Disclosure Statement Gas
Disclosure Statement Gas
Disclosure Statement Gas Harvey Norman Energy Gas Background This disclosure statement is provided to you by Alinta Energy Retail Sales Pty Ltd ABN 22 149 658 300 trading as Harvey Norman Energy. Rate Plan Unit Standing Tariffs Exc GST Tariffs Tariffs under your plan are based on the Alinta Energy Retail Sales Pty Ltd Standing Tariffs as published on its website and take effect on 19 January 2015. These tariffs are also published on the Harvey Norman Energy website. Rate Plan Unit Inc GST Standing Tariffs Exc GST Terms and Conditions Further information on the terms and conditions applicable are available on the Harvey Norman Energy website. Rate Plan Unit Inc GST Standing Tariffs Exc GST Inc GST Australian Gas Networks Distribution Area (formerly Envestra) Australian Gas Networks Central 1 First 27.40 MJ/day Next 21.90 MJ/day All Remaining MJ Supply Charge c/MJ c/MJ c/MJ c/day 2.29 1.96 1.54 64.57 2.519 2.156 1.694 71.027 Australian Gas Networks North First 27.40 MJ/day Next 21.90 MJ/day All Remaining MJ Supply Charge c/MJ c/MJ c/MJ c/day 1.85 1.85 1.64 64.57 Australian Gas Networks Central 2 First 27.40 MJ/day Next 21.90 MJ/day All Remaining MJ Supply Charge c/MJ c/MJ c/MJ c/day 1.93 1.93 1.52 63.81 2.123 2.123 1.672 70.191 Australian Gas Networks Cardinia 2.035 2.035 1.804 71.027 All MJ Supply Charge c/MJ c/day 2.56 67.15 2.816 73.865 Australian Gas Networks Bairnsdale All MJ Supply Charge c/MJ c/day 2.35 64.57 2.585 71.027 Australian Gas Networks Murray Valley All MJ Supply Charge c/MJ c/day 2.10 66.56 2.310 73.216 AusNet Services Distribution Area AusNet Services Central 1 AusNet Services Central 2 AusNet Services Adjoining Central First 100.00 Peak MJ/day All Remaining Peak MJ First 100.00 c/MJ c/MJ c/MJ 2.12 1.66 2.02 2.332 1.826 2.222 First 100.00 Peak MJ/day All Remaining Peak MJ First 100.00 c/MJ c/MJ c/MJ 2.12 1.69 1.92 2.332 1.859 2.112 First 100.00 Peak MJ/day All Remaining Peak MJ First 100.00 c/MJ c/MJ c/MJ 2.42 2.08 2.13 2.662 2.288 2.343 All Remaining Off Peak MJ Supply Charge c/MJ 1.55 1.705 c/MJ 1.55 1.705 1.90 2.090 62.61 68.871 c/day 61.93 68.123 All Remaining Off Peak MJ Supply Charge c/MJ c/day All Remaining Off Peak MJ Supply Charge c/day 56.28 61.908 2.33 2.09 1.79 2.27 2.06 1.78 67.41 2.563 2.299 1.969 2.497 2.266 1.958 74.151 Off Peak MJ/day AusNet Services West Off Peak MJ/day AusNet Services Adjoining West First 100.00 Peak MJ/day All Remaining Peak MJ First 100.00 c/MJ c/MJ c/MJ 1.93 1.73 1.71 2.123 1.903 1.881 First 100.00 Peak MJ/day All Remaining Peak MJ First 100.00 c/MJ c/MJ c/MJ 2.43 2.25 2.13 2.673 2.475 2.343 All Remaining Off Peak MJ Supply Charge c/MJ 1.43 1.573 c/MJ 2.08 2.288 c/day 61.39 67.529 All Remaining Off Peak MJ Supply Charge c/day 62.51 68.761 Off Peak MJ/day Off Peak MJ/day Off Peak MJ/day Peak period applies from 1 June to 30 September inclusive in the AusNet Services distribution area. Off Peak period applies at all other times. Multinet Distribution Area Multinet Main 1 HNE-VIC-Gas-DS-FG20-19JAN2015-Version-01 First 50.00 Peak MJ/day c/MJ Next 50.00 Peak MJ/day c/MJ All Remaining Peak MJ c/MJ First 50.00 Off Peak MJ/day c/MJ Next 50.00 Off Peak MJ/day c/MJ All Remaining Off Peak MJ c/MJ Supply Charge c/day Multinet Main 2 1.93 1.67 1.35 1.87 1.63 1.34 64.83 2.123 1.837 1.485 2.057 1.793 1.474 71.313 First 50.00 Peak MJ/day c/MJ Next 50.00 Peak MJ/day c/MJ All Remaining Peak MJ c/MJ First 50.00 Off Peak MJ/day c/MJ Next 50.00 Off Peak MJ/day c/MJ All Remaining Off Peak MJ c/MJ Supply Charge c/day Multinet Yarra Valley 2.01 1.51 1.51 1.97 1.43 1.43 63.25 2.211 1.661 1.661 2.167 1.573 1.573 69.575 First 50.00 Peak MJ/day c/MJ Next 50.00 Peak MJ/day c/MJ All Remaining Peak MJ c/MJ First 50.00 Off Peak MJ/day c/MJ Next 50.00 Off Peak MJ/day c/MJ All Remaining Off Peak MJ c/MJ Supply Charge c/day Peak period applies from 1 May to 31 October inclusive in the Multinet distribution area. Off Peak period applies all other times. Notes: Rates are subject to confirmation of distribution zone, network tariff and meter type at your supply address. Daily blocked consumption based on average daily consumption. Some postcodes may contain shared boundaries with other retail patches or no gas area. Daily blocked consumption based on average daily consumption. Alinta Energy Retail Sales Pty Ltd trading as Harvey Norman Energy ABN 22 149 658 300 GPO Box 1302, Melbourne VIC 3001 T 13 46 42 harveynormanenergy.com.au This Harvey Norman Energy Gas offer is not generally available. Terms and conditions and eligibility criteria apply. Variations in tariffs Alinta Energy Retail Sales Pty Ltd's Standing Tariffs are varied from time to time and published on our website. If Alinta Energy Retail Sales Pty Ltd changes its Standing Tariffs, we will give you notice of any variations as soon as practicable and in any event no later than your next bill or in accordance with any applicable laws and codes. Fees and charges Harvey Norman Energy currently does not charge customers account establishment fees, payment processing fees or late payment fees. If the fees and charges we charge change we will notify you. Fees we charge for disconnections and reconnections reflect the costs incurred by us from the distributor, the amounts are published on distributor websites and may change from time to time. We may impose an additional charge if there is, or we fairly and reasonably expect there will be, an increase in our environmental, market, metering, network and regulatory costs, if that cost increase is specifically or otherwise attributable to you or to the energy we sell you. The amount of the additional charge will be no more than what is required to recover such an increase in costs. There will be no additional charge to the extent that we recover a cost increase through variations in our tariffs. Conditional Discounts Under our Harvey Norman Energy Gas plan, when you pay your account in full by the due date you will be entitled to a discount of 10% off your gas consumption charges based on Alinta Energy Retail Sales Pty Ltd's published Standing Tariffs for Victoria. This discount is available for as long as you continue to stay with us on this plan and have a Harvey Norman Energy contract that covers electricity. Gift Card $50 Harvey Norman gift card on transfer of your electricity account to Harvey Norman Energy. Your transfer date will be the date following your next meter read. Limit one per customer and energy contract. $25 on each annual anniversary of your electricity account transfer to Harvey Norman Energy. If Alinta Energy Retail Sales Pty Ltd’s relationship with Harvey Norman changes, we reserve the right to cease providing you with Harvey Norman gift cards. Concessions and rebates Information on eligibility and entitlement to concessions can be found at www.dhs.vic.gov.au/concessions or by calling the Department for Human Services Concessions Hotline on 1800 658 521. Commencement Your energy contract begins on the day that you accept our offer whether you do this by signing our offer form, verbally accepting an offer made over the telephone or otherwise or by accepting online. However, we will not start selling you energy unless and until: • we are satisfied with your eligibility for our offer; • we are satisfied with your creditworthiness; • if we have required this, you have paid us a security deposit; • the cooling off period has expired; • your supply address has its own meter; and • we have become financially responsible for your supply address. Cooling off Although your energy contract may have begun, we do not start selling you energy until the cooling off period has expired. You have the right to cancel your energy contract during the cooling off period. The cooling off period is 10 business days from and including the day after you signed or received your energy contract together with this disclosure statement. To cancel your energy contract, you need to provide notice to us before the cooling off period ends, clearly indicating your intentions. You can do this in writing or over the telephone. Our contact details are set out below. Your energy contract booklet includes a form of cancellation notice and, on request, we will provide you with another copy of that cancellation notice. Postal address Telephone Fax Email GPO Box 1302, Melbourne VIC 3001 13 46 42 1300 781 235 customerservice@harveynormanenergy.com.au Accounts You will receive accounts at least every three months. They will be sent to the billing or email address set out in your offer. Payment methods You may pay your accounts: • by MasterCard, VISA or American Express card, either on the web at alintaenergy.com.au or by calling us on 13 46 42; • by direct debit from your cheque, savings or transaction account, or from your credit card; • by BPAY; • by cash, cheque or EFTPOS in person at any Post Office to pay; or • by cheque by tearing the payment options slip off the account and posting it with your cheque to the address shown on the slip. Electronic transactions If you provide Harvey Norman Energy with your email address, you consent to receiving information relating to your contract with Harvey Norman Energy by email. Additionally you can elect to receive your energy bills by email by calling our customer service team. If you have elected to pay your bills via direct debit from a nominated bank account or credit card, you consent to the amount notified to you via your bill being withdrawn from your bank account or charged to your credit card on the due date as stated in your bill. Enforcement expenses If you breach your energy contract you may be liable for legal expenses we incur in taking enforcement action against you. If your supply address is disconnected, you may also be liable for disconnection and reconnection charges. Dispute resolution We want to make sure you enjoy being a customer of Harvey Norman Energy and welcome feedback, be it positive or negative. So if you’re not happy with the service you’re receiving from us (including any of our marketing, advertising or promotional activities), please let our team know as soon as you can so we can start resolving it for you. You can do this in a number of ways: • call the team on 13 46 42 • log your feedback at harveynormanenergy.com.au • post your comments to: Harvey Norman Energy – Feedback GPO Box 1302 Melbourne VIC 3001 Your complaint will be dealt with in accordance with our complaint handling procedures which can be found at harveynormanenergy.com.au. If you are not satisfied with the response or outcome, or if the problem remains unresolved, you can contact the Energy and Water Ombudsman Victoria on 1800 500 509 (free call) or at vwww.ewov.com.au Termination As noted above, our energy contract with you has no fixed term. Our energy contract will be terminated on entry into a different energy contract with us, or entry into an energy contract with another retailer or if you move out of your premises. Service standards Our commitment is to respond to all written enquiries within 5 business days, and respond to 85% of all telephone call enquiries within 30 seconds. Our aim is to resolve your query or complaint as soon as possible, Should we need more time to find an answer or resolution we will keep you updated as to our progress. For information about choosing an energy retailer visit yourchoice.vic.gov.au