This Week - St. Lawrence Catholic Church


This Week - St. Lawrence Catholic Church
December 21, 2014
Be Steadfast
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Pray with Hope, Faith, Joy, Peace!
God’s love for us is steady, unwavering, and enveloping. All of Scripture
speaks of God’s relentless pursuit of His beloved – US! Prayer is our response to God: a dialogue with Him.
With prayer we stay connected and grow in our relationship with God.
Prayer keeps us “in tune” with God’s will and helps us make good choices.
Prayer gives us a safe place to lay all the cards on the table and turn to God
for all our needs.
We pray with Praise for His power.
We have Hope in His goodness.
We pray with Thanksgiving for His blessings.
We have Faith in His Word, Jesus.
We pray with Contrition for our sins.
We have Joy in His love!
We pray with Supplication (petition) for our needs.
We know Peace in His care.
Mother Teresa said that prayer “requires only that small raising of the mind
to Him”. With trust, confidence, and humility, we can say:
‘I love you God
I trust you
I believe in you
I need you now.’
from: The Joy in Loving
May these last few days of Advent be a time of Peaceful prayer
filled with Hope, Faith and Joy
in blessed anticipation of Jesus triumphant arrival!
St. Lawrence Catholic Community
Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament
on Friday, January 2nd
12 pm to 3 pm
in Church
for the Week of
December 21, 2014
DECEMBER 21, 2014
Mass Intentions
Saturday, December 20, 2014, 4:30 pm
†Poor Souls of Purgatory, John & Darlene Gildersleeve, Mary Snoddy, Dona Bigham,
Joseph Ciaramitaro, Kenneth Johns, John Rumschlag Sr., David McKinnon,
†Lucille McBain, †John McFaul
Sunday, December 21, 2014, 8:00 am
†Marie Jozefiak, Surman Family, †Grace Pollum, †Rose Wagner, †Helen Ugorowski,
†Stan Suflinsky, †Fr. Jerome Singer, Kaai Family
Sunday, December 21, 2014, 10:00 am
People of St. Lawrence, †Frank Settecerri, †Martha McArdle Cobb
Sunday, December 21, 2014, 12:00 noon
†Angie Drader, Tillie Regan, Backus Family, †James DeGeorge, †Frank Cucchiara,
†Chuck Stoia, †Salvatore, Marie & Anna Toro, †Eugene Jetts, †Frances Genovese,
†Bella Leone, Antonina Cucchiara
Monday, December 22, 2014, 8:00 am - †Msgr. Edward DeKeyser, †Elanor Czechowsky
Fourth Sunday of Advent
2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89;
Rom 16:25-27;Lk 1:26-38
1 Sm 1:24-28; 1 Sm 2; Lk 1:46-56
Saint John of Kanty, Priest
Mal 3:1-4, 23-24; Ps 25; Lk 1:57-66
Morning: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16;
Ps 89; Lk 1:67-79
Vigil: Is 62:1-5, Ps 89; Acts 13:16-17, 22-25,
Mt 1:1-25 or 1:18-25
The Nativity of the Lord
Night: Is 9:1-6; Ps 96; Ti 2:11-14; Lk 2:1-14
Dawn: Is 62:11-12; Ps 97; Ti 3:4-7;
Lk 2:15-20
Day: Is 52:7-10; Ps 98; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18
or 1:1-5, 9-14
Saint Stephen, The First Martyr
Acts 6:8-10, 7:54-59; Ps 31; Mt 10:17-22
Saint John, Apostle and Evangelist
1 Jn 1:1-4; Ps 97; Jn 20:1a, 2-8
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or Gn 15:1-6, 21:1-3; Ps 105;
Col 3:12-21 or 3:12-17 or Heb 11:8; 11-12,
17-19; Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22, 39-40
Parish Mission Statement
St. Lawrence Catholic Community believes we are called by our Baptism to
gather as a worshipping and prayerful
people. As responsible disciples of Jesus
Christ, we are called to be faithful stewards of our time, talents and treasures.
We value and foster Catholic education
and evangelization. With open hearts and
hands, we reach out to all brothers and
sisters, as together we strive to offer
hope, act justly, love tenderly and walk
humbly with our God.
Tuesday, December 23, 2014, 8:00 am
†Gladys Rybicki, †Virginia Coluzzi, †Dorothy Coluzzi, †Barbara Coluzzi, †Agnes McDonald
Wednesday, December 24, 2014, 4:00 pm
John & Gloria Adamo, Bernard Jakubik, Leonard Ciesielski, Mary Ciesielski, Lilah
Drapinski, Nolfo Brothers, Tomy & Santina Lombardi, Sergio Gasperoni,
Paul & Tammy Marinos
Wednesday, December 24, 2014, 6:00 pm
Michael Donegan, Robert Amyot, Kenneth Amyot, Marie Stepowski, Mark Leonard,
†Chris Ray, Joseph & Lillian Ziarko, †Gene Pollock, Frank, Lillian and John Bazydlo
Wednesday, December 24, 2014, 10:00 pm
Catherine & Ray Fisher, Kenneth Wrobel, Mary Fernholz, Edwin & Elizabeth Jarocha,
†Chester Kielan, John Huber, Mary Lou Keller, †Marvin & Genevieve Meitz,
†Mary Wasikowski
Thursday, December 25, 2014, 8:00 am
Eleanor Kociela, †Grace Pollum, Mark Leonard, †Deceased mem. of Wells Fam.,
Ruth Kelley, Henry Hirth
Thursday, December 25, 2014, 10:00 am
Arthur & Anna Whiteside, Mary Anne Dziewit, Adam & Francis Dziewit, Bucciero Family,
†Deceased mem. of Dziewit Fam., Raymond & Anna Zabaglo, †Lois Wysocki, Harold &
Joan Helms
Thursday, December 25, 2014, 12:00 pm
Jim Tuzinsky, Sue Tuzinsky, †Rolando Delicata, Mario & Maria Alicandro,
Albert L. Donadio, Ambrocio & Caridad Alcedo, Serafin & Genoveva Cristobal,
Giuseppe DiRezze
Friday, December 26, 2014, 9:00 am - Mark Leonard
Saturday, December 27, 2014, 4:30 pm
John T. Adamo, Sr., Mary & Anthony Carwana, Louis & Irene Lewondowski,
Nancy & Pat Torn, Norm & Helen Mack, Michelle Zukowski, Doris Cottone,
Betty Shelley, Joann Porlisi, M/M John Caporusso, M/M Vincent Tatangelo
Sunday, December 28, 2014, 8:00 am
Arthur Kuligowski, Mary Fernholz
Sunday, December 28, 2014, 10:00 am
Juanita Selewski, Andy & Mary Cole, John Rumschlag, Sr., †Christopher Noonan,
Rose Selewski
Sunday, December 28, 2014, 12:00 pm
People of St. Lawrence, Robert Joseph Poli
Stewardship Sacrificial Giving
Sunday, December 14, 2014 ..................................... $34,293.50
St. Vincent de Paul................................................... $311.00
Emergency Relief ..................................................... $800.00
Retirement Fund for Religious .................................... $9,334.00
Read the daily Gospel
each morning.
celebrated at Saint
Lawrence Church on
Sunday, January 4,
2015, at 2:00 PM.
and FR. ROMAN will
sing traditional Polish
Christmas Carols. The
Mass and singing are
Everyone is cordially
invited. Spread the
word and invite your
family and friends!
Past Monthly Challenges
November: Remember the dead;
pray for your deceased loved
October: Praise someone for
something today.
September: Record an item of
gratitude daily.
Listen to Catholic or
Christian radio in your car
July: Read the book you
received at Christmas
June: Spend a day in service
with your family or a friend
May: Read one chapter of
Proverbs each day
Life In The Spirit Seminar - Coming Soon!
We have received the Holy Spirit
in Baptism and Confirmation. We
come to know more fully who the
Holy Spirit is and how we need to
surrender ourselves to Him and
allow Him to guide and define our
lives so we can live the life we
have been called to live and be
the person God created us to be.
Six Week Seminar
Thursday 1-8-15
through 2-12-15
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
St. Lawrence
Youth Room
$10 for materials
Anyone who feels they are missing something in their life. Anyone who wants
a deeper walk with Jesus. Anyone who is searching for a deeper understanding of the love of God and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. (This is also a
good time of renewal for those who have previously completed a Life in the
Spirit Seminar)
Jim or Shirley Brodi (586) 739-3802
Mary Sackey (586) 731-4914
April: We receive the Divine
Mercy of God through
March: Entrust yourself to God
before going to sleep
February: Pray for the person
who is the most difficult or
distant to you each day
January: Give the first 10
minutes of each day to God.
Forum/Screen Deadlines
A reminder that all articles
submitted for the Forum must be
submitted by 12:00 pm Friday, for
the following week. You may bring
a typed copy of your article to the
parish office or email it to
All requests for overhead
projection slides are due
Tuesday at noon. If you have any
questions, please contact the
parish office.
DECEMBER 21, 2014
Christian Service
As Catholics, we are called to put
the Two Feet of Christian Service -- Charity and Justice --- into action!
We step with the foot of charity
when we work to assist others with
their immediate, short-term needs.
We step with the foot of justice
when we work to address the root
causes of problems facing our
On December 2, the City of Sterling Heights
Ethnic Community Committee awarded St.
Lawrence’s Stephen Ministry program with
the Sterling Heights Diversity Distinction
Our Stephen Ministers were
selected for this award because of their
participation in championing diversity in the
Our Stephen Ministers, serve parishioners as well as
people in the surrounding communities. Their open, non
loving presence to
going through a
difficult time helps
bring healing and
By bestowing this
commendation to
Ministry program,
the City of Sterling
great gifts of this
caring ministry.
Stephen Ministers!
We are so proud of
all of you!
Divine Mercy Prayer Line
As Jesus revealed to St. Faustina, “I have
opened My Heart as a living fountain of
mercy. Let all souls draw life from it.” If you
or others would like to receive prayer for your
intentions, contact Eileen at the Divine Mercy
Prayer line: (586) 725-0944.
Are You Stressed? Discouraged? Feeling Down?
You don’t have to go through difficult times
alone. Our Stephen Ministers are ready to
provide you with confidential, one-to-one,
Christian care and support to help you get
through a tough time. So don’t keep it all
inside and struggle alone through the holiday season.
Our Stephen Ministers are there to care.
To find out more about Stephen Ministry, talk with a
Stephen Ministry leader from St. Lawrence Catholic
Church at 586-731-5347.
2014 CSA
Have you made your
pledge yet? Please,
consider helping us
reach our goal!
Total Amount Pledged:
CSA December Update
Our 2014 CSA Campaign continues.
We are still short of our 2014 Goal
of $211,106. Pledges-to-date total
$177,687, a shortfall of $33,419.
As we approach year-end, many
parishioners make their final
contributions to the Parish in the closing weeks of the
year. Perhaps you might consider designating a portion of
your offerings towards the CSA. St. Lawrence Parish must
meet this pledge commitment either through direct
pledges or from its operating budget. For those who have
already donated, perhaps you might consider an
additional offering. You may simply designate on an
envelope or the check itself CSA Appeal or if you prefer a
pledge card can be obtained from the Parish Office and
included with your offering. Contributions can be placed
in the collection basket, hand-delivered or mailed to the
parish office directly.
Thank you St. Lawrence
Parishioners for your continued support of this annual
appeal and the multitude of ministries that it supports
throughout the Archdiocese of Detroit!
Marie DeArment
2014 CSA Chairperson
Living the Good News
December 21, 2014
Today’s Gospel is very familiar to us,
in fact we heard it recently on the
Feast of the Immaculate Conception
on December 8. For us, the message
about the annunciation is clear.
With only a few days left before Christmas, we must prepare to say a resounding “yes” to God by imitating Mary’s
faithfulness and obedience to God. Mary responded to
the angel with openness and trust. Like Mary, we must
learn in our daily living to respond with willingness to
God’s annunciation about the salvation that is available
to each of us. Let this Christmas be a time to renew your
own commitment to saying “yes” to God. But don’t let
the yes become just another word; deepening our relationship with God and others happens when our yes becomes a way of living.
As your family lights all of the candles on the Advent
wreath this week, offer the following prayer:
Lord, hurry and come to us. May your light shine
in our lives, so that we may be freed from sin.
Protect us from all anxiety as we wait in joyful
hope for your coming as our Savior. Amen
Merry Christmas to you and your family. God bless you.
Peggy DeClercq, Pastoral Associate
School News
School Mission
We are a Catholic School family dedicated to
nurturing and celebrating a love for Jesus
Christ and educating the whole child with
academic excellence.
Mon. Dec. 22
• NO SCHOOL – Christmas Break
Tue. Dec. 23
• NO SCHOOL – Christmas Break
• Daddy Daughter Dance Registration Forms Due (Parish
Wed. Dec. 24
• NO SCHOOL – Christmas Break
Thu. Dec. 25
• NO SCHOOL – Christmas Break
Fri. Dec. 26
• NO SCHOOL – Christmas Break
We wish all of our St. Lawrence Families a very Blessed
Merry Christmas!
Little Flock
Prayer Group meeting every Wednesday
in the School Library, 7:30 pm
Let us celebrate Christmas with a prayer of expectation
not for worldly joys and gifts; but for the joys and gifts of
the Holy Spirit. Let all of us realize the importance of the
Holy Spirit within our lives and accept Him into our lives.
It is only through total surrender to the Holy Spirit that we
can have the Spiritual strength to lead a truly faithful life
with God. Come to the Holy Spirit this New Year and
realize your great expectations.
For Information, contact:
Jim /Shirley Brodi ----------------586-739-3802
Mary Sackey------------------------586-731-4914
Bob Hurlbert ----------------------586-412-1029
Kathleen Wesley ------------------586-286-7253
St. Lawrence Men’s Retreat
Take a few moments…… talk with God on a personal
You are invited to attend a tranquil weekend of spiritual
reflection and renewal for men. Join us for a weekend at
the Capuchin Retreat on 95 wooded acres adjacent to the
Stony Creek Nature Center to: relax from a hectic
schedule, enjoy nature, make new friends, reflect on our
situation in life and above all, to reopen and strengthen
our lines of communication with God. Bring a friend!
When: January 16—18, 2015
Where: The newly renovated Capuchin Retreat
62460 Mt. Vernon Rd. (North of 28 Mile Rd.)
Washington, MI 48094 (
Registration: 6:30—7:30 pm on Friday, January 16th,
concluding at 1:00 pm on Sunday, January 18th, with
$50 non-refundable deposit to confirm your
reservation. Suggested offering for the weekend is $160
(this includes your deposit). Weekend includes lodging,
conferences, a Friday evening snack and five excellent
meals. Capacity is limited so please call Paul Okoniewski
(586-752-7834) to confirm your reservation.
Ushers Needed for the
4:30 pm and 12:00 pm “B” Team.
(“B” Team serves Feb/Apr/Jun/Aug/Oct/Dec)
Please consider becoming part
of this wonderful ministry! See one of our
Ushers for more information.
A Word … from the D.R.E.
This week we pray with peace. More than the absence of
conflict, the spiritual fruit of peace is “tranquility of
order, a calm that comes from turning over our fears or
difficult situation to God and letting go.” (, “The
Virtue Project”). When we “let go and let God” we are
not giving up: we are trusting in God’s promises.
Scripture tells us that God keeps His promises. God’s
promise to King David for an heir to his throne is fulfilled
in Jesus whose kingdom shall endure forever. God’s
promises made known by the prophets to all nations are
fulfilled in our obedience of faith in Jesus.
Like Mary, we can respond to God with peaceful
confidence in His love for us in all circumstances. In our
humble obedience we can be the bearer of God’s Good
News, too!
Question of the Week:
Is there something hard you need to do this week? What
might make it easier?
Important CRE
Dec. 22/23
Dec. 29/30
Jan. 5/6
Jan. 6 or 8
Jan. 12/13
Jan. 15
Jan. 17/18
Jan. 19/20
Jan. 26/27
no classes Christmas Break
no classes Christmas Break
CRE Classes
Parent Meeting 7p – First Eucharist
CRE Classes
Parent Meeting Chastity Curriculum
(time TBD)
Enrollment prayers for First
Eucharist preparation, all masses
no classes M.L. King Holiday
CRE Classes
Growing together in faith and wisdom,
Lisa Rajnicek (pronounced “ray-na-chek”)
(586) 731-5072
Youth Ministry—6th thru 12th Grades
Service Projects
Youth Group
Youth Group meeting
January 11th from
7:00-9:00 in Youth Rm
Youth Group meeting
January 25th from
7:00-9:00 in Youth Rm
Middle School
High School
Social Activities
Youth Group meeting
January 9th from
7:00-8:30p in Youth Rm
Youth Group meeting
January 23rd from
7:00-8:30p in Youth Rm
Contact Deann, Coordinator of
Youth Ministry, for more details:
DECEMBER 21, 2014
St. Lawrence Catholic School Open
House and Registration Dates
St. Lawrence Catholic School will be hosting an Open
House for prospective students and parents on Sunday,
January 25, 2015 from 1 – 3 p.m. Families who are
interested in half-day 3-year old Nursery School, half-day
or full-day 4-year old Preschool, half-day or full-day
Kindergarten through Eighth Grade are encouraged to
attend. Administrators, teachers, current parents and
students will be available to answer questions. Tours will
be offered for new families as well.
Interested families who are unable to attend the Open
House may call the St. Lawrence Catholic School Office at
586-731-0135 to schedule a tour and receive an informational packet.
New family registration for the 2015- 2016 school year will
be from January 25 – February 4, 2015. Registration
application forms for Nursery School - Grade 8 will be
available on the school website beginning January 25
( Anyone interested
in sending their child/ren to St. Lawrence Catholic School
should complete an application and return it to the school
office between the above registration dates.
New family applications from families belonging to St.
Lawrence Parish will be put in acceptance order based on
length of membership in the parish.
New family
applications from those belonging to other parishes will be
taken on a first come, first served basis beginning at January 25. After February 4 (the official end of the registration period), applications will be put in acceptance order
according to the date of receipt of application regardless
of parish affiliation.
St. Lawrence Catholic School is the only Catholic grade
school in the North Macomb Vicariate of the Archdiocese
of Detroit.
Current students live in Utica, Sterling
Heights, Shelby Twp., Macomb Twp., Clinton Twp.,
Washington Twp., Chesterfield Twp., Romeo, Rochester
Hills, Warren, Troy, Auburn Hills, Almont, Dryden, Addison
Twp., Bruce Twp., Harrison Twp., and New Baltimore.
Bus service is provided to all in the Utica Community
School District. Latchkey is available before and after
school to Kindergarteners through eighth graders.
For more information, contact the school at 586-731-0135.
Adoration of the Blesses Sacrament will
take place on Friday, January 2, from
12 noon until 3 p.m.
You do not
have to stay the entire 3 hours, but
please come and spend some one on
one time with our Lord.
Attn: Future Lectors—
Proclaim the Word
Climb on board with Jesus, our Savior, and become a fisher of men and women by proclaiming the Good News of
Christ as a weekay or weekend lector at St. Lawrence.
Anyone who is confirmed and feels that the Holy Spirit
maybe tapping him/her on the shoulder is joyfully invited
to attend Lector Training on Wednesday, January 21, 2015
at 7:00 pm in the Church.
You will receive a new lector workbook and become adept
at using the church sound system. Please contact Eileen
Martini at 586-215-0422 or Kathy Padley at 586-854-7535
if you have any questions.
Altar Society
Please remember that we have no meetings
in January, February and March.
On February 14th, we will have the Mass for
the living and deceased members of the
Altar Society at 4:30 pm.
December 22nd is the big cleaning of the church for the
Christmas holydays and we need your help! We will start
at 9:30 am so if you are able, please bring a bucket, rags,
sweepers and dusters and join us. We will have a light
lunch in the social hall when we are finished.
See you in Church!
You need not pre-register. Come and join in our mission
to spread the Word. See you in Church!
God Bless,
Kay Rasmussen
Rest in Peace
Mustang Roundup
Edward Duda
Born to Life: February 21, 1917
Born to Eternal Life: December 8, 2014
Sadie Kolodziej
Born to Life: November 9, 1919
Born to Eternal Life: December 10, 2014
Andrea Bauchat
Born to Life: August 28, 1946
Born to Eternal Life: December 8, 2014
Frederick Brown
Born to Life: February 5, 1928
Born to Eternal Life: December 12, 2014
May the souls of the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Basketball—The opening home date for the CYO Regular
Season at St. Lawrence last Saturday 12/13 was a very
successful one on many fronts. Our St. Lawrence teams
won 6 of 9 games played and there was plenty of excitement and fun throughout the day. In addition, a huge
thank you goes out to all of our boosters who magnificently helped ensure a smooth day of operation!!!
Scores from the weekend are as follows:
9 am
10:10 am
11:20 am
12:30 pm
1:45 pm
3 pm
4:15 pm
K of C Spelling Bee Winners!
A great spelling bee competition was held on December 7,
2014. This annual event allowed for a dedicated group of
students to be challenged and push themselves.
The last four standing students from each level now move
on to the next level of competition representing
St. Lawrence at the Detroit Diocese Regional Spelling Bee in January.
The winner and three runner-ups of Level I (4th-6th grades) are
Cara DeFelice, Joseph Rogers, Emma Velasco and Nisha Koshy. The
winner and three runner-ups from Level II (7th-9th grades) are Branden
Anton, Nicholas Koshy, Jenna Alamat and Aden Yaldo.
Congratulations again to all of our winners and thank you to all the students and their families for signing up, spending time to study the sheets
of words and attending the competition!
St. Lawrence Knights of Columbus
5:30 pm
6:45 pm
Holy Family Regional #3
5/6th Grade JV Boys #3
St. Regis #2
5/6th Grade JV Boys #2
5/6th Grade JV Girls #2
St. Regis #2
5/6th Grade JV Girls #1
St. Regis #1
5/6th Grade JV Boys #1
St. Regis #1
St. Clare #2
7/8th Grade Varsity Boys #3
7/8th Grade Varsity Boys #2
St. Regis #2
7/8th Grade Varsity Girls
St. Regis #1
7/8th Grade Varsity Boys #1
St. Regis #1
Our Basketball teams continue their Regular Season at
home on Saturday 12/20 when St. Thecla and Hugo supply
the competition. Meanwhile the 7/8th Grade Varsity Boys
#3 travel to St. Isaac Jogues for a showdown with the
Chargers. This will complete the League schedule before
the Christmas break. All of our teams then turn to
Christmas Tournaments at various locations around the
CYO. A complete schedule of all CYO games this season
can be obtained at
DECEMBER 21, 2014
Faith & Wellness
Tips to Help Seniors
Enjoy the Holidays
Holidays are a wonderful time to share
the joys of family life and friendship. But
for many older adults the holidays can be
highly stressful, confusing, or even
depressing if their mental, physical and
emotional needs are not taken into
EMHC Update
A slight change has been made in procedure for weekend masses. We
would like to welcome back to the ministry those EMHC’s who have been
uncomfortable pouring at the altar, and those who are unable to consume
a large amount of remaining Precious Blood. The wine used for consecration at weekend masses will be pre-poured by the sacristans. The EMHC in
position for Cup 1 and Cup 2 do not have to pour the wine at the altar.
Instructions for Cup 1 and Cup 2
While the priest is waiting to receive the offertory gifts, carry the tray
with cups to the altar and place it on the corporal on the right and
left side of the altar. Return to your seat.
At the Sign of Peace, go up to the altar, take the tray and place it back
on the credence table. Then line up in front of the mosaic to receive Eucharist on the altar. Once you receive, distribute the Precious Blood to the other EMHC’s in the usual manner.
After distribution, any Precious Blood remaining in the cup should be consumed by the EMHC, or ask an usher or the priest to help.
Stroll down memory lane using
picture albums, family videos and
Plan ahead. If older family members
tire easily or are vulnerable to
over-stimulation, limit the number of
activities they are involved in or the
length of time they are included.
Avoid embarrassing moments. Try to
avoid making comments like “Don’t
inadvertently embarrass an older
friend or family member who may be
experiencing short-term memory
Be inclusive. Involve everyone in
holiday meal preparation, breaking
down tasks to include the youngest
and oldest family members.
Reach out. Social connectedness is
especially important at holiday times.
Reach out to older relatives and
friends who are alone.
Monitor medications and alcohol.
Senior family members should adhere
to their regular schedule of
medications during the frenzy of the
Traveling Chalice
The week of:
Dec. 21—Dec. 27
Dec. 28—Jan. 3
LeClerc Family
Please call the
parish office,
(586) 731-5347, and let us know which
week your family would like to receive
the chalice.
Thank you!
Living Stone—News from the Holy Land
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Priest Abducted Over a year has passed since Father Paolo
Dall'Oglio entered Syrian territories headed to the city of
Raqqa to meet a number of rebels and activists, and disappeared. For the past 12 months, the silence following
his abduction has been punctuated with conflicting reports
of his safe detainment and of his alleged execution. None
of the rumors have been verified. The 59 year-old Italian
Jesuit priest, who had to leave Syria in 2012, is known for
his outspoken criticism of the government's crackdown of
the country's uprising. He is also known for his impassioned support of interfaith dialogue.
Part 3: The Miracle
While living in Syria for 30 years, he helped to restore the
sixth-century monastery of Deir Mar Musa which he envisaged as a center for Muslim and Christian understanding.
"We ask those responsible for the disappearance of a good
man, a man of faith, of peace, to have the dignity to let
us know of his fate," said the family of Dall'Oglio. He was
last heard from July 27, 2013. He sent an email to his
family from Raqqa before being kidnapped. Since the outbreak of the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad's
government in 2011, Father Paolo sought to maintain good
relations with the secular front of the opposition. He also
tried to open dialogue with the radical groups of opposition, such as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
In his biography "Wrath and light, a priest in the Syrian
revolution, Dall’Oglio poignantly writes a description of his
trip to Syria in the spring of 2013, the last one before his
abduction. “The Jabjat al-Nursa and Ahrar Al-Shan fighters have fun asking if I’m afraid of them, the terrorists,”
he writes. “A young Egyptian man confesses that he is
part of a 500-member group, volunteers for suicide attacks. He doesn’t seem like a fool and is not driven so
much by hatred, as by the spirit of sacrifice. I am surrounded by young people to whom I could easily become
attached, but who clearly perceive the slippery slope they
are careering down. We are in a race against time.”
“What prompted me to go into the dangerous Orontes region? The fact that the revolution for freedom and dignity
has been dragged through the mud of civil war among Sunni and Shiite Alawites … it is a civil war that shatters my
soul. I would like to intercede in two ways, as in a bridge.
The first is to spend a few days in prayer. The second is
to visit massacre sites-Hula, Buaida, and dozens of others.
Obviously, I would die in order to sustain my position of
solidarity and intercession. But I’ll be careful and I will
not seek danger in an irrational way, because I recognize
the rule of God in my life. But I do not want to live any
other life that which is a radical gift from death, to life”
In addition to Father Paolo, two bishops and two priests
from Eastern Orthodox churches remain in the hands of
Source: “For Father Paolo, one year after his abduction”;
The Holy Land Review: Fall 2014; Page 11.
/Mike Butkiewicz
"A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the
sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown
of twelve stars" (Rev. 12:1)
When Juan Diego returned to the Bishop three days later,
everyone gathered around, curious to see the "sign" he had
brought wrapped up in his tilma. Just a short while earlier,
Mary had instructed him to climb to the top of Tepayac Hill
and collect the beautiful roses there and bring them to
her. She arranged the roses in his tilma, tying them up securely, and giving strict instructions to only open his tilma in
front of the Bishop.
As Juan unfolded his tilma and the roses fell to the floor, the
Bishop and all who were present dropped to their knees and
cried with tears of joy! The Bishop immediately recognized
the roses to be Castilian roses, native only to his home town
in Spain, and impossible to have grown on an arid hill in Mexico in December! But even more incredible, there on Juan's
tilma was infused a beautiful picture of Our Lady - exactly as
Juan had described her to the Bishop three days earlier!
The Aztecs did not have a written language. Instead they
communicated through a language of cuneiform - a system of
symbols, colors and pictures. To their amazement, the image
of Mary was replete with Aztecan symbolism, allowing them
to read the story of the virgin Mother and of Jesus in the image on the tilma. Mary is shown as a pregnant, unmarried
young girl. She blocks the sun - she is greater than the sun
god; she stands on the moon - she is greater than the moon
god. She is praying - to someone greater than her. The angel
who supports her testifies to her royalty and signals the advent of a new age for the Aztecs. The stars on her mantle
show she comes from heaven - and they display the exact
time of her appearance. The four petal flower over her womb
says she is the Mother of God.
These are only a few of the many symbols that can be read in
this miraculous image. But the greatest miracle was the conversion of eight million Aztecs, bringing an end to the culture
of death that once ruled the hearts and minds of the Aztec
If you would like to know more about the symbolism on
the image, a printout is available for taking in the gathering space. Additional info can also be found on the internet.
Next week: Our Lady of Guadalupe today.
If you feel you are being called to the Pro-Life ministry and
would like to join us, please contact Sharon Gill at profoundly
Pregnancy Help Resource: Right to Life of Michigan: crisis hot
-line: 1-800-579-6626
Post Abortion Outreach Program, Project Rachel hot-line: 1888-722-4355
DECEMBER 21, 2014
Parish Office
(586) 731-5347
44633 Utica Road, Utica, Michigan 48317
Rev. Roman Pasieczny, Pastor
Rev. Salvatore Palazzolo, Assoc. Pastor
Rev. Mr. Anthony Morici, Deacon
(586) 731-5393
Pastoral Staff
(586) 731-0135
Religious Education
(586) 731-5072
Rev. Roman Pasieczny, Pastor
Rev. Salvatore Palazzolo, Assoc. Pastor
Rev. Mr. Anthony Morici, Deacon
Peggy DeClercq, Pastoral Assoc.
Lorrie Goetzinger, Business Manager
Mary Kraus, Christian Service
Lisa Rajnicek, Religious Education
Deann Reusche, Youth Minister
Mike Roth, Music Director
Cathy Ciolino, School Principal
Community Support Staff
Kathie Sabelhaus, Cemetery Coordinator
Stephen Ministry (586) 731-5347
Greg Mangold, Athletic Director (586) 978-3887
Baptisms are the 2nd Saturday of the month at 5:45 pm and the 2nd,
3rd and 4th Sundays of the month at 1:15 pm. A Baptismal Preparation Class is required for both parents and godparents and is held on
the fourth Wednesday of each month in the Social Hall at 7:00 pm.
The Church requires that at least one of the parents and one of the
godparents be practicing Catholics, that is, they actively participate
in Mass each weekend. Please call the Parish Office to register for
classes or if you have any questions.
Parish Council
Annmarie Iacona, Chairperson
Lorri DeAngelis, Vice Chairperson
Sherry Berry, Secretary
Parish Council Members-At-Large
Cathy Scanlan Annmarie Iacona Mike Coraci Sherry Berry
Brett Valentine Cheryl Lloyd Lawrence Higgins
Lorri DeAngelis
Greg Padley
Young Adult Rep.
Youth Group Rep.
Senior Rep.
Athletic President
Vicariate Rep.
Worship Chair
Christian Service Rep.
School/Comm. Rep./President
Evan./Comm. Rep.
Education Chair
Adult Formation Rep.
Hannah Gianfermi
Marion Lelito
Greg Burnick
Lisa Ann Roth
Rosemary Reilly
Fr. Sal
Barb McKay
Liturgy Schedule
Monday– Friday, 8:00 am
Wednesday (during school), 9:30 am
Saturday, 4:30 pm
Sunday, 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 noon
Reconciliation, Saturday, 3:30 pm
Eucharistic Adoration
2nd Tuesday 5-8 pm and 2nd Wednesday 2-3 pm
Perpetual Help Devotions, Tuesday morning after the 8:00 am Mass
Marriage arrangements require a six-month parish registration and
active Mass participation. Wedding dates are not given out over the
phone or before you have been active parishioners for at least six
months. Please call the Parish Office for details.
Questions about the Sacrament of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and
Confirmation will be answered by our Religious Education Office.
Please call (586) 731-5072 for further information.
School Information
Questions about tuition rates for parish members and
non-members, applications to attend the school or any other school
related matters will be answered by the St. Lawrence School Office.
Please call (586) 731-0135 for further information.
Parish Office Hours
Monday through Friday: 9:00 am to 8:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Sunday: 9:00 am to 1:30 pm
School Office Hours (During School Year)
Monday through Friday: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Religious Education Office Hours (During CRE Year)
Monday and Tuesday: 9:00 am to 8:00 pm
Wednesday through Friday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Religious Education Office Hours (Summer)
Tuesday: 9:00 am to 7:00 pm
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
DECEMBER 21, 2014
g{x TÇzxÄ said to them,
“Do not be afraid;
for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy
that will be for all people.
For today in the city of David
a savior has been born for you who is Christ the Lord.
And this will be a sign for you:
you will find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes
and lying in a manger.” [Luke 2:10-12]
Nothing extraordinary, nothing magnificent is given to the shepherds as a sign.
All they will see is a child wrapped in swaddling clothes, one who, like all children, needs a mother’s care; a child born in a stable, who lies not in a cradle but
in a manger. Only in their hearts will the shepherds be able to see that this baby
fulfills the promise of the prophet Isaiah, which we heard in the first Reading:
“For a child is born to us, a son is given us; upon his shoulder dominion rests.”
[Isaiah 9:5] Exactly the same sign has been given to us. We too, are invited by
the Angel of God, through the message of the Gospel, to set out, in our hearts,
to see the child lying in a manger.
Among the many gifts that we buy and receive, let us not forget the true gift: to
give each other something of ourselves, to give each other something of our
time, to open our time to God. In this way anxiety disappears and joy is born.
The only way to glorify God and build peace in the world consists in the humble,
trusting acceptance of the gift of Christmas: LOVE.
This year brought many challenges and adjustments to St. Lawrence Parish, to me and to you. My prayer is
that we maintain a spirit of optimism and face 2015 with passionate enthusiasm. Let our focus for the New
Year center on welcoming all who come to the doors of St. Lawrence Parish, removing burdens and fear of
judgment. Let’s work together, recognizing each person is made in God’s image and possesses unique gifts
and charisms. We must be sensitive to all who are searching for the face of Christ. Every person that
comes through our doors should see the light of Christ when they look into our eyes. They should meet
Happy Christians! This is our New Evangelization mission for the good and the growth of this blessed
Our Savior is born for all! We must proclaim this not
only in words, but by our entire lives, giving the
world a witness of united, open communities where
fraternity and forgiveness reign, along with
acceptance and mutual service, truth, justice and
On behalf of Fr. Sal and the entire Parish Staff, may
the Divine Child, the Prince of Peace, grant you and
your families harmony and joy.
`xÜÜç V{Ü|áàÅtá4
Fr. Roman
Wes ożego a
B zeni
Wei liche
Joyeux Noel
Christmas Holiday Office Hours:
Wednesday, 12/24/2014
Thursday, 12/25/2014
Friday, 12/26/2014
Saturday, 12/27/2014
Sunday, 12/28/2014
Monday, 12/29/2014
Tuesday, 12/30/2014
Wednesday, 12/31/2014
Thursday, 1/1/2015
Friday, 1/2/2015
Saturday, 1/3/2015
Sunday, 1/4/2015
9 am to 1 pm
9 am to 1 pm
9 am to 1 pm
9 am to 1 pm
9 am to 1 pm
9 am to 1 pm
9 am to 1 pm
9 am to 1 pm
Wishing you and yours
a very
*Presider schedule subject to change
Liturgical Ministers Schedule
**Please note: While the Parish and CRE offices
will be open on a limited schedule throughout the
holidays, the school and school office will be closed
after 12/19/2014. Any school-related questions or
issues will have to be addressed with the school
office staff when they return on January 5, 2015.
Christmas Eve—Dec. 24, 2014
4:00 pm
Fr. Roman
Matthew Komoroski
Quinn McIntyre
Dominic Orlando
Anthony Skikun
Catherine Orlando
Teri Flores
Christmas Eve—Dec. 24, 2014
6:00 pm
Fr Sal
Joseph Rogers
Andrew Dixon
Adam Dixon
Jennie Boulus
Jillian Winn
Jerry Fisher
Christmas Eve—Dec. 24, 2014
10:00 pm
Fr. Roman
Tricia Carreon
Therese Reinhold
Veronica Bugayong
Stephen Dzialo
Kathy Padley
Need 1
Christmas Day—Dec. 25, 2014
8:00 am
Fr. Sal
Sean Ryan
Need 3
Need 2
Christmas Day—Dec. 25, 2014
10:00 am
Fr. Roman
Abby Weingartz
Peyton Weingartz
Julie A. Gasowski
Elizabeth Blaine
Dan Weingartz
Need 1
Christmas Day—Dec. 25, 2014
12:00 noon
Fr. Sal
Matthew DeAngelis
Andrew Gerard
Erin DeFour
James Doyle
Mary Jo Szlaga
Need 1
December 27, 2014
4:30 pm
Fr. Steve Pullis
Matthew Komoroski
Sonia Studnicka
Jack Studnicka
Need 1
Joan Abdelnour
Herb Kaltz
December 28, 2014
8:00 am
Fr. Sal
Anthony Skikun
Sean Ryan
Haley Iacona
Benjamin Iacona
Marilyn Enmark
Need 1
December 28, 2014
10:00 am
Fr. Sal
Michael Kolpasky
Sabrina Mullens
Daniel DiCaro
Dominic Orlando
Ralph Sitler III
Amy Comito
December 28, 2014
12:00 noon
Fr. Steve Pullis
Julie A. Gasowski
Ireland Majewski
Mark Selasky
Gisella Djokic
Jim MacDonald
Dan Mack
Altar Servers
DECEMBER 21, 2014
Donated by:
In Memory of:
Linda Piovesana
Guido & Leonora Tacconelli
Mr. & Mrs. William Kelly
Parnell & Valma Kelly
Tiny & Marguerite McQuillan
Jenn Hagen
Donated by:
In Memory of:
The Ray Keller Family
Mary Lou Keller
Rich & Elaine Ciupka
Frank & Helen Scupine
Joseph & Wanda Ciupka
Ralph & Antoinette Fitek
Alex, Andrew & Adam Dixon
Mary Lou Keller
Marian Perrault
Alan Perrault
Celeste, Noah & Emily Zogas
Stan Zogas
The Piontkowski Family
Frank & Margaret Frontiera
Fullmer Family
Robert Fletcher
Raymond Fullmer
Benny & Sophie Pelc
Bob & Joyce Thor
Mike & Nancy Todorovich
The Deren Family
Paul & Connie Debbaudt
Eugene and Evelyn Debbaudt
Samuel & Helen Mazza
Bob & Chris Ward
Jocelyn Ward
Joe, Pam & Jeanette Cottone
Wanda Kuk
Joe, Pam & Jeanette Cottone
Joseph Cottone
Doris Cottone
Pollock Family
Gene Pollock
Anil & Mary Chaudhuri
Ed & Dolly Gracy
Angie Berant & Family
Ron Ruffini, Sr.
Edna Allen
Leo P. Allen
Eunice Kaltz
Harold Kaltz
Larry F. Deneweth
Philomine Deneweth
Kathleen Henson
Harry & Mary Nygard
Ronald Herit
Agnes Herit
George & Ethel Herit
Sylvia Cyplik
Eugene Cyplik
Joan Annette Cyplik
Frank & Marian Bazydlo
Joseph & Lillian Ziarko
Frank & Lillian Bazydlo
John Bazydlo
The Kroetsch Family
Martin Kroetsch
Mary Stolarski &
Josephine Backowski
Eugene Stolarski
Joe Masiarczyk
Herman & Josephine Karus
Charles & Mary Metro
Marie Moceri
James Moceri
Theresa Poirier
Carolle Harris
Ken Harris
Mary & Don Figurski
Konopka & Figurski Families
Fred & Shirley Abbott
Richard Abbott
James Abbott
Joan Hall
John Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Marquardt
John & Martha Wisniewski
Harry & Irene Marquardt
Mom, Dad, Amy, Mark, Mario,
Caryn, Dave & Emma
Rebecca Gordon
Rachel, Sarah & Julia Beccari
Bill & Betty Tamagne
Mark Tamagne
William Hewson
Mark Stepowski
Marie Stepowski
Marion Lelito & Family
Gary Lelito
Firmin & Rachel DeClercq
Mary L. Johns
Kenneth Johns
Jeanne Turner
Ernie Turner
Tom & Mary Ann Galazka
Tom & Dorothy Voytas
Al Galazka
Ann Poli
Robert Joseph Poli
Kathleen Poli
Joe & Karen Ivan & Family
Robert Harrison
Shirley Ivan
Labiak's & Maddy's
Theresa & Curtis Labiak
Annamae A. Morris
Wayne L. Morris
Matthew & Barbara Bommarito Ed & Helen Szymanski
Jim & Grace Bommarito
Tom & Carol Gianfermi
Kathryn Morin
Brian & Anita Zuzga
Edmund Thomas Zuzga
Mildred Emma Zuzga
Donated by:
In Memory of:
Donated by:
In Memory of:
Tony & Susie Lombardi
Nancy Burlingame
Norma & Joseph Plutzke
Jackie Henry
Irene Gallas
Clarence Gallas
Bev Ray
Chris Ray
George & Lucy Barr
Rosanna Suflinsky
Stan Suflinsky
Grampie & Nana Davis
Kathleen Hoste
Lawrence and Calvin Wells
Mike & Sherry Berry
Daniel & Virginia Berry
Daniel Berry
Irma Borgen
Terri & Matthew Duprey
Jerry Duprey
Niedzwiecki Children
Leo & Edna Niedzwiecki
Peter W. & Kathy Murphy
Peter A. & Genevieve Murphy
Joseph & Catherine Ambrose
Betty Trawczynski
Ron Trawczynski
Mr. & Mrs. Frank McNelis
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. McNelis
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Modlinski
Rina Ciaramitaro
Joseph Ciaramitaro
Dona Bigham
Alex Carwana
Daniel & Delphine Olson
Deceased Members of Olson
& Puwal Families
Madek Family
William V. Madek, Sr.
James & Sheila Augustitus
Nora & Scott Hansen
Marie & Ed Augustitus
Lisa Pertot
Rosemary Bronsing
Raymond & Michelle Fulcher
Helen Ugorowski
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pawlusiak
Mr. & Mrs. John Pawlusiak
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Pulis
Marian Weingartz
Anthony Weingartz
Kathleen Van Den Brouck
Rosella Olczak
Edward Olczak
James King
Agnes King
Barbara Wagner
Roy Wagner
Francis Rochefort
Mike, Michael & Caitlin Hagen
Jennifer M. Hagen
Celeste Herman
John & Clara Herman
Fr. Roman Pasieczny
Mitchell Pasieczny
Jerome & Christina Biernacki
Joseph & Jennie Biernacki
Thomas & Margaret Rem
Gloria Duyck & Family
Raymond & Leona Delmotte
August & Mary Duyck
Gloria Duyck & Family
Cyril Duyck
Edward Provost, Sr.
The Duyck Family
Nicholas Sapiel
Thank you to the
many families
who donated
Poinsettias to
decorate the
Church in memory of
their loved ones.
DECEMBER 21, 2014
Prayer List
Jesus, you are God’s Gift of healing love. While on earth, you healed those who came for help. We believe that
you continue to heal today. Heal all those for whom we pray, especially those on our list. Amen.
If you would like to add someone to the prayer list you may call the parish office or email your request to
Ann Marie Badke
Lisa Bartolone
Mary Biscoglia
Ashley Bousson
Candy Cash
John Chakel
Gloria Cichy
Lenna Cox
Jo Davis
Michelle DeSchryver
Anthony Detroyer
Josephine DiLisio
Raymond Dilworth
MaryAnn DiMusto
Tony Duronio
Laura Durr
Edward Dziewit
Rick Ellico
John Engel
John Fish, Jr.
Enrique Flores
Geno Gagne
Magdelana Gbur
Ethan Gehrke
Maria Geromette
William Grenillo
Gary Habel
Brian Harker
Nikki Hartwell
Christof Hermann
Kara Hess
Frances Hirt
Olive Hoffman
Randy Hoffman
Mary Infantino
Baby Christian Klamo
Steven Klimek
Daniel Kobylarz-Hughes
Dick Kolpasky
Dorothy Kosciolek
Ron Kruk, Jr.
Emily Kubiak
Toni Kucharski (Lochridge)
Leo Kujawa
Jim Langeveld
Theresa Learnihan
Berniadine Legumina
Peter Lodico
Patricia Lowry
George Magulak, Jr.
Eleanor Majocha
Paul Marinos
Larry Marquardt
Steven Marshall
Ron Matola
Frank Music
Helen Olekszyk
Stephanie Pach
Benjamin Perrell
Marie & Kaylee Pihlaja
Mike Plourde
Stanley Pollum
Carol Pulich
Bob & Joyce Radulski
Kathy Ray
Jennifer Reid
Jan Ringel
Esy Rodriquez
George Russ
Dan Salk
Theresa Shandor
Gerald Shekoski
Geri Skonieczny
Joseph Steinkemper
Cynthia Surdecki Dehem
Donald Szlezyngier
Carol Szymkowski
Joseph Thompson
Helen Tripiano
Hunter Wajer
Lexi Ward
Jason Warner
Robert Warner
David Webber
Ray & Karen Whyte
Jake Williams
Shirley Wuestenberg
Beverly & Robert Zalewski
Diane Zalewski
Gladys Zbanski
Nettie Zbikowski
Francis Zielinski
Pray for Those Serving in the Military
Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their
families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Amen.
John Adrian - ANG
SPC Melissa Alston - Army
Col. Mary Augustitus-Blair - Marines
Shelby Bahlman Clippard - Navy
Dominic Barone - Army
Christopher Bauslaugh - Army
Nicole Bauslaugh - Army
Sgt. Marcus Bawel - Marines
SPC Matthew Bazydlo - Army
Patrick Becerra - Army
Nathan Blight—Army
Sgt. Evan Bogart - Army
4th Class Petty Ofc. Nicholas Boris - Navy
1st Class Petty Officer Tom Bremer- Navy
Sgt. Jerry Bushaey - Army
Major Vincent Cipriano - Army
Michael Colonna, Jr. - Navy
Jordan Darraugh - Navy
Matthew Gaiownik - Marines
PFC Justin Gleba - Army
Staff Sgt. Patrick Goodwin - USAF
Arlon Gregg CPL - Marines
1st Lt. Garrett Haas-Army
Major Shawn Hagan - USAF
Capt. Dr. Scott Iler Hagedorn - USAF
Major Jim Hensien - Marines
Pvt. Jason Hyry - Army
Patrick Jors - Navy
SSG Brian Junga - Army
Christopher King - USAF
Lt. Col. Timothy Knoth - Army
Paul Koss-Marines
Capt. Edward Kotulski - Marines
Robert Kwiecinski - Army
Lt. Col. Bill LaPratt - Marines
Lt. Col. Timothy Lemley - Army
Eric McDougall - Marines
PFC Cory Marchioni—Army
LCPL Aaron Murphy - Marines
1st Lt. Steven Pickett - Marines
SA Joseph Pugliese - Navy
Capt. Brett Reichert– Army
Lt. Col. James Rossi - ANG
2nd Lt. Joseph Sattler-Army
1st Lt. Anthony Sierawski-USMC
Nicholas Solomon - Army
Sgt. Andrew Stapels - Marines
Brandon Trees - USAF
Nichole Whitt - Navy
Katy Wolfsberger - Navy