ArtBeat 2015 January - The Pahrump Arts Council


ArtBeat 2015 January - The Pahrump Arts Council
“Creating an environment for the arts to flourish in
our community”
Happy New Year to
High Desert Chorale
Winter Concert
December 11th
The New Year promises to be full of great
opportunities in the
arts for our community. We’ll start off
2015 with a visit
from the Missoula
Children’s Theatre.
(Visit their website: ) The
production will be
“Alladin” an original
musical based on
(cont. page 4)
PAC office closed until
Joy to the World
Monthly 3rd Thursday
January 6th
What Makes You Happy
775-751-4944 for info
Ongoing Events/Meetings:
High Desert Chorale
ArtBeat Submissions Due: Gary Howland Photography
Rehearsals Thursdays
Monthly 3rd Monday
American 1st National
6:30-9:30-PV High School
Send to
Music Room Info:
Bank of America
PAC Board Meetings
Coming Events
Monthly 2nd Thursday
Gems BBQ
Missoula Children’s Theatre
6 pm-PAC Office
Pahrump Art Gallery
January 19-24
Open Mon-Sat 10am-4 pm
Desert Square Dancers
East St. next to the Library
Utah Shakespeare Tour
Weekly Thursdays 5-7 pm
Weekly Painting
January 30th-7 pm
Methodist Church 727-1858
Wednesdays 10-12 pm
Wayne Walker, Caller
Todd Green Residency
Shadow Mt Quilters
February 2-7
Barbara Prochnow
Monthly Business Meeting
2015 Quilt & Fiber Arts
2nd Thursday 9-Noon
Ruud Center
February 20th-22nd
Spring Mountain Art Guild
Sewing & Social Days
Monthly 2nd Wed 10-Noon
1st, 4th, 5th Thursdays
Nevada Treasure RV Resort
Museum on Basin
9-Noon, Ruud Center
Nine Issues Annually-Call 751-6776
Ja n ua r y 20 15
Our Contact Info:
Pahrump Arts Council
Cahlan West
Professional Center
2340 E. Calvada
Suite B
Mail: PO Box 3481
Pahrump, NV 89041
PAC Officers:
Loretta Lindell
Ryan Muccio
Lynn McDonald
Sonia Wittenberg
MaRia Apodaca
Doris Smith
Deanna O’Donnell
Dina WilliamsonErdag
Page 2
January 2015
Pahrump Art Gallery
Happy New Year! Thanks to everyone who dropped by on Dec.
13th to enjoy our Christmas Open
House. We had a real good turnout
and the weather cooperated with
us. Ty Cook set up out front
(BRRRRR!) with his wonderful
Black and Whites, I painted in the
entranceway, Laurie McCaslin
gave demos and held left handed
drawing contests, Janet Toy painted and sketched a few portraits,
Lloyd Martin did painting demos.
Special thanks to Marti and Eugene
Zeigler and Flora Collier who hosted, held the raffles and generally
organized all.
Jessica Wakefield, Mike
Wakefield, Princy Simonsen, Marti
Zeigler, Lloyd Martin, Flora Collier ,Laurie McCaslin and Charlise
we are sitting we are also taking
care of the sales for the Chapter
Two Bookstore which is our "Nest
We also have classes and workIf you think you might be interest- shops throughout the year. These
ed in exhibiting at our gallery, I
workshops are very affordable and
will tell you how it works. You
lots of fun and you can be a beginfirst you fill out an application
ner or not, there is something for
and become a lifelong member of every level of experience. Our galthe gallery for a one time fee
lery board meetings are held once a
$25.00. The exhibit is changed out month and you are welcome to
every three months and there is a
come and sit in.
Hanging Fee of $15.00 per month.
No commission is taken from your We are also trying to have Open
sales. Pahrump Arts Council pays Painting on Fridays from 1:00 pm
the sales tax and you are given the to 3:00 pm. Bring whatever you
We had many gorgeous entries in
remainder. You get a minimum of are working on and share with us
the "winter" contest and by popular 4ft wide wall space from ceiling to or just get to know us. Work on
vote, first prize of $75.00 went to
floor and more if there are fewer
your project with the support of
Marilyn Raquepau and second
artists hanging. We also have
people who have lots of experience
place prize of $50.00, went to our some glass cases for displaying
and are willing to share. No
new art gallery member, Mike
small pieces or Jewelry, and tables charge, no pressure. If you need
Wakefield. Congratulations, Good for displaying artist greeting cards more info please contact me at 775Work!
537-7958 or
We have a new exhibit being inWe are a co-op Gallery, which
stalled on January 5th. This show means that the exhibiting artists
Check us out on wwwpahrumpartwill run for three months and our
take turns covering the desk a few and like us on Face"Featured Artist" will be Nancy
times a month for three hours.
Stillwell. I will let you know when Usually no more than two times a
we are holding her reception. The month. That also depends on how ~Princy
other local artists exhibiting are
many active artists we have. When
Open House
Page 3
ArtBeat January 2015
Shadow Mountain Quilters/Fiber Arts News
The theme for the upcoming 2015 conference center is the location for information are available for downQuilt & Fiber Arts Show is Cross- our Feb 20-22 show. Forms and
load at
roads. Nevada Treasure RV Resort
Photo: Left
High Desert Chorale Winter Concert
Door Prize Table
L to R: Lynn McDonald,
Sonia Wittenberg, Doris Smith
Background: SMQ Quilt
Joyce & Skip Higginbotham
Photo: Right
High Desert Chorale Winter Concert
Nine Issues Annually-Call 751-6776
Page 4
January 2015
President’s Message (cont.)
(cont. from page 1)
the well-known story. MCT’s
trademark little red truck will roll
into town on January 19 (Martin
Luther King Day) to conduct auditions open to all children in
Pahrump, grades K-12. Two talented directors, Sarah A.
Feinmark and Alex K. Jenkins,
will bring their considerable talents in music and theatre to bear
on 50-60 students who will be
chosen to participate in the production. The students will rehearse in the afternoons after
school for the week, then put on a
play complete with costumes,
makeup, lights, and scenery. (It’s
amazing what fits into that little
red truck). The performances will
The Pahrump Arts Council’s High
Desert Chorale presented its annual free winter concert on
December 11th in the event center
at the Pahrump Nugget. An enthusiastic audience of more than
130 enjoyed classical and popular
music of the Christmas season,
bringing with them donations of
food that were presented to the
Methodist Church food bank. It
was a night made more festive by
the donation of punch and cookies
by the Pahrump Nugget.
For many years, the Pahrump
Nugget and Jeremy Jensen have
been generous in their support of
be held at the Pahrump Valley
High School auditorium on
Saturday, January 24, with a matinee and an early evening show.
More information will be sent
through the school system after
the first of the year. But mark
your calendar and stay tuned!
Next, the Utah Shakespeare Tour
will visit PVHS, after a one-year
absence, on January 30, 7:00 p.m.
Tickets will be $6 - the play:
MacBeth! This will be a condensed version. The Tumbleweeds Tales Society has donated
the money to bring the tour to
PVHS. Thank you!
Then Todd Green, a talented Ne-
the Pahrump Arts Council as we
bring the arts to our community. With space for events at a premium in Pahrump, we appreciate
that generosity in allowing the use
of their event center for Chorale
concerts, the Fiber Arts Show and
other events.
Thank you to Jeremy Jensen and
the Pahrump Nugget staff for
“making Christmas bright.”
Without the dedicated volunteers
of the High Desert Chorale and
director, Andy Barnum, we would
not have the concerts to look forward to in the spring and winter. The concert was enhanced by
vada musician, will bring his multitude of instruments, strings,
flutes, percussion, for a one-week
residency, February 2-7. He will
perform at four school concerts,
with a final evening performance
at PVHS auditorium, 7:00 p.m.,
Friday, February 6th, open to the
community for a nominal ticket
price. The children in our community will benefit from Todd’s expertise that will bring cultural
awareness of the music in the
world around us.
Please take part in these activities,
as a volunteer (call 775-751-6776)
and as an audience member! Read
your ArtBeat for the latest news
and help to get the word out.
the sound system of Steve Lajeunesse, set up and monitored by
Varian and Louise King. The
PAC board of directors provided
door prizes, PAC artists provided
a display of artwork, and Shadow
Mountain Quilters set up their
gorgeous opportunity quilt for
ticket sales.
Volunteers make the world go
round. We thank all who helped
make the winter concert a success, including all who attended
to enjoy the music and support the
Page 5
January 2015
Spring Mountain Art Guild
The Art Guild members enjoyed
their annual Christmas party held at
the Best Western Clubhouse. The
food was delicious and included
turkey, ham, and all the trimmings.
Our next regular meeting will be on
January 14, 2015 at 10 AM at the
museum. Please visit the library to
see Gary Howland's beautiful photography exhibit. His show will be
there until February 27th.
~ Marilyn Raquepau
Artist Class Schedule
Call the instructor for class information and to sign up
January 2015
Watercolor - 1:00-3:00 Lloyd Martin
Tuesdays 6th, 13th, 20th & 27th
Acrylic - 1:00-3:00 Lloyd Martin
Tuesdays 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th
Paint a Pet - Acrylic - Princy Simonsen
12:00-3:00 Thursday 19th &
Friday 20th
Painting on 19th Class pet & 20th your
Oil - 1:00-3:00 Lloyd Martin (5340345)
Gary Howland
Thursdays 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th
Pastel - 1:00-3:00 Lloyd Martin (5340345)
Tuesdays 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th
Watercolor - 1:00-3:00 Lloyd Martin
Thursdays 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th
Volunteer Opportunities
There are many chances
ArtBeat Assistant
to learn and support the
work of the Pahrump Arts Maintain contact with
Council. Training will be affiliated groups. Gather
provided for all positions. information for ArtBeat.
Call the PAC office, 775Work with ArtBeat
Computer Assistant
Maintain the online
spreadsheet file of
volunteer hours used for
ArtBeat PR/Advertising
Needs coordinating
Youth Arts
Committee needed.
Computer Assistant
Provide backup for email
communications with our
members and submit
Needs to be started again!
briefs and news releases
to media.
Missoula Children’s
Needs a committee for
residency week
(January 19-24).
Maintains membership
list on computer using
Pinterest Guru
Maintains Pinterest
account. Contact
Melinda at
Nine Issues Annually-Call 751-6776
A new webmaster is
needed to take over
the backend maintenance required for the
PAC website & to
make updates as requested by the board.
The designer has created an extensive
manual that will be of
great value to the new
webmaster. If you or
someone you know is
interested, please
leave a message at
the office (751-6776)
with your name &
number, so that you
can be contacted.
Historian’s Notes
Please submit newspaper and magazine articles of a historical nature to Jan Brown, our volunteer historian. She has done a wonderful job getting the history updated, and we want to make sure we keep it
up. Name the organization, event and date. You may bring the Information to the PAC office during
regular office hours and it will be placed in Jan’s folder, or you may contact Jan at 775-751-3649 or
email her at
Thank you, Jan!
Photo: Left
PAC Member Tour-December 7th
Sculptor Eino
Mexican Quartz
Photo: Below
Sculptor Eino
Blue Quartzite Agave Plant.
Leaves are sharply carved
Missoula Children’s Theatre
January 19-24, 2015
Auditions K-12
January 19, 2015
Mark Your Calendars!
For Info: 775-751-6776
The Pahrump Visual & Performing Arts Council (dba)
Pahrump Arts Council is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation,
chartered in the State of Nevada since 1993.
Contributions and donations may be tax deductible pursuant to
the provisions of section 170.c. of the Internal Revenue Code
of 1986, 26 USC 170.c. Our mission is “to create an
environment for the arts to flourish in our community.”
We’re on the Web in Color!
Nine Issues Annually-Call 751-6776