Newsletter December 2014
Newsletter December 2014
FAITH FLAME 2014 Faith’s Mission Statement We are Faith Lutheran Church, members of the Body of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit calls us today to share God’s love and grace for your life through worship, study, fellowship and service. Church Office - (561) 848-4737 Transition Pastor - Rev. Ken Fuehler Music Director - Dr. David McCalla Contemporary Music Director - Janet Cunningham Pre-School - (561) 848-4737 Toddlers - (561) 842-2487 School Director - Kathy Knudtson New Day- (561) 844-0012 Director- Julie Tombari Sunday Services 9:30 AM Traditional Service with Communion 11:00 AM Contemporary Worship with Communion 10:30 AM Coffee Fellowship Bible Studies times are listed on “Bible Study Options” page PASTOR KEN’S KENNECTION During the All Saints’ Sunday liturgy, we remembered in our prayers our members who were released from this life to rest in God’s nearer presence: Erna Spencer, 01/07/14 Harold Welsch, 04/03/14 Nancy Kraemer, 05/01/14 Claire Ridge, 07/25/14 Beatrice Heath, 09/08/14 A Fairly Well Kept Secret Calendar Change November 30 is the First Sunday of Advent and the beginning of a new Church Year. Our Church Year counts time differently than the secular calendar. We are tied to the fullness of time in which God sent His one and only Son into the womb of the virgin, born to save us. The First Sunday in Advent is the Sunday on or closest to November 30 (St. Andrew’s Day). It is on this day, we begin a journey not simply to the manger but the journey takes us past it, to the cross and the empty tomb. It is not merely a remembrance of what took place so long ago but also a preparation for what is to come—our Lord’s return in glory to lay claim to His Bride, the Church for all eternity. Even while we progress through Advent, we are waiting. We are waiting on Sundays with prayer, comfort, joy and worship; and waiting with biblical songs on Wednesdays. Ah, An Advent Quiet Morning . . . Join Me and Cheryl . . . You Deserve It For Yourself “BACK TO THE FUTURE” with our Transition Team driving It may not look like much; especially not for 3 hours on a football Sunday afternoon. But, I can’t tell you how important it is for us to hear your understanding of our history. It will say much to what we do next. Please Come! THERMOSTATS — We’re diligently working at making them work properly for our activities. Please don’t fiddle with them, especially don’t attempt to program them! On The Twelve Days of Christmas My True Love Sent To Me Well, that’s the song that sings about a rather clumsy lover who keeps dumping all kinds of redundant gifts on the doorstep of his beloved . . . however, there is more to it than that. Our True Love, the one whose name is Jesus, brings us much more than partridges and drummers drumming (though we could use one for Contemporary Worship). Join us for the seven worship services we offer during those very same 12 days (12/2501/05). The Epiphany is January 6. O.K. It’s not in the 12 days, but don’t miss the Christmas Caroling on Palm Beach Gardens public property, Sunday afternoon, Dec. 7. MESSIAH — I love the opening to this masterpiece; I suppose I have the idea I could be a tenor. Regardless of my baritone voice, the Messiah on Saturday, December 20, at 6:30 p.m. as our choir leads and supports us and our soloists, together with those who want to sing along (bring your own score), in this thrilling music. See you then. A free-will offering will be received. Christmas Vacation I still remember how during my High School, College, and Seminary years “Christmas Vacation” was so enthusiastically experienced . . . we had absolutely no assignments, none. Cheryl and I will be returning to Greensboro, NC, after worship on December 25 and then returning here on January 8. Rev. Norm Heintz and Rev. Jim Stilwell will be our guest proclaimers. KEEP ME AND OUR WHOLE CHURCH STAFF in your prayers this month as much is being done for you and our daily clients. Stay Up To Date — We’re on line at . And the FLAME looks better there, too, as you’ll see it in color. Thoughts for December from our LCMS Stewardship Ministry “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14). God became man; he took on human flesh, so that men would once again dwell with God. In the fullness of time, the Son of God from eternity became a part of history to be born under the law in order to redeem those under the law. Christ came from heaven above to earth below for us men and for our salvation. He who knew no sin became sin so that we would be declared righteous in God’s sight. He was defiled so that we would be cleansed. He was born so that we would not die, and He died for us so that we would live in Him. He took upon Himself everything that rightfully belongs to us—sin and death—and in exchange gave to us everything that rightfully belongs to Him— righteousness, life, and the status as the sons of God. This is what we celebrate in Advent and at Christmas. We celebrate the coming of our Lord to save us from sin, death, and hell. We celebrate that God in Christ cared for us in body and soul, for He came not only to reconcile us to the Father by taking away our sin, but also to redeem us from death and hell so that we would live with Him in His kingdom, which has no end. In a sermon on Acts 6 for St. Stephen’s Day, preached on December 26, 1522, Martin Luther said this: “From this story we learn in the first place how a Christian community should be constituted. In addition, we have a true pattern of spiritual government that the apostles here provide. They care for souls, occupy themselves with preaching and prayer, and yet also see to it that the body is cared for; for they suggest several men who are to distribute the goods, as you have heard. Thus the Christian rule is concerned for the people in body and soul, so that no one suffers want . . . that all were richly fed and well cared for in both body and soul.” And this is one reason we give to the church. We give so that people will see the church not just as a place that cares for souls, that forgives sins, but also a place that cares for the body. For the church is a place of mercy. It is a place where we inhale God’s mercy and loving kindness through the Word and the Sacraments for the forgiveness of our sin. And it’s a place where we exhale the mercy we received there in love and service to our neighbor. The church cares for both the body and the soul. The church is not so heavenly minded that it forgets those in need on earth. In fact, it cares for the needs of this body and life precisely because it is heavenly minded. We seek to do what God has done for us. The church is so ordered that it does both. Giving to the church is a responsibility given to those who are the church. This can sometimes be difficult. But it is also a great joy. For in giving to the church we are giving back to God for His use for others what He has first given to us. In giving to the church, we participate in God’s work here in time for all eternity. In giving to the church, we who are heavenly minded do what God has done for us: dwell with those who live in a fallen world and care for them in both body and soul. Let us, then, in this most joyous season of the church year, dwell not on the struggles in giving, but rather on the joy set before us in caring for body and soul as God in Christ has done for us. Pastor Ken Fuehler Is Your 2014 Commitment up to Date? Year-end Gifts: Are you “up-to-date” on your 2014 commitment to Christ and His church? Some may be considering stock or cash gifting. Now is the time to look at your options for these year-end gifts. Please consider Faith as you do so. Your gift to the Church is, of course, fully tax-deductible. Donations must be received in the church office by December 31, 2014 in order to qualify for a 2014 tax deduction. IRS rules require that donations received in the church office after December 31 (in person or by mail) must be reported as 2015 income, regardless of when the check is dated or mailed. Thank you! November 26 November 30 - — “Pray, Praise, and Give Thanks” - “Waiting with Prayer” — Isaiah 64:1-9 - Mary’s Song — St. Luke 1:46-56 December 3 December 7 - - “Waiting with Comfort” — Isaiah 40:1-11 Community Christmas Carol Sing @ Burns Road Rec Center 4:00 PM December 10 - December 14 - December 17 - - Zechariah’s Song-St. Luke 1:67-79 — “Waiting with Joy” — Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11 - 12:30 PM ( 6:00 PM) Simeon’s Song — St. Luke 2:25-35 December 18 - 7:00 PM - Gym December 19 - 3:00 PM - Gym December 21 - — “Waiting with Worship” — 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16 CELEBRATING THE NATIVITY OF OUR LORD December 24 — Christmas Eve — 5:30 PM and 7:30 PM A Worship Service of Carols and Communion December 25 — Christmas Day — 11:00 AM The Festival Worship Service of Holy Communion December 28 — The First Sunday after Christmas 9:30 AM. Traditional Communion Liturgy and 11:00 AM Contemporary Communion Liturgy January 4 — The Second Sunday after Christmas 9:30 AM. Traditional Communion Liturgy and 11:00 AM Contemporary Communion Liturgy Many hands needed to help set up the Sanctuary Christmas tree on Sunday, December 7 after the late service. After the Advent worship service on Wednesday, December 10th please help the Altar Guild decorate the Christmas tree and the Sanctuary. Food Pantry News Please continue your food donations, see suggestion list for groceries needed and thank you for your past and continued giving. Watch the Weekly Parish Notes for special requests of needed food items Suggested List for food pantry—only imperishable food please! Spaghetti sauce Diced tomatoes,tomato products Canned fruit Canned meat, tuna etc. Soup Rice Pasta Beans Mac and cheese Powdered or canned milk Peanut butter Pop-top cans “NO WARRIOR LEFT BEHIND” UPDATE Throughout 2014 the Men of Faith have been supporting in various ways a wounded warrior and his family who live locally. He is former Marine Corporal William Fleuridor, his wife Courtney, and their four children ages four through eleven. William was wounded by a roadside bomb during the Iraq War and suffers permanent back injuries and a moderate case of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The Veterans Administration is providing disability benefits and medical care. Here are some of the things that the Men of Faith have done in support of William and his family during 2014: provided substantial financial aid each month in the form of gasoline gift cards; made several car repairs in which Michael Schankin did the work gratis and we paid for the parts; visited the family monthly to offer outreach, counseling and friendship; arranged for a reliable contractor to redo the electrical system in the house to make it code compliant and safe (worry over the safety of the existing system had been a major negative in William’s recovery); and dedicated the proceeds from the October Quarter Auction for their benefit. William and his family attended and had a “wonderful time.” We believe that as a result of these actions and other developments in his life William is better adjusted, more outgoing, happier, and more secure than he was a year ago. BACK TO THE FUTURE Sunday, December 14, 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the Michel Building This whole-congregation activity is sponsored by our Transition Team in order to understand our congregation’s history — what has shaped us for our present and future ministries and pastor. Understanding who we were explains much about who we are, helps us to enlarge our strengths and strengthen our weaknesses, and is very important in putting together a Congregational Profile for our Call Document as we prepare for a new Pastor. The best way to understand the influence of our history is to mine the collective memory of every member of Faith Lutheran Church. Therefore, we would like each of you to think of at least one major event that stands out for you in Faith’s history and share it with us that day (in writing). We are calling this event “Back to the Future.” We will be looking back to celebrate the past and to promote healing so we can move forward to the future God has planned for us. It is important for each and every one of you to participate in this opportunity to contribute to the search for a permanent pastor. The Transition Team is hosting a potluck lunch and ask you to bring “retro”-food* for the meal; and a congregational artifact*. So we know you will eat with us, please write your name on the sign-up sheet in the Narthex . *check Sunday bulletin for ideas Our Transition Team invites each of you to spend most of a Sunday afternoon with us and share your reminiscences and thoughts. Nancy Arsenault, Chair Lisa Fortini Matt Henshaw David Johnson Peter Keith Magdala Ray Don Rousseau Tom Schwartz Pastor Ken, coach Thank you to all those who helped make our Oktoberfest a success... God’s grace and blessing to all those that worked so diligently in making our "Oktoberfest" such a blessed and wonderful event. We all went into this this new endeavor not knowing but, just trusting in our Lord and Savior to be with us and guide us all. The Lord blessed all of us by giving us the strength it took to make this a blessed and wonderful event. The people on the Oktoberfest committee as well as all the volunteers worked so very hard and for this I want to thank all of you. We also cannot forget the donations that were made by so many ... thank you all ! Our neighboring church "Holy Spirit Lutheran" aided in selling tickets for us as well, we are blessed to have worked with their secretary Joann Hayes as well as our wonderful staff in our office at Faith Lutheran ... thank you Diana and Mary Lou you were both so helpful in all the preparation of ticket selling and permits and endless phone calls. All the praise and glory goes to our Lord and savior again... for guiding us all ! The Oktoberfest was a wonderful success allowing us to raise $ 6,265.00 for all the Charities involved. I look forward to a bigger and even better Oktoberfest in 2015 ! Gods Blessings and His Grace be with all of you. Trisha & Michael Schankin Chairpersons, Oktoberfest 2014 – Join us in the Michel Building Multi-Purpose Room at 8:00 AM. - Meets in the Library @ 11:00 AM. Led by Larry Hess. - will be joining the Adult Bible study @ 8:00 AM in the Multi-Purpose Room. Don Rousseau and Magdala Ray will facilitate a study of “Lutheranism 101”. Middle School & High School Bible Study - Grades 6 - 12 meets upstairs Youth Room of the Michel Building at 9:30 AM. Led by Lisa Fortini and David Hernandez. - meets at 7:30 AM in the Michel Building. All men are welcome. - meets at 10:00 AM in the Michel Building. All ladies welcome. We are studying the book of Galatians. Call or email Fran at if you having any questions. - Bible Study at the Schwartz’s is the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. All are welcome. The program begins at 6:30 PM and includes potluck dinner, fellowship and Bible Study, ending promptly at 9:00 PM. Call for info and directions @ 622-4946. Come and find out why it has lasted 33 years and counting. at Tommy & Pily Tucker’s home, 504 Harbour Rd., North Palm Beach. Phone # 346-3363. Reading thru the Bible with discussion, 7:00 PM dinner, 7:30 PM Bible Study. Everyone welcome! Attention to all “Faithful Walkers” During the Month of December, we will be walking on Monday evenings at 6:00 PM in the Michel Building Gym. We are walking to combat all the Christmas cookies and holiday treats that come our way during the month of December! Bring your water bottle, hand-weights, stretch bands and towel. We all need to take care of the body God has entrusted us with. We welcome all those who could not join us on Tuesdays due to other commitments, now is the time to come try out the class. (No class on December 29 - We will resume walking on Tuesday, January 6th, 2015) Preparations are being made by the Altar Guild of Faith Lutheran Church to beautify our sanctuary for Christmas with poinsettias. If you would like to share in this project, kindly fill out the form below and put into the offering plate, or turn in to the Church Office. The money should be placed, with your order, in an envelope marked “Christmas Poinsettia”. Checks should be made out to Faith Lutheran Church. You may pick up your plant(s) after the service on December 25th, if you like, or leave it to decorate the Church during the Christmas season. Small - $10.00_____________ Large - $15.00______________ Will pick up______________ Donate for the shut-Ins_______ After discussing Christmas lunch plans with a number of you, including Linda Seitz, she and I agreed that this would be a good year to keep the Women of Faith Christmas lunch simple and also servant-focused as we celebrate the birth of our Savior. The angel tree project needs gift-wrapping done before the Belle Glade delivery takes place on December 18th, and many hands make light work! We will have a salad and dessert potluck lunch in the Michel Building on Saturday, December 13th, starting at 11:30 AM. (Please bear in mind that our Transition Team’s “Back to the Future” event is a potluck after services the next day, Sunday, December 14th – so make two of whatever you are bringing Saturday, and you will be prepared for Sunday, too!) J We will have some time of devotions and reflection on the true meaning of Christmas. Then we will turn on some Christmas carols, spread out our wrapping paper, tape, bows, scissors and ribbons, and wrap the angel tree gifts. We will have “prizes” for the most beautiful wrapping, the most charming, the most amusing, and the fastest wrapping jobs! And perhaps the best by youngest and oldest Women of Faith? J 4404 Burns Rd - Palm Beach Gardens Recreation Center Sunday, December 7th 4:00 - 5:00 PM Free Admission Refreshments following - Sponsored by members of the community. Saturday, December 20, 2014 at 6:30 PM Faith Lutheran Church's choir is hosting a Messiah sing-in for the Palm Beach County community on Saturday, December 20, 2014 at 6 P. M. Our soloists will be Sarah Wee, a doctoral voice student at the University of Miami's Frost School of Music and Victor Clairmont, an international singer who earned his degree in voice from Westminster Choir College in New Jersey. For anyone who would like to join us, our rehearsals are on Thursdays at 7:30 P.M. in the sanctuary of Faith Lutheran. We especially need basses and tenors. Thank you for your interest and support. Please pick an angel from the tree, record your choice Please return the gifts to the church by Sunday, December 14. We ask that the gifts be wrapped. December 18th, the Outreach Committee will be delivering your Christmas Gifts to the children at Peppi Head Start in Belle Glade. Quarter Auction Wednesday, December 17th 2 6 7 8 9 10 12 15 17 Bob Nakushian Jean Miller Laura Tegart Don Zickert Eileen Frerking Tom Schrade Nghiem Tran Kensington Jones David Hernandez Justin Perlman 18 Brandon Hernandez Andrew Sissom 21 Jennifer Bisig 22 Jane Blevins 26 Elaine Sylvester 27 Christine Kamikazi 28 Jane Lerner 30 Bertha DiPaolo (Please note date change) Doors Open @ 6:00 PM Auction Begins @ 7:00 PM Charity of the Month “Furry Friends” 31 Charles & Minnie Kouvelas 2015 Chancel Flower Chart Many dates still available Sign up now in the Narthex Edwina Scofield, Ralph Scofield, Bill Cahill, Judith Gonnerman, Monica Trautsch, Dave Johnson, Audrey & Howard Kittelberger, Kathy McCoy, Charlotte Genchi, Mal & Ruth Knudson, Sandy Aiken, Russ Eshbach, Connie Luneke, Mary Evelyn, Curtis Mertz, Sharon Wiley, Linda Keller, Michael Schankin, Dana Leininger, Debbie McPherson, Sharon Hess, Jean Miller, Rosie Stilwell, Ardie Davis, Irma Meyer, Rich Walker, George Sylvester, Tom Schuemann, Jim Stilwell, Laura Fulton, and Shirley Cronenwett. Betty Sither’s nephew Richard, & little Steele; Marcia Brancolino’s relative, Charlie Bottoms; Fran Hickman’s son, Billy; Larry & Sharon Hess’ daughter, Meg Aumick; Tracy O’Daniell. Ron Woita’s son, Marc Woita, Trish Schankin’s friends: Scott Campbell, Debbie Baldwin; Karen Terry’s sister, Donna Suggs, Nancy Arsenault’s brother, Don; Carol Schmidt’s friend, Patricia MacWay Pena; Carol Rousseau’s daughter, Patty; Bill & Barb Cahill’s friend, Dick Perry, former member, Steve Stanley. Coming to Faith Lutheran Church in the near future Financial Peace University (FPU) and The Legacy Journey. Financial Peace University (FPU) teaches God's ways of handling money. Through video teaching, class discussions and interactive small group activities, FPU presents biblical, practical steps to get from where you are to where you've dreamed you could be. You will learn how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely, and much more! Who should attend? Some people think that you must be a financial genius or have financial problems, be way in debt, etc. – otherwise why would you want to attend. The answer is simple - anyone who spends money - teenagers through grandparents – FPU has something for everybody. Everyone can and will learn something about scriptural reasons for handing finances – the Bible contains almost three times as many references to money as any other topic. FPU also gives the “how to” – practical applications and principals to sound money management. The Legacy Journey is the long-awaited follow-up to FPU. The Legacy Journey is an all-new, seven-week, biblically based class that teaches you how to truly live and leave a legacy for generations to come. This class will lead you deeper into investing, basic estate planning, purposeful living, safeguarding your legacy, and discovering the keys to generational wealth and true generosity. Through video teaching, class discussions and interactive small-group activities, you’ll learn a biblical framework for living intentionally now so that later you’ll be able to leave a legacy that will secure your family’s future and make a lasting impact on the world around you. It’s not just a financial study. It’s a call to deeper biblical stewardship—a stewardship that honors God today and creates a legacy for His kingdom for years to come. The Legacy Journey is built on four pillars that provide a biblical framework for establishing, living and leaving a lasting legacy. The Legacy Journey encourages us to cast that kind of vision and to dream about what a personal legacy can accomplish later— even after we’re gone. God has said that “the hand of the diligent makes rich” (Proverbs 10:4) and “a faithful man will abound with blessings” (Proverbs 28:20) then gives us the freedom to see that future for ourselves. Intended for middle age and older adults; having attended FPU is NOT a prerequisite however. LWML September 26-28, 2014 CONVENTION Plant a Seed and Share the Joy ! On September 26 – 28, 2014 Lutheran Ladies met in Jacksonville, Florida to be joyful together in the Lord. They also chose new Mission Grants and elected New Officers for the Florida— Georgia District. We thank the outgoing Executive Committee members for their 4 years of faithful service Vice-President for Communications, Trish Aamoth Vice-President for Mission Service, Dawn Sandvig Recording Secretary, Joan Koch Treasurer, Laura Moore O'Connell Pastoral Counselor, Rev. Eric Eichinger and we welcome our newly elected officers Vice-President for Communication, Joan M. Koch Vice President for Mission Service, Debra Buenrostro Recording Secretary, Dorothee Jones Treasurer, Debi Coran Pastoral Counselor, Rev. Michael Zwemke and Nominating committee, Marilyn H. Treanor chairman; Mary L. Karrick; Dawn Sandvig Faith Lutheran was represented by Sharon and Laura Hess. Dear Friends at Faith With special thanks and much appreciation! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to bring information about to the congregation. We look forward to working with you moving forward. Blessings, Steve Cecchetti Dear Faith Lutheran Church, Thank you for the opportunity to sing in such a lovely service. Thanks to Dr. David McCalla, Ben, Tracy, Jane, Ardie, Janet, Leila, Trish, Edwina, Betty and Pastor Ken and the choir and congregation at Faith Lutheran. A Pleasure. Sincerely, Aris Dear Members of Faith Lutheran Church and Preschool: We are grateful to Faith Lutheran Church and Preschool for the thoughtful and generous contribution to the mission of . Thank you for your prayers and financial support. of Your generous gift does so much for so many! With your help, Wheat Ridge is able to support inspired leaders and organizations around the world as they develop new and innovate health and human care projects. Working together, we can impact the lives of thousands and help them experience a more abundant life. On behalf of all those touched by your caring generosity, thank you! Blessings in the name of the healing Christ! Richard Herman, President Wheat Ridge Ministries Faith Lutheran Church Thank you for another great year of the let you know the impact that you made for Life. ! This year we want to follow-up and We strive to ensure that each church receives credit for the bottles that they collect, however, with literally thousands of baby bottles in the office, sometimes bottles get separated from their group. These bottles and their contents are still counted, however their contents go into a general account, and are not counted toward any church or organization. Please forgive us if we missed a few of yours! So far we have raised over $47,000! The amazing thing is that we aren’t done! Hundreds of baby bottles will be coming into our office over the next 12 months, but we wanted to let you know the numbers up to this point. We truly appreciate your assistance and know that God will bless your efforts. Sincerely, Beau Heyman , Development Director of AN ADVENT QUIET MORNING — SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6 Advent is a pregnant waiting season, a time for us to slow down and give prayerful attention to the threshold time of our faith and world. This Advent season you are invited to turn away from the frenzied pace of the culture and open fully to the wonder of the creative, ever-birthing Living Presence nearer to us than our own breathing. What exactly does God want to cultivate in you this season? We will begin in the Chapel at 9:15 a.m. (coffee at 9:00 a.m.) for two-and-a-half hours (end at 11:30 a.m.) of relaxation and prayer, meditation on scripture, and silence. Pastor Ken and Cheryl will guide you through this time during which you will not need to say a word. From the Staff of Faith Lutheran Church New Day Adult Care Center Preschool and After Care