The following programs are offering fellowship positions, but are not
The following programs are offering fellowship positions, but are not
The following programs are offering fellowship positions, but are not AUPO certified as of December 1st, 2014 [Note that AUPO Fellowship compliance does not apply to Canadian fellowship programs] Program Name Institution (address) (Link to website) Program Director (email) Faculty (training and current position) Number of positions offered EAST LANSING, MI Eric Eggenberger, DO MSEpi 2-3 Michigan State University Eric.eggenberger@ -David Kaufman DO (Neurology) Professor and Chair, MSU Department of Neurology & Ophthalmology Number of positions funded (level of funding) 1-2 (PGY 4-5 level) Does the program accept ophthalmology and/or neurologytrained candidates? -Ophthalmology or Neurology Does the program accept international fellows? Application process Yes Contact Dr Eric Eggenberger (eric.eggenberger@ht. -Sunita Yedavally DO (Ophthalmology & Retina) MSU Department of Neurology & Ophthalmology A217 MSU Clinical Center 804 Service East Lansing, MI 48824-1313 517 884-2276 Send: -Application -CV -3 letters of recommendation -Chris Glisson DO (Neurology, Pediatric Neuroophthalmology) http://neurology.msu.e du/fellowships/neuroophthalmologyfellowship euroophthalmologyfellowship PHILADELPHIA, PA Mark L. Moster, MD Wills Eye Hospital Thomas Jefferson University School of Medicine markmoster@gmail .com 840 Walnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19107 Tel: 215-928-3130 -Robert C. .Sergott, MD (Ophthalmology, 1979) Professor of Ophthalmology and Neurology, Director of NeuroOphthalmology -Mark L. Moster, MD (Neurology, 1984) Professor of Neurology and Ophthalmology 1 1 -Ophthalmology and Neurology Yes, as clinical research fellows - Funding provided by candidate’s country/institution Contact Kathleen Santa Maria at PITTSBURG, PA University of Pittsburgh Gabrielle R. Bonhomme, MD bonhommegr@up m/services/eye/serv ices/pages/neuroophthalmology.asp x 1 -Ophthalmology or Neurology residency -ECFMG certification required Contact Gabrielle Bonhomme directly -Not currently accepting purely research fellows 412 605-1541 admin or email Send: -CV -ECFMG, USMLE certification -Personal statement -2 Letters of Recommendation -emails of 2 referees Islam Zaydan, MD (Neurology, 2007) Assistant Professor, Neurology and Ophthalmology Fellowship in Neuro-ophthalmology NeuroImmunology, MS, and Vascular Neuro VANCOUVER, CA Jason J S Barton University of British Columbia jasonbarton@shaw .ca http://www.ubcneur ml 1 Ellen Mitchell, MD (Ophthalmology, 2008) Assistant Professor, Ophthalmology Fellowship in Pediatric Ophthalmology Fellowship in Neuro-Ophthalmology UPMC Eye Center Suite 800 203 Lothrop street Pittsburgh, PA 15213 VGH Eye Care Centre 2550 Willow street vancouver, BC, Canada V5Z 3N9 tel: 604 875 4339 Gabrielle R. Bonhomme, MD (Ophthalmology, 2005) Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology Fellowship in Neuro-Ophthalmology Director, Neuro-Ophthalmology service - Jason J S Barton MD PhD FRCPC (Neurology, 1990) Professor, Canada Research Chair, Neurology, Ophthalmology and Visual sciences, Psychology -Duncan P Anderson MD FRCSC (Ophthalmology, 1973) Professor, Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences -Maryam Aroichane MD FRCSC (Ophthalmology, 1991) Clinical assistant professor, Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences -Jean Chuo MD FRCSC (Ophthalmology, 2010) Clinical instructor, Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences‘ -Janette I Lindley MD FRCSC (Ophthalmology, 1987) Clinical professor, Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences -Claire Sheldon MD PhD FRCSC (Ophthalmology, 2012) Clinical assistant professor, Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences‘ -Sara Simpson MD FRCPC (Neurology, 2011) Clinical assistant professor, Neurology 2 1 -Ophthalmology or neurology Yes Contact Jason JS Barton directly Send: -CV -Personal statement -emails of 2 referees TORONTO, CA University of Toronto Edward Margolin, MD edmargolin@gmail. com Edward Margolin, MD (Ophthalmology, 2006) Assistant Professor, Dept Ophthalmology and Dept of Medicine, Div. Neurology Megumi Iizuka, MD (pediatric ophthalmology) Arun Sundaram, MD 1 1 Ophthalmology or Neurology residency Yes, must be able to obtain Ontario PostGraduate Medical License, have to have own funding Contact Edward margolin directly at m Send: -CV -2 Letters of Recommendation -Personal Statement