Into all the World - North Lexington Church of Christ


Into all the World - North Lexington Church of Christ
Privileged to Serve December 21
D E AC O N S :
Danny Brown
Terry Carter
David Crutchfield
JT Dunn
Dennis Faulkner
David Gardner
Paul Glenn
Dan Guffey
Jason McReynolds
Ken Morgan
Brandon Rader
Ron Ray
Bobby Ricks
Alan Robinson
Greg Simmons
Steve Johnson
Bart Rogers
Wickliff Moore
Ken Sturdivant
P R E AC H E R S :
Steve Johnson
Brian Egerton
S E C R E T AR Y :
Sarah Faulkner
Bible Study --- 9:30 am
Worship ----- 10:30 am
Worship ----- 6:00 pm
7:00 pm
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
2280 Hume Road, Lexington, KY 40516
Phone (859) 299-9511
Building Blocks Preschool
Meets every Tuesday
9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
September - May
Prepare Communion--------------------------- Ashley Ricks
Collect Cards -------------------- L. Ray, R. Brown, L. Justice
Ushers----------------- Ken Morgan, Jim Lewis, J.T. Dunn
Hospital Baskets ------------------ Kendell & Kathy Seaton
Meal Coordinator --------------------------------- Denise Ray
Count Team -------------- Greg Simmons, Gene McCarty
Song Leader --------------------------------------David Rader
Preside Lord’s Table ---------------------- Dennis Faulkner
Serve -----------------------------------Alan Carter, Matt Holt
Howard Sparks, Jack May, Ken Sturdivant
Gene McCarty, Dave Simpson, Jamie Alcorn
Scripture Reading ------------------------------- Conner Holt
Opening Prayer ----------------------------------- Bill Corman
Announcements --------------------------------- Bart Rogers
Closing Prayer ------------------------------------- Joe Taylor
A/V PC ---------------------------------------------- Paul Glenn
MAC ----------------------------------------------Neil Robinson
Attend Nursery ------------ Sydney Carter, Christy Carter
Greeters ------------------- Tammy Lewis, Alyson Kennon
Song Leader ----------------------------------- David Gardner
Opening Prayer ---------------------------------- Terry Carter
Scripture Reading ------------------------------ Mike Osburn
Preside Lord’s Table ----------------------------Bobby Ricks
Serve --------------------- Phil Owens, Jason McReynolds
Announcements --------------------------------- Bart Rogers
Closing Prayer -----------------------------------Randy Grow
A/V PC ------------------------------------------- Danny Brown
Mac ------------------------------------------------------Ron Ray
Greeters --------------- Ashley McReynolds, Pam Owens
WEDNESDAY, Decembe r 24
Song Leader -------------------------------------- Conner Holt
Invitation --------------------------------------------Chris Keath
Announcements --------------------------------- Bart Rogers
Closing Prayer -------------------------------- Ted Nicholson
A/V PC ------------------------------------------- Neil Robinson
MAC --------------------------------------- Jason McReynolds
Greeters ---------------- Brandy Crutchfield, Tiffany Smith
Today’s Sermons
“Laying the Right Foundation”
Last Sunday
Year Ago
Bible Study ....................... .198……....……231
AM Worship ....................... 280 .…………..335
PM Worship ....................... 135 …........ .....160
Wednesday ....................... 178……...........220
Contribution ................ $10,748…........$13,771
Budget ........................ $13,220…........$11,706
A.M. ‘Tis the Season to…
Acts 8:26-40
P.M. Price Check!
Ephesians 5:25-32
Contact elder for December
Ken Sturdivant
Volume XLVI
Into all
the World
Campton, KY
Larry Shoemaker
Cynthiana, KY
Licking Valley
Dry Ridge, KY
(Grant County)
Jerry Carmichael
Frenchburg, KY
(Menifee County)
Randy Imel
Hawesville, KY
George Jensen
Jackson, KY
Virgil McIntosh
Apologetics Press
Montgomery, AL
Bear Valley Preacher Schools
Keith Kasarjian
Bible School of the Americas
Panama City, Panama
Calovebora, Panama
Silvestre Vasquez
Victor Jimines
Jose Rodriguez
Colon, Panama
Huaral, Peru
Mission Trip
Latin America
Jack Farber
Panama Satellite Bible Schools
Simion Vasquez
El Salvador
Busia, Uganda
…. .... ...... ..
“A Doer Who Acts”
Sunday, December 28, 7:30 a.m.
WDKY-TV Cable Channel 7
John Kachelman
India, Myanmar
Louis & Bonnie Rushmore
December 21, 2014
No. 51
1st Quarter Teaching Assignments
Cradle Roll (Birth-12 Months)
Teacher: Amanda Robinson
Co-Teacher: Tracy Sarver
Room 115 Cradle Roll (Birth-12 Months)
Teacher: Rena Keath
Co-Teacher: Angie Holt
Room 115
Toddler (Ages 12-24 Months)
Room 114 Toddler (Ages 12-24 Months)
Teacher: Robin Spicer
Teacher: Sarah Faulkner
Co-Teachers: Nelda Corman, Brittany Bentley
Co-Teacher: Kristina Trimble
Room 114
Ages 2 & 3
Teacher: Misty Wise
Co-Teachers: Joan Guffey, Erin Free
Room 102 Ages 2 & 3
Room 102
Teacher: Brenda Rogers
Co-Teachers: Tiffany Smith, Stacy Murphy
Pre-Kindergarten (Ages 4 & 5 )
Teacher: Audra Stotts
Co-Teacher: Linda Orr
Room 103 Pre-Kindergarten - (Ages 4 & 5)
Teacher: Ashley McReynolds
Co-Teacher: Karrie Thompson
Room 103
Kindergarten (Ages 5 & 6)
Teacher: Barbara Johnson
Room 104 Kindergarten - (Age 5 & 6)
Teacher: Erika Darnell
Room 104
Grade 1
Teacher: Tammy Lewis
Room 105
Grade 2
Teacher: Deidre Kinser
Room 106 Combined Primary (Grades 1 & 2)
Teacher: Mary Alcorn
Grade 3
Teacher: Rhonda Juett
Room 107 Combined Intermediate (Grades 3 - 5) Room 107
Teacher: Jamie Alcorn
Grade 4
Teacher: Linda Moore
Room 109
Grades 5 & 6
Teacher : Neil Robinson
Topic: OT Survey
Room 110 Combined Middle & High School (Grades 6-12) Room 110
Teacher: Brian Egerton
Room 106
Grades 7 & 8
Room 113 Bible Bowl Prep Class (Grades 2-12) Room 113
Teacher: Darryl Brown
Teachers: Brandon Rader, Paul Glenn
Topic: Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians
Topic: The Church We Love (Acts) -Winkler
High School (Grades 9-12)
Teacher: Ken Sturdivant
Room 112
Topic: Lessons from Joshua
College/Young Adult [Jan-May]
Teacher: Jerry Wise
Room 108 College/Young Adult [Jan-May]
Teacher: Paul Spicer
Topic: NT Notables
Adult I
Teacher: Bart Rogers
Topic: Boldness of Our Faith: Amos
Auditorium Adult I
Teacher: Steve Johnson
Topic: I & II Thessalonians, Philemon
Adult II
Teacher: Bobby Ricks
Room 108
Topic: Psalms
Room 111 Adult II
Teacher: Chris Keath
Topic: Providence:The Silent Sovereignty of God (May)
Room 111
Topic: The Effective Edge: How Christians Today Can
Accomplish the Lord’s Work (Tidwell)
Ladies Class
Teacher: Jenetta May
Prayer List
Tibby Beck
Betty Carpenter
Frank Carroll
Pearl Couch
Rhonda Juett
Bob Kirby
Charlene Lugger
Michael McVey
Phil Owens
Virginia Rice
Wayne Sebastian
Foster & Deloris Sword
Keith & Agatha Wallace
Alberta Yonts
Betty Beard [Holt]
Debbie Bowen [Logan]
Bobby Bradley [May]
Donna Cochran [Corman]
Margaret Coffey [Leonard]
Wirt Cook [Warne]
Crystal Cooley [Onesi]
Kay Crawford [Bratcher]
Rhodella Fleming [Fleming]
Janis Friend [Wall]
Melody Gibson [McReynolds]
Judy Gloy [Lewis]
Lance Gorlow [Gorlow]
Dennis Hogan [Taylor]
Tammy Hunt [Whitt]
Bertie Jeffries [Faulkner]
Carl Lamkin [Wilkerson]
Erica Lutes [Wise]
Ken Marshall [Simpson]
Eula McGuire [Grow]
Charles Morris [Delpont]
Jon Morris [Wallace]
Gary Murphy [Simpson]
Jackie O’Donnell [Reilly]
Peggy Rice [Justice]
Deloris Rogers [Rogers]
John Rogers [Yonts]
Vicky Rogers [Rogers]
Kathy Russel [Sturdivant]
Bill Silvia [Ray]
Patsy Smith [Whitman]
Larry Spicer [Spicer]
Kathleen Stone [M. Wise]
Stephanie Trefz
Todd Walker
Daena Ward [Whitt]
Barbara Whitt [Whitt]
Michele Whitaker [Sturdivant]
Opal Williams [Whitt]
Calvin Wise [Wise]
Brianna Wright [Simpson]
R e m e m b e r i n P r ay e r
Daily Bible Reading Schedule
And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.
-Matthew 21:22
 Tink Coleman was released from the hospital and is much
improved. Thank you for your prayers.
 Dean Dunn had successful knee surgery and is home. Please keep
her in your prayers as she is in considerable pain.
 Emily Ricks is back in the hospital at St. Joseph East, room 411,
with chronic pancreatitis. She may have surgery on Monday. Please
pray for her and for the doctors caring for her.
 Clay Hawks, a former member, has requested our prayers. His hip
implant has worked itself loose and has become infected. The
doctors are running tests to decide what they need to do next.
 Carolyn Simpson has requested prayers for her brother, Gary
Murphy. He has cancer in his liver and pancreas and will start
chemotherapy on January 5th. Please also pray for the entire family.
 Tina Lewis requests prayers for Milcah Loving who has had some
complications following the birth of her baby.
 Wirt Cook, father of Debby Warne, is home from the hospital and is
improving. Please continue to pray for him as he slowly gets back to
his normal routine.
 Joy Yonts has requested prayers for Jack Sexton, the husband of a
co-worker. He was diagnosed with cancer and is in a lot of pain. The
doctors have indicated that he has only a brief time left.
T h a n k Yo u
To my North Lexington Family Thanks to everyone that brought food and sent cards, but most of all
everyone’s prayers. I appreciated everything. Thanks for all those who
visited with me. I’ll still be in for some time so please visit anytime you can.
Love and prayers ~ Dean, J.T., and Cheri
Thanks to all our young people for the wonderful Senior Dinner you
provided. We seniors enjoyed it very much. Thanks, also, to the parents
who helped with the nice dinner. We certainly have a great group of young
people and parents. Thanks again.
In Him, Jo Anne Price-Nichols
To my church familyThanks so much for the many prayers, thoughts of concerns,
and cares in my behalf. I appreciate so much your love in my time of
sorrow and grief. Please continue to keep my family and I in your
P.S. Luncheon on Sunday was great! Thanks juniors.
In Christian Love, Joretta Grow
Thank you so much for the fruit basket I received today and for
all the other wonderful things I get from this congregation. I love and
appreciate all of you and the work you do.
Sunday: Acts 19-20
Monday: Revelation 4-6
Tuesday: Acts 21-24
Wednesday: Revelation 7-9
Thursday: Catch up day (Christmas)
Friday: Revelation 10-12
Saturday: Acts 25-26
“For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to
the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents
of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)
L o o ki n g A h e a d
December 21 - Younger L2L Storyline - 4:30 PM - Room 113
 December 31 - Teen Lock-In - after Wednesday night Bible Study
 Please get the Lads to Leaders paperwork in to Brian Egerton. The youth who have already
turned in paperwork have a list in their mailboxes. Please verify the information, make any
changes needed, and then return the slips to Brian. Please sign the sheet on the bulletin
board if everything is correct.
 The sign-up sheets for 2015 are posted on the bulletin board in the foyer. If you can help to
prepare communion, deliver hospital baskets, or coordinate meals for those in need, please
sign up.
 There is a sign-up sheet for CYC posted on the bulletin board in the foyer. The deadline for
registration is December 31st.
I n S y m p a t hy
We offer our condolences to Donna Bentley on the passing of her uncle, O.A.
Collins, at the age of 92.
U p d a t e Yo u r D i r e c t o r y
Jane Whisman no longer has a landline. Please use her cell number, 859-402-5519.
G o d & t h e H o l i d ay s
This year we have special opportunities for fellowship and worship as two holidays roll around.
Both Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve fall on Wednesday. The elders urge you to make both of
these opportunities part of your holiday season.
On Wednesday, December 24, we will have our Bible classes and the closing assembly will
follow as usual.
On Wednesday, December 31, we will have a combined assembly in the auditorium, during
which our young men will lead the worship in songs, prayers, and devotionals. Later that evening, the
youth have planned a lock-in as a new year is welcomed.
Every Member - Every Task - Every Soul