This week's Newsletter - St Joseph's Church, Bromley


This week's Newsletter - St Joseph's Church, Bromley
St Joseph’s Parish News
Diary This Week
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Year B
21st December 2014
Readings are on Page 90 of the Parish Mass Book
020 8402 0459 | |
Twitter: @ParishStJosephs
Sunday 21st December
4.00pm Family Carol Service—Church
Monday 22nd December
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturdays: 11 am-12 noon & 5.00-5.45 pm or on request.
Tuesday 23rd December
10.30 am
Coffee in Club Room after Mass
Desk of the Parish Priest:
A Gift for you this
Wednesday 24th December
11.00 pm
Carols before Midnight Mass
Thursday 25th December
Friday 26th December
to offer you a gift.
Saturday 27th December
Sunday 28th December
Our Parish has been asked to help with a wonderful
new evangelisation project this Christmas.
Rosary: Daily at 10.30am
Parish Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: First three Fridays of each month from 7.30-8.30pm.
Malayalam Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Last Friday of each month from 7-8.30pm
Benediction on Saturday 10.30-11.00am
Baptism: Parents & Expectant Parents—please contact a Priest during Surgery. One month
preparation required.
Wedding: Please contact a Priest during Surgery. Six months notice required.
Presbytery & Parish Office
Presbytery: 1 Orchard Road, Bromley, BR1 2PR
Parish Pastoral Team
Fr. Tom
Fr. Saju
Fr. Cyriac Palakudy
Mary Crosby
Deacon Barry
Deacon Aidan
Tel: 020 8402 0459
Tel: 020 8402 0459
Tel.: 020 8402 0459
Tel: 07946 996759
Tel.: 07445 417335
Tel: 07747 036253
Parish Secretary: Susan Allatt 9.00 am-1.00pm Monday-Friday
Tel.: 020 8402 0459
Surgeries (at Presbytery: no appointment needed)
Monday: No Surgery
Wednesday: No Surgery
St. Joseph’s School: Tel: 020 8460 1976 | Website:
St. Joseph’s Playgroup Ltd: Monday to Friday in Church Hall. Enquiries please ring 07961 413694
( founded by one of the
most powerful modern communicators of the
Catholic Faith, Matthew Kelly, is launching an
affiliate in the UK. This Christmas thousands of
copies of Matthew’s popular book Rediscover
Catholicism, will be distributed in parishes like ours
at the main Christmas Masses in the Southwark
Diocese. The book – like the Institute – seeks to
help parishes and the Church find simple and
affordable ways to re-engage with disengaged or
resting Catholics. It shows in clear and no
nonsense language the beauty of the faith and how
it can help us in our daily lives become better
versions of ourselves. We have hundreds of copies
of Rediscover Catholicism and a CD The Seven
Pillars of Catholic Spirituality to distribute to visitors
and parishioners at our Christmas Masses.
We would be very grateful for volunteers to help
with the distribution of these gifts after the main
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Masses this
year. Please speak to or email Susan in the
parish office ( if
you can help.
Fr. Tom
Psalter Week 4
Saturday 20th December
6.00 pm
Mary O’Donnell RIP (Foley)
Sunday 21st December Fourth Sunday of Advent
8.00 am
Carole Ann McCarthy RIP
9.15 am
People of the Parish
11.00 am
Tony Lenihan Senior RIP
5.00 pm
Anne Marie Lohan
Monday 22nd December
7.30 am*
Rev. Thomas Ford RIP
10.00 am
Fr. Saju
Tuesday 23rd December
10.00 am
William & Agnes Almond RIP
Wednesday 24th December Christmas Eve
5.00 pm
Deceased members of Kilcoyne
7.30 pm
People of the Parish
11.00 pm
Readings with Carols
James Smith RIP
Patrick & Eksie Cunningham RIP
1.00 am
Syro-Malabar Rite Christmas Mass
Thursday 25th December
The Nativity of the Lord
Ellen Mary Burke RIP
Claire & Bernard Grady RIP
11.00 am
Frank Xavier Lohan RIP
Friday 26th December St. Stephen
11.00 am
J D Xavier RIP
Saturday 27th December St John
10.00 am
Ivan Knightley RIP
11.00 am
Baptism: Martin Varela-Pessoa
6.00 pm
Judy McCarthy RIP
Sunday 28th December
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph
8.00 am
People of the Parish
9.15 am
11.00 am
Most Rev. James K. Owusu RIP
5.00 pm
Padraic McDonagh RIP (Liamin)
*7.30am Masses will be held in Holy Trinity Chapel
Christmas Greetings
Our Parish Faith Formation
We wish all our parishioners great joy and deep
peace as we celebrate the Birth of our Saviour
Jesus Christ at Christmas. Take time to be still
and silent for a time each day. Open the door of
your heart to welcome the God who comes to us
in the beauty and vulnerability of a baby. Our
God risks everything when he entrusts himself
into our hands. Reverence, with deep love, his
trust in you. We wish you joy in the Lord.
Fr. Tom, Fr. Saju, Fr. Cyriac., Deacon Barry,
Deacon Aidan and Mary Crosby.
Confession for Christmas :
Monday 22nd December 7.00-9.00pm
Christmas Offerings: As we do not receive a
salary the Priests of the Parish depend on your
offerings at Easter and Christmas. If you would
like to support your Priests please use the
envelopes available in the foyer. Thank you.
Joy of the Gospel Group Reading Sessions.
A Mass will be celebrated on Monday 5th
January at 7.30pm for all those who have
recently attended the group reading sessions.
Mulled wine will be served in the Club Room
following the Mass.
Sign Up Sheets for Ministers of the Eucharist
and Ministers of the Word for the Christmas
Masses and Carol Services are available in the
Journey in Faith Group Sunday 11th January
at 11.00am Mass we will celebrate the Rite of
Welcome with those preparing to be received
into the Church this Spring. The group will break
for Christmas and resume again on Monday
12th January 2015 at 7.45 for 8.00pm in the
Upper Room. Please keep our enquirers in your
For Expectant Mothers On the Fourth Sunday of
Advent, we are asked to pray for expectant
mothers. This is a time when the whole world is
looking forward with expectation to Christmas and
the re-telling of the Birth of Jesus. This is a time
that has particular resonance for expectant
mothers. It can be a time of great happiness and
excitement. It may also be a time of mixed
emotion, some anxiety and more than a little
physical discomfort. We also ask you to remember
those who are trying for a baby that God will
answer their prayers too.
Marriage and Family Life—Marriage Matters
Fourth Sunday of Advent Listening is a way of
loving – in today’s readings David, Paul and Mary
listened to God, changed their plans and way of
life. Before marrying we listened intently and
consequently felt loved and cherished. Today, with
the pressures of everyday living, our listening can
be impaired. We need constantly to overcome the
temptation to just ‘hear’ what’s said, and work on
listening with our hearts, eyes and full attention.
First Holy Communion—Dates for your Diary:
Reconciliation Review Session for
parents and children on Saturday 10th
January 2015. Meet at 9.00am in the
hall followed by tour of the church and
10.00am Mass.
First Reconciliation on Saturday 17th
January 2015 at 11.00am. Followed by
family celebration in the hall.
A big Thank You to all the Confirmation
Candidates who donated and wrapped
wonderful Christmas gifts for the residents of
St. Cecelia’s Cheshire Home and the
Homeless in Bromley. The gifts have been
delivered and they have asked us to pass on
their sincere thanks.
Parish News
Christmas Carol Service to be held on Sunday
21st December at 4.00pm in the church. All are
welcome. Invite family and friends.
Christmas Crib Offerings this
‘Friends of the Holy Land’
poorest families in Bethlehem,
their medical costs and paying
university fees.
year will be for
who help the
contributing to
for school and
UCM Fees for 2015 are now due. Please give
to Esther Haylock as soon as possible.
Come and celebrate Christmas with us.
Please join us after 11.00am Mass on Christmas
Day for a free Christmas (International) meal in
St. Joseph’s Church Hall. RSVP 07932 674557
or email: See poster in
cabinet outside the Church.
You are invited to donate a red Poinsettia in
memory of a loved one to decorate the Sanctuary.
These are greatly appreciated by everyone.
Poinsettia’s should be left in the foyer of the
Church. Thank you.
Mission & Outreach
The Vocations Centre have written informing us of
the following recent ordinations in the diocese:
Thomas Bakalumpagi was ordained to
the priesthood last week by the
Archbishop. He will continue to serve at
the Cathedral.
Keith Sylvia was ordained as a deacon in
Addiscombe on 21st November.
Mark Higgins will be ordained to the
diaconate this week at Wonersh.
Keith, Mark and Matthew O’Gorman will
be ordained to the priesthood next year.
Christmas Card Boxes are available in the foyer
to leave Christmas Cards for other parishioners.
Please check these boxes regularly.
APF Red Boxes. Thank you to all those who have
kindly donated to Missio through the red boxes. A
total of £1536.70 has been donated from our
parishioners this year. Thank you very much.
Church Cleaning for Christmas will take place
on Tuesday 23rd December starting at 8.30am.
Youth Ministry
Mrs Rose Ssemuyaba, formerly Head of IT at
Holy Trinity Convent, was tragically killed in
Uganda last September. There will be a memorial
service arranged by her family in the New Year.
We will let you know the details when we receive
Smile International - Christmas Shoeboxes
Thank you to all parishioners who donated
prepared Christmas Shoeboxes through the
charity Smile International. In total, St Joseph's
Parish gifted 44 Shoeboxes and some additional
items to complete boxes at the Smile
warehouse. A lorry full of Shoeboxes and
Aid arrived in Kosova two weeks ago and they are
currently being distributed. These presents will
be greatly treasured by children around the world
and Smile thanks you all for your generosity. For
further information, please see Thank you, Angie
Silent Auction: Congratulation to the winning
Bed and Breakfast in Bath: Patrick & Fabienne
Golf at Blackheath Golf Club: Jim McGowan
Thank you very much for your generosity and
thank you to those who donated the prizes.
Flame 2—The biggest Catholic Youth Event in
the country. To be held at Wembley Arena on
Saturday 7th March 2015 from 11.00am to 5.30pm.
Suitable for those in Year 10 to young adult. For
more information and to book your place please
contact the parish office. We hope to organise
transport with other parishes in the deanery and to
subsidise the price of the tickets.
Found in Church: Light blue blanket with dark
blue stars. Please contact the parish office if you
have mislaid this.
Question of the Week
How do you open your heart to what
God wants for you? How do you follow the
pathway that leads to happiness?
Child: Is there something hard you need to do
this week? What might make it easier?
We are the Parish and we all belong to God
Last Week: Total offering: £ 1285.00
When making your will you may wish to
remember your Parish.