DMS-8110 - the Texas Department of Transportation FTP Server


DMS-8110 - the Texas Department of Transportation FTP Server
Departmental Materials Specification
Coatings for Concrete
Effective Date: December 2014
This Specification governs the materials, composition, quality, sampling, and testing of coatings for concrete,
and contains the Standard Formula for concrete paint and finished product requirements for adhesive grout,
clear acrylic sealers, and opaque sealers.
The values given in parentheses (if provided) are not standard and may not be exact mathematical
conversions. Use each system of units separately. Combining values from the two systems may result in
nonconformance with the standard.
The Materials and Pavements Section of the Construction Division (CST/M&P) maintains the Material
Producer List (MPL) of all materials conforming to the requirements of this Specification. Materials appearing
on the MPL, entitled “Surface Finishes for Concrete,” require no further field sampling unless deemed
necessary by the Project Engineer or CST/M&P.
The Department will only purchase or allow on projects those products listed by producer and product code
or designation shown on the MPL.
Use of pre-qualified product does not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility to provide product that
meets this Specification. The Department may inspect or test material at any time and reject any material
that does not meet the specifications.
Pre-Qualification Request. Submit a request for evaluation under DMS-8110 to
Include the following information in the request:
 company name;
 physical and mailing addresses;
 type of material; and
 contact person, phone number, and email address.
Pre-Qualification Sample. Submit a 1-pt. sample to the Texas Department of Transportation, CST/M&P
(CP51), 9500 North Lake Creek Parkway, Austin, TX 78717.
Include the following with the sample:
 current safety data sheet (SDS) that complies with OSHA Hazard Communication Standard
29 CFR 1910.1200,
Construction Division
Effective Date: December 2014
Departmental Materials Specification
 product data sheets, and
 application data sheets.
Submit all materials for pre-qualification at no cost to the Department.
Testing. CST/M&P will test in accordance with the following.
 accelerated weathering—Tex-814-B
 condition in container—Federal Test Method 141c, Method 3011.2
 consistency (viscosity)—ASTM D 562
 density (gallon weight)—ASTM D 1475
 grind—ASTM D 1210
 infrared spectrum—Tex-888-B
 percent solids (nonvolatile content)—ASTM D 2369
 pH—ASTM E 70
 sag—Tex-812-B
Inspection. CST/M&P will contact producers of material provisionally meeting the requirements of this
Specification to schedule an initial Department-directed inspection of production facilities and quality
processes in accordance with Article 6 of this Specification.
Do not begin production until the Department's authorized inspector arrives, unless the Department has
given prior specific approval for starting.
Provide the brand names and characteristics of all raw materials proposed for use. The Department's
authorized inspector will take samples of raw materials actually used in production and samples of the
finished product during production in accordance with Tex-801-B.
Evaluation. CST/M&P will notify prospective bidders and suppliers after completion of material evaluation.
CST/M&P will base final acceptance or rejection on the following:
 results of tests on raw material samples,
 results of tests on finished products taken during production, and
 results of tests performed on finished products as soon as practical after their arrival at the shipping
Approval of materials based on preliminary testing before manufacture will not be binding upon final approval
or rejection of the material at the jobsite. Due to the possibility of contamination and volatile losses, the Wet
Standard prepared by the Department constitutes the standard for final comparison involving acceptance or
rejection. Samples of these standards are available to the manufacturer. The judgment of the Director of
CST/M&P will be final in all questions relative to conformance of the products with the provisions of these
Qualification. If approved for Department use, CST/M&P will add the material to the MPL.
Report changes in the composition or in the manufacturing process of any material to CST/M&P. Significant
changes reported by the producer, as determined by the Director of CST/M&P, may require a re-evaluation
of performance. The Department reserves the right to conduct whatever tests it deems necessary to identify
a pre-qualified material and determine if there is a change in the composition, manufacturing process, or
quality that may affect its durability or performance. In case of variance, the Department’s tests will govern.
Construction Division
Effective Date: December 2014
Departmental Materials Specification
Once a supplier has established qualification, CST/M&P will allow one reformulation per type of coating each
year at no cost to the supplier. Except for transition periods not to exceed 3 months, a supplier may not
supply coatings of more than 1 approved formula per type of coating at the same time.
Failure. Producers not qualified under this Specification may not furnish materials for use on Department
Producers failing to qualify may submit a request for re-evaluation after 1 year has elapsed from the date of
the original request. CST/M&P may modify this time limit at its discretion. In the request for re-evaluation,
document the cause of the issue and corrective action taken.
The Department normally bears the costs of sampling and testing; however, the producer will bear the costs
associated with materials failing to conform to the requirements of this Specification. The Director of
CST/M&P will assess this cost at the time of testing, and amounts due will be billed to the producer.
Periodic Evaluation. The Department reserves the right to conduct random audits of plants, to perform
random audits of test reports, and to conduct random sampling and testing of pre-qualified materials to verify
performance and Specification compliance. Department representatives may sample material from the
manufacturing plant or may select samples from materials submitted to the Department on State purchase
orders. The Department will sample raw materials and finished coating in accordance with Tex-801-B, if
sampled during production of the coating, or with Tex-813-B, if sampled on a jobsite.
Failure of materials to comply with the requirements of this Specification as a result of periodic evaluation
may be cause for removal of those materials from the MPL. In case of variance, the Department’s tests will
Disqualification. Causes for disqualification and removal from the MPL may include, but are not limited to:
 falsification of documentation,
 producer fails to report any change in material formulation or production process to CST/M&P,
 material fails to meet the requirements of this Specification as a result of periodic evaluation, or
 producer has unpaid charges for failing samples.
Re-Qualification. Once the disqualification period established by CST/M&P has elapsed, producers
disqualified and removed from the MPL may begin the re-qualification process by submitting a request in
accordance with Section 5.1, including additional documentation identifying the cause of the problem and
corrective action taken. The re-qualification process will then follow all subsequent Sections of Article 5.
The Department normally bears the costs of sampling and testing; however, the disqualified producer will
bear the costs associated with re-qualification. The Director of CST/M&P will assess this cost at the time of
re-evaluation, and amounts due will be billed to the producer. CST/M&P must receive payment for each new
submission before evaluating additional samples, scheduling an inspection, or sampling a replacement for a
failed batch of paint.
Allow the inspector free access to areas in the manufacturing facility where products are manufactured or
where raw materials are stored. In all other ways, facilitate the performance of inspection duties. When
stored, raw materials and finished products will be in an orderly fashion to permit proper and correct
inventory of these materials at all times.
Provide standard friction-seal 0.47-L (1-pt.) cans for the sampling of raw materials and the finished product.
For waterborne raw materials or finished coating, provide lined cans to prevent rusting. The Department will
witness the manufacturing in whole or part, depending upon the discretion of the testing agency.
Construction Division
Effective Date: December 2014
Departmental Materials Specification
The producer has the discretion of manufacturing procedures unless specified otherwise in this Specification.
The producer is responsible for ensuring that the proposed raw materials and manufacturing procedure will
produce a product meeting the Specification requirements.
Inspection may include observation of the following:
 storage, quantity, and type of raw materials;
 production equipment, processes, and actual mixing/production of the product;
 quality control (QC) and laboratory operations; and
 packaging/canning and labeling.
Ship the finished products in suitable strong, well-sealed containers that meet specification and federal
requirements and are sufficiently sturdy to withstand normal shipping and handling.
Label the finished product containers and cases with a durable label, legibly printed with the following:
 “TxDOT,”
 product name and designation (class and type),
 requisition number (if applicable),
 batch number, if applicable,
 expiration date,
 volume,
 producer name and address, and
 “For industrial use only” or “For professional use only.”
Label the sides of containers and cases. Labels must be sufficiently moisture resistant to withstand outdoor
storage for a minimum of 1 yr. When the finished product is palletized, place the containers with the labels
facing to the outside for easy identification. Once properly labeled, do not modify or change the label in any
manner without specific approval of the Director of CST/M&P.
Supply SDS to comply with OSHA Hazard Communication Standard 29 CFR § 1910.1200.
Raw Materials.
Substitutions. The exact brands and types of raw materials used in the Wet Standard are listed for
facilitating the selection of parallel materials equal not only in quality and composition, but also in physical
and chemical behavior after aging in the finished product.
Since evaluation of the finished product containing questionable materials may require several months, and
since meeting the delivery schedule is the responsibility of the producer, the producer should schedule
material procurement and production to permit delivery commitments.
The Director of CST/M&P will make the final decision as to the equality of materials. After the Department
has agreed to the producer’s proposed brand names and types of raw materials, there must be no
substitution during the manufacture without prior Department agreement.
It is the responsibility of the producer to select raw materials that not only meet the individual raw material
specification, but also produce a finished product meeting the specific formula requirements.
Construction Division
Effective Date: December 2014
Departmental Materials Specification
Materials of Foreign Origin. Because of the limited information available on materials manufactured outside
the continental limits of the United States, review Section 8.1.1. when considering the use of materials of
foreign origin.
Specifications. All materials required to meet federal, ASTM, or Department specifications must meet the
specification in effect on the date of the proposal or invitation to bid.
 titanium dioxide, rutile—ASTM D 476, Type V
 talc—ASTM D 605
Resins. In addition to the requirements below, the infrared spectrum of all resins must match the spectra on
file with CST/M&P.
 acrylic resin emulsion—Reichhold Chemicals, Inc., Synthemul 40-412 or equivalent, meeting the
following requirements.
appearance—milky, liquid white
dry film—clear transparent
solids—± 1.0% of published values
When using alternate resins, adjust formula weight to contain the same amount of resin. Acceptable
alternative resins include the following.
 Dow Rhoplex AC-264
 BASF Acronal Optive 230
 Dow Rhopex AC-2235
 Ona Polymers P-525L
 2,2,4-Trimethyl-1,3-Pentanediol Monoisobutyrate
 UCAR filmer IBT
 Texanol
Propylene Glycol.
 ASTM D 2695
Miscellaneous Materials. Materials listed below must be similar and equal to the standard sample
submitted by the vendor to and approved by the Department before award of Contracts for coatings in which
the material is proposed for use.
Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose. Biological stabilized versions are acceptable.
 Cellosize QP-4400
 Natrosol 250 MHR
 Methocel K15 MS
 Bermocoll EBS-431
Construction Division
Effective Date: December 2014
Departmental Materials Specification
 Balab #748
 Byk 035
 Colloids 640
 Drew Y-280
 Foamaster 111
 Tamol 850
 Byk 156
 Colloids 226/35
 Nopcosperse 44
 Triton CF-10
 Igepal CTA-639W
 Nopcocide N-96
 Polyphase AF-1
 Metasol TK-100
 Nuocide 960
 Nuocide 404-D
 Skane M8
 Nuosept 95
 Troysan 192
 Troysan 174
 Tektamer 38AD
 Nuosept 101
 Dowacil 75
Product Conformance. Conform the finished products on a weight basis to the composition requirements of
the Standard Formulae. No variation from the Standard Formulae will be permitted except for the
replacement of volatiles lost in processing, unless approved by the Director of CST/M&P.
Conform the finished products to all requirements stipulated for each Standard Formula, such as color,
drying, flow, settling, brushability, can stability, and hiding, and film characteristics such as gloss, hardness,
light permanence, and adhesion.
Test materials for conformance under parallel conditions with a Wet Standard made by CST/M&P using the
raw materials listed in the Standard Formulae.
Finished Product Requirements and Formulae. This Specification describes the general and specific
requirements for adhesive grout, concrete paint, and opaque concrete sealer (architectural stain).
Unless otherwise shown on the purchase order or on the plans, the adhesive grout and concrete paint color
is concrete gray to match Federal Standard 595B color number 35630. When the purchase order or the
Construction Division
Effective Date: December 2014
Departmental Materials Specification
plans show other colors, match the color of the concrete coating to the color standard supplied by the
Skins and foreign materials are not allowed in the finished product. Fill containers by weight based on actual
density (gallon weight) of the product at 25°C (77F).
Make viscosity, drying, and density (gallon weight) determinations on coatings at 25°C (77°F). Measure
viscosity with a Krebs Stormer Viscometer in accordance with ASTM D 562. Run density in accordance with
ASTM D 1475.
Adhesive Grout. This material is an adhesive grout textured coating composed of:
 one part white cement,
 one part natural (gray) cement,
 two parts masonry sand,
 one part acrylic emulsion (Section 8.1.5.), and
 enough water to form a viscous slurry so that the material may be applied by spray gun, brush, or roller
without appreciable running or sagging.
Vary the proportions of the white and the natural cement to obtain the desired color. The Engineer will
specify the gradation of the masonry sand for the desired texture.
Prepackaged materials meeting these requirements and acceptable to the Engineer as to color, texture, and
appearance will be permitted.
Concrete Paint. When applied on vertical surfaces at a maximum 3.7 m2/L (150 sq. ft./gal.), no runs, sags,
or non-uniformity of appearance are allowed in the concrete paint.
Table 1
Concrete Paint
Titanium Dioxide, Rutile, Type V
50% Acrylic Emulsion, Reichhold 40-4121
Dispersant, Tamol 850
Surfactant, Triton CF-10
Coalescent, Texanol
Preservative, Dowacil 75
Mildewcide, Nuocide 404-D
Defoamer, Foamaster 111
Propylene Glycol
Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose, 250MHBR
Construction Division
Emulsions with variable percent solids are permitted. Adjust amounts of water and emulsion.
Effective Date: December 2014
Departmental Materials Specification
Table 2
Specification Requirements
(Gallon Weight)
± 0.012 kg per L of theoretical density
(± 0.10 of theoretical gallon weight)
4 minimum
85–95 KU
200 mm (8 mils) minimum
Requires tinting to match standard
Opaque Sealers. Opaque sealers are solvent-borne stain-type coatings capable of waterproofing as well as
coloring finished concrete. These coatings consist of a blend of acrylic and silicone resins and toning
pigments suspended in solution at all times by a chemical suspension agent and solvent. Use laminar
silicates, titanium dioxide, inorganic oxides, and other mineral pigments for toning. Use of organic pigments,
vegetable or marine oils, paraffinic materials, or stearates in the formulation are not permitted.
This coating must be capable of being coated with itself or other solvent-borne coatings without special
surface preparation being necessary.
The Contractor must supply the Engineer with a notarized certification attesting to the compliance of the
opaque sealer with the requirements of this Specification.
Archived versions are available.
Construction Division
Effective Date: December 2014