ACGC Jr/Sr High School Daily Bulletin


ACGC Jr/Sr High School Daily Bulletin
ACGC 5-12 School Daily Bulletin
Friday, December 19, 2014
Happy Birthday – Emily Naber
Lunch: Chicken Nuggets, Sweet Potato Fries, Peas, Applesauce, Cookie
Tomorrow’s Menu: Hamburger, French Fries, Baked Beans, Peaches
Ala Carte: Hot & Cold Sandwiches, Pizza, Chicken Strips, Soup,
Jumbo Pretzels & Fresh Veggies (Salads upon request by 9:30 A.M.)
Choir Concert – for grades 5-12 will be Friday, December 19 at 2:15 in the theatre
The Junior class will offer an ice cream sundae bar after the choir concert. $3.00 for one, $5.00 for two.
7th and 8th graders should report to their Thursday trimester classes today.
Monday, December 22 will be like a Wednesday.
School is in session next week Monday, 12/22 & Tuesday, 12/23
We are on break Wednesday, 12/24 – Monday, 1/5 – School will resume Tuesday, 1/6
Spelling Bee:
Congratulations to the winners of the Spelling Bee - Brayden Hedtke – 1st place Zach Schultz – 2nd place
Kari Schultz – 3rd place! Regionals will be February 10th in Redwood Falls – Brayden will represent ACGC
Wrestling – V/JV Quadrangular w/ BBE, EV-W, Osakis 5:00 - Round 1 – ACGC vs. EV-W & BBE vs.
Osakis Round 2 – ACGC vs. Osakis & BBE vs. EV-W
Round 3 – ACGC vs. BBE & EV-W vs.
BBB – V/B/C @ Benson B & C squads play at 4:00 – Varsity at 8:00 bus: 2:30 Dismiss players at 2:15
Congratulations to Brody Larson – he was named the West Central Conference Performer of the Week in
Basketball for the week of December 8!
The boys’ locker room will be closed at 3:40 on Friday, Dec. 19th
The girls’ locker room will be closed at 3:40 on Monday, Dec. 22nd
Wrestling sweatshirts and t-shirts for sale, see coach Amsden.
Girls’ basketball – gr 7-8 will have 2 practices before Christmas break – Friday, December 19 & Monday,
December 22 at the elementary gym in Atwater.
Soars Locker room is having a Christmas clothing sale this Friday at the wrestling matches! We’re hoping to
help you finish your holiday shopping!!
Choir News:
Friday is dress-up day for all singers.
On Friday, singers (including 5 & 6 grades) should report to the choir room at 1:45, 30 minutes prior to the
concert at 2:15.
Junior Choir--please make sure you are at the final practice on Thursday during 7th hour. Several members
have not reported to class lately. You are important to our choir.
Candy Grams:
The Junior class will be selling Candy Grams during lunch for $1. Your holiday greetings will be
delivered Tuesday, December 23rd.
Children, parents and staff:
Get a flu shot. Then take the following everyday healthy steps to prevent and reduce the spread of flu:
Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. If soap and water are not
available, use an alcohol-based hand rub. Wash hands and face when you get home from being out and
about – keep germs out of your home.
Drink plenty of water and eat right. Yes, good hydration and good nutrition are germ-busters.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread this way. Skin inside eyes and nose is very tender.
Do not rub eyes or pick nose, bite fingernails or chew on pencils.
Clean and disinfect surfaces or objects. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at home, work or
school, especially when someone is ill.
Stay home when you are sick. If possible, stay home from work, school, community activities and running
errands when you are sick. You will help prevent others from catching your illness. Avoid close contact with
people who are sick.
Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue away after use and
then wash your hands. If tissues are not available, cover your mouth and nose with your sleeve, not your
Media Center News:
Give the Gift of Reading! “Small” Holiday Book Fair...At the High School Media Center Back Room...Open
During School Hours...December 17 - 23
Regular and Special Value Prices...Eye Spy, Minnecraft, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul, Preschool,
Adventure Time, Cookbooks, Book Marks, Christmas Erasers, Cell Phone Erasers and Top Secret UV
New Scholarship available Clean Air Choice Biodiesel Essay Scholarship. online at
Minnesota State University, Mankato is currently waiving new application fees through December 31, 2014.
Yearbook needs your baby pictures by Christmas break (turn in to the nurse’s office). We will scan those and
return the original. Email your Senior pictures to
Attention all musicians, past, present and wanna-bes. The annual playing of the Christmas carols will take
place during the lunch periods on Tuesday, Dec. 23. A practice will be scheduled on Monday the 22nd
right after school for any who requests it, otherwise we "wing it". Contact Bonnie Jans if you would like to
practice or be involved in this gig. thanks, Bonnie