

Spirituality Programs
Fr. Chuck Faso, OFM
Paula D’Arcy
During the season of Lent, we embark on
a journey of soul-searching where we are
encouraged to take an inventory of the
principles and priorities we use to guide
our lives.
Tau Center is pleased
to welcome back writer,
playwright, and retreat
leader – Paula D’Arcy!
It’s Lent! So Now What?
From Ashes to...
Tau Center is
launching its
new website
and online
registration this
We invite you
to visit us at
Join Fr. Chuck Faso,
OFM, on an exploration
of the themes and
challenges of the Lenten
Journey. Discover how
Lent is reflected in the
pathways and experience
of our lives.
This Lenten Day of Reflection begins
with mass in Our Lady of the Angels
Chapel at 8:30am, followed by light
refreshments and continues with a range
of reflective activities, table discussions
and prayer. Bring your journal to record
your reflections and insights. Lunch is
Saturday, February 28
8:30am-3:30pm • $75
Finding Our Way
to a Deeper Love
What would it be like
to experience life’s
circumstances and
challenges not as sources
of pleasure or pain, but as the God
within – encouraging us to grow – and
as Divine Light shining our way to a new
way of being every day?
Lent is the time of year devoted to
in-depth personal introspection and
reconciliation. During this Lenten Day
of Reflection, Paula will lead us as we
consider what it means to open ourselves
to the greater love found in the depth of
our being, the Divine source of peace and
forgiveness. Our day will include times of
prayer, presentation and quiet reflection.
Lunch is included. There will be an
optional liturgy at 8:30am in the Chapel.
Saturday, March 14
9:30am-3:30pm • $75
For more information on our program facilitators, visit our website at
from Sr. Glenna
As we move through the fall season and
Mother Nature exchanges her current
colors for the clean canvas of winter, it
reminds me of recent changes occurring
at Tau Center.
Earlier this year, we reached out to Tau Center program
participants through a customer survey, and many of
you provided invaluable feedback on your impressions
of Tau Center and how we help you along your spiritual
journey. We want to thank all of you who responded. It
was your feedback from which all our ideas for our own
tranformation began.
As you may see, Tau Center has a fresh look and
new logo! We hope it expresses the peaceful, inviting
environment of Tau Center and the spiritual growth you
will experience in our programs as you move along your
own journey. Inspired by the symbol of the Wheaton
Franciscans, we recognize our firm foundation rooted
in Franciscan values of harmony with nature, living the
Gospel message, and a yearning for peace.
Also coming: a brand new website! We have been
working diligently with a team of technology experts to
develop an expanded and updated website, which will
include the ease of on-line registration.
My special thanks to the staff and core facilitators of
Tau Center who worked tirelessly, looking at every
aspect of our public message and image throughout this
In this new issue of our program guide, you will find
the details for our Winter/Spring offerings. We have
some familiar favorites, and some new and exciting
opportunities. I hope that you will find one or more
events that peak your interest!
Advent Morning of Reflection
Facilitated by Sr. Georgene Wilson, OSF
Spend a morning with a brief teaching in
wisdom, time for silent reflection and sharing
with other participants. You may participate in
each session or the series of three. Each offering
will provide a new teaching.
Thursday Mornings of Advent
December 4, 11 & 18
$15/session or $30 for the series
Making a Joyful Noise:
Advent Song & Prayer
Join us for a casual gathering to share our
voices and the spirit of the Advent and
Christmas seasons. Leading us in song will
be Ruth Hroncich, Kathy Rokosz
and Sr. Glenna Czachor, founding
members of the Joyful Noise Choir
from St. Leonard’s parish in Berwyn,
IL. For close to 30 years, Joyful Noise
has been leading contemporary
liturgy and gatherings for song and
praise. Light refreshments will be
Friday, December 12
6:30pm-8:30pm • $15
Your feedback and support are always welcomed!
So, I hope you will stop by or drop me an email...
let me know what you think of Tau Center’s new look!
Wishing you peace and all good,
Sr. Glenna Czachor
Begin the New Year
God’s Love:
A Centering Prayer Retreat
Facilitated by Sr. Pat Irr, OSF
Journey Inward: A Day of Silence
Facilitated by Mary Rittman and Larry Stoll
Midwinter is the perfect time to spend a day with the
self, going within. In this retreat, we will spend the day
in silence while in the company of others in the gentle
surroundings of Tau Center. There will be time for sitting
and walking meditation, as well as periodic breaks and
time for lunch.
At the end of the day, we will have time for conversation
about our experience of the quiet and the stillness. No
previous meditation is required. Lunch is potluck for this
day, so please bring a dish to share.
Saturday, January 10
9:30am-3:30pm • $45
St. Hildegard’s Herbs
and Spices of Joy
Facilitated by Therese Yonikus
Saint Hildegard was a
12th century Benedictine
Abbess known for her
knowledge and use of
plants for healing. She
believed the greenness
of plants was a gift from
God and was the essence
of their healing power. Essential oils distilled from the
plants that Hildegard used have a powerful life force that
we can reclaim in our modern world. We will experience
the life force of plants (oils) that Hildegard credited for
bringing joy to life.
Monday, January 19
7:00pm-9:00pm • $25 (includes materials)
In Centering Prayer we open our humble selves to God’s
presence and action within, trusting God’s mercy and
love. This day will provide the opportunity to enter the
silence of centering prayer in order to hear God’s first
language more deeply. Scripture, poetry, music and
stories will be used for times of reflection and sharing.
Whether you are new to the experience of centering
prayer or a daily meditator for many years, you will find
yourself supported and held in the field of contemplative
energy created with others. This is an opportunity to feel
the support of other companion seekers as together we
open to the mystery of love, listen to the inner call of
God and let it take root in our hearts. Lunch is on your
Saturday, January 17
9:30am-3:30pm • $45
Authentic Intentions:
A Special Retreat for a New Year
Facilitated by Mary Rittman
Have you ever made resolutions for the new year, only
to find that in a short time you have abandoned them
to your old habits? If so, then you are invited to try an
entirely different approach to change this year!
Spend a day in the peaceful setting of Tau Center as we
gather to explore personal change in a new way. The day
will begin with a look at resolutions versus intentionality,
followed by a generous amount of time for private,
personal exploration. Following lunch, we will review our
morning’s exploration to look for themes and trends,
finally distilling those into intentional direction for the
new year.
This day holds the promise of personal insight in an
atmosphere of gentleness, privacy and fun. Lunch is on
your own.
Saturday, January 17
9:30am-3:30pm • $45
Leading to Spring
Enneagram II:
From Compulsion to Gift
Facilitated by Sr. Pat Irr, OSF
The Enneagram is an ancient form of self-awareness that
allows you to discover patterns of thinking, feeling and
acting from your ‘light side’ and your ‘shadow side’. In
this follow-up class to Introduction to Enneagram, we will
focus on advanced work with:
• wings & arrows
• sub-types
• the inner flow and the
child within
• the physical feel of
redemption through
• panel discussion with others
on the dynamics of space
This session is a continuation available only to those who
took our “Introduction to Enneagram” class or a similar
program. Lunch is on your own.
Saturday, February 7
9:30am-3:30pm • $45
Pondering Wisdom:
A Winter Day of Retreat
Facilitated by Sr. Georgene Wilson, OSF
“Wisdom is bright and does not grow dim.
By those who love her she is readily seen,
and found by those who look for her.”
-Wisdom 6:12-13
Who is wisdom and how do we come to relate with
this breath of the power of God? Take a day to explore
Wisdom’s presence and passion for life with and
among us. The day will offer input by Sr. Georgene and
spiritual practices to ponder the teachings and your own
experiences. Time will also be spent in group sharing.
Refresh your inner spirit for the sake of inner growth.
Lunch is on your own.
Saturday, February 21
9:30am-3:30pm • $45
Spirituality Through Poetry:
A Way Into the Heart’s Wisdom
Facilitated by Sr. Georgene Wilson, OSF
Francis and Clare of Assisi both used poetry, song and
symbolic language to instill in their community members
a way of life and prayer that was in communion with all
creation as kin. These three sessions are each designed to
use one of the writings of Francis and Clare and works of
another poet to awaken and/or deepen the participants’
spiritual awareness of connection with all creation as
brother and sister. Please bring a journal for reflection.
Wednesdays: Mar 11, Apr 8, and May 13
7:00pm-9:00pm • $45 for the series
Essential Oils and
Our Judeo-Christian Story
Facilitated by Therese Yonikus
Our Scriptures reference the use of essential oils. Some
accounts tell of over a thousand references both in
the Old and New Testaments. They are referenced as
aromatics or to the plants that produced them. The
Hebrews were experts in distilling essential oils and
used them to heal with their chemistry, as well as their
vibrational frequencies to heal energetically.
We will immerse ourselves in the fragrances of twelve
essential oils that were used as the medicine chest during
the time of Christ. We will experience these oils as healers
through anointing. Anointing is a blessing, prayer is a
blessing, and laying on of hands is an act of healing and
a blessing.
Monday, March 30
7:00pm-9:00pm • $25
A Time of Renewal
A Day of Mindful Renewal
Facilitated by Mary Rittman and Larry Stoll
Spring is a time for spiritual renewal and personal
growth; we feel it in the air through Mother Nature’s
seasonal blessings. In this silent retreat, we will reflect
on letting go of old feelings or resentments that hold us
back from enjoying inner peace and more happiness in
our lives. Through sitting and walking meditation, we
will begin to open the door and make room for the new
and endless possibilities that are awaiting us. There will
be time for inner-reflection during the day outdoors,
weather permitting. At the end of the day, we will have
time for conversation about our experience of the quiet
and the stillness. No previous meditation is required.
Lunch is potluck, so please bring a dish to share.
Sipping Wisdom
and Savoring Her Passion
Facilitated by Sr. Georgene Wilson, OSF
Saturday, March 28
9:30am-3:30pm • $45
During these Lenten mornings of reflection,
Sr. Georgene will offer brief teachings on
wisdom, time for silent reflection and sharing
with other participants. Each session will offer
a different teaching.
Brush Wisdom: Messages from
a Contemplative Heart
Wednesdays, 10:00am-Noon
March 4, 11 & 18
$15/session or $30 for the series
Facilitated by Thomas Roberts
Brush Wisdom is a deeply inspiring and expressive form
of meditation. Developing a deep sense of presence
and open relationship to your true self; the brush, ink
and paper allow you to access your deeper wisdom in a
new and refreshing manner. During this retreat, we will
explore the inter-play of mind, body and spirit through
the expressive use of the brush stroke in an atmosphere
of contemplative calm and peace. When your mind
is spacious, clear and calm, your brush wisdom will
naturally emerge. To enhance the power of the brush
stroke, this retreat will utilize Qi Gong, breathing
and Haiku. No artistic experience is necessary. Each
participant will get a silk brocade of their final work.
Friday, April 24 (6pm-9pm) and
Saturday, April 25 (9am-5pm)
$75 (does not include additional $25 materials fee)
Special Presentation
On Friday, the public is invited for a short presentation
by guest facilitator, Thomas Roberts, on the practice of
Brush Wisdom. This presentation is no additional cost
for those who register for Saturday’s retreat.
Lenten Reflection
in Song & Prayer
In the spirit of the Lenten season of
reflection and reconciliation, join us for
a musical journey of Lent using scripture,
poetry and song – a casual gathering to
listen and share our voices with guitar
Leading us in song will be Ruth Hroncich,
Kathy Rokosz and Sr. Glenna Czachor, OSF,
founding members of the Joyful Noise Choir
from St. Leonard’s parish in Berwyn, IL. For
close to 30 years, Joyful Noise has been leading
contemporary liturgy and gatherings for song
and praise. We believe that to sing is to pray
twice... everyone can carry a tune... all voices are
worthy of singing praise to God!
Friday, March 27
6:30pm-8:30pm • $15
Friday, April 24, 6:00pm-9:00pm • $25
Sounds of Spiritual Connection
The Sound of Bowls
Facilitated by Thomas Roberts
Traditional historic singing
bowls produce sounds
that invoke deep states of
relaxation; naturally assisting
one in entering expanded
states of consciousness
and meditation. The sound
of the bowls creates a deep level of communication
with our inner world that opens us to the divine. The
sounds and vibrations of Tibetan singing bowls opens
blockage to help us experience an inner calm and
deep relaxation to invigorate our natural energy thus
allowing our body-mind-spirit to quiet and find balance.
Join our special guest facilitator, Thomas Roberts, for
an evening of captivating renewal in the presence of
ageless bell sounds. You are invited to wear comfortable
clothes, as you will be able to sit or lay on the floor as is
Thursday, April 23
7:00pm-8:30pm • $25
Gong Sound Meditation
Facilitated by Marian Kraus
Throughout history in
various cultures, gongs
have been used as sacred
instruments. The physical
sound vibration of the
gong provides a powerful
vehicle for meditation and
spiritual transformation.
The moving sounds of the
gong and singing bowls
help to quiet and energize
the mind and body,
and help to restore an intrinsic state of balance. In this
session, Marian Kraus encourages participants to enter
the meditation with intention for something positive
in your life as he leads you through his unique gong
Drumming Circle
Facilitated by Sr. Lynn Schafer, OSF
and Therese Yonikus
Feel the powerful beat of the sacred and all of creation
through the meditative rhythm of the drum. Drumming
connects each person with the rhythm of their heart, as
well as enhancing a connectedness with Mother Earth. It
aligns your higher self and connects you with your sacred
path. Drumming is an ancient practice in many cultures
that promotes an atmosphere of healing. Come drum
with us in a safe and relaxed atmosphere. No drumming
experience is necessary. Please call ahead if you do not
have an instrument, and one will be provided for you.
Third Thursday of the Month, 7:00pm-9:00pm
Dec 18 • Jan 15 • Feb 19 • Mar 19 • Apr 16 •
May 21 • Jun 18
Taizé Prayer Service
Meant to foster reconciliation and peace
among people, Taizé is a Christian ecumenical meditative
common prayer service that incorporates song and chant,
scripture readings and silence. People of all faiths are
welcome. Light refreshments following the service.
Fridays, 7:00pm-8:00pm
Jan 23 • Mar 20 • Jun 5
Thursdays, 7:00pm-8:30pm • $25
Jan 8 • Mar 5 • May 14
Prayers & Meditations
Centering Prayer: Deepening Study
Facilitated by Sr. Pat Irr, OSF
and Joanne Shackelford
Centering Prayer is a method of silent
prayer that prepares us to receive
the gift of God’s presence within us.
At each monthly session, we come
together in order to deepen our
experiential knowing of God through
a journey of meditation and prayer. We might say that
meditation is a journey of discovery. And, in this journey,
contemplative prayer moves us beyond conversation to
communion with God.
Second Monday of the Month, 7:00pm-8:30pm
$15/session or $50 for the series
Jan 12 • Feb 9 • Mar 9 • Apr 13 • May 11
Centering Prayer
Open Practice
Facilitated by Sr. Pat Irr, OSF
Practice is open to all who are familiar with Centering
Prayer. You do not need to attend the Deepening Study
session to participate.
Third Monday of the Month, 7:00pm-8:30pm
Jan 26 • Feb 23 • Mar 23 • Apr 27
Monday Open Meditations
Hosted by The Awakening Heart
Sangha and Tau Center
Join us twice a month for our open
Monday Meditations. Each session
consists of an hour meditation,
combining both sitting and walking,
and ends with a short discussion.
People of all faiths and traditions are
First & Third Mondays of the Month
Jan 5 & 19 • Feb 2 & 16 • Mar 2 & 16 •
Apr 6 & 20
Tau Center and the Justice, Peace and Integrity
of Creation office of the Wheaton Franciscans
invites you to participate in an a series entitled:
Faith Encounters the Ecological Crisis
Facilitated by Sr. Glenna Czachor, OSF
and Tom Ruggaber
Every day, we experience the many ways the
ecology of our communities is changing and even
breaking down – toxins in the air, water, and
food; extinction rates unseen since the end of
the dinosaur age; changes in weather patterns;
diseases impacting our forests; the rise in human
diseases like cancer and asthma; and more.
Based on Catholic social teaching, this series
identifies the ways in which we are already
living beyond our biocapacity of the planet and
challenges attendees to identify elements of
spirituality for living through our ecological crisis.
What are our moral values? What do we owe the
world and future generations to come? How do
we protect and care for Creation?
A combination of prayer, presentations/videos,
and group dialogue, this series will help us
discover what this crisis has to teach us about
living faithfully during this time and explore
options for making a commitment to action.
Each sessions builds upon each other, so it is
invaluable to attend the entire 8-session series:
Tuesdays, 6:30pm-9:00pm • $65*
January 6, 13, 20 & 27 and
February 3, 10, 17 & 24
(March 3 - snow date, if needed)
*(Fee includes book and binder of series materials.)
P.O. Box 667
Wheaton, Illinois 60187
Balancing Life with Courage, Grit, Love and Healing
Sr. Glenna Czachor, OSF
Program Specialist,
Sharon Kroon Devo
Marketing Specialist,
Nancy Morris
Core Facilitators:
Sr. Rosemarie Burian, OSF
Sr. Pat Irr, OSF
Sr. Georgene L. Wilson, OSF
Call 630.909.6805
or email taucenter@
A Women’s Morning of Renewal with author and CBS reporter, Lee Woodruff
Life can change in an instant – throwing us off-course
and in a direction for which we are not prepared. We’re
suddenly challenged to find an inner strength to survive
and move forward. It is at these moments we sometimes
discover a spirit within ourselves that helps us down a path
of unexpected self-discovery, hope and healing. Join us for
a Women’s Morning of Renewal as Lee Woodruff, author
and CBS reporter, shares the wisdom and inspiration she
learned along her own remarkable and difficult journey.
One minute Lee seemed to have it all – a happy marriage, four beautiful children
and a successful career. Her life turned upside down when her husband Bob, the
newly appointed co-anchor of ABC’s “World News Tonight”, was severely wounded
in a roadside bomb attack in Iraq. Engaging, heartfelt and candid, Lee reminds all
of us that nothing is stronger than the courage gained through love and hope.
Our morning will also include time for participants to reflect on and share their own
stories of challenges and healing. A special event for women, this day is devoted to
listening, sharing and inspiring each other to find our inner-spirits and discover our
own paths as we navigate through these perfectly, imperfect lives.
Saturday, January 31, 9:30am-12:30pm • $45
You may attend an optional Liturgy at 8:30am prior to this event at Our lady of
Angels Chapel located in the same building as Tau Center.
Presented in partnership by
Fostering the Spiritual Life
Tau Center is committed to the transformation of our world by providing diverse opportunities
that support personal growth and spiritual development. Tau Center is a spirituality ministry
sponsored by the Wheaton Franciscan community. In the spirit of Francis of Assisi, we welcome
all people looking for greater meaning in life and a deeper relationship with God, others, self,
and all creation. Through the integration of body, mind and spirit, we offer a place of quiet
beauty and hospitality that deepens and supports the unique gifts each person contributes to
the hope and healing of all.