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current events -
Share Christ ▪ Serve Community ▪ Grow Disciples
(As of: December 21, 2014)
Psalm 89:1-4, 19-26, Romans 16:25-27, Luke 1:25-27, 46-55
The angel tells Mary that God will give David's throne to her son Jesus. She is
perplexed by Gabriel's greeting and by the news of her coming pregnancy, but she is
able still to say, "Count me in." We who know that Jesus is called king only as he is
executed still find it a mystery hard to fathom, but with Mary today we hear the news of
what God is up to and say, "Count us in."
Psalm 148, Galatians 4:4-7, Luke 2:22-40
Worship Notes
We welcome all to worship at Peace.
To make your worship more enjoyable please note:
A nursery is available for all of our services. We have busy bags located at the back of the sanctuary for
small children.
We invite all to come forward for communion. Children who have not had first communion instruction
are invited forward to receive a blessing.
Our ushers and Welcome Center people would love to answer any of your questions and are here to serve.
We have gluten-free wafers available for those with a gluten-free diet. Simply articulate your desire for a
gluten-free wafer to the pastor or communion assistant and they will honor your request.
(Board Meetings and Rehearsals)
Sun. 12/21
Voices of Peace at 10:30 a.m. in the fellowship hall
Family Service at 4:00 p.m. (glow sticks available for children!)
Praise Service at 5:00 p.m.
Traditional Services 7, 9, 11 p.m. Candle Light and
Holy Communion offered at all services except the family service
We will have a Saturday 5:15 p.m. service
and only ONE SUNDAY SERVICE at 10:00 a.m.
BOTH services will be Lessons and Carols with Holy Communion.
A NOTE ABOUT SIMPLY GIVING BANKING SYSTEM: If you are currently using Simply Giving for
your ACH contribution transactions, please be advised that we cannot automatically change your contributions
per your Pledge Card without your permission. If the amounts of your contributions are not changing, then you
need to do nothing. However, if the amount of your contribution is changing, then you need to authorize the
change. You can do this in one of two ways: (1) from our web site,, click the SIMPLY
GIVING tab. Proceed to make your changes. Your member number is your Envelope Number. (2) Send an email
to Linda Cole ( with the authorization to make the Pledge Card changes for
you. If you are not currently using Simply Giving and would like to know more, there is information available at
the Welcome Center.
OFFERING ENVELOPES: Please pick up your 2015 offering envelopes. If you would like offering envelopes
for 2015, contact the church office. After December 31, please discard any unused 2014 envelopes.
END OF YEAR GIVING: All contributions to be credited to 2014 must be received by the office or be
postmarked no later than December 31.
NEED GREETERS FOR CHRISTMAS EVE at the 5:00, 9:00, and 11:00 p.m. services. Please stop by the
Welcome Desk and sign up on the greeter sheet.
COOKIES IN A JAR on sale in the narthex on Sunday mornings until Christmas. Sales benefit the IHN homeless
shelter for families and the Daybreak Homeless Shelter for youth. If you have any questions, contact Doug Tryloff
at 684-2806.
The next Blood Drive is Monday, December 29, from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the
Fellowship Hall. Donors are encouraged to schedule an appointment at You will receive a long sleeve shirt for your donation. There will
be pizza and cookies for a snack. If you have any questions, please contact Dan Jessup at
ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL: Join us for -- REFORMATION ROOTS. Do you ever wonder why we have so
many Christian denominations and if there is really much difference between them? The answers to these
questions lie in the dramatic and turbulent times of the Reformation.
January 4
Week 11 – Catholic Reformation
NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS: In response to requests for learning about our brothers
and sisters of different faiths, Peace will offer an opportunity to learn about the religion of
Islam. This six week series is recommended by the E.L.C.A. and will be on Sundays at 9:30
a.m. from January 10 to February 14 during the adult Sunday school hour. The topics to
be covered are:
#1 Islam: Faith and History
#4 African Americans and Islam
#2 Islam: an American Faith
#5 Islam: a Faith Hijacked
#3 Women in Islam
#6 Christians and Islam
This is an opportunity to gain knowledge, not only about this religion, but about our church’s commitment to
inter-religious relations. We invite you to come and participate in this series and to deepen your selfunderstanding as a Lutheran while enhancing your understanding of our Muslim neighbors.
MISSION EXPERIENCE 2015: Peace is planning an adult mission team to serve local areas affected by natural
disasters. This mission is planned for the week of April 6. We will meet at Peace Lutheran Church and travel to
the work site each day. People are needed to help with framing, dry walling, painting, wiring and plumbing and
various other talents. Please sign up on the “I Worshiped Today” sheet or contact Intern Larry if you have an
interest in this mission trip and would like more information. Together we can make a difference in the world!
THE BOARD OF CONGREGATIONAL CARE is looking for a volunteer interested in taking over the
coordination of the casserole ministry. The coordinator gathers meal requests via email or phone from those
needing some meals provided in times of need (death or illness in family, new baby, surgery, etc.). The
coordinator contacts the list of volunteer cooks to set up a schedule of meals. The person who cooks also delivers
the meal. If you feel called to lead this ministry, please email Nancy Kim at
HYGIENE PANTRY: The hygiene pantry provides needed supplies to the pantry at Christ Lutheran Church as
well as the food pantry here at Peace. These are items essential to families in need and cannot be acquired with
food stamps. We are in particular need of laundry detergent, toilet paper, shampoo, and disposable razors. Money
donations are appreciated and placed in yellow envelope marked “hygiene”. Thank you!
THE BOARD OF CONGREGATIONAL CARE is looking for a volunteer interested in taking over the
coordination of the casserole ministry. The coordinator gathers meal requests via email or phone from those
needing some meals provided in times of need (death or illness in family, new baby, surgery, etc.). The
coordinator contacts the list of volunteer cooks to set up a schedule of meals. The person who cooks also delivers
the meal. If you feel called to lead this ministry, please email Nancy Kim at
CALLING ALL SERVANTS OF THE LORD: Parents and families of our
youth, we are in need of youth volunteers for service projects at Peace and in our
community. We are in special need of acolytes to serve at the traditional Christmas
Eve services. Please sign up on the “I Worshiped Today” sheet to volunteer to be
an acolyte and note which service you would like to serve. Training will be available. Please encourage and
support our future leaders in their discipleship!
ELCA YOUTH GATHERING REGISTRATION: Registration is closing! There are still spots available for
8th-12th grade youth to attend the Gathering next July 15-19, 2015. Forms can be found at Confirmation Corner
in the Narthex. Submit your forms to Carissa Lopez directly or via email.
YOUTH QUAKE ZONE PRE-GATHERING: We will be having a pre-gathering meeting on January 4 at
7:00 - 8:30 p.m. for those planning on going to the Youth Quake Zone on January 9-11, 2015.
PEACECHAT: We are exploring a NEW format for high school youth group for 2015! Stay connected with our
Peace Lutheran text alerts for high school youth updates: text @b8968 to the number 81010.
PEACECHAT!: High school youth group, otherwise known as PeaceChat!, is scheduled for almost
every other Sunday night from 6:30-8:00 p.m. in the high school youth room. The next gathering is on
January 4.
Our prayers and condolences to Kathy Cohrs and her family at the death of her father.
PRELIMINARY RETIREMENT PARTY NEWS: We are planning a joint retirement party for Pastor Bob
and Linda Cole (Parish Administrator) for Sunday, January 25, from 1:00-3:00 p.m. at NCR country club.
Tickets for adults are $25 and tickets for children 12 and under are $15. A buffet lunch will be served. Tickets
may be purchased at the Welcome desk or from the office. Tickets will not be sold Christmas Eve. For more
information refer to the letter that was sent to all members. There will be more details forth coming.
If you need / want Ulysses’s address please contact the church office.
NEW CUSTODIAN: We are thrilled to introduce our new church custodian. His name is Brad Saunders, and he
started this past week. He is from here in Beavercreek, and he will make a wonderful addition to the staff. If you
see him during the week, please welcome him.
HEALTH MINISTRY: It’s that time of year to consider getting your flu vaccine and possibly some other
vaccines. Read more about this information on the Health Ministry bulletin board outside the library.
PEACE WALKERS meet every Monday at 7:00 p.m. in room 10/12, Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in room 10/12,
and Saturday at 9:30 a.m. in room 16. Join us for about an hour with Peace members and friends. Pick up your
information sheet at the Welcome Desk.
PEACE PRAYER CHAIN CONTACTS: There are three (3) ways you can communicate prayer chain requests:
(1) Call the church office 426-1441,
(2) Email your prayer requests to Debbie Jones at, or
(3) call Laura Kronz 318-8473.
Please be sure you have the person’s consent to the prayer request and release of their personal information.
* If you would like to receive the prayer requests via email, please send an email indicating your desire to Debbie
CASSEROLE MINISTRY Do you have an illness, upcoming surgery, birth, or other situation that could
benefit from this ministry? Please call Amanda McQuade at 620-9087.
PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY: Do you know someone who would enjoy the gift of a prayer shawl? Our
prayer shawls are prayerfully hand-crafted by members of Peace Lutheran Church who enjoy sharing this gift
and their comforting prayers with others. If you know someone who would benefit from a prayer shawl, stop by
the church office to choose one.
HYGIENE PANTRY at Christ Lutheran assists 30-35 families each month. Because of the generosity of the
Peace congregation, we are able to help supply families with things like laundry detergent, toilet paper,
shampoo, disposable razors, etc. Please consider donating items in the bin marked Hygiene Pantry in the coat
closet or making a monetary donation in a yellow pew envelope marked Hygiene Pantry. There is a list of
items we can use in the coat closet on the Hygiene Pantry bin.
DONATION OPPORTUNITY: Are you cleaning out your closets? Have your children grown out of their
clothes, coats, or boots from last year? Peace has opportunities for you to easily donate items to charities when
you come to the church. There are collection bins down by the fellowship hall for Hannah’s Treasure Chest
(gently used children’s clothing and toys) and The Jeremiah Tree (men’s clothing, coats, and shoes) for homeless
men in Xenia.
The Jeremiah Tree, in Xenia, Ohio, is a new partner with Peace. The organization seeks to empower, educate,
and help men in need by linking them to ministries and agencies to gain appropriate assistance. As a gateway for
benevolence services, Jeremiah’s Tree, connects those in need to Christ, Community and Counsel, as well as
clothing, food, and emergency services. You can help by bringing in used men’s clothing, shoes/boots, and coats
to assist our new partner agency.
Hannah’s Treasure Chest, a respected children’s charity in Centerville, OH, enriches the lives of children in
need by providing clothing, books, toys, and other essential items through a network of partner agencies in four
counties. Additional programs include Brighter Smiles dental kits, Beds for Babies, Backpack Bonanza, and
Giving Angels. Since 2001, Hannah’s Treasure Chest has maintained a warehouse of donated clothing,
infant/toddler, equipment and other items to respond quickly to client requests. When a partner agency, like Peace,
identifies a child in need, Hannah’s provides essential items to the agency, which in turn delivers them to the
child. Each year Hannah's Treasure Chest enriches the lives of over 7,000 local children in need through all
programs and services. Peace has been blessed to be a partner with this organization. We have been able to help
many families in our community through this program.
To learn more about these partner agencies, please check out their Facebook pages. Volunteers are always
welcome. Specific questions can be directed to Cindy Howley or 776-2834.
FOOD/HYGIENE PANTRY REQUEST: Homestyle bakes, jelly, syrup, pancake mix, toilet paper, trash
bags, Kleenex, pine sol, laundry detergent, shampoo/conditioner.
ST VINCENT DEPAUL HOMELESS SHELTER is currently housing over 100 children. They are desperately
in need of towels, twin sheets, blankets, and children’s shoes of all sizes. You may either drop off your donation
in the coat room and mark it St Vincent DePaul or take to the homeless shelter at 120 W. Apple St., Dayton, Ohio.
LABELS FOR EDUCATION / BOX TOPS: The members of Peace collect items, which are normally thrown
out, but are useful to someone else. Two of these are Labels for Education and Box Tops for Education. The
collection box for both of these is outside the library.
HANNAH’S TREASURE CHEST: The following items are in need for local families right now: baby
bathtubs, infant car seats, strollers (full or umbrella), high chairs, toddler gates, crib sheets and blankets, toddler
blankets, twin sheets and blankets, infant towels & washcloths, regular towels & washcloths, boys socks sizes
toddler, small, medium, & large, boys underwear, boys pants sizes 5T, 6T, 7 and 8, boys long-sleeve shirts sizes
5T, 6T, 7 & 8, boys gym shoes and boots – all sizes needed, girls socks sizes toddler, small, medium, and large,
girls underwear sizes 2T, 3T, 6, 16, 18, girls gym shoes & boots – all sizes needed. The drop off is located
downstairs, outside the fellowship hall, near the restrooms.
For additional ministry information, check out the newsletter.
The Compass of Peace
LUTHERAN DISASTER RESPONSE: Several tornados have ripped through multiple states causing loss of
life and massive devastation. If you would like information on how to help those in need, there are flyers at the
Welcome Center. Other Ways to Give: Checks or money orders should be sent to:Lutheran Disaster
Response, 39330 Treasury Center, Chicago, IL 60694-9300. Write "U.S. Tornadoes" on your check memo
line. Give by phone at 800-638-3522 or online.