Newsletter - Fairview Moravian Church


Newsletter - Fairview Moravian Church
6550 S il as Cr eek P ark way
W ins t on - Sal em , NC 2 7106
(336) 768 - 5629
www.fa irv i ewmor av ia nc hurc
January 2015
Newsletter Deadline
December 21st, 2014
Inside this issue:
December Birthdays /
W-F News / Youth
Notes from Lewis /
Fairview Friends
Clothes Closet / Shoe
Box Update / Children’s
Christmas Program
October 2014
Treasurer’s Report /
Angel Tree / New Key
for Activity Building
December Calendar
“Journey of Faith” —
E. Artis Weber
E. Artis Weber Cont./
Moravian Mountain
Address Changes /
Greeters / Shut-ins /
Sympathy / Congregational Birthday Party
Special Points of Interest:
Watch Night Service — at
Konnoak Hills Moravian Church
on December 31 st
 Church Council Results — Page 3
 Home Moravian Candle Tea
 Unity Prayer Watch —
Thursday, January 8 th, 8:00 a.m.
to 4:00 p.m.
 Christmas Lovefeast Schedule
Proclaiming the Savior’s Birth
“For to us a child is
born, to us a son is given;
and the government will
be upon his shoulder.
And his name will be
called ‘Wonderful
Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince
of Peace.’” (Isaiah 9:6)
These words of the
prophet Isaiah are
Christmas season as we
welcome the birth of the
Christ-child again into
our hearts. The prophet
predicted the coming of
the Messiah which came
true in the birth of the
baby Jesus in Bethlehem
that first Christmas. The
following poem by Marie
C. Turk elaborates in a
beautiful way on the
power and meaning of
Isaiah’s prophecy.
“Five names were
given Jesus Christ long
centuries before.
He came down from
his throne above to open
heaven’s door.
Isaiah calls him
‘Wonderful’ how well this
prophet knew
His person and his
works of love that he on
earth would do.
And next he calls him
‘Counselor’, ah, this he is
And, oh, how blest we
are today when we his
counsel heed.
‘Mighty God’, yes, he
alone has conquered
death and sin,
And faith in his
atoning blood will heaven
for us win.
‘Everlasting Father’,
yes, this may seem a little
odd -
But with the father,
Christ is one, Redeemer
and true God.
‘Prince of Peace’, how
true this is, the angels
knew it too.
He brought a heavenly peace when he was
born for me and you.
May we remember
these five names and
never once forget
The Savior who was
thus portrayed is still
among us yet.”
Let us proclaim
through word and action
the hope and joy of our
faith this Advent and
Christmas season! May
we celebrate the Wonderful news of the birth of
our Savior by receiving
Him in our hearts anew!
Pastor Scott
Our thanks
to everyone who
helped make our
Holiday Decorations, Chicken
Pie and Bake
Sale a success; to those
who donated holiday
decorations, brought
baked goods, or helped in
other ways, and to those
who came and bought.
The Christmas Party
for the Circles will be
will be on Wednesday,
December 3rd , in the
Fellowship Hall. The
Executive Board will
prepare the meal and the
cost will be $6.00 per
The Women’s
Fellowship will provide
the bows and wreaths for
the lampposts again this
Christmas Projects:
 We will give out treat
bags to the children of the
church and to their
visitors following the
Children’s Christmas
Program on Sunday
morning December
 We have purchased gifts
for two names from the
Angel Tree.
 Gifts were purchased for
the children of prisoners.
Thank you for participating in these projects.
Because of your generosity
there will be some happy
children on Christmas
Our Circle Project for
December is to remember
the Limited Activity
Members in your circles.
Just a reminder that
Page 2
in December
we have two cookbooks
for sale. Our yellow
cookbook is $15.00 and
the green one is $5.00.
They make nice
Christmas gifts.
We also have
chicken pies for sale
for $10.00 each.
Circle Projects in
December: Remember
your Limited Activity
Hospice: Circle 1—
Tuesday, December 9th
Executive Board Meeting:
Monday, December 29th
The Executive Board of
the Women’s Fellowship
wishes you a Merry
Christmas and a Happy
and Blessed New Year!
“Lambs of God” Youth Corner
The youth enjoyed square dancing at New Philadelphia on Sunday
November 16th. The sweatshirt and t-shirt orders can be picked up in the
Parlor. Our shoe boxes were turned in and we are working on visitation
and mailing out cards to our shut-ins.
We participated in the Crop Walk and raised $800.00 . Many thanks
to our Fairview Family for their support of the youth fellowship.
Submitted by Judy Byerly
The 2014 Watch Night Service will be held on Wednesday,
December 31st, 11:00 p.m., at Konnoak Hills Moravian
Church. Kelly and Joe Moore will be bringing the message.
Amelia Hailey
Gertrude Jones,
Linda Overfelt,
Scott Venable
Philip Forkner,
Luke Gray,
Barry King
Jean Lunsford,
Tammy Wright
Corky Flowers,
Carl Sanders,
Peggy Van Horn
Frankie Stith
Chip Butner
Herb Bluhm,
Oneita Dease
Greg Cohoon
Will Hubbard
Rebecca Church
Colton Hubbard
Joshua Hubbard,
Bob Peek
Gay Nell Hutchens,
Marty Martin,
Lavenia Page
Lindsay Tise
Al Butner
Kathy King
January 2015
Billie Minish
Nancy Davis
Earlette Peek
We continue to look for a volunteer, individual, or group to provide and serve a light meal for the choir members,
band members, and dieners that participate in both of our Christmas Eve Lovefeasts. The menu is chosen by the person(s)
who provide the meal.
We’ve had a donation from Jacque Joyce to help toward the cost of this meal. If you would be willing to help prepare
and serve, give a monetary gift, or have questions and need more details, please contact Bob and Bonnie Sparrow at 7935393.
Page 3
Notes from Lewis
Our Chancel Choir is
hard at work putting the
“finishing touches” on our
Christmas cantata, Noel
Celebration, by Cindy Berry.
We will again combine with
the choir from Liberty United
Methodist Church in
Mocksville and will once
again be accompanied by a
string quintet from the
University of North Carolina
School of the Arts. The
cantata will be presented on
Sunday, December 14th at
3:30PM here at Fairview and
at 7:00PM at Liberty.
I hope that you will make
attending the cantata a priority among your busy holiday
schedules. Also, please invite
your family and friends to
attend with you. There will
be posters available in the
vestibule of the sanctuary for
the next several Sundays.
Please take these and put
them up in grocery stores,
restaurants, and other public
places around town. We will
also have bulletin inserts on
November 30th and December 7th that you can use as a
personal invitation to someone. Remember, YOU are
our best publicity!
There are many people if
you ask them what their favorite Christmas carol is
would quickly respond Silent
Night, Holy Night. Pastor
Scott shared an article with
me about this beloved Christmas carol. Many of us know
the story about a young Austrian priest named Joseph
Mohr writing the six stanza
poem in 1816. He decided
two years later that he wanted
to have the poem sung at the
Christmas Eve service at his
church. He went to his
friend, Franz Gruber, and
asked him to write a musical
arrangement so they could
sing it that night. Gruber
did just that and on Christmas Eve, 1818 he and Mohr
sang Stille Nacht in the midnight mass. The story goes
that it was accompanied by a
guitar because the organ was
broken. This probably wasn’t the case because it was
very common for music in
the Austrian Christmas Eve
mass to be of a folk variety.
Have you ever wondered about the title of this
carol? Do we really think
that the night Jesus was born
was a silent night? Childbirth is rarely a quiet affair!
I don’t know whether sheep
make noise at night, but I’m
fairly certain that a “great
company of the heavenly
host” saying “Glory to God
in the highest” would fill the
countryside with wonderful
noise! We actually find a
clue in the carol’s second
phrase, “holy night.” In the
presence of holiness, sometimes we are gripped by
stunned silence. This night
was set apart from other
nights because, for the first
time in history, the holy God
was physically present on
earth in human form.
So often our Christmas
celebrations are anything but
silent. If we take time to retreat from the commotion, if
we allow ourselves to consider
the mystery of the Incarnation, if we imagine what it
would have been like to join
the shepherds at the manger,
then perhaps we will hear in a
new way the prophet Habakkuk’s call to silence: “the
Lord is in his holy feeding
trough; let all the earth be
silent before him, with
awestruck wonder and humble
Fairview Friends Fellowship Schedule
Thursday, December 18th, 3:30PM
We will leave from the lower parking lot and travel to Denton for the “Country Christmas Train” at Denton Farmpark.
Tickets are $9.00 each if we have a group of 15 or more. With your paid admission you will take a lighted walking tour
through the General Store and Grist Mill to view arts and crafts; stop by and visit the church to hear the story of “Silent
Night” and join in with a few Christmas carols to put you in the Christmas spirit; pay a visit with Santa Claus and of
course ride the Handy Dandy Railroad to see a brief Nativity movie along the way as you enjoy the lights around the park.
Vendors will be present selling food and homemade crafts. All food, souvenir and craft purchases are an additional cost.
Tickets must be paid for in advance. The deadline to sign up and pay Billie Minish is Sunday, December 14th.
Results from Church Council on Sunday, November 16th
We want to thank the Nominating Committee members, Ken Hauser, Pat Sapp, Bill Yokley, Cindy Morgan, and
Danny Flowers for their hard work this year. Below are the Church Council results:
Elected to serve a two-year term on the Board of Elders: Marty Martin and Carolyn Neal
Elected to serve a four-year term as Central Elder: Marshall Mathers
Elected to serve a two-year term on the Board of Trustees: Ruth Freeman and Ken Tomberlin
Elected to serve a two-year term as Regional Council of Churches Representative: Gwen Shields
We want to thank Marty Martin and Cleo Weems for serving on the Board of Elders; Dick Joyce and Ruth Freeman for
serving on the Board of Trustees; and Dorcas Hauser for serving as Fairview’s RCC Representative.
Page 4
Joy to Fairview Moravian Church!
Many thanks to those of you who have made generous donations to our Amazing Grace Clothes Closet! We were
able to serve 10 families on November 8th, 2014, thanks to your giving! The word is apparently spreading in the
community about our Clothes Closet ministry and we hope to reach out and help more folks who are in need. I wish
each of you could be there to see the smiles on the faces of the folks who are helped and hear the verbal expressions of
gratitude! We are giving people the opportunity and choice to donate as well in hopes of helping them to feel they are also
giving back and to encourage positive self -worth. For the first time since we opened, we were able to help children and we
had two little special ones there. One little girl took a stuffed animal for herself and on her own decided to take one for
her infant sister. Hopefully we are teaching others to give as well, even when they do not have much!
A special thanks to our volunteers for being there faithfully on Saturday and to all others who have been and
continue to be helpful to our mission. We could not make this happen without each of YOU!
Our next opening will be on Saturday, December 6th, 2014, 8:00 a.m. to Noon. We have lots of toys and goodies for
Smiles and blessings to you,
Kathy King, Clothes Closet Coordinator
Thanks to your
giving spirit we provided
122 Shoe Boxes filled
with gifts for underprivileged children.
Our effort to reach
out to children in need,
with gifts for Christmas,
gives them an opportunity
to hear about Jesus
Our gifts are temporary, but the gift of the
knowledge of Jesus is
We cannot change all
the injustices in the
world, only the ones we
respond to.
We hope that you will
celebrate the success of
this endeavor as we strive
to be the hands and feet
of Jesus.
May all that w e do
and say and live be a
witness, be a prayer, and
be a celebration.
Pat Sapp
OCC Coordinator
Special Events and
Outreach Committee
"Just a Little Christmas" by Sharon Kay Chatwell
Sunday, December 14th — 11:15 a.m.
The props are ready and so are our children and youth! They have been practicing very
hard during Sunday School each week for this special Christmas Program.
We will not have Sunday School on this day so that everyone will have the opportunity to
join them in the Fellowship Hall at 11:15 a.m. on December 14th!!
Home Moravian Church Candle Tea Schedule
On behalf of the
Women’s Fellowship of
Home Moravian Church,
you are invited to the
opening night of their
Candle Tea on
Wednesday, December 3rd
from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Funds from the Tea
benefit local and
international charitable
After opening night,
the Tea will be open to
the general public on the
following schedule:
Thursdays, December 4th
and 11th and Fridays,
December 5th and 12th
from 1:00 to 8:30 p.m.
Saturdays, December 6th
and 13th from 11:30 a.m.
to 8:30 p.m.
Candle Tea is held in
the Single Brothers’
House, 600 South Main
Street, corner of Main and
Academy Streets, Old
Admission at
the Door:
Adults $5
Children 12 &
under $1
Page 5
New Key for Activity Building…
The Board of Trustees has recently changed the entrance key to the Activity Building. If you need to get into the Activity
Building, please go by the office during office hours to check out a key. If you feel the need to permanently have a key,
please talk to Robert Rascoe or Danny Ferguson and they will let the office know.
All of the Angels have been taken from the Angel Tree! Thank you for supporting
the Angel Tree project again this year. Remember...all gifts should be returned to the
church by Tuesday, December 2nd so The Salvation Army can come by to pick them up!
Place your gifts under the Angel Tree.
Thank you for making Christmas exciting for a special child this year!
Reminder about Fairview’s Weather Policy
In the event of inclement weather on Sundays, please watch WXII-TV or turn your radio to WSJS for
cancellation announcements. It will be called in as early as possible. On Wednesdays, if the WinstonSalem Forsyth County School system is closed, we will not have our Wednesday programs.
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Page 7
This is the first of a new monthly series for the Fairview newsletter. We will be featuring members
of our congregation and their lifetime journeys of faith. Our first journey features Elizabeth Wright
Weber and her life-long mission of service to our church and to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Born on August 20, 1921, Elizabeth Wright Weber (E. Artis) was the sixth of eight children born
to Burgess (Bert) and Bessie Wright. Two of her brothers, William (Bill), Woodrow (Woody), have now
passed on as have two of her sisters, Catherine and Violet Claire, both of whom died when they were
young children. She has one living brother, Bynum Wright. Like E. Artis, her other two sisters, Evelyn
and Doris Gray (DG), have been and continue to be loyal Fairview Moravians.
“E. Artis” is not really Elizabeth Wright Weber’s given name. It seems that an aunt, whose
maiden name was Artis, hand wrote “Artis” onto E’s birth certificate. Somehow, the name stuck, and
she has been called E. Artis ever since.
The Wright children grew up in Winston-Salem, first at 1221, then at 1225 Twenty-First Street. E. Artis was born into
Fairview, which makes her a cradled Fairview Moravian. She was christened (infant baptism) and confirmed at the old Fairview
Church on Liberty Street. She was loved and nurtured by the Fairview congregation, and her singing at Fairview is legendary. In
fact, to this very day, she remains one of the most loyal church members ever. She fondly recalls the early years at old Fairview and
all of the great people and the wonderful times she had there. She even remembers the times at old Fairview when, as children, she
along with Chris and Herbert Weber would climb into the dumb waiter and ride up and down.
When I asked E. what brought her to love music so much, she recalled the pump organ in the hallway of her home place, and
her mother playing it and singing hymns. E. Artis caught on quickly. She was a natural and singing felt like a calling to her. First,
she sang in the junior choir at Fairview, then later in the youth choir. For several years, she even sang in the choirs of two Sunday
morning worship services – first at Fairview at 10:00 a.m., then at Burkhead Methodist at 11:00 a.m., which was ten minutes away.
E. Artis attended Fairview Elementary, Old North, New North, and Hanes Junior High School. She graduated from R. J.
Reynolds High School in 1938. Although she wanted to be a nurse, instead, with the help of Fairview’s minister, Reverend E.C.
Helmich, she took a job with an optometrist, Dr. Matt Miller. She worked there during the war years where she learned to manage
an office and even how to grind lenses. Also, during this time, E. attended Greensboro College as she worked toward her college
Next, she worked in the office of the Dean of Women at Wake Forest College while continuing her college studies. In time, E.
Artis graduated from Wake Forest, receiving her BA degree with a double major in German and History.
Her popularity as a vocalist continued to grow. Frequently she received calls to sing at weddings, funerals, and other events at
many different churches throughout the community. Over the years, she also sang in a variety of college glee clubs and choruses,
including those at Wake Forest, Duke, and Greensboro College. With a broad smile on her face, E. Artis said, “I would just sing
all over.” And indeed she did. A time came when she was invited to be a paid soloist at Temple Emmanuel, the Jewish synagogue
in Winston Salem. She delighted in singing there for the next 20 years.
During this time, not only did her avocation as a vocalist flourish, but also, her professional career took a major bounce when
she was offered the position of Dean of Admissions at Salem Academy. She served in that capacity for the next twenty years,
interviewing young women applicants and also overseeing the Alumnae Society. Also, she found time to travel. Once, she even
went alone to Saudi Arabia representing Salem Academy. Other travels took her throughout much of the world, including most of
Europe as well as Russia, Turkey, Africa, Italy, Greece, Australia, New Zealand, Egypt, and the Holy Land. On several occasions,
she visited Herrnhut, Germany which is considered the mother community of the Moravian Church.
Even with her busy schedule, over the years, E. Artis’ singing continued to be a major part of her life. She sang in the Great
Sabbath Service, the Messisah Chorus, the Oratorio Society service, the Moramus Chorale, and others too numerous to name.
In addition, E. Artis was inspired to become what might be called a Moravian poet laureate. She has written the poetic text for
over 950 religious hymns, including the hymn, “In Essentials, Let Us Be United,” which is found at page 397 in our current Moravian
Hymnal. Another of her many hymns is entitled, “Salt of the Earth Are We,” which was performed in Herrnhut, Germany at the
opening session of the 2008 Moravian Women’s Consultation. E. Artis was quietly excited about this honor because she knows
that this hymn will still be preserved in some archive somewhere until the day that the Lord comes and meets us.
In 1982, E. Artis married her longtime friend, the Reverend Herbert Weber who was also a cradled Fairview Moravian. They
moved to Charlotte where Herbert was the minister at Little Church on the Lane. E. Artis was active in the church and sang in the
church choir. She and Herbert found the time for many more travels.
(Continued on Page 8)
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(Continued from Page 7)
As icing on the cake, she was once honored to host Maria Von Trapp, the real Maria depicted in the famous musical,
“The Sound of Music,” on a tour of Salem Academy and Old Salem. Also, she became personal friends with Herbert’s college
roommate from UNC, the renowned Andy Griffith, and with Herbert’s friend George Hamilton IV.
Finally, after twenty years, Herbert retired from the ministry, and they moved back to Winston Salem, back to their
point of origin, and back to Fairview, now having made the full circle. Living at Salemtowne, they stayed very active with
church activities and had a wonderful life together. Then, sadly and very suddenly, on February 3rd, 2006, after a full and
meaningful career, Herbert passed away.
Today, E. enjoys her many friends and remains active at Fairview. Perhaps her most loyal friend is Fairview Moravian,
Betty Hobbs. For 56 years, Betty and E. Artis have been there for each other through thick and thin. E. Artis calls their
relationship a true blessing and treasures the close bond that they share.
I asked E. Artis what sparked her great faith in Jesus and the Christian life to which she has been so dedicated since she
was just a little girl. Her reply was profound. She said that it began with her infant baptism at Fairview. “The congregation
takes a vow that they will help raise a child in the fear and in the admonition of the Lord. It becomes part of their
congregational duty. The Fairview congregation and the church were as much part of me as was my family. My faith in
Jesus Christ was forever instilled in me at that time and continues to this day.”
As I listened, I thought of the way that this little spark generated by the love of God and by the faith of the Fairview
congregation had led this little girl’s life to shine brightly and become a brilliant light for Jesus Christ for almost an entire
What an honor it has been for me to interview this great lady. She’s not just a legend at Fairview, but she is a Christian
role model for the world. Elizabeth Wright Weber – we love you!
Moravian Mountain Christmas — December 5th - 7th, 2014
Start a new family
tradition this year at
Moravian Mountain
Christmas at Laurel
Ridge! Stay the entire
weekend or join them for
a day. Friday night, there
will be a Bingo game with
cookies and cider served.
Saturday will be filled
with activities like craft
making for families,
sounds of the
season by
musical talents including
the Junior Appalachian
Musicians, and there will
be lots of vendors on
hand to offer you the
opportunity to purchase
that special gift you’ve
been looking for.
Other festive
You are invited to a Candle Tea and Craft/Bake Sale at
Ardmore Moravian Church on Thursday, December
4th. Tours will begin every 15 minutes with the first tour
at 5:00 p.m. and the last tour at 8:00. They will also
have a Moravian Craft Demonstration — Putz. No
admission fee!
throughout the
mountainside, a Kids
Corner where they’ll hear
great stories of the
season, a Family
Gingerbread House
Creating Contest, and a
special appearance by
Santa Claus on Saturday
morning! They will have
a Sunday morning service
that will be followed by a
time of fellowship at
You may go by the
Parlor to pick up a flyer
about this exciting
weekend! To find out
more or to register, go to
2015 Watchwords
On Sunday, December 28th during worship, we will
choose individual and Fairview’s Watchword for 2015. If
you ae not present and would like to have a Watchword,
please call Janet in the church office.
Unity Prayer Watch
Thursday, January 8th — 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The Southern Province is participating in the worldwide Moravian Church Unity Prayer Watch in 2015.
Fairview will take part in this prayerful tradition between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, January
8th, 2015. Mark your calendars and plan to take a 15-minute time slot to pray for special requests that are
provided for you. A sign-up sheet will be in the Parlor on Sundays, December 14th, 2014, through January
4th, 2015, or until the time slots are full. The sign-up sheet will also be circulated through our Sunday
School classes. Thank you for taking time to pray for these special requests.
Page 9
Susan Sugg Burcham
(931) 220-6963
Jacque Joyce
2000 Salemtowne Drive, #121
Winston-Salem, NC 27106
New Phone Numbers:
Jimmy Lemons
Dee Lemons
Remember Our Members in Assisted Living
and Nursing Facilities
Brighton Gardens
Walter Tuttle - #353
Elms at Tanglewood
Emma Hubbard - #243
(336) 907-0120
(336) 708-4647
Annual Congregational Birthday Party
Saturday, January 10th, 2015
5:30 p.m. — Fellowship Hall
We will have delicious food and a birthday
cake for each month of the year! Be sure to
put this date on your calendar and plan to
come have a fun-filled evening with other
Fairview members! Snow date will be
Saturday, January 17th.
Sponsored by the Outreach & Special Events Committee
October 2014
Sunnyside Ministry Report
Independence Village
Lena Brann - #105
Oak Forest Rehab Center
Bob Van Horn - #408
Salem Terrace Assisted Living
Geneva Wilson - #511
Salemtowne Health Care
Dorothy Andrews - #117
Jacque Joyce - #121
Genoise Judd - #217
Salemtowne Assisted Living
Mary Bodenhamer - #3329
Limited Activity:
Monetary Gifts ............................ $ 85.00
Monetary from Jewelry Sales ....... $429.00
Total ................................... $514.00
Tootie Barbour; Peggy Bradford; Victor Cannon;
Hazel Coleman; Melvin and Betty Fulp; Norwood and
Henrietta Green; Sam Hardister, Jr.; Sam Hardister III;
June Highsmith; Doug Ivester; Gertrude Jones; Margie
Kane; Ann and David Marcus; Gene Martin; Frances
McGee; Lavenia Page; Ruby Pulliam; Rick Reheis; Pat
Thomason; Peg Van Horn, Evelyn Wright, and Helen
Sunnyside especially needs peanut butter, saltine crackers, dry pasta, standard items, and soup. Volunteers are
needed! If you have three hours a week to volunteer,
give Sunnyside a try! Call Susan Rodiger at 724-7558 or
simply ask Billie Minish for information.
The congregation expresses its sympathy to…
Canned Food ............................. 53
Miscellaneous Food Pkgs. .......... 11
David and Terri Barringer
Oneita Dease and Amy Mendenhall
Bob and Lillie Mae Joyce
Barry and Kathy King
Elder of the Month: Bill Shields
Trustee of the Month: Robert Rascoe
Stranger’s Graveyard Volunteer: Bill Wright
...Kathy and Barry King and Bill and Robin Yokley
upon the death of Kathy and Bill’s mother, Violet
Yokley, on November 14th, in Walnut Cove, NC.
...Opal Miller and Judy and John Snyder upon the
death of Opal’s daughter and Judy’s sister, Joyce Miller
Holton, on November 25th, in Cooleemee, NC.
The congregation was saddened by the death of one of
our members, Julian Stith, on November 20th. We
express our sympathy to Phil and Frankie Stith,
Harold Stith, and the extended Stith family.
Decorating Fairview for Christmas
On Saturday, December 6th, at 9:00 a.m. we will be putting up the tree and decorating the Sanctuary for
Christmas. If you would be willing to help, just come to the Sanctuary at 9:00 the morning of the 6th.
Non-Profit Organization
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Winston-Salem NC
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Fairview Moravian Church
6550 Silas Creek Parkway
Winston-Salem NC 27106
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The word of the Lord endures forever.
1 Peter 1:25
December 2014 Newsletter
Fairview Moravian Church
Office: (336) 768-5629
Kitchen: (336) 768-1958
Fax: (336) 768-5637
Christmas Candlelight
Lovefeast Schedule
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Friday: 9:00 a.m. to Noon
Staff & Ministry Areas of Fairview
Rev. Scott Venable, Pastor (682-4635)
Lewis Phillips, Music Director/Pastoral Assistant
Janet Robbins, Administrative Assistant
Dena Todd, Treasurer
Robert Rascoe, Chair of Trustees
Danny Ferguson, Vice-Chair of Trustees
Amy Mendenhall, Vice-Chair of Elders
Robah Ogburn, Band Director
Nancy Morgan, Pianist
Sunday, December 21st at 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, December 24th at
2:00 and 5:00 p.m.
Band Prelude begins 45 minutes
prior to each service