parish life - HOLY FAMILY Catholic Community


parish life - HOLY FAMILY Catholic Community
Holy Family Catholic Community
Sunday, December 21, 2014 • Fourth Sunday of Advent
Visión de Holy Family
Holy Family Vision
Ser discípulos en Cristo – testigos
vivos de la Buena Nueva.
Disciples in Christ living
witness to the good news.
Cov thwj tim hauv leej Pleev ua tim
khawv txog lub Moo Zoo.
Misión de Holy Family
"Holy Family" lub laug hauj lwm
Somos una Comunidad Católica
fortalecidos por el Espíritu Santo
para amar a Dios y seguir a
Jesucristo mediante la fe, la vida
de oración y el testimonio.
Peb yog ib pab ntseeg kav tos liv tau
Leej ntuj Plig Ntshiab lub hwj huam,
kom peb nyiam Tswv Ntuj thiab raws Yes
Xus Pleev nyob hauv txoj kev ntseeg,
kev teev hawm thiab kev ua tim khawv.
Holy Family Mission
We are a Catholic community
empowered through the Holy
Spirit to love God and to
follow Jesus Christ through
faith, worship and witness.
"Holy Family" lub aeem maug
Parish offices and mailing address:
271 Fourth Street Way
Fond du Lac, WI 54937-7508
Holy Family Church / Corner of Co Rd. K and Co. Rd. T
271 Fourth Street Way, Fond du Lac, WI 54937-7508
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday, 7:30 am-4:15 pm
Friday, 7:30 am-noon
Phone: (920) 921-0580
Fax: (920) 922-4866
Facebook and Twitter: HolyFamilyFdL
Rev. Ryan Pruess
Very Rev. Robert Stiefvater
Rev. Max Tzul, FMM
Rev. Alan Veik
Sacred Heart Church / Corner of S. Peters and Western Aves.
200 S. Peters Ave., Fond du Lac, WI 54935
St. Mary Church / Corner of Merrill and Marquette Sts.
59 E. Merrill Ave., Fond du Lac, WI 54935
St. Peter Church / Corner of Hwy. WH and Church Road
N8079 Church Rd., Malone, WI 53049
Trisha Flasch, Youth and Young
Adult Ministry
Veronica Ford, Assoc. Dir.
Katie Kannall, Assoc. Dir.
Mary Schroeder, Support Staff
Deacon Ricardo Muñoz
Deacon Dale Paczkowski
Joseph Bird, Parish Manager
Karen Boede, Clergy Secretary
Kathleen Bunge, Bookkeeper
Janice Elsinger, Support Staff
Elise Winkel, Receptionist
Al Nicolai, Supervisor
Dave Braun, Director
Erin Cobb, Marriage and Family
Life Coordinator
Holy Family Catholic Community
Pastoral Council
Deacon Ricardo Muñoz
Location of each of our worship sites:
Paul Thelen, Director
Ron Jacobson, Fire Choir Director
Tom Klamrowski, Choir Director
Eva Thelen, Choir Director
Ruthann Ross, Director
Deacon Dale Paczkowski
Jack Braun, Director
Gail Kraig, Director of Advancement 140
Matthew Rodenkirch,
Communications Coordinator
Mike Frydryk, Chairperson /
Stewardship Commission
Doris Grajkowski,
Human Concerns Commission
Larry Heller, Worship Commission
Ester Martinez,
Human Concerns Commission
Barb Piechowski, Formation Com.
Larry Richardson, Stewardship Com.
Harry Schneider, Trustee
Kevin Shaw,
St. Mary’s Springs Academy
Joe Stephany, Finance Council
Dixie Sullivan,
Human Concerns Commission
Sean Twohig, Formation Commission
Finance Council
Steve Hess, Chairperson
Mike McNamara
Louie Paynter
Harry Schneider, Treasurer
Joe Stephany, Secretary
St. Mary’s Springs Academy
Kevin Shaw, President
Doug Olig, Lead Principal | Erin Flood, Principal
114 Amory Street
Elementary Campus
95 E. 2nd Street
Middle School Campus
63 E. Merrill Avenue
High School
255 County Road K
Parish Membership
Please call Gail Kraig, Director of Advancement, at the
parish office, 921-0580, ext 140 or email
to set up an appointment to register. Available hours are
Monday 11:00 am—7:30 pm; Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday 8:00 am—4:00 pm; Friday 8:00 am—11:30 am.
Marriage Preparation
Please remember in your prayers the following from our
Holy Family community who have died. May their souls,
and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the
mercy of God, rest in peace.
Richard Caves
Contact the Parish Office at least six months prior to the
wedding date.
Jason Czoschke
Baptism Preparation
Memorable Milestone
Call the parish office to schedule baptism. New and
expectant parents are required to attend a baptism
preparation class; godparents are also invited to attend.
The next class will be held on Monday, January 5 at 6:30 pm
in Holy Family Hall.
¿Cómo Ser Miembros De Nuestra Parroquia?
Para inscribirse como miembro activo de la Parroquia, solo
llame a las oficinas de Lunes a Jueves de 7:30 a 4:15 y
Viernes de 7:30 a 12:00 del medio día. Pregunte por
Diacono Ricardo Muñoz. 920-921-0580 ext. 229.
Se comienza la preparación con un mínimo de 2 meses de
anticipación. Las platicas para la preparación de
Bautismos son el segundo Jueves y Sábado de cada mes.
Jueves a las 6:00 pm o Sábado a las 10:00 am.
Primera Comunión y confesiones (Reconciliación)
Este Sacramento se recibe durante el segundo grado de la
escuela. Las clases se comienzan cada año escolar,
Septiembre-Mayo. La celebración es aproximadamente la
primera semana de Mayo.
Deben estar inscritos como miembros de la parroquia.
Se requieren 6 meses de anticipación.
Ritos de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA)
Esto es para los mayores de 18 años que no han recibido
Bautismo, Primera Comunión o Confirmación. Inscribirse
en Noviembre o Diciembre. Las clases comienzan en Enero
y finaliza en Abril.
Por cualquier duda o más información, llamar a Diacono
Ricardo Muñoz.
Bulletin Announcements
The regular deadline for bulletin announcements is
Thursday by 9:00 am, 11 days prior to the publication date.
Contact Matthew via email at or
send your information to the attention of Matthew at
271 Fourth Street Way, Fond du Lac, WI 54937-7508.
All items are subject to approval and editing. When
emailing, please include the name of your event in the
subject line.
50th Wedding Anniversary of
Ken and Kathy Krueger
Holy Family has received a memorial
donation in the name of
Don Gau
Please keep him and his family in your
Holy Family:
Thursday, 7:15 am (prior to 8:00 am Mass)
Sacred Heart: Thursday, 7:30 am (after 7:00 am Mass)
Saturday, 3:15 pm (prior to 4:00 pm Mass)
St. Mary:
Saturday, 8:30 am (after 8:00 am Mass)
Sunday, 11:15 am (prior to noon Mass)
St. Peter:
Saturday, 3:15 pm (prior to 4:00 pm Mass)
Parish Devotional Life
Morning Prayer
Sacred Heart
6:40 am
Sacred Heart
St. Peter
St. Mary
Wednesday and Friday
7:40 am
7:40 am
8:30 am
First Friday Novena
Sacred Heart 1st Friday
7:30 am
First Saturday Novena
St. Mary
1st Saturday
8:30 am
Eucharistic Adoration
Sacred Heart Monday-Friday
6:00 am-10:00 pm
6:00 am
to Sunday
10:00 pm
A 30 minute Eucharistic Adoration will be held after
selected Sunday Mass each week. See page 4/5 for dates.
Adoration for Vocations
St. Mary
1st Sunday following the 9:30 am Mass
Holy Family Catholic Community
Mass Intention
(Low Gluten Hosts available; ask usher for assistance)
MONDAY, December 22, 2014
Readings/Lecturas: 1 Sm 1:24-28/Lk 1:46-56
7:00 am
Sacred Heart
Fr. Max
2:00 pm
Lutheran Home Fr. Bob
Living and deceased members of the Joe Flitcroft and Art Deitte Families
Open Intention
TUESDAY, December 23, 2014—St. John of Kanty
Sacred Heart
Fr. Ryan
Francine and Robert Schmitz
9:00 am
Holy Family
Fr. Ryan
Open Intention
WEDNESDAY, December 24, 2014—Christmas Eve
Readings/Lecturas: Mal 3:1-4, 23-24/Lk 1:57-66
7:00 am
Readings/Lecturas: Morning: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16/Lk 1:67-79
Vigil: Is 62:1-5/Acts 13:16-17, 22-25/Mt 1:1-25 or 1:18-25
4:00 pm
Sacred Heart
Fr. Bob
Living and deceased of the Ballwanz and Boede Families, Don Osborn and
Henry Herr; Marion Hannes; Margaret and Henry Kaiser and John Bertram
4:00 pm
St. Mary
Fr. Max
Deacon Larry Hughes, Raymond and Virginia Kelly and Robert Kelly
4:00 pm
St. Peter
Fr. Ryan
Rosie and Ottie Schneider; James Nett, Don Luby, Marie Luby McCrory, Mary
Silah, Bob Caves and Joyce Connor; Walter and Michael Sesing
4:15 pm
Holy Family
Fr. Al
Bob, Bill and Catherine DeGuire and Henrietta Bailey; Don Klein, Genevieve
and David Boulay; Living and deceased of the Musso and Nuss Families
7:00 pm
St. Mary
Fr. Max
Open Intention
Holy Family
Fr. Al
Sr. Theresa Nett
10:30 pm
THURSDAY, December 25, 2014—Christmas Day
Readings/Lecturas: Midnight: Is 9:1-6/Ti 2:11-14/Lk 2:1-14
Dawn: Is 62:11-12/Ti 3:4-7/Lk 2:15-20,
Day: Is 52:7-10/Heb 1:1-6/Jn 1:1-18 or 1:1-5, 9-14
Sacred Heart
Fr. Ryan
Frances Gratton; Daniel L. Krug
8:30 am
St. Peter
Fr. Ryan
David and Millie Tack and David and Thelma Twohig
9:00 am
Sacred Heart
Fr. Al
Dolores Mueller; Anthony Torres; Ruth Stephany
9:30 am
St. Mary
Fr. Max
Living and deceased of the Forester Family; Tim Duley; Sylvester Kraus;
Donald Kohlman
10:15 am
Holy Family
Fr. Bob
Living and deceased of the Anthony May Family; Ruth and Anthony Re;
Julie Brajdic, Living and deceased of the Brajdic and Lallier Families
11:00 am
Sacred Heart
Fr. Al
Ben and Florence Simon, Henry and Emma Wettstein; Pat Pagel;
Patricia Kraus, Russ and Dorothy Corbett
FRIDAY, December 26, 2014—St. Stephen
Readings/Lecturas: Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59/Mt 10:17-22
7:00 am
Sacred Heart
Fr. Max
Omar Dee, Dorothy Duquaine and Henry Wuest
8:00 am
St. Peter
Fr. Bob
Open Intention
SATURDAY, December 27, 2014—St. John, apostle and evangelist
Fr. Max
Readings/Lecturas: 1 Jn 1:1-4/Jn 20:1a, 2-8
8:00 am
St. Mary
8:30 am
St. Mary
(after 8:00 am Mass)
3:15 pm
Sacred Heart
(prior to 4:00 pm Mass)
Sunday Vigil
4:00 pm
Sacred Heart
3:15 pm
St. Peter
Sunday Vigil
4:00 pm
St. Peter
Fr. Enrique
Leander Lefeber; Francis Hermanns
Sunday Vigil
4:15 pm
Holy Family *
B. Hying
Thomas Frey
Fr. Ed
Open Intention
Donna Chaltry
(prior to 4:00 pm Mass)
SUNDAY, December 28, 2014—The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Readings/Lecturas: Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3 or Sir 3:2-6, 12-14/Heb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19 or Col 3:12-21 or 3:12-17/Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22, 39-4
7:15 am
St. Mary
Fr. Max
Dick and Marie Faris and Rosie Braun
8:00 am
Holy Family
Fr. Bob
Dorothy Kohlmann
8:30 am
St. Peter †
Fr. Ryan
Theresa and Peter Wolk, Janet Gardner
9:00 am
Sacred Heart †
Fr. Al
Ruth Stephany (Anniversary)
9:30 am
St. Mary †
Fr. Max
Kay Lewellin; Paul Cerny; Lloyd, Eunice and Charles Huck
Holy Family Catholic Community
Presiders’ schedule subject to change without notice.
† Children’s Liturgy of the Word
* Baptism during Mass ∆ Adoration after Mass
Mass Intention
(Low Gluten Hosts available; ask usher for assistance)
Sunday, December 28, 2014 (continued)
10:15 am
Holy Family † * Fr. Ryan
Monica and Immanuel Kaiser, Philomene and Julius Hoepfner; Ken Sippel;
Linda Bothe
11:00 am
Sacred Heart
Robert Bowen (Anniversary), Louis and Magdalen Bowen;
Gordon and Genevieve Fisher; John French
Fr. Al
Reconciliation 11:15 am
St. Mary
St. Mary
Fr. Bob
Open Intention
Sacred Heart
Fr. Max
For the Parishioners
12:00 pm
7:00 pm
(prior to 12:00 pm Mass)
MONDAY, December 29, 2014—St. Thomas Becket
7:00 am
Sacred Heart
Readings/Lecturas: 1 Jn 2:3-11/Lk 2:22-35
Fr. Bob
Joan Meilahn, Rex Horne and Tom Secor
Fr. Ryan
Ralph Wilhelm (80th Birthday)
TUESDAY, December 30, 2014
7:00 am
Sacred Heart
Readings/Lecturas: 1 Jn 2:12-17/Lk 2:36-40
WEDNESDAY, December 31, 2014—St. Sylvester I
Readings/Lecturas: 1 Jn 2:18-21/Jn 1:1-18
7:00 am
Sacred Heart
Fr. Max
Open Intention
8:00 am
St. Peter
Fr. Bob
Charles Nett and Timothy Nett
2:10 pm
Fr. Ryan
Open Intention
4:15 pm
Holy Family
Fr. Al
Dorothy Fox and Judy Fox Bellmer; Tim Duley; Beth Trent Ziegler
THURSDAY, January 1, 2015—Mary, The Holy Mother of God
Readings/Lecturas: Nm 6:22-27/Gal 4:4-7/Lk 2:16-21
8:00 am
St. Peter
Fr. Ryan
For the Parishioners
9:00 am
Sacred Heart
Fr. Bob
Alice Dudarenke (Anniversary)
10:00 am
Holy Family
Fr. Max
Susan Forester; Alphonse Meixensperger (Anniversary); Marvin and Mary
FRIDAY, January 2, 2015—St. Basil the Great and St. Gregory Nazianzen
7:00 am
Sacred Heart
Fr. Max
Bernita Rockweit
8:00 am
St. Peter
Fr. Ryan
Open Intention
Readings/Lecturas: 1 Jn 2:22-28/Jn 1:19-28
SATURDAY, January 3, 2015—Most Holy Name of Jesus
Fr. Al
Readings/Lecturas: 1 Jn 2:29--3:6/Jn 1:29-34
8:00 am
St. Mary
8:30 am
St. Mary
(after 8:00 am Mass)
3:15 pm
Sacred Heart
(prior to 4:00 pm Mass)
Sunday Vigil
4:00 pm
Sacred Heart
3:15 pm
St. Peter
Sunday Vigil
4:00 pm
St. Peter
Fr. Ryan
Elmer, Todd and Robert Petrie
Sunday Vigil
4:15 pm
Holy Family
Fr. Bob
Living and deceased of the Sabel and Rieth Families; Annette Petersen;
Dorothy Kohlmann
Fr. Max
Neal Salter (Anniversary)
Marion Hannes
(prior to 4:00 pm Mass)
SUNDAY, January 4, 2014—The Epiphany of the Lord
Readings/Lecturas: Is 60:1-6/Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6/Mt 2:1-12
7:15 am
St. Mary
Fr. Al
Jerry Simon; Deceased of the Pommerich Family; Chuck Sabel (Anniversary)
8:00 am
Holy Family
Fr. Ryan
William Waldschmidt
8:30 am
St. Peter †
Fr. Max
Open Intention
9:00 am
Sacred Heart †
Fr. Bob
David and Alice White
9:30 am
St. Mary †
Fr. Al
Kay Weninger (Anniversary)
10:15 am
Holy Family †
Fr. Ryan
Dolores Mueller
11:00 am
Sacred Heart
Fr. Bob
Martin O'Hearn; Living and deceased members of the Robert Perry Family;
Ralph Fields (Anniversary)
Reconciliation 11:15 am
St. Mary
(prior to 12:00 pm Mass)
12:00 pm
St. Mary
Fr. Max
Open Intention
12:30 pm
Sacred Heart
Fr. Paul
Open Intention
7:00 pm
Sacred Heart
Fr. Al
For the Parishioners
Holy Family Catholic Community
MON., Dec. 22
6:00 pm Sacred Heart Gym
Open Basketball
6:30 pm Sacred Heart Hall
Hispanic Couples meeting
TUE., Dec. 23
7:00 pm Sacred Heart Hospitality Room
Bread of Life Prayer Group
FRI., Dec. 26
6:00 pm St. Joseph Gym
Open Basketball
SAT., Dec. 27
12:00 pm Sacred Heart Gym
Open Basketball
2:30 pm Holy Family Church
Feast of the Holy Family Celebration Concert
MON., Dec. 29
6:00 pm Sacred Heart Gym
Open Basketball
TUE., Dec. 30
7:00 pm Sacred Heart Hospitality Room
Bread of Life Prayer Group
FRI., Jan. 2
6:00 pm St. Joseph Gym
Open Basketball
6:00 pm Sacred Heart School, Room 1
SAT., Jan. 3
SUN., Jan. 4
12:00 pm Sacred Heart Gym
Open Basketball
8:30 am Holy Family St. Agnes Resource Room
Solemnity of the Holy Family
Bishop Donald Hying will celebrate our Patronal Feast Day, the Solemnity of the Holy
Family, with our parish community at the 4:15 pm Mass at Holy Family Church on
Saturday, December 27. This will be one of Bishop Hying's last events here in the
Milwaukee Archdiocese before he moves on to become the Bishop of the Gary,
Indiana Diocese. The celebration will begin that day with our adult choirs, hand bell
choir and Hispanic dancers in concert performances at 2:30 pm in Holy Family
Church. Cookies and cider will follow afterwards in the hall for those who attend
the concert. Before Mass, from 3:40-4:10 pm, and again after Mass from 5:155:45 pm, Holy Family parishioners may have their picture taken in front of the
manger scene in church by our volunteer helpers! Bring your OWN camera and/or
phone for our volunteers to use when taking your picture.
Holiday Office Schedule
Christmas Greetings!
Holy Family will close at noon on Wednesday,
December 24 and reopen on Monday, December 29. We
will also be closed for the day on January 1, 2015.
Our most profound thanks for all
you do to make our parish truly a
Holy and welcoming Family and
especially during this season as we
gather around our family table, the
table of the Lord!
Christmas Letter
Archbishop Listecki's annual Christmas Letter to the
faithful of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee focuses on the
Holy Family and all families this year. Please share this
message freely. It is presented in both English and Spanish
on our website at
Mark Your Calendars!
The Holy Family Winterfest/Chili Bowl
will be held on Sunday, January 25,
2015 at Holy Family Hall! We will begin
with Mass at 10:15 am in the church
and serve chili and hot dogs in the hall
until 2:30 pm. The “Balloon Man” will
return this year and will be
entertaining the children during the entire festival. We
hope to have a snowman making contest, if we have
enough snow. Watch your mail for cash drawing tickets!
Holy Family Catholic Community
In the name of our Pastor Team, the Deacons and the
entire Staff of Holy Family Catholic Community, I want
you to know how grateful we are to accompany you in our
mutual ministry of evangelization – sharing the Good News
of God’s unique intervention in our human history in the
person of Jesus Christ!
Thank you for your altruistic volunteering of time and
talent through our parish, our community agencies and
service clubs and our schools. Thank you for your
unwavering financial support of our parish, your
spontaneous generosity to those in need and when we as a
parish community have needed your help!
Know you are in our prayers and may the extraordinary
blessings of our encounter with the Light of the World; the
Messiah; our Savior, our Help and Guide this season be
with you and all those you love!
- The Clergy and Staff of Holy Family Catholic Community
Christmas Seating
Holiday Mass Schedule
One of the great joys of the Christmas Holy Day is getting
families together from near and far. It’s wonderful when
they can
attend Mass
together, as
well. As we all
know, the
most crowded
Masses are the
earliest ones
on Christmas
Eve. Our
ushers are put
in the “no-winsituation” of trying to find seating for parishioners when
individuals have staked out entire pews, “saving them for
family members.” This is unfair for all those people who
come early and have to stand anyway. Please note, at all
of our Christmas Masses this year, it will again be strictly –
FIRST COME, FIRST SEATED – meaning no one will be
allowed to save seats. Please, instruct your family
members accordingly or consider coming to Mass at 10:30
pm, Midnight or on Christmas morning itself when there’s
room for everyone to be seated.
Christmas Eve—Wednesday, December 24
4:00 pm
Sacred Heart
4:00 pm
St. Mary
4:00 pm
St. Peter
4:15 pm
Holy Family
7:00 pm
St. Mary (Spanish)
10:30 pm
Holy Family
Church Access for the Handicapped
Keep Us Up-to-Date
If you have trouble walking or find it difficult to get into
church please remember:
Holy Family and Sacred Heart Churches have no steps.
St. Mary Church has an outside ramp.
St. Peter Church has a lift.
Our ushers and greeters will be happy to assist you.
Christmas Day—Thursday, December 25
Sacred Heart
8:30 am
St. Peter
9:00 am
Sacred Heart
9:30 am
St. Mary
10:15 am
Holy Family
11:00 am
Sacred Heart
New Year’s Eve—Wednesday, December 31
(Mary, Mother of God vigil)
4:15 pm
Holy Family
New Year’s Day—Thursday, January 1
(Mary, Mother of God)
8:00 am
St. Peter
9:00 am
Sacred Heart
10:00 am
St. Mary
If you have changed your name, address, phone number,
email or any other information that we have on file for
you at the parish office, we would appreciate a phone call
to alert us to these changes so that we may keep our
database current. Call the parish office at 920-921-0580
with your new information! Thank you for your
Construction Loan Update
Loan balance 11/01/2014
Principal paid in November
Parish Financial Summary
Loan balance 11/30/2014
Interest paid in November
July 1, 2014 through December 7, 2014
Actual Revenue
Budgeted Revenue
July 1, 2014 through November 30, 2014
Parishioner contributions
Total operating revenues
Total operating expenses
All other revenues
Operating Profit (Loss)
Non-Budgeted Expenses
- Plumbing repairs at SH Convent
- Plumbing repairs at St. Mary School
- HVAC repairs at Holy Family
Holy Family Catholic Community
Donations toward Christmas flowers have been received in memory or honor of:
George and Mary Abel
George , Nick, Evelyn
Peggy Abler
Abler and Konen
Dan Adams
Tim Adams
Norm and Mildred
John and Mary Adler
Robert M. Adler
Peggy Ahlstrom
Ales and McEnroe
Robert Anderson
Michael and Ethel
Stephen C. Andrew
Charlene Andrews
Arthur and Valma
Frank Austin
Jerry and Fran
Bob Bacon
Harold and Lucille
Martin Baker
Dan Balthazor
Jerry Balthazor
Julie Balthazor
Don and Josephine
Heidi Barber
Jeanette Bartelt
Tony Batura
Richard Becker
Gus and Cecelia
Edith Behrendt
Marvin Berens
Ray and Frances
John R. Bertram
Clayton and Eunice
Bethke and Son
Walter and Helen
Robert Bickelhaupt
Leonard Biersack
Gib Bintzler
Douglas Birschbach
Franklin Birschbach
Nancy Ann Birschbach
RoseMary Birschbach
Eugene Blecha
Ralph and Phyllis
John Boeck
Dennis and Jeff
Boehrig Families
Betsy Bohlman
Daniel Bohlman
Lawrence Bond
Living and Deceased
members of the
Bonzelet Family
Robert Borndahl
Thomas Borndahl
Elaine Borst
Raymond Borzick
Imelda Bos
Fredrick Botdorf
Elsie Bothe
James W. Bothe
Pat Bothe
David and Genevieve
Leo E. Bouveier
Gary Bovee
Julie Brajdic
Michael Brath Sr.
Clayton Breister
Martha Breister
Del Briggs
Carl and Fay
Living and Deceased
members of the
Bruce and Pat
(Kaiser) Ziebell
Rosie Budde
Al and Theresa
Leander and Margaret
Al and Val Buehler
Cele Buelow Borzick
Ben and Christina
Myra Burg
James A. Burkart
Alma Burkhardt
Gustave Burkhardt
Donald Burns
Byron and Margaret
Campagna and
Giovava and Pete
Rev. Vic Capriolo
Mr. and Mrs. Len
Patrick and Anne
Lloyd and LeNore
Lee and Esther
Melvin and Joe Casper
Antonio Castaneda
Bob Caves
Betty Chapin
David Chapin
Earl and Mary Chapin
Holy Family Catholic Community
Elizabeth Chapin
Annette Cholewinski
Diane Cholewinski
MarJean Christus
Rita Ciske
Izetta Clayton Culver
Salome Commo
Joyce Connor
Edward and Emma
Alice and John Coon
Luis Cortez
Mr. and Mrs. George
Leo and Cleo Crowley
H.C. Curler Family
Ron and Lynne
Cuzenheim Family
Margaret Daniels
Day and Fuller
Bill De Guire
Bob De Guire
Omer Dee
Elmer Deitte
Ray and Gertie
Tim DeMarb
Clayton Develice
Helen and Adolph
Merrill and Millie
Develice and Sons
Clarence Ditter
Tim Ditter
Wilfred Ditter
Michael Dobyns
Lee Dolan
Mike Doyle and
Dr. G.J. Thibadean
Robert "Buck" DuFrane
and Family
Alvin Duley
Carl and Agnes Duley
Earl and Marie Duley
Tim Duley
Dorothy Duquaine
Hank Duquaine Sr.
Lawrence Eder
Earl and Cathryn
Rose Elsinger
Zeno and Carol
Robert Erickson
Robert Etheridge
Emy and Bob Fagan
Dick and Marie Faris
Jay Faris
Marie and Dick Faris
Myron and Bernice
James Fee
Kathy Fee
Thomas Fee
Clifford Feltes
John Feltes
Marian Feltes
Angeline Ferrari
Ray Fields
Liane Finnemore
Dorothy and John
Sister Suzanne
Marge Flitcroft
Rick Flitcroft
Dick Flood
Earl and Evelyn Flury
Cheryl A. Ford
Dorrie Ford
John and Martha Ford
Scott Ford
Thomas W. Ford
Joe and Betty
Jean Fowler
Dorothy Fox
Michelle Rose Fox
Joe Francis
David Franzen
Deceased members of
the Fred and Hilda
Emmett and Gertrude
Frank and Elsie
Anna Freund
Clarence Freund
Dolores Freund
Jerome Freund
Norbert and Leone
Don Fritz
Peter J. Fuhrman Jr.
Don and Sally Funk
Hugh and Barbara
Sarah C. Gannon
Tom Garrney Family
Jack Gebhardt
Ray, Millie and Dave
Ken and Mary Gifford
C.C. Gilles Family
John H. Goedderz
Fritz and Leoma
Sister Mary Rita Goligs
Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Don Grass
Susan M. Gray
Caroline Grebe
Mary Jo Grebe
Grebvel, Doornek and
Marx Families
Iring and Josephine
Living and Deceased
of Leo and
Gertrude Gurath
Maria Carmen Guzman
Vern and Rose
Hackbarth Family
Norman and Gladys
Richard Halfman
Paul and Helen
Peter Hall
Ralph and Adeline
Edmund Halter
Martha Halter
James Hamburger
Joseph and Cleone
Hannes Family
Marion Hannes
Gordon and Leona
Hass Family
Frank Heisler
Clem Hermanns
Deceased members of
the Hermanns
Manuel, Bernice
Margie and Judy
Art and Mary Herre
Art and Blanche Hess
Roy and Ceal Hess
Living and Deceased
of the John
Higgins Family
Tama Hilbert
Hoepfner and
Kwaterski Families
Robert Hoey
Lewis Hoffmann
Robert E. Hollander
Jane Hollander Radick
Janet Huck Roeber
Leo and Doris Huck
Lester and Isabelle
Lester Franklin Huck
Orval and Irma Huck
Ethel Huebachman
Martha Huiras
Colleen Jaber
Gladys Jaber
Nicholas Jaber
John and Lorraine
Ed and Dolly Johnson
Deceased of the
Johnson and
Freund Family
Bill and Loretta Jung
Edgar Kahlow
Judy and Patrick Kain
Mr. and Mrs.
Immanuel Kaiser
Monica and Immanuel
Dean and Lavern
Alfred and Jean Karls
Steve Karls
Lee and William
James E. Kelly
Raymond and Virginia
Robert Kelly
Herman and Dolores
Ronald and Mark
Mary Kern
Tony Kern
Ray and Marion Ketter
Jim and Mike Kitchen
Klapperich Family
Donald Klein
George and Gert Klein
John and Marie
Harold and Mary
Mary Agnes Koenigs
Richard Koenigs
James Koepsell
Matt and Margaret
Leo and Sylvia
Departed Kollmongan
and Ozols Families
Emil Konen Family
Martha and Richard
Ed and Elsie Kraemer
Herman Kraus
Mike Kraus
Peter Kraus
Samuel Stephen Kraus
Roman Krebsbach
Daniel J. Krug
Harry and Phyllis
Beverly Kuechler
James and Loretta
Don Kuhl
Jennifer Kuhnz
Delbert Kutz
John and Julia
Catherine Lang
George E. Lang
Tony and Rita Lanser
David L. Lantz
Christmas Remembrance
Herman and Evelyn
Joan Lauby
William and Delia
Ernie and Agnes
Judy Layo
John and Ella L.
John R. and Betty
Parman Leach
Dick Lepinski
Dolores Lepinski
Edward and Emma
August B.
Sister Mary Elise
Clarence and Lillian
Don Luby
Earl Madary
Howard and Pat
Olonia Majesha
Olivia Majeska
Alfred "Fritz" Mand
Robert Mand
Alois and Florence
Chester and Julia
Steven Michael Martin
Maurice Family
Ralph and Dorothy
Marlin M. Mauer
Donald Maxia
Helen and Robert
Mary May
Matt May
Irene McArthur
Jack McCrory
Marie Luby McCrory
William and Marian
Sam McIntosh
Jerry Medina Jr.
Menne Families
Phil and Elizabeth
Catherine Merkel
Normal and Loyola
The Leo E. Mertens
John Michalowske
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Dave and Kraig
Gerry and Vernice
Dr. Joseph Miller
Howard Miller
Ted Miller
Viola Miller
Miller, Martin and
Fritz Families
Dorothy Moore
Duane and Sophie
Lawrence and
Josephine Moss
Sr. M. Lauren Moss
Diane M. Mostek
Darlene Mowbray
Dolores Mueller
Donald Marvin Mueller
Gloria Mueller
Helen Marie Muench
Jos. E. Murray Family
Mildred Musolf
Susan Musolf
August and Mary
Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Ann Nett
Charles Nett
Esther Nett
Frank Nett
James C. Nett
John Nett Jr.
Timothy Nett
Clarence and Verna
Stephen J. Nuss
William J. Nuss
Jane O'Connor
Lowell O'Connor
Harold Olig
Delmar Ollerman
Edward and Rose
Robert Ollerman
Jeanne Olsen
Dick and Fran Osier
Frank Pagel Family
Patricia Pagel
Gladys Palkovich
Harry W. Parman Jr.
Harry W. and Clara
Parman Sr.
Wayne Parman
Edwin C. and Marion
Parman Smithers
Edward Patterson
Ryan Pautach
Robert Pendergast
Lawrence and Rita
Bob Petrie
Harold Petrie
Todd Petrie
Walter M. Petrie
Living and Deceased
of the Petrie and
Deitte Families
Baby Anna June
Searl and Helen
Donald F. Piechowski
Matthew P.
Angie Piepkorn
Joe and Elaine Pilon
Joseph and Helen
Sister Margaret
Merlin Plier
Francis Polzean
Maurice "Morrie" Pose
Rose and Bill Pose
Robert Pratt
George Preissner
David Raab
Thomas Raab
Anton Rafenstein
Loretta Rafenstein
James K. Rashid
Fred and Elsie
Donald and Patricia
Harold Reginell
Frank and Eunice
Jeanette Reinke
Mary Lee Reske
Ferd and Anna Riese
Feliciano Rios
Paul Rodenkirch
Blas Rodriguez Sr.
Joe and Ann Romanski
Sister Rosemary
Henry Rosmonowski
George and Kathryn
Paul Ruedinger
Nick Ryan
Deceased of the Ben
Sabel Family
Ann and Alysa
Larry Sawyer
Arthur and Martha
Living and Deceased
of Clifford and
Erma Scherer
Todd Schmid
John Schmit
Alice Schmitz
Brian Schmitz
Ernie Schmitz
Jake and Gladys
Millie Schmitz
Anthony and Marlene
Harold J. and
Kevin Michael
Kristin Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Richard and Winnifred
Richard J. Schneider
Terry Schneider
Victor and Frances
Dale Schob
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert
Bob Schuchardt
Donna Schultz
Martin Schultz
Carol Schwartz
Charles and Kathryn
Ralph and Caroline
The Schwartz Family
Patrick Sears
Frank and Helen
Thomas Sebert
Janet Switlick
Rose and Ray Shannon
Trevor Shaw
Leo and Eileen Shea
John and Gertrude
Darlene Silah
Mary Silah
Edgar Simon
John Simon
Susan Simon
Simon and Smith
Carol Sippel
Leo Sippel
Gilbert and Jean Smet
Robert, Irene and
Tom Smet
Smith Clan
Rev. Charles Smithers
Dorothy M. Snider
Tom W. Snyder
John Soderstrom
Family and Friends of
Sharon A. Solamita
Betty Soll
Leo and Evelyn Soll
Sonnenberg Family
Greg Stahmann
Harvey and Mark
Living and Deceased
of Stanelle and
Ludwig Families
Maryann Staube
Connie and Red
Jim Steffen
Ervin and Marie
Laurence and Marie
Mark Stephany
Richard Stephany
Sandra Ann Stephany
Earl and Maddy
Otto, Jon and Joel
Susanne Stillwell
Stubbe and Wagner
Darold J. Stueber
Wm. P. Stueber
Deceased members of
the Arthur and
Margaret Sullivan
James and Lydia Tebo
Mary Teofilo
Louise and Ray
Sophie Tessner
Herman and Clarice
Carol Jean Thome
Katherine and Lester
Douglas Tighe
Pat and Esther Tighe
Eroan and "Toby" John
Donald D. Toney
Anthony Torres
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Milbert Treleven
Mary Twohig
Donald Uelmen
Sabina Urbanski
Marcella Van Gorder
Vande Streek Family
William and Veronica
Leona Veinstedt
Clarence and Mildred
Alfred and Regina
David L. Wagner
Edgar and Kathryn
John J. Wagner
Robert L. Wagner
Tom Wagner
Wilmer Wagner
Mary Wahoske
Clarence and Alexia
James G.
Jerome Walentoski
Joan Walentoski
John Walkner
John Warner Family
Deceased relatives of
Jeanette M.
Dorothy Wehner
Jerome Weimer
Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Arden Wendt
Betty and Bernie
Mike and Mary Ann
Mr. and Mrs. Jake
Sarah Whealon
Lee White
Wilderman Family
Andrea Wilhelms
Sharon Wilhelms
John Will
Sally Williams
Alex Wisocki
Lucille Woelfel
Michael J. Wolfe
Deceased of the John
Wood Family
World Peace
Henry Wuest
Chuck Yaeger
Ginny Yanke
Dave and Ruth Yelle
Jim Zangl
George Zasada
Cornelius Zehren
Beth Trent Ziegler
George and Kathryn
Glenn Zivkovich
Every effort has been made to ensure that this list is
complete and accurate; we apologize for any errors or
omissions. Additional names received after deadline will
be published at a later date.
Holy Family Catholic Community
Women’s Ministry – Sharing Our Journey
Youth Service Opportunity
Sharing Our Journey will begin again in January with a
great guest speaker—Gina Loehr.
She will be coming to Holy Family the evening of
Thursday, January 15. There will be opportunities to sign
up again for women’s small groups on a variety of
faith- filled topics.
Loaves and Fishes, Monday, December 22, Church of
Peace: Two shifts are available. 1st shift is 4:00 to 5:30 pm
and 2nd shift is 5:30 to 6:30 pm. To volunteer, call Joan at
Light Weigh Coming Soon
Light Weigh will be offered at Holy Family beginning in
the New Year. This is a wonderful journey of our Catholic
Faith to gain “Peace with Food.” This means no dieting,
no special foods, no calorie counting, keeping track of
points, grams and no special eating programs. Light Weigh
was created by Susan Fowler who sought the answers to
her overeating problems through her Catholic faith and
prayer. She has successfully lead thousands of others using
the same methods and tools to find “Peace with Food.”
Her program was featured in Prevention Magazine as well
as Fox News, EWTN and Relevant Radio. We will be
holding an orientation meeting in January for all those
who are interested. Holy Family will host this Catholic
based program, but please note there is a cost to enroll.
Watch for specific dates and times coming soon!
Cor Jesu
Enter into the heart of Christ. Be set ablaze, to
experience God’s greatest gift to us: the Holy Eucharist!
Join us for our monthly evening of adoration, confession
and Mass at St. Mary Church on Tuesday, January 6. We
begin at 6:45 pm with Rosary followed by an hour of
adoration before the Blessed Sacrament and Mass at
8:00 pm.
Catholic Breakfast Club
This is our young adult group open to all 20 and 30
somethings. We meet each Monday at 5:45 pm in the
Victory Center at the Sacred Heart Site to share a meal
and talk about our faith! For details please see our
Facebook page: Holy Family Young Adults FDL.
“LIKE” our Facebook Pages!
Holy Family Youth Ministry FdL
Holy Family Young Adults FdL
Low-gluten Hosts Available
Holy Family now has low-gluten hosts
(.001% or 37 micrograms) available for
parishioners who have wheat related
allergies or intolerances. There is no
such thing as a “no-gluten” host since
the Church requires that hosts used at Catholic Masses
must contain some wheat. However the low-gluten hosts
we are using have been approved by the Archbishop and
recommended by the Catholic Celiac Society.
Please stop in at the sacristy before Mass and ask the
sacristan to allow you to put a low-gluten host in a special
container which they will place on the altar. Please do so
15-20 minutes early since once Mass begins the sacristan
no longer has access to these hosts.
The low-gluten host you have placed in the container will
be consecrated by the priest at the Mass you are attending.
At Communion time, please join the line for the Priestcelebrant of the Mass. He will be holding the container of
low-gluten hosts. When you approach him, request a lowgluten host. The priest will then open the container and
allow you to take the host yourself (so there is no crosscontamination with wheat) and receive communion.
Please, if you have not placed a low-gluten host in the
container before Mass, do not request one. The only hosts
in the container at communion time will be the ones
placed in the container by the individuals who request them.
Holy Family Catholic Community
Parish Mission in Lent—Save the Date!
February 23-25
Holy Family is pleased to host Father James Kubicki for
our Parish Mission – Living a Eucharistic Life.
You don’t want to miss this international speaker and
writer who will guide us through drawing close to Christ
and the Eucharist. He is the National Director for the
Apostleship of Prayer and a retreat and Parish mission
Couples Retreat
Make plans to take part in a couples retreat from the
evening of Thursday, February 12 until noon of Sunday,
February 15, 2015 at the newly expanded and remodeled
Jesuit Retreat House on Lake Winnebago, south of
Oshkosh. The facility’s changes provide even greater
opportunity for shared conferences and reflection, both as
individuals and a couple.
The retreat will be led by Tim and Maryanne Rouse with
spiritual counseling with the priest staff. The retreat will
be modeled on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
Loyola to bring spirituality into one’s daily life.
Consider making an investment in examining and
strengthening your spiritual and prayer life together. If
interested, call Jim and Kathy Simon at 920-921-3832, the
retreat house at 800-962-7330 or go to the website at
Human Dignity
Sean Anderson and Elizabeth Jones
Maureen Brault
Aaron and Emily Burkart
and Oliver
James Early and Brenda Holland
Angel Funez and Tanya Tamayo-Funez
and Rosa Funez
Ann Kurtz
and Genevieve
Leo and Linda Prentice
Donna Reid-Bey
Dale and Holly Rose
Katie Rose
Ramiro Salinas and Maria Saldana
and Cintya, Barbara and Ashley Rico
and Geovanie and Nora Salinas
Scott and Melissa Schneider
and Carson
Jonathon and Nicole Schubert
and Theodore and Joseph
Thomas Kurer
Son of Laura Davis
Konnor Ingalls
Son of Eric and Jennifer
Lauren Kant
Daughter or Douglas and Ellen
Colton Kirst
Son of Ryan and Ashley
Ashley Lorbach
Daughter of Richard and Jaclyn
Liliana Salinas-Martinez
Daughter of Arlene Martinez
Emilio Moss
Son of Roman and Mariana
Nora Seyfert
Daughter of Troy and Shannah
Evangelina Villarreal
Daughter of Jose and Teresa
Carmen White
Daughter of Sean and Emily
Addyson Zentner
Daughter of Anthony and Sarah
Ella Ziebert
Daughter of Joshua and Amy
Being children of God gives all human beings equal dignity
as brothers and sisters.
Pope Francis’ World Day of Peace Message
The Vatican has announced the theme and title for the
annual World Day of Peace message is: “Slaves No More,
But Brothers and Sisters.” Pope Francis challenges all of
us to recognize every other person as a brother or sister
with God-given dignity. Such recognition, he says, will
lead to peace. When we recognize the dignity of others,
we will feel compelled to work for an end to all that
exploits and enslaves them, such as human trafficking,
trade in migrants and prostitutes, exploitation, slave labor
and the enslavement of women and children. These
things, Pope Francis says, are a fatal running sore on the
flesh of Christ. (See the full message here:
You can be a Peacemaker! How you can help:
1. Pray for the liberation and restoration of victims
and survivors of modern day slavery. Use the
prayer below in your daily prayer, at the family
dinner table or in a group setting.
2. Take part in the SHEPHERD program of the U.S.
Catholic Bishops and work to protect, help,
empower and restore the dignity of trafficking
survivors. Visit to
learn more.
3. Take action. Advocate for policies that address
the causes of modern day slavery, protect
survivors of human trafficking and seek justice
for those that have been victimized. For action
alerts, visit the USCCB Migration and Refugee
Services website,
migration-policy/position-papers/index.cfm and
4. Observe the National Day of Prayer for Victims
and Survivors of Human Trafficking on
February 8, the Feast Day of St. Josephine
Bakhita, who spent 12 years trapped in slavery.
Recite the prayer below in memory of St.
Josephine and the victims of Human Trafficking.
Prayer to End Trafficking
Loving Father, we seek your divine protection for all who
are exploited and enslaved; for those forced into labor,
trafficked into sexual slavery and denied freedom. We
beseech you to release them from their chains. Grant
them protection, safety and empowerment. Restore their
dignity and provide to them a new beginning. Show us how
we might end exploitation by addressing its causes. Help
us reach out in support of victims and survivors of human
trafficking. Make us instruments of your spirit for their
liberation. For this we pray through our Lord Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy
Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.
Holy Family Catholic Community
Eucharist Ministers Needed!!!
Christmas…A Time to Give Back!
Members of Holy Family are actively involved in bringing
the Eucharist to many of our brothers and sisters who are
in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, senior housing
developments and to those who are in their own homes,
yet unable to get out. We actively serve almost 20
different facilities and countless private homes. It takes
many volunteers to make this happen on a weekly basis.
What a blessing to bring the presence of God to those who
are ill or homebound. Holding God in your hands and
extending the love of God to another is a ministry of love.
As we celebrate Christmas, let us pause for a moment to
reflect on the reason for this most sacred day. Yes, this is
a time to spend with family and friends, celebrating
timeless traditions, great food and exchanging gifts.
This is most likely the only time all year when we
celebrate a birthday and receive more gifts than the
person whose birth we celebrate! But then, wasn’t that
God’s gift to all of humankind in the first place? God sent
us his only son for our salvation!
We have an immediate need for more Eucharistic
Ministers to Nursing Homes. If you are interested in
sharing the love of God with others, please contact
Ruthann in the parish office at 921-0580.
This is the season when we pause to consider the events of
the past year and to reflect on how we might make a
positive impact in the New Year.
“For where two or three are gathered together in my
name, there am I in the midst of them” (Mt 18:20.)
Save the Date!!!
Mark your calendars now for A Lenten Day of Retreat on
Saturday, March 21, 2015. You will not want to miss this
day filled with prayer, reflection, dynamic presentations
and much more. Watch future bulletins for more details!
Weekly Justice Challenge
4th Week of Advent
Justice Challenge: In this Sunday’s Gospel,
we hear the angel inviting Mary to become
the mother of the Messiah. Mary worried
about doing this without breaking her
promises to God. The angel replies with the
story of Elizabeth being with child even though she was
beyond the age of child-bearing. The angel states, “…for
nothing will be impossible for God.” Your challenge this
week is to bring the Good News of Jesus and his message
of possibilities to someone who has been weighed down by
darkness or despair—due to illness, financial stress,
relationship problems or whatever. As a family, choose
one person—or one family—who needs you to remind them
that with God, nothing is impossible. How can you help
“liberate” this person or family from whatever is keeping
them from living a free and full life? Copyright © Center for
Ministry Development, 2014. All rights reserved.
Holy Family Connection: In a season of great anticipation
and joy as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, it
seems that everyone would feel that same joy of which we
speak. Unfortunately, there are so many people in our
own parish, our neighborhoods, workplace and schools
who know nothing but despair this Christmas. They may be
grieving the death of a loved one or feeling lost or
abandoned because of divorce. There may be those who
cannot provide Christmas gifts or dinner for their family
because of the loss of a job or lack of money. Take a
moment this Christmas season to offer hope and love to
Holy Family Catholic Community
We at Holy Family have been so very blessed in this past
year through the dedication and selfless acts of generosity
from people sharing their time and talents, people who
are dedicated to living out the Gospel message. This is
true discipleship, and it is alive at Holy Family Catholic
As we look to the coming year, we pray for good health,
happiness and joy throughout the year. These are gifts
from God. What then are the gifts that we can give back?
How can we begin to offer ourselves in service to the
Lord, to live out the message of the Gospel?
Allow me to make some suggestions for what may be in
your 2015 Bucket List.
Join the Neighbors in Faith initiative
Donate Blood…Help to save a life
Bring communion to a homebound relative,
friend or neighbor
Pay a visit to people in nursing homes
Become a Server for funerals
Join the Jail/Prison Ministry
Allow yourself the joy of offering simple acts of
kindness to a stranger
Visit the sick
Prayerfully consider how you can offer your time and love
to one of these Holy Family Ministries. Contact Ruthann
Ross in the parish office, at 920-921-0580 or for more information.
someone in need. Whether it is a smile and warm
greeting, a plate of Christmas cookies or an anonymous
gift of money, there is something you can do to help.
Offer a prayer for all those who will not experience
Christmas joy this year and ask God to watch over them
and protect them. May your Christmas love and joy extend
far beyond your home this Christmas!
Sunday Mass Online
Choir Invitation
Thanks to the hard work of our volunteers, Holy Family Church is
producing the Sunday Mass for viewing on our
website and YouTube channel. Go to our
website home page at, search
YouTube for Holy Family Fond du Lac or go
directly to:
All are welcome to sing with “Spirit and Joy,” an informal
ensemble that sings for weekend Masses. No audition or
weekly rehearsals required, just a love for singing. Home
for the Holidays??? Come and sing! For more information
and a singing schedule, please contact Judy Pollard or 922-7561, or Paul Thelen or 921-0580.
You can also use your smartphone and scan the
QR code shown here to get to our YouTube channel.
House Needs
Position at Shepherd of the Hills
Shepherd of the Hills parish has need of a Liturgical
Musician. This is a part-time, salaried, professional
member of the pastoral staff. He/she assists the pastor
and works with the Prayer and Worship Commission in
exercising musical leadership in the parish to promote full,
active, conscious participation in the parish’s liturgical
celebrations. This person directs these efforts with
professional and technical expertise within the framework
of shared ministry in Christian and Catholic values in
accordance with all Catholic Church policies and
procedures. He/she works a flexible schedule as
determined by the activities of the day and seasons of the
year, which will include work during holidays, evenings
and weekends.
 College degree in music or equivalent
 Expert level skills in piano, organ, choral and
band direction
 Motivated, team-oriented and flexible with
organizational skills, well-developed personal
and relationship skills and strong communication
 Computer competency in Microsoft Word and
Publisher and ability to use online music and
licensing programs
For a complete and detailed job description, please
contact Jane Riley Best at or
920-447-3201 and leave a message.
Holiday Hours for SMSA Scrip Office
Effective December 1—January 2
Monday/Wednesday/Friday: 8:00 am - Noon
Tuesday: 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Thursday extended hours: 12:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Special Hours Tuesday, December 23: 8:00 am 4:00 pm
The Scrip office will be closed December 24, 25, 26, 31
and January 1 and 2.
Holy Family sponsors two residence houses of community
prayer for single young adults: the Gratia Plena House for
women and the St. George House for men. During this
season of giving, it would be wonderful if we could fulfill a
few "wishes" for items that are needed for each of the
houses, both for the use of residents and guests. If you
have items to donate from the lists below, please bring
them to the parish office located at the Holy Family
Church complex (but only if they are small items, please).
If you wish to donate large items, such as the mattresses,
dishwasher, etc., please call Elise Winkel, our
receptionist, at 921-0580, ext. 101, and she will talk with
you about how to get the items to the houses and/or help
to arrange for pickup of the items from your home. Please
do not deliver large items to the parish offices without
talking with Elise first! Thank you!
Plena House (Women's House)
Framed pictures of female saints
A statue of Mary for their chapel
Nativity set
Floor lamp for living room
Board games
Kitchen towels and wash cloths
Menard's gift card
Target gift card
Full sized mattress
Outdoor doormat
Large crucifix for their chapel
St. George House
 Guest bath towels (new)
 4 sets of twin size bed sheets (new)
 2 new twin size mattress and box spring (new)
 2 bed frames (new or slightly used) - twin size
 Pillows (new)
 Pillow cases
 Comforters
 First aid kit
 Mop and mop bucket
 New dishwasher
 Religious artwork
 Walmart gift card
 Menards gift card
 True Value gift card
 Silica gift card
Holy Family Catholic Community