon 17. Dr. Jesus - Elder Charles Scott 18. Never Alone - Jason Allen and The Family 19. It’s Your Season - Van D. Roberson 20. I Heard The Angels Singing - Rev. Charlie Wells and the Clouds of Joy Free Membership Page 28 www.gospelpower.fm The #1 choice for Pastors and Ministries of all sizes to have Internet presence, this is an opportunity to feature your Sunday Message “Ministries on Demand” 24/7. Includes: Pastor Profile – linked to your website: your Sunday Morning message or a special sermon delivered at a conference, revival or special event can be placed on our “On Demand Service” making it available on the World Wide Web 24/7... Our rates are reasonable and affordable for more information please visit us online at www.gospelpower.fm or email alcarter@gospelsynergy.com for details on how to become a part of the GospelPower.fm family. Contact André L. Carter 708-272-6640 Attention: Independent Gospel Artists we know the challenges you face when it comes to getting airplay... www.gospelpower.fm has partnered with the #1 choice for online distribution service for gospel music the Gospel Swap. A majority of the music we play is independent gospel artists. The objective is to provide airplay as well as online distribution where the artists featured on GospelPower.fm also have the opportunity to sell their music to our listeners. This is a great opportunity to reach listeners world wide, 90% of the artist currently featured on GospelPower.fm has a 5 star or better rating within the first 30 days of airplay. All Artists who join today will be placed in medium/heavy rotation for 60 days. For details on how to get your music on GospelPower.fm please contact our Program/Music Director André L. Carter. Be advised there is a minimal fee to place your music on the Gospel Swap. For more information 708-272-6640 email alcarter@gospelsynergy.com. Visit us online at www.gospelsynergy.com Download for your favorite song for $.99 available online at www.gospelswap.com. Advertise Your Next Event Concert CD Release Book Release In Gospel Synergy Magazine Special Discount For All Full Page Ads Limit Offer Reserve Your Space Today Call: 708-272-6640 Email- alcarter@gospelsynergy.com