December 2014 - WellSouth Primary Health Network


December 2014 - WellSouth Primary Health Network
Primary Health Network
Hauora Matua Ki Te Tonga
December 2014
From the Chief Executive
The AGM of Southern PHO for the year
ending 30 June 2014 was held after the
Board meeting on 26 November.
Amanda McCracken was re-elected as
Nursing Representative to the Board, and
Paul Menzies was re-appointed as the
SDHB representative on the Board.
The Annual Report 2013-14 and 201314 Financial Statements were adopted.
made on improving health pathways,
outlined in more detail in this issue.
The 2013-14 Annual Report presented
at WellSouth’s locality meetings in
November was well received. The new
WellSouth brand and logo were also
supported and there were enthusiastic
reports back from practice staff on the
value and usability of Patient Dashboard
and Dr INFO IT products.
the IT changes further on.
We look forward to continuing this work
with practices next year.
It’s been a busy year for us as we have
progressed these changes and increased
the level of support to practices
where they need it most, particularly
in supporting diabetes and long term
condition management. The positive
feedback on these services indicate this
is welcomed by practices in Otago and
Southland. Good progress has also been
I’d like to thank WellSouth’s Board, staff
and all of our practice providers across
the region – we appreciate your hard
work and dedication. I wish you and your
families a safe and happy Holiday Season.
To see the Southern PHO Annual Report
2013-14 visit or
contact Julianne Coppola for a hard copy
on 03 477 1163
IT Update: Electronic Request Management
System (ERMS)
ERMS rollout within all Otago and
Southland PHN practices has begun,
starting with the pre-install of ERMS
software certificates in practices.
ERMS is a Pegasus development already
provided to the rest of the South Island
through the DHBs to speed up and secure
the efficient transfer of patient data. This
is the first step to moving to a full endto-end electronic referral system, which
will replace the part electronic and part
physical system previously managed by
Southlink Health and now WellSouth. It
will provide greater security and reliability
for patient referrals than in the past.
Primary Health Network
Hauora Matua Ki Te Tonga
The pre-install began on December 1.
Practices will be required to provide an
IT resource either remotely or on-site to
install the certificate on both the local
server and each individual desk top
computer and laptop used by clinicians. A
WellSouth representative will be in touch
to arrange a time to make the installation
at each practice, which is estimated to be
around 20 minutes.
Thank you for your on-going support.
If you need more information or have any
concerns, please contact:
WellSouth Primary Health Services
Manager Kaylene Holland
The lead time for completion is different for
each PMS but we will be working alongside
all vendors to achieve regional coverage.
ERMS currently supports Medtech and
MyPractice. Houston is in development and
Pegasus will develop Profile.
Level 1, 333 Princes St
P O Box 218, Dunedin
WellSouth health targets on track
WellSouth has exceeded most of the
health targets agreed with the DHB for
the first quarter of 2014/15.
Four of the five Integrated Performance
and Incentive Framework (IPIF) measures
in the first quarter of 2014/15 have
been reached, and WellSouth are
close to achieving the fifth – increased
immunisation for eight-month-olds.
Particularly pleasing was that the health
targets for increased immunisation for
two-year-olds and cervical screening
measures exceeded the national target.
immunisation, 31st for helping smokers
to quit and 32nd for heart and diabetes
Providers or individuals with suggestions
or ideas to achieve the CVD and smoking
targets are invited to contact WellSouth.
Nationally, WellSouth is ranked
13th amongst PHO’s for increased
Health Target/IPIF transition measures
Result Q1%
PHO Target Q1%
National Target %
PHO Target achieved?
More heart and diabetes checks
Better help for smokers to quit – primary care
Increased immunisation for eight-month-olds
Increased immunisation for two-year-olds
Cervical screening
Alliance South: Health Pathways
Alliance South is the collaborative effort
between WellSouth and Southern DHB
to improve primary and secondary
Underpinning much of its work is “Health
Pathways”, the clinician-led initiative to
streamline and standardise the transition
of patients from primary practice to
hospital care. Following the model of
other South Island DHBs, Southern
clinicians have been working for the
past 12 months to draft pathways that
suit local health services and Southern
clinical indicators for referral and how that
condition is managed.
“Health Pathways” in the Southern
Region is gaining momentum, with 86
pathways confirmed and major areas
such as diabetes now being tackled. One
example of how Health Pathways can
work to provide more convenient care for
patients is the cellulitis pathway, which is
planned to launch in February 2015. It
will enable GPs to continue to care for
patients in the community and receive
funding for it.
By clarifying this process and improving
the way some conditions are managed,
Health Pathways has been successful
in reducing unnecessary referrals and
assisting GPs in managing patients
expectations, as well as having significant
flow on effects such as helping reduce
medical admission rates, re-admission
rates, and elective surgery waiting times.
Health Pathways only offers referral
guidelines, not protocols; as not every
individual circumstance can be mapped
out. Instead, the benefit of Health
Pathways in many cases, is that GPs will
be able to access clear information about
Please contact Dr Keith Abbott at
WellSouth for more information on health
username: health, password: p1thw1ys
WellSouth Health Checks for Builders
WellSouth & Master Builders Association
recently teamed up to provide free health
checks to Southland Master Builders
Association members over two days in
WellSouth’s clinical staff provided
comprehensive health checks to over 50
men, including blood pressure, blood
sugar and cholesterol checks; vision and
hearing tests; and healthy lifestyle advice
including dietary and stop smoking
support where/when appropriate. It was
a great opportunity to talk to each builder
about their test results (which were
available immediately), and to discuss
Primary Health Network
Hauora Matua Ki Te Tonga
potential risk factors to their future health.
Anyone who had results requiring further
follow up were given a voucher to visit
their GP for further testing and treatment.
Many workplaces are seeing the value in
supporting the wellbeing of their staff.
WellSouth clinical staff supporting this
workplace motivation is positive for
everyone. It is proving a great way to
check on the health of a group of people
who may not see their doctor often.
Health checks not only identify potential
health issues such as cardiovascular
disease and diabetes, but also help
educate people on healthy lifestyle
options. It’s the ambulance at the top
of the cliff approach which is a direction
WellSouth wholeheartedly supports.
If you would like to arrange WellSouth
to provide health checks for your
business please contact kaylene.holland@”
Level 1, 333 Princes St
P O Box 218, Dunedin
Very Low Cost Access Service for Invercargill
WellSouth has approved the
establishment of a Very Low Cost
Access (VLCA) GP practice by Nga Kete
Matauranga Pounamu (NKMP) Charitable
Named He Puna Waiora – Wellness
Centre, it will target Māori, Pacific and
other high needs population groups in
The pilot demonstrated that Invercargill
needs greater access to GP services for at
risk/high need Māori and Pacific Island
population groups and for people living
in high deprivation areas (dep 9-10 areas)
who are struggling with the impact of
poverty, job loss, debt management and
poor health/living conditions.
NKMP, founded 14 years ago, is a
well-respected not-for-profit kaupapa
Māori provider delivering a range of
health services that will compliment and
support the VLCA GP practice. NKMP is
an accredited ISO Quality Management
System, NZ H&DSS and is an accredited
WellSouth provider.
WellSouth and NKMP believe He Puna
Waiora will meet a strong need, enabling
effective engagement with Māori,
Pacific and other high needs population
groups in Invercargill. WellSouth Chief
Executive Ian Macara has welcomed
the opportunity to work with Nga Kete
Matauranga Pounamu to assist with the
health of the high needs community in
NKMP already provides a nursing service
five days a week and has been piloting a
GP clinic (self-funding one day per week)
over the last six months.
He Puna Waiora will be completed on
January 9 and open on 2 February 2015.
Limited GP services are now available, on
Mondays & Wednesdays. Enrolments are
being accepted now.
He Puna Waiora – Wellness Centre
Nga Kete Matauranga Pounamu
92 Spey Street
Phone 0800 925 242 or 03 21 45 260
fb: Nga Kete Matauranga Pounamu
A Successful Health Promotion Day
portion sizes.
The event was a great opportunity to
outline WellSouth services, with several
people taking away health education
resources, discussing concerns about
family members and friends and signing
up to programmes run by the Long Term
Conditions Team.
There are three smoothie bikes available
for hire in Otago and Southland that are
also used at community events.
For bookings, contact
Louise Thompson at WellSouth
Sophie Carty
WellSouth was part of a successful
promotional day to increase Community
awareness of diabetes in the Golden
Centre Mall in Dunedin, alongside
organisations including the Edgar Centre,
Diabetes and Obesity Research, Green
Prescription and Diabetes NZ.
The finger prick station, run by our
community diabetes Nurse Marryllyn
Primary Health Network
Hauora Matua Ki Te Tonga
Donaldson, was extremely popular as
was the smoothie bike; people were able
to earn a free smoothie as long as they
pedalled against resistance to power the
blender on the back! This was a great
tool to enable Amy Lowry (Community
Diabetes Dietitian) and Sophie Carty
(Health Promotion Coordinator) to
have discussions with people about
carbohydrate consumption, exercise and
Marryllyn Donaldson
Amy Lowry
Level 1, 333 Princes St
P O Box 218, Dunedin
Triage Meter Welcomed by Ranfurly Practice
The Ranfurly Medical Practice is one of
the rural practices to take up WellSouth’s
offer of point of care assistance.
Triage Meters have been offered to five
rural/remote practices throughout Otago
and Southland to support access to
diagnostic testing, following a successful
pilot programme in Te Anau earlier in the
year. The objective of this is to generate
a result quickly so that appropriate
treatment can be implemented.
Ranfurly now have the Alere Triage
MetrePro in service, after some training,
with GP Verne Smith noting it’s a good
example of how the PHO is really trying
to put resources into primary health,
to save congestion and extra costs in
secondary health.
"This will be a great tool to help
differentiate some urgent vs non-urgent
cases, potentially saving patient's time and
anxiety, and the health system money,”
he said.
Looking After Yourself
WellSouth Brief Intervention Service in Southland is presently bringing together information on Mental Health Services and
guidelines on looking after yourself, particularly to help patients while they are waiting for an appointment from their referral service.
There will be promotional material, a website and electronic tools available in the New Year.
Caring for the body and mind can really help no matter what mental health issue you, your whanau or your patient may be struggling
with - the following are some useful tips to help:
• Get back to basics - Get enough sleep. Be physically active and set reasonable limits on the time spent watching TV, using social
media or playing electronic games.
• Manage stress
Some ideas for stress management include:
o Distraction, more attention away from the stress for a little while.
o Listen to music or just do something enjoyable.
o Relaxation and mindfulness; consciously relax muscles and focus on breathing deeply.
o Calm the mind by trying to let go of thoughts and focusing on the moment.
o Yoga practice, focus on body postures and breathing.
o Pacing yourself with what needs doing, setting small, achievable goals.
• Ask for help and support. It’s much easier to cope if you have support from friends and family and there are many organisations
that can also help. Encourage your support people to also seek help if they are getting stressed.
• Get informed - There are many informative books and videos available and excellent websites that can assist. Be cautious though –
only look at reputable sites and avoid chat lines.
• Prepare for the first appointment - Consider keeping a journal - see The Journal, presented by John Kirwan
There are many support services available in the community – contact WellSouth for more information.
Sheryl Shipley, Clinical Team Leader, Psychologist, WellSouth Brief Intervention Service, Southland
Ph 03 214 6436 or 027 262 5510
Brief Intervention Otago: 0800 110 125
WellSouth is offering one lucky Pulse reader a
Christmas gift pack
Email the answer to the following questions to by 9 January
What are the WellSouth Holiday season hours?
How many WellSouth smoothie bikes are available for use?
Primary Health Network
Hauora Matua Ki Te Tonga
Level 1, 333 Princes St
P O Box 218, Dunedin
Health Promotion
The importance of alcohol screening and brief intervention
There is resounding evidence
demonstrating the effectiveness of
alcohol screening and brief intervention
in influencing patients to reduce or
moderate their drinking. For example,
a Cochrane Review with over 7000
participants found that brief intervention
within the time-frame of a standard
consultation lowered patients’ alcohol
Screening for alcohol consumption among
patients in primary care provides many
potential benefits including:
• An opportunity to educate patients
about low-risk consumption levels and
the risks of excessive alcohol use.
• Information about the amount and
frequency of alcohol consumption which
may inform the diagnosis of the patient’s
presenting condition.
• It may alert clinicians to the need
to advise patients whose alcohol
consumption might adversely affect their
use of medications and other aspects of
their treatment.
• It provides an opportunity for
practitioners to take preventive measures
that have proven effective in reducing
alcohol-related risks.
The AUDIT tool (Alcohol Use Disorder
Identification Test), on which the
Alcohol ABC module is based has been
developed and evaluated over two
decades for use in the primary care
setting. It has been found to provide an
accurate measure of risk across gender,
age and cultures. AUDIT-C – a three
question, truncated version of the full
AUDIT questionnaire, but still with good
sensitivity and specificity, is the first step
in screening and can identify patients with
at risk drinking as well as those who are
alcohol dependent. This is particularly
important given that most alcoholrelated harm is caused by excessive
drinkers whose consumption exceeds
recommended drinking levels but do
not have severe alcohol dependency
problems. The AUDIT tool will be
available on Patient Dashboard from 1
March 2015.
More information about training and
the implementation of Alcohol ABC in
practices will be provided in coming Pulse
If you have any questions about the
upcoming Alcohol ABC module please
WellSouth Health Promotion Coordinator
Katie Jahnke
03 477 1163
New resources available supporting those who wish to change the way they drink
The Health Promotion Agency has recently
released a set of six new resources ideal
for use in primary care called Alcohol
and Your Health. These cover a range of
things, including a resource for health
professionals with advice on how to help
their clients once a drinking problem has
been identified.
There are also resources to help people
assess their personal drinking status, cut
down on their drinking, or to cope with
relapses. A resource for concerned family
members and friends is also available to
help them support those they know who
drink to hazardous levels.
Available for free at:
The resources cover:
• Helping with problem drinking
• Concerned about someone's drinking?
• Maintaining the change
• Stopping drinking
• Cutting down
• Is your drinking okay?
Helping mothers and families give their babies a good start in life
Exposing children to healthy food from
a young age has strong links to reduced
rates of obesity and chronic health
conditions in adulthood. Starting babies
on solids is an extremely important time
for the development of taste preferences,
appetite regulation and family eating
Mel Archer, a qualified nutritionist (BSc in
Human Nutrition, PGDipDiet) and trained
breastfeeding peer supporter is running a
starting solids class that covers when and
Primary Health Network
Hauora Matua Ki Te Tonga
how to introduce solid food, and which
foods are both healthy and appropriate to
feed babies. Children will get a chance to
try some basic first foods in the classes
(bibs not provided).
Where: Classes are at The Early Years Hub,
158 Oxford St, Dunedin
When: on the last Monday of each month
Time: 10am to 12.30pm
Charge: $5 per baby/child
To book, or for more information email:
Level 1, 333 Princes St
P O Box 218, Dunedin
WellSouth holiday season hours
All WellSouth Offices will be closed from midday on 24 December 2014, reopening for business on 5 January 2015. A WellSouth
staff member will be available over the entire holiday period to response to urgent practice queries. Phone 0800 477 117.
Brief Intervention Service
While Brief Intervention Service referrals will be triaged according to priority, limited staff will be available to meet with patients from
the middle of December throughout January, as a result of the office closure and need for staff to take annual leave. Could you please
ensure that you advise the person that you are referring of this delay.
If you have an urgent need for support, please refer your patient to your local Community Mental Health Service or the Emergency
Psychiatric Service after hours.
The Emergency Psychiatric Service number is 0800 467 846.
Have a safe and happy holiday period!
Language Line Service Christmas and New Year hours
Wednesday 24 December 2014 (Christmas Eve)
Thursday 25 December 2014 (Christmas Day)
Friday 26 December 2014 (Boxing Day)
Saturday 27 December 2014 9:00am – 5:00pm
Monday 29 December 2014
Tuesday 30 December 2014
Wednesday 31 December 2014 (New Year’s Eve)
Thursday 1 January 2015 (New Year’s Day)
Friday 2 January 2015
Saturday 3 January 2015
9:00am – 5:00pm
9:00am – 5:00pm
9:00am – 5:00pm
Monday 5 January 2015
Normal hours 9:00am – 6pm
Locum requirements
Ochre Recruitment NZ has doctors available for locum work in the lead up to Christmas - let them know ASAP if cover is required.
They are also interested in hearing about locum requirements in the new year – it’s never too soon to book in cover.
Email or call on 0800 4 62473 (0800 4 OCHRE) to discuss.
Sarah Clausen, WellSouth’s Accounts Technician direct dial number is 03 474 2672.
We welcome your feedback and your story ideas.
Email: Julianne Coppola
Phone: 03 477 1163
WellSouth, Level 1, 333 Princes St, P O Box 218. Dunedin 9016
Primary Health Network
Hauora Matua Ki Te Tonga
Level 1, 333 Princes St
P O Box 218, Dunedin