Curriculum Vitae - Daniel Anthony Zepp


Curriculum Vitae - Daniel Anthony Zepp
Daniel Anthony Zepp
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) – Higher Education, Expected May 2016
• Boston College, Lynch Graduate School of Education
• Dissertation Title: Intersection of masculinity and faith and college men’s identity: A grounded theory of
spiritual crossroads (Chair: Dr. Ana Martínez-Alemán)
Master of Arts (M.A.) – Pastoral Ministry, 2010
• Boston College, School of Theology and Ministry
• Synthesis Project: Ministering to male student-athletes through empathic mentoring (Advisor: Sr. Maryanne
Confoy, RSC)
• Trained for service, especially within the Roman Catholic Church, by an ecclesiastical faculty of theology
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) – Marketing, Minor in Studio Art (Photography), 2007
• Boston College, Carroll School of Management
Honors & Awards
ACCU Graduate Fellowship Award, Collegium: A Colloquy on Faith and Intellectual Life, June 2014
Apprenticeship in College Teaching Certificate, Boston College, October 2014
Featured Feminist Award, Boston College Women’s Resource Center, April 2014
Division I varsity football player, four-year beneficiary of full athletic scholarship, 2003-2007
President of the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC), Boston College, 2006-2007
Recipient of Atlantic Coast Conference Award for Community Service, 2006
Teaching/Curricular Experience
Graduate Courses – Boston College, Lynch School of Education
Higher Education in American Society (ELHE7101) – Fall 2014
• Teaching Assistant with Dr. Michael James
• Co-teaching one-semester core curriculum requirement for graduate students in Higher Education
• Assisting in course design and facilitation, including but not limited to: preparation of syllabus, assigned
readings, lesson plans, and paper prompts
• Oversee all aspects of the state group project, developed a grading rubric, and evaluated all thirty-five students
Religion & Higher Education (ELHE7504) – Fall 2014
• Teaching Assistant with Dr. Michael James
• Co-teaching one-semester course for graduate students in Higher Education and Theology
• Assisting in course design and facilitation, including but not limited to: preparation of syllabus, assigned
readings, lesson plans, and paper prompts
Catholic Higher Education Administration & Leadership (ELHE7501) – Summer 2014
Teaching Assistant with Dr. Michael James
Co-taught summer session elective for graduate students in the Catholic University Leadership concentration
Facilitated discussion around ACCU/Boston College Institute for Administrators in Catholic Higher Education
Assisted in course design and facilitation, including but not limited to: lesson plans and guest lectures
Undergraduate Courses – Boston College, Lynch School of Education & College of Arts & Sciences
Thinking About Intersectionality & Multiple Identities (UNAS331) – Fall 2014
• Course Instructor
• Teaching one semester pilot course for undergraduate students from all four undergraduate colleges
• Design and facilitate course, including but not limited to: development of course proposal and course
outcomes, preparation of syllabus, assigned readings, lesson plans, and paper prompts
Spirituality, Religion & The College Student Experience (ED/PY295) – Spring 2014
• Teaching Assistant for Dr. Michael James
• Co-taught one-semester pilot course for undergraduate students from all four undergraduate colleges
• Assisted in course design and facilitation, including but not limited to: development of course outcomes,
preparation of syllabus, assigned readings, lesson plans, guest lectures, and paper prompts
• Designed and facilitated of academic retreat experience for course participants, including the development of
talk themes and activities grounded in the intersection of faith and intellectual life
Exploring Catholicism: Tradition & Transformation (TH023/TH024) – Fall 2009-Spring 2010
• Teaching Assistant for Fr. Joseph P. Marchese
• Co-taught two-semester theology course required by the University’s Academic Core Curriculum
• Assisted in course design and facilitation, including but not limited to: preparation of syllabus, assigned
readings, and lesson plans
• Designed all paper prompts and quizzes, a grading rubric, and evaluated the work of all forty students
Guest Lectures
A review of research/think tanks related to spirituality and religion – December 2014
• Presentation in Religion & Higher Education (ELHE7504) – Boston College
Spirituality, religion, & college men – April 2014
• Presentation in Spirituality, Religion, & The College Student Experience (ED/PY295) – Boston College
Gender as a social construction: Obstacles to intimacy in relationships – April 2014
• Presentation in Relationships: A Way to Know God (TH206) – Boston College, Theology Department
Gender, sexuality & spirituality – March 2013
• Presentation in Courage to Know Seminar (UN201) – Boston College, Cornerstone Program
Obstacles to developing a healthy self-love – October 2012 & October 2010
• Presentation in Courage to Know Seminar (UN201) – Boston College, Cornerstone Program
Jesuit education and vocational discernment – May 2012
• Presentation in Courage to Know Seminar (UN201) – Boston College, Cornerstone Program
From marketing to ministry: Finding your deepest desire – March 2012
Presentation in Careers in the 21st Century – Northeastern University, College of Business Administration
The history of American men and survey of men & masculinities research – November 2011
• Presentation to Intro to Feminist Philosophies (PL526) – Boston College, Philosophy Department
Love, intimacy, sexuality, and meaning – November 2011
• Presentation in Courage to Know Seminar (UN201) – Boston College, Cornerstone Program
God’s love in action – March 2008
• Presentation to Relationships: A Way to Know God (TH206) – Boston College, Theology Department
Undergraduate Advising
Pre-major student advising loads:
• 2014-2015 – 11 students
• 2008-2014 – 5 students per year
Refereed articles
Zepp, D. A. (accepted). Sacred narratives: College men at the intersection of masculinity and
spirituality. ACPA Developments. Retrieved from
Non-refereed articles and book contributions
Zepp, D. A. (accepted). Bishop William McManus. In James, M. J. Editor, Heroes &
Heroines of Catholic Education. Arlington, VA: National Catholic Education Association.
Zepp, D. A. (accepted). Mother Stephanie Mohun, O.P. In James, M. J. Editor, Heroes &
Heroines of Catholic Education. Arlington, VA: National Catholic Education Association.
Zepp, D. A. (2014). A review of the book The Sacred Project of American Sociology, by Christian
Smith. ACCU Collegium News, 3(18), 13-14. Retrieved from
Refereed presentations
Zepp, D. A. (2015, April). College men at the intersection of masculinity and spirituality: A review of
scholarly literature. Scholarly paper roundtable session at the annual meeting of the American
Educational Research Association (AERA), Chicago, IL.
Zepp, D. A. (2015, February). Masculinity, faith & college men. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the
Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities (ACCU), Washington, DC.
Zepp, D. A. (2014, November). Intersectionality as a theoretical perspective for research on masculinity and
faith in college men. Scholarly paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for the Study
of Higher Education (ASHE), Washington, DC.
Zepp, D. A. (2014, July). Man up? Redefining masculinity through Ignatian ideals. Presentation at the
National Jesuit Student Leadership Conference, Chestnut Hill, MA.
Zepp, D. A. (2012, July). The deficit narrative of college men: How would Cardinal John Henry Newman
respond? Presentation at the Association for Student Affairs at Catholic Colleges and Universities
Conference (ASACCU), South Bend, IN.
Selected academic affairs presentations
Zepp, D. A. (2014, August). Pedagogy and practice: Classroom strategies for teaching assistants.
Presentation at the Teaching Orientation for Graduate Teaching Assistants and Teaching Fellows,
Boston College Connors Family Learning Center, Chestnut Hill, MA.
Zepp, D. A. (2012, November). Catholic higher education and global citizenship. Presentation for
International Education Week, Boston College Center for International Higher Education (CIHE),
Chestnut Hill, MA.
Zepp, D. A. & Rhodes, E. (2011, November). Gender equality: Student conceptions of femininities and
masculinities. Presentation to the Shaw First-Year Seminar Program, Boston College Office of
Residential Life, Chestnut Hill, MA.
Selected student affairs and campus ministry presentations
Zepp, D. A. (2014, May). Discovering oneself at Boston College. Presentation to the Senior Week Kairos
Retreat Program, Boston College Office of Campus Ministry, Chestnut Hill, MA.
Zepp, D. A. (2014, April). Man up? What it means to be a man at BC. Presentation for Concerned About
Rape Education (C.A.R.E.) Week, Boston College Women’s Resource Center, Chestnut Hill, MA.
Zepp, D. A. (2013, August). First year programming & an introduction to men and masculinities.
Presentation to Peer Ministry Program, Boston College Office of Residential Life, Chestnut Hill, MA.
Zepp, D. A. (2013, March). Deconstructing masculinity. Presentation for Concerned About Rape Education
(C.A.R.E.) Week, Boston College Women’s Resource Center, Chestnut Hill, MA.
Cronin K. & Zepp, D. A. (2012, November). Was it really a bachelor’s degree? Why you never really learned
to date in college and what to do about it now. Presentation at Agape Latte Grande GOLD Alumni
Event, Boston College Alumni Association & Church in the 21st Century, Chestnut Hill, MA.
Zepp, D. A. (2012, August). The intersection of Jesuit education and residential life. Presentation to the
Resident Assistant Program, Boston College Office of Residential Life, Chestnut Hill, MA.
Zepp, D. A. (2012, April). Blessings in disguise: Life after college football. Presentation at the Roads Retreat
Collaborative for at-risk students, Boston College Office of the Deans of Students, Sandwich, MA.
Zepp, D. A. (2010, November). Constructing the student-athlete: A panel discussion. Presentation for Love
Your Body Week, Boston College Women’s Resource Center, Chestnut Hill, MA.
Zepp, D. A. (2011, October). Being attentive and reflective in co-curricular involvement. Presentation to the
Pathways First-Year Program, Boston College Office of Residential Life, Chestnut Hill, MA.
Zepp, D. A. (2011, September). Finding faith in times of crisis: Ministry scenarios. Presentation to the
Resident Minister Program, Boston College Office of Campus Ministry, Chestnut Hill, MA.
Zepp, D. A. (2010, August). The life of St. Ignatius: Experiencing intimacy with Iñigo. Presentation to the
Pedro Arrupe International Immersion Program Leadership Team, Boston College Office of Campus
Ministry, Chestnut Hill, MA.
Zepp, D. A. (2010, April). Students first: Academic rigor and the student-athlete. Presentation to the StudentAthlete Mentoring Initiative Program, Boston College Athletic Department, Chestnut Hill, MA.
Zepp, D. A. (2009, October). Beyond the field: Student-athletes and co-curricular involvement. Presentation
at the Boston College Coaches Meeting, Boston College Athletic Department, Chestnut Hill, MA.
Zepp, D. A. (2009, April). Connecting student-athletes to the academic life of the university. Presentation at
the Boston College Coaches Meeting, Boston College Athletic Department, Chestnut Hill, MA.
Zepp, D. A. (2007, May). Student-athletes in the classroom and in the community. Presentation at the StudentAthlete All Sports Banquet, Boston College Athletic Department, Chestnut Hill, MA.
Invited ministry presentations
Zepp, D. A. (2014, March). After Confirmation: Three obstacles to pursuing your vocation. Presentation to
Our Lady Help of Christians Parish Youth Ministry Confirmation Program, Newton, MA.
Zepp, D. A. (2013, October). The business of relationships part two: Identity & the hookup culture.
Presentation to Catholic Campus Connection & Bentley Christian Fellowship, Bentley University,
Waltham, MA.
Zepp, D. A. (2013, March). The business of relationships: Challenging the hookup culture at Bentley
University. Presentation to Catholic Campus Connection & Bentley Christian Fellowship, Bentley
University, Waltham, MA.
Zepp, D. A. (2012, November). Faith & adversity: Accepting God’s love during troubled times. Presentation
to the Saint John Chrysostom Parish Youth Ministry Confirmation Program, West Roxbury, MA.
Zepp, D. A. (2012, March). Obstacles to God’s love: Pursuing your vocation. Presentation to Our Lady Help
of Christians Parish Youth Ministry Confirmation Program, Newton, MA.
Zepp, D. A. (2012, March). Where’s your rock? God’s unwavering love during transition. Presentation to
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Boston College Campus Ministry, Chestnut Hill, MA.
Zepp, D. A. (2011, March). Vocation: Being attentive to the inner movements of the spirit. Presentation to Our
Lady Help of Christian’s Parish Youth Ministry Confirmation Program, Newton, MA.
Research Experience
Graduate Research Assistant – June 2014-Present
Boston College, Lynch School of Education, Department of Educational Leadership & Higher Education
Assist Dr. Michael James in his research which focuses on the intersection of faith and intellectual life,
Catholic mission and identity, and best practices for student affairs at Catholic colleges and universities
Oversee 15-Year Review of ACCU/Boston College Institute for Administrators in Catholic Higher Education
(IACHE), including research design, IRB process, analysis, and executive summary
Research Assistant, Big Picture Longitudinal Study – October 2012-May 2014
• Boston College, Lynch Graduate School of Education
• Assisted Dr. Karen Arnold in her research which focuses on college access for traditionally underrepresented
and underserved populations
• Investigated faith-based communities and their unique position to help students enter and succeed in college
• Conducted semi-structured interviews and provided qualitative analysis as a member of the research team
Professional Experience
Coordinator, Institute for Administrators in Catholic Higher Education (IACHE) – June 2014-Present
• Boston College, Lynch School of Education, Department of Educational Leadership & Higher Education
• Oversee all logistical responsibilities for the ACCU/Boston College IACHE, a four-day seminar for senior
administrators and leaders on contemporary issues facing Catholic colleges and universities
• Develop curriculum for IACHE, including talk themes, small group discussions, and supplemental readings
• Assess learning outcomes of IACHE and implement data-driven programmatic changes
• Execute marketing plan for Higher Education (M.A.) concentration in Catholic University Leadership
Assistant Director, Student Outreach - June 2008-May 2014
• Boston College, Office of First Year Experience
• Managed the organization and execution of Orientation, Academic Convocation, 48HOURS Weekend
Experiences, Freshman Leadership Project, and the Courage to Know Seminar (UN201)
• Coordinated academic advising and registration of 2,350 incoming students over seven orientation sessions
• Developed pertinent and realistic programmatic goals regarding enrollment for Orientation and 48HOURS
• Managed the orientation leader selection process including recruitment of leaders, development of interview
prompt and interview protocol, and organization of decision meetings
• Directed and contextualized 48HOURS retreat experience for first-year students
• Created marketing plan to increase enrollment to 1,100 students on 48HOURS (50% increase during tenure)
• Developed learning outcomes for 48HOURS retreat consistent with division-wide outcomes
• Mentored 48HOURS senior leaders in crafting and delivering personal and retrospective narratives
• Coordinated follow-up and referral services for first-year students who need additional support
• Managed 48HOURS scholarship aid program, providing access to low-income student populations
• Supervised video production of Boston College: A Catholic, Jesuit Tradition for orientation program
• Created proposal and oversee design of integrated database for 48HOURS (Oracle APEX system)
• Created and managed databases on FileMaker Pro to track historical program participant data
• Organized all printing materials; redesigned orientation programs and Convocation guides
Program Assessment Team – September 2011-May 2014
• Boston College, University Mission & Ministry
• Created student learning outcomes for division programs (retreats, domestic/international service and
immersion programs, and faith-sharing communities) consistent with division-wide student learning outcomes
• Assesses student learning outcomes using a mixed methods approach
• Developed focus group interview protocol based upon student learning outcomes
Designed and facilitated focus groups with 48HOURS Weekend Experience program leaders and participants
Collaborated with the Office of Institutional Research, Planning, & Assessment to mine program data
Compared quantitative data (participant vs. non-participant) utilizing the National Survey of Student
Engagement (NSSE) and the College Senior Survey (CSS)
Implemented programmatic changes and revised student learning outcomes as a result of program assessment
Formational Conversation Partner – June 2008-May 2014
• Boston College, Office of the Dean of Students
• Engaged with students in one-on-one conversations as part of their judicial infractions
• Encouraged students to reflect upon their collegiate experiences following their participation in a community
restitution program
• Counseled and directed students to University resources and mission-driven programs
• Collaborated with other University offices and administrators in dealing with issues surrounding alcoholism,
body image, cutting, divorce, depression, mention illness, sexual assault, and suicide
Assistant Director, Operations – December 2007-June 2008
• Boston College, Office of First Year Experience
• Managed departmental budget (over 1M); provided annual budget projections based on targeted student
enrollment and anticipated revenue in Orientation and 48HOURS programs
• Implemented CashNet payment processing system; converted 48HOURS payments from check only to
debit/credit cards; created paperless signup for freshmen
• Generated marketing materials for all departmental programs through print materials and social media
• Managed design of 48HOURS promotional video for orientation parent program to increase student enrolment
• Updated design and layout of departmental website, increasing traffic and streamlining communications
• Enhanced orientation leader spirituality training by incorporating Ignatian prayer and reflective practices
Graduate Assistant – Boston College, Office of First Year Experience – May-December 2007
Ministry Experience
Resident Minister, Walsh & Greycliff Communities – August 2010-Present
• Boston College, Office of Campus Ministry & Office of Residential Life
• On-call emergency support and crisis management for students, staff, and alumni community
• Collaborate with other University offices and administrators in dealing with issues surrounding the loss of a
loved one, body image, divorce, depression, sexual assault, suicide, and conflict resolution
• Facilitate weekly and biweekly spiritual direction and reflections for residents and professional staff
• Hall Programs: Academic Advising, Healthy Living/Eating, Spirituality & The Student, Photography Exhibit,
Ignatian Examen Reflection Activity
Spiritual Director – March 2012-Present
• Boston College, Office of Campus Ministry
• Guide students on a three-week busy student retreat during the Lenten season
• Facilitate intentional reflection on students’ relationship with God through daily prayer and scripture readings
Professional Memberships
American Educational Research Association (AERA), 2014-Present
Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE), 2013-Present
Association for Catholic Colleges & Universities (ACCU), 2014-Present
ACCU/Boston College Institute for Administrators in Catholic Higher Education (IACHE), 2013-Present
Association for Student Affairs at Catholic Colleges and Universities (ASACCU), 2011-2012
American College Personnel Association (ACPA), Conference on College Men, 2009
Service to the University
Participant, Academic Advising Center, Professors and Pastries Conversation Program, 2008-Present
Committee Member, Office of Residential Life, Associate Director, Living & Learning Hiring Process, 2014
Committee Member, Office of Residential Life, Resident Director Hiring Process, 2011-Present
Committee Member, Office of Residential Life, Assistant Director Hiring Process, 2011
Retreat Facilitator, Center for Student Formation, Halftime Weekend, 2012
Mentor, Office of Campus Ministry, Appalachia Volunteers Mentoring Program, 2013-Present
Operations Consultant, University Mission & Ministry Service Center, 2011
Program Consultant and Marketer, Sex and the Spirit: Conversations on Sexuality and Intimacy in the
Catholic Tradition, Office of the Dean for Student Development and Office of Residential Life, 2009
Retreat Facilitator, Office of Campus Ministry and Office of Residential Life, Men’s First-Year Ignatian
Camping Weekend, 2009
Advisor, Athletic Department, Student-Athlete Advisory Committee, 2007-2010
Mentor, Athletic Department, Life Skills Summer Program, 2009
SPSS, Qualtrics, Canvas, Blackboard Vista, MediaKron, Adobe Photoshop, Filemaker Pro, MS Office