Renewable Energy Infrastructure Transaction - RM


Renewable Energy Infrastructure Transaction - RM
Renewable Energy Infrastructure Transaction
RM Capital Markets Limited (“RM Capital”) is pleased to announce the placement of GBP
£40m (USD $67m) senior secured RPI-linked loans with a maturity of 19.5 years. The ground
breaking transaction represents a significant step forward for the funding and refinancing of
renewable energy infrastructure assets in the UK.
Transaction Overview
Sector: Infrastructure
Transaction: Refinancing (Operational and to-be-constructed assets)
Asset Type: Solar (Feed-in tariff)
Geography: UK (England / Diverse portfolio of assets)
Summary Terms
Issuer / Borrower: Confidential
Ranking: Senior Secured
Type: RPI-Linked Loan
Rating: Unrated
Amount: £40m (Drawn in two tranches £30m & £10m)
Tenor: 19.5 Years / Weight Average Life c.10.25 years
Coupon: [Confidential]% per annum
Security: c.UK Solar PV Assets
Indexation: Payment of principal and interest will be indexed to UK RPI
Documentation: LMA
RM Capital Role: Sole Lead Arranger & Structurer
About RM Capital Markets
Established in 2010 and independently owned RM Capital
provides a full service fixed income agency brokerage, capital
markets advisory and deliverable FX service to its clients.
Pietro Nicholls
Head of Primary Capital Markets
+44 (0) 203 697 1768
RM Capital’s Primary Capital Markets Team (“PCM”) combines
debt origination and structuring expertise with strong
distribution capabilities to a large and diverse investor base.
The team works with mid-cap corporates and infrastructure
related issuers/borrowers including: Renewable Energy Sponsors
/ Developers, Utility Companies, Housing Associations, Airports,
Ports, Healthcare entities, Universities and Local Authorities to
achieve their funding requirements.
James Robson
Head of Fixed Income
+44 (0) 131 603 7069
James Satterthwaite
Head of UK Fixed Income Sales
+44 (0) 131 603 7068
Registered in Scotland No SC380707 Registered Office: 7 Melville Crescent, Edinburgh, EH3 7JA RM Capital Markets Limited is authorised
and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Number 562209)
Member of the London Stock Exchange
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Registered in Scotland No SC380707 Registered Office: 7 Melville Crescent, Edinburgh, EH3 7JA RM Capital Markets Limited is authorised
and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Number 562209)
Member of the London Stock Exchange