My Dear Friends, Fr. John A VERY HAPPY AND BLESSED


My Dear Friends, Fr. John A VERY HAPPY AND BLESSED
Service times & Mass Intentions
SATURDAY 20th December:
(4.45 – 5.15pm Confessions at
Christ the King)
5.30pm (Mass at Christ the King)
This week...
SUNDAY 21st December:
4th Sunday of Advent
9.30am Mass: People of the Parish
11.00am (Mass at Christ the King)
Denis Heaney
MONDAY 22nd December: Advent Feria
9.30am Mass: Sean Goodliffe, RIP
TUESDAY 23rd December: Advent Feria
9.30am (Mass at Christ the King)
WEDNESDAY 24th December:
9.30am Mass: Private Intention
6.00pm First Mass of Christmas:
People of the Parish
THURSDAY 25th December:
The Nativity of Our Lord
9.30am Mass: Peter Mullen
FRIDAY 26th December:
St Stephen, the First Martyr
11.00am (Mass at Christ the King)
SATURDAY 27th December:
(4.45 – 5.15pm Confessions at
Christ the King)
5.30pm (Mass at Christ the King)
SUNDAY 28th December:
The Holy Family, Mary & Joseph
9.30am Mass: Private intention
11.00am (Mass at Christ the King)
Altar Server
Val Littlehales &
Veronica Mosley
Ministers for Holy
Eunice and Bill
Coffee Morning
Deidre O’Ryan &
Hilary Bradley
Envelopes: £ 182.50
£ 72.30
Total: £ 254.80
Poor Parishes
Thank you
Kevin & Shirley Hurst
Christ the King: Telephone no. 01332 340161 Nottingham R C Diocesan Trustees
(Company Number 7151646 Charity Number 1134449)
Church of All Saints
Belle Vue Road, Ashbourne Derby DE6 1AT
Parish Priest: Fr John Guest T: 01335 342 236
Assistant Priest: Fr. John Martin T: 07714460526
Deacon: Keith Bunyan T: 01335 360350
Sunday 21st December 2014 4th Sunday of Advent
1st Reading: Samuel 7:1-5.8-12.14.16
Psalm: Psalm 88 R: I will sing for ever of your love, O Lord.
2nd Reading: Romans 16:25-27
Gospel: Luke 1:26-38
Communion antiphon: Behold, a Virgin shall conceive and bear a
son; and his name will be called Emmanuel.
My Dear Friends,
Some of the stories in the gospels remain more vividly in the mind
and heart than others. Today’s account of the encounter between
the angel Gabriel and the virgin Mary is one such. Gabriel is
absolutely full of the message he has to bring, and he couches it in
references to the prophets, believing that this will convince Mary
of the truth of what he is saying. She in turn is naturally cautious,
even deeply disturbed, and questions him carefully. The exchange
is quite electric, which is understandable when we reflect that the
outcome of the exchange is the destiny of the human race. Angels
don’t seem to have what we might call human reservations. He
brings in the Holy Spirit, the title of her son as “Son of God” and
rounds off his argument with a nod to Elizabeth’s pregnancy, a sure
fire clincher from biblical roots… for, he adds, nothing is impossible
to God. And Mary says “Yes”, changing not just her life but the
life of all humankind forever. And we, in our less documented
conversations with angels, are given the same challenge. Mary’s
“yes” is intended to support ours.
Fr. John
National Catholic
– 11th July 2015:
The rotas for 2015 are being
prepared. Please let Denis &
Sally or Fr John know if you
would be able to join in helping
with the flowers, the cleaning,
the counting, the readings
at Mass or the Offertory
Procession. Many thanks in
advance. All help appreciated.
The Joy of the Gospel–
Building a Missionary
Parish is the theme of the
National Catholic Evangelisation
Conference to be held in
Birmingham on Saturday 11th
July 2015.
Cardinal Vincent Nichols says:
‘This pioneering day conference,
inspired by Pope Francis’
Evangelii Gaudium, is for all
clergy, religious and lay people.
Why? Because we all share the
One mission – to proclaim the
joy of the Gospel. The wide
range of practical ideas offered
for Planning and carrying out
fruitful parish evangelisation
will help us all to be better
missionary disciples.
Please put the date in your
diary. I look forward to seeing
you there.”
For further information, please
The Diocesan Education
Service is looking for people
willing to become a Foundation
Governor in one of our schools/
academies. Further info: visit call
01332 293833.
Nottingham Justice and
Sonia Aslam works for the
Catholic Commission for Justice
and Peace in Pakistan. She does
exactly the same as us- she
supports and fights for human
rights. By doing this she has
put her and her family’s lives
in danger, as she has been
threatened for working against
Islam. She has fled to the UK,
but has been refused Asylum. A
Christian country, that promotes
the same values that she fights
for in Pakistan, will not allow her
to stay here. An appeal is due
and she needs all the support
she can get.
Please sign this petition to
plead the Home Office to allow
Sonia to stay. Share this with
everyone you know, spread the
word and help Sonia!
Service times for Christmas:
Christ the King:
Christmas Eve:
First Mass of Christmas and
Carols: 6.00pm
Christmas Day:
Mass of the Day; 10.30am.
All Saints:
Christmas Eve: Carols: 5.30pm
First Mass of Christmas 6.00pm
Christmas Day:
Mass of Dawn 9.30am
Ashbourne Churches
Our next united service will be
held in the Methodist Church on
Sunday, 25th January during
the Week of Prayer for Christian
Unity. Further details from Mary
Sharpe 01335 370 636
This week there is a retiring
collection for the Christmas
Advent Reconciliation
Services in the city:Monday 22nd December St. Mary’s 7:00 p.m.
St. Joseph’s will have extended
Saturday morning confessions
this weekend before Christmas.
Joan Shaw is now in Ivy House,
1 The Green, Mickleover. Please
speak to Fr. John before visiting.
The latest issue of Just Now
from the Diocesan Justice and
Peace Commission is available
online at
Please remember in your prayers the following people who
are sick or housebound:
Kath Armstrong, Irene Bolton, Giovanni Caruso, Fr Tony Colebrook,
Hubert Connell, Fr Peter Coyle, Erika Cundy, Robert Cundy, Fr Hugh
Doherty, Tom Donnelly, Roger Finch, Veronica Gadsby, Bob Ginns,
Jim Hannigan, Monica Hoptroff, Louise Levison, Fr. John Joe Maloney,
Mgr. Jonathan Moore, Mgr Joe Phelan, Pat and Pam O’Donnell, Fr.
Eamonn O’Hara, Joan Shaw, Peter & Yvette Smith, Fr Peter Wade,
Bernie Walker, Mgr. Edward Walker and Ellen Williamson.
May they be comforted and healed.
We remember in prayer our departed brothers and sisters,
especially Olga McGuiness, Bernard Byrne James Cunningham and
all whose anniversaries occur at this time.
May the Lord welcome them with gladness.